AGRIC ULT ORAL. foe es . | whether our soll sh = eee Poult ree et oe plow fe Seshsy rial fet OF pon deep § ity a nr te mnt dink cities best adi AN EXt poss on cape eloe higher piss be Ce spied tar ol [ax ean or: on. h is better. Th 2 J foung nattsnman's sil in; sal deoeee ae fo Hollowing | almost ns FI Ivery ribbon of all fermen ee ret Mr. George z atte totaly excluded, i may be 7 i : es alee frome eet fete ae GAG ad yal att peep = A il and beat to} Wealth: 7 le, ern fi a me, CEIVED walk stteng cara sy, In caponiz- | forerel fee ee depenis mpon: the it re Tali maeeel aon old fe ee ee fires HIM IN STYLE, © wh cane ties baa mh obhignd toto the | Hew bed shar hile we enkaos: si a fom el i merohant, t | feck we hast feel tikes gh ob oer What A Big African King ¥ nf chiki suits hi le Ri ow our soils, oO: adventure | ©4 bt flashed a th Envoy from Welcomes beh Serge | his convenience | 22‘ jen does it . Farag ss pb i Ser my| Abo: the the first ther, to nce | and buy an it pay to runni when T he rough m; ut two Congo Stai e1 her, to th as we other ? cast aside iD I y heat- | sent years ee po pe othe ett th | en a ee desea reece oe en | sot Let Dir ap the Kango ever : ial et mY he) a ae Se artes |e ope anh pe co soy cae grt aiid gf Saal BRITISH DIPLOWATIST 5 : ee rarer Pat eee aes OP: | Weare sui, implements ite hss eels oa tide i efatys bt te {| the Stata these now trois eee 8. guog abteans bat mort ot ené when 1 ‘ ‘as well or. lo ve » but the fe has ies in of The: ~ win, youn; ponized Soine fi or a: 7 a lang ere cat | the De] recen’ bel y Do Not Boast DISCOVERIES ae Sele get ssi po seg pce spin ge np 2 ner one |S bein the ae i aad the # se sepa | ee serbia Tey Sette repors to. Diplemact. Ao agrey aE of eae eet hats tn roncen et BY EMIN PASHAL : ponds. ear when’ the geen orien Ne golden will poy pee neler apply Pasian ete paceman tative King ae ‘detaila d PL ‘Describes Mow es ae sntaet Prine sie iar halientin lon of Ue eae ere abe agh int sparely 9 backowater oir ota Tes pelle a8 me thes weigh | stopping o fists e situation, cor sage e Kuan, M rule i eet teen months. wit. | poured and af into which the Nile carrier Pigeon i you neai pping ordi least hi can rl mprehende: , though no 4 ir. Edward W: told a rey sti While all ter filling it hi bs tal 4 ns in) A 28 iy ats eee es ‘y toe re ee Siraey tarts leak. Stanaeiies is m ded tot ee bar pat Eg - songo, and li eee hatknown are on tie ena pale orgie cota a mown | bad need jo Forign Aur te shone : ‘Par and be eve been pont a ie cerpors ip : ens we a carious pi le win tbe fenide; shadows # cloudy di an ten or twels wil fthas ore thrilli this obetacie that! prdsceimctesioih es ed. 5 ives wu = uta London :— lows e ilomatis who | odly re 7 e has 2 Bass ions o! prey A ivilege, ide hen and lay, as| Wages welve ho ork in the | Bis rac ‘ing than th le that it di y its striki pon the righ’ For several oun ervice, a very | bardshi have navigated ‘Albe: sha, wh re fe a ae ee et Ron can’ eee) 200 when the: murs to sa he for life fro: e story 7s re was iS dEL nat Leoans tocee ight bank o: ue centuries = of gman, but ery iships, news suecum! - | ported tha: rt Nyanza 0 | fly rs . Gi thé xy are losin, we $1 in | CBOUS Wil fe from an 07 e ete a ft I an oj me fre 30’ south lati the he reputati the Spaniards aan to habits | fect; es at li t he had bee: ¢é and re- 4 Pp is Ns very plainly | farm. pp ge tere Bigne, psp tains vergrown of | I jumped without ft sboub five tase. of thi titude. islbestunts, as being the most ie Minister a day a tradesman ly authentic sor last from a tributaries. n unable to find explained by ie bheslntely neces adv: y good fi of. somethi ten- in the wet! safely on th out knowing five feet. tes tha “Warsi ea tists, ak ehea he si ton and extrem: urce that he has a fason any | lectun sprived of ry. that ec. Ea | ane farmer is ing on the | **4 be,” hwestern, e other why, and lan: pire of Li iors a third-1 ¢ Spain had Yold him he had | discoveri erent made on proved, hows ure On ot ino all Thea your ae inance panic sami ground eae tended vhcongh = save Lpiteiatserenge 1 meet Ba side, sbut “the ria she Pen putas cet te trgery sine he | 5 himnann, tha nee ink oO mri oy Sipanr the lake f rom ie pee ee Grea i ‘ ‘heobj fol fern taa "wins ‘in! e'iesion i .e forest r that ex- | Cul gtd 2 ‘@ nar M vere led by it - is particular bra e supremacy journey . was rr. "he question no’ e striet condit institution,” intestine object of thi on it a t for man: - eee mp as row | The present fata Yz a brother own tim nch of y y and who has 's comrade on his river carried the wwe anes re. that bot E that Sin ae eiteste ‘to tea: ee from sn ery smooth, y miles, | man cat? Tsu noon as I tt King fs on: ‘amvo ‘of © phot e the Russians hi In our rman: wate fois fs Stanley had e waters of the lak th : you can empt] . the a z camp for One eveni , and entirely | Wond Gad the hode fe Paeeoeing, Pe ip ato ‘ eelling all oth s have the credit ther | Nile, d seen to A! lake which readily get at possible it Bin f 2 ones wines this fenoeets Telefe the sia veered as a hs eet oods- cs i dirbopeesaa tg foreign er nations in deali no busi ier | Nile. A number rt Nyanza and t Soo re here yng Pat ag? | a eae ay etal! wien meu adh il bold an Bobet te oem eng an an Fre wn wrpblhen Ptr tn ine See : completel: ‘all, for th lturist Oran; e sky was i illages fachiavelli eT combinatior press him for together ment Geor 1 the Nile s; coun bird. Th ‘all 1 reason e Judd Fast Rac! ‘Dhan’ e Kis bh ; 0 ° ste yn of | Servi 3 pay you or na with a jeorgraphi likely toe system, but c the eon ing i a most fri amv ose wily arts phistopheles, before came to leave thi map showii yphique, mpty its waters i more ahortis wecotice ness ss ia the Lace, fe saye : | but It will in England. riendl; of n arts mere ordi 2 sued the attac! ing.” The ing the discov ‘ht i rs into the Cor room, e to m you hay a few sti D, dee rprise tabli Rog jo avail. The Briti Fy astateness sttache and i radesman | _, He has i ver | 01 ion wasset at mg0- Se tao tesa oy eae is ve crees | Suntared i ae Tapas Bestia oa Baa Spang ny ple who have am the King’s oe : aay seueseic oc raegctepr pees ek cs aa ‘il judgment, The | ee tise te cabs “hie eit ase das oe Sed iphony tet tags ats after fasting #3 hen I was - | old com bitin: Pus hte are ru scattered a diy rather proud riority. Mas retired in the next ¢ | OF, a8 Stan! e, Mutan and to w ed the Red ery differe ing for] ‘doles covered. as warm tingling ountry to | merica up iplomacy is “ of de tne ject, of cor e next Gazette. ke ley renamed it Nzige, jich Stanley i River, xt mt, and le, if he up ai x though lish leas in the the boats. con- itand,” ‘a game tl g that | tone and of course, i ; ‘Albert. Kdwi on. his last eee y alk its natty x Fes testicles. Th hs shir oto pees “es eats pede se 6 is soualy England is plagg sre gia the| ‘The Ki opoldville, on Stan ee ee ses ‘under: | lomatic Naechey emah geo ee Pople | amma aon rei os ae 2 F ifuta Neige oF Al: f ple fal to eaponize is hat they do oo pecs errs Saunt paind fatificlere pgewer by mic, Haat time in| ting heard that the, white f ieee everywhere ar goo af lover es itiah diP-| undefined. wage crema Ota ets erate, yar of the Nie | information oka fa beoain they 4 feat that Tou stillness where the ‘ing that 1e differ- } While Dh is ite man was in man em, "The fact wa worl ined. It was, th — ined Togetmelér abo Ret #2 kecome mada nee ald almest hear” the starting posts rote AL uae Kec heeen ete iy LM wa Tos dpegepe be facts, in this, af aro taught NE YOUNG OFFICIALS hows edi guasaee nerefore, not known |it hi oy Eee eae ones igeon lofts ” for uo difculty in eatabiahin os eee abe ee : : 5 ote ie Se a ‘ee rita ite Shira sos oan i nrg tt | eh cota ee eee (aces rast St nd aoa os : mptic for wher too 1 mi of ppeared. men, 1d bh self-control * | con intenti ys in solve ‘. t lake. me, Bate stwnd es hac all ws eb fr, diane] Bl Ti fi Ses eoge vin, daly ty ela fr Sn oak ap ma ott and ae | prvi, Sse ined | ia rr ern pe 1,20 | te no Wee ‘Ata the wor in done “fone by. atboy. : thd portion, Fis, “rey mines Tl gone ov pecepae : ee fhe polls eont a offender ay a ere gogrpic, Wee Ste bis ol | ing astends simon sor Peagly spat | show jovial lenty of re Baki r chickens . Also re-| birds hae and gone i ES spectable nob e-living, but emin¢ xy -ZOINB, il , nephew aite recently, | spher tween ager Sas Be Ree ‘Two northwest and sonth- ee ee iste fre clean f prs chickens | bite td bed Edad gouk ones | heriletel £ fat cdi ently Oe iors Sapper pry orion: gored ctr nocttieen ss we are ass p them in fresh water. le 1d just, ete. and elsewh ead, bi ly been shor ) he Queen abroa ‘gentlemen who re compell ti — tion of the ith a Bray its | tance ce besa. can oo nintik the a house . Iprefer to ae ihay sel tndioating detheta with for | came anot istant. $c Bs the tobeadeetiere f ‘tie P| by @ ai} ire vs reed ctlet ixing the | hav dela a reports f e of as wn to d iy for ey will ig defects wi ther ci reech 0 oductit 5 for se ines of promi ard. of Lake Albe: re. Ok y at about thii 7 miles let them ron with he led up, sat thon oe] oS frit aly om 2h a free ae Aes age te (dpbatse Sie 4 wa i a ok all She iphone, sie Srowed that the moepen rl le, _ Hever on March 22 last = doable pore ot the highe eye miler an boure “ee ee _ tured appl member en if partly | 8° ol ‘as a harsh tend bors. Fy poner r boy: ki nley’s ro year, and eres) jest geographical x iy | 89 close wa: > una ny the deed, yusly, far nown distri yute went into Wii _ el lav cints are by Farmers. atau Ts sno moiauie tan the beating renee rg gms is i ret, Lincolnshire m vanes ih anys ie wa ne a oery treaty; and v broke a, inaeeda nad: Se nee Ryo ois rn ey — ee Mids oe Lets alive, it he Tabon Medial Compas : i i ; spears. ; and very ofte mise. ning of M ¢ lake at im of final ‘oronto, * every seca Sree oe ae wunekosii oi picking oe ing, so lashed forward. rm ion i slvr are mile is eae eahe sitet to have been outwitted 2 fae ‘and, me, the: seb ofa po EE sent nie bevlrseg the cn Ok ee. Ce ith = is now ai bvery farmer may engage § wustry that | Btrela ing, and costs Just rolivg, ana | Wick siete ar, There was a ss 5 with 110 Ibs, 2 in Ame athe sealer hat ig aera ae cas ce Peet Lines or Choreore of a pablie oan: direc ee ee southern abypeany have cated ibe in ptieg ‘consulted DE c Seo taitee all fai do Tou af dafeetty much for tl snarl, I ind, and ° math Dark! ade the numerous vi they m bd foreign diplomac saa forfeit his ave the ion along the ina norther!, Take russed and meats péculi bs etter on all fae eer cesta Mao pe eee are one she mate [gua tateene wh eck | ils ena oe giles Seri ie atk "ethno pepo [aa 2 necks See atr m|Aitcuntntee aie A ae, Joe ry is more. ¢ moat of Bae cretti for | most prot owadays in al Temember | had a Newfoundlan¢ animal about peices Atri truggle rrivin, » flour, an 4 foreseen. ‘Theil serie pages elli , @ mot f ane ew | of about 14,00 mas eee: RAUL, dow and exhausted, wh Pole vinron pe Ven relling rairie coun, | 04st Half of ly in yours, on aes, Mo aoe snd: tbl ok Monmontn Pack i beaiy Shrug ete ng at the King’s to i 1 good des al like tha eed eullaees ic sei performed ar iliant | west. sh 4,000 feet, and finall toa height | nauk fon aise isla a 3 brokea| tad fish ly from @ sprin; an oun. | pretty the eg svavkndioat caste it | ap, wher er in 1890, wveloe’s 1 the whi : ith of the: va | fu cel wan on ie diplomat- | foun: moh ia * Utes ly reached of Building aa many of the followi ‘work, resulting i i ties beeen hereon peae acai ms | trea aes ed bn toca oa like lowing ee ween eck igo ra rare Eke nea pecan heucrothih ere ra cir cath bop ‘re ee op fortune. He, tops 0% ay bed fellomeds i livin ge eee of ies a x ate A cgoahhoees ‘al ity, food ure, toenh Mental ata small EY is. Froi zy wie with 117 ‘a th di is aviv: ise has ey ay ‘by ‘woman, to g at Kavalli former re has bee of 0 » loss of vie} HG ee loe peoeny 75 a el on the wild but id ame Lf wa aft aurea out |The Ramya ae ee irc de ese te ow tsar Soutien comet ak iro wp. th ete loot to bul cit. pntation en ee y and increase Seance Oe with ¥ did not stop to as a! sid y an Hae thi Za! ‘iam: finddubed tot thet] increasi reased, and are sit le see point of Sit aud Lega vanced ve The tee ray apne ii . fed was the jing, o c of Stank very t aang idne cheek te pct eats : sy edi seat Seed hanes rt a: q inert Sp pms Satya al io same ts se fs cg Is must be so si fnagement. | “pples - That's $15 nthe Sali: orts- | hand h @ pantl feos. bigtty | yw and he at ti iplomatists may be | % or, mh ut the scrotum, no stated ae to collet | fn Pape emai a 5 gone, or more ifthe paeegreettee = = ca = sacs 4 ok ie ane held a modern akin Tn. bis ighe = ail history wie ha en y it igen, which, iin ck | eceive the inat facts’ wushel. | 2&2 fi e forest inuous jacerne ran e | tor. rifle, and sure to the mi jue in a itzerl 9 wuscles, | or re! aid tive talk or fix and not fan: ba, frozen it had t, but before i & at | r for a a en are fh Sthich i G south- ry? * sid igurin: ey or| banks, for the is Bi arochowrel na [Cerne aictaie anal - ch uty, and partly phone f in range and splend ford a view of ‘willpower, te poate ment collect. far asI e ice extend meineed ital oa ‘out” ii iz of an Saha revailed ly to. sys- quite, equal to splendor is almost, rtehen nderness: th tit serves epee peel b 9 1 could soe Seeaae sou ole sides ‘as ies ge ns Aen, | Ang t! Sait p at the Bits Re awe ane who haa | 90. Ment Gs: ee W from t peed i seep “aloe ond eel resor! m / : caterer ae ie eee me Sa, aber” Dev ryt of ta et moral tag |e a SRLEEE tt] a ae cil ul no | and s iashed ane ti Barmera) eager ea il, fo : ari Ri ryanza, as |, The W tself. crolitud oe fea it rele at oer Spey mien toa gy Mhrough| record is 4.27. She the best Amer i sp beige Saar eee =| aon Secreta =| a scab tin, is dos much ide isappointed sie OL cad on wacdwtt ack poe, ti cross ss teak go. skirt d iid mountain town 1g from defi igned asa pocket kni ithe yet th 28 if z bai ment, but th ing over to Wadelai intention of | Eiger. inet the n_ base hg dam, ‘to tectaig Tope Gacieaee “Sethe Silesia ine Tew that arene ards in 8 min. and 54sec, | om a ES : mips edly nang to Keob harauana ies of marlin we seemed Big lation i northern base of he | its tension ee nee Sate poreeey a erat oa Gases hous babel ian deed heat pecakatee ead eee | at PF oe ep Abe er ‘ ery pink of ‘fashion in fase yee hime his frees cepetaon for ® ete the Baie eee eer cts ae es oe ni sabe ual gt ai “ Ordinaril satalind | Sie ae eeec es oga’s baloyon the second e royal bony bes a eort of taine | od reer is nltoanie parengad ine to the top of F 1e Wengern- nitted in igno dhrough abuse corne hereaen ow ample to com- | P*¥! Ny, © ae ie semanas this sam aya we as if SUA soho ge poms (2 em, CCE ee Their project gnorance. may ay com ile i 6 OF m= unless it is hai twill no “ man’s Preakness, | dar ifhe did w the Kin; ly, devotes hi he belonged through lack a supporte nsid coo i your ad ent dita aioe bina ‘the dan so ant aoe ate then it will ard pressed for id Attack eT noes Mae el culate eat ieee cw sop aie ig asked " weep ea Sa Pomnery k of Provisions feat. |upported by the ‘Gover nd is being dress for book sae a 1) ig ot 0 Ee a wel ake a eos es chsts iat Me Saciford’s. Prevk Reeay ts Beagrie thsveee ith the d - ity it securing ‘and the im- ra ernment Council of dieerereged baggy al ek tet water md = - very st te re d.| ord (3 mi ‘at Sarat 3 Preak. a itness thi id he we jaughters, aes arriers in distri Tein said i s sent free! ly thus fu n taking fish. to let off quick as cl coessful fighter eat e0 seaiy aah at 24 mile DeRey fo anaes ik nearer ould be and makes + | ed te les istricts in favor dary i ‘ A . s z ai ting himself la mat com) ee here of this pro} Pissed tas) of Tecate tid ished for ‘the ghtaing ra a Pp eS aig ah , and the M: ree- | the warrio) ty 24 spec! Parisi ae a bale neni, mand bi pell- which would h ject that the sittin en pes) ate a 1g] zied da rs Were 80% gan to sound and ety he is journey on St gan the home- | pe ound ave to be du; » skip pinay sit ‘i bere jumbness, | expsae Fe mapentte for ° \ TOPS quence both wer }y and in ag pve tis st goes and ” eapeciall exactly the ept. 30, followi e- | th d back and. forth g, as the 1 eed dail mi aT | claws tl is Sune ath and each eis be © shipped to - | and more 8 the ina frien ‘wiring ki ts route he had iieasnioad eae orc aak 1 up the side of wi oe hata 2 off Ie oy tg ot peng das sin the snd Or el Papp ine a ea xt teh sere at hin, oer "to Tngland, | Seis fe sap shor aboted oh the to do |e a aa cera rate gutatd march, Theo ition suered Be she tenets eal woh are det | second hs EY espa Ea apn, heart he farmers, be mark dol, | ls reckoned ase ga aly ¢ lary i house cai i P. ne Se ‘up an old 24 ae uudiments of his Biteg ieking ap ee edge hy food vup- | 2°, . ‘The cost: of constructi Dnateett a the Deas er than the first, ‘Wbing the who oan “Tf you a worth bask, | Wildeat is Scarpingt ing will whip reak atthe gir saa ses would rush oe, t con= he Am! is professio Shee Emi Siaatt 4 hestility of the Pyatites, oo jess, and the view all al ruction will be a be cured, me, etc., can try town, yy eat, and the citi prayer f ‘aneighbor uni large as Brett ie peed cet it at Racal the ate cjend when eat these self fell ill and n nagee se voreg nc pan she Sone for book. Ad No cure, no ‘ te i one dozer se ime, 24 an ‘was | fix vo,an youngsters | © early lost hi top of th rkably fine. 