CANADIAN, stealing is uncomfortably prevalent Horse in the ein of Newcastle, Ont. It is announced that Hamilton is to divided and wil after next election, have two members in the Provincial Legisla- ture. The transactions atthe Montreal clearing- house amounted in ‘to $590,043,009, as ‘compared with $514,607,000 for the previous ir phi) Resident, 5 inert ated Henry M. as U.S. consul at THE WEEK'S NEWS. Egbert J bachelor x sl, just died in San Francisco, leaving for- ane of several million dollars. Boston wall at a great, Rei in. th; | lay. . whe sik sailots from the Spinish seamer rare Fa. R. _ Gimbereen, Oa (Ea shot his’ mistress,-Mré: Beach; fatally, and then eemied sgicide + Hanni- ag killed in ly as follows A nbvel Hes of ‘militaty’ope: in the mere lake region in-winter Re cutlned ate apt owed canal ye} Three hie at. Pittsbur aimhe ne a. Uaton of St. Edie map. aie its. biennial 3 Se at sap A is se setag ce Minerve moni: that by atolishing th je present system of sae decentralization a saving of $50,000 a cule be effected. is proposed to sstabliah « raliot bureau a folate. with a paid official, whose busi- i ed ‘a wealthy farmer in Georgia because the it to investigate al dintseas tu the city: on seal oil, which is in large demand in the United States, ang they. expect to realize Ho a ieee on ihe transaction. Jand syndicate, having leased the | U*S*- Gouden and Pele Sealey aime, intend establishing a line of vessels. between the a ee Gioveland in the eprin ir. Peter Mitchell, who has returned to Monica from New Brunswick, states that winter fishing through the ice on the Minnie one jonally succesful rintendent of Ligh! Ha Phe fire which toyed the a ~ ing the bonding | riviloges of ‘Capadinn ve Mr, Frank Thomas,.at Elkh responsible for two deaths. Mr. ‘Thomas? jottier’ was burned to death at the time, and-nownews his been mroselted of tie dentl er Haulding,who had sustained ae World’s fale Mr, Hall, the ‘Quebee Provincial Treas- rer, declares that a tax on personal top erty would be impracticable, as it would bi difficult to collect withotit the infeed nétlob the Gen rY. th neha Oscar ne Hattie, charged with killing seals in Behrin, el Hy legal, and ondered the schooner and cargo to be cont "Vice-President Shaughnessy, of the Cana- rery ae and are now running piac- schedule ti ie Hpicopal dessa Sota nixed marriages were read ia the Montre etaeT fake Sunday. Thedecree a tholic te Special dispensation, the ceremony to perforried by aptiest, ‘and the part ing themselves to have their children Deaeeht ay’ an Catholion Ex-Premier Mercier has an article in the Courrier de Maskinonge, in which he sa to give point to his wor wn leetes es was beiught about by: the eforte'ot his own countrymen, ISH. " Gossip in London connects Lord bh eacied with the Governor-Generalship of Can: wis officially stated that the ee of sas no intention of visiting the man a ae of Loridesborough is critically | in wiht tyrhold fever, and his son and heit thas moned to his bedside. ladstone has returned to London | “| from the Continent. It is fepérted that two corn merchaats o Dablin ithe failed, with liabilities amount- ,000. ing ton At ids “Wheal Owl mine, ae Sighs Cornwall, while the r from an. abandoned aay stadent ate rushed in and thirty miners were The comet medal of the Astronomical So- ciety of the Pacific Coast has been awarded iwin Holmes, of London, Eng., for his discovery of the unexpected comet’ on No- Rey. Henry S. L from London says Leet Mas ae ant considered superior to the product of ithe i Western States. The quantity this year is very large, but there is no falling off in the 5 oi quality. Mr. Ben. Tillott, the freed leader who was an unsuccessful candidate at the last duco effusion of Boe to create the impres sion toa she was in the final a of con- 479 vessels with pith fat "355,000, 1a up in English and Sootok ports at lt