Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1961, p. 20

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255% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& | 1--Women's Column | 14--Employment Wanted |20--Room and Board 25--Apts. & Flots for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Reat LUCIENNE Beauty Salon, We special. EXPERIENCED young girl (17 years | ROOM and board, five dys w weekly, FOUR ROO Martues!, yl) cotvent TWO partly furnished rooms, bedroom a i ing. Si id) desires babysitting evenings in Clean accommodation, €23d home and kitchen, sitting room, use of re. Ge Zeriauent waving 29% TO ood Tomes. Phone 723-4031. jcooked meals. Telephone 725 3710. ater tres; Sap at the Soot, Moby 165 rigorater and stove. Reasonable. Tele i |QUALIFED compan sscreiars/noon and board for in # : 728-9804. B U N | 2--Personal bts 35 years rg seeks perma- (clean, quiet home which is centrally THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, FIVE- and apartments, { Jo mtrally 5 L SPENCER Foundation Garments, In.|Dent position. Telepho le _728- 2171. i located, abstainer. Telephone 725-3879, centrally ovated, 5 Soathly ine! udes LE vervining, Ee cleats |dividually designed Also Spirella £a%.|wosAN wants baby sitting position, 728-6666 for further information. ments. Mrs. J. Hendershot, 324 Admiral |, Bap ifn sisi ante d to | en ee frees Oshawa {Tuling to go out of tuwn, relsvenses) SP 2, -------------- | THREE-ROOM apartment, main floor, btn ROOM lena M to Loan yr ~r { supplied, hone MO 021 urday ally (TED 10 rent large room or smell self-contained, heated, light wiring, entrance and ! bath, heavy Accountants Fuel and Wood oney CLASSIFIED AD RATES |/RIPE WANTED -- 0 wn day. Telephone warehouse, ground floor, central, sult-|suitable for couple. Just outside ciry|to north A. and P. store. ADPIY 32 Orne ; Toronto. Call 723-1932 evenings. Mrs. |EXPERIENCED _ voung marrisd able for storage. Write R. H. Arm-|limits, Telephone 728-6408 evenings. ard View Bouleva: Nn. E. DEWAR and , Acsutfatly F R E F MONIES AVAILABLE 25 eras or tess [|Rhodes, EM 8.7031 days woman, desires dav wor' houseclean- strong, 601 Gilmour Street, Peterbol0./THREE.-ROOM unfurnished apartment. THREE- OM sareaieied gr of and Auditors, Cedar Gi Cherge || DEAR ELOISE -- Please come home, ing, laundry, ironing ete. Te private bath, heavy wiring, $50 month. newly electrical tanto Stseal, OSsawi, Ontario a To Buy 3 CONSECUTIVE (ine, kids and { need vou desperatels.| 23 is3s after 6 p.m: |24--Houses for Rent 3 space. oo, equipped, large cup. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, rtered Accountants, 725-3527. - ve i simene "Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, Furnace cleoned every 23-0890. ly, includes heat, 0 Apply 318 Al-|board space, newly decorated. Apply te INSERTIONS 225 248 | Will buy you anything you want. Re bert Street 728-77 25 Division Stree! { n tomorrow's personal column : Sh 6 [sixoom two-siorey brick, double ~ RY -- | Agreements, Mortgages, . orion 3.7% 4.13 ! 2 i Female | Help Wanted garage, Vacant. Commercial location, SELF-CONTAINED large two-room TWO four-room furnished year " Invincible | tments : 4 : HOUSEKEEPER companion for elder. King Street West. Reasonable to reli. | apartment and kitchenette, stove, re-|or unfurnished. APO 9% Sin Simcoe Street --"Round the Clock" 24-hr. nvincible inves . ¥ no). aia within 7 oa ve ELECTROLYSIS our Jive in, Home with all conven. able tenant, 02 25.3513 or MO B5785. {aera Shee picve athroom, aL North, Apartment § or telephone 738- burner service epho LMERS Charge vate wi . "weekends free. Write Box s27|Frinice Street, 723-2512 or MO 8-576 ie. APR a ips me Bk 00. (394 ic delivery [To mm Z, 1. SALME Above rates apply enly to original ee i re particulars, (COMPLETELY furnished home, mod-| af = Aoply Street 'entrance. iment 1, "White Rose" Unified | 723-1101 orders for consecutive insertions. || porovo) of superfluous hair, ee em appliances. Lease for six .o mine ite Rose | Insertions ordered at © M # will b AJAX manufacturer requires experl-imonths to responsible couple. 476| SPACIOUS bright, light housekeeping WHAON wd BUBEOWS no ued Fuel Oil { {| later date constitute @ new original |! Jharie Aura Ty : hy enced typist for dictaphone transcrib- Towel or 720.4172 rooms, share three-piece bath, Jerkig ceountants, order. shawo, Uct. an A ing, also telephone answering and re-| ci 5, monthly inclu eat | I PSTAIRS a rr ya Osh d F. D. Wilson, CA \W/ A E | [ ! AVAILABLE November 1, fiveroom |and PSTAIRS a a Ham ve G. a vs CA, 728-2571. ESTERN OlL. co B A R F R | D { Professional and Business listings Phone Genosha Hotel on these | Telephane WH 3650 Good typing essential, bungalow, all conveniences, on Gib b and hydro. Apply 11 Hall Street, Osh- rooms and bath, heavy Sapien, five TE $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily |! 