dhe Oshawa Tones PAGE ELEVEN OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1961 1th Dept. Starts tation Talks a Turnout Seen "Disappointing" Twenty-nine persons, repre- people should have a little in- senting 21 city food handling struction in basic sanitation. , and - or processing premises,| "We would like to talk to any- heard Supervisor of Environ-|body who is handling food but mental Sanitation Dr. J. E.!particularly owners and opera- Watt give the first of three lec [tors of such businesses. They tures on what he called "Basic can pass information on to their sanitation" Wednesday after- staffs. They (owners and oper- noon in the city hall council ators) would know better what chambers. to watch for in their own "A little disappointing," he Places." said, describing the turnout; in-| Added Dr. Walt: "We are vitatons had been sent from| Willing to hold these courses at the Board of Health to more night, on Saturdays, in Jast than 100 premises in Oshawa in anytime we can get people out. these four categories: restau- OTHER SPEAKERS . rants, cafeterias, bakeries and| Yesterday, in addition te Dr. dairies. Watt's talk on bacteriology, {Kenneth Spencer, chief sanitar- The three lectures, each to: : ___ run 90 minutes, include: 1) fun.|1an of Pest Control of Ontario, damental bacteriology plus pest| Poke to the group. bt, s a i % 7 - " 2 ' ig Ta adh mg = dua OE EEA, bein ri BN : FIRST PASSENGER ON NEW BUS SERVICE venson road have had city , Mr. R Sutherland, Mr. buses running past their front | George Shreve, manager, doors. Shown, from left to | Mr. Reg Smith, bus depart- right, are: Mr. J. B. Ammand, | ment superintendent, and Mr, assistant manager, Mr. H. F. | William Gibbie, office man- Baldwin, chairman of the | ager, PUC PUC, Percy Barrett, driver, --Oshawa Times Photo Members of the Oshawa | the first passenger to use the Public Utilities Commission look on as bus driver Percy Barrett welcomes Mr. R. Sutherland, 848 Cartref, aboard. Mr. Sutherland was Name Lay Wo At Holy Trinity The Bishop of Toronto, the (Captain Puller came to Can- Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, MA, 5da in 1954, and joined the LLD, has appointed Captain|Church Army in October, 1955 R. J. Puller, CA, of the Church|After two years of training he Army in Canada, to work as lay|was commissioned as Captain worker at the Anglican Church|gvangelist in the Church of Holy Trinity, under the di- Army, and since has served in rection of the Rev. Clinton D.|the Dioceses of Brandon and, Cross, rector of St. George's (tawa, lately he has been the and acting rector Holy port Chaplain at the Port of Trinity. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Captain Puller has had a wide, He has come to the Diocese of experience. He was educated in Toronto and for the time being Scotland, France, Spain and wili serve as lay worker at Germany, and speaks French, Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Spanish and German fluently.| Church Army Captains serve He has also lived while serving|the church in many capacities, in the services of British Com- prison chaplains, port chap- panies in Haifa, Palestine, and! lains, mission parishes in mis- Iraq, and British Guiana. Dur- sionary districts, in social serv- ing the Second World War, Cap-lices and parochial work. The tain Puller served in the forces movement had its origin in Eng- DR. J. E. WATT Twelve have victed in of township that killing paid On Oct. 28 lem SECTION Members of Oshawa Sym- cert of the fourth season with mounting enthusiasm. Rehear- and having played together for faster under the expert baton, of the director, Francis J.| presented Saturday evening, College. SA Haydn's Symphony No. 7 . - played by the full orchestra and Children S | generations this symphony was A H {Tost to the world of music and! rena das {Beecham while searching {through the archives. Very. lit- |the composition but it is well The ice skating season will A > . temperatures are somewhat on| have gr the increase. The first children's clude the thrilling overture day night at 8:00 p.m., and will new service, which runs from King and Simcoe streets to 0 olor part of April. Saturday after-| entitled "'Praludium" by Jarne-\ noon will see the first children| felt, a lovely tone poem 'To a id . tte from 2 - 4 p.m., then open to | residents living west of Ste a sprightly composition by Le- p.m. | T er TAG CRACKDOWN anvassers play the magnificent number| This marks one of the earliest "The Heavens Are Telling" 5 me Arena Commission hopes that \ There will be a guest soloist, the youngsters of Oshawa will o 0 shwashin BC a oor. ithe name to be announced Senin J - 4) sanitary serving of food plus gents and Sanitizers used in