Lig ue swings 3 FOR ALL Vol Il—No. 15. MILVERTO N, ONT., PERTH C0., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, (893. THOS. W. W. WHALLEY Editor and Publisher® cee away ey = 6rmani :-- Carer 7 Wrup a . Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, ai inion of a man Lai ru m 23, comes in direct contact with the patients and Sa fies aud knows be oe th: how remedies s merit they es of al the failures and janeeee: nae can therefore judge: ‘‘I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef+ fective work in my Coughs, eine as Boschee’s ~ German Syrup. Last Sore Throat vinter a lady called Hoarseness, at ay ore who was suf g from a very Severe cold. She Gua ‘hardly talk, id no’ confidence iw es. T told her totake’ he results were not WE AVE ADDED To ont ‘stock this handsome and that sine apeivel Gio the Pot: teries in Englan Watch Them . . They are’the ver Hes oe @ i new- + esigns Chinn iaimetneata and prices are very low. *P. Watson & Son erent cns MEDICAL EGBER', M. as M. Tek es ee Church a1 ¥. (ee ete oy M. B.. RC P. Hspean 1881. an graph connection at resides maossages from Cacthaye, Newton Jank — Office messages tiee. (Eg WANDELT BB HL HIDE, of Stratford; has opened Dig as ae i Holmes, LD.S., graduate of hool of pte ice—one north of Dr, Cattermols’s office. Open “| the clock for one General Jottin: pee aees oe eH t by a real lady or gentleman ; at "Thoobtaes for see generosity, modesty and_ sel espect are the qualities: which fiche ae real Eaty. or 3 distinguished from the 8 cle wh ich commonly goes by that name. Tr thexe modern days the people—|f eal, the vor popu he cor London Tu ia Bits the best Seti aee He Howe We Rp lew e answers sent in: peers setting in which the brightest jewel is mother.” “A world of strife shut out, a world of love shut. in.”. “A worl king model of Heaven with real angels in the form of mothers «The best and grumble most.” the blossom of which Heaven is the fruit.” ‘Tux following prescriptions might be used more frequently with advan- tage: For a fit ae passion, walk in the open air a speak your mind in an undertone to the winds. For a fit’ of idleness, eount the fenioes oe ee For-a extravagance, go work-] oes ase or speak to the 8 babitaets of a jail. For a fit of bee oa go to th epitaphs. ¢ abor ut for the halt, For a ism, gout, at yea, all wealth can buy. what is | o he grave- the ieee ne Tus is ae tribute the famous ayist, that, in the div part to create: Ad} aa rest on his primitive activity. stu ; he obtains fro agers you must not pail $s tie aioe oF te seasons, the weather, the soil, the erops, the sails of the shipbend tothe wind. labor as rep year in and y year out. trusts confided in hin. In the house- hold of nature he stands at the door and weighs each loaf. The farmer is the hoarded capital. of health as # farm is of wealth. The city is always pore fou the country, e men n cities are the pee “and grand- Shiva of the the r. We know not who is the author of the following Shara ite picture : Life is an with beantiful rivers Youth's village, situ the flower-clad bane? of vay is the most inte ng most celebrated ony 3 is. called” Vener- I re Xe desiring the Industry train can obtain ion on the road. RINARY NGEL is now prepared to. treat Ceriigtates of they dasiatioonak aston salipitention will be’ pelt te dentistry. ilverton, Ont. ‘Telephone to either dra aS CLARKE, V8. Millbank, | Howor- aduate of Ontario Veterinary Land Rollers are seasonable arficlew to talk to the farmers about now. Tam at present. manufacturing a new ed “LAND ROLLER, which it will pay to inspect, long, as I have a number of ‘orders now om hand. Plows Tt is almost unnecessary to say anything about handle — every superior ie son Plow. thing of the Wifkin- n the only men oe di aaa ighbor- You make no mistake by Poschng a a Wilkinson Plow. HL. Hasenplug MILVERTON — Money! Money!) MONEY! ‘ve-$200,000 to loan on mortgage at: 5, 5h, Gi 6-per: cent. MePherson & Davidson BagristErs, ErTC. Str. Stratford, Feb. 22d, 1893. 