Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 11 May 1893, p. 3

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AZ AMARKED MAN, A Farmer's Rama Series of Mis- | a Toomey. was cornered. The fire upon him, and he was half paride with moke ; zl but be was equal to Putco gare treet e & eo 3 with the belly of obo den horse, ‘tineboweling reass, and crawled into the var tl avenue that offered Twice Struck by Lightning, Carried Up by a Cyclone, Chased ip es “25H int 01 ne we wasn't sure but that he wou ure t a eecula s Past Holloway lake Hollnvwayi x farina tog of ae ae id went k to Hil Goan. haat experience last. Fri afternoon that but very few persoa: a through and live, Thunder storms ac this down an peiscentincarieiad 3 shot from the Sen ‘and striki ai t Holloway sat’ beside, ki id ousioron 2 ote ia ‘that ial been broken through he si car and stare jinued to w« and he Eegan yelling for help. = dhvtion othe cat thi bat still vig Be ie ide or F enjoyed a few seslavance renter Sxinteney but fate feally ‘overtook him. fe had | lown to the shore clam: rt iy the trai > tna ery | ea a Holo Holloway, judging by his record, is «| 8° Out on one of the marked man, for he has been struck rie “¢ aquarter ofa cork-screw. Furt peel Lap Men or fol eS °| ry. joked up f for dead, but aft i haber od stmt cebmaM NLT auaalora tea lage er : "a first encounter with the elec- trio aid deenered when he was about 1 happened one Sunday even- eo HIia hal bend to eeates Menke and he ox nee be struck by lightning lat Btidwy Hol loway takes. very good-natured view of his experience, and wonders quarter the next attack will come Preece and Divoree a the U. 8. cording to the New York Medical Times aadlbies shi ahabity tbe. Uni ited fae e beak pulled out | States galt rriages orease and Thi ‘was pretty badly ad et the top ot his voice Yor Gras ‘while ae struggled | from. to get ashore, ee rl was uninjured, and she prompt stare ub torgub Hae eauars“sahioce: SUS led down the bank to the water, and | sigue of tbe whale hich bad me baled hay went ‘ali me an in crawled oa more than | ships, sn ae minutes later ehe was on e to the his | 13th of og re she a abo Sea what | 5, to the whalin, pe fieet for five years as Wicked A whale known as tha Dick inva carried o om io ing to as a Sones im one it at 9 o'clock, without any one al or suspecting his presence, CaM RUSHING DOW. from the windward, stru ck nee craft amid- unatel; dap nsttay, anlize wilting? 8 fleet mad gett ed as fast as “possible of Wicked Bills Tateat move ‘The whaling ship James Crosby of Salem, had rate adyenture with this whale @ next season. On the morning of the it. Roque, with the p, the fish rose to the surfac capi Bet as quietly |= Fe etal Kept her com brought Bill was still a cable's len After a few wee may be called whe that ¢ pen of the iron ga} an honr had board having caught sight of him | s wat 100 miles | ¥ religueaala wind very light and the sea without a white | 1 as possible, and the course of the craft was | .) to mp es course Wicked | °™ “ whale suddenly breached right astern of and not more than 300 feetaway. I wi Mf before a four-knot breeze from thesonth- tT the whale as he broke water, ter tnd the sight of hin atandi fing on his TAN ALAR} HIalt w docen of the shew bat bila da ae felt back on the sag and it seemed to going to strike the al hi I rained three. ep four waves, i about as if w. it iles away, and yet he had haaled us, as wil be law beast eossnae oon in search and informed is ground. His taken as evidence of his evil intentions, and some argued that he tind fateaay strike th All work was at once suspended, and the und the a breachin aboard was quite aceldental and‘attor helt away, without further sight of him everybody Bo i fw down head first, a water as ou ey di rise to tl Hae saree of fluke ie ess, At 2 Belenk ae : still pri he place, othe world’ ness. 3 ® stem, ‘waste me.” we