Rvaatiis atte i a BENS ets Bind ee eT =D — ——— — THEMBEBEE PUBLISHER. R. 8. PELTON, - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 189f. In the North Perth election case, at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Nov. 30th, the trial judges postponed their decision on preliminary objections until December 19th. The South Ontario case, which is identical, has also been postp ned. Tue Toronto Globe says:—Hon. Oliver Mowat sent a letter to Dr. McKay, M. P.P. for South Oxford, prior to the re- cent meeting at Woodstock in the in- terests of annexation. He argued in favor of maintaining the connection with the empire. TnE municipal pot has not commenc- ed to boil yet. It isa matter of doubt with many whether our present Coun- cil could be replaced by men as well able to grapple with the affairs of the township, especially the drainage sys- tem. now under way. This drainage problem is peculiar to Elma, and to work it in the best interests of all con- cerned requires men of shrewd, calcu- lating minds and years of experience. Tuer village Council of Chesley has passed a by-law making it unlawful to sell cigars, tobacco and all such like, to minors under the age of 14 years, unless on written authority of the parents. Had such a Jaw been enacted years ago by municipalities, generally, there would to-day be less tobacco used, less liquor drank, and fewer dissipated wrecks of humanity in our land. To bacco using is generally the forerunner of strong drink; and mark our words, that out of ten persons who use tobacco seven will not hesitate taking some- thing—-well, stronger than cold water. WHATEVER the outcome of the rail-, way ticket charges may be, it is clear the law standsin serious need of amend- ment.—Srratford /erald, Yes, by all means have itamended. It appears a candidate’s election can be too easily voided the way the Election Act now reads. Itisa costly and troublesome business to elect a man to while by the least irregularity in the econdnet of any unprincipled scallywag of a Grit or Tory will unseathim. The aMember-eleet- should net be held tespon- sible for the conduet of every Tom, Dick and Harry in the riding, even though he be styled an “agent.” oe Some Pointers for Farmers. PROPER CARE OF STOCK. S wipter is on, this is the time to care for cows if the owners are going to make a prolit this sea- son or next. Mileh cows should have been in the stables at nights during the last month and a half to keep the tlow of milk up. It is the milk that makes the profit, and every cow should milk ten months out of the twelve. Cows well fed in the early winter will save feed in the spring, and eattle always fail most in the first of the wiuter. Also, cows milking should be curried and brushed every day and Lie stables cleaned every morning be fore milking. Manure should not be allowed to accumulate on the cows hips and udders, TLalf the milk obtained during the time cows are stabled is tiututed from this cause. muk with this offensive taste may make geod butter and be palatable to the users of tobacco or spirits, but as all butter eaters are not of these classes the taint has a very strong tendency to depreciate the value of the butter, Cows tied in stantials can be kept clean- erthanany other way, and it is the safest way of tying and justas comfort. | avle for the animal. time to fecd calves well that have been fed tie milk ofa cow all summer. It is a poor plan to feed a ealf twenty dol- lars worth of milk during the summer and let it loseit all during «a couple of months of winter. Now for some proofs on the subject of raising pigs:—I bought five Berkshire pigs on the 27th of August, weighing 50d Ibs., and on the {th of November they weighed 1,000 lbs., and dressed 150 Ibs. each. They gained nearly one and a hilf pounds each a day, and a fat pig weighing from 200 to 250 Ibs. live weight will dress about 50 lbs, less if fasted twelve hours. Prof. Robinson, of the Dominion Experimental Farm, stated at the pom ee at Listowel recently that pigs well kept untilsix weeks old will gain, if well fed, three pounds a week. ‘l'o make a profit on hogs or cattle they want to be kept fat allalong until fit for the butcher. If a man gwishes to keep them for ornament in- * stead of profit and likes to have them running around squealing, the better way isto feedthem only a little <A ig ean be kept forja year and not gain 35 lbs. on the samp feed that would make it gain 100 in t months. ape geod qualities of their neighbor's stock.