Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 3 Jul 1891, p. 8

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Faas PTS ease as Or ee Tae UMMER HOLIDAYS. Ifyou are going Fast, West, North or South, by ‘Rail, River, Lake|: or Ocean, Call on Me for Rates and Tickets. J. A. HACKING, Railway and Steamship Agent, LISTOWEL, ONT. Perth County Notes. The proceeds of the the Kirkton Presby- terian 5. 5. = niversary and picnic amounted to $ Mrs. T. S. a has presented to St. James’ church, St. Marys, two handsome cups for the Holy Communion. Itisrumored in Stratford that the George T. Smith Purifier Works have passed into the hands of a local com- pany. The Grand Lodge, 1.0.0. F., meets in Stratford on the llth of August. tween fcur and five hundred Oddfellows will be present. 27,000 lbs. of milk was taken into the Avonbank cheese factory June8, Such a large amount had the effect of bring- ing several wagons to grief. The Chancery Autumn Courts will be held in Stratford on Thursday, Sept. 10, before Robertson, J.; and at London on “ Monday, Nov. 9th, before Meredith, J A meeting of the Reform Association of South Perth will be ene in the opera house, St. Marys, on Friday July 2rd, at one o'clock p. m., for general busi- R. T. Harding, son of Stratford's es- “teemed citizen, J. E. Ilarding, Master- in-Chancery, has passed his examination _ ee and received his degree of The Autumn Assizes will open at Stratford on Monday, Oct. 19th, Justice Falconbridge presiding. At Londonon Monday, Oct. 15, Justice Macmahon presiding. . Wm. Graham has sold his farm on the 8rd concession, Fullarton, to George Henry. The farm contains 100 acres and is one of the best in this section. Price $50 The w alls of the St. Marys town hall are slowly growing heavenward. On Tuesday afternoon of last week about 4 o'clock, the corner stone containing two glass gem jars, was placed in posi- ion. Ilarry E. Shaver, a bright young graduate of the Stratford Collegiate In- stitute and ason of Dr. P. R. Shaver, has passed his examinationin arts at MeGill University. Ile intends study- ing medicine, On Saturday, June 20th, a very sad and painful accident happened to a littie son of Thos, Wilson, Prospect Hill. The child fell into a pail of scalding water, and after suffering until Tues- = morning, died. He was2!¢ years old. That was an ogee quartette that met a few days ago at the residence} of H. M. Byers, Downie. The combin-} edages of the four persons was 346 | years—H. M. Byers, aged 79; G. Pringle, ed 91; Mrs. Win. Byers, aged 91, and Thos, Brow n, aged An old resident of West Lorne, one of the wealthiest men of the place and &man whose word is as good as the bank of England, offered W. Colwell, editor of the West Lorne Heraid, and formerly of the Mitchell Advertiser, a building lot last week if he would build :y ae on it. F 6 Se a well known farmer east of Strathallan, has a peacock that is not only beautiful but useful. This sagac- ious and vivacious bird walks up and down the potato field between the rows, , picking off the potato bugs on which it seems to thrive. Itisa ape and per- haps a rare thing to be able to combine beauty and usefulness. The Stratford Herald press which has been more or less of an invalid for the past ten years is again able to sit up lone, and partake pap, its pulse beats =— regular and it ison a fair way to recovery. The gee it received at the Geo. T. Smith Purifier Works of this city, speaks well for thatexcellent firm. mes was given allopathic treatment.—— im oca! of the wale will probably te er in the wide of rian i Cos s . | St.p>died on on | and The North and South Presbyterian gharanee of Nissourihave givena v. Mr. Craugh. ss bachelors of Stratford entertain- ed their friends at aball inthe rink Friday eed 19th Pi -which was = The music was alghet by > Corlett’s begeslad oe Toronto, and there were present near vt ma sons from. Toronto, Woedstock, Lon- don, Listowel, St. Marys, Brantford, Mitchell and Goderich. Rev. Mr. Leitch was inducted as pas tor of Knox church Tuesday afternoon, June 23, The church was decora with flowers. Rev. T. A. CoSgrove, of St. Marys, preached a sermon from Jo 12:7. ‘Rev. Mr. Stewart addressed the new pastor and Rev. Mr. Hamilton the congregation. The ladies of the church furnished a ee repast in the basement. A public reception took place Tuesday night. Listowel. ‘R. Hay has opened a livery and sale stable on Mill street, in rear of the Grand