Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT DANGEROUS DRIVING Sheared Off Pole, Stanley Clay of 152 Lupin drive, Whitby, was remanded for one week by Magistrate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby Magis- trate's Court, Tuesday, on a charge of fraud. Driver Jailed Week He and other officers and passersby, he said, had turned the car up on its wheels and A Whitby driver, who police estimated was travelling 80 mph in a 30 mph zone when he Remanded Week On Fraud Count THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 11, 1961 introduced by Clay as Me- Donald had visited him at his apartment about noon around the first of August. He said he saw McDonald make out a cheque and give it to Clay. The Ontario County Jail Sec- retary, Hazel Winters, testified that McDonald and Clay had been in custody together from July 24 to 29 when McDonald the cheque was returned to Whitby marked, "Not Sufficient Funds." Rudolph Trosin, a teller at the Whitby Bank of Montreal, testified that he had deposited in value at $20. Magistrate KR. B. Dnieper ad- journed the hearing for one week when the remaining evi. dence will be heard: struck a hydro pole, was Tues- day jailed for one week for dan- gerous driving. Michael Burke, 21, of 336 Dovedale drive, plead- ed guilty to the charge before Magistrate Robert Dnieper. PC Ernest Stoneman, of the Whitby Police Department; said that at about 3:45 a.m. on Oct. 1 he had been proceeding west on Dundas street when, near Bell drive, he met a station wagon and behind it, also going east, a small European car. The small car, he said, was coming at a very high rate of speed and suddenly swerved in- to the westbound lane. He said that the car swerved a couple of times, then hit the north removed the three occupants, one of them the accused Burke: He said that he would estimate the car had been travelling 80 mph when it started out on the Clay was charged on Septem- ber 8, by Whitby Police Ser- geant Robinson when the man- ager of the Whitby branch of the Bank of Montreal told the {westbound lane. sergeant of a cheque deposited Burke told the court that the by Clay which had been return- car would not go 80. led by 2 Toronto bank marked, His Worship, learning that|"NSF." : Burke had been in jail since the] Joseph White, an accountant night of the accident, sent him|at the Gerard and Woodbine back for one more week. Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto. testified that a cheque dated JAILED 14 DAYS August 1, made out to Stanley Barry Ernest Bryant, 18, of/Clay and signed by George C. Port Whitby, one of the pas- piich, had been received by his sengers in the car, was jailed y : bank on about August 5 or 6. 14 days for consuming liquor|nr White stated that there was while a minor. PC Stoneman was rel d. Clay was rel d in the morning of August 2. Sergeant Robinson told the court that alter he apprehended ithe accused, Clay told him that he was unaware that the cheque was no good and that he had re- ceived it as payment for some lumber. The accused asked Sargeant binson if he knew that the lumber was Georgia Pine and very valuable. Sergeant Robin- son stated that the lumber didn't look very valuable when he inspected it at the premises of Earl Evans of RR 2, Oshawa. Earl Evans, a carpenter, tes- Clay's account $200 of a ch of $485 which had been present- ed to him by Clay. Clay had re- quested the remaining $285 in cash. Trosin told the court that Clay had returned the next day and had withdrawn another $50 from his account which he had opened on June 20, 1961- Trosin stated that the cheque was re- turned by the Toronto Bank of Nova Scotia on August 10. Martin Chizen, co-owner of the Spruce Villa Hotel in Whitby, testified that Clay and another man had registered at the hotel on August 2. Edward Mullins of Oshawa Buy That Car! You may be able to save $125 or more on that new or used car when you buy it through the State Farm 'Bank Plan for auto financing, Ask about it. ars rae. WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON ; Anygioh ni no account at the bank under said that in his opinion Bryant|the name of George