CLOCKS, JEWELRY a and SILVERWARE | e Large ebigiost of Gold ag ous Watches of} ‘best manufacture-such as | Elgin, Wa itham | Columbus, ete. ee Watches at lowest et peices and gnarapteed | PW ARTERY q -@.00Ks, , JEWELRY and SILVERWARE Gy ‘Which can be bought at bottom pi A 1 Spectacles pee ea aban Se og GOLD F RINGS o* A NEW. ENTIRE "Stock These goods are the latest and best. Ne acknowledges that in the pas' have been re Sieble _ Tur managers of the World’s Fair have not a few vexatious problems be- fore them, but the most vexatious of all is that of the present and prospect. ive attendance at ae Exhibition. It wurpasses that of delayed exhibits, or ie cipal cal dice squabble, er the| Eales oe pening gvestion Up to the resent the daily average attendance. Tt the World's Fair ic ae 33,000, while the operating exp 000 a day. A month ae this kind of business. will cveat the pros- Abe of tl ee o "il find dozens. to. bac this Tain te sell to she pubic My ives are right, styles word ela “te have the i wd oct, best quality an prices lower, ; Weal aia si GEO. PFAFF Es SVEDDING renal Jeweler, Milverton = [mines ee THE announcement made bill for the re-arrangement of Toronto’s| representation in the Assembiy will be ught in next session is, we think, | ae Loe eee possible I aspen! that she Hoyse will not ke dissolved befor: : 1804. Assuming this view of the cas to be correct, the cesyce ye at is. one wholly creditable to the Govern- ment, now show the same candor and honesty | F “GHURSDAY, MAY 25 1898 | tic in dealing with the prohibition ques- tion that he has shown in the matter Tu ERE: ip one thing oth sides agree uponin Parliament, and that is the| sessional indemnity. Some Ni dozen suembers haye been absent the House during the present sein aud ‘on motion of Mr.-Fraser it: w that the absentees be paid in full, Tue Ontorio Legislature last Wed- nesday discussed a motion by Mr. ae to elect sheriffs, registrars, attorneys, ete, instead of hay- ing a appointed by the Govern- ent. Th appeared to. be too radial a qononan soragenenls to meet with mi Tux gang of ~ who have been dice: Qanada with circulars describing their business, pe books, etc., while it was en ars 300. Ne oe ines ed en- t, and was. eae let on | Pent dy nt Hatton Conn., by the break- Mornington | is et ial _ The books eon. | just issued to pathmas of dissolving the House. It is within his power to secure, ie whe Jadgment 2 of the Priv ore the nna ovinee. in restricting or pro- hiiting the sale of liquor. This pow- r ought to be exercised i s order that & position and on the eve of a ee election, to state exactly how far its ara oe: = this matter, and to what ex- tert it ever see it mi ssess. ¥ Tar the eae of the township of bagls ‘can supply to date as regards | we could he | deal without trouble; Me: Hilyard, in: speaking about the lett aoe Apr first they residence. contribution. 0 a ae [the parbies liable to i; ol SS ee ne 7 r, and if he finds upon | plied to the City Counc ee a i a ‘ i “ete ta ih Confectionery sey tte best in town, One of the most notable features of the reign of Emperor William is the extraordinary impulse which bas been ma given during the last years to the/finds the drainage deficient he shall |} "Aw amendment disapproving of the the timber policy of the Government was ae by Mr. Miscampbell in the sday, on the motion shall be iy duty Pathe to examine all culverts in |do wie ere they un previous to his warning | gard to the Jast ponaph form | Mr. Chai MI. ow vert mane aired with x; the council to pay aad timber. “statute for plank sible, al itches will have a free flow, and if he finds it necessary that an off-take ditch should be cots in order to carry the water from the road ditches, he Soe oner e be con- structed of a greater with than 20 feet between ditches und to be grad d at least 1} inches to. the foot, master with clay scrote bat in forming the road or deepening the a Leet before pert ses- | agree y Cou oul tent of the Saheaey’ a ore into one ei ve fs 3° us_concentrated could not I jetermine Weatis tena ie diphither Governme may We should expect to next year, on the floor Be ceasenh is pe th if Sir Giger Meant, ae on | ore ; athmaster shall see |i ty |nacle |that gravel is drawn upon the roads in I cases, and not dirt, as has been if muifiiont loads, the “Botbamestee = discharge such person, and ischarged s an grees Firm Offers to ‘ustoms Suxclter in Sudbury erican smelting company in | custom e financial sao of the| district under — et Yorla’s Fair are inot at all encourag-| For the present the name of the com-| is withheld. wners. Sic in this locality ant Fi “e “ i will be of interest : Cn dha neath hey Mee iver Mowat to the effect nee the | 77. 