SANTA GLAUS Has taken up his quarters in the ATWOOD Drug Book STORE, Where he can be seen at all times and purchases made to supply both a onne and Old|¢ th --PRESENTS--| Useful, Ornamental, Entertaining, instructive. The stock is the Largest of its kind ever offered in At- wood, and you are invite 49 make an EARLY v ALL and]; Inspect the Stack. It is impossible to give a full list . in the space at our disposal, but below is a few of the) many lines to be seen:— Poets, Boo ks, 2azors, Purses, dews Har Mictalaphenes, Shaving Setts, Mouth Organs, Dressing Cases, m2 ey Toy Trains in full order, Building Blocks, B Blocks, Booklets, Cards, Xmas Cards ! j « Fringe Card Games, Parlor Games, ‘Toy Brooms, Toy boards, Toy Pails and Tubs, | toy kitchen stoves, toy wash setts, toy clothes pins, toy pistols, toy books, &c. Remember the Place, ° Aturood Drug and Bool Store. M. E. NEADS. wi ash-| re Gown Talk. Rev. A. HENDERSON, M Soe ed ilpits with “Me se MieBonald, © Seaforth, Sunday. las Notice of the annual rmieatiig of the shareholders of the Monkton Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Co. appears in this issue. SAMUEL TRACHSALL, of Innerkip, ye ‘Tn BEE a pleasant calllast Fri- . Mr, Trachsall has relatives living iy this locality. Tne annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in the Baptist eo Atwood, on Friday ev- ening, th, at 7 o'clock. A full stecncane requested. Tre Glube has withdrawn its special cig thing that we never did think Was & paying investment—and has en- lurged its borders to seven columns per page. It promises otherimprovements. THANKS for a copy of J. H.Gunther’s Holiday Messenger, a beautifully ilius trated publication designed to ‘attract attention as well as advertise his goods for the Xmas A similar publi- cation, by J. A. Hiacking, appears as a supplement to Tue BEE this week. LoreeE’s Grocery —This is the place to buy cheap sugars, teas, spices, canned fruits and vegetables. Mealsof all kind and No. 1 flour kept always in stock. Tinware of every description, at prices to suit the purchaser, ‘erms, cash. Remember the place, Loree’s grocery, James Irwin’s old stand, Atwood. On. WHat a Coven !—Will you heed the warning. ‘The signal perhaps of the sure appro: wch of that more terrible disease C eye ter Ask yourselves if you can afford forthe sake of saving 50c., to run the risk aud do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh’s Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. 44-6m Tre Supreme Court rendered a decis- ion which has a very general interest to municipal corporations. The case is known as Bernardin vs Dufferin, and the point to be decided was whether a contract between the appellant and the defendant corporation, required the seal of the latter, The court below decided that the contract was not binding, be- cause it had not the seal. ‘The Supreme Court reversed the decision, and gave judgment for 3537 and interest. Tirz Public schools whether rural, or n towns, cities and incorporated villages dene on Tuesday afternoon, December 22rd, and re open on January 4th. For cities, towns and incorporated villages there is a vacation of one week follow- ing Easter Sunday. Good Friday is, of course, a holiday. The Modelschool ex- amination for teachers-in-training be- gins on Monday, December 7. The re- sults will be ready for publication on December 19th, There is no entrance exumination-in December, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.—-Every week this most valuable periodical presents whatever is new inthe world of science, art, and manufactures. Fullof practi- cal information, it discloses to the thoughts i not only what has been as: certained, but also suggests ,the _possi- bilities still tobe revealed. For 45 years Munn & Co.have conducted this paper in connection with the procuring of pat- ents for new inventions. ‘The Scientific American is authority on all scientific and mechanical subjects, and should be inevery household. Copies of the pa- per may be scen at this office and sub- sciptious rece ive EE. Wii, who was the principal inthe | disgrace ful se andal unearthed in our village last week, has migrated to parts unknown, He has for years borne an unsavory reputation, but the affair of tast week was the climax of his disre- putable career, Tle is gone, and no- body cares, unless it be his ae creditors and the otfieers of the law We sympathize with Mrs. Hill ‘and the family, however, who are respected cit- izeus, nnd who are inno w ay respons- te for Ifill!’s conduct. The seandal tself is too filthy and disgusting toeven mention in these eolumus, much less to particularize. Hull will never show himself in Atwood again; he is neither good for ornament or use to society. ANNOYING THE TEACTER.