11-13t if you want one, don’t delay too ae atford: feed, paratively uw through Honestytown, Wealth, perity and Energy. e. Idle ee train ona Youthville at the same Loafertown till you reach Beggarto: Here the travelers haye to plod thei like this may cross over in stages and make eA with the Thdustry train on y to Wealth city. ‘The stations on the second line are as follows: Lazyville, Loaie:town, gartown, Gambling oe Fighttown, Tip- pletown, and the last station re tion, Which train-are- arg’ to a Aihe wayy fire eine anken ou! jog: RRONXER A VALUABLE brood mare the prperty of Mr. Thos. Lannin received some slight injuries in the stable last Wed- nesday morning. Veterinary Engel was cal a led in nae the animal is now do- in, Miss Gara J. Smith spent Sunday with her cousin Miss H. Dob: v. Henry Cook has pieehdeed a farm from the Canada Co, and*in- tends. doing’ some: good work. this. asons —_-—_—_. BERT EULLE, Mr: D. Macuax wes surprised on being: -awaked from his sléep about halt pat twelve on Sunday morning see his barn in flames, but. wit vith Quick thought and steady nerve he managed to save-his stock, which and implements, vill will be a great pectin mbes Boe Peon ntificall eat by, “legraph or: otherwise can Office in'rasidence, Millbank. SOCIETIES 0. No 20, Milverton, ae every We ark d last T nth, ai Sek tothaermel’s store. Visiting Mill Sts. “y HOTELS les toh Hie has the sympathy of ‘Bors and: sesis 0 aula toate RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milve pi of liquors and cigars: . M.. Urrox,: Péoprietor” spate cr G.R.; W. D. Weir, Recording Sec. Pas “ Silver Star ny : ua plenty ©. for HOTEL, ly is Ont. The 6 ravelers ami others. sample, Only. the Sele ool Wines ed Gigarend tic bar, Good warm ‘shed room. .J.. 8. Stnith, wietor. ae of trouble. (ee TE, ‘What Stronger Proof "Is needed of thé merit. ofHieed’s Sar- nies bese the haadreds of letters omg telling of mar. Teme ral Hood's Sar saparilla possesses pecu pow ‘curative unknown to other medicines. —_-- Hood’s Pills cure Constipation by | ee No. Milverton, hall first Neti a-odah month: ais Smith, W. 3 . Bueckner, Re Sinan Te ae 62, Milverton Tent, Wed: ‘siting aefer, 30 ORLAND’S LIVERY STABLES, Mil verton. t-class horses for hire at all times. aie ra yeial di specialty. Bus meets {TATION HOTEL, Milverton, M. I. Meser Proprietor. The best of Wines Liqu- ors, Ale and Lager i A call solicited. ing’ the peristaiic action of the alimentary canal. They are the best family cathartic. Tie Windsor physicians have formed an association for the tection of i ats. increase the fee for night Sehneider of Water loo, for $250. a | gO ‘e at the present price horses | 4), has effected after all They | Muskok NEWTON R, Nooo organized a camp of the T David. Greve Donald Jack AP. Fraser i, Livingston ‘A. Urquhart ‘Hugh 3 Mebouald Re a Dariies iw bo. Moke Teer to Grand Gam mp, D. The camp_ has, lected as badge dl the McKenzie turtan. An association organized 3) members ought to ensure success. The object of the society apart from |. its pecuniary benefits is to enable the sturdy sons of Scotland and their _des- cendants to cultivate a love for Scot- tish sentiment, song and literature so dear to every paurot Scotchman. s sold his fine span of ir Oc te colts to Mr. ugh Morrison and daughter “Abate ob Balevce Ofie, former re idents of this Toe are visiting in the-vieinity at: presen! from the north, was seen on our street - | last week. ci We understand that Messrs. David- son and Riddell, Langley Prairie, B.C., whose store was destroyed by fire some weeks xgoy have rebuilt nad ow oe: ,|cupy their new _ premises, ‘The pero desea was a heavy o1 there was mo insurance. The boys of 8. Si No. 4, Morningtow beat the Donegalers at a. match of foot- 0. Champions wherever fresh fields of conquest. Teacher Russ will conduct the ere motion examination at 8. 