Georre Devoy; of London, Ont.. was Killed in the disaster at Butte, Mont. + Lient.-Col. D'Arey Bo from the Canadian Diitiny after 87 ress diet, Col. Lazier, of Belleville, re! His 0K ba coliriag, from the commend of ie the 15th Battalion. Toronto will have «stron Eastern Basebal oO of arson pres peel need to Oy tentiary. Rey. J. J.B. Toro: accep! ah call ae the Tet Mothcaise ane ingato Pali Giagoees O jerchant, ins boon arrested and lodged in jail charged with forgery. It is stated on Dominion Gorerament will shortly appoint a batch of Quee Fire on Wednesdéy in Winnipeg deattoy- acne ames ot feepnem a Jeeta. te Oo, hatlera und furters, we detRtad loss me pout Saha tort pre ve ipede of Hs tame by rn peet perl brn hee ie ‘The annual statement ‘Wentworth County Counail, submitted yeo- bette shows o total surplus of $26,064.61 oe Governor-General and Lady fe Royal which ier thle sree png Norwosian elogaten of igh re- cunniey with s view of y Cane pila) emi; cies e Rev. Father Morin has just retarn- ed to Winn peg from that | tor two hundred fatnilies from that state intend moving to the Canadian North-West in the | j.g, spring. ir. Tyrell, of the eee! Survey De- partment, uae on Line th aio te bln organized saatee spring in | Ho Bost the United Stat of v. ckson, ‘ : Jackson with delabra. Tho Nac, Ont ly to receive applications, for the vacant | doubt. position Hoadole Haggart has written ye to Gen. Mont 10% for the valual bie assistance rende a carryi in ha Ae ye swith the funeral of Sir J rat The ‘Manitoba delegates, Attorney-Gen- an eral had o ssatcory interview with i Binaabe Mumister Foster will give the provi thirty Tans dlues GREAT BRITAIN, ‘illiam Vs Landon; trom the Continent ms leaves by the Teutonic nexs Wednesi Richard Croker Days New York, have made ose Hot Roath | turf engagements fo: Again disastrous are reported from Sieinns and the conti- nent, A statement of the accounts of the Irish parliamentary fund just —7 shows that A boi re contributed a Tei ti William Botesford Te sheas of cron: hb. ong the es-d ohne is Capi rate Beaumont, Ra navy, who married Miss Forbes, tor Sir Donald Sate visited University on nection with the wlction of for McGill Universit; ith opps ite of the Vice-president of of the Anti- Gamblin, The London Girone pee to the corra would willingly dives statesmen for one Al St ere meet Cea bn THE WEEKS NEWS| 26s A Cape mes me tion of the Drecdens snl ine ens: bridge airs in Bf sch of recently deceased. M) Thectatini_ nthe south or By tates ‘Quo tat 6K pet twa “en on ucede¥ | three-fourths of mr ir tei by a majority of eleven| ribbon, one yard of cord and two silk votes. are used in this receptacle for Use a quite coarse yan servative majority ep election oe five ight; steel crochet-hook, commence at bottom |. w 376 Masonic aks with is, the eminent phy- i 1 To National Cycle show at Madison nare Gardens, New York, is being attend- | top ot 3 a Michi- W. Taylor, the Dakota, has picvantaies pone suffrage in New Yor state, Mr. Lawaon’s bill prohibiting the ee ign betes | by the ipaas¢ Catenitees eon Labor A bill is be i pened New York Legis ‘The Japanese have captured Yuen-Chang _Mg- Cavint abet prefect of the Vatican dead. Bret epee ae the Swiss phil- ‘ho Japanese troops are real tohave been ir bese nd is given over to commerce. ber of Depaties culm In in stated in Paris that the resignati of M. Casimir- action for divorce as @ pri peer Crocheted am si a combings of hair, with 4 ch, i gin ina ring, is active and bartered on lighter} First round—9 dc under the ring; 1 d S. poin cin alae CROCHETED HAIR RECEIVER, xt; 1 dc in toy 8 Sixth round—1 dc into eac! Seventh round—5 tr it to top of first 5 miss 5 tr, 1d in next 3 r peated three times more. of first long tr. it oun thi ste epi a , jon at or near the top, d finish with loops or cord pon, ‘A pompon is sewn to the ronto Ladies’ Journ The Walls of Pekin. ‘The outer wall is about twenty-seven milesin