= a aiiatnW sa a mo ¥ + ‘eae the money fore debt owing to Nm Then I \ywhere f = Sen = == : Ps ventured to ‘with him, and very | stood his gro THE WEEK’S NEWG, | ttenectne wor ase of Commone, has pened to clara, as], Qall\caton for tho Framehien ‘The Beauties of Nature, Sealy e060 diated. = all the ti Oo beneirerta dS Se greatian dirt pe ag eg Sor ia, the country be- | _ The Humanitarian isanew monthly dated| To those who dwell in the city th “1 was one night when we were at the cos run! ighout the coun: | /~ Shows New York - aon o who in the city the months Villa a “Augen Ths count and my try for £1,000,000. ee and Tigeis 2 vers. a hid Ge and ‘under the editorial | carry little of that ial’ significance) master had been playing cards all the even- ery way CANADA. 3 marringn of Princess Marie of Bato. |, Johns Mont the German Socialint, has large of Mrs. Victoria Woodhall Marti. | voushsafed to those who tread the fields or a A TALE OF ALE OF TWO L LIVES. ing, papas sitting at's lutle roond table|—tn carte, in teres, in ponder in octave, in re nee infested with tramps and va-| burgh to Prince Ferdinand, the heir ap- | #bjared Socialism and ‘to discuss all subjects sppartstatng fo tee | shad ots Gabuhaetisa at dee becatital clase’ to the window, which was open, | seconde, bat it wav all thesame. “My erent tothe throne of Rouniana, has ar s appertaining shade. ‘The oa "td of the beantifal in ey ished, my 5 e place in October nex! sha was fi ars , CHAPTER XXVIII. with all the ncblesse of his order, andapro- | {er saw me, strolling host ‘the ‘gar |e oveid.veme ren en-anee hepagh: Stee ae 8 ps py os ar Ras Sa invitation extended to ansilan, Gad Sojeying peed sant ig renrkaie oe enon for | atta i 4 2 mn and cal Simplest repass sat be Mr. Edward Blake to enter Imperial Par- | 2#D7ibar, and is enjoying good healt: : ALONE WITH THE SEA-GULLS. \ fdas conten ob inany shape. Death |" « Neillaon, be si, aig: you's lineal serene eigen |e {he High Court of Canadian Foresters |tisment, tho Pall Mall Gazette muggeats that | King Bebanzin of Dahomey refuses tore: Heprice tdi as ae pag dink fe on ke ce between thetwo ft “Had there been hops, had it been a|%2, What Iam going to say to the Count| “They had been fatheed pearly balf = wl will meet in Ottawa next year other leading colonists be invited to stand | ognise a French protectorate over his king- pr if t fates inti 5 tore doubtil ‘manner he hat have been | @’Augeville.’ hour before the end came, and very um Dalletass ho teastiod Wishipsy od Bossl te eae ike coming elections. dom and has placed himself in the hands of babcae herd iy beret peg ny : ped back a pace or ita rae eatin cole “The count lool ny eis startled. My pestes, it was toallof us. The count a ay purchased 5,000 acres of C.P.R. lands. | Tt is reported that during Prince Ferdi- | @¢f™ = partment | | that knot ee it asthe ether a ‘ leaning again fe j es | Ott stung to do with yop Nello Gi Went on quite calmly. ae eae very lotely, and my very pceplih buyers are shipping a largo num-| nand's stay in London he asked the Prince Gen Aoeiin aide dp -camp to the. Bae physi. barn ieNload clas ata a slowly and wit aii said-qiietly. “It is a hard’ thing, bat ou hold me your debtor for tonight’s| little, drow back, and with a’ powerfl horses from the Peterboro’ district, | of Wales for the hand of Princess Mand in| of Jersey, Governor of New South Wales, | cian sick person, it is because T| ita alk rite ati breathing has T'm not afraid to fats Sey your prayers, | Puce flang porhyec sie a ps hiadgorn sae Hippoe: Guy Simpson, teller of the Bak si Com-| marriage, and that the Prince of catales was accic entally shot dead while out Moan think 0 ia ‘qualified t9 cure: not because his | who a ud man, if you know any.” believe 7 ; A yards into the air, 9 “parent, samebnre. merce in Montreal, was drowned on Satur- | prom to give his conscnt as soon as| ing on lay. age isa guarantee. The law insists thathe : Bod ainaons aa paitne werner! : ‘That is the amount,’ the count said. | lost hia balance and fell forvard. My lord Ferd i Pepremes [rae dngl x A dall, lethargic composure seemed to) 405 You have won during the last| being Them corres ing, bad day night. Ferdinand is recognized aa the Prince of| ‘The Russian Government tried unsuccess-| tell, have a. diploma. showing capacity, g with the ay ee toid et acertain inmees mien joreee overthe twormen. “They siod knce-| py Je ee Ton an onty thou: | brovghe ba sword into cing, had | : brokers have entrosted an’ ogent| Bolgaria fally to make Grand Duke Constantine's | Which gives him the right to practice, ‘This | scientific botanists who cover the flowers of ee Mec the fat Cotenen wit een | 82) oa zen Sd eee ps y is kaa once tg a again i eee <— experim in Winnipeg with $1 1,000,000 for