AN UNFORTUNATE DISCOVERY, — | ear semaine bys Lops ime cargo, bat | quiet him at all to learn th | - : = i ee p % ‘when we got'the main batch off we found |2cd ary end- cradled betw at she mae hil we in which he reposed while ail the MINING CAMP 87 z = Sopra Sy ee “Nos Joe Pog haa ig bihag Was 6 oe (on Lee ee en of the State passed befor 'AMPEDES, : : ; i + that lasts | Lady Chetwoode tells But “Noir prefer Treasure which Brousht its Finders Noth- 2 Bade Hy a er aes a vise. We had serial Taian oe 4 5 ‘ 8 tit : not to let her foot touch ihe ag qountngee Ob, if bee “oe ing bul Trouble. hed a chitiey sbred eaathad be WiC Tore ee Oe ee aaa i ‘A Word Would Start a Bush For Ni : slr HBR. iver ‘thoy. fave left | miuat be eo dling, to pane ‘ ae ___ From tie port of Kola, on tho northeast ene ee hen ata eas rae SS Tew sien Teste evs Seeeke teats os ano ret rae ee gr a Diesiegs ee Coulia’s omer Eiian keeps, silence, then = ster har alittle while Do Sd, je settlement | plate. About fulf of the lot was church |" ss. Letitia, widowed A finiuiNe sTORY OF LOVE “AND ADVENT URB A ea ee rc “Tshan’t ve. in the least lonely of Plate, while he rest baa, belor; tai i ee of , while Farnborough, so ‘One ot the Most Disast arted: 4 : “I wot aid" thave | Pose it ‘of you.” self, auntic thly, fetting : a individual. Every piece was of solid r Captain consented to sig ¥ ots dedicated to the mem Catena id cateaty hl ree nae mbsf OHAPTER XX.—(Costrsvzp.) Sine Bs finds she has fallen into a deep} sawoutd you nok ” 36) Ht e, Pita be her Bngere es rane chili . . 1 : led ay dens, be: C3 : is n, Mad Struck It Rich. he’ cares to allow, start mark Sir G aver EL 3 BAe S. | to sign, Hd he wi ‘din i " [epee in Toditation of hi ne ‘Sic Gin These latter receptacle 4 them he would no} use. hi li ‘The rush to the S) arms mats without a stants pockets her en and, seeing Gi ae akin wil rofl wee ae of cee fur relgucr, he will Feesiye the eathoriaat pil acetbie cnet pee cee 2 : pale and turns abr i rch | moments : Slight. bur- [Seti i Sagres then 08 ea ith is back eo the fry uit poeta HES bch doer ratece enell ae Coast, ai seme bays, ‘hereto Hibshint packehen rue a coe hans Of obec Temas phopesty ome Reco mnets 1 think’ with Keen pbelng "9 Behind him, and, instead o pettishly, and wit oe Britons 0 4 03 uss and out of the berg ited strengi into the shrubberies ae SCRE farther. Peri et could get nr ab ship put in a aim for heavy damages, Watortinataly ‘the damp English climate tb of sight or the Keviageih room| geen ah Soar of =a ie About 400 pounds off nothing has over been done. about ie yet, seg Gna ek deserts Her. She is angry with a ere 5 5 7 it yet, rts her. She is angry with Guy for rea~| her f own. key shoree, and the ris out | warthy of the 1 am not giving any notes of hand to be paid a : Giuld die rather than ackuow edge | i sis, breathlessly, bend- | dinner to-night ish I understood ‘ is it? ly, ben down to dinner to-nig) understood you, Pet so ee Tn eoeucia aeRO peice an bead diane in: | in 1862 3 even to herself, and she eiiaieonste nt who a ainting. “*Poor vill ex a ie eee er Tallan, yo" tan italy poe See A ee thom. we each possessed ourselves SESE i ze years, Buge ‘i ‘gel pentre Sten tae Ee : i ould be puzzled SHaT haweeehite all explain HAC Yor posed whatia treats | 0 Thank «your formally: “it is very | you me wish me to carry yeu dow shi THE EMPRESS EUGENIE TO-DAY. . oth manent residence ;}"ence. From Ba: , fro1 a ab diss i self for ei is Lilian acensy, ee a