Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 5 Jun 1891, p. 5

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You have ~ Currant Bushes Therefore you should Buy Helebore to kill the worms ‘You will have Flies in the House, Therefore Buy Insect Powder) tii: Fly Paper, &c. ‘You can get them Pure at NM. E. NEADS, Drugs and Boolss, . Atwood. Wown Talk. Miss CoGHLIN, _ teacher, township, Sundayed with Ass. I Hy Me. sain. SEVERAL school pienics are being spoken of. Bringthem along we are ready. RvusBE FAx is playies in Chicago with Palmer’s company. He is a very clever artist. THe refreshing showers this week made the heart of the gardener and farmer to leap for joy. Don’t tie your horse to a_ shade tree. It might injure the teee and possibly have a similar effect upon yourself. WE are pleased to learn that Henry Wilson is slowly mending, ane very weak and still ina critical con tion. Rev. J. F. PARK® occupied the pul- its in the English churches in Henfryn, frowbridge and Atwood on Sunday yee panng theday he baptised nine chil JOSEPH McKoy, who carried the mails between Mitchell and Atwood,is located at Matsqui, B.C. They h had a fine trip over the prairie and are favor- ably impressed with the country. Tne Best.—The Stratford Beacon of last week pays us this compliment:— ‘THE ATWOOD BEE is the ‘best printed, hest written and newsiest village week- ly in the province. We do not say this ‘because THE BEE occasionally says nice things about the Beacon, but be- cause the compliment is deserved. One day last week while a number of the school children were Rigth J a friendly game of foot b felvyn 4iraham had the misfortune to get te-- verely kicked onthe leg, just above tie ake which will lay him up for several eeks. The injured limbis badly bruis- pe and swollen and narrowly escaped being broken. WE had a pleasant call Saturday from Rey. S. sones, of Brussels. Mr. Jones, notwithstanding his advanced age, p Sunday morning and evenin tw and inthe after- noon at Monkton for Rev. Mr. oe pone son. His discourses were able and e inently practical in their bearing, and delivered with wonderful clearness and force. ublishers of The Cansdian Queen, Toronto, are offering two new prize competitions, x Jeading: prizes consisting of a pair of Sketlanc vonies, i harness, 2 ip to t-class upright " piawo, two ion to any summer resort in Canada or the United Statas, ex- ag ats or tricycle, feriture, ‘lniien. getd watches, rlor fu es gold watches, ae This aire has become famous rize compediions. ans have won valu- on eceoaat of its Hundreds of Cana sof any lad upon Torink t of the pcb an The four 8 cent a, T JunE—the leafy monthof June. Don’r lose sight of ets so fcescsur rend he'll make @ good fri eat some age 8 abilities 4 HowrEVER ‘| are, theirshab itties are always greater. No man ever yet minded his own business who didn’t get into some ‘trouble, Wm. THisTLE was visiting relatives and friends in Stratford and vicinity last week. A- WOMAN invented the ice cream freezer and woman has kept it busy ever since. J..L. Wrison, teacher, of Jamestown, smiled on his’ Atwood friends on Queen’s birthday. THE following new = offices were opened in Ontario on May Ist: Barwick, Algoma; Tempo, Middlesex, S. R. Rev. Mr. Hunter, the evangelist, has arrived at St. Thomas, and will joined by Mr. Crossley in a few days. Hits many Atwood friends were pleas- ed to see the smiling face of JohnS8. ome in the village this week. AS. BLAND, of Embro, and L. E. ‘A : Top ing, of Woodstock, bookkeeper P for Patterson’s implement works, are spending a few days with Dr. Rice. A MEETING of the directors of the N. . Farmers’ Institute is called for Sat- urday, June bth, in Listowel, to arrange | for an excursion tothe O. A. College, Guelph. . Wo. Dunn, of the Atwood planing mills, will ship ina few days several carloads of lumber to Boston and other si ia points. Mr. Dunn reports busi- ness yery good this summer. WE are requested by Mr. Dunn to thank.the members of the Hook and, adder Company and our citizens gen- A erally, for their timely and voluntary aid in extinguishing the fire at ied al ing mills. Mr. Dunn gave the Ilook a Ladder Company $4 for their trou Mr. Surmit, of Molesworth, occupied Rey. D. Rogers’ pulpit last Sunday very acceptably, For a local preacher he did eet well, indeed, we have heard men with Rey. aflixed to their names, do much worse in the pulpit. Mr. Rog- ers is attending the Guelph Conference, in session at Berlin, a report of which will appear in these columns next week, Tue following is going the rounds of the press: A clerk counted a basket of eggs. . He took