'Y> | donell aren Vv: yy, Send, for their ce te sont itaae sont Wess GEUEE bi gotting a | the same f the , See eee c. The Row! miles, being 5 ag | fix him, the; and when al peerey e Jungfrau, x ‘The Ave., To LUBON, 2 ly. TAU: Gat cr ‘ use to , or one buys it by fae Gees ic species, = a conrse ra ce pred is 14 | in the e: y would bu iy oe expediti that in orde » besides, is so shi ‘oronto, Ont. ; A Mace ee nd Lift th other, that wi i ovements ma fe are one e 300d woo: ie earth, ry their | small- ion was atta r to build a arp |i 5 t e will and as another.” the A. Cu] ‘They 8 %, and it w. eked ere it railroad wi gat ae TR on hte tonne eo | a ei rt uh 2 tegen lak bn harlem i | eainprove tho Sond ie ote go rely ia ears pelo wpe ar ; wee yar” Oe 0B Ss mete ace tah meni mony * and never will laniomarket eave [at rise to 35 Bat of one tae | m, and when ly a verfal, A | among LA gee greatl : sudden! i . ae aie thie Tecan, | epee he OP Taatet , and this expense a see aeration a sap: | tha trerronte is pec b year. Men.t sake one is starved in fergrin wet oat ee rere ee tis wade age eplod ge y pia al angen B Desttaar te Liger. | The top of on i een ee, reaches 100, ly Mail” @ one fisherman a | Chants, conta in thelr bas pactcoted ae vr for his life. Heme hprien i nee poole ad SN hay ‘and placed his | he way to By kobe, the eee Ble he ay feed Fangfras, aay obo mr urs away, |, manufacturers, just as mer-] 28 tried e cat gained as I did, my to eae it oh te rave | Are 80 crazy thi e said, that : afew stars of Victoria Nyanza, h Asad tl We ie x is us orlowet [eeeoe should r adverti Vays 5 a y i 5 i My fi ty] meet the wa th sat public im- | Pro! the former would ips dais thelx- baat’ l the aati Peairtenne iactics eae England th Naa iotae the os carts cme eae taal Emin to overtake he waived | vex a see ane view with rom | ho rants & ‘to, eye of some ont ERE mes nate fable calling, on have by far the busi. | the an raided away mand with great erage Arg Hie ae anda ee ee went on his tidings of bi ertake him, ut ca ts likely, phar with aueh | ments ne purchase ‘Ad a a ide the pics you grow hs peor LARING A seam po fying start : facts BeBe ceed foes oases eek ts or ae ; ote be fore he ari | n° pte ae eee Hepes “Weekly Mai? ipeoreegnt ie . rack etaraiersall iikos; “or any frail oF ine ‘case | With amaze NG AT ME ‘and | back to fears, bat ere P ‘ remembered res for for five ce: 4 it ES ment. r paces STRESS he was en and e idan southward that Stat yr five inser apes a) fyithekee tah pox pond distant whe ee sprayers, The Tasers Te oat arepobrce? Realizing ee Rainfall in the U edie tenes sng sagan mankind in| hae ees beets Mount Sone overed the Mum: en The Mail,” Toron! waren meee, om 4 nd will be na farm | bunds ers, etc.. an vera’ orknap- | me Hl syon' iat its prey Iti e United Sta ruptly ord re was dany inj Ifhe moment in . | later the En; lish peak, and yw to Catch F: anid regard red ot sc, Sia tone iret i ¢ like a shot fi ettemg rekon ly fe5. ane d the ger, for he t .ges his first di reer. | in fixi glish_and Germ that | Frederick ish. xt as in- {$15 ‘more or less, tree to a| it took i from a gun, came after fi ery sion. of ( ae sure is ve luty well, his f ing the boundaries Rate authorities, ls is Toraee, an old-tit comfortabl di “Let , and cost only | could 3 rp claws . Atevery bor io texpusstvetl ieee iad one of the 4 DIFLOMATIO SER) In all the iu. | sessions, made the Ii tween their pos- joa, in i section of ime hunter, now tidn of fish ' ie ee no Zeighbort a | 9 tell by this how sak the toe kad rrenzy, fi a rior, ou must be named ys. the mei “reaponsble Aiolomat a ake eee afioct vo the nore Sahibg dibs er ‘and he country where tro dustry Ta puGiE SAAR woe ental Itiva- | impl out an ibs where any fruit is | in abo ‘auch greater