investment visit to Nancy a lever to ohtain from Pari is| diploma is s guarantee at he knows some- | God’s world mice eon enn ible Latin jar- “Se stint? swab & Goanieoes Glas o7 curling as them, ever creeping upward, | °*2/7)"0ce Tt rowacd. ‘I don’t remember| the soust fell right a it before he could | Br. ffi Pe sel Killigrew, Mr. in are ‘UNITED STATES. bankers a loan of 200,000,000. "*/ thing about his profession. A man exer- gon and call that an explanation of the flora z “Trou have bes ond lceston maid (824 they enced with dal eyes ait A eer eee weer eee Gascoigne, and Widow Wycherly, henson, a printer, commit-| ‘The late Sidney Dillon of New York, left | _ ‘The relations netween France and Great | (ats the franchise without any guarantes, th, Fortunately ar unfortunately : we men don’t talk about such things afterward.| ‘* We heard the sword enter: his body, | ¥# se of _water from ted suicide on Monday night in Toronto by | an estate worth between $5,000,000 and $6,- | Britain are rather strained at present, and | ¢neqpiy ene he lias arrived at the age when Hi inds no n einaninmitarcon mahal sees ley ile ‘st “The hundred and twenty thousand] and almost at once it came ont at his back | ats Taupin, of Maat. thal Popee 2 cutting his throat with a 000,000, Lord Dufferin has some delicate diplomatic | pavg ny rant ey coats maauah be x i 3 a ohh (as tach sabe latrnsiger? im- a cg urine ps Fanos ety lord drew, it | Sota “ncredulity, approaches. the pathetic There aro at present 367 Courts of th Four Italians have been lynched for mut- aie hefore him regarding the posseeslons|inta ofiee. What Hoety saraineea ce ‘ 29 th Ci wih So the ean ron | Parte good alos yn, | Pe a ned ret, th cn, wh | Pais can el mre Bm | ti «sin aan Sue,| an eevee Cntr at | 4 a oe tory, I suppose ” i ag rd . i ed for our \- ion, with a membersl e defoctived in si iduals? ‘ doa simul evinly co ieee mn ng eos | PEE ne onare nao fai. In| my ledge evo the| Si eh tn dene ne rae vd leptons company in oppoton othe eo a ves icon fo Ree alt in Maly sas emfeens wil horty| ng “en gaecat "ata tment as | ant ao ta ade Pe a ota: tk text Onn ae peas tis rs I. ; i t ination this company hes been organized at Mont | Za. the other day by the sinking of « small , e instead of ex lections and ver i 4 Terk Gates Loker ets ing linea | setae fo Os Lace ou bare ink gee nor the Brae time, tami ald idea of perpotsal youth sail bas, Dr. real with a capital of $500,000. y by sian Frode Josiph. sad theveatia pare sc aap an PE aia ferorts We pouetne oe Sana , | ou ne mig war ood econ geen, ews plone ar vay, wel Demat ani ase of, fame Alege St wu Cp st up Cele nate] Baan se wae | rename wee ae te|igto oe ene tw Teg, CE mnppose, pot," he said.’ “But i wih masked dat ge [Son drew ba up once ished. a the pot lack eteer ae F ze ‘ochin +] land, Re mers sinak Sead hr ae oo ee bai nd abealny < m given full pub ety, and then «be uirning, ever-changing ane the : " . ; B : shall try. Listen, to me, Neillson. Im | oe” Stich was’ lying: bet tiveem them | dead. "But the most awl part was. 9 ption, and now the won ‘Two bays were drowned while bathing in| , Prinoe Mic ae wt end ton ‘Savar-| Hagleod, eanoe, Beuneaen i Between | se, which would {ake it out of the hands] tife literature, ‘There few, hours we stall both be. im snotber [Pt le and ‘Dated them to mr, 0 come, While they were al gathered |e, the usin ells of youth, has s follow. pst begs Sap eae ve a eter eee rey Palen jer professional politicians and iat | poetry bat thet Whion toebe SMe ena ee mE Oe ee ine tho ards Ralls seid | around him a tall, white igre glided dows ‘ed in the long list of exploded wonders and aged fifteen, and Christopher Madden, aged pall ae tae eddie ao] abana ee ateolpeiery ia ince ws stve the hands of scientific authorities, working | pievures the soul igs.” fe one ver ilies se Be seder Lil ores thar it ig through you that we are in calle Sree nie ite Sas 4 cede from disente nad age, The wory “Tr dah bens ln mon ad ci’ | teow fo Nomary influence in Africa |for the benefit of humanicy, An action or] "No doubt this writer is sincere, but he eg! the appearance of man who has risen from iow "Nein marked at the right-hand corner ¥ te PR On have announced at St. Louis on Weilnsuay nig, « nogro| tbe mision be plgitis eerie ec al aco p) iota caesny Acomneyad peg hi in) 08 = eat Pay paelbalgee his Ww it.at once, and told him girl 1 Se ip nerte craven Souria ate Wan KUM Nomsrester hae cw of St. Pelten, Lo papate rar ieiabdaerrrpemt nr cold face h ucteoms pete lyaeies ate Be “Ay, a mn put os from a country only a short hour’s wom elten, Lower Austria, itt mind stituted th: t Be ‘deal He ave been oad fac the aud- shoulder Kindly. “Tam not blaming you, be pel er an ape ronan heer te Secaegtvac ehcp ihe Sistance from