0 ointment. Street, $75 monthly. Apply to 109 private entrance, Telephone co H+ YALE. PRIEDLANDER, | HUN! i N ENTERPRISES LTD. Each additional line $1.60 per dates for appoi n {EXPERIENCED invoice t typist re required A St fter 6. 4 {ONE and | wo-bedroom wpartments | in|for more particulars. # i month, | H by electronics company, locate = - yn new modern plex ing, central, ty pi crantant Bah 64|Gardening and Supplies ' 3--Pets & Livestock VE-ROOMS, tw y he roy SELF - contained ground floor King Street Hast, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, 9 ANNOUNCES NEW Each Initial fetter abbreviation, ||" oF we | EEE A OF OH ON OTD, Me vr ey HULSY Doze, oie Washer rye and arecorited, ment, Simcoe. Strees Bouin. mone Lan . , RIEHL and sovrerra MONTEITH, BL and --it's had all need { ! | for De fast, neat, and crusts. Good em- A TE Pati d Flagstone LOW RATES | 30a Box onan ou a LER oi 4 Mrs |Ployee benefits, commensurate Crescent. _ [Frontenac Avenue. er olor, f.0530, "2° of base 8 T. HOPKINS and | Company, Certs atio an 9 | ON Ist & 2nd Bl Tar Ra | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East i Write Box 421, Oshawa |FTVE- "ROOM brick | bungalow. Barage | APARTMENT to rent, two bedrooms, TWO-ROOM apartment. furmi Public Accountants, se n all conveniences, oil heated, Immediate bath, livin, , furnished f rvs East, Oshawa, Ontario. ms3508 | Shrubs and Evergreens| MORTGAGE LOANS must A sm. the doy be REG ASTER ED Dac hshund pupples. SIX |g TES heip wanted, housewives wei-| Possession, centrally located, references so "Simeon yey ol sacs older i Apply 756 Gifford ee ----- pA weeks old, lovely house pets elephone A reet or Tejephone 6792. BOB CLANCY'S Outage Accoustis Holland Bulbs FOR HOMEOWNERS Memoriams Cards of Thanks which | MA 3.3430 Bowmanville after §' p.m, come from Pickering. -Ajax - Whitby. |reduired. Telephone 7258188. 723-936 Phare 723. TY Service. Complete bookkeeping service, . will be accepted until 9 em. lior more information klin etc. Telephon from [FOR RENT -- new bungalow, five ARATE October 1, four-room and gg 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res. Top soil and sods. BORRO $2 000 Deadline for Lest end Feuna and || RE | |your own home. per inforujativa tele: rooms, available October 31. Children two.room flats in private home. TV laundry facies" for ly ants 723-7605. WwW Concellations 8:30 a.m. Office B . nonths old, ma |phone Mo 8-238 r. St. Jobn. Weloome, $85 a month. Jones Realtor, |outjets, equipped kitchens, utilities in- wi ng, three-piece shower bath, OSHAWA { REPAY 4 Hours: Daily 8-5, Seturday 8 - reg. ET ha8| WAITRESS for day or night, sxperi.|725-0412. cluded in rent. Apply 17 Elena Avenue, |2orxin8. 725-7940. ------ Auto Parts | REGULA T1ONS-- enced. Apply South End Restaurant, S| THREE bedroom brick "bungalow, fin-|UNFUR ISHED two-bedroom FURNISHED basement apartment, ro 35.22 PR. MT P.I The Oshawa Times will not be |[MINIATURE white poodles, seven|Bjoor Street East {hed recreation room. south Oshawa,|ment, private bath, heavy wiring. uti. |'ITe® 00ms, private Tour.pieee bath- ho ge Ug Red Day GARDEN CENTRE | $35. . =P responsible for errors wn advertise: (weeks old, registered stock. $100 each. | EET eae (910) Mgmtphy OB Lakai oo win, (Ine! Paid, Cougs with young' child, 73{T90m and entrance, parking facilities, : Roy Street West, Oshawa. ! BALANCE AT END OF Ist {| ments submitted otherwise than in Telephone cia robe in your spare time. Just show |fenced-in yard. Telephone 728-4060 _ |Central Park North, 728-6 adults only. Downtown location at 23§ Tico a, Five bays to serve you. { 5 YEARS writing, nor for mote than one ll FEMALE German Shepherd for sale, Fashion Frocks to friends. No. iivest. FURNISHED room and small kitchen THREE "wiioraished FoomSuiitip} ing Street SG 1259 SIMCOE NORTH incorrect insertion of any "aver [l11; years oid, good CO antys mite' (Ment, canvassing, experience aces |with refrigerator and stove, central, cupboards. horn duty wig, OLID| THREE large room apartment, pri. Borristers det | NO BONUS tisement., mor beyond price jifarm use. Only $25. 728-4912 Betty. (sary, Write: North American Fashion separate entrance. 97 Park Road North. blocks east of Shopping Centre, park. | *!