Pilch and testified that Clay and a man|tified that most of the lumber Rt 608 Brock St. 8. shoulder and skidded sideways/was intoxicated. Whitby, Ont, MO 83-3762 for 90 feet. A buildup of gravel] Bryant's wife and a friend, in thie skid, he said, toppled the Thomas Fraser, both testified was B.C. fir, some was Maple and some Pine. He stated that beside the lumber Clay had five storm windows stored at his residence. He estimated the MASONRY WALLS need M.S.F. MASONRY SURFACE FILLER State Farm Moteal Aetomoblle Insurance Company [eonadian Head Office--Toronte, Ont, Kingstone urged Rotary Rotary president, Earl Fair- members to seek more power | man; Dr. Henry Kingstone in this area as well as on a | and Zone Four representative, world-wide scale. Shown here | Jack Lowry. 3 : from left to right are: Whitby --0Oshawa Times Photo An easy to use, low cost combination filler and finish for concrete and block walls. Easily mixed fo @ smooth creamy texture and speedily opplied with a stiff brush. Waterproofs and makes en ideo! bose coat for Resilacrete Wall plate. Choose from 6 decorator pastel colors end white, Excellent indoors or out. 10 Ib. pail. 3.50 30 Ib. pail 9.95 i ~H- WILSON"S FOOD MARKET 114 DUNDAS ST. WEST JORDAN BROS.) LOIN PORK SALE! -. 45+ LOIN END WHOLE LOINS Ib, icxvemexexusmererem LEAN MINCED BEET - 39° WHITBY RIB END ta". DODD & SOUTER PAINT ond WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY associate director, will be the|youth leader and not a mnew-| Evangelist at a series of meet-|comer to the spiritual guidance MO 8-5231 ings at the Faith Baptist Church| of young people. As former Mas-| . in Whitby commencing Wednes-/ter Sergeant with the Intelli-| C.LL. Paint Dealer day, Oct. 11 through Oct. 32 (gence Infantry Section of Gen- YOUR Pastor E. C. Corbett announced|eral Eisenhower's stalf, he often Painting & Decoret today that the meetings will beispoke to combat units before ain pling ny held nightly Monday to Friday and during action at the front. Gyptex, Poperhanging Lina CHRISTMAS ? If Mrs. D. MITCHELL BOOK EARLY! 1-18. CANADA PACKERS PKG. 43+ SAUSAGE SWEET, JUICY--SIZE 138s Overseas Excursions at Attractive Rates - DONALD Travel Service 300 Dundas St. E., Whitby Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin MO 8-3304 ORANGES voz. 39° CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE BREAD 2 ons 39° FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE ENTRANCE TO STORE FROM PARKING LOT | | | | | { i | | | § Family Monuments ih §] ap/ Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 Precast Concrete SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. i On Sole at . . . | wHiTBY OFFICF & | CIRCULATION | DEPT. Oshawa Times covery. Current Range of Products include: SEPTIC TANKS ® CURBING DURA STEPS ® WALK SLABS RAILINGS ® WELL TILE PATIO SLABS ® CHIMNEY CAPS | Holiday weekend visitors al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Foster were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ascott, Mrs. I. Dresser, Mr. Jack Grassick, Toronto, |Miss Olga Wallace, Brace: {bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wallace and daughter Margot, Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. | gene Bull and family Eddie, Su- san and Arlene, West Hill, Mr.| and Mrs. Donald Foster and daughter Patricia, Highland Creek, Mrs.., Edna Wallace, | |Harrowsmith, and Mrs. E. Leo- nard, Hartington. Third Whitby Scouts ana | Cubs Ladies' Auxiliary are hold- ing a bazaar and tea on Fri- day, Oct. 20 at All Saints An- glican Church new parish hall {with the following ladies taking| part: Mrs. G. Lomax, con- |vener of tea table, Mrs. C. Shep- A Specialists in Custom Precasting RE , CONCRETE PRODUCTS LT, ESL Remembering that the week of Oct. 29 was "Be Kind to Animals Week," Joan Calder went down 10 pay a visit to tHe pooches in the pound. This little fellow (the dog), seems like he "ain't had no lovin' since goodness knows when," and he sure is starving for affection. Joan, reluctantly, had to return him to his cage. If you wish to «ake him or ne of his fellow prisoners into your heart and home, just call the Whitby Dog Pound