Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1961, p. 4

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Ane Vanna dies, Wednesda), Cotbwet 4h, M¥ei biEMiBER RESIGNS PREPARING FOR the com- ing ph t hunting from Oct. 18 to 28, Game Wardens of Whitby Township are posting restriction signs throughout the area. The ten day season will be open for pheasant hunting and, in order Wardens Hunt Cattle-Killers Pheasant hunting season opens on Oct. 8 and will con- tinue through until Oct. 28. to hunt these birds In Whitby Township, sportsmen have to secure hunting licences. In ad- dition the licences allow the shortsmen to hunt fox and rabbit within the Township boundaries. Pictured, left to right, posting the signs, are sharing with him the game on his property. LAY CHARGE The Township of Whitby, al Hunters are reminded that regulated Game Preserve {they are liable to prosecution | Area, is now extending an in-|ynder the Game and Fisher-| vitation to hunters to Jurhatel lies Act if they do not leave licences for the season. The licence also permits its holder to hunt foxes and rabbits within the Township. The Game Preserve Com- mittee of the Township has au- thorized the posting of signs, in order to regulate hunting in the area. At present the township's game wardens are busy nailing = signs which are aimed at j0ting better hunter-farmer ons. eters are requested to the signs in order to 44 "dhen their side of the pact t of the resident farm- #"A hunting Hlcence does not] ifgive a hunter the right to enter on private land without permis- sion of the owner. Many "No Trespass" signs in the township have been put up| because a few hunters did not| respect private property. It was reported at one ses- sion of County Council last year that some farmers in the county had lost prize Holstein cattle] during the hunting season. It seems unbelievable that some people cannot tell the dif- ference between a deer and a cow during hunting season. Reformatory Whitewashes |property at the request of its owner or disobey signs prohibit- ing hunting and fishing. The co-operation of both hunt- ers and farmers is requested in reporting to the Whitby Township Office any violation | of the rules of safety or cour- By M, CHATTERLEY UXBRIDGE -- Councillor Charles Johnstone tendered his resignation to Uxbridge Council last night. Mr. Johnstone said he felt that "the handling of the council and decorum in the council cham- ber has this year been allowed to drop to a very low point and after due thought, I fail to see any good reason for any further participation on my part. Hospital Aux. Holds Shower No Efficiency On Uxbridge Council "I therefore tender my resig- nation from this body to become effective at once." Councillor Fred Taylor was absent from the meeting and the resignation was referred to next council meeting, Oct. 24, for a full eouncil decision. Mr. Johnstone is in his third year as a council member and was a member with Councillor Nellie Kydd, Reeve John Ball and Deputy ' -Reeve . Wilfred Gould, that took a vote of non- confidence in Mayor William Hockburg because the Mayor re- fused to be a part of what he called "dirty, underhanded methods and behaviour in coun- ell", Four Directors Are Re-Elected At Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Members of the Bowmanville Kiwanis Club re-elected four of last year's ditectors at a regu- lar dinner meeting held at the Flying Dutchman Motel, Tues- day. Those elected were: C. Scott, H. Locke, W. Cobban and J. Brown. Four more directors will be elected at the end of this month, Earlier, club President Ted Hutton and Vice-president Ross Jackman, related their experi- ences at the recent (Sept. 24-27) Kiwanis Ontario-Quebec-Mari- times conference held at Quebec City. Guests at the meeting were four Kiwanians from the West- mount club: Gordon Osborne, Cy Powell, John Howsen and Don Counston. Carving bee Planned By Church By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- The Fall Color trip sponsored by the Ajax Horticul- tural Society on Sunday, Octo- ber 15, will be slightly curtailed, as the proposed route taking in a part of Algonquin Park, would take too Jong to make it an en- joyable da --: the H f time and anyone interested in going will be very welcome. Phone WH 3.6833 in the north end of town or WH 2-0864 in the south area. Bus will leave at 9 am. The next regular meeting of the Horticultural Society will be held in the Lion's Den, on Mon- day, October 16 at 8 p.m. at which time Darwin tulips, hya- aliburton area should be very colorful by that ] be given as premiums to paid- up members as of this date. dens, shrubs and roses. freshments will be served. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH That energetic group of ladies of the Church of the Holy Trin. ity known as the Women's Church Year have planned an interesting topic for the next [Seetili, on Wednesday, Octo- r 18, Starting at 8 p.m., there will be a demonstration by a mem- Re- "Mr. Norman Mills will speak | bulk on the pre-winter care of gar-| CU Atlantic and Pacific Market who will show how to carve reat, joints and small dnd how to economically She these meats. This will be an open house meeting. On November 1, the annual fall bazaar will be held in the church hall, from"2 to 4 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. with all the popular stalls, and of course the tea room. The committee re- ports that there will be plenty in reserve for the evening ses- sion, so everyone has a choice of time to attend. ARMORED aang {TODAY & eRe] BILTMORE For Gift Bar * By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- The Women's Aux- iliary of the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital met on Tues- day, Oct. 10, (Monday being Thanksgiving), at 8 p.m. in the nurses' residence. A shower for the Gift Bar was held at this game wardens, Bert Hannam of Brooklin, and Fred Ashton and James Lynde of Ashburn, There will be 50 signs posted in the Township and hunters are asked to obey them and thereby promote beter hunter-farmer relations. ~--Oshawa Times Photo small children, such as story sold for 50c or less. PERSONALS Duck hunting seems to be the attraction this weekend with the cooler weather on hand. Ken Spence, Roy Hebb, Gus Seide, made promptly and include (1)| Ernie Smith, Gary Hunt and What the offence is, (2) The | Barrett Campbell are away to location and (3) The license|the Nort lastings-Renfrew dis- number of the car and make, if| trict to try and bag a few. possible. Mr. and Mrs. George Clay, These courtesies will help to|Billingsgate Cres., are spending keep Whitby Township open to|the holiday at their cottage on sportsmen for good hunting. Lake St. Peter. juice OVER Sandra Dee Bobby Darin | Wale Sezeh tesy when hunting on private land. Any such report should be) FEATURE TIMES 1:30 . 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:23 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:15 P.M. Bowmanville MILLBROOK -- Ontario Re- formatory of Millbrook defeat- ed OTS of Bowmanville 7-0 to win the final series of the men's | inter - departmental softball league 2-0 in games. In the semi - finals Bowman: | ville beat out Cobourg as Mill {brook ousted Provincial Police. | Manager John Moclair's vic-| tors turned in a fine effort in the final fray before a large | | crowd. Millbrook had taken the] Many County Councillors re- {first game of the series 13-3 at| port at sessions that hunters Bowmanville. cause much damage to private | Jack Scott, well known some property during the season in|Years ago in the Brampton and addition to losing prize stock. The Game Preserve Commit- 'tee of Whitby Township Simcoe areas as a top ball play- er and OHA referee, hurled] are | shutout ball for Millbrook, with| asking that prospective hunters | Ray Martin on the mound for | 'obey all signs posted in the] township. {the losers. The winners were: G. Carr, Gates must be closed and|SS; I. Bryans, Ib; A. Wright, ¢; fences must not be broken down |L. Wiles, 3b; G. Knott, rf; livestock § ameron, otherwise valuable will roam far afield. Hunters are asked not to dis- D.| If; J. Jones, 2b; J. {Scott, p; P. Duncan, cf; subs,| |E. Simmons, N. Page, W. Chal-| charge their guns near buildings lice Umpires were J. Medd, W. or livestock for obvious rea- {Lawrence and R. White. sons. The committee requests that | hunters get to know the farmer and show some consideration in TOO MANY BILLS IN YOUR li Where > a BILL | we have the answer with EXTRA CASH-fast! See Seaboard today! SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY 29% SIMCOE 8. PHONE 728-6283 2-FIRST RUNS! $-H-H-H DID YOU KNOW HESA _ Very _ I MPORTANT Person A RIOTOUS COMEDY WITH JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE -- LESLIE PHILLIPS -- STANLEY BAXTER Jomottow hoc on COME SEPTEMBER" aourr LAST DAY: meeting, especially things for| books, coloring books, crayons, ! HOW A LUSTY, FIGHTING YOUNG ADVENTURER TURNED INTO A SAINTLY MAN OF GOD! FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT ... 