se: ahs se Nese mney vhs never wind of you to otfe eee Archie Wie j : ¢ em ink,” ange © wins whtel ies | as here 8 moment ag ani he has | wi z : en eee heen Fs ewan ietance of ore,” pe Lilian, Se athat poets mipant ieselt,” Sage seeoeidy a ays ente! ‘i z Her Sea Journcy—Her Selliary Life and | 224 i in case the ser i a ren ea : inh The ahi Sr cats WiC: MGULaTiCa- ie Git Rolain ae: | Donel ae ‘as her physicians | Pioneer, eee taaen s 5) Je were still a child, instead of be: aes while Igo for fe carcinga? i he ts oi intooendy, ie i tas theo, ina tow but aa ectly distinct tone, ike ny he ‘all parties hie vivea. acem,to suppose ti i hers é ep young woman! What must Gu—| “Of course. Ob, take haste; her lips] jn2 grave to color hol aes “Tan trust Archie!” conan {38 The recent journey of the Empress of the ed ° Mediterr id enj of the worst stampedes that ever woul o ner? are quiverin| he sure she is suffering |” '<e‘Dyon't Al ee Penny Cap. =| pe to Cap Martin was delayed in Paris h mained one wok nce in Montana was to Sun River in ee ag penne pies Sete be Ee Lari eke beater: ibis wey et poem 1 nay thor in to lene ha oe Ne Baer hat B., k ; rule § : me,” says Archi after a few minutes, | shall I lay b Fas is ds to that one un! that Re an rf Pea hia Mitace Lone of influenza, ‘which com |r 0 of 186¢ at the feeling oolishly ae at his success, The ‘Ey nr he sofa will do very ss i horeor af soll tides © dow i 80 wi at 2” os ” 1: it. | % rs, fea) : a q well” going in and laying Her gently on Pass et yee says, within a‘atrir af amicof the cyt whee |e in tontorns |e otberwie Shan with pals.” Sho h arale and doportment or hil iny bag fl Bora a ke Ll aM Spot os ta Heed Bevone 4 of eae eae ie nothing-else ri ini, ‘was famou: isi i r un River. id e you?” as ian, ats pitinesalas of vale was ed, Afte 7 fampoasible for: her to. ope et t had bee g , tone that should ‘have one 50 wink diy: |e ss ear Werngoniakly, ond kent ® in e ate we heeled the your elbow just wise a young man as Chesne owe yr De Bland, while. you bring |B } I ever, faila to be warned; and cra wily | Hgtan stig 3 ee owe peat yah Bue to,con iets the truth, pani a : q n, taking int 3 on his destruction, hat lovely aie Poor whe tite! Ons her quietly, tended aly, in his arms, north face of the same Hig, a0 not \d_ been a division, meg Sg : ‘the Sot «y ” ae) el u eyes. loss . g > aries + aha fa nara 4 = thonght so,” returns he, growing per- ‘ z ‘ne | fe s she, gen! the an; upon his i Feet away, would be bunks of snow as hard | to as | Hers hed Sada gdoe lle Nee y. tew people | which she wore i : MPPs pr gol ates h ~ plexed: ‘‘Chetwoode was quite as anxi eee es raat ae Lata ‘. : preyes ineet his. Then, with an ais of | eur still within inpipasaiy ‘Sad blue Ee As to the silver, it seemed plain. enough 4 sufferings endured : SRS EES me a0 Tyas, and you desi: ton summons Kate, ond Se ey oe 3 now you~ he Se mp : ” eders were tere Many wore a a TA ae pce ouiada wie eet of “alien's Hnjured foot, rams n't says Miss Chesney, [be Jeay a : y rau" and looked more like moving than ies nl ca i nigh to see you are} Archibald i the coveted positi What is Free eee In its last issue the Can: auses abruptly Guy, stooping, rs e: as considerably sold for all that, %: iotic m assage, She got Drarorghig tea his Virgin of | tion.” Whe inti sufferings o : i when we encoun comets wediali g Calais, and, merely dierting 5 i i a 4 min, ene ree with o suspi- wan in distresa and stood by him f z water roof she enter i iscoveri : - is aes pou berfenaew to | on of «dey y him for a por- rain sera oeaie guise de MacinGad Gent: for shel heat found then his days would have been ae abictitbs Enowlecaty 7 Aap Covet ak va pe stooping kindly. ov ee brov, speedily shortened. . : much oe ra ae DER ASSISTANCE. : ie lately, after an interval of fiteon| | But no one seemed to know then nor dees : s “The continued iciness of hor tone troublet/.