Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 25 May 1893, p. 1

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“ET SHINES Fs. Reece Vol H-No. 28. MILVERTON, ONT.,. PERTH €0:,- FHURSDAY, MAY 28, | 1893, THES. W. ALLEY Editor and Beaker MEDICAL THE ASSAULT ON POWERS Grail: | prisoners Parkinson, Fr Fair and Ruchannn Ro “1881. L. . B rs lasts 1881!. Gradubte of Collage of Physicians and Surgeons of OA Pete- phoneat Rostock, Brunner; Robt. Hants and Pocle to Office and. Residen i bh ia res es for eo anid Mill a LT ronto ae rorthof Dn. Catton ray ofhen erery d ANKE w M. U. LY ie & CO., BANKERS, beg to announce to the citizens of cals eilege and surrowading comntry,- that we have opened an office here @ and intend: jouré 1Ga.m, to 4sp.1H. Ww! U; LITTLE & 0: la MVS PE CONNOR ieee) Tosser: Organ ‘and Pang pene Reakidenicns tre: Tani ng ara ‘King St., Milverton. in Trial r 4.30 Monday sternom Police PMaguaicain O'Loaue gave decision on he prelinrinary. ae olde ot defend- Fe, Parkinson» Feir,-and Buchanan, 5 [onthe charge of atsauiting and robbing old man Powers i ne Mor sit mon on a night-towards the r. rae oommnited th the’ ‘pion for trial at the next court of competdnt’ jnisdietion He veviewed the evidence some length, ivelling on the men’s poate tral with money aKe ns bills, the Lae the ee cid played in|; the affair, and the the men before and after the assault and robbery. The conversation in the eal 2 between Parkinson a: ir heard by the Chief of Police, in =A an evident pice cook up s was’ betrayed, was re tor} garded? by ering. ieee the money hi d the to separate them fro 2 who took the pie roids inflicted es injury, on the old is outrage had been ounial ee d while there was not in the evidence sufficient for conviction; he consideréd’ it never- theless his duty to commit the pri 5 VETERINARY for trial that there might be a thor- HE WNGEL is now prepared sees of the dénmestiated tion will be paid to dentistry. Telephone to either drag © Special Mi Gaye Ont. ‘ales abana” alla by telegraph or othe erwise promptly | Parl attended to. fice in residence; Millbank. SSCIETIES ea A ), Milverton, meets every We ewar an Gap tustey ce ete month, at 8 o'clock in their hall over Sehneuker & Rothaermel’s store. Visiting ~ Brethren ways welcom, Conrad Schnenker, 3 W. D. Weir, Re pe Noo ‘on, meets in aint w eciclay in each month. ML E. ner, reas, zoitall every. Wed. regs 0’ éloak. Vis itin, brethren slways weleoine. H. M. Schasfer, Gom, Sam'l G. Grosch, R. K.. HOTELS RAND CENT sot ba phe fae tib sho ~ ccommodati ~ conts best accommodat i simon jelers. and . others. mple eae eres 'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The: Q torn ly the ethoicest of Wines sary Hg Eres oe repartee: votes QTATION HOTEL, Milverton, M. W Proprietor. | The best of Wines la om, Ale and Lager Beer, Good stabling. A call solicited. ORANDS Save STABLES, M verton, First-class horses and rigs for hire at all times. Commercial driving a specialty. Bus meetsall trains, WAGONS BUGGIES) ‘The recent extensive improvements which Ihave made to my premises, enables me tarn onta still iesmen number: ofy formerly, and I hi - Wagons and Buggies now on hand ready for the road. est timber used, Road Carts Lean sell you any make ai the lowest prices. Only the ebicles than Bla en he prisoners, counsel applied for bail sasking that the amounts be m: = light a8 possible. The oe en gave, bail each to the amount of -| $600, each ni inson, ar.; for ae ceer ge a: Buchanan and Robt. Han: Minard’s Liniment for Rheumatism bine? oe Birthday o Majesty, Queen ctoria, Leyally Celebrated tu Milyer- n- prowd—The Prize W: The suit” shine Brighly: ali day on number of people were in Milverton to enjoy the many sports provided by the Driving Park Ass'n: Every was carried out-that was adyerti from the advertised programme, the committee decided that it should be dispe: graphed at thé last moment that” they coulnot’ fulfil the engagement. héw saad ful strains of the’ ‘Miterion: fat # tor the first time this year. inthe morning’ thé” Sebring ville Foot-Ball team arrived in tows the grounds with the intention of t | doing: up” Milverton Club in short erred But the Sebringville } oys were doomed to disappointment, as Milver- ton came out winner by a score of 2 to Tt was a good' gaine, ahd exciting tim as a In the afternoon a large number w on the grounds to witness the hors races and other pale The running Tace was & While paste in in the morning, n'shorse went lame, 3 a acta its withdrawal. The “bolting ” propensities of Mr. Burton's colt, although generally conceded to be the fastest of the lot, caused it to be a spectator instead of a par ticipant. The races were all exciting and well ought, Enter at.