12 ™e OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 17, 1961 either. U.S. Ambassador Born In Canada NEW DELHI (AP)--U.S. dip- Station near St. Thomas, Ont., lomats generally come from the in 1908. He studied at the Uni- %|ranks of the foreign service, or versity of Toronto, University of | well - heeled political contribu- California, Harvard and Cam-| : [tors. Canadian-born John Ken- bridge. He taught at Harvard neth Galbraight, new American/and Princeton before the Sec- d [envoy to India, isn't from either ond World War. group. His wife, who is small and And he fits in no other mold, |looks smaller beside him, {taught German at Columbia Galbraith is a Harvard pro-{and Harvard universities and Tourists Change Victoria | Gaelic, writes poetry, plays the By TOM WATT bagpipes and used to be one of VICTORIA (CP)--The elegant the hottest bridge players in the Empress Hotel reflects a change| Country. in Victoria that is attributed to| He is rather short, his dark the tourist dollar. {hair is thinning behind a domed The city which has long forehead, his fzce is pale and prided itself as being a "little De limps slightly from a war bit of olde England," Is becom- Wound that is said to cause him ing more like any other North constant pain. Possible Choice For British PM LONDON (CP) -- He speaks, 'Supermarket 'Remarks . with the late Aneurin (Nye) Ar T g Bevan, the Labor party's ac- e rm knowledged expert in polemics. NEW YORK (AP) -- Cus- "I want to deal closely and tomer remarks a supermarket with relish," saia Macleod, clerk gets tired of hearing: "with the vulgar, crude and in. "You don't stock automobile temperate speech to which the tires? What kind of a grocery House has just listened." store is this?" Bevan left before Macleod, "My husband _. just phoned finished and the Tory benches and said he's bringing three of were rapturous. his bosses home for dinner. Do After a spell as labor minis- you have any instant pot ter, Macleod moved to the hot roast?" seat of colonial secretary. Last, "Hey, take it easy on that Monday, Macmillan shifted him cash register, Jack. Are you from the colonial office to the|ringing up the items 1 bought sinecure job of chancellor of the or playing a symphony con- Duchy of Lancaster, but tossed cert?" in two important duties--leader| 'All right, we'll leave it up of the Commons and chairman to Jack. Jack. old pal, was of the Conservative party or-|/this so-called lady first in the ganization. {checkout line, or was I, old buddy?" REPLACES BUTLER "So what if my boy did cut In the new roles, Macleod off a few of your old boxtops takes over from R. A. Butler;|with his knie! He didn't spill widely regarded as his main|any of the cereal, did he?" rival for Britain's ultimate of-| "Look, Jack, my wife has al- - fice. It would be unwise to|ready got three rooms papered write Butler off completely, for with trading stamps. How much Macmillan is a man with a more do I have fo buy to get strong sense of loyalty,' and he that free electric toaster?" feels he owes much to Butler. "I'm afraid I'll have to re- Macleod, 48 next month, was turn this two-pound box of cook- born in Yorkshire, the son of alies. They must be stale or Scots doctor, and still regards something. I ate half of them "romantic High- after dinner last night--and didn't sleep a wink." i fessor who is also a politician. was working in the Library of| American city. At first sight, he isn't over- $38 He is an economist but people Congress when they met. She| i's happening despite efforts Whelmingly impressive. He read his books. also has a sparkling wit, and a|by city officials to retain ident-|Nasn't even been to Eton, the #31| He is an intellectual, perhaps|lively curiosity. Married in 1937, |ifying symbols of Victoria's old {raining ground for half of ] a little chilly, certainly a most they have three sons, Alan, 20, world charm -- cluster lights, P Time Minister Macmillan's {111} self-assured man. Yet he is ata Harvard junior, Peter, 10,/flower pots, horse-drawn bug. cabinet. He is modern, middle- § [he same time a genuine wit,/and James, 9. gies for tourists. jclass and much disliked by 4! | something of an athlete, who Galbraith ventured out of the| City fathers have resisted 10ry right-wingers. clearly enjoys shirt - sleeved ivy halls into Washington when|pressures to make any changes| With all these apparent dis- : [Pesan talk. the war broke out, as deputybut they cannot prevent com. advantages, Iain Norman Ma- 1 Galbraith had a large hand in administrator of price controlsimercially owned establish-/cleod emerges, more clearly {shaping the foreign aid and eco-|in the office of price adminis-iments such as the Canadian|than ever, as the cool profes- {nomic policies of the Kennedy | tration. Pacific's Empress from taking|sional who at a youthful 47 administration. Now he is ad-| He left the job in 1943, at the|steps to attract a mew type of|Stands perhaps as good a NEW BUILDING Travel by Train to the ATLANTIC PROVINCES Enjoy modern equipment -- travel relaxed - arrive refreshed. For information, PHONE 723-4122 de- the CANADIAN NATIONAL north. If 40 - below comes early, the summertime population -of 3,000 will jump to| 8,000 as hundreds flock to the area with survey, seismic and drilling crews, seeking oil and natural gas. The search has spread explor- ation and development riches throughout the Peace "River Bleck of northeastern British Columbia as it moved progres- sively northward since the first gas well blew in near Fort St. John in 1952 Today it's centred in the area 3 north and east of Fort Nelson, an Alaska highway community 250 miles north of Fort St. John and less than 100 miles south of the Yukon boundary. And it reaches its peak when the chill of a northern winter freezes the muskeg bog beneath the bush and timber that cover the province's northeast corner. HUGE GAS FIELD This area is proving one of the most prolific gas fields in the country and it is drawing more and more exploration] cool, even-burning Vogue is your best buy In convenient pocket pack or holf-pound tin (f te TCH OREIRAT cm ministering that policy. {point, he says, "where my ene-|tourist. chance as anyone of becoming ae . mies outnumbered my friends." ' {Britain's next prime minister. COMPLETES FIRST TOUR | Journalism came next, with|PUT UP SIGN | Twelve years ago, he was He has recently completed his five years on the editorial board| The hotel stands like a palace virtually unknown, a backroom : {first tour of India as ambassa-|of Fortune Magazine. {facing the harbor, its wallsiboy in a Conservative dor. He did all the things an| He went back to Harvard in|covered with ivy and its grounds research department. Interna- {ambassador is supposed to do-- 1949. and stayed there until his|beautifully manicured. tional bridge players knew him | oking hands with hundreds of ambassadorship, with time out] The first move was to an- as a man who had played for officials, getting trussed up infor two trips to India as a con-|nounce the name of the hotel England at 22 and as co-de- {a dress suit and gobbling In- sultant on the ambitious Indian/in large letters above the main veloper of the system known as) {dian curry by the plateful. five-year economic plans. entrance, giving the same effect Acol, now widely used wherever|>¢ LJ hd | But the towering professox |as an English pub installing a experts gather. {himself as a i er {got off the beaten ambassador- NEHRU READS BOOK neon sign lander." 1 1 lial track by delivering a series] He has written a great deal] The management then FAST MOVE {of lectures on economics in|about India since. His book The cided to convert one of He felt right at home amid hd iplace of the anticipated plati-| Affluent Society, made an inter-|wings into a motor lodge. the dizzy heights of slam- But | tudes. national impact and has been| A few years ago the city at.|Politics proved more potent eqarc T 1V Galbraith is given to wearing read by India's Prime Minister tracted the luxury class of than psychic bidding and in {sports shirts, slacks and sand-|Nehru. [tourist who wanted something a|i3% Iwo years after entering FORT NELSON, B.C. (CP)-- name Zoomtown for Fort Nel i A few expensive, moderniais to work. Kannedy and Galbraith hit it!little different. he, fon iw Consefyative Fort Nelson is anxious to put/son, which he believes someday houses are appearing and the py ciio hic six feet, eight|Off [rom the start after meeting] "But now the luxury class, I or : ie p a 3 0 on its red flannels. |will grow into a prosperous,|first apartment block, where the, + "1 © oves with grace, |" 1959. After the new president tourist finds Bermuda, England, Su qurh, 18 male he ig sap Frankly, its residents don't|firmly-based centre of 6,000 or four two-bedroom units rent for|, 4 roruses to hunch his shoul-|"25 inaugurated, the tall profes-'The Bahamas and the Con- 9 a Senor poi men Vag like the cold, but wintertime|7,000. $165 monthly, plus utilities, NOW| ger< to bring himself down to a, S°T moved into a White House|tinent just as close," said one foeding Hany Creo shank as| economics are much better than| Some of the older residents, lis occupied. lower level. On the other hand, office and helped work out pol-| antique dealer. "Now we are The I came just! those of the summer since the however, are not fully convinced] Community electricity was in-| when sitting down he perches on | €'®8 0 foreign aid and eco-|getting the one-day trippers." |io months after Macleod, the petroleum boom came this far|of the permanency of this new-| ialled in September, 1960, and(the end of his spine which n a. hi i { Guests who have used the, nknown backbencher, had {found prosperity. 