¢ nor with some, surprise : “it wa ao veer an attempt has been made to palm now pee x1 e : But’—still rather dazed— vce tebe tas Glen ie seem determined not to. under. i ‘ p huffy: “To je and other port ions of skeletons 1 3 i f subsided, she s' as eae swindle which L “la Cas- i sta he says, y’ « Cotta e. - Mr. ‘Ghistooad and todisci a Sd es oe ces emit he | jeave her room, so that it ast | Sette d : nd whi bya man eho bad e from Last ould al evavep 2) ot . aa Eade rith | prought you he 2 r re : Yoru you showed him plainly you didn ied Ge pare a atiunt te (ithe 1 , 8 uM return, ‘Kate, ihe Enthusiastioally: “fo see het ek ee love ner. I hope yon ise her rom id repre: | a ~ senting blankets and clothing, a weltiok: 7 i ered 8 | her lectrice, an e/ @Ablonville, who | Peating n ‘ kinds. ek : : H i, Kat,” says ilan, inher 1 do p ome ee et bar ata ec mop ria at Tor from I igland, ‘The tater |° : ld finda let the next thing to ise, He F PE rede al 1 eRae pretty fe donee ice, Ad bate brandy | dimes thi “ii, ieeapnot a aed jug away from the latter place they had |} fe se : fai At all-events, Chetwoode took it in |!7'—coutten tly ay have somesherty heppinagi to IdM & fight and killed bwo of thelr cred Ree) as only. been st: ee rel oalpaeeat are all winter, ene ight” wi Tho ud ike i at ee delghtfol i io r 2, «“ aving druo! he si aa y sits al clapping ber hands is, vy had on tle tos to aa: off thei e 1 ev rae Neate! A his find, failing to state what that par- 3 How silly you can pe bee times, sar a atl « pen ys Pp prebashetris ye al coat ad. you are | reme : ans pre ce for | tent Hook ko and i. s08 i sao aa i i ‘1 Homealittle gem in its own way, and | both so king. "t thi 4 4 Seana nf the, be ier afial sulnbress: was but one meaning to be at & : Fon you would ger" aura no sati cet a of taste and ane i aay au mmaid—the te reacl as she | free education now? ard, but | "Whether at home or abjoad the Empress ‘ watched | peel Ge gi" A i fea ook at it in het |delicacy in the art of coloring. | Between the romance of th ing.” | dressing for dinner—and says to hetige je oleate to live i in almost atkolute solitude; |)”, i is what started he Sun River hla eka a 1 te race cael er ecuren that gue the nk Syril. 1 A telegram’ from Mi Se ET ey nd | habit alone has reconciled her to the pres: |” absvis or vacioualy {stampede inthe ely sar ravae ede tA mac ea fe bits of Worcester and Wedgwood my K » nes a 6 fe ence o Apoeken ca Mines ne I ra ob Haas a ations ie hi d taken an ac-| Sater on, in the one 70% came the rush ; a9 re _ neo ncn Ta mi . i irs! said a word in my. favor. wi 2 and tell Sir Guy he} shi to Cedar Creek, in Miss mY Sa ete: ee ier eee covered wi i aisperse serious—" yor resllylike her, Lilian ree nee nf i ches peep ou | ean you bs do after s0 short an ete ter to go into mie until there was wh % a . ia rece! ri c of all kinds 9 ae ee i Tae r ° aw en to say that Spanish ‘Alene Mow nd the name ‘ covers the small v ung] “<1 always like a person at once or not at. 3 ee eee fr and to cate ber jailers were not incorruptible, and that