USITED $ STATES. Three deaths from typhus fever | Bes rth Brother's Hesriac is Canadia eyan minis- ter of London, With the son of the Bishop of Worcester are making arrangements for a Cevatat earion wads pilgrimage to Jette Island, N, “oe ai atch says all ae frosts pipe pe companies othe United Stat combin« ‘Four schooners’ are bein ing fitted ‘ont at Seattle for the sealing season, and ag hey will start out n re- ported in New Fou ate and it is believed that the epidemic is now under control. less fellow named Thrift murder- latter would not lend him a quarter. Thrift. caped. Charles H. North, who three years fie.coald get It is ated in in Washington that President termined to strike a blow at railway Daloreithe close of his ay recom: f the Consular vl sapecally abrogate the a perro Hialonders were quarrellig Saloon at a Michigan village a, Fray Bel- 3 | ight, ‘when one of the number, hous, was stabbed. Erick ee rent € summon Dr. Meloche, but the dastor deelin- a 0 to the saloor anges immediatel: eloche, inlting wound from whic the victim died on Sunday. The murderer Bin tie ington despatch says’Presi ident; nine ait issue no proclamation abolish: ais Ronneylvania Rai iiray Company hi all crgantzen lavour. business from American railways it must be because thé Canadian lines give’ better ser- vice, rt the liberty of citizens ia order to swell the profits of corporations would bea-poor sort of patriotis: am ‘The trata of the «tory of the capture of the | © Empress of Austria by brigands is officially | {iva nbtboats and troops have been sent from Buenos Ayres to quell the uprising in Cor- rientes, where fighting is going on. ‘Typhus fever is raging at Zacatecas; Mexico, where there were 600 cases and 69 deaths last week, . The weather throughout Frarce remains ee cold. In Marseilles there is skating, which is very unusual on the Medi- boss et coass. M ‘The Saar miners’ strikes practically over. | ities wing Ges ot be med deeming re-employment, but ea it only a fimite d number | y; were allowed to resume wor! ml ft 1s momen that es vs eg ee di the French Ambassador to Great Britai who is me résent in Pacis, Sit take with res t British inter- hhim a strong protest aga ns to | venti ir ‘The application of the new factory law, reducing the hours of labour in factories and mines, has acid sleed actin ol wages throughout France, and there are many copposi chdishop Walsh visor! 's opposition te the former's mission in cablegram from Vietma says that the annihilation of game throughont Austria and Hungary during the excessive col ld of the last. three days has been beyond Il precedent. he Bohemian forests it is believed that ee iecs of the game will ‘die if the © weather continues two days with Switzerland has begun to cause heavy losses to manufacturers in Southern ani Western France, with the result that many ischarged. A special cable despatch of whom are Socalists,are exceedingly bitter against the Gov Tes sated in 2 Paris that M. Charles de “ie Lesse} e Govern- ment th the fullest eee Pesaran the t of showing| j, 'n, Tot tse Patanse Gangs Usmvamames enced ren 01 by officials and the press to choose between wholessle cot corruption and’ the threatened ruin of the enterprise, and ass! to secure for Sr aee more lenien’ treatme royal pomp and “piegdour, Tuesday cess. Marie of Edin d oe the Sout Prince of Ins saadet Gormitll She United States |e man-of-war with Minister Thompson on| wi ought of card to pass through the Dandanelee to pr n ocean voy! to| many only thoughts of peril. The rom. Sm Grostaatino pis,‘ im the Turkish "Eres cht, which Rusria regards as an intima- Tied ct Turkey's Girt detariaination % to allow Russian men-of-war int ie Dar- les. <b et largely from the material of the la Cabinet the ‘most significent change, being the cinet, who has for omission guch ies peed held the portiolie of the ‘ar Departmen