“| eran XViL. Perined for. - “Gone to console his ‘sleepy Venus’ foe the damage done to her “Phidian ae says a eLittle girls should, neither, quote end of the long lawn, he sees her. ‘Well, hi r at its priate ronines? 2” she ew sin,” a qui slo large ae fac sjoulatiure eae “would not make Plo diterontly.” “AL did’ not answer “you aball,” Gay, unwise. © #No, a moshing ough ¢ that ae the red bl ra to his beta ‘ever happens, cause I know he is always that to" be ‘with le ae apalnisely atsos her hat tain her ; as he does « question, ‘“Archibald,” rem iseay time Fanithstasyee Archibald bas not ria a formal offer of his rt ki doubt” — the honor £0 propose to me, he. val speak to you om the iitile, « Dont 308 think it is rahe absurd arr bts eonsent ? oa e eee of Proposing tome asthe man in ce ite mor ing, tallies ikon, not be argument ; but Miss hemes aie ee subserfuge, intern he would rather s¢e ee withont must only beworn in conjunction with C ney’s. know thors ie litele nse in my you, once you are ben! Yo yon ae angi. SIR a A THRILLING STORY ‘OF LOVE ‘AND ADVENTURE. lite Sloe seat with her lips as white wit wy at jouer: it ee ste Se ae inn seas esture full of “ontempt ma ating ioe tha she may be, aa, smartly wasn rae ipening array eee are Vartan ond. For tall tte ba e walks to and fro, APTER. XVIII. * The best tald sohemes o! mics and men or, when thus compli makes an answer in emerald ring indeed! Could any. thing be | 5 ‘Nevertheless she feels a keen, desire for a «Tthink “not, ebatae th ac patie with Searaianons = much so hat later on, — Archibald.” cae ‘can easily break off with him,” anx- ous) “ Tae aupposing 1.49 yo} wish to, break del er abaabthe with absolute fervor the et nisite though | hither aut thither, looking and Rael 3 aight hh Tenighta sof byzene days Sait airy and tapestries has tell of warriors | lowly, of you, you cs ie dba terhl ba ee ae tie, ae Berdontigne lovely pan ae Who gave you that?” he sively, , knowing well the ee okie we “And what then is us opinion?” ae The oxlipsand the nodding violet gréw + = < i through the might of its majesty, shines the | rough the might of i ry yy abies the | onnently Lilian is Archibat ising sand going fier dela e flower eens serene ee 8 Hee with that she plants a small toot vi iio has a | ting opponent to iy his heart and ae ett should Ser eas haa vines werersl “Lilian, whose nightly hybit is to read for ee oe into the Bake one that leads to the mi saa eve ve upon her com- ing; the ‘three lua ed of some ae «Blame Reve: iT ‘iavelcen n sacking my y “1 shan't,” retarna, Lilian, deliberately, other is sudcenly stricken potty Pave ls { idity ? So it i i i ia Sul puree goes on Lilian, with si es as 7 jon femoroie Don't be tnappy, ie iotarning her chingly : ‘ the in terntatly, ihe . ila itor before, T shall When you felt sips fall & a good one, example to nature. declining ae e | would a highly *ahjectionable and’ interfering, ol maid. No, she and mie She is a his elbow with el Park! 2 “Tt was death to me. Enew ni you then.” “If you had would you have let me er woe with dan ‘ose-tintes sok wish, xu Sake 0 near lace, you wos have, been 7 eee yoleome cilla would not hear. of heard enough abo te nee propestie a that “TL said L forth Lely ee been a0 awlerard to refuse | Pa arnaly: dd bool through tuelianinate women in self fairly bee etry? or simple masemen sal, Lilian ?” ake riveted upon “Had y¢ a a hey ales, hia eyed ti Peto,” sacprised tion tt muppore i ia sili to think | U2 een h lovin, jilian, confi ‘e | Chesney, solemaly, ir | who wouldn’ lady-love, ‘This last: remark under the circumstances ise. later i It can scares you lool Pa ine you will marry me, that young man unmoved e & good one, stick toiit,”” and sticks to his Scoste ian, after a @ alight pause, ate Sahih abe a ris eyes, | young men are hot 80. less after all, and