Darlington Township residents F . For S edin who have not paid their dog Three concerts for Oshawa pe g C 4 : Depending on the response 10 speak on 'Sanitary Food Pre- night, groups such as the Osh- persons were con- the present series, says Dr. paration", a letter from township clerk Fourteen ladies, who of Oshawa Missionary College awa Skating Club will not begin lect volunteered as canvassers for| ps again been chosen due 10, re Oshawa Minor Hockey ASSo. trate"s Court Wednesday be- peated periodically. Such food|will be a talk on personal hy- Chest campaign, met at the Ma, 12% Be paid bY Sov. 1 Fined $10 plus cost or three not yet been contacted; here, ajecture, "Sanitation in Food Ser- (this year) -- or else of next week days in jail were: R. Crefice,|different type of course would vice", by H. Robinson of the How many people are the vil- for the campaign of Oct. 18 to| Season tickets for all three, Teams from the Oshawa t lains in the piece? Seven hun- Novy, 4 concerts and individual tickets ] W. L. Pickering, 149 Estelle! one lecture. a review of provincial food off their season one week from How many good joes are of the campaign committee, the orchestra as well as at 1 01 : N. B. Wilks, 67 Adair road To-|}ave to have training for," said| All lectures are augmented by All groups using the Arenaironto; S. Lang, 54 Melcalfe/ny watt, "and we feel theselslides, movies and charts. The additional burden fo the the gathering and presented Music Supplies have plans for & Busy season, : ; i RE . eh A 4 each canvasser with a list of | Blenheim drive, Stoney Creek; | township in stationery anc moved the Arena will be in oper In addressing the group, Mr. S : So if you are a Doyle said that indications were road, Scarboro; B. Rains, 1010 resident, complaining 1 many problems in putting the Dundas street east, Whitby; R. Brin Fines ice in, however it is expected c years WET. oi 316.0 is g Friday night bi 30 th Rangers Rovers your dog tax. reached and that indications for| Tw, persons were convicted in Poa admission. 16 the ined $30 plus cost or three ' World. lof St. Paul's Cathedral, London. 3 A id | attained. | automobile of which the identi- d ) A fine of $15 plus cost or three for a Ranger-Rover gathering|was held in the evening. During i i f CCl ents Tn continuing, he said that|fication lamps were not burn. 2 ents and it is the feeling of gays in jail was imposed on B. to be held Saturday, October 28 | our free time the Oshawa Guide . the Arena Commission that this [ 28 New Babies PAPERS BRE BEST Re orted | form of a beatnik party and willjus to a chicken dinner after to this sum. d in jai i h be held in the Rover den at/which we returned to. HMCS P To further aid the canvassers gaye, Jail ere lnposed on wishing to skate will be able to x dp ¥ 'ldo so without any expense to 'oken . Kolynko, Norma Gower and| Chief Petty Officer. invested over $2.8 billion in day afternoon in Oshawa order to give the individual can-| pineq $10 plus cost or three , : P At D their local newspapers! This A car driven by D. Porayko, vasser a familiar area in which days in jail for various other last year produced over 700 raise ance ] ; | ] AJAX (Staff) -- Total num- +f children, and Arena officials ; |decide what is to be prepared) convention for the Ontario Mu- her of patients admitted to the One of the features of the fo, the party, decorate the den,|seum Section Workshop on Fri spent in all mediums last When it came into collision with canvassing of the chest will be| Beckett, 228 Fitch street, Wel- year. Nothing builds local a car driven by C, B. Coombes, confined to the retail shopping land, for driving the wrong way 3 n | \ ; u tember numbered 210, a release : 2 [the Oshawa Armories last Sat-| yas Saturday, October 7, the|ing our service project at Hills- stated recently. ' urday night, was the program sea Cadets of RCSCC Drake, dale Manor. Motorcycle driveway at his home. 'Symphony | phony Orchestra are looking| three full years the group fs| Oct. 28, next in the concert Sani should prove very interesting | worth hearing and several cri- officially open on Friday night ach Friday evenin | "Lustspiel'" by Keler Bela, a operate ea Nida 8 Thornton and Rossland road those skaters under 18 years on| | Roy Anderson entitled "China { ; ; Next week, J. C. Robertson control; 2) sanitary preparation iy , personal hygiene plus a review py: Sra Although the public skating Dishwashing"; M. Holy of the {are planned this year by the Walter Rundle. d C : handling businesses as butcher| gj y i ciation will start registrations cause of speeding. 