It = peter in seme thai Mgr. Persisco | 2°" Ar ihe i so he Car dinalate ‘on account of the Arch- tem ae <n Jet an_ovean. steamer. load at Chi @ discharge its. freight oe Liver. sw} POO), the saving of eee ‘of dollars "Tho vital thing in Coptait pamphlet is the explanation of the ease whi see end ic ld ge ontrol murce, and. i event of war with this eountry, secret: facility with Thich theCanadian mt being anparatvely few. Americans along the | northern ‘der are eipoe ps Phat the milits ng as mowshoe practice iguana, be ractice tain Slarp -propoeen that adopte movi oiateat «pom foe that has lea to mass its forces at a he depth of the intervening « ‘he idea paredness in every direction from sault is to be feared. More: pg the a cture of si for a goodly-number of w ‘The Modern Steamship. The arrival of the steamshi ronegoted Sy d_ the best. experience, nah measure as se e discharged employes, all| om _railr mpero1 se William and a host) is atte nae pe rocnade m_ of Miho'shall. Sonal the great gateway 3 “ai sam iY Sharp's litte affic in the Phe e whole | Eipit is the ald rned ould establish anew lds chat might aenley ated reliable. by’ reason of the fact thet the results are based upon many ith Bae any arles Si a a nal “ Dart two weeks, ani the snot that they b fe Tt | come through it without any great disaster ba neglect of duty for the biel after ws have jive a, dbucoatsnibed ‘passe es contro) A e Such a situation as tho. Ui aes Kowa in demands the highest sa bottom, placed at the mercy of suel as have swept the Atlantic Qocan for Fi tlie experience gained from the |! iad thay have by appened to four large ips wit! pia beng some device | ° and when it does number of passengers and employees killed i an Taking all the circumstances i ation, the constant inspection ofa railroad 8 oe ‘the ability to receive quick ‘hel when an accident occurs, and the conclus- of Tete junks x It is not Known" adore the eae DESPERATE MINERS. Ay Resort to mite Bi Bombs—socialists Fementing Trouble. ‘A Berlin despatch says :—A dynamite ing -Fegic Getpenitigchon f bee separ ipurpote of fomen: jomensing a strike there in sympathy with, the’ the? Tuome* mths Saal the district ane gale Forbach, in Lorraine, have been uneasy for some time, and the Socialists, ad- m| vantage of their sae th Tey rene to incite the men to.strike. ‘hey-endeavot red the miners to hold a meeting yester- day for the purpose of cigantting ® strike; ut the Government forbade the meeting. = Notwithstanding the prohibition, the min- oassem!| Ble sl upon. A large number of police ere pret coursing, Bb; opposition ch | at their proximity, to the _retahed Coles. tial sugges ent set since 2 ae Care! ‘of occupatio to divides the liquor sellers into three case —licensed grocers, h investi + in tons of water. ter-tight bulicheads | Where the ave ept it from sinking the shi im weather and in an y ‘ach as | 98¢ is 15. 5) ve the mind does ini Rie e g tival| this pie is j Ever so much bette: e that a re onale ceriainty of] you have ne stay at sea has’ The B: Artifici = — ior the see * bores bair is = ie ES cottages is one the industries chester, og, dante ane ee Uitte patie <aputiitel.t ry: hospital ital. ‘Tae EXPECTATION OF LEE. Mortalicy Rntglas Aawctca by the Various Life insurance ex so occupations nid is liquor sellers, police. treme Socialists, who, by their pernicious activity, seek to gein recruits to vheir -anks. umerous miners” meetings were hel 1d this’ afterngon in the Westphalian and -Rhenish coal districts, The Socialist element Fesolutions favoring a general strike were aS eS, however, the revolutions my Westphalia and the Dusseldorf district havo left the:pits, but as yet there is nothing like papers en from the Saar district are present at, most of the meetings to ask their comrades to support them by calling out all coal- miners in western Germany. The Provincial Governor