Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 10 Jul 1891, p. 4

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THEMBEBEE De &. 8. PELTON, PUBLISHER. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891. NEWS OF THE DAY There are 6, eo 000 00 Roman Catholicsin the United Sta The General oad of Baptist Home e Missions met Monday. Michael McHugh committed suicide at Belleville on Monday. Chicago has 5,650 saloons, employing 17,050 men and 8,900 women. oe Memorial Institute in Otta- He mry M. Stanley i is richer by $110,000 as the result of his lecture tour in The appeal of the Princess of Wales on behalf of Mrs. Grimwood has been cold- ly receiv Statistics prove that onl a million lives to be one eight years old. Northwest-Mounted Police captured 180 gallons contraband whiskey at Re- gina recently. Donald McLean, a farmer near Luck- ow, Ont., was fatally injured at a barn- raising on Saturday. Despatches from Hayti state that 200 rsons were sisi Se put todeath there y order of Iippolyte. cady Macdonald, widow of the late Premioar, has been raised tothe peerage as Countess of Earnscliffe. One report fays she will not accept. The U.S. Farmers’ Alliance have got out asong book containing 86 ditties, set to popular airs, which they sell at their meetings. The total .indebtedness- of Brantford is $689,406, and of this sum $332,500 has been paid out in bonuses, and over 86 gl cent. of this last sum has been giyen 0 railroad companies. A movement is now on foot to present to Lady Macdonald a life-sized portrait of hers:lf in recognition of the part she jas played in Canadian life and politics. Senator Sanford has the matter in charge. This story is told of Oliver Mowat. nee day he founda poor drunken man lying in a pool of mud. “My poor fel low” said QOntario’s premier, “let me help you out, don’ t you see you're all over mud.” Tho are you?” rudely asked the Gosten man. “Why,” sala the premier, “fam Oliver Mowat, but who areyou?” “I?” answered the man, “T'm all over mud,” Guelph Mercury:—The Ontario Ag- ricultural College is doing-a great work this year in advertising the city of Guelph and the county of Wellington as a tarming centre, outside of the edu- eation and eps uknewleage of farm work imparted at the Institution. Lasf¥ weak there were 3,040 excursionists vis- ited so farm. There were 480 from East York, 422 from South Simcoe, 634 from North | ’erth, 450 from Centre Wellington, 1,350 from South Bruee, U7 from Morth Essex, 300 of the Sous of England from Toronto Junction, and 187 ofa Sabbath school picnic from Blenheiin and Mount Pleasan one man in undred and 4 Strere.—O Fall Whea paced Wheat’ ve Wood, 2 ft B It is proposed to found a Macdonald Fall Whea Pree Wheat... oaiensn BRS. Pomtnse per bag GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. and South as follows : Express 12:30 p.m. Mixed . Stage vie Atwood North and South as follov Newry Monkton 9:00 a.m. Bornho’m19:15 a.m. | Newry 2 Mitchell 11:15 p.m. | Atwood 6:00 p.m. the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be cheerfully given by applying to Jed imme Act respecting the Trustees and of Estates,” deceased, who died on or about the 13th } {day of April, A. D. 1891, are hereby re- ee ee o Thursday, July ont the wife of Mr. August Stefe, 16th con. | Ema; ofa 500. Tuatest Dfarizet Feports. esi MARKET. me -s 98 $1 Hides per ib... House and Lot esto with a neyer failin and other conveniences. the purchaser. LOS reer REE Tice! ="or oar ce or to Rent HE undersigned offers for sale or to rent his splendid e house R. Atwood on Main street, south of twood, containing 7 rooms, to- ng aEet sprin pak ALEX. CAMPBELL, 28-4{n Atwood, Ont. Sheep skins, each.. + the on RE SEEASSEESS =eSasaSSsas SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Atwood Station, North GOING NORTH. Mixed .. 8:25 a.m- Express 2:34 p.m -10:10 p.m. | Express 9:24 p. ‘m, GOING SUUTH. E xpress 7:2a.m. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. GOING aOueE. GOING NORTH. Atwood 8:00a.m.| Mitchell 2:30 p.m. 8:05 a.m. | B’rnho’m 3:30 p.m Mankton 4:45 p. m. ‘53 p.m A. FRAME. Any information wanted respecting R.S. Pelton, of THe Bee Publishing Iouse, or A. FRAME dl-ly Box 14, Stratford, Ont. EXECUTORS’ Notice to Creditors ~QF- ELLEN ItAMILTON, DECEASED. URSUANT of the provisions of Section 36, Chapter 110, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1889, entit- nistrators and the Administration Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons hav- ing any debt, claim or demand against the estate of Ellen Hamilton, late of the Township of Elma, in the County of Perth and Province of Ontario, widow, “MILL S|Haats, Trimmed THE VERY LATEST IN VERY And Untrimmed, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS ETC., ETC., ETC. Pongee Silks & Satins In all the Newest Shades, Silk Laces in all colors. few choice pieces of Blouse A DRESS GOODS. Hostmery, Guoves anp Em- BROIDERIES. t~ Eggs taken the same as Cash. Mrs. Johnson. —FROM— $12 to $20! The warm summer days are at hand and. you are doubtless meditating a change of clothing. Perhaps you are in need of a SUMMER Sur. Ifso,leave your measure with us, we keep nothing but the best goods at right prices, ae som delight to yelp and bite, r tis their natur At Carrie’ s shop, aaress 5 the way, They say his goods are low. In Scottish Tweeds and Pantings fine, His styles attract the gaze; So to be neat your purchase make Which best your form displays. 