Central property. Christ church Sunday school will hold its annual on in John hay at grove, 8rd con. Wallace, on Frida ternoon of this wee The Arlington Hotel hasrecently been fitted up with a complete gene of electric bells. They were put inby J. Chenoweth, of Stratford. Mrs. Gray, wife of Geo. Gray, Alma Monday of last week after . short illness. The deceased had been resident of Listowel for a good mea ‘Ee H. Rolls is having the debris in the front part of the Grand cece el hotel pro erty cleared away prepara we ee to erecting a block ote stores on the site. Listowel lodge A.O. U. W. intend holding a garden party and lawn social on the grounds of B. F, Brook on Fri- day evening, 3rd July, for which invita- tions are being sent ou new furniture factory has been award- ed to J. Large of this town. Large’s tender was $8,000, which was below any of the others. Messrs. Hay Bros., millers, have dis- solved partnership, J. C. Ha retiring from the firm, The flour mill business will be continued by W. G. Hay and his two sons, and J. C. Hay takes over the Gas works and real estate of the firm coe of the mill property. The changes will not affect the extensive business of the old firm, which will be continued as heretofore undesthe name of Hay Bros. The waterworks which have been put in for the use of the town for fire Pro. tection, by Messrs. A. Moyer & now completed and were 0 the lirst time on Wednesday evening of last week. The pressure is furnished by a powerful duplex pump, the cylinders bemg 18x12 inch, and the pumps 10x12 inch, The capacity of the pumps are about 3,000 gallons perminute. Messrs. Inglis & Son of Toronto were the manu- factarers.—Standard NEWS OF THE DAY Joseph Mitton, Ridgetown, expects to have 1,000 bushels of peaches. ‘The crop will be heayy. Miss Nora Clench leaves shortly for Europe. She will spendseveral months at the Brussels Conservatory of music. The soul t blood. Nothing great is Srisead without the severest disci ee of heart and mind; nosuang is well done thatis done eas- i Prof. Wolverton, of Woodstock Col- lege,intends leaving in a couple o weeks to take the position of President Sad a imines for colored people in Mrs, Langtry is said to be wearing a pair of black eyes, the result of a dis- yute with her latest admirer, John 3aird, a Scotch millionaire, known on the turf as Abingdon. The Prince of Wales was born Novem- ber 9, 1841, visited Canada in 1860 and married a daughter of the King of Den- mark. March 10, 1863. He will be fifty | ye: “agein Noyember. : appropriated $500,000 for a w) spats xhibit at the Chicago World’s Fair. This will be the first instance of an Oriental nation being adequately re- presented at an international exhibi- tion. A spicy breach of promise case will likely be ventilated at the next assizes in Woodstock. The plaintiff is a young orwi asked to heal the wound is $10,000. The question as to the most beautiful woman of the century is still progress - ng in London. One writer, me ge the Conneni Castiglione, out o did not knowher when he saw breath away, her beauty was so harmoun- _ and in all points so faultless, When I was told who she was I thought | P of Helen and the Trojans. The Windsor Record has the follow- ing: Napoleon Laland, of Belle River, is the owner of a cow ‘that is known to have eaten 17 goslings last week. She will follow up a flock of geese and — them in her mouth and eat them and bones. When first reported little confidence was placed in the story, but now it can be vouched for by over a dozen citizens who have seen her eat em. Queen Victoria’s family circle now numbers fifty living descendants, in- cluding sons 3 — and grea’ great qremldaughters. es these she has four sons-in-laws, four daughters-in-law, five dsons in-law, nddau ughter-in-law. The ost oné son, one daughter, dsons, oné granddaughter, one gtandson, aiid one son-in-law: The contract for the erection of the |in a her first, says, “Thesightof her took my h dsons | p a BY-LAW NO. 288, Of the Township of _ =, . Elma, To raise the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars for the Purpose of paying certain maturing’ railway debent- ures of the Municipality and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor. Whereas certain railway debentures of the said ssbrtgepen will Bee on the 24th day of September, <A. 891, and it is necessary to raise the poe of ‘Twelve Thousan for the pur- pose of paying the sam@, and in order