was i Z oe of perfect | ‘arl Russel’s wil either Russell and : er nes unital northern part of orth | the ae, HARRI AS ér4 hi ‘was its , who fortun: ly at the Ki ; el’s wife was or Elliott. isomely in ne ‘and. treated | tain lies of the big | his BF hel indossons wo pees =! attentive, in- lement, $y ect killing sprayit ‘y! se vat one more bow en I thought th: ae e King 4 or fe Earl of Mit an. andl of them are a ry ‘ae ‘in lies to the we Ty that this mor bts ey ae bat rorthy ‘the eae reni feipeaon te iet upon me I nd the animal at eam t injury. ing to hi ughter | deal rich men, whi a ee and sonseat of the 30th un- | for his busines f hi 00 ping ‘a eae ah lie hy eng rl sick (sae reo tus a en Ens es tne sense trite bene ei petite ender S Rangers] Mae arm sie. , at greath ly improy ing, A a aaa bi In 1883 6.4 distributed ute » without a) ar toitas others ar jeir-subordis bus me: vests th s und British, br r fishermen failed | ed that wh Head Ww P Sra Paha rednced pet ong | started back at the 8 biting, 6.22 inch suted over 21 inflicts pebreeat th ‘ppeal, in all ad beam pea not, and the rul C jin the Congo Stat wat | ways turned ug.i led to.catch tt en 4 heck blac! fork in Farmin: h eg Sean Rae Do Got oal be al at's slower rate % | 1883 the record es fell in 20 Shea a lial etl ea Se he chief, and he aught ment is to give ever ale of the depart-| ¢ t Mfumbiro ore heist bem Seamp with «lo heal. etned hak ica has fu a questior to bay? ‘To Do you aio is abe er inches in 1 is ee te prizes of wai wrongdoing. Half ing the Queen a -y gentleman. represent- ade Ean ‘discover phanectle nities was, ' a long string Someta expe Hs Pe hes ae a Ae ee Cpe pies SC anc mee Ps pede areas 7 inch 5 ys Vatdhge oi I killed is othe King oo i epee ngs pie 5 dente mie sleet spre ose ine Seana ie Fn a caiae ie a iain pee ig me ee os eat 36 ta a acon toate [hoc A Peioeee a ieee pases bas round million of bashe ee cone i is the. personal ct era "5 grieaatore t ea UE peor ak Bi ae 13,000 ound of reno ceitegee separ eet thing, Rentith piste, ded: Inteaeive eee a ng to rruit-erower’s busi eae pach the seme snarl: presented: Fi ina ds crops. tn | Ate ‘Thornton, is Sant ot Be ara |g, 000. 8 AT ie goed trond in the a uatives, Kiss feet, | to one of ¥ ioe ‘ e e meas paffup to 6 business a larger tha r 1873 wh be | e: : a, Envoy Extraordi ir "All the rom $4,000 to in ‘An’ | 60, party. eee , out. oe eee Drofit, or into ipher "per I og. si ar. ogres rheat, 281, bein nts of eloth ing in ret ter Plenij ordinary and Mini ae afi ‘nsbastedors "Have 925 the range, wh g time 4 im eke Tl re finding Saroat’ whsce it hse shi ee ; ioe Dees the coe, Cee Bg | an elephant and powder. If ai Re ey iy 17 / ren leer ra fl paging ecelsed 25, |e till in a conditi Seam winds at saat: De doth oy ath ek 6 ibhas}: lk le 11 CST adie Mee Sece: Yoliswing. goats titers and does any one vii the servi n a British embas fe also | fei oe foe araiare Petbeger story that h only ion of peri Peake aatg ee ce ene + ingat the eet fe ent down as| 3 its hee they male ot” aay [key Tris Uke fo the Kid ef. Ng vgs inn ser ye nue fei, doy be recived 3 Baie tho | Toe ee fo eres eden oe ills leas than $9, TG value twelve « wh it would al Sees sm “270, ov a fais av Toc rhielt oe exception 1 keeps the bod 25 to pay two. al ined tion, to Mexico, By Deda ciictd Rwrongh-tobsg ci $15,000 for ex vy Mae dd pact en Emin saw i when he aczide lost a a i "Bi E Ty ce tthe w it. nt- ‘or oa produce th ego. EE cobethat matic oy 01 ermany and Frat jolly unable ah ation whe wild. ora fair average cr 850; ‘own purposes. ly ofa fa nipposten slaves if ae, ‘Uruguay, aioe Aries, ida Pig Bae dag discussion when th ward cS up i a ra Albert reed pole, ee Ene habit He ore saee ares in the surface it i mee. g business was p itself, bee th soon 60, ental ide aoe. di mus for his Seneciro, “Lisbo rana-| ment def arliament, but th 16 vote cas. a Seyi kad of oar and br of produci: e man who German: isall sunshis pretty he ae quantity in 187: , with about the lays; t the io de | TI lefended it stro: the Govern- We bills fatowe xsi Sagi tn eb SES Seer Stig Sapa Sipe sa rah Fro hg cetyl Sara shad eee & Fifty acr iy intensive farmi w | cle rea ticubtesddedUniee to es a now, but it see was kept il cpohiiyn: Butea 1868. For A He bphiinacbitis the commissir ‘ortnguese nobili alae aie nted, and there ly surrounded b; casera tob S eee nid, which reached e the ‘ket—100 eg of land lyin: ing. Chenier it is only lesolation. To gob ce'l cy I must hav med to 0 | th crop rd stends at 4: le a aticit ab Bethd rosehitly: Petersi Pe re reainaony ‘s of officials than th oded to their sui mountains. They couple of feet Don't be. Fl ats ae le a ig pen ppd Fe ee ee may | down the stzeam, but to ‘ahont wot ie one followin orvootitg.