at MO 8-5858. The Whitby branch of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals hopes one day to build a shelter for lost and abandon- ed animals. They are holding a "Tag Day" next Saturday, Oct. 14, and are asking Whitby citizens to give generously for the need is great I | | Ss mm mm mm mn my = BROCK Evening Shows at 7:00 & 9:00 pm. WHITBY Feature Starts 7:07 & 9:30 -------- LILLY TAB OLDS PALMER HUNTER be PERLBERG SEXION Pmacimle ' Blue Bonnet MARGARINE in the thrifty Bib. PACK Thrifty way to buy the finest all-vegetable margarine. Three pounds individually wrapped « .. delicious sunny-sweet flavor. | ' - LJ car over on one side and it|{that they had not seen Bryant Committed For Trial skidded in this manner for 10|take a drink that night. Bryant feet before striking a hydrojalso insisted he had not been ; pole. The car then came to rest| drinking. n wo mg arges DISTRICT 707 GOVERNOR 18 feet east of the smashed] PC Richard Sandford told the . at f wu pole, he said. |court, in rebutal, that Bryani an i | Dr. Henry Kingstone, a prac- Parts of the hydro pole, he|had told him, while in hospital, | An Altona district Yesident, ers. Samples of He envelopes tising physician of Toronto, | said, were found 30 feet away.|that he had taken a drink out of | William Warren J mstines, ofland capsules i gga spoke at the Whitby Rotary He said that it had cost $400 to|a bottle of whisky owned by Pickering Township, was Tues-|they were replaced in the flow-| meeting Tuesday evening. Dr. replace the pole. | Fraser. day committed for trial by aler bed. | . ot higher court on a charge of At 11:15, he said, the accused [ ® LJ 4 . possessing heroin and a charge came out and appeared to dig of possessing marijuana. Alin the ground. He returned to a S ar 1 0 en 1 S preliminary aearing was heldithe house, said the officer and in Whitby police court on Tues-| members of the squad searched . = ® day, before Magistrate R. B.\the area and found the eight To Mission Fami i Sn ace A member of the RCMP Nar-| Two minutes later, he said, cotics Squad told the court that|Hastings came out of the house The Women's Missionary So-|hospital, making quilts for the on the night of Sept. 11 shout and vi: la into custody. jot Gov . s ttend the Rotary|ciety of Faith Baptist Church/mission field and the prepara-\9 p.m., he and other members| He said the accused made a District Governor of Rotary In- citizens and that most of man | Rotarians to al he tary BO it Ochnr Tooting it thetion of a food hamper for alof the squad had placed Hast. imotion 10. his month. Dut. was ternational, Dr. Henry King-|kind's problems were present in District Conference to be : of th | : : | ity ; i r {church on Thursday evening. |needy Quebec family. ings' home, on the second con-|stopped by another officer. stressed - action, com-|every community lin Toronto in March 1962. i tel on Lh ) 3 : stone, stress ey ; oe During his visit to the Rotary| Following the singing of al All the ladies brought gaily|cession of Pickering Township,| PC Trail, of the RCMP, said uinicaton 20d leadership ei "Study the need " yO rts | Henry ingstone explained that favorite missionary hymn Mrs. wrapped Christmas presents, near the Altona road, und er|that the capsule had been identi- the Whe y dav SY at ih munity an Bropare | or Rotary | Rotary International has award- Lloyd Meader, president, open ready Io be packed for he hs (watch. He said that they dug jnified 2s heroin and the powder meeting Tresday evening sigled Dr. Ringtone Y| od grants of more than $3,500,000] ed the meeting with prayer. Two|Sionary family of Rev. and Mrs.