12:20-4:35-6:50-9:10 20th Century Fox, the studio who brought you such memorable motion pictures, such as "THE ROBE", "A MAN CALLED PETER" and "I'D CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN", now bring you fRANCIS Of ASSIS] "BRADFORD DILLMAN DOLORES HART STUART WHITMAN PEDRO ARMENDARIZ AS THE SULTAN "ABNER THE BASEBALL" SPORTLIGHT IN COLOR NEW COLOR CARTOON Govemment Inspected - Top Quality - RED BRAND BEEF BLADE BOAT. s7EIvBERG) ~) TOGETHERNESS CONTEST Yos..her's on epportunly for you to win 0 Beewiiful AUSTIN '850° eutomoblle...the Ideal cor for' groend fhe.tows shopplag br weekend touring... and ot the same fime hele yoof } YO CAN on, ighbourhood Steinberg, M of his own... by shopping In bis store every weekd ger win an AUSTIN "850" AUSTIN '850° CARS a PLUS WEEKLY BONUS PRIZES OVER 40 WINNERS EVERY WEEK) «L000 PINKY STAMPS EACH' a J» TOTALLING | , 500,000" PINKY STAMPS HK (ontario GRADE NO. 1 TABLE -39° OX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:00 B STARTS THURSDAY SHOW STARTS AT 7:15 a LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8: 45 | PM. The war's wildest story! . GLENN FORD RED BUTTONS IN CINEMASCOPE OSHAWA J prUMS INTHE % DEEP SOUTH RED BRAND RIBS OF BEEF vc 4] Custom cut & wropped for your convenience Contains prime rib roasts, oh steaks, braising short ribs, Cs ele, CHASE & SANIOMN '2¢ OFF INSTANT COFFEE "Text TENDER 'N TASTY TH FRESH SPRING SHORT RIB Rs ~ LAMB IN E BASKET FRESH SPRING 2396 bF Lame « 696 ") 498 99¢ § 6 OZ JAR MOTHER PARKER'S' ORANGE, PEKOE 60'S TEA BAGS WITH FREE DISNEYKINS PKG, 19% . ROMI ELBOW MACARONI| OR 118, ROMI SPAGHETTI PKG. QUAKER INSTANTI44 OZ. PKG. OR QUICK OATS 4s oz pro. w ALL COLOR SHOW -- TONIGHT ONLY! "EDGE OF ETERNITY" --Cornel Wilde "THE BABY AND THE BATTLESHIP" CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON | FEATURE "YOU HAVE TO RUN FAST" BILTMORE LAST TIMES TODAY ARMORED COMMAND "FIGHTING FOOLS" DR. FOSTER" DOG FOOD 15 OZ. NY 2/37 DOMESTIC 118. SHORTENING 2 orr pear PKG, 2%, 5 2 BIG FIRST RUN HITS! The 13 Fabulous Hilarious Miracles OF "ALAKAZAM' THE GREAT" IN COLOR =~STARRING-- FRANKIE AVALON DODIE STEVENS JONATHON WINTERS The Coldwater Turn- shot . . . When the Desert Legions surren. der to the desirable Damsels of the Nile! "OPERATION CAMEL" PLUS A 3RD COMEDY FEATURE BOWERY BOYS .... sovenr THE BOWERY" MARKS [Er -- White Flock Grade "A" Large J JACK SPRATT « IST GRADE ¢ SIDE LB. BACON " ORCHARD KING "ETOMAT are-/ JUICE 10: + BULK PACK ~~ PORK Y-. ude SAUSAGES °4 APPLE JUICE a New Crop Juicy --- Large ¢ LIMIT 2 BAGS PER CUSTOMER Ontario Grown Foncy -- Scarlet -- Snow -- Sourtlands or Pippins APPLES ORANGES ; Ontario Grown -- No, 1 = Fresh \_ Celery Stocks clio bog 39° Valencia -- Sweet and 49¢ Large ze 176 'Doz. MOM'S MARGARINE 118. PKG. ORCHARD KING CHOICE 4/89¢ RED PITTED CHERRIES 5/$1. 15 02. TIN PANTRY SHELF FLAKED TUNA 6OLTIN YORK ASSO! 4/5%¢ FANCY PEAS 1502. TIN 2/35¢ WESTMINSTER TOILET TISSUE ASSORTED COLOURS! 4S PKG. NIBLETS FANCY WITH THIS COUPON ANG TUCHASE OF PASTE WAX, on dL oar SWB rurcass OF pid iuop NER % COUPON tarines OCT. 1/8 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A118. PKG. OF OLD HOMESTEAD Le %ey Special German Show WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 6 OZ BTL. OF "CEDAR Fumiture Wax COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 18/61 $ THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF TWO PKGL. OF 108 PY.O.MY CHERRY MUFFIN MIX COUPON expires OCT. 18/61 PINKY @ | stamps WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ANY 1/4 18. PEG. OF hum a BOWSER BUTTERSCOTCH OR OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9 P.M. 18% OZ. PKG. OF JOv-AL. 14 OZ TIN 45¢ WHOLE KERNEL CORN 4/69¢ WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF AL ORE OF phi \EAN HAMBURGER PINEAPPLE COUPON EXPIRES WITH THIS COUPON AND FunchAse or ISLAND ROAD ROUGE HILL ocr. 8 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 2. INS OF A RED BRAND Blade Steak DUNDAS STREET Cc Each 9 Once-in.a-lifetime opportunity to buy a famous \ [Samsonite] j§ FOLDING TABLE 5 $4.98: with $25 wel of eal register | REGULAR 39. 50" VALuz 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 10 18. BAG OF ONTARIO GROWN NOL§ BOILING ONIONS COUPON Expires OCT. 18/81 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 510. CELLO BAG OP ONTARIO GROWN NO. § COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 18/81 J WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 2 CELLO BAGS OF NO. 1 WHITBY

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