2 giene, by a public health nurse home of Mrs. A. Reardon, Wed-| Ample stage room for the play- OE ile Oct. 31. at 4:30 avenue, Willowdale; .W Wern-| «pgoq handling is the only| handling regulations by Dr. there? Four hundred and forty and E. A. Doyle, executive sec-|Henderson's: Book store, Wilson A. Vingerhoets, Manotick, Ont.; ation seven days a week. The looking good for the upcoming municipal taxes are in the famous Black Watch|land under the direction of the veaching : this 'year's needed; 3 0 4 days in jail. was R. Petris, 80 Rng be {in the Oshawa Magistrate's children for skating is the lowest | with a little extra pushing, an-|j, ; 4 4 price will remain at this mark pL Riax Hos ital FOR ADVERTISING |Camp Samac. The Ranger com-| York. Everyone had an enjoy- Three accidents Involving and the canvassing operation, , | P g N.|and H. Quenenberry, 40 Spadina the: parents. Gwen Otto. This group along| Norma Gower and Gwen Otto 25 : 19, 234 D street, was travel- to operate. i eS Were: Ging : was just under 25 per cent rew street, was trave traffic offences were: R. King, look to another banner opening Ajax - Pickering General Hospr dance held by Unit 42 of the|ang look after the general opera-|day, October 13, and Saturday, newspaper advertising and 98, 215 Park road south, as the district containing the area from|in a one-way street; S. German, This figure is broken down presented by Miss Harvey's held a wiener roast in the boat.| Classes for this fall include: Season Open | forward to the opening wih sals started earlier this fall whipping into shape much] Francis. The concert is to be hall of Oshawa Missionary will be the major work to be to music lovers. For many {was discovered by Sir Thomas Bi Pl [tle is known of the origin of g tics have declared it should at the Children's Arena although to interest many and will in- skating session will open Fri-| : until the end of March or first | little showpiece for orchestra d ks the first time that | under 12 years of age session] anc mar . Wild Rose" by MacDowell and Saturday night from 8:00 - 10:00 Doll", The orchestra will also openings in some years, and the BR 2 = {from Haydn's Creation. ] d , ' 12 Convicte tof food plus dishwashing; a chemical company represent BOWMANVILLE (Staff) take advantage of the "early ~ - later. ; SL Dis of provincial regulations. of itati i 'Lampaign sessions will begin Friday city sanitation department will tax this year will soon receive executive and the concert hall erm the present 3 2 > t shaw .|Watt, the lectures may be re- ci i operations until Sunday, while e: Jshawa Magis Making up the third lecture n : mE _, the Greater Oshawa Communily ; = The missive will request that the excellent 'acoustics and 1 SPs 20d Zrocery stores Mave sion: the loner department. 3 on Monday and Tuesday nights nesday, to discuss final plans|®'S wa 118 Harding avenue, Toronto; be required, with perhaps on'v|city sanitation department; and Church Hockey League will kick 9 dred andy forty nine (749). Richard Fairthorn, chairman |3re available from members of V pid er, 63 Morna avenue, Scarboro; | necialized occupation you don't) Watt. seven (447) retary of the Chest, supervised |and Lee Music Store and Alto y ? : p street, Toronto; M. Doyle, 34| and from now until ice is re . mailing will be $75. places that were to be covered F ] Li ht 2 ee aus, Dut Pl G tl er au 1g S warm weather has brought an a in , He said that 1 J Stacey, 109 Centre street south, you, and you haven't Zampa/an eh 3 last that all will be in readiness for Regiment, in many parts of the late Prebendary Wilson Carlisle, 915.000 1d b ite possi , 1S! Sellers avenue, Toronto. 3 81 yD $215,000 cou e quite possibly| Court on charges of driving an 5 ia Br Big Plans are now in the making|free time until the dance which % Piccioli, 36 Elm street, Oshawa. This gathering will take the|Council very generously treated other 10 per cent could be added . . -- er meme-- Fines of $10 plus cost or three| ", every child in Oshawa : > Majorettes W m {mittee for this meeting is Mary able evening especially our In the 1960 local advertisers automobiles took place Wednes- the lists were broken down in| avenue. Toronto ; I S t : : The first night of ice skating Nn ep ember with the Rover committee will have undertaken to usher at a of all the advertising dollars ing north on Park road south As is the usual case, all the Bayview Court, Willowdale; H tal during the month of Sep- Canadian Corps Association, in|tions of the meeting. October 14. We are also resum- the figures prove it latter was backing out of the William street in the north down|52 Berkindale drive, Willowdale, into residents of Ajax, 83; Pick- ering Township, 68; Pickering Village, 17; Town of Whitby, 24; Whitby Township, 6; Oshawa, 1; others, 11. There were 28 during the month For operation, there were 34 minor and 29 