th sents of 61d world sie istrict and a rush of settlers has begun. shige oho: ak Asti, au) billed big | AScmsed of levying bluckitail Quen gizteen | wieets, nat bedsasaiaf the unater of votes |mal daqueeamy tier Macion Nelihos tiee ees Bare guiriels bret Lord Aiicaroath Meee rom ed Bare otf Tit the ye mas Senet ans ate cutie oa the ation ix this age of progress and enlig *homas Spellman of Vienna, aged 73, will ape bear oereny ihe" other day. inhabitants of the town-on tbe charge. of /given it, ‘The discovery. of electric light gloriatot ietatalversey tha eer *' know. TIonly mention this because lam ecg ba ang esignet i¢ ait spend the ues st his life S niten-| The inmerel relations with h | Bonefita the German e : Why ‘could you mot have let me die i fo. twa Jour toon - MP and. shrogged thet shoulders, The fact| gra by hie piryeipomtyie Ae Bee csiear msced SUS), hatiitgbosh tine atte Sento \¢voman hed been unfat fer, save tnicteen, haat best aan eased tp can, So with «law 51 Pahachicong (gra Mey ely in state od ee 4 iy : x story gi me * ce if it is just, i name is legion, find the be ~ PEToe notin arf so we] nash al dn 2k Te Speman oa Hes ow sey Wo tee iene “Ace eto vires ond 8] acca seat sed pnt eno tea tat Repo | ceeds tebnd fold ee aa . “Teame to go throu, he some of | «Ge? onthe count had been sitting quite sui, °c They all fell back and stood silent. My | the caspian Rajlroad, and in the course g’clock on damage in tance is reported tohave taken umbrage | preppred 149 belie) : icroscopes illumines and aay father’s papers, and dicered ace fea herart dpe ge “t will] pale and dazed. Even now be! ‘id. not | lord for the frat tim appeared tobe itnt- real pen one tpt eau seat bo ig estimated roughly to “tee oives Both were Wied. atthe very cordial reception given to Pringe | her is Tae a right, re sonable, wl be wo extends the feld of observation. To some living i aia Tamia tee ates’ tertell: Auld teak a word, and’ een Ved. tol: depen i . ° udge Bright, Morgan fernandez, | Ferdinan ulgaria during his. recent | di ly its single beauty in a , house,” ‘Had T not the right to ew ote limb that rock it will give us a little |e Tre nece cine at Sih tee aeliesiewe turned fragments of fo people “dwelt,” a n Government has decided shot dead at Memstis, Tenn., | visit to London, the Tnenouabenas inns [e2, the, subject. What. incentive. have | seat glory yo ‘hs pee = ras? How came ee: aAngeville, I round upon hip, the moonlight. flooding eee fell illand never grew old. wat tei raliiags ore antes ox cesar: = Saturday, by Henry Rostes) a lawyer Baring been alenost royal in thelr charaster, Saar eouatetl aa ti Be Ty want hes f a ‘ifal hi om them the Russian engineer learne and that the rails f : the Prince’s claims to royalty h tr pid game’ ees root. ieee nee Beautiful, golden hair an shea wich ; erally forsuch are dati] _Te wheat havea en ful last i south t yt ben recognized by the great pow. | THEY are not born apon the soi, and time is | m “How was it that Mrs. Smith has shel-|© t the Protest wa} fe You! poe cried. ‘You! My God, | veins, kept them always young and imper- Wesley Reid while driving acros the M. than lst year's maithe (andl 1 ied eich the A eer ie : tered you?” sorry that | was it vious to disease. Returning to Russia Gatcl ©. R, track alee, Ont., the other Leta lity exelent ris Coad Gor cllianeh Hified with the American nation,” They:v0 5 vege te my mother!) Mothécs will dé a | {72ase4 ev ee re you : a die ae hea ne gees and in|, Zeifer Darang, Prince Michae’s succes. | with the Keene intereat ae pact Dihots cell intetese Londo iis Hue laa eat deal to save their sons from the the book if-you care to go tree ane which he had been irae nd | 8itsingredientswerecostly,and ee nea ane was pounced upon by three men in De- \@ approaching elections in | ea e struggle so terrible between the , cir ides, she had instruc: | with the tal intend my wife to leave this house with me | stretched out his arms imploringly to her. | tion Sees difficult, of course those baler Progrem, which wae trl ‘on Suaday night and shorn of bis long ic sympatiee are altogether with the Con. | Caused vote on one sido and the bread iovasabae lev Mbt dnree ye Wiehe eas wd re and. a ee a =| aig wo baageeed oteaing But at ce pores ate - nee My mia padi ee ial "ke tad ee baltin oe bas m posse th trod rotgh Monte mt real ate Oster tetespioeaes dae rvatives, as it knows the advent.of Mr.’ fro mh ee ae ee i" ai te ae ; i nok ae ty is Bech at: of olection, but -he mother ?” he repented, wad toons 13; crvening hugtar ae age |i draperies bein, and Mile ‘Away, away Coa pea fatal nee leet va air. d States hes decided to hold their theatre afte Bret, : fy “A is my mother. ered grey mot to the little group, her face white with t pas: | Never! Murderous