met and consult: ed to-day with military officials at Sear- rendered desperate ‘by loss of all hope of em~ ployment, : re ee ee -kable Sheet of Water, ane Peonch Goverment fins just sol & Mr. Chefneux the right to refine and ex 0 | port salt from Lal e-Assal,one of the most fin the wo 33. shows that ane life risk of the av = | 0 | ke oes igan exceedingly hazardous Sa “Among 1,000 gat found to be 10,63 carpenter makers, 13.4 ; stonemasons, 16. a “The | most curious facts resulting from this leath ae among the rclerey, © e a he Roman Chili aleey; where the aver- esting consibation to tho say ot cetbaey teachers, 27, and physicians, he apparently anomalous feature of ter these figures is thet whose occupat dons fom & layman's point of v attain a grea warlike brothers of the haa Consort bet ecognia in recent years t to tables showing the dtrng the last three South American revola- Jack—Til tell you what's the matter, fe The Village Pastor Johan, you tell me Bad B The Village Pastor—Bat, Johnny, your e rid. The Lake is in the district of Obock, East which compris square miles, ipa bod at early pute Salt about a foot in 6 ater of the lake isso nur it. his had no Mr. Henry Andon, star soles oC mystery was in- ke a Bi exceptional sheet of water, Mr, Audon spent several aya oxeinining t ering with the greatess difficulty tlong the rim of the, lake. e ne & 3 as.abont to give up uitless sear when he heard the murmur of a little water 1, and in afew min stood on #l = odes, of a large brook running into the lake. Much to his surprise he found that th water rook was as salt-a3 the ocean, and a little while after it was proven beyond a dor at the ocean iteelt is the source of ater supply. The lake is about 400 f It is now known that three brooks from the Gabbet ol Karab, « litle Ia ind-locked bay Se ctteiph westetit fad of tho: Bayivt Ta djourah, ‘conduct the watersof the Indian able depres The salt, which ihe es ber ‘gathered, perhaps for ages, alon, ge of ake, is = earied to eerkibe hao iteus at nee ila Char! of ta sredste, teint ld street in Omaha, Neb., Krskine wes re eoently returned to his home om a Keeley institute. To the victors w: ill most cortainly belong the spoils under this coming pol dis- ith Republicans. ‘That was right. When the Democratic party obtains control of the overnment, which will be on the fourth of Match next, then we will expect ces, idly as can be done with safety tof 0 per ae ‘ation of pth Ee to be filled with Democra ee not ee 10’ lines ‘nonpareil, $1” per {i month, iy speci ile. the st of which is ny vice jp other Gorgan’ mining alweiges % Corres} pntents ene ea unre: Our pe ices willbe found lower. than t b bs A} fidence, 3 Baia of cxprening re feelings. No o1 er mad better by brutal eecsieeate dity and early us. Treat such as well as one may, they will be treach- erous. The cow’s love for warmth oe ‘hough mang » Cow, By environment, be hamored, Tt 1 on d put in practice to achieve success. re ano necessity to, haves era mien about, to Kill and dress a few ho abet is supposed that the pigs are in Snocess “Every aairyman should a, all times class 8 certain line of regularity, the more mark- | e In the first Blast the stable should never be kept © "The building should havea stationary boiler wai | init, and such apparatus as hasbeen sug- daght yanss follow: as mY, way to redtide bones ee fertiliz~ Be the same cows, eee it will be observed i while eh peta cow, and theione that i work that as soon as one pig. i mal "iho soalding-vat is'& wooden'box with » sheet. iron bottom, so that a small fire may be “kept under i to maintain, the proper | and heat of the water, This is 180 degrees Deithe'val, imay<berres ne I. depth. This a ste ee table sate in varu ays. slats, fastened at each end to the barn where the feeding pen is placed. ed, and a windlass used to do the lift- Practical Points. h | Phe