that ‘Archibald is quite an | od thought ter of eft it.” seaie seater jiyes, shetle; but I like old maids,” says Lilian, atou yh, she likes old maids,” says } could hate myself fvtien Lilipbiabien nothing of it, and—I had not seen giveo pin for a ego dows on bin knees to his the agerly. ven by the fact aes my chiefest regrets on leaving home was thinking how my birds would mi 3 very near sf the Inst. roment, k Aunt Priscilla a full week to convince ESy of my ways, and prove tome not live alone with a gay and (as she ined wicked bavhelor. ev been 80 mafortinate as to| them ike naoSENeInG tao ties eet isnots ahe fe « ery oe wom eines nse on way considers there is nothing more to be said so she wouldn’t let pemeriar ab had 3 every stick and ink so,” retu-ns he, softly gazing ous tenderieas at the. deli time to lat ‘When all atgu- | Sy ments Shesney, breaking | 9, into-a gay la eh as recollection crowds mn her, *I proposed. one last expedient that nearly drove aunty wild with horror. hat do you 1 “Te would ask your hand in marriage and so put an nd to all slanderous tongues; eine A toh S 2 you had, ys Hae aking her iSicae nts her eyes, wander fact o! her. By ly be news to you to tell “Lilian entreats of his appearing grotesque in the eyes of his beloved. the No; I will nob” shaking her head. | ; « Archie, is the mos a fal al spider, craping aay 8.” n't care ; let bin erep,” says Ar stir until you knees ous a Whether this thought cartics weight with Mr. Chess , but certainly, he rises to a Teot is aa to y 3 and without ete aeniie 9] Resets Mine in the World. zi johemia, he deepest mine in the world. as dogrees for every 100 feet: of dept! shafe made by the too ———— lown the small Gluttony kills more than the sword. es has no ward the right point ot the compass. re | P. Richter. jd have before him either th turned for a long period to- td. ure in heart is Ie is thought probable that Secretary of State Gresham will give his immediate at- tention to the e walin an question, aud that apon his report the President t will transmit w treaty to the Si THE — NEWS e Ind.,_ on Sanday, Alonzo, B. Chiford, ae s in South Bend, were two sui aot =o Good pire are we grag by aes husbands. entry Herring,~ who had five coal chil- ron, hanged heteell over the door o bedro en ca ie. a iutle behind reins a little be- Fair a1 rv: ing zeus ing the ii ee Colanbas intend replacing ae foreign laborers, groes. It|p principally Slavs, fe. ‘The first test ofa ay great man is hs a Mitchell, a well-to-do farmer « r Bl h ted suicide Sunday ‘rening by cutting his a to rejoin ily, sustained ree severe strokes of paralysis when 9] ing Chicazo. Upon reaching that a summoned, H r Mundesioh Frew woree until Su nday after- His wife had in the | ty, Se Parti de buitoe tmapend: ing calamity bereft her of reason, and on Saturduy afternoon she was removed to an peylum in Wisconsip. he Tennessee Legislative Investigating Committee ee a fearful condition of Cie frat and Inst; and clonet tril ques * the nortization at ri are to the ere ou like ¥- Tell me ‘vin dae hice a im With glow of aoe all night long! condition, and many of them are so. poorly tat thoy are starving to deat his have c But this pe? n has been imparted to the mer Wheter ‘there will b2 a strike is not yet 3 a foe ba Fes e ek pinta made one think dens in this meetin ill probably go me Tels chance it !” called three or four togive maaihae i dollar ‘s for the endow- her | j all the gas and electric light companies in Can: His Id, eat seen as county bites Ba W mhe D ihe ae sudden a alt, and a groan Ren srbee diving away and the sun yea ae nee what a broad eet h eter the boy will recover it blood poisoning does follow. t dread- : th ate fee end back to his ead, till the end of back would be postponed until after Easter. besides fel dees felt ‘ise the trail