'Agriculture i {tends to stretch his legs into his| (Galbraith is a self - admitted mmpress for many vears have dared debati | . zero weathermay be needed to give our Water and sewage service went, ompanions' territory. admirer of India's efforts to pull| differing opinions of the new dared to cross ebating swords L economy a firm foundation," |in last spring, although many|" co \hraith was born at IonalllS 440,000,000 out of a trench of ||gok. said Earl Bartlett, electricianlin the unincorporated communi ~~" ee (poverty that is about as deep as| «we» said a bus . = anv in the world. APR nines man | RS He has called it "one of the{ Tom Yencouver, "I must Say {| greatest democratic efforts in|s oc IG .oce Women In Sithe world" to solve economic shorts and slacks wandering | problems. around the lounge. Tt just Sut he would not be Gal doesn't go with the atmosphere | braith if he accepted on blind of tie Place, as ne ot The} tifaith everything the Indians are mos igntlie oles Jn the | idoing., {world and I wouldn't be seen] His economic lectures Havel 2 SION Bete In shorts. |already called on India to make MORE LIVELY :|more efforts to export and get| Mrs. Lucille Bunten, a visitor| a | more productivity for each man|from Saskatoon, disagreed. and machine. He has hinted| "It is more alive than it used that perhaps there is too much|to be. There are more young| dependence on foreign aid in|people . more of a cosmo-| India's future thinking. |politan atmosphere." | -------- ~~ | Cyril Chapman, the manager, : MN |insists the standards of gracious! c LP SECORD RV a|living have not been affected by eth a "87 == Bithe motor lodge. {monster turnip weighing 30| "This type of accommodation |pounds was grown by farmer|is intended for travelling holi- | [Jan Schoeman of Oudtshoorn. Uay makers and we expect them} | Hi lievi {to dress more informally. His Belgabors, believing thei ;pe hotel facilities are available world record for a turnip is held}, them, so it is natural that by Japan, at 24 pounds, are lay-|people in holiday attire shou!" ing claim to a new record. [be seen in the lobby. | OLDER BUILDINGS look at Plymouth now alive with pep. power and performance eo Plymouth leaps into "62 with the snappiest car on the road. Active, brisk, quick, ALIVE! Eager to release its youthful energy on any road at any time. This is the kind of vibrant performance you would expect from an alive car like Plymouth. This is the kind of per- formance you'll ger when you test Plymouth at. your 62 PLYMOUTH nearby Plymouth dealer's. ; cram CRANFIELD MOTO: SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTAR!O See your local Plymouth dealer for "Top Quality" used cars m----------------------------------------- / little! 3 DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED Kingston Road and Church' or cat | As a result, the face--and | think it's too well based yet |OLD REMINDERS b "ri : thi int if | Nelson remains a frontier cen- any time since 1942 when the|P0Om. "I'll stay this winter if] to Alaska or someplace," said| are almost: unknown. reason for existence. igrant from Belfast who came | jo zran. rom [to live in trailers. Many more thre miles from the present|tonjer in a hotel where his| maintenance centre after the| 1nere is, nonetheless, an un- hoom should die. Japanese threat to Alaska in|P00m Will turn to solid growth| cn "ic 2 hicture of log cabins fence department's highways| This hope is showing slowly|feWw aged whites still live. and the Canadian National Tele-|" yoo oo coin oo oe (but a handful still earn their major part in keeping the com. |oPened last spring and an older | the highway is adding to the|"2Y tourist trade and the oil|1,500 three years ago--now are the oil boom, which struck with|80IN2 up to meet the increase| - CALLED 'ZOOMTOWN' {new Hudson's Bay Company re- Christmas make frequent use of the nick- cleaning plant is building | By J. C. GRAHAM With N 1 ew Method ment has dealt a blow to the method of teaching A level in arithmetic out official cards or any other classroo i / rer! 3 a Y Y ms in the Vancouver and divide all at once. Under en up by numerous other pub- subtract, multiply and divide multiply and divide, in careful] Government departments an they will be working with frac-|sters first learn to match the cially printed, to business firms In Grade II they will not| addition using a six-unit stick|The custom involves a great numbers up to 20. They willlthree plus three equals six. ients, preparing cards and post- lof to Grade Vi ood VE {unit sticks, she could teach di-| Prime Minister K. J. Holy-| ene