° ahd tesa in wi ‘English labo I tates forty four nally Constantin Se | ts Am | cipitous porti minita, and even th a “if ge ee —can tak. the , bint to. gai ‘two miles | Cm 1,55! ig each g and | resul! hich he pointed bor confe 0; ree Leis sntinople. re are SOME On th are covert ie pre isl ‘08 yo ha ianital farnish go ight next wes Pres ane da. ore at Na Bo prec apogee Sere eee andl ,BBI, also below the eded was th pra ed erm i Phat ae tid | retired o1 pe ok service le.| and allowances ie where:the lower slopes myn ed with verda istance into th see bes ape too, but fal eeanloa ment bis F false Seabee i tgoe 84 Seles drop fi sn. By this must ly so much so as i e average, but it was found th: s as the quiet, foaipehl gat | liberal as th ofe Ausomusoes chimpanzees were fou ert parrots jo water almost as ‘back F y need. M: ‘reycinet ee done so I m_exhausti Twas | ats 71, whi in the », but | received at the Ei le at Berli ras detighital i ney Hote or, | Ari iver ae jects oF ‘to oui man may li 1 is: me janual, who wasnot nt, and fe would hat tion, and hi taeer: ich was abov of wheat +] obnst much hi eater i eda oid peice s on his pul not nearly meet the | th ver empties ee th nthe land patiedte, Crates Bop ameter ‘ound against flies ae aap bioey ote ‘an sate] See. e the averag! ‘considerably eh igher pay ai ingmen a nae, ab sore Pavel Ran aay. | if he is one who the | the lake. Teas a id sonthern end of in of ‘though fact threw him pags head are are gone, but hand: bn Gal Rafat oe ony rate a tempts to 0 Sok wits tecconciel many years. Ti was the largest.) aaa woag onet worked a have a aon, anata St he haa ba ea | Some y ina spirit of m inter: | Othe i eeiiaey of about 173 ai ios “eich: Pate wor ‘Caer repo im e eh . wertake ‘me was 416, r 1888 the yield | part io waar etnies hours eacl A aoa ‘PPE years ago Lord A\ jagnificence. | #8 the Ri nand: set hich bP Sad Poder iothings Wat cop wil rae ores oo He w|i inated rush my ie sagen | cot 68 whch war ‘ni owed | ta tna mn Econ ‘nny. ibe 3 vine Patil cesta mgd dpa oe Se eed sing arma randoubiely ono al although hecoult | SRIE MEDICAL CO., BUFF iaasch field lnoki ee isace-Lorraine, furst, the G uw ee Lede want ich lange sisa of ti ost res} as re demon- 4 ‘The ie tel is | he had rui art. It cam b and the But ile. The Pe reed refuse to bite. ee Rect ar ‘ALO, N.Y. ing for ‘dent as he appro to greet the Fi jovernor of ewiuital gee 3 a that of 18 wel ion under ths e labor cost a and story might be Si ruined himself when 1¢ out that tribes, wa mat two v. e about seven feet | (Bog see what wa; ‘anvil ai approaches tl he French Presi- man flesh, bi which ws a large yield, ae or 1886; r in England thi mditic + di over again about s¢ repeated ove t. Petersburg by the bi lor at | jou Pate) id by Es ry populous ry the end, or he ong, EET AIT 2% soaape ett inatn | remepion bythe Fen man ron, | Pas Butt] Nereus that of las crop sinse 1680 sod hh ld to edn was, olnhere, q et il coe of the Bi platy, angst rele prs South 3 the lake ie pe. ih ally unoothy shall we plant? , how, and wl ba ‘French P1 ince’s | i year. Itth un} i of the average ‘the su; “4 3 ‘Drommend We im Ge '- pi ae ti ‘y | com h |, fastenit ait . ppeneesees whe b yar veh eat esident woul sn appears | th Going farth e English work et 4 mond Wolff, rece ‘tr Ae nth Wales, where he ‘overnor of New | Sparse. Il ing and is | the o a oes. the ing it by Bs yen kets, the soi rankfort ti bs be inviolabi scale bey a paved eet ;, recently appointed ry | for six years, he e got $50,000 a oe Bo ‘Alon, he » ee reaty, Wl lability a of wi out 3 red’ me, was born Am- years, he had bee i ee rasttie sata Renal small ri = oes the ee ee eas Py inces to the cor ve G he Forei; ‘t Malta, arrears. He