|a flower bed at one side of the|in the envelopes as marijuana. Whithy Arena | was founded with high ideals for| the past 14 years through its| lovely duets were sung by Mrs. James Hicks, Danny and Jean- house and found a package of| The accused was released on| Dr. Kingstone told Rotary|great needs." nhl of student fellowships, | Kenneth Kirkland and Mrs. Ray Dette in South Africa. {two envelopes which appeared|bail, of $3,000 pending trial by a| members that Rotary Clubs ini "We have a need of leadership: E147 ble outstanding col. Jolly, greatly appreciated by| Mrs. William McDonald closed (to contain marijuana and 25|judge. | 123 countries are united in these|pecause we have a rendezvous io Bin Mig aneing oneal! vr if id he esting With prayer after capsules of white powder. Sam- | . sion § no? Cing-1 ; iF A y y refreshments were serve times of international tension in with destiny," said Dr. King-|year in countries other than Mrs. E. C. Corbett led in the by Mrs. McAskill, Mrs. Ken-| shel betace moni an endeavor to promote under-| stone " ; Rot b % ye ) S. ' | Shortly before midnight, he : | , : Sc : -| ne irkland an rs. Ross|gai i standing, good will and peace pr' Kingstone told Whitby] dors of Lov wil Sideaitan ea pk Doth x kland and Mrs. Ross|said, Hastings came out and| TENDERS : . s . $ oe wi. throughout the world. Rotary President Earl Fairman, Since 1947 when this program meeting were read and ap-| All the ladies of the con- appented Io ow something In| WANTED He told his audience that the|that the President of Rotary|was started, 1454 Rotary Foun-|proved. gregation and friends of Faith! On the night of Sept. 12 he, world in 1961 is crying for lead-|international had asked all the ATION Fellowships have been| New projects planned for the Baptist Church are urged tol. iD again hip with sufficient vision to v big|awarded t dents in 70 projects p Shri 3] 3 |said, watch was taken up again| FOR HOCKEY ership with suflic Vis| Rotary Clubs to have one biglawarded to students in 70 coun-| coming season included the knit- join in this very important de-\on the home. The flower bed Pometiber the past and to see|project this year He stated thal ies for stay, in 3 countries ting of bandages for a leper! partment of the Lord's work. |oo¢ cearched and 23 capsules EQUIPMENT e Iuture, |{the most wonderful aspec |This year stric | dt envelopes were found. Dr. Kingstone stated that the | Rotary was its International choose such a student for study | PY 3K Agfa Oe also search- Contact whole world has become our|Service and told Whitby mem- abroad. | ed the area where the accused IVAN DAVIE, manager neighborhood and that our en- bers that too many clubs kept -- e vange 1S appeared to have been digging Whitby Junior "A" tire economy is interdependent. [their international affairs with- . . the night before and turned up oy dumiat "Club service is the heart of|in one committee. Jailed 3 Months eight capsules, an eye-dropper, y : every Rotary Club", said Dr.| "The needs have never been ° og. hd a syringe and two needle-hold- 214 Centre St. North Kingstone. | greater than those that confront = = h 1siting Y MO 8.8762 "One of the tests of Rotary|the world today. We should Tiving arge Leadership is based on how well strive for a new wor | : : a cross on of local ine all nations shall have their| An Uxbridge man, convicted] Friend and advisor to thou- son, has been known to excell men are members of Rotary." needs fultilled," stated Districtiof diving Jhile disqualified sands of teen-agers at the sum-|in this ministry. a arge the club to seek od He also told 'Whitby Rotary Tues ay by Magistrate Robert| "er camps onthe (Word or Life pe Faith Church, e power and to obtain the power|members that survival cannot|Dnieper in Whitby police court. Relowship, n the American Mr. Roliertson Is a veterab it should in this area and to|be the supreme goal of today's|His Worship told George A-|Adirondacks, Don Robertson,| 0 make the power big enough to| civilization but that there must|Miller, RR 3, Uxbridge, who move the world be something more than that. had three driving offences in his| "Active participation is the| Dr. H. Kingstone was elected record oat it hs Jas ever answer," spoke Dr. Kingstone. |as District Governor of Rotary ausht ne pa sus "It is not enough for a Rotarian|International for 1960-62 at Ro-[DEN0i0N 2gam e "Wou'c never to meet and eat and listen to atary's 52nd Annual Convention ai a speaker every week." in Tokyo, Japan last May. ony Usvridgs Solics constable Dr. Kingstone reminded the| He is one of the 269 District : : Dass | members that Rotary is a voca.