—“Any girl found w ‘earing belis on her garters will be dismissed.” This is the ge neral baby issued in the Cape May, N. J., pub- lie schools. The teachers have been an- royed for weeks by the mysterious ring ing of mulled be lis, and Search for the | ori: sin of the noise bs as fruitle 83, Dur-| it Lad rood ‘sudde nly begin to tinkleand tiers | thera would bea general gigling. One| of the teachers who had been greatly | annoyed by the interruption to study noticed that asa row of girls wiggled , their feet the tinkling began. When they stopped, the tinkling stopped too. | The te: wher Connected the wiggling with the tinkling, and suddenly potmeing on a very short-frocked little miss discov- ered how the thing was worked. liow TO MAKE $3.25 LAST A YEAR— We'll tell you in a few words. We have made a contract with that most. brill- j iant of the four great monhthiies, the which gives in aye ar 1, 536 pages of re ading matter by the ablest authors of the w orld, with over 1,300 illustrations by clever artists, whereby we can offer the Cosmopolitan for a year and TuyE BEE for a year— both for only $3.25, the price of the Cosmopolitan alone being 33.00. Now do you see how your $3.25 will last a year? Week after week for 52 weeks Tue BEE is read at your fireside, and month after month for twelve months the Cosmopolitan, when not being read, graces your parlor table—a mark in it- self of the intelligence of your house- hold, for high-class reading is certainly the best mark of good breeding, culture and retinement that we know of. If you are not acquainted with the Cosmo- litan, write to the Cosmopolitan Pub- ishing Co., Madison Square, New York, for a free sample copy, Itis to be hoped that} 15 Las. of mixed candies for $1 at Hamilton's grocery. THE new Gorrie paver is called the oer Huron Pros oe yon ‘hand 4 41 | at TTanilten’ 6 grocery. THE Elma Insurance Co. met for bus- iness in town Tuesday. JAMES PELTON, of Innerkip, is visit- ing relatives in this locality. Notice of the annual meeting of the Elma Reform Association appears in is issue. ALEX. FRAME, the pushing agent of the Perth Mutual Insurance Co., was in town Tuesday. 1,040 Las. of candy has arrived at Hamilten’s grocery for the Christmas trade. Call and get your supplies. TENDERS are asked this week for the purchase of the old Presbyterian manse and ground belonging thereto. In the Methodist church, Dec. 18th, at ll a. m, and at 6:30 p. m., “Talks for the times” (to young men) will be con- tinued Rost. SMitn has returned home from Manitoba. He is quite taken up with the West and will probably return in the spring. THERE was a large congregation pres- ent at St. Alban’s church Sunday even- ing. C.J. Wynn assisted Mr. Graham in the service. OVER $4,000 was paid to the farmers of this locality forgrain last week by our local grain buyer, R. Anderson. Who says Atwood has not a good mar- ket? o better market in the county than qurs. Rev. Mr. WINcHneESTER, of Berlin, will preach in the Presi rian chureh, At- wood, next Sunday morning and even- 106, on missions. Rev. ¢ lenderson, M. A., will occupy Mr. Winchester’s puipie at Berlin. Ir the clerk of the weather would sprinkle a little more of the “beautiful” on this earth of ours the people would be truly grateful, and move a vote of thanks. Somehow-er-other Christmas is a fizzle without piles. of snow. Give us an old-time ry-jingle-jingle-bells - frost - biting. ear- treezing-sneezing -cold- Christmas, and we will be satisfied. INTELLIGENT Canadian families are always lovers of good literature. Our patrons are all intelligent, besides being smart enough to see a bargain. There- fore, when we offer them our paper and that charming m: wazine, the Cosmopol- itan, both fora year for a little more than the price of the magazine alone (33.00), itis not to be wondered at that they are quick to take advantage of our offer. If not acquainted with the magazine, send to Cosmopolitan Pub- lishing Co., Madison Square, New Y ork, for a free sample copy. A. CORRESPONDENT writes to the Woodstock Sentinel-Review:—James Pelton, who died recently in Marlette, Mich., was bornin Blenheim, He was educated at Albert College, Belleville, and Lima College, Ohiv. “lis intention was to enter the ministry of the M. Chureh, but was prevented by the ill- ness of his father. Deceased made many friends who wiil mourn his loss, His uprightness, pure character and simplic ity of of manner was an example forall. He died a conqueror. His last words were: “It’s all right.” Relatives of the deceased reside in this locality. a. GreAT Honmay SALe—Carson & McKee announce this week a great hol- iday sale, to commence to-morrow, Sat- usday morning. ‘Their whoie stock is now to be reduced, and to do this down comes the prices. This substantial firm take stock annually in January, and the public ean see it to be only reasenable for them to reducetheir stock during the next 20 days. Every article offered at reduction. A tremendous sale of overcoats is now going on, we under- stand. The firm invite inspection and extend tothe THE BEerreadersthe com- pliinents of the season. Remember they lind railway fare to eyery purchaser of five dollars. December Fashion Shect i given away at the Golden Lion. KINCARDINE’S PoeT.