1$9 to $5 on One Suit WILL BE FOUND IN Pie BEE FROM WEEK TOU WEEK. 50 CTS. TO JAN. 1, '92. TENDERS. Township : of Hlma. EALED Tenders (marked Ten- ders for Bridge) will be a ge Bg Mi Bie 891 for eee o'clock a.m., hoy erection of a new bridge on creek, con. 4, at Mr. Turnbull's. ntractor to fur- nish all ‘material and give security. Plan and specifications can be seen at my office, + between 9 and 5 o’clock each day. THOS. FULLARTO) Clerk ae Reed P: O. Atwood, June 30, 1 KNOCKED OUT Of the Tailoring Trade en- tirely. Canadian all wool Tweed Suits for $10.00. Scotch Tweed Suits for $16.00. Irish Tweed Suits for $17.00. mete of informa on and ab- / stract of the laws, ne Bom to/m > ©: tain Patents, Ca e/f All wool Tweed Pants for TENDERS. Township cf Elma. EALED Tenders (marked Tenders for Drain) will be received by the undersigned up to 10 o'clock a.m., July 18, 1891, for each sectien (separately) for digging, grubbing and for all work in connection with a mun- icipal drain, running through South west of Elma and South-east of Grey; Contractors to state how much per rod vei to name (2) responsible securities in ender, Plan, profile and we oan be seen at my office, Atw tween the hours of 9 and 5 o “clock each day--The-lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THOS. FULLARTON, Clerk Elma. $2.00. Give Us aCall And Save from, Atwood, June 29, 1891. R.M.Ballantyne. LARDINE MACHINE OIL The famous heavy Boiled Oil for all Machinery. Those who use it once use it always. McColl’s* Renowned Cylinder Oil quired on or before the 38RD DAY OF Aveust, A. D, 1891, to send by post prepaid to or deliver to James EL. Dar- ing, Wallace street, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, their Christian and surnames, address and description, the full particulars of their claim and statement of their ac- count and the nature of their security {if any) held by them. In default there- of the said Executors at the expiration of that time will proceed to distribute the assets of theestate of the said Ellen Hamilton, deceased, among the —— entitled thereto, having regard gin, hc the debts, claims and demands on which they then shail have notice, and that they will not ba liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose debt, claim or demand they shall not then have-/had notice. ar as owe this 3rd day of July, A aces, cl . ARLING, Solicitor for John B. Riach and Robert Hamilton, Ex- ecutors of the last will and testament of the said Ellen Hamilton, deceased. Canadian Tweeds and Worsted Suits From figures Twelve to Twenty, Are said by some to be as low If not lower than McGinty, And he’s at tne bottom, etc. CURRIE & HEUGHAN, ATWOOD, ONT. TRY TBE BEE —FOR THE— BALANCK OF -1891 —ONLY— 50-GENTS-50 eame by the G. ‘T. R. withthe exception of the Sons of England on C. P. R Rey. U1. T. Crossiey, the well known evangelist, writing to the Winnipeg Free Press regarding the year’s work of hiimself anda Mr. Hunter, says:-As some people talk censoriously about us get- ting rich, ete., I might just here say, not for those who talk, for personally I do not believe in gratifying them by noticing them, for people will talk you know: but for those who would be pleased to know the truth, let me sta that from all places visited during the past year we received for evangelistic Work less than $2,100 each, while for travelling expenses by train and boat we both paid 3380, and for board Sa. We pay our way as men should, wheth- erin hotel or private house we make our home. Imight also state that we have found great joy in contributing to benevolent and religious purposes dur- ing the year over 31,3800. We endeavor to liye ind labor and give, in view of 7 day when the books shall be open- ed. Has no equal for Engine cylinders. Give it a trial and see for yourself. Beware of imitations of Lardine. Made only by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. _ For Sate sy J. ROGERS, Arwoon. THE 777 STORE The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGCS. —-~>— The Listowel Celebration. According to the most authentic re- orteche neighboring town of Listowel celebrated Dominion Day in great style. Sh voting tournaments, baseball se aud horse and dog races were among the amusements provided and witness- ed by hundreds of people from all parts ot the Sa! retinal CORES: rt of the programm was not concluded until the following day. The leading events were a green run,23 minute trot anda 14 mile dash. Altogether there were five races, resulting as follows: Green run. Henry Moore's pady, ee ‘T. Stevenson's Elma _ H. Barronstael’ a Dotter Boy Time--L.vLlg, 1.00%, LOLLY. Three- — | ashlee JOB PRINTING A Specialty At pecialty * Tue Bex is the best print- ed, best written and newsiest village newspaper in Ontar- io.—Stratford Beacon. THE BEE Is one of the WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, ae on hand a large assortment of all kinds of Furniture, lain and pany Picture Frame a ouieine, Cabinet Photo rames, Boy’s Wagons, Baby Carriages, different prices, different kinds. Parties purchasing $1 £10 O and over worth may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township free of cost. Freight or Baggage taken to and from Station at Reasonable-Rates. Dray always on hand. Undertaking attended to at any time. First-class Hearse in connection. Furniture Kooms-opposite P. 0. T woe 43, 2.3414, 2.3614. 14j mile dash, purse $150. J. Dymeunt's Volga ILE, Douglas’ Victor THE BEE me—2.}8) 2.40 class, purse $150. A. Ti homrpson’s Axtel John Mila: mn ’s Annie B 38, 2.3214, 2.30 as asthe run, purse $150, Ti. <f Douglas’ Victor. ....ccsccecs 1 Publishing House. BEST ADVERTISING MED- Rates Micderate ! IUMS IN PERTH.

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