coward, to kill an old : sie ce sea Misiters of _ Mt, George Dahamel, who was Commis: Rox! annul contention in Hoes ot The cholera epidemic, which ig destroy. | ation deters then.” pleas | ay hes mang a ql Ree me cate tdwa tement i nt pe mm Me a wn te omn| ie Soe eS in nen al eal Pe recpegerr crreseerteepty Sire porta tem eng tos or ener iailiaen boseasohite Gea teoret ie name of lng with the poe ae at eet he ««¢ Te 4a falne, mon’ pere Pmbe cried, ed, falling fault! Ask them if it’ was not, You are bankers, rapes setae vin a asants Posey as vig tape ‘at in his resi- apne Paleo at oe Seuobarie the taal district St Persia, is navarclag| ses, Bi nee ok raise their voice mm | verse as well as Ruekin and his ilk 3 i Tin tat é rong arm around him and hel up. Fi : and beggars” came to bese ie fortunate fe , A irope. = ‘of right? Those who would in « . ay Eaton I bata MRT et ee Thon be held hie bath aod stooped as Pitetipeet engi een we Ee beptgs ya swrfllagh it wan, _ | Gatsbeowoky for inperpa age amed Robert McWilliams, | inthan in commerce, Veet W® MME! The recent horrible murder of c eat bel ea ahs ar seri ty torschen poe? d cee © head to hear from those white trembling | Hdions, a traitor. Cosile is nok marie tol cee May Gods care rest foreverupon me,” | their veins, The If is said to have aged 17, was caught between the elevator | ‘"° om ie zelin Berlin, by Wagenachuts Frwy Man; 'firased nd terrorized by demi Siortitad shes anatee mada x fNeilleon,! said-Lord;Alosston, sslowlyy | Pee te ory Of bis father’s murder. Bight sho wall goto er rai. You willnot| she cried, if T smile into your face become a believer in icacy, bub soon and flooring at the Russell house, Ottawa, | _ Henry y has signed a | eighteen, presents a peculiar peychological | 20%, Pldee-hunters. Hither ie Mk ee “if Thad known that it was you who were pe, ee pe let her go, father, wi ‘ Bia macs Gree ela Saag the wonderful “ italine ” failed to do all the other morning and killed. ee ears j leving and Bitlen ‘Torry and | study, The poeta Eee shocking ones the | ust become. subservient tothe in Mihat gtnry Ube dar me if that secret chamber! might have d Ho yut‘iiece caris'on the table himself. {| to come near me and I will kill you., Away! | that was claimed forit, One of the patients, The Grab Methodist charch in was] Usted Staten eeeOa eke & tour in the | woman havi ed and pounded | that ‘they er vi H In such glovios ‘company ? gone away and left yon in peace. I say—! ‘A DRAMA OF DEATH. saw him do it,’ ab of my sight, monster | ich! If | General Gresser, died, Loree ie General erected at Adolphustown 18 ago, | my sie i188 With fiendish ferocity, yet the murderer is that they are narrowing to a despotism | Roses plenty, roses plenty, 5: 8 might; whether I should have done so or!‘ Let me give you one more chance, Lord | | ** His dau; hter’s words seemed to give| men will not punish you in this world ma; st Roar: tk ing and the and the Methodist of the Bey ar uinte dis.| ‘Thirty workmen were drowned by the Siemans mnered youth wit | acti a sige aris of the dendorse Prine ni a oe | y 5 gi PI you 1 Pry » y Oui ys with \ great ye ightingale for twenty ? not Teannot tell, But gow that we have Bernard,” said Neilison, speaking Pepidly, Rei ciee trot courage. He sprang to his Ge sao to in the next Phen she fell on | e*8twhile popularity of “vitaline” audden- trot will oslabente she eeu tenary. cals ee they were goat ness for pets. Ti met face to face and alone,” he glanced butin a low. tremulous tone. feet, shaking with ager: 8 again by her father’s side, an ly rons . DP Gatolkows cy was arrested an TiautenkaicGocnnenanuane of bee, | 2%: the Licking River, near Covi jae SIRI I morphine or to San or to. al ug, I 10. Itis nos the little knowledge, Found with a slight shudder, as though for sWear to you here, on_ the Gacetold ot [trevor ne lao Allien he cried, ay alspen Fawn z to save himself from the serious cons Sir Leonard Tilley abil 5, 2,| Ky. Census of the Chureken, chests ee eee tome e plese, tee aia sri iy Aeuon aaa ] : ji ‘ a eat : ; Se neat eee rea ginae, eeven Genel (0 be conse. sant gan tes Rance Sra | rh te how wap Povo a. that ni Jet me carry my secret with me untold in * My master stood up, quietly. Ten the mae ae i one had pointed out | nicious habits and depraved appetites. Pat | laine Disasters in the United S % “ ue ca seal my le forever itx ao» eel shbarege eiiel aMalia Uae Youtwill diaa|’ : "<1 ohallnot.fight neat he said, ‘be- Wleasures Most People Miss, Ene has arri a t me ross Newreatle, "enn., the other day. Ten thousand pei ie Keay sek mes, in his childhood | is a paradox to talk of men and women gai rs in the Un| itates. grid Neillson, passionate} happier man—and so shall 1.” cause, in the rst place, you are my wife’s| | At a time when