with his feet, and jad be imported into Ireland without the sanction the British h ouring to 81 against the pos Je could hare laid bold of him by. groping. eaid to be engaged, denies the idee wand aE Nalie Grane ‘proposes to colonize with English eee ae about 80, m men were fsjereds os tat aly, by oa ie ina coal mine near Connells- fiying st ee ae & Aelleven will bea school where boys ree rnegie works at Pittsburg, Pa. A Het Le a druggist of Bui- ni antipyrine purchased in] U00 Wm. H. Maunderloh, Consul for many at Montreal, while. ‘travelling to are ie the kaye diseased ond filthy is ae ons Ate cael leagues of fe iI | roads centering in Chicago has ‘mado up its | ¥ iaind that the demends of the switchmen a increase m wages cannot be granted. pont: if possible, 0 eae eee thd Rolo, on at. laneh ueaver the Soath of Hi veorld than explorer hina S01 ada North ‘Volar “exiediion iS Nearly all| the phere tear Tanne 33 the Conse: Free State from their e Nile in the British Shire "of Ej ss tch from Laurel, Montana, says | {¥ a eittare has broken (out between. the 0] ww reservation and the Indians, and the wildest excitement exists at the new of Wilsey and the country round al Ree ata Wileeieed ee nieetiore ives and children to places of safety, and to deleae, their claims with us lives if neces: ti Acable from sonich gays that robbers! N. Lat. murdered a widow and her three enthen | high at Salinadorf Sunday night,and then burn- 01 dies. eg F ro of 297 to 228, declare See denee ae ce Bismarck, who has been suffering from pied nd neuralgig: is teeovering | under the treatment of Dr. Sch: er. lt is wad te a party of Rae famburg and intend crossing the usin, with the object. of far are preparing to seize the ortion of the Pamir region ocsupied by ia tthe Chi x “Chevalies of the] Tgyption Department { the Public Debt, has been chosen to sue-| Hf toed Charles de Lesseps as director of the id. the Gaeest’ Cobeenertiset Tierra) forces haye bee feated and are demoralized, Fresh sensational evidence was given at Biateror William intends being. present at the silver marriage of the King a Queen of Italy, and. while in aes will ta: se a8 ot East Africa states that the German forces have won a victory over the hostile ‘ves killing Sikki, a leader | di | of the cumstances of atrocious bratality. ‘The Ameer of Afghanistan refuses to meet Lord Roberte to confer with him as, to the | odin trouble anvong the naa on is Tate ier. ‘The Ameer claims the right to | © 10 ey a ithe tribes himself, and resents all interferen ‘The British troops have had a severe bat- tle with the tribes boyond Chetral, submis: TRADE AND INDUSTRY, The annual cafes crop of the world is estimated at over 11,000,000,000 Boal, | worth, in first hands, over $ old, mines of, the aa ee twenty-five tons of gold every week, and ye Oe the precious eal jetta: as scarce as | On): Li or ere is at Baltimore, Ireland, a fishing | pis fe instruction in all ing wi orlcand in such Widespread and destructive praite 8 Bs City “a 4 sos! houses have been riety Fires ni Now English needles are world. “At. Redditch alone 20,000 peop make more than 100,0 Rae oe me The acheme ll probably be as, allied industries as sca boat,build- sailmaking. ‘The art ot making, needles was kept a secret until about when it was jena he te the English te SChnotepher Gree: r aoe from Odessa states that Asiatic cholera has made its appearance in South eastern Russia. |The death rate is 70 per cent. of those affected by the dis A eae cable despatch gives Tailonlare of a terrible crime whic ee a the Pol Fra iol ot ee acti ae carry him north into. the neij into the rpriad that will arouse the ae Josef a ee 00,000 bushels of the | far e | best Lae tices eed other elevators, | i and stand to win or lose $10,000,000 by the init the deal is carried eee GOING FOR THE NORTH