thereto it will be necessary to issue de- bentures of the Municipality of the Township of Elma for the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars payable as herein provided. And whereas it is desirable to make the principal of the said-debt, hereby created, payable by annual instalments during ‘the currency of the period o Fold Sei Feat: within on int said debt And whereas for that purpose “it will = requisite to raise the several sum ach year, respectively, hereinafter set forth in this By- And whereas sins amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipal- ity of Elma Te to the last revised Assessment Roll of the td gar amounts to the sum of One Million Five Hundred and Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Dollars. And whereas the existing debenture debt of the said meen = lity amounts to thesum of Twenty-Five Thousand iprcame __ no principal or interest is Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of bid } Township of Elma enacts as follow 1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Municipality of the Township of Elma for the purposes aforesaid to borrow the said sum of Twelve Thous- and Dollars and toissue debentures of the said Municipality to the amount pe Twelve Thousand Doilars in sums of not less than Six Hundred Dollars, each payable in the manner for the amoun and at the times yl sét forth in the schedule to this By- 2. The said debentures as io or and interest shall be payable at the agency of pa Hack of Hamilton in the Town of List 3. It shall be Taw fulfor the Reeve of the said Municipality and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue said debentures hereby authorized to be issued and to cause the same and each coupon attached thereto to be signed by the Treasurer of the said Municipality; and the Clerk of the or Municipality is hereby authorized a instructed to attach the seal of the suid eee! to the said debentures, . There shall be raised and levied in each year by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Munici- pality a sum suflicient to discharge the several instalments of principal and in- terest accruing due on the said debt as the same becomes respectively payable according to the following schedule to this Bylaw, that is to say: In twenty equal annual payments of Six Hundred Dollars each with interest thereon at the rate of Fiye per centum per annum, payable in each of the years Tso 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1 it ae , 1900, 2 903, 1% 907, , 1902, , 190 sk 1909, 1910 and ei. This “By-law shall , effect on the Eighteenth day of July, A. D. 1891. 6. The votes of the ratepayers of the said Municipality shall be taken on this By-law at the following times and Bincte, that is to say on the Eleventh ot Juiy next, at the hour of nine Oelock in the forenoon and continuing until five o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, and the persons also herein- after named shall be returning officers to take votes at the respective polling places hereinafter set forth, that is say: Electoral Division No. 1 Connie? work shop, Charles Cosens, Returnin Onlicer. Electo Division Ni o. 24, ion No, 3, Stevenson, Returning Officer. al Division No. 4, Oran range Hall, Newry, Thos. Fullarton, Returning Officer. Electoral Division No. 5, Orange Hall, Donegal, Jas. Dickson, jr., Returning Officer. Electoral Division No. 6, Dav- ies’ school house, J. R. Hammond, R turning Officer. Electoral Division No. 7, Lambert's school house, Ferdinand Doering, Returning Officer 7. On Wednesday the Tw enty-Fourth day of June, A. D. 1891, the Reeve shall attend at Clerk’s office, Atw , at the our of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, to spline. persons to attend at the various olling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, respective- ly, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this By-law. 8. The Clerk of the Council of the said Municipality shall attend at the Clerk’s office, in the Village of Atwood, on Saturday the aac me day of July, 1891, at Seven o’clock in afternoon, rag sum up the number ae votes given for and against this is By- -law. TARE “MoOTICES That the above is a true copy of a toposed By-law which has been 9 oe capers ging and which will be passed b e-Counel of the Munteibality of the Towns of Elma in the event of ee nt of the elect- ors being 0 to after one renin fren the first calietinn in the pans as THE ATWOOD Bas) w whl { publieation was on the Nineteenth day of June, A.D. 1891, and that at the hour, day and p aces therein fixed for takin the —e his reg electors 1 ihe é polls will THOS, FULLERTON Clerk of the Mun icipality of Elma June 16th, 1891. W. J. Marshall PAINTER, Ontario, Ltywrood, - = Is prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Graining, Glazing, Kalsomin- ing, Paper Hanging, eee Trim ming, etc., in the Latest Style. Terms Reasonatle. Satistaction Assured. —THE— Right Way | Place. RiuH | 8. Men to sell goods. 