THEME BEE PUBLISHER. R.S. PELTON, - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1891. NEWS OF THE DAY. Judge Sinclair, of Hamiltor, is dead. The old time father and mother were a spanking team. Winnipeg has decided to grant a bonus to its exhibition. Chancellor von Caprivi has been made a count by the German Emperor. It 1s the opinion in Ottawa that Par- liament will not meet until March. Something happeus every hour to keep yea | from doing your best.—Atchi- Eg gs son Globe The millers of North Dakota have donated 350,000 worth of flour to the starving Russians. East Bruce Reformers have re-nom- inated Mr. Traux as candidate for the House of Commons. The corporation of London has voted 8500 guineas as a wedding present to Prince Albert Victor. The application of Jarvis to be incor- rated as a village has been refused by Fraidimand County Council. John Lewis, said to be the oldest Ma son and Orangeman in Canada, died in Kingston last week, aged A bill has been introdneed | in the Un- ited States Senate providing for thecon- struction of a canal around Niagara Falls. A Chicago mail wagon was robbed Tusaday nicht of last week of $6,000 in eash and $200,000 worth of negotiable papers. ‘There is a rumor that Grorge T. Black- stock, of Toronto, will oppose M. C. C meron for the ‘Commons in West {uron. We have noticed that the cheaper the trousers a young man has‘on the more fur he puts on the collar and cuffs of his overcoat. The millers of the United States have so far contributed 1.500.000 peunds of flour for the releif of the famine-strick- en peasants of Russia. Of all sad words of tongue or pen, Which through my weak mind flit, Non? are so sad, to me, I think. As these two --“Please remit.” More than 10,000 young seals were found dead from starvation recently at the Seal Island rookeries. The indis- criminate slaughter of female seals is given as the cause. WITAT MAKES THE RAIN. “What makes the rain come down ?” Asked little Bessie Dight. “It used to be the Lord my dear, But now its dynamite.” Poole. Miss Jean Chalmers is visiting friends in Stratford. Miss Mary Burgmann is home from Stratford for a few days visit. Miss Maggie Shearer, who is at present in Stratford, spent Sunday at home. Miss Clara Ready, of Topping, spent last Saturday with Miss Richmond, of this place. Mr. Burnett and A. 3. Chalmers leave this week for a short visit to friends in Detroit. Newry. Renew your subscription for THe Jee for 1892. THe BEE will be newsier and more attractive than ever next year. The balance of the season's make of cheese—883 boxes—from the Newry factory was shipped on Tuesday, Dee. 15th. Jackson ke Hullet, of Guelph, were the buyers. 10c. per Ib. was re- eerved, which totalled for the lot, 35,- 837, The Newry factory has had_sig- nal success the past season, which i both creditable to the makers and en- couraging to the patrons. Brussels. A. Currie has moved into his new premisys inthe Laird block andis ready to supply his customers as of yore. Rumor says that Johnston & Coch- rahe, marble cutters, may resume busi- ness in Drussels before long. Rey. J. L. Kerr and wife arrived home from Toronto Saturday, 12th inst, The sight of Mr. Kerr's eye is going to come ail right. East [luron Farmers’ . Institute. will hold a Convention in Brussels cs my January ldsthand 16th. A gram will be presented of which further notice will be given. Robt. Inglis, of Grey township, has purehased ‘the Samuel Walsh property, north of the ee me for the sum ot S510. It was sold by mortgage sale. Mr. Inglis may become a resident of the dwelling next spring. Oxntr.—Mts. Wm. Blashill, sr., is dead, | the dissolution taking place at the res- idenee of ber son William, on day night, Dec. 16. She had attained | tue ripe age of over 77 years, The cause of her decease was congestion of the lungs coupled with increasing feeb leness of years. The subject of this notice was “orn in Harpham, York- shire, England, and was united in mar- riage to Wm. Blashill who died in 1888, about 55 years ago. ren only three of whom are living, viz: —Wm Mrs. Barley, of Northville, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Blashill lived near Cooksville on coming to this country and after wards removed to Méxidlesex county, where they spent a good ula sy years. ‘They-arterward moved to C taubruok and then to Brussels. Mrs. Giaslill) was a good living woman aud dicd is the faith of the Liuid Jesus. Wednes- | There were child- | and James, of Brussels, and | Tuatest Maricet Reports. ATWOOD MAREET. Fall Wheat...............- BS 83S Spring Wheat ......------ 8d HSALISY soos cee caee cece sees 33 4U Oats «22 ..cceeee minh SC onKee 290 hu PAS 20a ncccceescecsee sees S38. IPSS toe eee, OS WOW Hides per ib. ..----------+- 33 Cti«4 Sheep re each........-- bu 1 2d Wood 2 £6. 2... cece ee oree an 115 1350 Potatoes mae bushel ....... OO 00 Butter per lb......-.-..... 15 1d Eggs per doz......-.....- 13 14 TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Fall Wheat .....----..-.-- Su 9S OI Spring Wheat.....-....... 88 } a ee ee 40 45 isle Kereicleoven eee eewegeie 3U st Peas on a stthhis hiciawivins mwewain 61 PEAY xc icine conpieyanensecens 12 00 12 5u Dressed Logs,....---.--..