are not we aiving anythi cnet TAs oe nd life’ where to begin, ° | Fancy and ham indulged, light leading 0 | an chy Piraney a Le eae z ss ee of | im which he said the whale “ the wheel atthe time, andee oes PEP brag ee ge ra One sees =a aaa rise and Janghs wi was as timid goaded in! iis at enemy—man, ——_—_—____ PEARLS OF TRUNH, Bad temper ia its own scourge, pigem things are more bitter than to foot ’s need is not brilliancy, but “The richest men don’t always know how w adviy isa grindstone that-puts on © Sastained emotion wears up the nervous “I wasted time, and now doth tim. Character is rea we are when we thint can ever become rich by never ing away. tact with others will make us ao uated xine ae @ broad man is i ation a sareoe en. jesty 80 US lie a the outy of carneatiieay in a good ca they have much to do, and yet brightest hours wondering mour, early and constantly may expect an’ ol with follies. {Watts ie: diese The really anton stage of laziness is reached when too e | much trouble. man Hoey that it is ‘8 saya id trot the bogs, a failse a ae a is man to ruin. avernous fire- ie tae boy, g the embers from his _grand- raced fp Bae and the ship fell off ey SPEAK IN WHISPERS tiptoed about. Iam satisfied that not dice or super- en supper was over he called boat steerers into the cabin Shes ts be jing this cart Teaches the lanche, laying d Bam h joy silently. e We, The’ healthy body is good, but th ‘ight health—iv i af thin, tevees 0 “BP rayed for; the (eter receives of heaven. —| es as they go meandering ow us How walk straight. s ere he begins to plow be the piece of snow that leaves the mountain top, but by the time it it may bean ava- Sage great tracts of lan its tal A in t 80 5 the lashes of lightning got a piece | rata tor dlocks, Wate bony war vets ae sy ‘ant lay, baRtBo edge? ol she-pond, wlio | tae gird shad: recone Biba Ge seal rssatie se er may nthe epee pe Perea ata e they are the outcome of def lode tovkim ae aaled bith eahotes’ Th en the side of the hab toene| Went down, and the night was clear and | nite ella was completely destroyed, and e is m | Starlight. The w s changed at 10,|/ ‘Thou art not th the enaape of the two persons under it was fon from | and everything ran smoothiy fag Wont ee ae ee Teeaie tiga ig, 788| three, Pi it divorces were as easily | ly sank from sight, Tecetecee tee Ri toceaitagiet Tiga te odgGee whale Rete ee Se soratched, but Holloway said that he had a obiaind a this country, they might be al-| jeer and 790 miles to the southeast ere SUacenIY saluted the nostrils of the men, slike be a eaaeain ike Wee Be foe themes. oe ieee ‘umerous. The papers are fa » the | and they Icoked to windward to : F After thst that prompted him to Gace infanticide, wife poisoning, and abductions, Crosby Jowered for a whale just after din-|of's great black bulk on the Asay See ny ements ine nighie CoG arest cellar whenever there was a sign of | §® ords of financial prosperity an towed her six miles to windward before he | Wicked Bill again, | A whsle cannot remain piled: Pha ere the ae, crime Tring us face to face. with the ha tar: sould be anced. To waein ho doath fore he | under water above fifty minutes at the ex-|, Aristotle said: Theso things w When Holloway was about 25 years ola Hing fact that we grea aa Mhona whale, whack | treme limit, and where this monster had |'9_ 49 by doing them : | Prayer, by pray- ie hue contracted the Weatern fever, nd tak- 2840, in, the latter than in the ae nee im whena whale, which | putin the eight hours we could not guess, |88,+ love, by loving ; forgiveness, by tor- ing his savings in his pocket, he started for |1" 1850 there criminal | breached close beside him, shot il | Fre had run to windward when he settled UNS GL cca Big amr tase Sher tarming’ dtsteiate of 1 fp didn’t |i 3,500. of the Kem peal eae until he seemed to stand oa hie tae ana | Sway at 5 o’clook, he had travelled such a | Calls knowledge according Fo (asst, peepee find whai ted there, and gradually | Pd¢ in 1890 there was one in 786.5, aterrible | tien fell right across the other and aeinsied | distance before coming up again that, we | Hon to) godliness.” [Fars drifted down into Kansas, where he got rease in forty ied The Republic is} him ont o! sight. The line aa at (Had failed to detect his spo hi find the great thing in “his world is ploy rm. é have got | Young. Reckoned by the age of nations it to provent the boat being drawn ander, and sailed ot least forty miles sinice losing sight |Mop so much where we stand, ss in what 2 right into the heart of the cyclone belt, for| B48 hardly yet cast asite its swa dling: | y Sn of bi had icked us | direction we are moving. To reach the ¢ had been working for ee Liew smployer ‘t of Heaven = must metimes fixed up, with | against it ; but we must sail and not drift, ent working, as riding long, watohing th in an abstracted sort of a |? attention was attr ‘oremost in this ml shoulder just in ti barn about ialen wlageny Wee Mele Healt eae a double somersault and fall in a hundred pieces. ‘ip * of poverty, and mental degradati a ead the iba and started the horses on ote a, in for the e river a little more ee i isten of aamlle’ s¥ay.e Ths wi D Festae tsos the worsen, ands tslore hath whe Be distance to the ae ‘er was covered tl the lanthropist with his wealth, o Church oath all its power, woman with pee er of the State. Small oe. It is possible that the tates. col- iSovoutateon otal atBiGed Hisrovesiontis’ che fact that there isa new King at Wash. ington, that the more liberal-minded Cleve- Alaska in fuimidly Hesl’y ta Han of boss tall Ks, from Tacoma or Seattle and owned b ime he came = smiling and ready for an-| United States company. e latter vessels other ‘ scrap. ve been in the habit of taking the inside He didn’ e to wait long. In the| route, that is between the mainland a1 » middle of the ake he had.an opportnity | Vancouver Island, and of stopping at is aq section claim at a bargain | various Canadian points in order to si t is of interest. isputed until this year. tates collector has issued on irie fire came marching down on him| been ma who ‘om the northwest. He saw the flames| has.pl se with ‘coming, and putting a bridle on his horse, | the authorities at Washington. If the col- hich yas old an che started for the| lector at Sitka is his “action river, ‘he firé was a good | there will t @anada to deal awitter than the horse, and before the | pursue, na from United animal ed eight miles the fire was | States vessels the f the inshore as ts heel route and compel tI he open| e The horse had-done its best, but was play- | sea, ~ But wha t inisetable pettiness: this STRUCK THE WATER it put much faith in the many tough yarns he nd Heat AGL Shi fish he decided to let ee wi poon entered, the whale se eres away like & rock and pa oie ntic, we cut in our last whale, cleared the decke of the try- works, ani r course for Plymon' We were full to the hatches, and thus far ad made one of the best seasons on recor: gin painting when, at noo edout, a finally fell dead in its tracks, kind of thing is! when our three boats i yr | was # funn: head on for our s As he started on his mai rush the ship’s head was brought due north again in hopes to avoid him, but hi changed his-course as well and ci N | FOR YOUR LIVES,” outed the Captain as he saw what was coming, and fifteen seconds later there was get the boats into the water, as t was luffed into the wind. Her id days later ‘by a Scotch whaler none the i our advent at about that fifth day after turning on our heel for home, ea which would have a nor lieat anchor e Murder of a Lady by rie nies they tie a them i date an English naenralist pani sheda work When he up- in the bed chamber, > eng mistress was, and the request took Shelized into wis r. Oliver Wendell Holmes. a ee AWE HH