out two at a time,and one remained; he took out three ata time and one remained; he took ou fourata time and one remained; he took out five at a time and one remain- ed; but when he took outseven a time none remained. How many ends were inthe basket? AMONG_the-sueeessful-candidates bé- fore the Medical Council .in Toronto last week, we notice the name of Ed. E. Harvey. This is highly commend. able considering that about 60 per cent. were plucked. Mr. Harvey’s whole life has been labelled “successful” and this ear was no exception, Notwithstand- ing his illness during the spring exam. he ranked high and R this exam. last week did himself just THE Presbytery of Stratford will be represented at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church in Canada, which meets in Kingston on June 10th, by the foliowing ministers and laymen —Ministers, John Campbell, Granton; A. Grant, St. Marys; A. Stewart, Shake. speare; E. W. Pa anton, Lg ; Rk. Scott, Hickson. Elders, R. Bell, Avon- bank: . Dickson, Don negal; tyre, St. “Marys; sc atlin, Stratford: A. Sutherland, Brooksdale; Alex. Wood, St. Marys. Some people thik they.can’t fix up their places in the spring time because they are limited formoney. Bless you! You canspare fifteen minutes a day for keeping the weeds out of the yard can’t jn ~ Can’t ae find five cents to buy weet pea seed for acbunch of that:most delightful of flowers in ayard? Ask one of your better off néighbors to give you a plant or two and then take care cf them. Youcankeep the walks nailed down, can’t you, and keep them weil swept? Yes, and above all things i xeep the grass cut. Itdoes not cost much to kee lac ey FooTRALt MatcoH.—On Saturday afternoon iast au exciting game of fcot- ball was played on Listow: Higt. School rounds, the.competing teaias being ligh School juniors vs. Atwood Junior Ciub. At 3:30 the teamslined ~p as follows: LISTOWEL. ATWOOD. Longmire Mi<chell Dunn Goal Backs Wynn V Anderson phmg = “NeDowell f es Wing } Wyn F Sutherland McKenzie Ray MeCuichen é { Half-Backs i t ‘Left Wing Tell Field Captain Wynn, C. Anderson J . Umpire Stewart, Referee, J. W. Ward. | Yhe align School ‘peys won the toss ana elected to kick with the wind, brt the | At About ay riinutes ‘after half-time \Vel land Wrnn took a run up tke field c.averly Godging npr righ ponents and kicked a ane goal. Hacking tat head out but }, headed it the-wron aud — rel, we will let itpass as d ‘the Z0a:-keeper. No more scoring w23 core and the At- | wood Juniors thus. wor 07a store of 1toC. The ne playlug of buth veains was too it caa not be given C) Teen defence for their fine work. For ‘Listowel Cutherland.,on. centre | *® layed a a game as Dow Saat Oke J stopp: was a feature of: = seme. paloma extra goad work fot for Atwood, .|servatives, alike, evidently realize the t| optics of an emerald color? p things neat and tidy, aud it) | is - wonderful improvement to aj - 4! Cc eS RowERTSON and little boy, of afonkton, are visiting Mrs. Harvey this Mr. "Min. MoCRag and Miss Smith, Trow- bridge, seen Sunday with J: ohn Rogers and wife SEE Geo. Currie’s ai f advt. in another column. carries superb lines of suitings and an tine Sir JoHN MAcpoNnatp’s illness is the burning topic of conversation on our streets this week. Reformers and Con- solemnity of the hour, and unite in pay- ing deserved tribute to Canada’s mostil- lustrious son and greatest benafactor, Our readers will please note that the icnic of 8. S.No. 7 will be held in isher’s rove, a mile and a quarte south of Newry, on Friday, 19 ana The change of ate h been made 89 as service to be held in a Presbyterian church on the 26th ins THE majority of the plaice of the village are to be highly commended for the efforts they are making at improv- ing the general appearance of our vil- age. Several of the gardens and lawns show that much care and taste haye been displayed in their arrangement. The coat of paint that has been appked to A. Csmeron’s neat little house ake a vastimproveinent. The buildings be- ing erected by Mes Forrest and lump will bea eredtt fo. our flourish- The Ten Commandments. The following are re the cheesemaker’s n commandments: I.—Thou shalt arise early in the morning and deliver thy milkto the factory, for he that goeth late causeth the cheesemaker to use much profane language, 1f.—Thou shalt slaughter. thy calves not until the third day, and hearken unto me, take no. more than one rennet for each carcass, IIL—Thou shalt take no cream from thy milk, even for thy tea or thy coffee, for when thou getteth thy dividends one shal! say to the other: Why taketh it more milk here for a pound of cheese than in other synagogues? ‘Then shall the cheesemaker arise up in his might and smite thee to the earth. IV.