i action by showing that when/main reason .s economy. New| . SIX now and those who have taken| A simple fraction can be il- gone out for rigid saving in gov- Invented by Georges Cuise-|The one-unit stick must be used ment considers an increasingly officials here, the method em-|one.sixth as long good purpose. to its unit length youngsters can play with the! "The exchange of Christmas Pickering, Ontario they have been amazed with the/some physical And moved from the real spirit of which brings new population|and postcard photographer who|ity are reluctant to meet the taces--of the community are| Some of the newcomers admit] For all this progress, Alaska Highway was built, giv-|¢verything goes well, then go I rave {Jimmy Moreland, an Irish im. | Walks Initially a fur - trading post = > north 15 months ago seeking|.. 4a" in tiny houses, quickly site, Fort Nelson became a|wite now works. too. {ing need but not so expensive United States armed forces|derlying hope evident through| ,....c the river, the past is In} 2s it has to the south 1045. 2s 1} has 0 118 South, land broken - down buildings maintenance staff, the transport put surely in Fort Nelson's| Fur trapping has declined graphs communications bas el lace. Two new hotels were | livelihood this way in winter. munity alive |one added a new section to cater permanent population of 3,000-- economy each year, but nothing | Mf1UX {employed directly by the petro- force two years ago {to 550 from 450 in the number This has prompted weekly|tail store has opened and an| C d T d | Canadian Press Correspondent a | Christmas card trade by order- VANCOUVER (CP) -- A rev- have reached almost 'With the sticks, students form of greeting this Christmas. school district this fall. {traditional methods they learn) jo bodies. after a few months at school. steps |nually sent out thousands of tions as well as whole num-/ color to the number |and to members of the public only take up square roots butland placing two three - unit/deal of time and effort every also learn perimeter, area and| Using the same two three-/ing them. ision by showing that three/oake now has ordered that no| The school board has been thou and|three is taken away from six, Zealand finances are in a de-| part in experimental classes ystrated by placing one-unit ernment spending naire, a Belgian kindergarten|six times to equal the length of expensive custom at the cost of loys sticks one to 10 units in The stick method is faster Teachers who have used this sticks and feel them so that cards on this level has tended meaning results. They say students us- the play helps in- Christmas," Hclyoake said in and prosperity to Fort Nelson,|came here in 1944. "I don't/high costs of hooking up. { Fort changing more rapidly than at|being here to cash in on the| {and many are ungravelled. Side- ing the present settlement its [Many of its residents continue across the Nelson River and 9 i . work and found it as a bar, ...i.q'to meet an urgent hous- highway and communications| {they cannot be abandoned if the moved out with the end of the | the whole community that the| vividly apparent. Old Fort Nel- Payrolls of the Canadian de-| MANY CHANGES {where Indian trappers and a department's airport personnel|physical features. {from its hey-day of the 1940s, have played--and still play--a| About one - third of today's Increasing tourists traffic onlto the increasing Alaska High-|it was 900 five years ago and has affected the community like] A New elementary school is|'edm industry. {of school children this fall. A newspaper editor Bob Angus to|automatic laundry and dry- | i * . | T Gets Bl each Arithmetic ets blow | The New Zealand govern- t the G ing ees oltionary pick - 3 To: he Grade ing its employees not to send is being used in all Grade I learn to add, subtract, multiply The lead has been eagerly tak- The youngsters learn to add,|to add first, then subtract,| At the end of their first year| Using the sticks, the young-/Christmas cards, usually spe- bers The teacher then might teach|With whom civil servants deal. the fourth and fifth roots of|sticks beside it to show that|year drawing up lists of recip- volume calculations, usually] vi es into six twice: or sub-/cards be sent henceforth. The| experimenting with the method ! Grade I students are using it|three is left pressed state and a call has are continuing in higher grades. sticks beside the six-unit stick.| But in addition the govern- teacher, and adapted by schoolthe six.unit one, therefore islthe taxpayers serves mgth, each colored accordingling, teachers say, because the FAR FROM SPIRIT mehtod in the experiments say the numbers begin io have to become overdone and far re hold their Ing the sticks for three years terest. lannouncing the ban: