occupied —I AM— Listowel. : Donegal. wipe aes eset Z wear” Spier ae sees 2 T. E. Fay has arrived from Manitoba. v. Mr. ee the new incum- ars on C e e % zi GIVING AWAY A Superb Music Box VERY Customer gets a Ticket for each Dollar’s worth of goods purchased between now and New Year’s. Come in and hear it. J. A. HACKING, ~*~ Druggist and Bookseller, LISTOWEL, ONT Country Talk. Elma. Try Tue Bee for 1892. John Berlet, of Monkton, is a papa. Wm. Attig is laid up with a severe at- tack of rheumatism. John Ingles, of Georgetown, is visit- ing friends in the township. Hurlburt & Merryfield, of Monkton, received 2bout 5,000 feet of logs at their inill the last snow. Messrs. Aitchison and barr of Down- ie, were Visiting at Hamilton s, dih con., this w eek. Mr. Lang, of the 12th concession, who was harvesting in Manitoba, has return- ed hone looking hale and hearty. Miss Alice Turnbull has secured a school near Mount Forest for next year. We wish her much success. Peter Ducklow, son of John Ducklow, of the 13th con., has gone to try his for- tune in the State of W yoming. Success, Tete Jas. Robb, of the 12th con., is having his-house repaired. ‘fhings “begin “to lake a@ matrimonial appeurance over there, The Monkton cheese factory shipped the balance of the season’s make—vI1z boxes- hast Friday, receiving l0Jyec, for Lhe salir There “will bea tea meeting held in the Jubilee churchou Mouday evening, Dec. 14th. Revs. Livingstone and Ilender- son,and T. Magwood, M. V.P., have been inyited to give addresses, music, Admission, 25 cents; children, 13 Tea from 5 to 7 o’cluck. Geo, Peebles, who has been running Milne’s grist mill at Ethel for the past tew mouths, returned home Friday last. fr. Peebles is an old miller, having serv- ed nearly a lifetime at the bi isiness, and It is scarcely necessary to add, he is a thorough practical man, Hisson, Scott Peebies, came home last Saturday night frum the Northwest, where he has been tur several months past. Rev. W. H. Harvey, B. A., of a agela preached i in the Methodist ‘church last Sunday morning and evening. ~ Beginning Monday it has been decided ; °° to keep een the Heading Rooms and Lib- rary open every afternoon and evening during the week. Towner’s tannery has been sold to Mr. Brethaupt of Berlin. Mr. ‘Towner, who we beiieve intends retiring, has ‘been a successful business man. Chaplain Searles’ lectures were well attended and proved highly interesting. Hei is a student of a very interestin de-g partment of human nature and capital way of giving his audiences the bonetit of his observ ations. Municipal affairs are quiet in town. The probability is Mayor Bruce will go in by acclamation next year. He has, we believe, filled the mayor's chair with ability andacceptance, notwithstanding the fact the town has suffered peculiar misfortunes during the past year, ~ Francis Everall, son of Benjamin F v- erall, of the Wallace boundary, west of the corporation. died on Sunday even- ing, Nov. 22. He had been confined to his bert for many months with a diseas. ed leg, which, in the hope of prolonging his life, was amputated about two months ago. Nov. 26th five cars of cheese left town and one Noy. 27th, being September make only from factories in the immed- iate vicinity, Trowbrid re, Molesworth, Cleland’s, Wallace and Cedar Grove. Over 23,000 boxes were sent out, and about $18,000 will be distributed within ten miles of town. October and Novy- ember cheese will be shipped later on. Twocars of hogs were shipped Nov. 26 by Scott and Jones. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Freeman have for many years been prominent citizens who have been held in high esteem by all classes. When it was announced that they had decided to remove to Brooklyn, N. Y., where twoof their sons have at ‘responsible situations, it was felt, especially in Methodist circles, that, to them and to Mrs. Winans, outside of the loss felt by the removal, it would be a high pleasure to give an evidence of the regard entertained toward them. After the weekly serviceon Wednesday night, Nov. 25th, a handsome gold head- ed cane was presented to Mr. Freeman by the Quarterly and Trust boards of the Methodist church and an address read by J.C. Hay. __.—~— Brussels. Dr. folmes continues very poorly. The orchestra in the Methodists. 5. is a drawing card. A wedding in the near future is on the tapis. Guess who will be the prin- cipais. Miss Williams is engaged in evangel- istic services in the Methodist church this week. Dr. W. Shaw, of gan, is visiting his brother, “ iw, of Brussels. J. Gilpin disposed of ninety plows dation the past year. Heis a pusher in the implement business Rev, Geo. Salton preac hed in Water- loo on Sunday. He is taking up a sub- scription on behalf of the church fund. Miss Williams preached two able, soul stirring sermons last Sunday. She alse addressed the children of the Sunday school. The Life Boat Crew could not arrange to come to Brussels in full strength so the engagement was cancelled for the present. Ann Arbor. Michi- Scnoon Rerort.—The following ri the standing of the pupils in S.S. No. 4,/ ut the exi iminations held during the: monthot November:—dth cluss—Ernest | Suitu. Jr. 4th class—Bert Turnbull, } Maud Harris, Ida Shannen. Sr. 3rd/ Gass—Etta Shannon, Wood Welsh, T. | Hamilton, Edith tarris, T. Peebles, E. | Gaynor. Jr. 3rd cliss—James Gaynor, Jj. Edgar, Nachel Laidlaw, Allie Hunter, Aume Welsh, Lottie Adams, J. Gaynor, | kiiza Wilson, Ageie Hunter, Ida ( “ol: | «us. The names are ip order of merit, | YARD, Teacher Charles Mckenzie, of Monkton, con- tinues to be yery poorly We regret to! say. Mr. MeKenzie has travelled a! great deal during his lifetime, and has | been subjected tu rough exposure both | ov land and sea, which is now telling | on his coustiintion. He was for some years engaged in ther geld diggings in! “Australia, Where he made considerable money. He was a passenger on the! first ste amship that crossed “the Atlan- te, snd was once shipwrecked at Sea. | Mr. MeKenzie's autobiography weuld | be interesting reading indeed. ' The balauce of the season’s make of | cheese—23} boxes—from the Silver Cor- ners factory wus shipped from the At | wood station last Fiiday. T Teceived was 1U0},c. Mr. Loudon, was the buyer. The factory made Gt tous of cheese during the sea- son now closed, which is tour tons in excess of last year’s make. This speaks well for the management of the factory and should be a matter of gratilication tothe cheesemaker, James Morrison. A minute statement of the season's work wili be published in Tnx BEE after the annual meeting. No doubt the many friends of W. Adams, of Trowbridge, will be pleased to hear of his success in securing one of the best schools in the ered bod Perih, for 1892. ‘he trustees S.S 6, Downie, have engaged him at asaincy of $450: rannum anda free house. The situation is indeed a favorable one, as the trustees of that section willingly reward industry aud push in a teacher, of which our friend Wm. has no lack. besides the school is but four miles from the city of Stratford. His success in getting this school is largely due to the generosity of the trustees of the M worth school, with whom had engaged, at a salary of $410.00 per annum, but at his requestthey magnan- imously released him from his éngage- gmucat with i | | A.| Miss Cora Sanders, of Mitchell, and Miss Editor Kerr, of the Post, has had a handsome Bell piano put into his house —a present to Mrs. Kerr on her arrival home from her yisit to friends in Win hipeg. We are pleased to hear that J.D.R ald has seld one of his medinm fire en pines. 1,500 feet of hose and 2 hose reels, tou atown in Nova Scotia. The ma chine will be shipped next week. The other day Watson Ainley shot two wild ducks on the Maitland river west of Brussels. They were of “saw bill” variety and were plump fel- lows. There were three of them, ‘gettingaway. A fish about four inches ' long was found in the bill of one of the birds. About 1 o'clock p. m.on Wednesday | of last week the silvercord was loosened | that held the s ston to the tenement of clay and the} | voyager passed into the haven of eter- nal rest. The deceased has suffered for some time from an inward eancer, fol- | lowed by othercoimplications. A fire broke out in Beattie's old livery stable early Sunday morning, demolish- ing the building before assistance could be rendered. Fortunately the wind was favorable or else the post oflice, town hall, and theadjoining property, might have suecumbed to the destroying ele- ment. The stable was insured for all it was worth, we understand, and as it was an old dilapidated affair, its re moya! will not be missed. Married on the 13th ult.. at the resi- dence of the bride’s father, James Hicks, £8 Bay street, Owen Sound, by the Rey. Dr. Waites, pastor of Knox church, Ronald C. 1 eit 2nd mate on 3S. 8. Baltic, to Miss Nellie E. Hicks, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. Hicks, formerly of Brussels. Annie Hicks, sister of the bride, made charmiug bridesmaids. Sidney Hicks and Geo. Dauid, of Marksdale, were the groomsmen Sunday, Nov. 22nd, Rev. Dr. Moffatt, of Toronto, agent for the Upper Canada Tract Society, presented its claims. He spoke in the Methodist church at 10:30 a. m., and in Melville church at 9:30 p.m. At the morning service he pointed out the elements of Christian life as being ame Lg yo aggressive, Christ-like and practical. This Tract Society had been in operation 59 years and was do- le work. Last year 10,00) Bi- nd 1,000 Principal | | ‘ cl i narrowly escaped with theirlives. pirit of Mrs. W. G. Hing: | bat of t parish, the pulpit for the ‘frst ane in ee ssi de “a Ligon f . 