—John C. Morrison in; Huron Expositur. Ele SDI Saat Te cachepedinagh ety Parliament, | Of course; Now, also, is the! NEWS OF THE DAY. A Greenock farmer is the owner of a quatest DLaricet reports. ATWOOD MARKET. has admitted. bribery by an agent suflic- ient to void his election. The trial of the protest against C. S. Hymah, M. P. for London, has been postponed to. January 18, E. C. Bowers, M. P. for Digby, has ae- knowledged corrupt acts by agents in his election. and vacated the seat. ‘he corn and bean crops in Mexice area total failure, and intense suffering has been caussd among the people. Joseph Lang has retired from the Owen Sound Sun, and the business will in. future be carried on sby C.J. Pratt. Warrants have been issued for the ar rest of J. P, Whelan and Richard White, charged with the criminal libel of Prem- ier Mercier. Hamilton’s assessment commissioner says there are but 710 houses empty in that city. Of these 344 are valued at less than $1,0 The fifth annual dinner of the Uni- versity of Toronto Medical School was held ‘Thursday evening, Nov, 26th, at the Rossin House. Millionaire Cyrus W. Field, of New York, has been prostrated by his wife's death and the recent failure of his son. Mr. Field’s life is despaired of. There were 209,069 miles of - railway tracks and 1,797 railway corporations in the United States on June 30 last ac- cording to statistics just. completed. A dispatch from Winnipeg says that | of all the wheat grown in the Northwest i whieh was shown at Winnipeg exihibi- ition that grown by the Indians took first place, Captain Howard, who handled the Gatling‘gun used at the Northwest re- bellion in 1S85, is in London prospect- ing for the establishment uf am explos- ive manufactory. Queen Street Baptist church, Toronto: i celebrated its jubilee Noy, 20th. A re- 'markable incident in connection there- / with was the leading in prayer of Rieh {ard Tinsley, aged 108. ; ~The Galt Juniors and Canadian Rov- i ers, of Toronto, played the second match fon Saturday for the junior champion- ship at Association football, aud the | Rovers won by 2 goals to 0. The Consolidated Black Cat Company has been organized on Pugent Sound for the propagation of black eats. An Island will be purchased and the cats raised for their fur. The seals may go now! Toronto city treasurer has brought down areturn showing that of the year’s taxes, 53,027,069, as much as 83!5 per cent. had been collected by way of the recular instalments. The amount un paid is $499,836, “With ripe raspberries being gathcred j at the roadside, wud wild strawberries in | blossom on Noy, 15, people are begin | ning to wonder realiy whet is coming l over the Bruce penins ua,” so says the | Wiarton Echo, ;. On the 30th of June, 1889, the net pub- llic debt of Canada was 3"57,)40,042, On | the 30th of June, fset. iv wes £237,797.- (673. On the 3ist of Angust, SOL, it was | $236,519,675. On the 3ist September, 1891, it was $235,425, 182. | The Imperial Government has noti- ‘fied the Newfoundland Government 'that her bait act is unconstitutional, !and proposes that Canada and New- | foundland shallsnbmit toa joint test ' case to the Imperial Privy Council. Rey. Dr, Cochrane, of brantford,whose name is attached to the address from | the Presbyterian General Assembly to , Lord Lorne which is now adorning a | sevond-handstore in Ottawa, says he will not be sorry the incident has occurredif jit will pntan end to the address nui- ;sance. Itis probible the Presbyterians | will take steps to réscue the Ottawa ad- | dress from its present undignified posi- jtion, _ | Atumber of new barristers were | sworn in at Osgoode [Hall recently. | Among them isa Mr. Stewart, who is | totally blind, aud wrote on his examin- | ations with a typewriter, employing a | boy to read the questions for him. He ; obtained scholarships while studying | for the bar. Before he lost his eyesight ihe graduated ia arts trom Queen's Un- iversity, carrying off the gold medal in mathematics. A. FRAME. Any information wanted respecting the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be cheerfully given by applying to R.S. Pelton, of Tue BEE House, or A. FRAME, 51-ly Box 14, Stratford, Ont. STRAYED. TRAYED on the premises of the uudezsigned, lut nineteen, con cession 14, Elma, on or about Nov. 20th, 1891, four Spring Calves, Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges:and take them away. ALBERT HORN, Monkton./’. O. -ublishing 45-4in* Ree Pane ae a eR SN ST SS five legged calf. Fall:Wheat..............-. $ 888 92. The yearling trotting record is now | Spring Wheat Pancnstes 8 = WU 2.20 and pacing record 2.2494, BTIBY caceccsecnce ‘ 3d 40 Ex-President Balmaceda of Chilispent ORB se Rie ss ct thanisin west BB $73,000,000 in the recent civil war. Bee reer rer rir erry . ae 5 a | A Globe correspondent says that Mus- Hides y = Cmeahaae as 4 4hg Keke sabtiers -At0, GRIOMmIRANE, El Rbeep skins, SMeli ssc. 43 +5; 50 1 25 ° : WiO0dS 2: fo coe ccs scx aw cers 115 150 The Waterloo Junction Railway from | potatoes per bushel ....... 00: Waterloo to Elmira was officially open-| Rutter per Ib............