8. Way to make money Way tospend money Way to save mone Stoveis he Model. CHT Right Tureen, Deal With Us And we will use you right. BONNETT & BOWYER, Main St. Bridge, Listowel. LUMBER! ATWOOD The Atwood Planing Mill keeps on hand a good gen- eral stock of Lumber, in- cluding Pine Lat Dressed Flooring, SIDING AND Muskoka Shingles ! kept in stock. 24c. per 100. Wm. Dunn. DR. SINGLAIR M.D. M.A. L.C.P.S.0., M. c.P. S. M, Specialist, - Toronto, —WILL BE AT— Iecerger’s Etotel, Atwood, ——on—— Wednesday, JULY 8, 189! Consultation Free. — Jonathan Buschart, Listowel, says-— “After spending all my money and pe perty to no purpose on medical men, or what they termed a hopeless case of consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me.” Mrs. Mary using. Woodhouse, says: —“When = = ailed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of W. ace a hein + aad Dr. Sinclair cured me of Geo. Rowed, Blyth, says:—“Dr. Picco clair cured ones oth a rtdiseuse and sy, when all others failed.” Right Eavetroughs./ltnse Planing Mills.|:: Business Cards, —_ ME bicoa J. R. HAMILTON, M. D., ¢. M., Graduate of McGill University, Mon- treal. Member of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office— Opposite THE EE oifice. Residence— Queen street; night messages to be left at residence. L. E. RICE, M. D., C. M. Trinity University, Toronto : Fellow by examination of Trinity Medical Col- lege, Toronto; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; mem - ber ot the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Michigan; special attention iven to the Diseases of Women and hildren. Office and residence, next door to Mader’s store, Atwood. Office ours: 16 to 12 a.m. ; 1 to 2:30 p.m., and every evening to 8:30. DEawTA. J. J. FOSTER,L. D.S., Is using an improved Electrie Vib- rator, Vitalized Air, or Gas, for the ca extracting of teeth. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Office—In block south side of Main street bridge, J.istowel. W. M. BRUCE, L.D.S8., DENTIST, Is extracting teeth daily without pain through the aid of “The Electric Vibrator.” The most satisfactory re- sults are attained by the use of this wonderful instrument, for which he holds the exclusive right. References, &c., may be seen at his dental apart- ments, over Thompson Bros.’ store, Entrance, Main St., Listowel. AO STION SERS. Cc. H. MERYFIELD, Licensed auctioneer for the County of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate For particulars apply at this ottice. ALEX. MORRISON, sed Auctioneer for Perth County All sales attended to promptly and at moderate rates. Information with re- gard to dates may be had by applying at this oflice. THOS. E. HAY, ae age Auctioneer for the County of .- Rates moderate. Ofticee—Over Lillico’s bank, Listowel. All orders left at this office. will be attended to promptly. Money to Loan, At Lowest Rates of Interest. A. FRAME. Any information wanted respecting the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be cheerfully given by applying to Ss. oa of Tue BEE Publishing House, 0 “A. FRAME, ol-ly Box 14, Stratford, Ont. THOS. FULLARTON, OMMISSIONER IN THE H.CWJ.; Real Estate Agent; Issuer of Marriage Licenses; Money to Lend on reasonable terms; Private Funds on hand ; all work neatly and correctly done; Accounts Collec _ Atwood, Nov. 11, 1890. a y HOUSE, SIGN AND Ornamental Painting, The undersigned d begs to inform the citizens of Atwood and surrounding country that he is in a position to do all kinds of painting in first-class style, and at lowest rates. orders en- trusted to the same will receive prompt attention. REFERENCES :—Mr. MeBain, Mr. R. Forrest, Mrs. Harvey. WM. saleds re 8tf. Pat inter, Brussels. TEAS! Everybody should Try J.S.GEE’S UNCOLORED JAPAN TEA 4 LBS. —rén— $1.00 Diseases of private nature ——_ on by sin Dr; Sinelaix certainly cures, NEWRY. J. S. GEE,

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