22. A la ie hear him, and all all Pomned was resen pleased with the course. if Trowbridge. The Rev. Herbert Baylis, of Trow- bridge, is still very weak, Many prayers are being offered up for his recovery. Stephen Wilcott, of ‘trowbridge, who has spent the summer out west, has re- turned looking well. Stephen speaks a| Very highly of the western country. Newto Hugh Jack Srippet a ane carload of hogs on Thursday. Inspector Alexander visited schools in this vicinity last week. Conrad Lather, who has made cheese danring the past season in Carthage, for igh Jack, left last week for Reed City, »iiechigan. where he intends blacksmith- ing with his brother. Ethel. wae P. Sinspson is on the sick list this Week. Wm. Milne has lost quite a number of saw logs by the recent floods. Wm. Angus, of Elma, is renewing old acquaintancesin Ethel and vicimty. Miss J. Bartleman has returned from Toronto, after spending a few weeks with her sister. The patrons of the Ethel cheese fac tory have shipped the balance of the season's make of cheese. The price re- alized was 10c. per pound. es Newry. The coming municipal elections form the staple theme for gossip here just at present. C. J. Wynn visited David IHume, near Woodstock, last week; they paiit- ed Woodstock on Saturday. The pens residing in Newry took in the ‘Teachers’ Convention last week and were highly editied. ’ Weare glad to state that Mr. McIn- tyre, who was kicked by his horse a short time ago, is slowly recovering. | A new box drainis being put under the street in Newry by Jas. McNee lands, not before it was needed,however. of overseventy at present. A and more commodious school room needed. W. G.Morrison, principal of the Tees water Public school, and formerly teach- érin S.S. No. 5, has been re-engaged by the Teeswater trustee board for 1892 at a salary of 5550, an increase of 550 over this year’s salary. Success, W. G. ge Grey. Mrs. Agnes Shaw fas returnel from 2 visit to her sister, Mrs. Wim. Bishop, Beachville. Mrs. Bishop is very ill. Shoddy pedlars are “doing” a section of this township and trying to palm off their goods on the unsuspecting farmer. Give them the shunt. A new feature in buck-saws is on the way, of which T. MeGregor is the in- ventor. He says it will fill a long felt want among users of saws. It is said that aresident of the 8th con., east of Ethel, has not been doing the square thing with his family last j week for while in a tantrum, during the absence of his sons, he abused his wife and daughter in a most cowardly manner, inflicting injuries on both. There is evidently work cut out for a vigilance committee if this inhumanity is continued, The following from the Toronto Globe, of Noy. 28th, refers to ason of Jno. Hill, of this tow mitt —The store and build- ings of E. J. Hill were consumed by fire }\ Wednesday morning, Nov. 25th, between |3 and 4o’clock. Alex. Ford’s family oc- | cupants of the dwellingabove the store, Very | great exertion on the part of the = citi- |zens anda favorable wind saved the larger is One | town of Burk’s Falls, where the fire 02- curred. On Wednesday afternoon, Nov 18th, there was a finiter of excitement at the lresidence of James Hislop. 12th con., over the arrival of guests to witness the marriage of his eldest daughter, Miss ‘Mary A..to Jas. W. Grant, I4th con, At3p. m. Rev. David Forrest, of Wal- ton, performed theceremony. The bride was attended by Miss Maggie H. Grant, sister of the groom, and Jas. Hislop, jr., acted the part of groomsman. ° he wedding gifts bespoke the poptariey of the contracting parties. It is almost unnecessary to say that the best wishes of all are for asmooth and prosperous voyage over the sea of life. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. ef TIS Great Gough Cure, this “* | cessful Consumption Cure, without a parallel in the hiatay of medicine. All druggists are author- ized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no otherure can a stand. If you have a Cough, So Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your chiid has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief issure. If you dread that in- sidous disease Consumption, don’t fail to use it, it will cure you or cost noth- 000j}ing. Ask poet Prageist for Shiloh’s Price 10c., 50c. a nd $1. If your pages missionary and “vee Pho topics, were istributed. , | Cure, Price cet are sore Or Back lame, use 25¢. }foh’s Porous Plaster. The Newry school has an attendance | S é é : wel and Return. Q G "Goods the front of the Listowel Dry Goods Trade for Bargain Times. <A Special Sale Now of Over- coats, Furs, Fur Caps, Robes, and all heavy @ ods for the Winter. Ladies see onr area @ stock of Mantle Cloths, Sealettes and New Dress LOOK HERE, NOW! We make you this offer:—Every person com- ing from Atwood station and buying 25 worth of goods at our store will be liberally dealt with, and will receive from us 42 Cash. the Price of their Railway Ticket trom Atwood to Listo- 3 im. : rf) fr) Q Q So eee osgee C) CARSON & McKEE, The old reliable Golden Lion, Listowel. BOOTS & SHOE Shoes on hand which need article sells itself. We have Also the Granby Rubber shoe, the best in its line in the market. offering good goods at moderate prices. MRS. M. HARVEY. DRY GOODS! New Dress Goods, Flanzeleties, Flannels, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. We have just opened a new stcck of Hats & Cars and Gloves, which are worthy of inspection. GROCERIES We are receiving fresh Groceries weekly, and are selling a very choice “Japan Tea, 3 Ibs. for $1, and every- thing “else in keeping with these prices. ‘a complete stock of John MecPherson’s Boots and no recommendation as the and Over In short, we are usittess Cards. _8u Int SURAMNCE. W. D. MITCHELL, Atwood, Agent of CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION of Toronto. Guar- antee capital and assets, $4,211,643.00. Business in force, $19,311,780.U0. MEESDICATZ L. E. RICE, M. D., C. M. Trinity University, Toronto ; Fellow by examination of ‘Trinity Medical Col- lege, ‘Toronto; member of the College of Vhysicians and Surgeons, Ontario; mem- ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mic higan; special attention givento the Diseases of Women and Children. Office and residence, next dour to Mader’s store, Atwood. Oftice hours: 16 to 12 a.m.; 1to 2:30 p.m., and every evening to 8: 30. ~‘« J. FOSTER, L. D.S Is using an improved Electric Vib- ater Vitalized Air, or Gas, for the iyless extracting of teeth. Satusfac- i ae guaranteed. Otlice—1n block south side of Main street bridge, J.istowel. W. M. BRUCE, L.DS., DENTIST. Gas, electricity, or local ansesthetics, administered for painless extraction. Artiicial teeth guaranteed to be of the best material aud of first-class work- manship. Otlice over Thompson Kros, store, Main street, Listowel. [7 At loerger’s hotel, Atwood, every Monday. AUCTIONSERS. Cc. H. MERY FIELD, Licensed auctioneer for the County of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate For particulats apply at this ottice. ALEX. MORRISON, Licensed Auctioneer for Perth County All sales attended to promptly and at moderate rates. Information with re- gard to dates may be had by applying at this office. THOS. E. HAY, Licensed Auctioneer for the Dima of Perth. Rates moderate. ce—Over Lillico’s bank, Listowel. aul orders left at this office will be attended to promptly. Money to Loan. At Lowest Rates of Interest. a MISS L. HUNT, Dress and Mantle Ifalzer, ATWOOD, ONTARaQ, iooms— Over A.Campbell’s Harness Shop. CONSUMPTION. of the worst kind and of long r. A. “SLoc cum, M. C., 186 A ADELAIDE HE © ‘orporation of the Township session foran Actto ratify and vaii- sued thereunder. citors for Applicants, Church Re-Opening. a a ——— = for the above disease; by ite Sa tariun anak Indeed so strong is my faith: mp tied that I will send TWO BOTTLES F FREE, vith s VALUABLE TREATISE on this eng to my $7! WEST, TORONTO, ONT. of Elma will apply to the Legis- lature of Ontario at its next date By-law No, 288, of said Township. and the Debentures issued or to be is MACLAREN, MACDONALD, ome r & SHEPLEY, Soli Dated 11th November, 189 MONKTON Re. opening services of the Presbyter ian church, Monkton, will be held on Sabbath, Dec. Sth, 1652. Sermons will be preached at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rev. A. D. MeDonald, of Seaforth, ex-Moderator of Synod; and at 2:30 p.m. by Rev. A. F. Tully, of Mitchell. On DLonday fwvening, Dec. 7, a Tea IMeeting will we held. Tea seryed from 5to 7, after which addresses will be given 4 Revs. A. D. McDonald, Seaforth; A. F. Tully, ee chell; I. Campbell, Ph. D., “Listowel; JJ a. W. Cameron, B.A , North Mornington: W. M. McKibbin, AL A., Millbank, ane resident clergymen. Music will be fur- nished by the choir_of the chureh. A collection will be taken at each serviee on Sabbath in aid of the fund for re- pairs. Admission to tea 25c dren lie. hg cordial invitation is ex- tended to al H. McNatanr, A. Henperson, M.A., Secretary. Pastox.