Methodists, Baptists tr ‘Peat pdf ithy Ure! ‘i F ese days of |ing Power over *natare, when a corray Lord eae Trad Haveaeceniy gue toca Neillaons | fehec’ auld in che weet aad wee a en Cerkeaen ecd this coal ean be put on the market in Can-| _ By the fallingof a porch in the rear of 414 | Kindergartens and improved methods of in- | sooial condition is making : fal to death,” he an ish and I claim DHL? dante tine nabesitation dhs, tnwocthy gach dietit hcert et are ‘cna in legislation for their fs cheaper than all rail American coal. | State street, Chicago, Friday evening, four | Suction generally, doubtless inore chi roman more abject slaves than for I stand even now upon the answer. ‘Speak, Iam waiting, the time | English nobleman,’ own governance it is opportune for the cen ae to health and long life. Yet as long as ‘The number of fatali shout the | Women were aay three of them so seri- | have their attention directed to the interest- | were dragged about in chains. : death. I can say no" more, | is short.” j + Ho id it I_ don’t know, but some- | sus report, aaying ine erate ef religion ie d Fibres omen San eer a: eater sraslina tel fue drosonbuyolons te et iy shat siey mney ie Wil ihe Gio hea ele aoe poe iran fem sod to th petit ula bid t : a ‘i - ‘ g i iong will there be remedies and specifics o! -w placed at. three, one child 12 | Mrs. Deacon, th f th eration | oppose terests of humanity in ie side mein the war sereeearate Staten fetid Lond eiaeie toc sine ceetiong ain tamed, sol ideggera pe and two of 6 and 12 months pee | Causes; Francests fala torbe rei rele Sid ery ey ys aretiight Weheey Neda eeu ts hing yo will, preniate 7 thi rte will go on experimenting wit 10 ment at the home of her broth: i ; fo observe om sovsFf won, BCI wi tl you sik, werdroandiackvan! nation theca os 1 FON, hl | a ce ae eens of Fons 0,8, yma, MP td El or Selo | Ray nl oe alo alg ret ice h |t poe ire Wit retaati hathe ateech of he Tibia g Oa tholica have eG rian | and draughts from the Fountain of Youth. pire hie dagen , New Branswiok | _ Lightain struck two keg i paictd air fecea me pinhira Popa ident, discusses the question @ aS “ What if I have yow arrested as my dragged iesand the weird cries of the | am noble, too, and you shall fight me ! ‘The greatest advance among the Protest- | Tru ae ye as ade ae rem than fiction, He has bought a large "Cadinery. at Dena ton Someraet, Ky. pevtous dpe ered sl bape pectiee Se eee says =n you plagbathiaie eo ae Cie father ordre ‘There is a warrant out «My ste heitated for moment then | ante hse been made by the Methodists, and and, te Imag.oaton til aud ie ting ¢ up so as to greatly increase | by the explein which followed. “Many, i its hard to see how they can much ealight-| an orn seed tn the same plot of ground, | €1080 their significance or attract peroial ; A er 7 ci, Ake tite oe fat) ug) ie. en the minds of their children, unless they | and let them grow to; i attention only. : be an Mien if five so long I should probably ‘Alter this id, A rescind my| the Charoh of England closely following, —_——_—_ Rev, Father Brady's horse ran away at] | A construction train ran into a drove of ke special pains. to read up’ for the pur. | earth, the eame ait, the same saolight and been four destructive wind. a hanger ieee ie seeaered smi cou e pearly rps recent ess ae ibe tae toh eh Sympathy for Mr. B Ws odstock the other day, threw Miss cattle on the Chieago, Burlington & Quincy | pose. If think of the matter at all| the samo care, is there any question as to | NeArly 200 perso 3 ot Shaken wish eck me nse: TESS mony nae sat |e sot mentor Amn oe a pope tes phat ten as ip ae land lr) eye pomergencd ens ee eal ihe GE cra ° — “ : 3 eredi = | 2 5 E Sars erin satg. | Tn mon i fll du ia igh day | the ete population 6 nat lew than | rae ation which at allen upon him Faring he probly fatal. "Dhar wag tr the visniy at] We ich, irene he practi | ronment dot na ad sty with ogre, ety : ara hoped i ‘ : ord i, |im the death last week of his son, Emmons. ir. Kelley, e Montreal High school| Mankato, Minn., on Wednesday 7m the one who knows little out-|to human heredity and environment, it is | Atak ea m th cine ery pipe Oat loo as: ont in bolder colors, and his mind was gift- bogs ee pen eee gs: cereat The bene Perot; ee 5 the | This sudden bee vement, ay mah! seo oem Sopalies Canadian re ilies tative which killed bet forty and itty pbs es malay uckont en # work, ne Lied at ri we that an individual rove = Bees Gty: pals Be fay 3S, Fined i & od 4 s ¢ loss of his eldest so: q ‘on the committee who are to prepare for the | an erm an immense destruction of prop- | O°@mary sc! eacher is apt to stick close- | very strong bias from his heredity. Strong | Aare te ges wer Missis- ep cise rie as bid mayo ay ee el with "aided