as unable aii dndigon ion ia ebiefi ight, letti the conqueror ef seemed | years old ign Office wh and | thi ge grand pall u abl ly | point, With hi pare th al nf Canto ting Pe Sithinvlow oft pees see Mogae epes he was te | ial, who Sty with him 2 oleate rion tnt the eee treacle aera tie = rie Pasig ed lavng aenbeetaes [Gottonses "belie rat and the French bat Had on my feet agai : ep ee a mote nae sor creditors, an rar a wl wey, eatistiod bis bloc ie Soy Bt generat (rs ust oo gitar ani by pean 4 ind han ving you jate to thi en i had lost ‘in in i q Walpoles bei rl of O: ich he has ts were 1e most cal instruments its range he wly end Tt take ap- | would bi .e German G Sete Sulnchis tine. instan is sean i famil ing & otabl xford, z his pens le by tain bi refal obecrvati point of ge e would, u e overni le time i De i 4t ly. = le diplomati for life. sion a of t 97,500 3 in bis rvations te the Oe wine ens eee ba oe ee eer rer eta inom |i an Co Ae er it Fie ccrston gt to cher mat ane ‘he more than all the ous fentie. This ts vist tothe rated eth oem sneer 2 decided tlie oi ol four fhe oe vest ean tiem 5 bat after noe cos vena ie een a aera tat viata OTe hs fale oe a me the spe, she deste Bes eat — ds ootiie tae acdc and the Wel w fail to leave the atic blow and evict Baan knots Soot = me from | said to be TabOR, Reems according oa mak it a point: one of aaa ierefore, to bark, ‘The best featnecBat © 6 applicatic good, ae Afew words in taicenee| The le anoth they tar otis pede prayer cae oven in Engh re stelle the ae out of honor re ed with pec ai solve | » sure Sain fea quality of mi } 5 Foi tie | Th arted di ai the abet se on with th yy | to the m¢ productive, gland, w: is the of it. Honor, Oye the Nile. | WI ‘connect- ne dall that i 3 eat always ke pin a paen. eae precipitated th 'e moon was d nage re er conditi 6 theo ney , in ; es of th in fact, | ited the Afri hen’ Stan t it requires i aig or. a of. winnin eee wee about half rectly in fi rm ‘gn ee arope aie foe and ent, than th tion at e whole servi sg pee lake ley first vis- cool head. ires is by field iz only in the sire way in th front of me on the conti ite of thos at 2 yet the dists ¢ low-priced yan of the Bath ice. To| precipitous sh e regions he reached 4 pach erento wer ot | se he heavens, and teinh whiadtthe tation ili ee deterred to we eile to be recei ‘da Privy | Whi ‘4 ores of the unki the Wi iment yale estore sail , and from it Sattar fo abate beth epee tow { trosted friend—abor fred by tee anaes ase ch has now own lake, hat Providence HIGHE pis fs akegeosignd |p rate ay co tome distance wi gta dna pe" ei ray ek a ofa nares te ena from nga Dl ‘cermin tewegh wap serra a8 a PRICE PAID - 1e count a sing throug ited by , Mrs. Opkint AG te 9 fe gies Th ee ee ee reatiray small ex: oe iritish eee ry where| At the northren Bore mo ULTRY Mike Drip dares ent dot he rates: tb OF ALI ope oapd this ihe oles penn Ue Gates clue cier dlore I ie ws gacforn 00 His map a consid lake bo pieced | 222 any = y eet eae IR how th: chen waar ey ing | 88 ble ares ane is, like KIND ly between clouds oo steappaegers mbeation different ee home to die cha sic thn that when tele an island, but whicl ic i eis yotny ahioagh a a pessimist and NDS the daily ry ab part aoe exile,anxiety, an alfa century oF ike. ° He ri « Dr proved | MSC neuirigel hergriev- G jal into * Com in substantially ike by thon pir oan ts bones Worety att a8 afd at mn iether ee for! mid the e, come, my yy geod womans Visits Mil fe occupations, : ‘tminster Abbe: tame in the as go th th e ie you can’ length |" k ever 7 vig a ee shemaves - anche eb DANGLE | bree ory god toy torn Tk Saturday with, M u Te and ‘ Jongrun. andmother fe Ceautt the ne’ ‘bout the Az shy 7 '88,” leat ¢ Le: Joma Thou ae at te ee) Wrinkle, the a ee his pling Fee Mason it bat dear aa ore onthe, reply, all Kinds a ‘a get Se ought t 0 matics |” ie re 3 Boni oat? rie wae aero the, Pb aa | ed, on ba Somes gecesi end which he nam er laid eyes on. a ‘This was pen Das ie River. Paigira Goldbarg—" f wou «eo SAUSAGE IN sours 2 a ee ae od. Rive. | Becdowe— Well, epg mies ee SEASON "Albert {I wouldn’t mat ell, that’s just the di r. ry you if you weren’ ence | Corned Beef and Pickel on Hand. jo Tongue alway