circumference. It was built cent. uriesago of mud and bricks. The inner and outer face are of the latter; each brick is as big as a family Bible, and the inter- stices are filled up with mud and stones. ment, Save for some damage done in one or two quarters by recent floods, this great wall is stillintact. The gates number thic- teen. They are insignificant, though finely arched ; and not much wider than the streets, and are only about twenty feet miagraidaae’ etn the Tater, ay eal the other the Chinese. “There i ing in a crowded cafe in Juniet, Belgium. Mach damage was done, ‘but 10 one was wea teen sormiaiy naegel mas- Parple, Forbidden 1 Moaipersiera Arthur. Simpeoe' ok samp has decided that the of it in buying » new album for the photo- 2 Rte of the po and princes I refused fi W can ced in Lon eee as beet fos Pages ht Jaws agin carryin’ con- oi ide this block, again, is the of the Emperor end his —_—__——_— A Cutting Reply. vone— M More], money t What on earth did Seco ane ° last weel D’Avnue—“* Wal |, Lused a little fore Imarried Inerease of Burden. Gory Gulch Citwzen—‘' Is it true that . rae! a proud turkey-cook, ete., jolent quarrels between the nellite mien bad for Went Clare, is f ekoing Catholic ae the Socialists in the Belgian ‘|ADULTERATION OF FOOD. ‘The Chinese artillerymen in neat uni-|WHAT IS BEING DONE IN THE LAB- forms present a very different appearance from most of the rabble that make up the greater part of the Emperor’s army. ‘They Rerier was eae about i] have not been able, however, to hold their ey ssn . a? = ‘ele a is jal of the Japanese soldiers, and Li very poor showing at the battle of Ping sourrying toward the north in doubles an Arrecent writer says the Chinese army he pee allel ee to examine the rae Second round—3 ch for first tr, 2 tr in each d c of last round ; 1 dc in top of 3 ch fy | used for first tr. Third round—3 ch,* 2 tr in 1 tr, 1 tr in next tr ; repest-from “all around ; 1 d c in the army comes in sight you see every tenth espera banner, and at least half of he rest carrying umbrellas for defence aes the heat and rain, and all with fans a ee given at the ual has ienuien His laboratory in the School of Practical Science is fitted with all the latest appli- e ts expansion sufficiently to depress the 102, ‘uch | with hs oy Bane is another ears! i-| tubes, pasate Sin ors, and a Twenty years ago the adulteration of hi itis to-day. Our fathers and grandfathers wiithe pay of foob soldier is about $4 per Fourth round tr in each of 2 tr, 2 te is,| in next ; 1d cin top of 3 ma rise | ants cneatel teiseaotr ot Str, 2 tr in dh. ci in foregein bottles and labelled ‘ brandy,” the desired flavour being ae by means do; repeat from beginning of round ; join yailttary glaxy by scanned the Chinese. Highth round-=i de into first chy. Ich x epee. ‘The seventh and eighth rounds are re- Fifteenth round—l tr in each st of last | Am Incident im the Life of the Hon. Mac-| * roun kenzie aoe Sixteen! eh cound-—I long te (thread over twice) ineach 2 st; 2 ch, miss 2 tr, and re- eds se begin pia ea sate feo ter’s “devil” in the office of the Bellville, 4 ) Apt at round—l tr ineach st of Eighteenth to twenty-fifth ronnd— Like | Seventh to fourteenth ro a Make a cyliader of teardaasa or celluloid Saturday night,rising before daylight i Bercce through the rodnd of long tr and tie in, Sew three pieces of cord on the edge not considered health “Besides the aye brands of great athe easecorealtee Then: ses only. TI ia 8 ‘The whole has long eettled into a solid ce- Coffee has been oom ae a to Speake a little of the faut pee on high. Atnight they are closed with great doors sheathed with iron. Te whole city forms two rough paral - | hi ‘Been having a little aocident 2 Well sthere | thing isto pitch in and clean it vp, and Tl) fou are She—You are the light of iny life, dear uch articles, of course, are unfit for foods, The hypnetic Lie my been tried tags oe nestled ‘Masta ce on fee iis bosom tism been asl heavy sre sig, ony guy mewn wd “es northws THE FRENCH “INVADERS WILL Bae ge . HAVE A DIFFICULT CAMPAIGN. fitty years wi oat of the s are Well age E ATE Towen under sherel FRANCE AND MADAGASOAR| poe ae er 9 com result of which is by no means a foregone |er of a century, an conclusion, It is very evident from the | cease um of recent debates that the members rd the matter as @ ] expansion, asks if the | gh pe id es mailed for warlike | and Chri ene lea tional action, Mr. H en mole be hat the military expedition eae i ports and rates ules that the Government at bask world, to this war with Madagasoar BY) (vq bacgneny ing is done England fin favor of the campaign and| blowing many of ae vethe bold man who governs the |sheetings too tI Cave ‘of Good Hope,” referring to Mr. Cecil Cape Colony. Ibis sai busab from the Moderate Republicans os eat. ‘A brief despatch from Port Louis, Mau- at the troops that are ti ‘car will be completel: of February and that One aE will be able to start early in Mi 4 Itis peat ate that ike entire force ara consist om iy organi by the 1st ped that they REEEN eiSestams oF INFANTRY, seven ee of artillery, one squadron 2 cavalry, four companies of engineers, e squadron of military train, and the ‘inal proportion of other troops of or Senegal tran: ee Te The Shauirosk oited ie ‘Toulen &| RANAVALONA, sniP ago with 800 marines for Tamatave. | re oultivation of th oe oevel will be used asa hospital during) ,,, on the expedition. ani. childre ilitary ¢: dpa This branch ot tr expedition. develo ge tured ed to meet alm studied the g ‘i he protasins 9 Qn as may wel SMe west const an handred | 98 ™Y wal and fifty ki ‘troops must is no a thi ary road to Antananarivo, 80 wd have to be made. Stations must hy ea 0 be ode es ean fr papal men will be “Gron mow unbroken bout oF ae: ioaay ‘will be throug! Ager art, DISTRICT, al springs. ' fords of jesh is to iam il the reign from her han ees ts Gormacsca’ wil ly be too se in posts only bs $00 Got Madagascar, so. that we ee af the Jay be made for the stata ila wi ee Jat of France to ® pro: ‘ode stool, ight of Franca oo Pi meas ied Mad is claimed by da half of xreation, Tn 1816, when the French pe tius to England, the ind of ot ees tes aes of Re- union, ech is soFpeie Madagascar, it wrder to asser TAMATAVE. ity of Tomatave, which is now aaa ey the French, pattie Leah phe oy MoBri narrow peninsula of sand, grocers, dari i ‘deep bays oncither tn dieshon, with very deep bays that 01 Teepich shipe of the Paigin 2 ana wine ge think sate likes me, d Ttalian residents, with toa | yes known ttle oe and is eoey spony hdl together | thos se wuyo eve 0, Sosy pee igre =e srhole place being consumed Household, A Cutting Board Cabinet. The sapanentiog illustration shows 3 jonaries | cabinet having in boards # . [be drawn out She desired—one for cut | color. ing bread and cake upon, one for cuttin and preparin gfish, and one on which meg |." ationali tat body ay mena agooa Ki it is | Radama, at the com: ter-|tury, that Protestant Christianity - troduced into the islan¢ yes But f bore bey ith | may be cut. The drawer al Then aon, the bread and yee avery, convenient a3 er. aS ined by apractical | 7 ‘THE TRADE AND COMMERCE the whole enjoyment of the use whe dai dil fh bombarded | Among the articles of export are ey aia ei dius, india rubber, wax and 0 ee os its eeping qualities as well as Ces vip ol iolesan, T ‘oup sugar, 3 cup of butter or meat tevings yi eae milk, 3 AGASCAR’S DUSKY QUEEN. ., 1 teaspoont 1S seis nutmeg and’ cloves, 1 teaspoonfuls of i beautifal alk i is rasan bet Pay are aa isn Raa ya eo pudding I useabout a pint | appeal for ot brad or orcker crue 08 gut f |e cnet, rich, pies Re two be: Seer Be heer batter. This is baked | winter,| inate ofa iy t allowed to to thaw | and in some Ne ers il SILVER AND COPPER ied sugar, in certain portions of ned ani mangivo that it is seal = ry | just home t snd | pected company, Mtr The valleys oi the island aro iio pudding dus fai, adding that | worsesmaes, Sail, 8 Pay! i st perme und abo and, ith brie the The ny. of | beati invade sweetening, m oat 0 late Uandy.—Three cups of grana- iene é grated Baker's consisting 0! mall | chocolate, « piece and ontig ae bea cat principal — ‘w the fi A strong angement employed in favor of inferior te eae mi ition is ts introduced ‘see France in ion ace Sper with oo e iting ar the Waters.’ otha Shace and a little se used forentting ment and fi LEK eas take one will also | Pt ving Knife or 8 whet janet to the ‘The full et of this arrange- angi 1 Muffins. t lard in the morning, ves hard) Aco meg ered a a come into Soa hollows all well-greased muffin rin .d set them ina pan ina apts Chiniianc ac ies Fehon the batter has risen to the|ing » hard time of it to g " rn oven and bake i, aie, me Bc om nae ty whil Nec ted Li ke bree ‘hay call for two. cups of tepid. wa sae ila tt pg beticune adding sweet milk to} 44 had almost for ¢ thin it ienifioiently. Let them rise all night runs a good deal to 8 ace, melt a half tes cup © soda to rise a secon shore Bikes a atick oven oH they will be found farther inland very nice for breakta re rc Things That Will Keep. dried in she bills thro havea recipe for spice or fruit cake peoih Dy of Pp which I have used for years and can recom} hy the su says a valued correspondent. especial eaping cups of flour. To le by ‘or vf ina of an egg toe vat if tro, Hevoring “and browning in The candy-Maker. sugar, one cup of of butter the size of a | ant Three oups of brown suger | per of nails ai ‘Molasses Ty Om cup of butter, one | lords ‘The wai bc vise so nthe cand till it spins a thread. Stir in Bal prot {ato tins, which need not buttered. Recipes. td bee. ge nok, eee aL al ht, ds muel ay i @ < natured guest aunet ‘Alton shat, Gres | fee jel some change in Asia. Mrs. eon call led green gr ‘« Btood ne ‘mo! Was an any than to f gra judge | 0! Cocoanut Pie.—For one pie use a quart Let it come to the boiling point ; ithe ie a e pie sie when baked, sprin- d place kle with brown slightly. Rice Pudding.—There is but one sort of dinner.” | rice pudding that can be made perfectly ybody s8y-| and if these directions are followed you ‘will have acreamy, delicious pudding as 6 raed ‘but sis | result : bars se oe ran pud- Fen ee, uae: ou ola duarter a cupfl of layer Fred nutmeg, ae tal rice, and two tablespoonfale et fe 2 the berg tir A traveller in China tela how he ascend- prs ‘and stir = beer ce from the bottor the that can |The Terie sol ayes to | and feet, and having lost Beet sean could discover Be ne oe Hen ae ies. —These are to be | his paint box to Sake a ‘inch hold cake knives and =e a burn, ‘Then press through colander, | ou ; a pie is a cup o Tho proper wey ol making this popolss four cape o milk : "0 .e quart of flourand | little s: sua ea pete es i Gavi 'ce bread peas fonteh feaspaontal e is | Make a hole in the middle, stir in oe ‘cane find even tout ft, 2 oups of lukewarm water 1 tal = i eee i rans recelted butter, ‘The mixture| MICHIGAN FARMERS IN WANT. 1d be about half as stiffas bread dough. and st sido 10 rie pantare of Pr itter nutmeg. Bake rather slow fond of them split and buttered ae shore wo tnlana ‘two or three toas' il . the size of ps lake mig 2 It Is Largely Used co ‘Some Parts of Eu- nful | heads al pict wood they ee ae aid blo that none rsbablo that nove, Suit ce service for <= darrble me < a City. ot London fa teaspoonful | has to be cut with Alter it be- wi a bill- ee 9 se ee mage p cofferdams ae certain parts ety in he middle of the blac rien 'when sate fm a Bie) paid in ca oas Towards the into but pens, 1a ee service or thing, gacded by “the inte ay bo apeeed if hen d te eaten the traveller discovered that these a this, he Bene FR, let the i at fall isle » can yey contained his scanty sup- in the oven to| Com. hack Fint Gentleman prc ast introduced) “By | opi