4, Be Esq, 4 Vietoria-street. done Rise Snes in the past. n 19 of Section 5, By- bo to work faithfully, or to bring such tools as the Pathmest bring, st ter fie aay: him to. Dece: of sal Aum Old Scitler Passes Away Wesron, May 19.—(Special),—Mr. {John McLellan, one of the aaee and most respected residents of ne scien ship of Etobicoke, Weduesday, the 10th inst., iss a ce tained the great age of r to carry | @ person all be Table <5 the same penalty as if he had not at- deficiency of tended. t OUR NICKEL MINES ‘on the aie To the many ny nickel mine stock the following letter} Se AB Bee faver of on js at and contents noted. oars hand still quite busy of ore per take up the Sroposition an upew terms, We are full matte (th with pee propositions, i care te go into iy prepared to erect plant. at saving of n- per mate would be yee delays, but our aim @ Keep. these down to the rnaces are et for. sale, Paes 10 Bomot ights toe Cena, and aioe pie on them. 3 = ae Pe 5 Bi a 2 84 per Sou looked into this, Bo ‘ou can market 2? if Brect «| to a fully shared his toil and happily lived Where you spend money 3 be sure © |you spend it to the best advantage. nada, and worked for some time his trade of wheelwright in the tow: x i ship of Scarboro’. In 1846 he pur-| Make every dollar go as far ss sed the old homestead, lot 23, con. = 1, township.of Etobi where the re-| possible. nt toearly settlers, his only wealth being strong arms, indomitable perseverance and a true and loving wife, whe cheer- To spend well is to save, and to save you must buy at the right Place. The right place to buy clothing is torenjoy the triumph of seeing their |at our store. x sont. comfortably settled on farms ae cher ows: MeLellan's sei Be me eugers has You can argue forever, but talk taken but little part in the fe manage-| can’t alter facts; and it’s a well-known this estate, most of his time Sati parade Grader ee pen fact that we have the best goods and affairs. About @ year ago ach of his athin'ths desd of ane ne for they oceupied, and eee his per- sonalty as he desi ¢ when the end came he “was fay “pepe of ourn the loss of a ee tall and in nd indulgent father, and the Beatie ready to gives place. In_ polit an A eee Tabereland fi pesrieali sara er cata I know + taka ah LINIMENT will ‘French Village. Joux D. Bovriuen, - pe MINARD'S AES will sue a, J, F. Cossrxonum. ae know Loate LINIMENT is the remedy on coe faa Me. JosEPn A. 8xow, «(We Want Your Trade he the firm {sell them at prices that san’t be dupli- cated elsewhere. ‘The tide is flowing our way. And why sbouldn’t it? We are showing an elegant line of = rig Suitings made up in all styles at $9.50 and $i1 USUALLY SOLD AT— $12 and $14~ Schaefer Bros. te a me aise oe ‘And we will have it if value is what you are ing 24 per| looking for. Just arrived this week s el and 4G per cent. copper, oF. te! fresh lot of ae, sine ionery Milverton atte, carryi aa eee feel Price apd Quality cent. cane every day, Bidare you sure tht Pineapples 10, 15 and 206, each =| NERVE | 22eye see cosmo this” ee and, Yau Nervous Debility, Lost Visor 2x2 Soak bey erie pane Bananas 15 and 20c. per doz. BEANS [nee Mateg a ed tate r, said nickel-steel oe s of difficulty sorti ditch, hé shi shoul posed as would insure the | cause the enh taken off to be thrown mianufacture of the raw material in vnede & the ditch and properly - he province and.check the unneces-| spre: het ‘destruction of small growing tim-| _ 4th. ae shall be the duty of the ber. the debate was the longest ‘of | Pathmaster in having gravel deliver- he “the sess Dir. Hardy, Crown | ed in his heat ta see that each team C amnasioner, eas put if the con- shall eat not. less oo one yard as ‘ed_were placed on the | gravel pe e Pathmasters ie Sonera in retur Se their lists‘ coe oS tim av eaeensts nugatory the 5 removed y which had Tn return for