in shard, the disco Ce ess le a alegre 3 tno with priceless lace that only’ half conceals all. I cann jain why; 1t is. sort of | Lilian. | Muo ns ee spr ae fs Tt was the intenti o ted. | human being flayed alive,” she once sid, eonsideration of a sum of two or three hun- | from untio e Pacific, a \ aa ome! Sieh gan ee Rang iyi ‘as the spindle legs beneath. aed ante. insti Pane in oe a - everything and shortly after the death “4 the Prince Impe- | o"° es sent him i G h e Saeadaiog ou myth aud Venuses and Graces smile | your Mrs, Arlington 1 love. is her ae aes but when this had been partly accomplish. |i wineo at every contact i” Time | take: confocyard. 4¢ once to GG tee any i *Whabam Ite think of it? se. upon graceful b acketa “teen rite ander oat na boy toe ed mplish ns to have wrought but little change in | ‘°° n 3 . y Ri y Se dae deo sa » la ing Dresden baskets | **Cecilia, an | those feelings, and her d i the latter woul nothi q Ss ch 7 |are to be seen smothered in late flowers. All| ‘SA pretty name, and suited to hor; with i i : : olan’ 7 is bri y and artistic. jer tender beautiful face ae looks » saint cWhata charming room !" says Lilian, | You are very fortunat | — ee a with llvolintarys and therefore flattering, | tells ae wee cannot fail to ie Sse, Etat eaiens ‘documents pil a sa addoes cote reel ae ympson > . ii ve “ 0 ee admiratio1 he love of such a womi is te i 8 Bs mmand of the Empress to the Carl- e diggings ed forty miles over arou h ‘ . ct “You Tk ce it? I fear it must ] look i insigni- tle aiby ee says Cy vai , liftin, iat officer with a headin og and a blue device | and ean x i - me. Dotry to be amiable! for aa ete y) ie, rt yo ary, it Rouen aes reluctantly up-stairs, above which was a % [everything is ghee though ‘dsome, as is | to hear you say. so. sting Honatepe hi mothers the brig was finally d eR cca tak oid 17 aahioga THM Undletorarred ouertoien bea one be ‘Buon by a smart pull, The | a had ‘The robbers had been taken off the PTA h ov cee gee i nti only tatters | land, D butno trace had ever been found of seems elenel ates a eae Jett, am siyand a \e bri calls her hi Abate Saye rew| loved son, For many years the cofin of Soate ; ee eee ilold h ry e Prince stoo to - men e way 10 al ere; every thia ese our Captain relat stor: drag jeu pe Rea a sera Chaneellene” ‘signed by } le the trip who knew less al f Lie srakeackn thi ake hort di St gay. ike’ it a0, muclt, and Vail: ae pane, ie ining | p e list of the ma "i i teetiecis @ wood at some short dis- |, : ae tr 7 cH APTER XXL "This was uo doubt the craft in which the | suppose he i ined, | joWel#in the casket, with the annonzcement | Chins. iat ken. in on - Without addi her word | ill A Great i s that they represented 4,000,009 francs. h han ‘ i nuuewauiina te address notHen 72 ved n’s injury turns out to be ni " mailors discovered op the hill above had didn't ‘cares rith the waving French standards almost | Singularly enough, on inv oe th aran [25 Par pond ae Oe ehaitdee ovis) tothe dacomfted. Archibald, sho rune Tatele ack ioking s0 Kindly. a itd vary bad ond, ad trict qviot li | found that all puta in the wi i i 4 SEN slips anes ae Me 8 a have wanted to know you &) long, but we| and rest-for the pete ie by ie : oa © be | fat little f So. for severa and. that the stamps allied were. not | worth relating at is a S ding?” he says, smiling confident: de des Pp ts en able to lay -hends on i¢ again at all genni Hs ice bee cA Ipinp into his face F genuine ; nevertheless, the writer had ong the early stampeders to Pritchard i would have gone down in . y i Ge mi ene er eee Loe Geers xinunibarol aes tte people. One i ee bee bah Zoli mage eth oun 5 2 the inveterate appetite for illicit gains | of them is still fond of telling of his % , Z er her bowsfully ‘expecting Bt A Ppe w illicit. gains 4 experi. ion,” replies he smothering a sigh ne suc x aitainictios nel Oona dea Fs 3 : inherent in human nature, and mai ence in the new camp, although it w: 3 BP! Beis tates —T should b lad to know ou es She remains of ENTE gas in i fa ie ; chnow appear | were forwarded to the address giv ra Ee anything Dut plensat ‘the timer id ; ; esnfully 5 though to be honest, he ighardly | staty, spi nant then erm sen all he thowe oe eel aoe = sis that te ini e 3 i and his partner made the trip “all. right. soci jaa w. = tt we Tieden ee Hi 4 looks pale, lovely. self pen the attetlon Af Fike: thor Britain and the U1 er with their loyal homage and re- ing—‘you wished eae a thrifty, ‘the industrious, the pelled to ote, ‘the children of the thoughtless, frat T came here; |s0f4 in y| makes B if thing For instance," coloring fis pele hoi sts on istlessly | reckless and the lazy people of the comm Neverthe bai : and struck the camp i o bao and is eminent fh Seer ae be ee oH ote shines Sinse the Matin hpesplal ili- ra + cS tl n in i i he eae and put on ow ae aillant aro, absent, ‘but t ket, the| ind r the he to pence pitting they” ‘ool whee much acl iin ite she leans. As eanied che cles Roe ; icin | millions, the jilere, the plan, and ospecally | of Hagle City, t that t : When they come up to pit Lilian pauses. |i cee i af ‘ion act T should ae. | Empress is engag a 20 one ot het ntermnin the request for three hundred francs, head centre of the district, A large hi 2 ‘rish re wor bay goddess onld tase T little tl ek oe onl | ; rtistic pieces o aperb embroid- come out. 1 want to see her quite t, 13 Be Ss et ae Soe eel lanl ass ela rates Se | sarepend by he fa wi “coal Si vii meget acs te aa on pws wh ber hn : as the f ‘ m always |"°r Sia¥- white sobbery_wa Grime tn Hlansis mibaatenoas dee iatoapf ber: Singers, soemy 2 oat Bo atsoie aha j meee iwlisther distanioe lends enchant~|fey ave i Phen tte have so pass- inner will be ready in three minutes,” e1 a ae 3 » wen to the view. is “do you intend coming rel of flour, about is willl e Empress has effectually collaborated eee ; No, it does nob,” abeentiy. He iw look | 28%, - Elon y ibed as the largest net seas IGE SE tasl sed oe a sees rete oe: over Pee owen ae fad lene | pre Care es,” sai a : i i eae i AF aoerGactainly. Tam waiting for my cousin,” cv en in England zy Ce Ree aes ais the commemorative chapel igh heer orcs ee ited gost Res name she answers, with her eyes still fixed w upon | fom was Ry, 2 Ee : Sp loti ae Kille Let us have some potatoes nee this as HiT 2 ni 8 3 3 P 5 | . ro pe _poen ship's biscutt and| | “Yes you told the Swede you would) i 2 pe pines ANisg _ |p a ‘aid the stampeder. i z qanly vay ng | Wal eee! she takes. Li PS ace ke vn. | the fire. srry tobe the conveyer of news a rats had carried Sem I giveitup, but whan weighted ouyou were i nail any 2 ae the waiter. d “ ra seas eee Pram irate Nig kotor unsere oe ci eneral frame of s| The : 1 ai ickup| saw many aaboed thie han? span. eae you head, admiring it as shi so much, | Sbe is that must necomarily chute yo you dseppoint. oe 0 0” in the crypt that the jeaves St. ines for this i bas “How soit it and