- ~-Market-St. North side. There You will find our Glove Offerings It embraces many hundred of pairs. ing | begimvwith we booked for convenience a| Mf range of Taffeta goods. Selling price 15c. Tis true they’r worth more, but odds and entls'of Boxesj:onb they go at fifteen cents, People like the good goods best, however. The 50c. quality, the 60c. quality, the 65, 75 and $1 quality. Nothing needs quality more than glovos, Nowhere in the Dry Good make-np of a woman is money s0 well invested’ gonerally ack. as in gloves, especially bl You'd be-surprised “the people that’ buy the expensive ones, They have proved them the cheapest. Wi Kid Gloves is‘a thriving, px ater depart- ment wisW'us. We feed it and with-the best goods only, ‘Try us. The Arcade The great feeders of a s Hivulets, So in. commerce repute it Noveltfes in Nes heh White, Cream and jack Laces just in. id trimmings. Ferguson’s.= ie * Repaiping St S.zcaterte H. Recta . WIL KINSON SOUFFLER Big, bust arth and away ial attention. dieser Arcade STRATEGRD Goodale’s mare had no: trouble- in. winning. the three straight heats.’ The-followi wing: sR sees winners : INNING RAC! CES Smiths Choate it Joe,” Bundisbue “Black Jack,” Schmidt's 1 Bsr Edwards: “Prince “ Chestnut: Jack? Hamil- ton’s « "Ani Rooney.” Purse $30, $15, $10, 8: R. Shoes “Chestumt Jac Sno.- H+ Schmidt's “Li hir ATHLETIC SPORTS- Half Mile Foot Race—First Win:1 Wm. Adams ; seoonid John Schutz. ace—under Bera Mel- vals tay ge ; second Ed’ Buin ‘ace—under 12 Fie Ailton . Kastner. r- 12—First Silva ies in Pale Shades of Silk for| ¢. ; second’ Minnie Haspupl Race: X seoond Jobin: Wood} Thinl F. Tor bul Tiling for ae ‘D. Smith: Wate engaged bu butchering hogs on the farm of Mr. Arch Napo last week, ae iis receive @ sever pays ig Hee recovering from his acci- ident. of horses belonging to Mr. Soha: Chdlrosseane way last Wealnet day aiing Baa rolling a fields roller before the Trotian were atta Stock Notes . Jou RILey’s two mares have each dropped a fine “ Ee ” colt. Mr. Wa. Doruaw ‘ Kuno” colt when a week old ok ites and died. Hilaards’s “iiment Guros LaGrippo 24th OF MAY IN MILVERTON Wednesday, undasa consequence a large | d thing | i i a given, but rather than depart ele-| when Ju: and after the procession proceeded to”) Mr. 5” | Mil you rd, D? Siith’s * Olestnah (oa MILLBANK Grorae, son of James McKee, 00) 9, Wellesley, who hai for « long ie rer froi’ a semnlceee arising through inflammatory rheuma- assed suddenly away and was tered in Grace church cemetery on ihe The high estimation of the parents in We are pleased to announce ane home of J, A. Gilbert eee! he ome comforts combins davaceclig air will soon re: to his usual strength. Our village was the seene of-a lktge gathering oe td usticé lial on Satutday, ee bim assembled “on: =e eee case in® which had been Pane for threatening to do bodily harm. The case was with- -|drawn, What with costs inearred, they will no doubt be sadder though wiser mon. A® few days previdus’ propristor Buckel had-two young: men’ fined- for Next™ Suhaay “thete> will Be sncea- [18 ment in the Presbyterian church hee day mer, con, 9, Mornington, ou ten ed of ee stockers to Mr. Seott, Waterloo, Mr. Rennie, eS ‘Wellesley, was the | guest of Hugh Rennie on Sunday. Nicklin hi joved his family into his newly Barciesstchoase ae - Gatschene, tailor, is preparing to put up a new _Icisnotoften duapeahenr ob Bint bh. ‘d ing oubting | Sirenican: se and believe for themselves. of: Lis quite a num! rab of horses, Ageresing | to $10 We ‘regret. to hear Miss P. Mag- wood is not fied much improve- ment in health, The Mammoth-Store was established at ome in 1850, bank by D. J. Nicklin