this Feduced the im- return the amount of gravel delivered in. their beats by the load, that way the council are pay yi es pages eS AS ‘gs as 25 cents per . future the |i amount - | Path wasters is returned in Lt iG aes i a sho see to ee have church, aud the as witl ene bis resigaa ys from Nae Oy that Bayi If pray a args the seat of the Lemons, ie the best in town, 20c. the firm writing it was of the very ctendtve one and fully nble to fe Mr. Harvey and ee to Tealy aa Russia, offering t> erect refineries in this eu ne they be assured e| shall report the foume to. the Council | supply of m for their consideration. The Council desires to impress the minds of News Notes the Pathmasters that thorough drai A armen of Perseyville, Ont., age is necessary in establishing good| named D. Misener, while sufferii roads, and the Pathmasters are re- frei te melancholia, co quested to not pub gravel. on roads| suicide Sunday by hanging. Emperor | until ae are prepared for it, as the} Tue sof the Brooklyn Taber- arranged with the creditors of as nat be more caniae Axx the cee by spe a seeaier slaughtered a perts appointed for that purpose, and ho trace of pleuro pneumonia or other disease BH found. ington hi er of the Lawrence THE exceptional high, fe, ea is experi it. Mor get rienced al ‘oni connection with the the Woman's Con: gress. ‘of the women were seriously tg “not | them fatally injured. Rew Dry Talmage per doz 2 | Oranges, ri Beauties, 25 and c. per x of every 250. worth of ee on on May 22 I wish to sorts the eae 2s = air Driving Park a a i beni for | o4th'T will have in the Allen's Choice Cider | Soda Water Ginger Ale rch Beer and a full line ot Cigars Cc. S. KERTCHER ion and free Handbook write to SL BROADWAY, NEW YORE, ‘For information MUNN & Oldest burean Rvery the: Patents in Ame y saken 0 out by us is brought befors (00 given free of charge in the ps Scientific _ erica ba ees rece NEcoe erica none anoue ter Weel sins man howd Peonthe. Address 31) Posiisasks. 361 Broadway, New To will be brighttr improvement in for bargains in Millinery line. make man mm tion of Carpets, - Shades, many 0 the weather the Latest Noveltie in the HIGH GRADE AND LOW PRICE -—-WALL PAPER — | Guenther & Schmitt The Backward Spring has had a depressing effect on the Millinery Eau but the prospects are that there and with the skies now, r you can look It is in the Spring gentle Annie ene a to clean house and erable. We have a fine selec- Lace Curtains, Window etc., whieh are needed to replace id and worn our articles. (POST OFFICE BUILDING ‘Row is the time to secure Spring Blocil Purifiers BB. Ayor’s Sapsaparilla Hood’s Sarsaparilla aie, rates TENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE ‘Port Office hours from 7.30 a, m. to 8 p. m. s Baad -ad Money Order office close’ wt 6 p.m. 950,000 con farm security at lowest rates of inte \WALUATOR FOR THE HURON AND ERIE 'EOAS; ASD SAVINGS CO. JAS. TORRANCE, ‘Miss U. Henpensos, Asst. Postmaster TO LOAN) MedicalHall === : ‘| June, and for three after the close of; ‘and ‘to tak it to the who ifcate so as to entitle the holder thereof (on presentation of “standard Ghee * to'the Ottawarrailway:egens) turn ticket free. The ee ‘will be good for three days preceding the 20th the convention, Sundays not eteced do:sotby communicating with M te, honorary secretary of Onvarie Reform Association. ‘GBreveties —Mr. and Mrs J. Schmitt, of Car- ave i this week. —Miss A. Doering and Miss Burton left “ast Thursday for ‘the words Fair fa rr. P. Be ae of Darham, was in ae on T —Miss Ri he aad to town to- dey after some months’ absence in Toronto. —Mr. and Mrs. Schoenhals’ visited in {Chesley over het with The Milverton Sun his sister. —If “April showers make THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1893 oseen:® May phoware joey or amney, not make June bugs. MILVERTON 1 ON MATTERS ‘Seri * “Mr. 8. seroee oi lives dhout a mile west, ilverton met with a seri ous a last Saturday. tthat he had been en: ca charge of powder having failed to go af, be commenced boring when the Syrae mele shattering Medical biviy ae ‘index finger and the thumb. 