how lo and|if she might onl: tle ni ment. My m as had a telegram fro! two sarcophagi of red granite presented by |place si 3 le ‘t is side of in surpriee Sane son, ibe pres ety Springing on to a ae she draws down such er ssiutnas olor,” like span’ wie then it Rate bs eal Sine uae aud Chesney saying be he cannot be as fail to: a 1 y; 1d ith : ie Sp PE eal pone nt eameacamaian irae ge ca FRGE TINE "SC teams nigella meen en | tat oF ae ee Supper b ry around them, and, having detached h home vail not hurt-you very much. She is|a cl ay iin turns her cajoleries upon the | time for dinner,” <The coin shee paar oe ae Seize trom the parent stem, prepares to re- | read Mr. Chi etwuode, and T thal | doetor, who ise sworn vassal, and coaxes es Ag speaking ig doubt ty on - inning at a thirty-mile re i , 4 '- Ay i oy little better, orries: nt ee letting her go down- 2 teen | rely. «Thi charged with the Roar pp oy ae che cea ae ea pe a freight cars an : ey somewhat di | hg lg cia i Fee author weed? says stale, if only to dine, eae sat Miatanded defection, Bat it| tae seaaing eel ao es sole Ym rob | ohpel ee coach. Four or five of the frei shy did younotask me to get them tor Liliane Ptlington bas been so kind| - “Bh? So s00n piste for freedom? Why | is ny case for all that. He wil pub be tionn pac of open we = rnbor- . : you? "he asks, rousing himeelf to me, Cyril bless me, ae hhave béen only. two ot three | to-n oe Bushed our way i in, but nether lob baryelaae apap Co ie eens \ude-conitortable| Pe passem ch] i By eriminey! 1 war never in a i 1am sure of that,” replies he, casting a | days lai could not help it.” aa the three small | off to jail. Tbe Uaptai A co ah te ni “the: pasee before where 4 that beaks tea. curious glane: pres that rather puzzl & Six ong, a) ig Saye, deat Kose ; am rpalhire Fe ee Pes eee sapien eee a oe in sine aaah Hy ra aoe 6 $1 : ‘aye Ci wit ee ee i aL giat bos stelee | dol Fare eadatt sea unpleasant | eg <ephank you, Sir |ate the first pairof drivin g, and not a single article ikon bel : and were glad to get it. Hines Ht her ate heed, and, aa she apeske, jamps | into her cl eke. ni to. the for a long time By You to bring me | Si iio d. Wesearched in| Governor and a Judge neers tg soete to arrange for him an | Pe is i D = boldly forward. z flas! i. | yet. i a. beseechi i oe she Ae hi i a all the : mey and an “$a ‘Amomen ater, ashe touches the ground, vile Cyril and Mrs. Arlington, ste oa Af, you jah f reat istorical o personal sou es. MeDonal ie latter jum) Anxious to go from better to worse ! Men é she staggers, her right ankle refuses to su a ing th ge more comfortable for walki the fire, 2 tonal eases of} t, when a week has dragged itself-to THe pha meal ‘The bill was paid without o murmur, bat as e fee sauntered off one was heard to re- fied didlro fanke’ ast have gone. bunks were | rest rere treat e dogs. It was| the Prince Imperial for-Zululan ext rile. by th a “ joleon th cab and inj is i ih Napoleon the First a and injured ly. {often envy those whom they should pity. port her, she uttersa slight groan, aad vane iui you walling I shall put gan hardly say {came to inform you | driving greek se aie of tly. Third shold pe lon ag The room was | The engine remained upri, |- | Mice outside envy those in the trap, é ao al ss ie ground. Comey” ‘says Cyril, si a a hs into irons and soli! castinent Mor 2, er tarned over on janie.” he tate i The dnpeate attempt of the tr men + Nave + sonrel” exe! arms, * Don't be frigh