powers ‘af reception and [ten atanlifted the curtain and look-| have eoined vacly ia Ontario aud the Wear, | 4aaghet, Mis, Copplager, will World’s Suaday Soliool Convention at St. | &F PIOP' [ly to his task of touching ouly the things| inclinations and conge nital defarmition of SPP! 38; Fane 6 fire and il Creek, a phish he istched Oi | cavoutenlas tb wuts au tha GOunt laid enid,,| the) Stave lost inthe East. ‘The Roman {ible blow. Emmons ane was a young nis in June, 1893, wines, white men, Bere | to lay the oh in his textbgok, the development of | character thus conferred remain, to a cer- “ Mr. Brudnell to be| as light as day. | Catholics have incteased by 12,351 in the |™n of much promise. He had excellent me has been initiated to sstablih 8, _ entered e childish mind is ‘generally a matter of | tain extent throng life, just as do inherit | : ‘our father’s confidential servant just be-|. ‘**As you will,’ he said, carelessly. <M. | Maritime Provinces, and the Methodists by | natural abilities, and his business trainin, a School of Practical Science at. Ki Bageteld 8.C., the ather mora rhe ‘4 ed physical infirm: fore he started for a brief Continental tour. @Armande, will yon honor me ? 385 ; but the Anglicans have lost 654 ant thorough. Since tl o A deputation from that city ill avait pen ie riddled one of the intruders with ist recognize Be H ‘lien only twenty-one years old, |. ‘*ML. Victor and Count 4’Augeville whe the Presbyterians 6,548. be the ax. | elkee Bile) ne Be. Cae te eet wate yf bre ay aaicons pyr oil tra ei ) : ; Y # siden fetes | ies tape anes rt |v "yn 2 |i rns rio nas |S a, aa ing nee rar hn nari | Thveh rims men the dite shcerar h c : : coe: eer were fh ano under unfavorable chose the fous thought have t eer ii Me rata sen fr wees» ve Monsiear the Count,’ he said, ‘has. no reat, ile th Roman rere noe Boab dobly gatiiyiog faite the Baek ‘out Stag the epectires saline two trains reali ferent Tncoki bk eelanis lap fitted ie or serious study, { geatry with Boral heredity aii Rea eE a iedereiings wi enong the Method ty alae alle ‘The imports from Canada to Great Britain | Couple of pillars. ; pe ey stooped down and entered the cave, j mountains, | Except sre your. fi father | Has Lord ‘Meeton ay psrinet ats to fight| ‘Th signifi cant Toatase “at the, ea- | Slowed dna st FTES Sa increased three per cont. during May, and| ‘The ad seiko Wena ak. Movado ea tee ee nee re ee A acre a ee el ehecded be pare poy uidiaiecitis av hese sus calculation is that to be derived from | ess. of his y gt boy. Ghats thirty per cent. during the past’ five| Methodist minister at Madison, Ind., has | possesso1 4" 1 gi fe question of here flashed into Nelllcon’s white fae, mor | spent most of our time im out of-the- “way the figures for Quebec. Tn this province | make the {aie of Hmmans Bie eee pe been let a fortune of $2,000, 0 by an old J Suprnaeet atepeerre cig peberni Sor as a z ie ° she ae E x any natur- 8 “Listen!” His| Places. Chance Ted us to a small wai in the year 1891 there were 140,417 Pro. | trying to his father, inasmuch, aa, the ok Haan eae lee eee whom she refused to marry, and who | al taste for such matters to acquire inform. | will come to the conclusion wre | eed sees Sealonigh” oe wned in the wild|g-place on a ae we ane within a ts and 2,78 Hees Sasaorics. prenphtbonl tai z Fi oe Matt MERESaEL prottey Sein ests diss Bache jor. in thee Atdture voter seanelvel that they are Bie o sat “ re inde ttnre, er iens ae Bifiicese lace, and we tok pee Pesan sae ee = Bact at T knew aside "in 18 Pen a jeg stood cree earl eee Bese! filial lopaity uy ils ey el North ent havo return Depew ao aes ed thes Chaney eel going scound he is quite likely to ave i A : 2 : * : to have had mue express themselves well pleased with Ste made United Stater Minister | stop and escertain the cause of its_ motion | the side ofthe skull unequal : While they s re a. torrent of | time at the hotel iter, and was gi the choice. new | thus: Protestant, 143,407 eda: ot rvumuely aad Hertebath, r North. West Mea heerlen to England, and that Robert T. Lincoln Ras ihe Weine ourichie a a aK r 746 85 3 y is not a1 the | of them are in sor Se] a : green sen streaked with white came fess was bere, ot, the Fation, (Uh fyoun ia nay, iaiioes was the m oa bella ecient ye sp onecsnth Fa wtie | sn been ambition will prob- } ill recommend it to the posi af Ghabes Will be reclted and made Secretary of the | growth of» plant, th the light of ied wi erate | ae Sanjaring aN heen it mi fire, nds hy “drowning 1,804 5 by ex- = 3 ‘| id. reached to tl * | cor knows what happen with pistols; but | there were 180,309 Protestants and 1,170,-| 9>1Y eae ae gran sense, to the \ 58 prefern le to the Unite: ents of an inse , however, some | faces evidences of de; a. cherie