® bath, stove, sink cupboards, ane ar a | Other Plans Availabl charged fur @ Single wasrtion oF [io uapics for "sale, 335 Frocks Lid, 4425 Industrial Bivd., Telephone 723-276. ing, $50 monthly. Adults, 7256117 |Cipid Welcome. Apply 52 Drew Street GREER and KELLY, barrister, Sollci- HARDSAND ther Plans Available the advertisement in which error | DACHSHUND puppies | Dept. H3699, Montreal 39, Be ame Li. J _ off King, 728.2272. tc., 114 King Street East, occurs. And also reserve the right ; ; REE-ROOM, self . contained apart- FOUR -- tors, elc., OSHAWA RESIDENTS, FOR s E DOMESTIC help wanted, live in, plenty | {now vacant also three room furnished|men rooms unfurnished, pri ri h . oy to classify advertising according tc JRE RED American Cocker Span- t, centrally located. Reasonable to Pi Toneer. BA, se. mse: ter. LANDSCAPING A CONFIDENTIAL APPOINT- its own classification iel puppies. blonds, goldens, reds, parti. [of free time: school-aged children. [apartment vacant end of October, near | responsi persons. Apply James Gi [LOM And entrance, children welcor h BA, Sc., 725-3368; Ter-| ! A A In the cuse of 'dispicy 'cdvertne: Jenlo ive and six weeks old, males, | References required, Call 725.5723 shopping centre. Apply 77 Gibbons Street (son, 149 Celina Street. Telephone 723. Reasonable to reliable tenants. Vs rence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. Fall Sale of Nursery Stock MENT IN YOUR OWN ments The Times will not be helo ||females, beautiful pets; 725-6475. | PART-TIME help required for variety ssi MONTHLY two-bedroom apart.|7663 " November lst week. Apply 68 C RALPH JONES, BA, and Tous Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, | HOME CALL OP. AND ASK -esponsible for more spoce thar | Site TnES: APPLY piaitaon, Centre, ments, all conveniences, - immediate| FORNISHED "two ~ Foom spartoresr.|TS APARTMENT building, tweed: | GREER, Associate Barristers and 208. Bulbs | FOR ZE 7-6540 that in which the actuol error | 4--Market Basket |438 Ritson Road South after 6.30 p.m. |Apartment 2 or 728-3377. built-in cupboard . stove, refrig.|T°0M apartments, Oshawa Boulevard, ghon, yo loans. available: | ; | " Sccuples, The publishers Srdeavaur || myo pe bushel baskets. Alas Also| WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Young |FULLY furnished two-room apartment, erator, use of washer and dryer, pri- pie "Barkin ToT MI conveniences, am. arigase SCKEY. BA Baoterl 725-1721 (NO TOLL CHARGE) to reproduce all advertising ae Le aa lady to work in snack bar, night shift, possession. Apply 29 Russet Avenue. Ae Snirance and bath. Apply 350|7p54 §. For particulars telephone BRUCE V. MACKEY, Ty correctly but assumes no liabili -------- $30 per week. For interview, call New-|$50 monthly, light, heat and water in. . Solicitor, Notary Public, wh Kin 8 55 GLOVER RD. OTHER AREA RESIDENTS || or advertisement are contained | APPLES, $2 and up is "own con- | castle e 4366. Experience not necessary. |cluded, close to downtown. Telephone FOUR-ROOM uhfarnished aver TET room unfurnished main floor Street 8-2381. Res. CALL GUELPH TA 2-9062 x any inaccuracies in ary form jainers, Mayhelte Drom, Je mile EXPERIENCED waitress wanted Ap. | 723-4825 with porch, private entrance and bath, Sbaltment, private entrance, heat THOMA RUNDLE, Barrister, Solicl.| COLLECT rein. Telephone MO. & 26, west side. |oly Town and Country Restaurant, 15/8 -ROOM house, Harmony R o a d|&round floor, parking facilities. bus af facilities. Telephone aay Parking giior and Notary Pubic, Bing E. R. KNOWLTON { : o;| Bond Street East or telephone 72.1821: | North, $65 monthly. Vacant October 1,[door, large vard, on King Streot East. 5. _ZSlephone 723-4002. Street East. Phone imines. Active Member Ontario TOMATOES, 50c. bushel; carrots, 75¢. Telephone MO 8.2497 Telephone 725.335; bi list Bl § ) fo ELDERLY widow needs companion, -- -- ei a------ BOWMAN DAViS kL. By BE LANDSCAPING SERVICE Mortgage Brokers Assoc, 75. Bring 3s; 32.50; /. Eymann. |free room and. board in quiet private) BEAUTIFUL six-room bungalow with FURNISHED twos room a apartment, pri- IMMEDIATE tor, 3% Simcoe Sou LY { { n . {home, for elderly lady in good health. attached garage, close to High Schoo!, al aundry facilities, central dence 728-0264. Yor il ond sod. Repairing [Mortgages | NEW BUSINESS TN Cour: | relephone 725-0465, [$110 monthly. Available December I. nt to bus. Adults only. Tele- POSSESSION MERS, BA, Barrister, - Sole: and lawn maintenance, patio |TROFTSFEES =~ - U listed N b |winTER potatoes, 75-pound bag, $1.25 CANVASSER wanted for well estab.| Ielephone 728-4257 ey OMe BACHELOR ond 13% Simcoe Street No ond sidewalk slabs, * second mortgages. Sale! niisre umbpers . a3. [lished aluminum company, interesting FOUR-ROOM unfurnished a | or Ba house, "heavy wirin nT apartment, -1101 e1i6); Sesdctay 95 pa ig greements purchased and sold. | Dex bag, free delivery. Telephone work, hours 10 a.m. t» 4 p.m_ Tele-|conveniences, centrally located, large bright and. newly decorated, kitchen | 2 BEDROOM APTS. RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, 725-6047 |nick and Hennick, Barristers, Ji King i _ [phone 728-1651 or apply 333 Simcoe lot. Apply 320 Verdun Road from § to 9(¢QUipped with buflt-in cupboards and| Store, 'fri washer Solicitor, Noiary A103 5314 Simcoe | | Street East. 723-7232 VALLEY CREEK |APPLES -- Macintosh, Courtland, De-| | South. |p sink. Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant. g., wa end Sots aaas Rey. 728.3765 ol | |liclous and Spys. Glenosha Farms, |--- OCERVR if, |Ing_Avenue dryer, locker, paved park- ! 3 5 [52.000 AVAILABLE for a se | FURNITURE | Townline North. Telephone 725-6089 tor |MODE ive-ro a half, THREE room apartment, esuioncd wis| ing. Very tow rates. Special JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl- | LANDSCAPING |gage; repay $30 monthly private. Tele- | |turther information. EXPERIENCED |fireplace, hardwood and tlie through- m apartment, equipped with es. ia tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street | {phone 655-4471 evenings. | 145 KING W. I= -- |Qut. oil heated. Telephone 728-0463 after | refrigerator, Shestertieid and rates for odults, 2260, N and private : : - . | "TOMATOES -- Pick your own and | 6 pm . Close to bus; parking facilities. . Bax aaa Nua y All kinds of jobs in the FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ar.| Next_to Western Tire bring containers, 50 cents a bushel. Wm. HAIRDRESSER [Foe Telephone 723-1052. Adults o APPLY AT: A ETHAN GU Ser Ee rden -- phone |ranged. W, Schatzmann, Mortgage Bro.| 728-4401 [Sack, Thornton Road South. First drive. | FOUR ROOM house. newly decorated, TWO-BEDROOM ay. pg 213 MONTRAVE AVE 10178 8 BX! Alger 'Bldg. 37 ' King | ENNISKILLEN | er, 101 Dundas West. MO 8-3338, | We buy, sell, exchange used {yay south of Hydro sub-station (west Starting November 1st, good Lor Ti dre Apply 592 Drew aPartment building, on main Nour, Taw Street East. 723.4943. Mortgage monies PT ly tung Soe Ha Hen| furniture, washers, TV, radios | TOMATOES, 50c. bush The wages, good working condi- |Street SO Sus 0 eon o\Eliances. NOW RENTING 3 J | TOM "8, 5 " | ---- ---- com avatizble GREENHOUSES [2Eze mes Heonick. Barristers, $i Kine and so forth at prices to top Spanish onions 82.30, ,| tions, 40-hour week. Tele- |SIX-ROOM, two - storey brick house, HEATED, om one T2088. ? McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, [Street East, 723-7232, anyone in the city. $1.50. Bring containers. W. Eyma phone Jutta Beauty Salon, [oil heated, immediate possession, cen. » four-room apartment with licitors. Clients' funds available for CO 3-2263 [trally located. Telephone 725.6236 for |DAth. immediate possession, located Bachel peri 20 Simcoe Street North. |CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- a ile san tp aeheby Sarage, Courtice. | 725-4321, evenings 728- [further cuir oo close to North General Motors. Call elor 725.3566, Charles C. McGibbon, "} |gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale £9 ori Yo first come | 6495 iN "for rent, hydro, |7 on Daves, 725.1636 between 6.45 and| and 2 Bedroom A ts E F Qc OSHAWA |purchased. NHA mortgages arranged | F ) SEV -ROOM pouse for yout, alyaro.|7 p.m., Monday to Thursday. pts. ¥ wan ACME HAULAGE [Creishton. Fraser, Drynan and Mur- Rug and Upholstery _S5--Farmers Column ey rine, tle floors, amply Mr. M. org F sie Tee tes bole NIPIGON AN Barristers, 0. L UGE] rrr ville, Osh. [CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered APP $1 up, in A container ! CASH IN [Wits : Hi '| apartments, Stove and frig, free wash. D ELGIN CT. % : G. 3 GE loans, Bowmanville, 4 please. Algoma Orchards, ckson ry -- ---- ryer, paved parking, locker Humphreys, QC; Wilby. Proynanyiie, | i {like new. Why pay more? Our rates P! ton Road. [NEWCASTLE Seven rooms, attached space, close to downtowns Call' 71256544 | Built-in china cabinet, colored chyn, A. Hillman, LLB; a King 'Street | - |awa, Road North, 14 North of Ta: | Bast Phones: ° Office 725-1177. Res, GRAVEL--STONE |cinity. Residential, acreage, apa Tt abe. Sansfation guaranteed DEAD Tori siocr Pioked OF peomotic [Sarage, good Jurden lot, furnac. Ref lor 725-8333. bath, frig., stove, free auto. Ja5-4004 or, Whitey, MO 82761: oa (ments. Suliman. Members of ontare| Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial 723. Phone collect Hamuton Corr: spay On big Fall and Christ- | Phone atter 3 p.m. roo 1 Ring 10. THREE- ROOM apartment for coupie,| matic washer and dryer, oney to loan L 0 A M {0311 {Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd, 115 : "-- |close to bus, private entrance and bath, rm TTC UCR CIR TY |experience. J. E. Harris, F. G. Harris| | - e - |SIX-ROOM, two-storey house, Rossland! 1 y paved parki , T.V. outle JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barri [and R. C. Bint. Summeriand Securities] TOP MONEY for dead and disabled 10° selling season. Be [Road and Simcoe area. Telephone 725- [phone T2095 ater 5 oY. Te ulley, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1414 | Limited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Osh- Surve ors farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, 7363 for further info ation. re bamboo drapes. ing Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. 