major. There also were 53 ear, eye, nose and throat operations Eighteen blood transfusions were given at fhe hospital The total number of out tients was 402 Other figures released were In Patients X-Rays, 86; Out Pa- tients X-Rays, 248; Miniatur> X- Rays, 23; Laboratory in pa'ients treatments, 83; Laboratory out patients treatments, 45 babies born pa SALVATION ARMY CITADEL | The Salvation Army Citadel on Simcoe street south is one of the city's more atiractive To locate a buyer for your business, offer it in "'Busi- ness Opportunities' in The Oshawa Times Classified. Reach your best prospects quickly, inexpensively. Dial 723-3492 to place your ad to- day Vote To Abolish Death Punishment WELLINGTON (Reuters) The New Zealand Parliament the death penalty for murder with nine government members sup- Labor the voted tonight to. abolish the opposition pushing through porting party bill. n more recent additions to that area. Divine worship is held here; also social gatherings bulldings and also one of the | for members of the congrega- | Two vehicles, driven by A Gordon, 765 Somerville streel and A. Goguen, 20, 203 Green- wood avenue, were stopped on Centre street at John street, and were damaged when a car driven by T. R. Vallieres, 52, Lot 35, Con. 3,Darlington, ran into the rear of Goguen's ve- hicle, pushing it ahead into the rear of the car of Gordon. E. Kavanagh, 41, 27 Brock road, Ajax, was trying to pull into the passing lane on Park road south when his car collid- ed with the rear of a car driven by B. Dier, 43, road west. Both cars were fac- ing north and in the righthand lane before the accident occurred. tion. The Citadel Is a con- stant scene of activity for its many members who follow a busy year-round schedule ~QOshawa Times Phote | Association Wednesday callledisomed for the second time this'sion "| King street 455 Rossland to Bruce and Metcalf streets in| for failing to stop for a stopsign; the south part of Oshawa, and|E. Craham, 98 Division streef, from Mary street in the est to|Trenton, for having mo tail | Church and Centre streets in the lights. west. The whole operation will ---- -- - be on the axis of Simcoe and SEES TENSION RISE No door to door, MONTREAL (CP)--Sir James canvassing will be operated by Pitman, British parliamentarian the Chest. : and an advocate of world feder- The campaign will be given a| alism, said Wednesday the East send off on Tuesday, Oct. 18,|and West are moving to a point when a dinner sponsored by where a third world war will General Motors at the Hotel|be 'absolutely inevitable." He Genosha will be held for the|said a world parliament is campaign canvassers of the needed to provide a police force Community Chest. to bring about disarmament. CAPSULE NEWS May Transfer Airline Route OTTAWA (CP) -- A profit- for a change in the 'reticence able St. Lawrence north shore| of our profession" to give infor- |air route may be transferred mation to the public. Dr. G. I. {from deficit troubled Trans-|Halpenny, Montreal, told the |Canada Air Lines to a private| Manitoba Medical Association company, an authoritative that the public has the right to source said Wednesday. Quebec-|learn from authentic sources ail air hopes to obtain a licence to!it can about health and disease operate scheduled services be- Q OU] Q [tween Montreal, Quebec City, QUESTION YOUTHS [the Saguenay district, and Sept] T.ONDON, Ont. (CP) -- An in Iles, jumping - off place for the vestigation into the use of goof- mineral rich Labrador and!balls by city teen - agers led I northern Quebec area. The pub-| to the arrest of a youth and the licly - owned TCA makes money| questioning of several others; on the Montreal - Quebec City police said Wednesday. Goof- run. 'ball is a slang term used to de- 2 re ae al scribe a sedative or stimulant COMTOIS SWORN IN pill, usually obtainable legally QUEBEC (CP) -- Paul Com- only on prescription. Often lois, a former civil servant in|taken with alcohol for fast re- [the administration of the late action, it produces a giddy, premier Maurice Duplessis, lightheaded feeling. 