7 ast accounts he’ was progressing favor- ably. Impertaat te Farmers ‘Tar season of the year has again ap- 001 for sale, obtain the best prices. rei to our advertising colamns the problem actorily answered a oe ‘announcement of Messrs. B. F. & So Boe mt ee, aoe *highest prices in eae ‘They have a very large of woolen goods on hand. Tine y a wool to them, aa ce say you saw their adv. an Tur Gan Clab Formed “A cux db was formed on Friday evening last, whea the following officers ¥ were electe “Executive wile, E. Beechy, V. Daub, ely The club starts off with 21 members, 499, tb of success. The' erishing to join can hand his name to dhe seoretary, together with $1.00. A Successful Operation ‘Ax operation of more than wausual ‘interest was performed five weeks ago} on Mrs. Henry ses ot this village, and Ruther-} 50 It known to the Leereies asa dermoid ‘id watter but side ; ae well-fori size bunch of hair and a large piece of The unusual character of the fact gressing rapidly toward a Pes re- cover ahas preserved in alcohol, is certainly remarkable one, ee will be of in- terest in medical ci Convention Arrangements ‘Tue following provisions have been made in regard to railway rates a to the Liberal Convention in Ottaw: oO eine with the-following regulations : At the railway office where ‘the ve to Ottawa is purchased it will tae ee for each person to secure standard. from the railway jes a | of citizens who come under this he tumor, which Dr. Egbert | The -|it has been learn: | Groseh, w] it, as it was being lowered on Tuesday | Smith, his guess being 5 4 from reading it. h port tongs now Boag mH. Hasenp- and Mrs. Ches. Muihr, Dub- lin, (South Ta) visited in town with her sister, Mrs. Jno. Schaefer, on Sun- LF r, Egbert avas laid up in bed sev. eral hays last week with » severe cold. He is again able to attend to his practice. —Many familiar faces, were in town. on the Queeita Denaay, but none more welcoun . J. ©. Dorland, of Stratiord. —The plain truth is enough for Hood's Sar re naa of coibellishinent. or er seasationslism. | ood’s Cures. i: Now will the gay thermometer Some wondrous e will thereupon en-}an caret —— t Ottawa arrangem ave the pS emted ‘evoreh made for special and ‘very en / at the warious hotels Jegates | BLUxcK—In Ellice, “on fhe oh a the wishing information or d to sore the Ran Ar Blind, “ofa re aecomumodation in advance "ba x mans Prrrern—Lancrorp—At the “residence oh ree oe and a red-headed girl go together,” sa; = distillers in a cireular just Geek a meatier ot history.” Sour wife of Mr. H. B. M a daughter. Dontwp-—In Stratford, on, May 19, lorphy, barrister, the bride's father, “Mornington, on Mf s toe wait “That a white = } BORN i “ny —In') Listowel on'the 16th iust., » the Gc. G iio KEEP THE Walking S! money saving price, MAIN ‘STREET ~ Our stock is complete in all sizes'and in any style of shoe or kind of leather desired. ‘Try us for good quality and hel MILVERTON Agent for the Genuine Singer-Sewing Machine LATEST SHAPES EN= oase Fmd ress Shoes Bak oS Shose -and Slippers widths, and perfect fits are assured %, by the ay, M.A, Pepper, Brunner Station, to lane oe ford, daughter of Geo. Langford Esq. ‘Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Hufitley of Cortland, N. Y., a Bek Supra penter and ‘builder. Her frank state- ment below gives ont y the absolute weloe 2 Pacer by ts aid of Hood's e Sarsaparilla. She says: Shee lesa Larcteartoms, = ‘Dear Sir: Twelve years ago ‘I began’ | ‘Under my faco'were Sentinn denied wit blood from ‘and had no could eat Sction‘of the bowels To aK. a Bald the cause was ticers in are stomach. At Now will the smeconry § ae ple And:run ithe other —The “obief" tock a eis of Bet ies befere the Magistrate on ing of the 2 4th for fighting. They were invited to contribute a small amount for their fun. —A building belonging to 0. 