TRAGEDY. One of Her Servants —Suicide of the Culprit, ed ie n despatch says :—! tle, to foam, he slewed around and headed | ®Tetident of Cresford, Denbighshire, Wales, i ice @ groom mare ‘Shellar is probed tobe a hell m laet aeiiete sped shamber. A par- S Vaylor was downstairs at ? the ot a] hat until re lin, an ube kg hile I was watching the srhale throtigh tHe ete anything unusual until she Secs thie ran n° |heard a shot, evidently from a pistol, which ended in| n she no tnged of readily se a of din, om tl ing poke eb; coanidaratie depiliee ym these cran- Hand lot 2 deectat tis cantigey tobe 1e grabs the ball they bau} clepone | ¢ hy alty grace we overnor-General 1 ids it not | meo resrmed their labours nal thedener: Stanley of F on anon seen 9 prey temas seat Meet stl nctcaie oo eae go a England until August. Mienteof the World’. Fi rah oenenileares Bart ee EN le ae fannie ae Toe ba pict ‘Another case ot smallpox has appeared in tion still is very far fro pon: poser. sev spree meat aby eee # $ She Is Spoke,” which, as is well known, the quarantine station at Winnipeg, Man.,| In Lynn, Mass., on Mouday, ciel ot th the wea which. ranks third in: poin rel SEPARATION ew iuraw ni out iateaenete the fe tile, high tly be con | kid bition shoes were ete ani oe je | snd ae at day Soe aes carton in iittess mnieutessn pees he peerage < Bog = idoonembins Mainland Petition: English.” ‘The peculiarity o ok was Mr. G.R.R. Cockburn, M.P. for Dake forty: “ive seco ae. due chiefly to the fact t a HS Sate ies Toren, hhas been appointed as one of the} As a aR a recent heavy rains the & rocures yeh sf Freneh semana ale: mnoraty commissi rom Canada to | rivers in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, ~ h ton net wh 95 i, theceidiot s Listeners A World’s F in Carling is | and Arl ae ansas are rapidly risin, ng Tn ‘eld ‘eminent Oil the istate an | ert patito r ta wor ja a into Eealish, ented from, attending owing to ill: | places large tracts of country are under | under the three monarchs of the House of | the pi antl sige eres theshahi} B reba literal ee tee oe + bodily jai om Kear Ith. BEE sade Ge sation tos abnapers ey Tee a whom, Hoary VE, lox mathe ia tad ose Columbia, ice laak is father served as Lord Lieutenant of | The petition is a ‘ ee ete of tis Presa Jim Buck snd Sam Massey, negroes, das Lord Chamberlain of the | General of Cans ry h_ was searoaly greater thant his How) ro niversity, | were hanged at Bonham, Texas, yeste! Royal household. ‘The founder of the house | wrongs of the mainland. ” | in the presence of 10,000 people, the former May 24, in thefirst year | the rural distro, without dah ‘thei Alexander M «THE WEEK'S NEWS| e cancisco, are® $19,000 short. © Royce will Early Tuesday morning an army of work. Hontgomery oo accounts of .ex-Treasurer Royce ‘eterans’ Hom: nat San ‘THE HOUSE OF STANLEY. MistorieSketch of a a Famous Family. fis Excellency the Bae pee pe Guards, Frederick Arthat Stanley, Duke arms rained Adward, and rece M Prccs text guestiad aeomataniee otf eee joore bas ‘The recent cyclone in Cisco, Texas, was enti ree peensed EE. most. i destenoiaves “Te a Ales rey best k stant | thirty houses left standing, Already twenty- Seen tet cual WML. Ans has { one Bodies have been taken out-of the ra {ech chosen by the International Committee | and thiere are still some ten or twelve per: on Foreign Work totepresentitin Honolulu |S0me ising, ae ill for his new yur at ‘The mamm dian cheese the end of the World's Fair, ‘which weighs 11 tone, fell denial srheel steamer Chip. | through the flor 0 he fp Duild- | Sta ‘he pawa, built by e ‘Tamilton Bridge Uo. for fab ke tating te settlers wuld kill the ranching busi mature discharge of the ‘hitey-ec atter. Se met tea arent ia ie aid been lly deciced that qua. Sted cient Eee Constable o aged, SE tte Vancouver, B. C. He intends walking | antine in its ordinary fo a ey plan, whic! att im his