Proprietor. nj Some Interesting Hems Calied Boece the” surroiinding the village have offered to the | of the a socal is drm Hae is getting ready a By ot’ of col reepectable hoa ‘Oliver Wilkes, 10,647. Among the lot tke two- we a vor ue Ree Pan aceuopaued by ne lin y i ‘ on a trip'around here and. picked: up| as blowing’at=the-time it was nob long | before the whole roofwas in a. blazes, DISTRICT NEWS Neighboring Press nee trom Wenarr Bros., Ae mill was recent. burned, have ee to build on the old site. ‘The farmers haul all the brick gratuitously for the’ new ee : OLLS, propristor of the grand Central Seek eat outskirts of Li ES has the hoes horse Wags, 10, 819, at the head tud. Jittle. training. trot inf 2:25’ this See jevoryear “old ‘filly. by St. should “erinly isa Wed, reblock di ‘ Jos): apd can! stey-wel | a a ryearling “by Wedgeblock, dam Lad Sears, 2.23}, is a good article. Pay. poset is a four: ~year-old by Pericles, son: ww Be e pacing gait. gaat sale by Kentucky Star, son of brino Patches, dam Lady Sears, juakes up t g filly, dam by Combination ling filly of the dann a 20 ay Chicago Volunteer. (dam of mes Wilkes, mh and” Ethan Wilkes, sire of Vinette 2.094), second dam Topsy, dam of Hambelton. ian Mambrino, 2 pacing, and he is undoubtedly a. fast horse, They are. all the property of LISTOWEES ‘The Big Pannery, “Brrr +82, 000°" Loss” ¢ Insurances * ANOTHER serious fire bro! The“ main building of? ur Hae meet which sontines the eye with the vats below, was - found in flames. e fire was caused by a spark from the smoke ‘stack which caught # There was considerablé-delay ting water on the building, which wax TROTTING RACE TiaReeEs heal by the fire engine being out sae ; ee Si “High. order. Had the firemen depended on ag 5 Ses Sones a eS] - sng. (Ruv.) Gaanpy and children | thé waterworks aloue they wonld hive | 3.27 pes feo on Tuesday. for an extended visit | had hose enough to reach the fire from bells « ee J Rae's “Lucy D. to friends at Noauiat They do Deemer ss Mute Chief.” “Purse | 2t intend. tun, as Mr. Grand: $40.—$20, $12, intends removing .to some other field G First, Jno, ewes “ Mirty G.;” | of labor ab the:close of: Second, J. L, Rae's “Lucey D.;| Yea: : ; Third, Campbell's Nibs.” ‘Mir AX Boomer attendéh eke district [fuel headway that it was impossible meeting. ‘of the Methodist ‘church tah ie Galt on Tuesday as the e representative | af this mission... Rev. randy also attended. Mr. Mathias Karle, teamster for Mr. Pollock, had the misfortune last .week = oo be able to tesume his duties, he marriage of Mr. Jacob Bischof sis place, only son of Mr. to ctent in the pe vent a Bisch has bought the See owned nd they in- tend-going it into housekeeping at onee. Mr. David Pollock and Mv. George Manser, V.S:-spentthe 24th in. Tor- nto. ae her-sisters in. | Mr. Henry Heino has gone. to Abe World's Fair BOSTOCK White Mr. John Hartnmn was en- aged plowing on Monday, tho young driving beve Lanne e was drivi 26 unman-) track at Hespeler Mopitay, was strvck ageable, and ee S Rue caught | By a train. and <irown clear of the > in some ma rtman got} track. iG s also thrown Bites dis! atin ‘aahonliee Medi- > buggy cal called in and the disloca- w j tien raed Miss Edith Boomer spent the @ltth |” contained about 1,600 ther & seiieise om altastgBRIEA saul ee up to dry, but those in the vats we: poveereny- injured. The @tal loss will amount to about $12,000 which is believed to be covered hy i apenas) of employ- tannery was owned by the ~ Breithaupt: Leatlier Co. of Berlin, Larer:—At abit: 2.30 this (Tue: day) morning the-balance of the tan- - ery: sas: fousid to i i now consume’ ¢ beiler housé and some men were left to watch the place dur- ling the night and how they eame to qj et the plac® break out: clients tim and gain such headway hofore giving ° the alarm is a myster a had a hard. tl is BS; othe firemen have & perishes an: ~ aa and night of it. ” er of Listowel’s indus tobab loes of bout $20,009, and the ces are it will woe be rebuilt. ee for-$9}500 in the Millers and Manufacturers, and. for $3,000 in the: Hartford. Joun Dickson, a Puslineh farmer, while driving aeros: <'.e Giand ‘Fra

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