723-3528 |awa, Ontario. Phone 725-3568, vey. -- collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. an AVON REPRESENT. . mat NEW one and two. bedroom apartments esidence 725-3405. DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, . Ontario | ATIVE in your neighbor- [FIVE:ROOM bungalow, new dscora. eotq on Park Road South. Large] $75 = $100 Monthly MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD NURSING HOMES Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue: print- 6--A . on Street, close to bus andi rooms, latest in modern equipment, ele. 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No. LOAM GRAVEL \ ing. 11 Ontario Street. 725.5632 uction hood schosls, imwedizte Possession, 895 vators, incinerators, intercom system, TELEPHONE - a A . y. bg My jo Ph Jou . Tas 4007. locks SOUMn maven unin ome goths HT JLIM aad TROLLOPE. Ontarie} A | IMMEDIATE Ra Storey and ee Ghrels. and, Islephone, outst 7. 725- 1196 2-7 PM. . comm iol 4 "|Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide (i | | wy -- dence, Dia) 723-4029. | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL private patients, lounge, TV. rally & East. Phone 725.6831, | AUCTION SALE | CALL half Bouse, open tarmee: Lamion Rew 1» $90 and $105, Possession from Nov. an DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister | LOTS LEVELLED censed, new building, modern. | Estate, Limited. 728.5075, Appleby. 7256544 or 723-3398. John Immediate Possession Solicitor, 26% King Street East. | welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone TV i | Having received instructions | | A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Ritr RL Bu siness 723-2201. Resi. TRACTOR, LOADER WORK |Newcastie 4441. Lhd Eadie Repairs rrr] from Mr. Alex Kashul, 503 | 725-8466 i THREE. sae STREET, er uPhiaIrS, BACH ELOR -- gence 723.3373, | Reasonable Rates Nursing | Services makes nor ion SI 197] Dieppe St., Oshawa (off Wil- | SOUTH OSHAWA vacant November 1, Can be seen eve. 2-BEDROOM APTS CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and a DIAL 725-2156 | reery, ai or aif | Cliott Avenue, 723.9792 (Fred). © | son Rd. S), | will sell by NEW 3-BEDROOM fings after five. 711 Hortop Street. . MURDOCH, Jastisters, Solicitors, No- ETER PAN Day Nursery, all or haif| -- [17--Male Help Wanted - 725-0804. Stove, refrigerator, dryer, 2 Public, Bank of C ce Bldg, day, 8.30 to 5.30, 581 Simcoe North, | | Public Auction on Saturday, (17 | 5" Simcoe Street North. 723.0340; T. K. 728.2604. T V. T E | October 14 at 1:30 p.m. the [BASS player wanted immediately by BUNGALOW NE! aaa blocks from Hospital. Creighton, 0c; NE Fraser 80 sx NUMBER ONE W following: Refrigerator, ac- |well organized group. Must be depend. : duty wiring, heated, hot and cold water CALL OSSIE MARTIN Drynan, a, Tw ) Optometrists 361 GIBBONS ST cordion, rug; clocks, table {able and able to fake, Telephone 725-| Vicinity of schools. |and electricity supplied, at bus stop. : : AMOS adic - SECA J 822 King Street Fast. Available. Apply JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, TOP SOIL F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom: | 728-8180 | lomps, radio, electric saws, |; EH $95.00 Monthly on premises, Wednesday, Thursday and Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. etry, the examination of eyes, contact fons, 1936 Chev truck, gar- PH: 728-5282 Friday, 6 to 8 p He. The Commercial Building, 286 King 6-YD A lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Terms. Open evenings. | age, trailer, chairs, tables West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking - . LOAD -- $8.00 Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 " Qe, Her, ' , | SELF- ONTRTES] four » room unfur. available. 10-YD. LOAD $12.00 0, Optometrist, Please OSHAWA T.V. sink, dishes, o quantity of [Times. {rr prey & Flats for Rent nished apartment, with heavy wiring, Realtors LB. | . -- . C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometris ini F Sq a lot 50 x 120 ond THREE delivery men, $1.50 per hour, -- central, suitable for business couple. 67 KING ST. EAST RUSSELL, J. MURPHY, BA, LLB,| pay accbunts at downtown Dominion ree Survey 4 0 r essential. Box 342 Oshawa Times, |FIVE-ROOM two - bedroom heated Telephone 725-4837 . Barrister and Solicitor, § King Streei| 723-3162 Bank or 74 Burk Strest, Invalids exam: ang Estimates ny other articles too nu- : - (apartment, parking facilities Immedi- -- 725.47 East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971. ined at home. Dial 725-4587. tn -- to mention. Terms: ERAGE $2.50 hourly, part-time, ate possession. Apply 726 Simcoe Street THREE-ROOM apa ment and bath, -4701 By bk . need three neat appearing men, 24 - 39 South, hardwood floor: ate entrance, heat. Evenings 728-9714 i ¥ fi t k, 8 to 16 hi Kly -- |ed. garage if d Ped. Telephone 723-4847 Bookkeeping TREES TAKEN DOWN Pointing and Decorating