hea: a Falut-|former. It shows t twenty miles a day, following the Canadian | done means sional cela in | ing the Barl of Rishmond as king, Wichard | the development of which the prosperity of Pacific rail track, and sleeping at the | Kuro) this summer, an is d e | the country must come, li rece incaee at nightie, (Oa: hia reborn fo |apsiam of ingpection and registration 2% pulemmen Fog ta deliver of Lord | mainland.” In coool England he intends to write k. ow ae ieaties be substi ‘trange, his son, ts hostess for his father's f- jectsto the ‘The first steamer ina steamship service to yught has tg at ail the delity. Loe by the Canadin Twi Teave: aes iets the aft The Goan, Boper Rar iaiiedt wine be ene alan Territe i ee ae ome thee seal ir ee bat after the battle delivered to ROBBING SHIPS ON THE ROCKS. e mn ai ; sotto vooe ies « few hours) at » stat i ’ - en went to God at al that the ih om mi i, at ae trom staeniian Sing Eiaitor ey or | Lae Stanley pices aie oe: mes wrecking Seti Sra Dy moatmen at] Sach siege ue fenry Kelly, ter, has conte fessed n Poecke, of Vienna, proprietor oto mother Stanle ley was married. For| qt isnot Ion large ship went Sie that ef that ‘she placed the Paris green the Tourists’ Journal, aah rears. of hit 3 the King created Stanley ashore at Lizats a aati ound herself | fo pis. Mo father’s dinner can. Sus. Key hassufiored | ee eee eae by a ring pineal ator Ber rae aat yy Bar peng s ‘change for the worse, ond the from a fourth story was | "The sai tom of Derby has been Te elosest watch was kept gents | Be Ya Pot ta mode of assigom fear that he cannot recover. BRITISH. ae e Queen derived much b sojourn in larence enjoying Bees - ‘The wife of Capt. ber! of Chief Officer iFrghy ma the oly esc fomained its powerful guardian an Naronic, haye bi com despair ney the their ot thelr! ‘husbands, | fonder The phy: mental conditio ted of having designs .¢ ‘Qtore’s life, certify tha’ he is a lunatic, and probably he will asoedition, m_ Norway Spout. the middle 1of the oath ph em snccaicel balls, | too, volun Ae viata made the other any ae jas; san epidemic of grippe in Paris fee bine bleod of the Bluest, ‘Tho motio| in ’a" Western, village, that people strom theit is eae fe resi nts of Ulster, | Not may "the Bel saa Beg sete J, but the } a f eg mieten nner ate pythe talked. of aroaking) ae thing of the past | Bel eee fe ‘the representatives of that £ itarian a Dee ees rt ttl nut i > pean ee te Ly i S out ae cand erate eed centuries, ve been ai a Yous a sin,” said thar: benten ntry before the: commission sitting at i th ravages of the dis- | ed in a prophetic variably hon- “ al Pate dg {avons of Jie ord deat ate ‘oti more that | orable, be bounteous, hospitable, ‘ . ho have examined the| filty per cent. above hee i above all, he” Vik loyals siwaya on, the watch there's many 3 cok of 4 s that y SU le that’s pi up by. ‘ownsend, the man| | Dr. FlahantjofParis, sonal ezrin Rarer rs rae nd belo that’ pisked ap by ent bonis % Sa Sa eal Seat given the Meecit bt «| safely Sigs eaey nd with a lescope can make a | tho pean cable fospa Re isrent diph. | show one def 6 lin] Ein ite long ch: 3 good thing of it between them. ae leans ee usttion Selon erie ¥.y, wehone throats. were | auccastion joint at a single stain of tho| fo Ttalin’ steamer, no ashore | settle stesight sma) eae Si thei f An ao aoe orered, | purity of its public conduct, or on its uni-| at Mullion, | She was full of fruit and wine | & ty: ie Ah opel aaa i tl a * sche lea vented by the | form exercis se of the mild and graceful du- and Hg sorts ih things—enough for every- patch ets * 4 anyhouys oto: Poo th, male ot the aes ‘math only om ZI ee haa Miy. On thecontrary, ifit be not » wild se Seat sp ar dee pha ga o'CONNELL’S MATCH. er There were arent casos of champagne ea torre meet! . p ing about, and the word went roun y ° Earl’s father was one of the|lying. about, e ines a Held