—The Kéneard- ine Review is the happy possessor of a real, live poet, named Jay Kobb, He don't write cemetery-friends-all dead- and-gone-to-heaven poetry, like the ma- jority of poets, but gets off funny rhyme. We cannot understand why people labor j under the delusion that they must ne- cessarily, in thought, soar among the Fseig siton the jasper walls of the New Jerusalem and oe in the tran- iscendent beauties of the E lysium, or | hanker after graveyard seenes, in order to be in the proper mood for writing poetry. We really enjoy a well written religious poem, bit we grow sick and | tired of the seutimental gush that is forever being forced upen an unsus- | pecting public. That long-haired gent- jleman of yours, Clark, is a jewel; and fas long he contents himself to stay on this side of the clouds he will be in touch with the Review readers, and mankind generally. How Many Cats ?—“If300 cats can kill 300 rats in 300 days, how many cats will it take to kill 10) days?” A fine toned upright piano will be given by The Queen to the first person answer- ing the above problem correctly; an ele- gant gold watch will be given for the second correct answer; a china dinner set will be given for the third correct answer; an elegant silk dress pattern will be given for the fourth correct ans- wer, and many other valuable prizes, all of which will be announced in the next issue of TheQueen, As the object of offering these prizes is to attract at- tention to our popular family magizine, each person answering mvét enclose four three cent stamps for sample num- ber containing full particulars. Send to-day. You may secure a vaiuable rize. $10 1m gold will be paid for the best original problem to be published in a future number, Address The Can- | Auction Sales. TUESDAY, DEc. 1th, eae stock, on lot 16, con. 14, Elma, H.-H. Merryfiel Hinks, proprietor. fae tements, on lot 16, con 6, Elma, at p. m "Thos. E. "Hay, ‘auctioneer; Feed Switzer, proprietor. TuESDAY, Dec. 15TH.—Farm stock and implements, . lot 29, con. 8, Elma, pi .m. , Sharp. E. Hay, auction- eR. Curtis, Sroprienee CONSUMPTION, standing ‘have bee cured. is my faith in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES with a VALUABLE TREA on T. A, SLocuM, M. C., 186 At . 9 DELA St., West, TORONTO, ONT. eS TRAYED on n the premises of the undersigned, lot nineteen, con cession 14, Elma, on or about Nov. 20th, 1891, four Spring Calves, Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. ALBERT HORN, Monkton P. O. 45-4in* 1_p.-ms;-sharp: “i aoeudner: James Frinay, Dec. 18.—Farm stock and | tari Notice to » Credi itors. _In-the-goods s of Thomas “Ward, of the township of Elma, in the Count Perth, d a day ot Septem A. are re- uested to send by pe “repel or to eliver to the undersigned executors (Kennyville P. O., Ontario) of the last will and testament of Thomas Ward, deceased, on or before thr Ist. of Janu- ary, A. D. 1892, a statement in writin of their names and addresses and ful particulars of their claims and demands and the value of their securities ie any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last menitoned tats the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceas- ed amongst the persons entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been given as above required and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received as aforesaid. Dated at ee the 30th day of November, A.D. 1 JOHN an ROBERT WARD, t Executors. Why Wait until >WAIT< the last moment and run the great chance of Missing the /QGREAT BARGAINS 2527 lbs. good ig“ 14 “ 14 “ 12 ‘ This Week we Offer Brown Sugar for — Light vb us Bright — “ = Granulated . New Raisins New Currants ‘ New Candy “ Natural Figs The above figures are for Caso ONLY; if charged one pound less will be given. I have equally and upwards. In Men’s Has Our 75¢, Shoes as good values throughout every department. Don’t fail to see our Overcoats, with capes, at $3.25 , Boys’ and Youths’ Suits we keep a fine range at Bottom Prices. had a great yun; we claim them to be at least 33 per cent. lower than they can be had elsewhere. J. L. MADER. Has on hand a large ack different kinds. Parties pur free of cost. Freight or Baggage tak Reasonable Rates. adian Queen, Toronto, Can. Hearse in connection. WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, on Atwood, ent of all kinds a shiver lain and fancy Picture Frame Moulding, Cabinet Photo rames, Boy’s Wagons, Baby Carriages, different prices, chasing 10 and over worth may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township en to and from Station at Dray always on hand. , Undertaking attended to at any time. Furniture Rooms opposite P. O. First-class Beis hein “one apy