best: manure for’ permanent pastnres i cit} iga top dressing of ground bone, From will show serie effect for seven or ing 2a pa epee ieeek piers - | menting: manure—fresh alae ftom the Stables, for exemple. Never tse the land roller ee” the a ground is damp enovgh to become impact- ed, is good advice, but to the grain grower he sure t0 use it when the ground is in prop- er condition, 9 equally ax good. Petastaking Rreath ferniers sige ates? 2 Prite select the finest heads of grain, | i nother-plants, as sources of future seed, Generally the “heavily heads are laid aside. for os purpos a trip ir the country one -will’see mowers, harvesting machines, sthreshing outsts and otber expensive machinery just ere it was last used, taking the see as it comes. ‘This jin of Eperimentite iP au In this way the risks of failure are lessened its various products can be used to the 2 to transport a load over a theory is 3 ood, bit penctiod Sw Satta ic is easy to tell how a thing oes ve done, but the only way S tall is to wo do i 1 w and still nae wery little abou the Yb eg" 'e can onl in a practical knowl- 4 oad S a* may, prove "fat failure when tried. by 2 convenient ree anemia not He very ehosphaig of potash is to keep a barrel hi sess ee on n hand. Teis aoa yale ing ton instinct that tells ber ‘hae eal eh tay and cold are never allied ; and that the man |i and provides i deeverin, Oe the ‘warty well lighted stables, will best auc: ceed in his undertaking. Cows, as a rule, ‘Thousands cot dollaes are lost. eager Tost for.the tack nat a good. roof. ove - ater little *ittge tha t every man must observe Improved Method of Slanghtering Hogs. % possible, ingno attention to the matter of how, ae tacked in veel ifdstense ae he’ has retrain or pons, where they may be easily roped By by |e ers, ral pease seu to hee 0 fect “what leaned, the next ye f te aa the ee rid themnseheas othe unwelcome visits. Hon Wi % Drummond, gives the rellowi yer) eran, whic soot ide of lion fam! 2) an what went on, I Falk ed np to: it, eat ae lion was still’ occupied too much to look Picture as they all stood around the carcass, leg, retiring afew yards as soon as do ‘ne lioness came ae next he carcass ting i ; grew. The'plant had many ‘BAY, af the page Oe of real corn or maize ; there is where the curious part of the story lies: Th win, modern in 2 be top ni He thioly tian wi rs corn Arty ate which were prov ‘@ separat fusk, like caged y ls pers Soiteneiiey aie: aaa ot ele in IS GS EEE ORE ~ Tr you want to buy or selVa farm ad ein the Toronto Weekly Mail.” paper: reaches 100,000 farmers? Ee every week and your advertise- ent shonid meet the eye of some one} pes Avertise- t3 to : Caen apege cee tbe ‘Toronto “ Weebly Mai” for five cents “ The Mail,” Toronto (Canada, ‘word for five insertions. Mr. Clarke says that, in consequeuce. of Fs exper en which haa Been atgely neglected. since the arrows en Talat, some! watch penetrate ere a Late Africa,” ie the = WEAKNESSMEN omg THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED by anow perfected scientine excesses, Soot Se strom folly, Rune a oe i ihe Tas D Don't bo disheartened it ks have robbed you. ‘that ime soe atusstow rout Seal se honor stifl ex oe Ahan Site for ou Book ‘with explanations and proofs. "2,000 refer patients. Our ‘or exposure attends roe en hme a8 Bs pee ‘when you deal with others in the ERIE MEDICAL €O., BUFFALO, N.Y. 7 it is doubtful if any more gratifying mld be forthcomil an REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER * BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, ‘Dizziness Mr oar a haa advised ue tisnienent call tl cee yee of the Stomach, Liver and Bowel. ‘abules contain nothing injurious to the most deticate constitite tion, ese tod fee ek pee) cede Sold by one person when, reduced t@ practice en eee well on RIPANS. ceca ae s ffensive Breath, and all lew York City.