ened I wil a month, I'daro say, Lady Ch wood: sen ee lies “be, ad one), Log Tin convicted o! eyiclas falar has been g jy | Rogan as NG, bs 5 The ‘ota to undermine ( Cyl s Sitealts task lewhat iit for you as little as Ican help.” lifts, ly. down upor ey’s | hau, ask you i i got scgpescseatey together with Natt hatte aad is represen 9 ae Sj A wrecking train = ‘biti so i age . an ? Ts it your foo es tenderly, but the movement ‘aie is e young| accept my my y aid iy? eheriast the compass from isaits Hal Coeur Lemeadked see ihe Uhadadee. was by cat | af epuvarer tb tal will: probably clear: the trek 9. to- thi i ai ‘ : 4 i intly: it seems twisted. Mora tone or apouy, sear Bares Ee found in’ ehe house. HOE a ve i authority I boarded and matched the tite wees s| morrow. The crening train for Se. Cathar- jeri se Ba J don’t know how it happened, but it pains |again. She is not a hero where suffering is only able but willing to carry tothe edining-| Even mine és eo ee Ca rar cated by what enter lage oo shind thi m ithe” has as | ines an abandoned. Conductor Powell i id not Hi me terribly. J there all the agony j sonearses ee «No, mgt with alow surprise, as Eihieo tudaton at wl fasnendte (ike remibbel “ > longi ner | Drought pee ‘angers through to this] to one He however, but made a simul- q ms to rest. another dart 0 Cy nil, -be careful,” gays Mrs, Ar- beable to manage tat rene thongh Ae yer doubt she a eal tt pied bs is place in : ibition:. i i i iting hr the 1d ankle. lington, fearfully, ‘quite ith in her an ie be fae S pleas Hee a in di foot ee ee Lilian’s comfort that ske has] with us all in’ the evening, ay or her : - worl [he rede’ and ihe. lnc se| Between levity and cheerfulness there is| ® Te-submissi itution to 2 J e n name of her lover. cousin. ae aero sr down. ie rouble . 158 sare foot! the total ike on eats stained uniform ke | @ wide distinction ; and the mind which is | popular the 8 i i in a dit “ ian is a aetned th. settled: in the think, oe" ae wae ai ee erebaive 3 ae ete ann Meer vis thew eco vi relics | most open to levity is frequently & stranger ere agai i ‘A woman’s grief, a woman’s tears, ‘always | carriage, a! sera if to stoop ont and “Tsou peter Accu figur ah ina! ee ae copie by by Col. Villiers, |¢o cheecfulness.—[Hvgh Bla vo 5 his take Cecili “Bh Leb! you hea prefers bat gaa eae! ant dint Ge ace aa a ie) Socetcnetns cinta iS i | @ cont setocheri | gc iat apa ofc a a "a Se sme i Ed a Peince has aleo been reimtated at Farnbor- and yet the who hearaslanters with pleasure, Danita state aleoti | i dies in another moan. | may I See isitieon your” Haka Rit owt one —hastily—** woul rs and believes them with readiness, will hatch s 4 fart i me “ nibald replies| Id 5 =a brood into active lite. stre ; i ii t : i . No, rat indeed, ‘Archibald Chesney she ore replies = ‘i ; 5 4 E : do not ; I cannot bear it, be sae iy expecting 90 ods Ta ai Sow? — ast eee meat ae aah igh h, gazing mgr Hert | tht i ‘image we win | ee rr is- 3 - e1 le glance the lovin, i 's flushed averted face. sions foe ke Stre “oth i Sir a little paler, and | eyes--“>bave a doutle. reason for vviting i | eath at every ‘corner.’ the “es of Paris when France | Gl 8 rity fi i — wry 4 i mater witl a wel g Satis empire—the| And from our ) immortality, ir trale is i i her Moved by | later is told the glad news. “Then why refuse my aid?” he : x % +5 Z oe a eras é 2 wo as their lips “Dr. Blaid thinks her so much better,” | even at the price of his selfs reapeat