'la barbers {Wednesday was sworn in as | lieutenant - governor of Quebec. {Mr. Comtois, federal mines and technical surveys minister from {1957 until last week, was gen: | eral manager of the Quebec farm credit hoard from 1936 to WANT COSTLIER CUTS TORONTO (CP) A cam- ipaign was started Wednesday night to increase the price of haircuts in Metropolitan Tor- onto to $1.50 at the same time as a bid to organize barbers into a union. Three hundred bar- bers attended a rally called by union heard that some barbers charge as low as 60 cents. URGES MORE INFO WINNIPEG (CP) -- The pres- WILL INTRODUCE BILL REGINA (CP) -- Health Min- ister Walter Erb will introduce {a bill Friday in the legislature, providing for a medical care plan for Saskatchewan a spe- cial session of the Saskat- chewan legislature, was told Wednesday 'OFFERS LAND BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- Bel: gium has decided to put at the disposal of the European com- munities a 740 - acre piece of {land for building Europe's first house of parliament and: offices {for 10,000 European civil ser- |vants, M. F. Tielemans, assis tant finance minister, said Wed- nesday. BLOOM SECOND TIME EAST BERLIN (Reuters) -- ident of the Canadian Medical Apple and pear trees have blos- Majoretles. Bill Sanford, who acted as master of ceremonies, praised the girls for their performance and commended Miss Harvey for her work with the girls. Driver Gets Seven Days M. Collier, of 98 Park road south, was convicted on charge] The Bluettes appeared first of driving carelessly and with- on the program. They were out due regard for other users|followed by Ruthann Duboski, of the road by Magistrate R. B.| Penny McMullan and Carol Dnieper in the Oshawa Magis-| Greedham. Misses Duboski and trate's Court. His licence was|Greedham presented a fire ba- suspended for one year and he ton number and the program was sentenced to seven days. . i i Police. testified that Collier| Concluded with a drill by the had been driving his motor-| Tartanettes. bicycle along Rossland road at| The Majorettes were heartily a speed in the neighborhood of applauded by the large crowd. 80 miles per hour with the police | sum Basi Be in pursuit. The speed limit there is 30 mph "It is my intention," said Magistrate Dnieper, "from now on to send to jail persons trying to take police officers on a merry ride." year along East Germany's Bal: tic coast because of an un- usually warm fall, , the East German news agency ADN re-|] ported today. 52 DIE IN CRASH | NEW DELHI (AP)--Fifty-two| persons were reported Killed when a bus skidded and crashed into a canal 150 miles north of Delhi, according to reports reaching here today. The bus was carrying 5 persons but three including the driver man- aged to extricate themselves, the reports said. | DIPLOMAT DIES | LONDON (Reuters) -- Gun- asena de Zoysa, 58, Ceylonese high commissioner here since February, 1960, died in his sleep early today. From 1953 to 1959 the Oxford-educated de Zoysa had been permanent secretary to Ceylon's ministry of defence and external affairs. SEIZE PLANTATION QUITO, Ecuador (AP)--Lep-| ers confined to a plantation near Cuenca seized the planta-| tion Wednesday and divided it| up among themselves. The plan- tation is owned by the city of] Cuenca. Cuenca authorities said| they feared that welfare recip-| ients on two other plantations| owned by the city might take| similar action. WILL BE BANNED LANSING, Mich. (CP)~| Throwaway beer bottles will be| banned in Michigan Jan. 20. Protests from motorists, police] said and highway officials led to the order Wednesday by the Michigan liquor control commis: Lloyd Metcalfe, left, presi- | dent of the Oshawa and Dis- | trict Real Estate Board, pre- sents a certificate of fellow- | ship for the Canadian Insti- | , tute of Realtors to Lloyd Bola- hood, city realtor. The certi- | ticate was given by the | house at the Oshawa harbor to|Pre-enrolment -- Chief Petty celebrate their winning of the|Officer Pearse; Ordinary Sea cutter trophy at the Vanguard|Ranger Badge, Mate Jones and regalta. Movies were shown Mate Gaskell; Able Bodied and a wonderful time was had|test, Mate Nesbitt. by all. We would like to thank Several new members have the Cadets very much for a won- joined this summer. derful evening. Contact -- Miss Thompson, At the regatta that was held|723-9187, Miss Nesbitt, 723-2773, Saturday, September 30, at|Miss Jones, 723-4175, or Miss HMCS York in Toronto, we lost| Gaskell, 723-3355. the trophy to Princess Royal, a Sea Ranger crew from Toronto. ASKS END IT The races began at two o'clock TANSING, Mich. (CP)--Gov- in the afternoon with the girls'|ernor John Swainson Wednesday races first and then followed by ordered Racing Commissioner the Cadets. The trophies were Edgar Hayes to wipe out racial presented later in the afternoon discrimination in jobs at Mich- and everyone was then given'igan's six horse tracks. University of Toronto after Mr. Bolahood = successfully completed a three-year course in real estate. The CIR course conducted through the univer- sity is aimed at giving those CERTIFICATE OF FELLOWSHIP who complete the course and have at least five years' active experience are eligible to become fellows of the Cana- dian Institute of Realtors and may use "FRI" behind their engaged in selling real estate a professional status. Those names. +=0Oshawa Times Photo