8. been raised in order tohave a stone foundation placed under rcpeabie oillaneeds Nobile «eas hark: smusic box presented by Chas ual number the bottle sateen mmetimes the paper’for a but it won't stop him Tt merely changes him from a subscriber toa borrower. Every publisher can recall the names zonxention of the North Perth ane ars jr, the Soret Vccgoaee reper bred aceon,” be oom “Hood's = a Toth Queens heh Milver very, “wet ee Ge dian Sm matte for a nesday night, and ae Buckels oe Sey apudspemiaaee os Ose Milthank,. Thursday noon. o-| xte neu omits ills perty of Bros., Listowel. “Term stance of any kind, s Pills —to insure a gah he stad liver, and aliment anal, and iver int astipation, ne Tele item in @ newspaper may | Nausea, Baloumess, Headache, Jodigsation, make aman an enemy to eatery 88 after Eatin; dice. ited hoes Sone mother gaked would tales Hood's Sarsa vid her it wo 1 A Waste oe Money ‘Lbegan tak- ‘ing it. 2g tow idagn the Dloating Degr sie fea fangys ot asso weal Could ey. Twas weal Sah of feo aoe First Time Lhad Felt Hun- gty for Two Years at aes eumta es iie It'is now four years si nothad a day's slemuess S sinee, nor any hemor. g thanked the. r stand a Se ek unquestionably Saved my Life. ie ‘Messrs. & well kn-wa Jennings, the page gc Cortland, say that’ pastimes “ae ‘respected lady; her statement of Hood's ‘Sareaparilia ‘Bias done ‘5 is worthy the highest cont Pe ood’s Pilla cure Laver 43, re purchasit HARDWARE, HO! ACHESON HARDWARE EMPORIUM is now repléte with ‘éverything usually found in -a well-selected stotle shi : Nails, Hinges, Glass, Paints, Leads, ‘Shovels, Hoes, Mechanics Tools, Builders’ Supplies, Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware ‘Oils, Wire, Spades, DAISY CHURNS, ete. | Intending builders’ -will sonra their interests ‘by gévting ‘my prices be- ing elsewhere. Ww. Acheson, The Hardware Man MILVERTON iNew Felt Hats New Straw Hats IN THE CALL EARLY AND S ——ALL THE———_ z= NEWEST and LATEST STYLES MARKET EGURE FIRST CHOICE Grosch & Loth DON'T L. SIEGNER, READ: If your are not in need of the best Single and Double Harness, Whips, Curry Corals, Brusaes, or any thing generally kept i re, give in a HARNESS Shop. Repairing Becens Attended to PRICES RIGHT Harness Maker, Newton tary COU OF REVISION ion, asi Hood's Pills eee Mass. Price 25 cents druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price Saturday, June 10th, at 10 for the election of office rece dele. gates to the Dominion Pasian oe for genera} busi the other nonicipalitiés ‘will Tbe as per adv. in another column. ph ee Diaries, ‘ak other evening, in St. Marys, the new refrigerator aiinieg erected by J. D. Moore was com pletely wrecked. A in the basement grad: nee su sate te pie anise iat had been inspected by many gentlemen | 1 np till the next morning operations .| would have gun to replace it, ‘Ar the Inland Revenue Department that a ee firm of distillers have secured the e: Ae Liberals will be held at Ser yng on “| worth Perth Liberals f To dleot officers, appoint © The meetings in the different municipali- "| illige, at Wartburg at 2 p.m. A CONVENTION 38 HEREBY OALLED TO MEET AT STRATFORD Saturday, oth June ar 10 A.M legates to the ion eaegias and for "ee thes to appoint delegates will be held on ../Thursday, 8th June Bima, at Atwood at 2 p.m. Mornington, at Millbank at 2 p.m. Milverton, at Town Hall at 8 p.m. GG. McPHERSON, President. ~ 3 | for the year 1893, _|Village of Milverton oP ill be held in Hed TOWN |” HALL, in the said village ‘The sittings of the Court of Revision of the roll for the Friday, the 2nd day ifn, Next ; TuEre were 32,626 paid admissions to the World’s Fair on Tuesday. Tux liquidators of the Federal Bank ‘at in conformity with the act ‘of Parliament authorizing its windin, d after June 7th next the valueless at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon ‘All parties concerned will please govern themselves ingly. Sry We Milverton, May 15, 1893. Village Clerk. OURT OF REVISION Township of Mornington The Municipal Council of the Township of of Mornington will hold ite frat sitting ‘a Court Monday, Sth day of June, 1893 at 1 O'CLOCK P.M AT age ALL, NEWTO? ee ‘aaah interested ad saaby required cic th ieioelvon ace to ice and gor corde fe assessment roll ean be seen at-my office } from ‘aioe: JOHN WATSON, Tp. Clerk, Dated this sth day 2 May, 1893. ‘OUND BIER A Lost. bbe 1th March, a auswers. oe the Stratford, ee Bags 186 1893. elusive concession of supplying ee tothe patrons of the “Great White be | Horse Inn” = the Exhibition grounds}. novel feature of the} ee is the fact that 60) caer fe | formation that, oe will be rewarded for tl ther trouble. THOS. Binoon P.O. [DoYou Want to kao Where to get the late: style anda pee ating dress? Call o1 Misses Hanna Horrman’s Brock, UP STAIRS Main St, - Wm. DUNCAN TAlL:OR SAAD (teed eh MILVERTON Milverton, HOFFMAN'S BLOCK |