- 50 4 90 PDB swine suigeseceis ease eee 17 18 SUTEOR 2.0.5. scans eee aees aise Bb 17 Potatoes per bag ......... 606 0 00 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTIIERN EXTENSION W. 6. & B. North Trains leave Atwood Station, and South as follows : GOING UTI. GOING NORTH. Express 7:2La.m.| Mixed .. 8:10 ar. Express 12:3) p.m. | xpress 2:43 p.m. Mixed ..10:00 p.m. | Express 9:14 p.m. col SUMPTION. sofferer who vill send me their T. A. Stocum, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE St., West, TORONTO, ONT. MISS L. HUNT, Dress anda MMantie ifairer, AFWOOD, - - ONTARAaO. Rooms— Over A.Campbell’s Harness Sliop. STRAYED. Sit AYED on n the premises of the unde-signed, lot nineteen, con cession 14, Elma, on or about Nov. 20th, 1891, four Spring Calves Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. ALBERT HORN, 45-4in* Monkton LP’. && Turn | Over New ‘Leaf. No more brilliant magazine than the Cosmopolitan is at present publisty ed on thiscontinent, giying as it does for @ years subscription (33) 1,536 pages of reading matter by the ablest a in the world, with over -1,300 illustra- tions by cleyer artists. But will do even beuter than this for you. Having made a special contract with the publishers, we will send you the Cosmopolitan Magazine one year $3.00 The Atwood Bee one year........ 1.00 Total... $4.00 For Only $3.25. Send $3.25 fous and you ean have a year’s reading at wholesale rates, and a year’s reading of the Cosmopolitan alone means a year of practical educa- tion with the attendant refinement to every member of your family. TOWN NSILP OF ELMA Municipal 1 Election ! Tis municipal electors of Elma meeting for “omination of Candidates for t' Reeve, Ist and 2nd Deputy-1. . +: . Pwo Coun cillors for the Township of Elma, for the yeur 1892, will be held in the Town Ertall, - Atwoedd, AT 12 o’'CLOCK, NOON, ON Nionday, Dec. 28th. 2nd. That should more than the ne- cess’. weaumbér of candidates be nom- juated, the proceedings will be adjourn- ed until sri Jan. 4, ’92 be when polls wi opened in each elect- oral division of the township, at the hour of 9 o’clock in the morning, and ‘shall continueopen until 6 o’clock in the afternoon and no longer. 83rd, that the’poiling places and Re turning Oflicets in each electoral divis- ion are as follaws:— Div. No, 1._Cosens’ Workshop, Trow- bridge, C. Cosms, Returning Officer. Div. No. : 2—Grange Hail, lot 15, con, 4, Arthur Douglas, Returning Oflicer, Div. No. 3—Orange Hail, Britton, Wm. Stevenson, Keturnin Ollicer. Div. No. 4—Orange Hall, Newry, T. | Fullarton, Refurning Otlicer iy. No. 5+-Orange Hall, Donegal, James Dickson, Returning Officer. Div. No. 6--Davies’ School House, J. R. Hammond, Returning Officer. Div. Nov.7--Lambert’s School House, [Fat Doering, Returning Oticer. | Div. No. $ %—Thomnson’s Shop, At- wood, Wm. flickson ieee THOS, FULLARTON, Uli i = Dr. are heteby notified, Ist, that the |. ENTS ~R- Ott 63% : USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness ofthe Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis, Weak Lungs Asthma, Coughs Catarrh, Colds. Ss DR. T. A. SLOCUM’S Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure God Liver Oil For Sale by All Druggists. LABRATORY, inline ONT. —-Srirta.— Reform Association." The Annual Sieotiue of the rama Reform Association will be held in Graham’s hotel, Atwood, on Saturday,. Dec. 26, At 1:30 p.m., for election of officers and | general business. W. SHEARER; President. -F. DICKSON, JR, Secretary. AGAIN The tale has been told at the World's SHOW Atwood, that R. M. BALLANTYNE: —TOOK THE— SWEEPSTAKES —FOR THE— BEST MADE Suit of | » ‘ GLOTRES LUMBER I ATWOOD Planing Mills. The Atwood Planing Mill keeps on hand a eood gen- reral stock of Lumber, in- cluding Dressed : Flooring, SIDING AND Muskoka Shingles ! ta Parties indebted to the under- signed will please Settle their Accounts and oblige Wm. Dunn. STAR LIVERY The Star Livery is equipped with first class rigs, fast aud geMtle drivers, and in every way adapted to meet thie requirements of the travelling pyblic. Terms reasonable. Stables oppusite lverger’s hotel, Atwood. 2itf W. D. GILCHRIEST, Prop. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. IIS Great Gough Cure, this. sue- cessful Consumption Cure, is Without a parallel in the histor y of medicine. <All druggists are author- ized to sell it on a positive guarantee, % test that ne other cure can successfully stand. you’ have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. Ifyour child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief issure. If you dread that in- sidous disease Consumption, don’t fait to use it, it will cure you or eost noth- rf Ask your Druggist for Shiloh’'s Cure, Price 10e., 50e. and 31. If your Lungs are sore ‘or Baek lame, use Shi- loh’s Porous Plaster. 25c¢ THE 777 ‘STORE ! The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for ‘ For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress. Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RICCS. SAYS SESE Grand Bargains = Sulitings and | Overcoatings! First-Class all woo! Suits from $8.- 50 to $15, worth from $11 to $17. ‘Overcoats wort: 1 $21 for $17.50. Gall'a and See Us and you will be sure to Leave Ycur Measure. CURRIE & HEUGEAN. t