The marriage of Katherine Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wallace, and Brian Nich- ols, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Nichols, all of Oshawa, was solemnized on Saturday af- ternoon in St. Stephen's Unit- ed Church. The Reverend H. A. Mellow performed the ceremony with Mrs. S. C. 'Rundle playing the {| wedding music. Mrs. Harold Ramshaw was the soloist. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a flow- 'ing, floor-length gown of white i peau de soie. with lily - point Ji sleeves and a rounded neckline, {| appliqued with lace. The front i'of the bouffant skirt was ap- pliqued with a flower design of lace and the back was fashioned with a chapel train. Her head- dress was a chaplet of white rosebuds securing a scalloped veil of illusion and her flowers SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. M. G. Morton of Newmarket, Ontario, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Jean. to Mr. George D. Edwards, son of Mr. and he] A. J. Edwards of Whitby, Ontario. The marriage will take siace on Saturday, October 28 1961 4 o'clock in the Chris tian hurch, New mai ket Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 11, 1961 7 # at Baptist C ENGAGEMENT Nir. and Mrs and Sills of Oshawa sngagement of their daugh Constance, to Mi son of Mrs. Sid v Mitchel of Bowmanville and late M Marlow » marriage will take place in Albert Street United Church on November 3, at 7.30 Hol announce Frederic Judith ge Marlow the (ieorge Frida) % p.m THE REVEREND AND MRS. C Mark Silver Anniversary By Holding Recepti The former M on R. NELSO! MARRIAGE and Mrs Oshawa, Mr wart lawrence Ste announce the their daughter, Louise, to Mr. Arthur 0 Fovan Rvder, Scarborough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryder Belfast, Northern Ireland ceremony took place on October 6, 1961 in Church, Oshawa, Reverend F. N Swackhammer officiating marriage of Maren eay lea of The vens I their rsary On the aston of wedding anni Thursday, October and Mrs. ( held a reception for friends at home son-in-law and daug and Mrs. Harold Crocker coe street north Pouring tea were Miss Gloria Crocker and Miss Eleanor Monk assisted by Mrs. Isaac Peter Jible ( son Out of town guests were pres- ent from Agincourt, Toronto 0c ver « the daugh am A Mrs. = Leas s fea erend their 1 the son i slson and th MARRIAGE The marriage of Ruth Fran- Sparkes, Oshawa, daugh ler Mr. and Mrs. H Sparkes of Toronto, to Mr. Frank Edward Frost of Toron- Brook > js. "|to and Oshawa, took place on ani and Mrs. Nelson i la id RR RE, suraraay October 7, 1961, in both born in Owen Sound and Mrs. Harold Crocker (June), St Matthew's Church, with the were married there at the and Carol and Sharon both stu- Reverend R. A Sharpe offi bride's home on October 7, 1936./dents at E. A. Lovell School.lcialing ed for the ears Oshawa Ison has charge of ce Moveme Re ligious Education the rura route schools in this district Included in their family are a ub of n Nichols-Wallace Nuptial Rites Solemnized at St. Stephen's iGladys Blyth. | Miss Gail Manson | : PERSONALS Feted Bride-Elect Mrs. John Gaskell, past presi. Miss Gail Manson whose mar- gant of Home and School Coun- riage to Mr. Robert John Brim-| oj) will open the Westmount : , becom takes place on Saturday,|gome and School Association Miss Georgia McGarry was October 14, in Simcoe Streel/pa;aar to he held at Westmount maid of honor and the other United Church, has been feted School this week. attendants were Miss Carolyn at pre-nuptial showers. Harding and Mrs. Lawrence Al. A miscellaneous shower was Mr. and Mrs. Orval exander. They were dressed given by the maid-of-honor, and Mr. and Mrs, alike in brilliant red peau delyfiss Elizabeth Johnston, at.|Howie spent Thanksgiving soie stvied wtih bell skirts, . ; pd | Rochester, New York. : . tended by fellow classmates] round necklines and sheath| 12s "61 of the School of | there they attended the wedding sleeves. Their headdresses were Nursing of the Oshawa General! Mr. Garry Friga. a nephew single roses covered with mate | Hospital of Mr- Orval Howie, to Miss ing veiling and they carried pis Carol Ann Kober, sheaf-type bouquets of white Mrs. George lLofthouse, aunt : of the prospective bridegroom, r. Davi ilton. Harmer, chrysanthemums. f th tive brid Mr. David Milton. H The little flower girl, Miss Wa% hostess at a linen shower. (son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. J. wl Shits ssland road west, is ' . : Mrs. Everett Coedy and Mrs. Harmer, Ro f 0 3 whit 8 . » f . Ray Re short | with Arthur Joynt were co-hostesses| attending Teachers' College. a red sash, and a wreath of ai. a miscellaneous shower at-|Toronto. He is a former student stephanotis on her hair. She|tended by approximately 40 of OCVL carried a basket of white chry. neighbors of the bride-to-be. santhemums and red carna-| A party and presentation was tions given for the affianced pair by holiday weekend, her sister, Masters Brian Tink and Doug- neighbors and friends of the Mrs. Hugh Valker of Belfast las Scott acted as ring bearers, prospective bridegroom The northern Ireland and her carrving the rings on white eye- party was