SAMSON Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer Box 340 Oshawa Times, Pure Wee {CENTRAL two | large unfurnished | ck d a s, si nd a Ww |ONE or two bedrooms, $39 per month AND REMOVED EXPERIENCED panier, inside and {TWO men, full or parttime, for food oom, OK la, cupmoards, own Sh| oy re Daten Dead Sane EXCELLENT LOCATION L. SCHAPELHOUMAN out, Telephone : TV TOWERS [wean oobi 373 Mitchell Avenue be: |couple or lady. Telephone 728-3243, [Washers and dryers, stove and' frig. NEW 3-BED N Work Guaranteed VAN HORN DECORATING. Paper SAT OCT. 14 [tween sand 7 pom: [Eupe ox Jady, Tele __ {Janitor service, downtown location -BEDROOM COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING Free Estimates oy . $60 MONTHLY -- Nicely fram le" G R 3 ; t.| Antenna Installations mia . eHor | ated L, : : SERVICE, INCCME TAX Call . Alan V T 1:30 P.M. ; BUN RETURNS. R. McKAY eer Len & Lou's T.V. 50 CATTLE Li a Volkswagen. i [King 725-4483. ie Kien : UNGALOW en 5 IN APARTMENT building, | dry facilities, parking. Phone 7288796 | LER STREET TE 9-2069 nbar DODD & SOUTER 725-7844 or 728-5804 MARRIED MAN, 24 - 39 for route sale Io ar 4 i Siena 089 Dunbarton PAINTING _& DECORATING TT| Rea Shorthoms, Holstein (S117 lus expenata to tar" sale wiv in "Cupboards, nunduomats park fi" EE $95 MONTHLY | | i 10 H 339 S| 5 6 Household Repairs CONTRACTORS | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | springers, heifers, stocker [Tomes "Cr: BOX 339 Othawa ing. 725303 or 68 Wayne Street [FIVERGOM anariment "$18. weekly; Alo Building Trades [FALL cl ola ruven m| Painting, Paperhanging { IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! tattle. Voceinated | HREE-ROOM self-contained apartment outlet, children welcome. Telephone 725- | cleanup time, ru L) in| [AVERAGE 32.30 hourly, part time, need with built-in cupboards and bath, gar. MINGLE your roof now, $130 and up, |Cclars, Incinerators and garages. wini| OYPtex, Full Wall Murals, | T.V. and RADIO Property of Clarance P, Tink [three neat appearing men, 24 . 39 for|age also available Telephone 725-0186 | 0 0: 2 BEDROOM h you: . Workmenshin and materials guars: | pick up anything. Please call 723.1631, Spray Painting. CALL 728 Lot 20, Con. 4, Darlington (1506, WIM 1.16 hours weekly. Box for further particulars. dal os mE: Ison ned APARTMENT teed. Easy terms at 6 per cent, with . 107 BYRON ST. S.,, WHITBY | 2 -5286 TED JACKSON, Aue Honeer, |e 0 MONTHLY and up, modern one OF | oflities, good eastend district, $75, 728. $0 red tape. Phil Harper, Whitby, MO- Instruction DAYS MO 8-5231 | All Work Guoranteed Terms: Cash [Far nsontinl: Box 343, Oimawe Times: ent aonoom, partments. new apart {038 after 8 pm, -- ADELAIDE AND PARK hawk 8.4358. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, NIGHTS 725-7426 | OSHAWA AR ---- . [tifully decorated, centrally located. 728.360 MONTHLY -- three rooms, 'ower $95 EPECIALIZNG In roofing and repairs. |18 years' experience, by interview only. 8--Hunting | 5 duplex. private entrance and bath MONTHLY Also all type home remodeling. Free!Act now. 725.1054. P | Servi ELECTRONIC | | f URNITURE on {Chita welcome, Telephone 725-3058 after cas ------ a aersona ervice | \ IHREE. room self-contained apartment estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. -- -- _-- b DEER hunting, housek PH 5.30 Teleph 728.5 LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, ng ey r---------- Sr un private entrance, three-piece bath, Ap.| . or ephone 728.5282 ¥OUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, Acro. OVERWEIGHT? You can 105s nches in | bill ' . . n ply 539 Albert Street or telephone 723. THREE - room apartment, all conven. | ------ peys built and repaired, gas linings in. |batie, Friday and Saturday. Masonie 30 days. Home rentals for vib id if 3 D WHY h SALESMAN hie fences, TV outlet, stove, frig, washer : f d. Free esti. belts. Barrel massagers. Slim-Rite ood es om ----" az dryer, In apartment building. Tele. H ' Sale, Juskases vasuume fina Tonite Street. 720.123). tre, 204 King Street East. 726-4501. UTILITIES paid, three-room Wnfurnish: | pnone 795.8815. OSHAWA'S FINEST mates. 723- on, RIL | » [LORRAINE School of Hawaiian Music, - larendon, Onl, Mi Jo Camp. . od apartment, private bath and WHITBY excavating company. "Play In Hawaiian style, Fuitar, acces: Because we give - Avrora 3xpatiancad, Ta Ihe duty Ag wa Blvd, South. [THREE rooms and bath, parily fur. Park la ging and ditching. MO B4172.