fal ing structures of i “ My rd Boriacd ocied Neitl| pleasant manners. Aslight acquaintance, | with Swords T felt save that my aster must| 718 Roman Catholics. ‘Then one-seventh | bereaved state ose sake millione \ On Monday morning s Ind sboat 19 ate E, Kano, a Lehigh Valley operator at | older person would take the trouble topoint type of character. i : i "208 by by a oa wringing yas aS oy cake ah EA rue the tion casual g' isan peers ay de tig, einai Ge See Ge of , “Avuaitais i Bae as one ot eerie tgs ee oe Be ee or serky bes fore pasties 4 N. ith Re i eee the Hed lo Gy provisions of nature that | distinctly marked that we haye what is a tora, er} Y and is i Pel ig 5 = > = le a e ate wo 2 jay in of his t | lie 101 ‘eri > ran ' e tot: if ag ‘er now indeed. Fool, ie that I was to|timacy. Alas! Alas They ed the windows and trooped|1891 the Protestants number 196,966 a barmabtntesgecreat SS bree gaged nd oan am and and foot | Westportal, ae re bullet holes. fa bis childish mind would in aif oue find ae astern how much hh 2 bei Shera 8% last ted kee aes u here.” ‘Soon your father ee to visit at the | down the broad, white stepson to thelawn. | and the with str He had nothing on but | head. It is believed h entranci th sadn Mae ite ¢ ts “What ins bappened—What docs. thi counts villa It was a ‘nce place, right | My raster was ie lat to go, andas be was | Now nl n enterprising electrician in Indiana a new night shirt, a pair of woman's hos, Hinata Hin te aha pele ort rag Ph tah pega ad eta pg pe : i mean? away from the town, and finely situated | quitting the le. Marie laid hold of | is Protestant e of hegre ago constructed’ an electrical and a pair of slippers. He extra-| p, At oa} Sa, = isaie of infants have stating of 1y8 grow up ids fair under- rg pres wise he has eoaia venes So it is evi- / «tthe soak atound us, It floods the | close to the clifs.” ‘The count was a widow-| Lisarmand whispered something imploring. | the provinces the Protestants are really trioyle, the description of which brought ordinary story of being kept in coufnenvins | Poe od Fe Sc hedicaa fallwen eae toe largely developed, while his conscientious ie a) ‘ ‘secret paamage sk every tide, and it has doue |» with two daughters. To sum bim up at|ly in his ear. “He shook her off and turned | disappeari letters of inquiry from all parts of the world. r years, od dowii-in: w cota [Pry a et nie ee a stems fellway, Spee, dab | sebes\ia shlly Sub esta whose ba | tacretalboned z sonow, We cannot get back. as also a scoundrel and a gam-|away without a word. I shall never forget | example. Woe uochine eer nuke by storage battar. slinped box and. chloroformed. and that when pgs reels hig B's lex fonpte page «99 i feta poate nel pon and who has longo aye Nr Ahad cathe isan Tgealls the degot ait have 3, is bie face, It «look could have slain him| in 188), bu ies caried under the saat, and ch ho recovered cons on record who have been favored in iy Reenter story. tain tobe a thiet. “Is he, then aes ot cra hela’ It) ¢ecalls the diys of ee, jitid heredoes the tide Feach here?” | ler. esha tl a | er face, If a ook could have slain 18 is the here are acer te coheed espon eae ere ho reepvored consciousness he found himself| way. some inysterious reason the interest of girls | any more responsible for rae ‘palit, abn | Se LIAS Wee one Bak ae ee 5) g Neillson Gonted wo the dripping root, _ | fal and wonderfully alike. From the mo-| ‘It was astrange scene on that] is keg. Th 0b, theca | Whether the mechiva creed oapea bait 4 erful search light will be placed on | tirected away from mechanics with such | in the atraight line of honesty than another | ee ot ee ee 1 < "The care issubmerged,” he. suswered, | Bont of his introduction to them a change| little plot. of grass—I don’t think were 41,477 Roman 2 Gatholies and. 9653 practicable in the form then adopted, o: j GREAT BRITAIN, the top of Mount Wal ingot will ba | gorse in esetiag oa oekh eee ee ee, netived fot: dalbemuity. oF | itn the emie react De saieis Begs : | bitterly. ring|I ever ¢ | Protestants. Now while the Roman Catho- | whether its a hesitated to undertake x * intends selling the tamous the highest and strongest in the world and | £° Sta? in.gctting on and off a street-car, | his limbs is responsible for not walking as| {rat the grent bettlos AME re? | ; oth gC A ne 10555 i is ite hte Aa tot reuse ‘alaevp Tary next yeai Will be seen from portions of Maine, Massa- ee ed eae rater ot Leyitoet ally Nes seas vith faa) loo? Satie Bray batilee ko, reraha owen itd) | a rus! outside, ir vail “ tare ‘Ge pable ew ‘1 sete, New ire Ve their: must admit that such persor smaller ones that little attention. was pait : ei long waves wers rolling to within a few cmnetgi ila at ator reat, Beentipn E maha a EE dace is ky