8. Sees ue and Mr, Gray ane a side atrth pombe eeth sciidoi r, ArTHur Hozmes, of Morning- ton, has purchased Mrs. Wicke’s farm for vt 500 and takes vorsession Ist of e extent imes: aaa i fay a hearty. welcoi Sehrenk ene sold the natured’ and obliging landlord: antt|i wil be Mr. aid for stand: $2,500. Mr. John Schrenk sold 15 acres. of his property:to Mr. Chisner for $600. Mr. Sohrenk sold his house for a -good figure: to: Mr.. Sanerbeir & Co., of -and--left. Wednesday. for Mr. Peick’s sale” of stock and im- plements takes place April 8th. Tsahyiling will be sold; bring what itiwill, .as.the Sue is giving up forming» were frantic with fright: Help. soon | hammer: GRAVELRIDGE (Too late for last issue) Miss Mary Jane Raycrarr aaa friends in Granton at present. iss Susie McCloy spent Saturday aud Sailay with friends. in: Milverton. Miss: Amnie Sanderson spent’ a few days with Miss McCloy last week. ‘A number of our young folks at- is Mr. Wm, Holmes’ Friday last. Miss Sarah Attridge, who has been quinsy, is able to be around again. Tobt. McCloy, who has been sick. for the past two or three weeks with inflammation, is slowly recover- ing. we Morley, grand daughter of r. Langford; who n very ill ee the measels, is pias recovering. . Thos. Attridge retyrned home Byshis cousin, Mrs. Henry anes aoe ‘visit ftiends for a couple of weeks.. cot ie Ta se-|j g Alexander of old, they aro sighing: for) kes gc Ist May. Price |» De Weir will wield we|” tended the quilting and wood bee at] y ‘The Farmer hi Condition eee Sun :— to be The bore livi barous system” of plowing, harrowing, drawing, and working with horges* re by the tail, was cetonttet by 1 and of causes may be as aes for the Ontario farmers’ present: light, First and. chiefly, over pro- duetion the world over 5 and secondly, - the concentration of capital in shape of combines. ‘The two central Governments and the Legislature of A'| the different States and Provinces of with farm Within the last few years “ iMimitable wildernesses of fertilé land” have been ment grants of lan the end is not yet ; for millions of acres: | still require only to be tickled to Se forth a bountiful harvest. In India, Egypt, Australia, the Argentine ee The genial fave. of 2 an me ingly low. In the open marke the ‘world, with all these countries ther he aan ‘is now too long, the depreciation of tlie value-of farm:produce by means of combines—notubly the wheat ring or” elevator combine in the American Saute West—will be Spree in my next AGRICOLA. ~ jokey A pa we “ment “ho” vlage it 5 rought to’ 0 ‘A fellar can play it by him- wi but it'ain’t so much fun, ‘Then ifn fellar gets eatched when he is play- i mselfhe can’t tell his dad plage cities: Sometimes its called ‘bru-an' ool be Beh don,t like~ aetna of aie Tts cal led “hookey”” ee oe always go a fishing whens they y eteen Boxes BRANTFORD, olay 20th: Tt appears that Mrs. Rymal has had more than her share sof aiting arias the past few years, was run. down from kidney disease that he had: back. kind hands. pected. On tried Dodd's, Kidney F Pils and took ins Et siaaeerr Boasts ahi improvement le: oni is now completely cured, ne fa «ising: testimony of the curative rs OFF that wonderful remedy. SPECTIVE J OSEPH. Rooris arrived! _ in Bobo Tharsday w Geag phin, the, pee tie Huntsville . in was Here (hee wings guilt, was sheniited for a yr. TaLMAGE has subscribed - 810,000 ir the congregation has s $10, ier ee floating debt. against thar. Brooklyn Tabernacie,. s 0 necessary tess