____|sories supplied. Call 7344810 NOW OPEN Reof Service Fost 9-- Summer Propert opliance sales, meer 'an |Reasonable. Telephone 720ei0h, |nished. reasonable rent, heat. lighie ne Apis. SPECIALIZNG in brick, block [HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, SAME DAY! | tor Sale or Rent Sppliance Noles, rect Ob [INTs wero urpighed | otL eiuded. Tein : home repairs, Phone Mr [tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Ragister HERBERT and perance Top salary and [apartment, for two gentlemen refriger- r Wolters. MO 8.2204 now. 424 King Street West, 725-61 122. Efficient | : , 2-Bedroom Sui -- bhfH lcorrAoy three hedvanm, compl commission ator, private entran d bath, Park. " m Juites ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, _ -- FURIO JAVE MONEY 1 I¥ furnished wiih ranielis. Sle Xigh Ful in J n only to Mr Ing spice. Apply gin) clin § troet West. TWO-BEDROOM y Ad Experion {Rineratar and wil space heater ! | Elevator Service Stewarts: sions. Taos, Gosden] LEARN TO DRIVE HAIR STYLING | Experiance Het a Ronn ay Care Rutherford, morings 9 to [i ArARTMENT buiaing, »eivatel APARTMENT : SATISFIEL ; three.room pony modern through. Private Balcon May. at the 682 HORTOP S71 11] Na ES (lana, 20° mien trom Gehawa 12 out, bright, clean, washer, TV aerial, y DRIVE IN and SAVE Fully equipped. ig rp On ( HOMEOWNERS! Beautify and increase yao |onte HO 61630 parking, near Shopping Centre, Adults. Paved Parkin hg dn Be UE Reynold's Cshavg Driving School PHONE 728.9611 Tubes checked, glass and (BANCROFT, furnished Two - bedroom RUTHERFORD Apply 212 Stevenson Road South. SIMCOE ST. N. | 9 Aluminum Siding and Colonial Stone. rofessional Instructors dasa | tuner cleaned, set up for best {lakefront collage, automatic heat, frig, FURNISHED two . room apartment | Centrally Located Eliminate painting forever. As low as Dual Controlled Cars. TRY OUR sicture | [vi love, viel, dock, outside harbecue close to hospital, clean, quiet. 728.5984 725 6343 $5 weekly. Industrial Home Construe. Standard and Automatic ht § | Excellent hunting, fishing, inside tollet FURNITURE 01, Je | B.C CHIC { $4280. Wille Box shaws 1ime or 728.440 ---- . | | ton, Box 406, Oshawa Times. Day and Evening Lessons BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN A TOWER ? 0. Wiis Hox 43) Oahaws 7 es 156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH CENTRAL location Four-room fur. | 9 10 SPM. | Contact FREE estimat digging b ents Chick slate, halt chicken t " / | and | grading by bulldozer, MO ra 728-0091 i Rr rics fish ond TRY us | 11--Adticles for Rent ---- Toots or Female Help gi Tarnished. hedroom ori. MODERN, QUIET DON HOWE CERAMIC, 'Plastic wall tile, chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, vale home, 728-5016 after 6. OMEN estimates Insurance milk shakes Moving antenne? Same day? SICKROOM EQUIPMENT Wanted FOUR-ROOM apartment with "private 2-BEDROOM REALTOR FOR RENT OR FON SALE |SALES WELF wanied Housewives wel: entrance and bath, oe 3 General Mo. APARTMENT | 67 KING ST. EAST ALL types of repairs and remodel | AULSTATE Auto Insurance. § MODERN GRILL | Repairs? As good as new? Pickering, Ajax, Whitby | 725-7732 | phone MO 8.2347, Mr. St, John unfurnished apartment. with sink, { Cartage Lawn Mowers CAN. CORP. AUX, 728-6781 | Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip. WE SHARPEN AND RENT -- | Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, |THREE-ROOM apartment, cent ra ER AA |oNE comfortably furnished | to 20 per cent, six months to ag For - - A | , ng, new and used uatrisis Resger. 8 personal service at your home, eall WE DELIVER-725.3887 TRIO TELEVISION | Hospital beds, wheel chairs, |Brooklin, etc. Telephane soliciting fron: | 725-1168 for further information 206931 3 Poly, mates 725-1625, Co EL ' 171 BOND EAST | Invalid walkers, bedsides, [your own home. For information tele. NEWLY decorated. large three-room | at 15 GIBBONS STREET. / ART oh For upboards, TV outlet, hi duty wir! Adults only or with children EVENINGS 723-9692 TIME desk clerk, write stating | CUPboards, pulet heavy duty wir | | (age, experience, and previous employ. |!n%. Centrally located. Telsphone 723. | over 12. Apply at Apt. No. 2 26--R f R JOAN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa. UNIT 42 {TV--Rentals and 'slenderizing machines, {ment to Box 312, Oshawa Times. |3568 in some building. | ooms tor Rent - 3 1 ped and insured. Phone 728.3661 ALMOST EVERYTHING < 795 A |20---Room and r {ground floor, furnished, Adults only. | housekeeping room, downtown at 77 Give Us A Cail -- CA TEF ING Purchase your. de-humiditier 25-164 cic W Board _ : Y; | Apply at 63 Celina Street. SAGUENAY Street. and board for wor ng girl in Y MOVING ? ' For Banquets, Weddings, etc. | $10 down -- $7 per month {12--Articles Wanted |private home near North General tor THREE-ROOM. self" i contained part} APARTMENTS BRIGHT furnished | bed oom in quiet » S TA N S For Information Call Remove the dampness from -- em en [tors and hospital, home-cooked m Pp i" ig] eat inclu ome, very central, close to downtown, ul your basement. Rent a tele | Telephone 725-6449. ed, Telephone L] a.m. to 11 m. . 