+- 1613. ed last Priday- Eggs per doz...........2++ 13 14 Toronto University defeated Knox TORONTO GRAIN MARKET, College at Association football Nov, 26 Fall Wheat ... $0 95 $1 02 by # goals tol. Spring Wheat.........---- 93 95 Forty thousand people have been _at- BRAY ce disiccaciarenancdies 50-81 tacked with influenza in Berlin alone} Oats ~........... cece cee ees 30 «31 since November 1, 6) re ere ee 60 61 It is rumored that Lord Dufferin will} May ..........-....2-+e0e- 8 00 8 50 siieceed the late Lord Lyttunas British ) Dressed Hogs..........-.. 5 00 5 50 ambassador to: France. SOT cnc esi es nedacuigtio tials oa 122) 2 Ay Cr Miller; MP; for Prince Edward, | Butter oe eee ee 1315 -otatoes per bag ......... 006 0 00 GRAND TRUNK. RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G, & B. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South as follows : GOING ovUTIL. GOING NORTH. Express 7:12.a.m.| Mixed .. 8:25 a.m. Express 12:30 p.m. | Express 2:34 p.m, Mixed ..10:10 p.m, | Express 9:24 p.m, Mean merely to stop them discase When I say I care I do not en ve I for a time and then have them retarn n, I mean oa radical cure. I have made the of YITS, EPILEP. SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the w others have no reason for not now xeetiving & cure. Send at an: . EXPRESS and POST-OFFICE. Root, M.C., 186 ADELAIDE ST. . TORONTO, ONT. STAR LIVERY ATWOOD, ONTARIO. The Star Livery is equipped with first-class rigs, fast and gentle drivers, and in every way adapted to meet the requirements of the travelling public. Terms reasonable. Stables opposite loerger’s hotel. 27tt W. D. GILCHRIEST, Prop. SHEEP LOST. | OST, on or about June 15, 1891, three ewes and four lambs from lot 16, con, 5, EIma. One ewe had two lambs; the ewes have pig rings in their left ears, also two lambs Irave pig rings in their ears. Any person giving information as to their where- abouts will be liberally rewarded, LOUIS NEIBEIN, 33-din* Atwood, P. O., Ont. HURRAH FOR Xmas Goods Coming We have purchased a large and select stock of Christmas Holiday Goods for young and old, which will arrive in a few days, Grroceries, Comtecti omery, Stationery, dsc. We havein stock new and fresh Groc- eries, Confectionery of all kind, Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Salmon, Lobsters, etc. Also a nice assortment of Station- ery. Calland see goods before making your purchases. ‘lerms Cash. MRS. ZERAN. [#7 J.S. Hamilten's old stand. -NEW-- GROGERY | IN ATWOOD. Ilaving bought the entire Grocery stock of JAMES IRWIN, Atwood, and removed itto my Bakery, I am now prepared to supply the Public with Choice Croceries. —_—_ -BREAD- Cakes, Buns, Pastry and Confectionery a Specialty. Call and see me before: purchasing elsewhere. Ps TERMS CASH. THOS. FULLARTON, OMMISSIONER IN THE H.C.J.; Real Estate Agent; Issuer of Marriage Licenses; Money t Lend on: reasonable terms; Private Funds on hand ;_ all work —_neatly—and correctly done; Accounts Collected. Atwood, Novy. 11,.1890. 42-ly LUMBER | ATWOOD Planing Millis. The Atwood Planing Mill keeps on hand a good gen- eral stock of Lumber, in- cluding Dressed Flocring, SIDING AND Muskoka Shingles ! _f3" Parties indebted to the under- signed will please Settle their Accounts and oblige Wm. Dunn. Taocoon in the coils of ae Ps Papa Eig oF penis was not a more helpless te than is the ease, excesses, onan Soverwork, worry, efc. yourself. Take heart of hope zgain and Bz A MAN! We have cured thousands, whe allow us to refer to them. WECAN CURE you by use of our exskigive methods and appliances. Sin¥ple, unfailing treatment at heme for Lost or bailing Manhood, General or Nervous BDebility, Weaknesses of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Mannoop fully , Restored. Improvement seen the first day. How to enlarge and strengthen, WEAK, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS AND Paxts or Bony. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. a Notice to Taxpayers. SHE-undersigned wishes to state: that he will beat the Grand Central, Listowel, on Friday,. Dec. 4th, 1891; at Graham's lotel, At- wood, on Tuesday, Dec. 8th, and at Wynn's hotel, Newry, on Tuesday, Dec. 15th, to receive taxes duethe township of Eima, Parties interested will please make a note of these dates. JAMES DUNCAN, Collector of Elma.. Elma, Noy. 21, 1881. -AGAIN- The tale has been told at the World's Show ! Atwood, that R, M, BALLANTYNE —TOOK THE— _ SWEEPSTAKES. —FOR THE— BEST MADE Suit of CLOTHES THE 777 ‘ STORE |! The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. * % —_—_IN—— & Suitings and ~ QOvercoatings! First-Class all wool Suits from $8.- 50 to $15, worth from $11 to $17. Overcoats worth $21 for $177.50. Call and See Us and you willbe sure to: Leave Your Measure. CURRIE & HEUGHAN. R. B. Hamilton. aaa Nid = ks ae