—Thou shalt put no weterin thy milk, thou nor thy man servant nor thy maid servant. When the dividend com. eth not and thou goeth forth to seek it unto the committee, they shall say un- to thee, Dost thou-see anything in our i ‘Thou shalt get no sheckel from thy milk not if the court knoweth itself, which she think- eth she doth; moreover if thou settleth ral thing up, we will makeit hot for thee \V.—Fhow shalt-not kill thy deacon and leave the carcass to rot near the barn, for the stench thereof tainteth the milk. V1.—Thou shalt not bring unto the factory anysour or tainted milk, nor the milk of a cow that is sick or hath but lately calved, for from such miik cometh. lively cheese, VII.—Thou shalt not carry off more than thy share of whey, lest one should say to another concerning thee, Lo!a wonder; one hog doth carry food for another. VIII.—Thou shalt cause thy.cans to be washed eve e seams and covers thereof; for afithy can is abom inable in my sight, and I will visit my wrath on him who bringeth it. IX.—Thou shalt not bother the cIn- | cheesemaker, saying, Where and when shall I receive another dividend, for yerily I say unto you, he knoweth not nor caretha continental about it. X.—Thou shalt not say unto on another concerning me, Lo! hath nt this Philistine of a cheesemaker a soft ety he gotteth big wa: ¥ a worketh hard. ¥or verily yunto you that is a whonper, he getteth up én; in the me-ning and laboreth until late at night; moreover he worketh on the Sabbath day, for which the Lord hath no mercy on ‘aim. uatest arizet reports. ATWOOD Mf MARKET. Pork Hides per 1b Sneep skins, each Wo Pczatogs per bushel .. Butter per lb Eggs per doz TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Cranston. | -- “ Stewart |> GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION w. a. & B. Trains leave feel Station, North and South as follows Bc SvUTH. GOING NORTH. cess 7:21 a.m. | Mixed .. 8:07 a.m. Exprese 12:24 p.m. Express 2:34:p.m. Mixed - -10:00 p.m. | Express 9:12:p.m. ATWOCD STAGE ROUTE. Sta e leaves Atwood Nerth’and South olluws : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Atwooa 8:00 aw. ' Mitchell 2:30 p.m. Ne 8:05 a. Brnho’m 3:30 p.m. Mankton 4:45 A FOOD STORY IN A AW ate y Highest Price always paid. Butter, Eggs and Dried Meat bought. & Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Hats, &c., You Can’t do Better than Tr JAMES IRWIN. When You Want Dry Goods, Boots Atwood, : Ontario. Wool Wanted! Highest Cash Price Paid for Wool AT THE Listowel Woolen Mill “7 TE wish to call your attention to the fact that we still want more wool and we are determined to make this wool ree one of the largest, for we have a tremendous stock on hand. it is necessary that you should look around before you i a of your waol to see where you can make the-best purchase with your Wool WOCLEN COODS. Do not fail to come and see our Tremendous Stock of New Fine Flannels all shades and patterns—something never before shown to the public. Come and See Yor Yourself. We have made up alot of Fine Summer en lies x ‘IT weeds, Just the ng for school boys. We have also‘a big stock of Fine Tweeds, Coarse [weeds and Full Cloths, gg re Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Robed Skirts, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, Shirts and Drawezis, for this season’s trade which we offer at Bottom Prices. Do not be deceived.b by pedlars, but come iad ae direct at the factory where you.can rely cd getting a gcod assortment oose from. aaning ead should come and try our fine Gray Flannels that Seat airink in washi and outwear the common Gray Fiannels sold to the pi ublic. Roll Carding Spiining, Falling, and Manufacturing Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c., on short notice, 14 3m B. F. BROOK & SON. Richmond — Pea Harvester ! HIS attachment is srveatt co for 1891. Itis the best, simptost and cheapest device for hervest- ing peas eve.inverted. Jt can be attached to any ordinary mowing mtchine, and will work wel! on any field where a Mower will cut grass. I have the -sole agen) for Elma cownsh:p. Price of pea harvestgr, com- te, $12.00. I also manufacture first- lags Buggies and Wagans. T a closest attention given to HORSESHOEING AND REPAIRINC. I keep road carts, allomakes. Anyone requiring #-eaxt “bghould call and get priees before purchasing elsewhere. ent Ockoatpey ‘ai n| Monkton 9:00am. Bomhe'mi0:1 16a.m. Mitchell 1 1:15 p.m. | Atwood 6 12 4m HENRY HOAR, Atwood.

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