to remain in| York ees ae ee the ki ki indengartens succeed in teaching | sponsible to a certain degree for their kets Oe ks ae $ : e oung and old that the common things of | but just the degree m but God really | 8° £@t eclipse the smaller ones thatthe lat- Hx spray was dashed in showers into his face as : | inypntor, Bowsrers is asabitibus tbs die ta rita Sale IN GENERAL, life are as full of beauty and wonder as th FL lawn hes HY | ter, though th Id he’ oon : he stood there. . He | i and, | there, either riding or walking on we: clike firs is cs peers the full of beauty and wonder as those| knows. Our civil laws, however, make ng | %ef» hough they would be considered ax aloes ree okra, wilaty sem en Eee specie ced spaoinaSle electric tricycle, and has patent- e othe ih on the conclusion of a fed wna ~ ee seen aa hogoeney teil’ coer h = Sedo oe digerense in Geir jndgment of such, and of pear | cic aee any ordinary “Codi = 3 chi iB ferman ‘ , on- who, with gi der. EE as ie i pte me jn Cit Cop of Nr Later| "ing Hom fly ke sve saetaseerete | i ek ees ee | cma yang rat theré the least i ding even a| sure. Which be preferred I point in its construction, however, is that date tor Pasting sys him to Germany. bre they lose all senso of propriety, and | er progress iu the United i Abhe LH Bg j ite for Parliament. 5 which the rights of propert poly P States an any io While ood there gang hope | Rot, SST the Tia Saye te be sae sft wal cian Mh Caters Panes Ook Ta 2 sa cn ae caused great | of the ways of nature ought to produce. Ha Hat Bi nipere at i pa | ew other Bold game except bascbal. Says the a = OG talk of ta tothe th ‘ torun a Inbor gandidate against M Z Salisgadear state “he siguety | Nom York aces ae ties frp elnipempetiges Behind aad srs cara oflenta tes sels OF comets ro Been : 1 8 NS Pvotabtants. Thstame | eels neers ng tothe te wight stone in Midlot ei ince Bismarck was warded a monster| A curious incident occurred in a recent by every parent. © Crile jaw sine ove other outdoor sports» In a Dilppng with wot and breathes, eilon| there was s good del of gowsip abou! thom | my ‘maser toed thre gui calma, with| story is told of Brome. The 2,540 Catho- | is claimed that in ‘i way th wel ra of ihe uaay Blizabe beth L Louise Monck, wife of| casin of the Vino Tat praia the 0°, Nine lar of tie Casratifol ter Coles eas as ae ‘stick’ and a rvping sit areall that a i , siaggered out to his sid, sobbing and ery-|'_ the town, but Bins, Cecie's name. was is shir-aleves rolled sp, leaning 2pon his) Tics of 1861 havo grown to 4,058 in 1801; | storage batteries is mee fonck, formerly Governor-ieneral alof | Herbert nt | yas batssigte ‘layed bell jane boner scaenlae as thas « ane tight necessary for the player, ‘There is no + | Sword, ant by * ig ¢ ie 7 + ie mi Bomar Lr Berard” he ites mie, whom the-war emery | vent thm and saked i be = a Nag- the otber| | The King and _ Sept Tay anv at iden. A dog, anzions fo put himself in| tacle of tho ‘Engl bused, ne Ls tue eases OM een ne ae af as er ere re SN EG eaisiod, Sr Pedi aevighi te wad. “Cha | totualipa ek eemmnsiange toate | ie orang wage = ncthel ot : re. een ied tee warm weome "7 | fieldaman coald get to it was away with his |son'nd as saan? cy ainecie sia by ips ick aol int prion gates ‘ “e yt tice, method of i rize in hot hast. 1 1e8 of the et cet feast wistfal lock inh be ac ech tga de ve ari aa eee vee cnr a al Let mots ts 10S ad a kee Ie Pree = he Bering Sen biter Pits E medsid Rea wrospee ne Kfeanwhile the bate wets malig he ea Pool ne Selle, ta tae fa it stful lok jn his Une eyes. But there was a saantee wee balay ange wimg money | better form fiery ee Ey a SL tion. [ori y early.suimmen| best of such a rare opportunity, and Emperor William and Emperor Francis! glance, and to act with- rapi : nofear in his face. He was something of a{ —Peiug cl out of them, in fact, ev have seen one or two er | while : Lave increas: a motor in the axle of the wheel, This stated ‘that Lord Charles “Beresfond,| 3 runs were put together before the ball ata | Je vil il give prisel in medals between Siem daring oat exciting moments. i iptora something of a Christian, and| Bight by Count d’ Augeville. Once I re-| saw another oe. oS ‘Thecount went | ed only to 61,829, which means that they sae Ree the motive power to the now commodore of the British erniser U1 of whéatin Fes Bar eee reosyéred. ‘#T'he umpire decided that the | 2" etmee Power whe: will’ fascinating to. players dnd spectat es member he had to go to England to raise| at my master like a fury, but he never seem- Sesekat machine. : aaneeae Wil gkin eater oe ae Jirene “eIS0T, ll wis tead, be al Oelytod of the from we from the moment the refereo calls ‘pla oS Ee sed cate runs to be scored, goal.’ Lastly, mye a ok cc lard gine for toda eS