| overnors supervising the ac. served Miller driving along|with special Saturday afternoon|After the army, Mr. Robertson] Full Wall Murals tional club and urged frequent [tivities of more than 11,000 Ro | Brock Siren on Sept, 0, Srowh|meelings at 2 p.m. Jor Public atenqed the Philadelphia Bible a iy . . ; Dudes i : |Attorney Bruce eck pro-|School age voung people. The|Institute, and the Wycliffe meetings of the various com- Jaty Cubs Jick have # mem | duced a certificate that Miller's Saturday meetings will feature School of Linguistics, afte rl He reminded the Rotary|exe os in 123 countries jn] cence to drive had been sus-|games and songs and stories|which he joined the staff of the members that they had a pom ALE pended because of an un-|and the Evangelist, Mr. Robert-| Pocket Testament League in| a 3 C )! |satisfied judgment. | ~ |the Orient. Here, he helped dis-| responsibility to their fellow Dr. ingstone urged all local| ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS tribute millions of Scripture por-| | ON PAGE 10 tions among Korean and Ameri-| | WHITBY . can front line troops, under the {------------------"""|active endorsement of General] PERSONALS {Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sleeman|Douglas MacArthur. Mass ral- and son Garey of Oshawa were|lies were held in all cities of a| Mrs. Keith MacDonald open-| Thanksgiving dinner guests at population of more than 50,000. | {ed her home for an enthusiastic|the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Known to many as the| {meeting of conveners of var-|icr Langmaid of Kingston road.| 'human dynamo," the youth {ious booths at the forthcoming| Mr, Albert Mercer and his leader says that his work would |arnual bazaar sponsored by St.|son. Alexander, are leaving to-|P¢ impossible without the help| |Joh:: The Evangelist CWL to.be day from Malton Airport for alof God. Barely tall enough for | |held Dec. 2. two weeks flying trip to England military Service: he has been| Those present and taking an|wper ; will visi the "tall man" at the side off ! |where they will visit members | ; k Wyrt founder-d tor! lactive part for this affair are: |of the family Jack. Vyrizen, ouncer«rirector lCWL president, Mrs. G. Car-| bf : Co of the Word of Life Fellowship, ter. Mrs. L. Ruest and Mrs.| Vrs. Thomas Linton is in the|New York, in helping with youth IM MacDonald COCORVETETS. Osiiawa General Hospital where rallies, radio programs, boat (Mrs. P. Dudgon gift booth She underwent surgery. Herirides and gospel banquets Mrs. D. Newman, tea table. friends wish her a prompt Te Lroughont the Unized States, [Mrs. V. Mallon, bazaar dinner, | "Lenira america anc orazi. {Mrs. K. MacDonald, homebak-| {ing booth, Mrs. L. Bioye, | | aprons, Mrs. P. Kaiser, parcel| y | post, Mrs. G. Brown, chil | dren's wear booth. The hostess | served a dainty lunch. | 115 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY Just North of Four Comers | OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8 -- FRI, 'TIL 9 -- WED, 'TIL 6 P.M. SLICED COOKED HAM . 89° Fresh Cut From Government Inspected Beef SIRLOIN OR WING | { STEAKS . | PRIME RIB ROAST, Ib. ...... .49 BONELESS MEALED FRESH FRESH FRESH HAMBURG COUNTRY BULK 3 LBS. 1.00 4 LBS. 1.00 3 LBS. 1.00 | LEAN BUTT l PORK CHOPS . 55° Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast Round Bone Shoulder Roast Boneless Plate Brisket Chuck Roast Beef SEES GREE GEE EE EN EE EE SE ---- {pard and Mrs. W. Bentley co | iconveners of kitchen, Mrs. H. Brown and Mrs. A. Smith home-| |baking table, Mrs. M. McKenzie | sewing table, Mrs. C. Gagnon, touch and take table, Mrs. D.| {Jenkins white elephant table, Mrs Balsom and Mrs. F. Bes- wick country store table. | Mrs. Michael Starr, wife of| {member of parliament, will of-! [ficially open the bazaar. ! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dobson of | Toronto were week end press] at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | {Fred Murray of Newman Cres- | cent. Mr. and Mrs. Russell reed LUS maid and daughter Marion of "CARNIVAL IN QUEBEC" -- Color Cartoon |Streetsville, Mrs. Gordon Lang- | maid, Mr. Frank Coleman and

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