and swimming out cholnen is’ generally decreasing i “gone men i saree i ing out ite Hostility fe the lowing to the cold ecial | most brilliant fEinenery of the ps deeply Se aa did eabek the {te middle of Peake Ontariod aes the te Sir Chorles Tupper’s open idea of Canada contributing m Imperial defence fund has lediterranean con- Sees ie is ma uch Tess acute Moree ighness was in Eng- tne when her Royal he Mo ht to be imposed by the Government, eat oe , and she fF the interest. | {he in an in- |p terms ranchers, ‘© pounde: n equal num. enefit an her provoked dis. | oa gension in the ranks of the Imperial Federa- ed from his ane illness to be nee Mr. Carter, of counsel for the Pee his reply to questions pees in be Somtea Hine that the privileges enjoyed Sut roperly be Gestion rot regulations United Stites. sai e Dowager ea land in Holloway gaol | cati to first-class ge sal UNITED STATES. The Second National Bank Tenn., has suspended paynient temporat: The es io Oklshome killed 90 peo- ple and in, The > tone ed on Monday poe 0] Fair is of solid gold, ene mae President Cleveland ening the World's resembles a tele- ave thrown the inh: e The newspay a general oodus ot ot German coloniste from | wh Russi 1@ dro Pacific Rail- disteots throughout Austra- | liable tofire, an any rps of dato Us | jes now | dent of the Swi of his speech shee eat said he was ne ent teams | would continue while the German imperor| de- of Columbia, ape ‘ion aie injared, and will ‘The Navajo Indians in New Mexico have eee Government, 81 that armed bands re a (ae bitants more votes at the next y poll ore | Faia ‘lection than they polled in 1890. The abnormal weather Peltud just leeded, that ho died ‘shortly ee st thew an, Russi contin rop in the sout uth- wns buen alinout destroyed by | Germany unu banquet given in aie Ciara! public, in the course Emperor William, confident that Bur oy tre from which tl 0 dis Srith the return of an weather. cf ecietatiaba eran me The Mormon Temple. ne pictures we have seen of a ceape imsy_structiire, d, and stultified towers ateach end of it. It not an ins] m to faith ; itis not bare the House | expression 0 ecieseaal ‘aspiration ; it is no h said | conducive to the worship of the aie fe ardly worthy even of that jotchpot ‘and imposture known Mormonism. —————_——_ At the fad the limit of perpetual snow is 14,700 The speed a the falcon often exceeds Jai upto 1886 was plain Col. ape 159 miles an ho The largest Tariomoth task yet dissover- ed was sixteen leet. ed in the interior of Cuba ed | parr El Correo, a Madrid newspaper organ of Beare Ben bri The German Gooial Dernoraia expect to|fortane ra Taule of ‘oe ear arrest on the throne Stanley we iF See ih the Unit ae et to Bi om to donounce “the| We Were 3 Trish Secretary of the me The #1 owe ancient See aatelyel « few Re | lected to Sir Bulwer Lyt One pis one the Tords of time advance; te House of ee | ~ | his match in St rae rd Stanley to join him in jived a firm ards entrustes Ls f the Tiving, seven , Who’ rn 461, and was summoned a unnecet Go srter, They ‘@ lieutenant “i Leaning kk after -ds | ordinar: ayant ag that wil ith fall full Teaewloaye of these facts ‘the verninent, while re! og noinemsy, Mores of to borre the are Siinate _ the cost of the new and buildings ; of Gloucester, w! ¢ cari bs salige ‘open Lae Ne oer 3 5 wiek 5, by sama n formed services Sf GENERAL, gave proof of military talonte, | Railway, which de .e province of Santiago, in Cuba has ina ow became Protector and Lora | of interest at four per ce: pea iiared in a state of eat. continued to rise in royal favor. sight iwraite Sovbtiees eee (had for the second time.» wido' ane aan trop lai feared: (Tbe whine are ina panic, | PA" grat husband was the Earl of Richmond, | has not been, for é atin @ King’s father. Her second was Sir| tive of the people o! nd one girl. boys ai oy recently pepe a eae of the of Manel of the province; that the resouroes of the province b have eight children] | WRESTLING WITH ENGLISH. e honor ‘of fesidiais At the. another last eee ee a | which’ any French scholar will recogaize at made up from 1 or rather to carry on the jeclares to meet that the cent. eect ince is an representa- Paaklogham, "When the royal Marga are | ete subversive to the principles of Lord Stanley, to prove that, sh nsible government, and proves this by |? anted pene . noting. eter from the a jap) elec- that | continency, administ orector’s bres pevinie itch document is it ae tant ied is siete in whieh he maid at ne ‘opening ae : OSE re airs ‘ pee @ timne hse tin : A i aap ions “fc altard conditions ‘ot the | many cases he becomes enam , ea under takin, ally Stith 'Richmond’s, but when the main arm- ‘advanced together he held his eminence. It wi n that the Governor General of | the tor. early age of 21,he ol io vision by tal pert of Debate, applied to hi ‘Stanley meets—hore Stanley scorns| haps he mig But a mate of his who pu : Sefiehuen eis halk ont at the risk of his life, and eee a big ok, ha Be Hiner that sh to re—she fiaughty, rash—the Ttupért of De- | liner that abe was, & al yes ae a ie O'Connell, the master 2 much as pay ey raving her. s, had ot last fend went 01 ned a Jess sloguence ever heat a EARL. Sarl, upon whom days ago, wi ‘Parliament at the age of 24, ne aioe au neat lee sla Ha forces frome ern as tl od | stitiational League, tallized form of the ag \d preventive men roving andibly enough that the ight tion to the changeful career of other titles Berea wr ae ee gual antiquity an ail | Fr be thus ey ; | Canad, hom vell shortly leave for England seq ears, will son discover ; will 9 west count tops of the hotties off all the wine went out is ‘at one spurt.and we Bat erry wine out her got it safe in by the gual Might he have stopped ert a word of n and, af om mp him for fea Blamed for his bad y the Gon. | byl is now the 8- expressions , but the next spring 4] charities was to such men as we rel al ical instruments | nq village in the dis! . He used to give monthly to oa oad 10) babey: oy, even, ve their trioks all| sopport them, and had no other source of rambler in syst rdaman living on ach thanks, Ie alone any, ro: ” he 0, r the captain would be fi mailing.” ee eee mt OPPS the fadt thet tor ¥ ar | Seaployesa aot vathey should find | >> ility, a u for ten = pee: - she ‘ —— count- Pgh place where they are born and indispensable to iy Conservative — re eater competition administration must be attributed er city, or ert fe : cial_position snd his great connection. Sie conc, they howd stay at home tion cin the Grenadier Guards, | want. This is the way the Jews of Bastia Stanley. | are required to act, an 3t Cana to be it alan ageregation of jealous localities peer, His wif Sa Lad a Conta created Ties | of one nation the rale should be spplied to daughter of - Earl #Cacendon «Kai sal Can Our Kiioms and Fl fee = beg sani yi ‘ths nae temptsot thedapen cies of English, .| the ae ce be sid spegs 9 the amount So of oe ‘he petition ‘further shows cr’ the Leg- is ccfuaea gail “Yile the poor man snorts re and the orys- The Tearne itation that has been er ‘on the sappevanoe left to them by their consort in the pos 2 |e rightly, lined as property dh ties Which Wil Some Results. ener ric! Jk of all East Indian books for ex- English is the memoir ere eof thi remarkable literary production. Judge was atriken ie illne: bench, and Be ‘A Fine Point. 2s uSEIP. Ft Ont-rivat the Cam: A London (Bng,) aes says:—The ne! oon to have a Gal ven astern, but 15 feet les in breadth. ore power of the Great Hastern’s an hour on the ocea, 80 ae ke voyage f from Queenstown ‘ to Si Heok will be eae about 10t 4 hours, oF just over fond There are 2,754 Jangieges and dialects now spoken. aa the equator the average annual rain: tall is 100 inches, :

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