POLE. | he current will hborhood of ed for N The seraditen: that M¢ Suekson will Lead aes had been sent out e them or to learn their fate, ‘The Egyptian Soudan. The Khalifa Aone h, ru occupies the wer mts ‘to drive back an invadi which is advancing on his te south under the leadsh Bip of mee men.” ‘This des patch ean roles to no white | DiS ake effective possession of the northeast south-Howing East) territories of the Free State. fn, ae tay Uaher land thus Tar discover a wes son 6 plan is to sail next summer with ten men for the southern coast of | b The three voyages thus 1 ‘0 indicate that it ‘i south and dividing the croipelage. The t expedition, by which wat discovered in. 1878, Jas a Pay will try on his to devoto the following | tempt to reach t eens th oan the Pole, a1 Josef Lanc ink it is the only all retail vie enabl bes accomplished.” The pr Loot expedition, therefore, seems | W: to commend itself to all Atcticexplorers. N ie he this nd urpass the farthest tne return of day a year fro1 Jatkeon willendeavor to push tare nth i summer to an wort inoten mapa pty, ane sledge: gs, and | Cay “en Shain a stations to Bs srepithed ies ens to | nad le | the das @ base of operations Greely, the | hase ading Anetiot authority on Aretio. mat. held the view that Fi Joset tind bie the best field: for future moat romising route a e 1 Sir Leopold McClintock has n to Mr. Jackson : does almost certainly Sppronclianate early to the Pole than any covered: ‘Therefore, yu ich offers 0) iecontig, aA not be pends HY he teal iy gets le than Jackson dots by the However. this may be, it will be ey Dar taconting. laste mass of islands, equal to | ¢ in ace, and perhaps far larger at jat Isla Oa hh ought pet, Josef Land i ig one of the “| J of ntur The British Government asking the Congo State ihe rities at Bras: sels to explain the remar! were 1 Tnfl at after ocoupying ‘old boadquarters at.\Vadelia he had adivane ed far a the Nil u quarters of Gen, Gordon at fe was with him a forse of £,000 Public, The Free State may have replied, # Germany did when Great t Britai why Emin etend added the British sphere : shat» Kmin was a officer in G aban h more intrinsically tha me cheap, or, acco! t language, goods became a ‘eu et good family, had state of complete lethar; i age fetal recently fecganioucions, by Dr. Reffe ars 0 fe of her, in a. peculiar m one lay asleep with her mouth wide open and her tl i hroat expose the cataleptic condition. d done its when told itande at his o sold all eee te ec own expense, and consider- tended our knowledge of the south, | women ai in tarted for the south in four oats pro} may be reache any. year in the fee conditions asu- ally, Provalg itsoxistence wat ro as been ¥: isited ——__=—__—_—. ‘Well Paid Women. ing pasty gorge Terin the ice, | with board and lodging, etc ; first assistan ions aved 3 ty he e they each ; one accountant,$2500 ; and turf, which shelter- wot laric ey captur- per annum. In addition tl to the above there are about one hundred ba pees ee yn who earn from vision- | week. It i hie woman who made Thebaw’s iss fon tanta ae he. slowly Ui ih way into the new regions, [Ele Gas ae of leting se quantities of nd ed a di the Arab. slavers before him. stem admonition, “At any rate he neem ig | be vexing the KI himself Het dhreatoned ‘A @ mos expected enemy in t ——— ‘The Canadian and American Bollar, Although a dollar, at Be cies silver is a & 3 & i} Be = & E 2 Orient,” in ai “Nort American Review, hat ey are dealing in a commodity whi made to constantly decrease in value. ‘Tousils €auteried in Steep. he past five months » gis! of thir wang yin outside Paria The ate t of terminating A Tey previously Ingen to ee onaney iy Aida te one tobe ina normal state of health, patie spirits, and eager to make up for her ine E m ge As many cigs that the oocapations of