held in the town hall, friends Miss Audrey Mills, Bel- "let pillows. Vandorf, Ontario fas, and Miss Nan Bell of Dun The best man was Mr. John Mrs. Allan Manson entertain- moray. Mrs. Walker is in Can Piatti and the ushers were Mr. ed al a trousseau tea for her ada to visit her daughter, Mrs {walter Tink and Mr. Allan Ni- daughter. Pouring tea were: George Howarth of Sarnia chols. Mrs (George Lofthouse. Mrs A receplion followed in the Peter lofthouse, Mrs. Melville church hall." To receive, the Inche and Mrs. Carson Heard bride's mother wore Dior blue In the trousseau room were Thank embroidered peau de soie in a Miss Jill Heard and Miss Trudy in Nestleton where {wo-piece sheath style, with Manson was in the gift room the guests of Mr. _and Mrs beige accessories and a cor- Miss Suzanne Lofthouse ha d/Percy Williamson They 250 sage of cream carnations. The charge of the guest book and ys ws. Jordan's puicie Br bridegroom's mother chose a i Lynn Manson kept the aa Finan. 0 Wh. cele sheath dress of beige brocade November 6 ' with toast accessories and a After the rehearsal the wed corsage of rust chry santhe ding party and friends were en Out-of {own guests al the mums tertained at the home of the Nichols-Wallace wedding includ- bride-elect The honevmoon is being spent in the Laurentians and points east. Ac the couple 'left, the bride was wearing a chocolate brown shag wool suit with white accessories and a' white carna were Buccari roses and stephan- otis in a cascade. Howie Mrs. Walter King, Thornton road south, had as guests at he Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jor dan, Cromwell avenue, spent the sgiving holiday week end they were tion corsage Mr. and Mrs. Nichols will re turn to reside in Oshawa LODGES AND SOCIETIES LEND-A-HAND CLUB I'he Lend-a-Hand Club held its regular meeting in the 100F hall with president, Siste1 Gladys Blyth, presiding assisted by past president, Sister Nelda Thompson. as the vice-president in place of Sister Alice Lanning who was away ill The meeting opened with nraver. roli call, reading of minutes, correspondence and sick report Appreciation was extended by Sisters receiving cards and flowers CPT report was given by Sis- ter Pearl Peacock The meeting was followed by bingo and refreshments were |served by the hostesses, Sisters | Eva Hastings, Annie MacDon ald, Mary Wright and Sister| STEAKS 1b. BLADE STEAKS CLUB STEAKS r-- GLENAYR 14 A cardigan sweater with a fascinating interplay of design, edged at neckline and front with plain wool knit binding, slides with aase over co-ordinated wool knit slims. Sweater, 36.42 Slims, 10-20 J 5 lacks. LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-1912 SALISBURY STEAKS (Seasoned end Ready te Pop Inte the Pan) BONELESS POT ROAST Orillia; Chandler, Chand'er, to; Teas, ding anniversaries, coming and | going of guests are always of interest telephone department with your items of which charge. Telephone 723-3474, news M and Mrs. J. Mr. birt in t 0 for Mr Scarborough: and Mrs, N. Mack, London; Mr, Mathews, George- | town; Miss Shirley Ramshaw, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bolton, Toron- and Mrs. Douglas| gradford; Miss Alma and Miss While| Winnie Strickland, Woodville; | {Mr. and Mrs. J. Bolton, Miss|| | Doris Bolton, Oakwood; Miss|| Eva Hittle, Bianey, Mrs. Hilton Tink, Courtice; Mr and Mrs. R. Devitt and Mr, and Mrs. J. Wallace, Lindsay, West and Mrs. and Mrs ¥. T. Mr. F. V. and Oakville; Hill: Mr. Mr. hday parties, wed- his column. Write, r visit the social there is no FINE BRASS BAND STOCKPO The brass Aviation's factory in Lancashire on the its retur Band ANC JERUSAL (AP)--The 1 year-old located near lave of En Gev on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, offi ed Mr. and Mrs. William Mack, cials said set Fresh--Stuffed and Oven Ready PORK SHOULDERS Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST Boneless RUMP ROAST Canadian tion in Toronto won the British Brass month RT, England (CP) band from Fairey n from playing at National FExhibi championship last TENT SITE EM, Israeli Sector remains of a 3,000 tlement have been the collective vil SAVE! at BUEHLER'S! yi) Special! BEEF FR Freezer BEEF HIND QUARTERS ONT QUARTERS (Cut & Wrapped Free!) w. 99° w. 39 FREE! OPEN BUY 4-lbs Chicken WINGS only 1.00 GET 4 lbs FREE! FRI, EVE UNTIL ® O'CLOCK CUT-UP CHICKEN NECKS LEGS - THIGHS - BREASTS ,, 39 2, 1% FREE! Lean Rib STEW BEEF Shoulder PORK CHOPS VEAL PATTIES "©" Mt Tender EAT'N TRUE =TRIM BEEF 12 KING EAST 4 5 lbs. Sausage Meal for 1.00 GET 5 LBS. FREE! COUNTRY SAUSAGE fun mot ws. 1.00 ws. 1.00 ws. 1.00 wes. 1.00 A. Larson, | | l WATCH POR OUR 86th ANNUAL SALE Date Time Dresses . . . in stimulating Brocade or sophisticated Crepe Cold and ivory Brocade Sheath jacket dress... sleeveless with SCOOP neck= line ... matching button back pop- over jacket Sizes Qt 15 19.95 Sheath dress of English crepe... COOP neck- line. i EA ¥ 1 2 \ yo It ¢lim line skirt , oo Black, teal. Sizes 12 10.2 2 "1995 0. For Your Shopping. Pleasure wi A JOHN NORTHWAY CHARGE ACCOUNT to open convenient to uss, sss 80 eOSY No rihvay OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9.00 P.M.