728- 4263 KING and PARK RD. gentlemen preferred. Telephone 725. CALL CORNER KING AT BURK STS. | MRS, E. OLEY 725.293) fslon == trily. $7 per. week SHAW SPACIOUS well kept room with or - [TWoROOMED moder furnished base. CALL 723-2563 Forme mata ment apartment, separate entrance, pri- Mod 2 bed rte room, suitable for W Plum iy | AUTO WRECKING CO. [without board, quiet home, good loca- vate bath, parking, TV aerial. Use of odern, edroom apo. an, close to downto CITY CARTAGE 723 3224 tu bing Heating tion. 11 Rowe Street. Telephone 728. vate Path. dryer. Apply 73 Ritson South| ments fridge, stove, paved |cooking privileges. 317 "Glidden A i. ALL PLUMBIN | ' Wants cars tor wrecking, |[3350. i {7 / M To Loo iL) TMniNG ana heating' §opyiien.| MEAGHER S | Parts for sale, also scrap a [ROOM "with board for Rentleman. To. | raster 6. parking. TV outlet -- For FURNISHED single room, suit 5 | oney to n Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. | . . H g |eated close to South General Motors $60 Sob -- three-room unfurnish- information Call 723-2563 Sertleman, Apply 41 Oshawa Bou - | 5 King 51. W. 723-3425 and metals, etc. bought. J od apartment, private entrance, heavy | | North [FIFTY to five thousand anilars. Ans ing. 253 Simeoe Street South o c J 1 de Ph |APply at 496 Albert Street any time, One child welcome. Telephone | {worthwhile purpose, lowest rates. fast| ALL types of repairs and remoasiiing. | Well D illing-Di Pen saturday oli doy. Phone . (ool sd board, Eve ay vehi aiter 5 i 9 UP IROOM for sentieman. furnished, park: Dressmaking {service. Seaboard Finance, "new and used materials, Reasonable rilling-Digging [725-2311 '89 BLOOR E.. |breakinst weekends, lunches packed if 5. -- p----n : an |ing_ space, laundry done: Downtown low coe Street South. 728-6283. rates. Estimates free. Dial 720.0031, 4 9 L3 *__|desired. Apply 109 Colborne Street East.| EAT _(hree:room basement apa |cation. Apply 109 Park Road South, DRESSMAKING and alterations pba Fi -- tet ---------------------- x ment, heat, hydro, washing faellitie 2 BEDROOM APTS. anytime Re -- -- ---- | IROOM and board for two gentlemen, [near park, schools, bus, shopping, One ments, decorated to choice. ing room, stove, refrigerator, heat, ladies' and childen's wear. onable | | Fates. Telephone 728 { : . | French cooking, lunches packed, park-|child welcome _Telephone 725-2254 s. Telephone 7 aaa MON | ES FOR BEATTY APPLIANCES WELL DIGGING by WANTED in. aundry done. 103 Mill Street. | X lights, water included, newly decorated, - | DRESSES made to measure, all Hinds) ) |728 THRE Self-contained . apart: | r of repairs for ladies' and children's MORTGAGES Barn, equipment, pumps MACHINE | - SCRAP IRON, POULTRY [= ee --- | ment furnished, _refrigerator,| Extra large modern kitchen parking, centrallt located. suitable for wear. Reasonable. Mrs, Marshall 7 : ESS - $13 PER week, willing to share, "spa private axtrance bath, central, heavy | with stove and fridge, 4-pc, {two girls or couple with child. Apply 92 13. Monies available on First SO | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE AND FEATHER TICKS {ious attractive room with private bath, |wirine. Child welcome. Room $6 weekly. | tiled bath, free -washer and |Elgin East, mornings or after 4. pr y 4 . nche acked, | A 1 tele- | 728-6697. A i Mortgages at 7% per annum. | oil burners, hot water and WHITBY, ONTARIO I. TURNEK Io ry Aunty, 4 ee | TEB5081 . | dryer, locker space, paved |TWO or three furnshed or "nfuraishe uel and Wood without bonus. | forced air furnaces, bathroom " | 723.2043 793.3374 | neers THREE-ROOM upper duplex, private | Cl Sh {ed rooms, mew, bright Kitchen, with ACTOR "ardesd gut Monies also avoilable on | fixtures, parts ond service MO, 8-2563 -- MO 8.3809 £3 Ee " ¥ - - entrance, all conveniences, heavy ir por ng. [ose lo opping | cupboards' and sink, near bus stop, ardwoo cuttings, Suit 4 re | beds ryice, | ¢ \L VE 1 i! x 7254 ACTORY Ia i gt Sul Second Mortgages. | PARTNER 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. | (collect) LARGE rooms with board, laundry ing, heated, paved parking, Telep! ow entre, Call 725:6544 or {Also one jarge housekeeping room with hone 7: | | commodes, crutches and cones 50 roll-away beds Spacious 2-bedroom apart- Toe LARGE furnished housekeepe | |done, ood meals, low rent, close to725-1113, 8 a.m. to 530 p.m. Evenings, " |sink, cold and hot water. Apply 320 ibis Bi Rig TRIN PLUMBING AND HEATING fae PO BOX 329 : (T3--Business Opportunities {downtown. Telephone 728.3643. i 5.1560 725-8333 anytime Frontenac. ant metered | for Sole purchased. | er { | ORONO 1782 Day or Night ROOM and board available at the FURNISHED two-room "apartment, al USE THE | BEAUTY salon, established in. Oshawa, [Pontiac Inn, home cooked meals, convenionces. Centon tere mani MODERN 2 BEDROOM ATTRACTIVELY and sto oil, con supply. Y. H. Young, 71 Emma,| 28-8727. M. F. SWARTZ modern equipment. Excellent invest. [lunches packed, have TV lounge. Tele.|Motors and -hospital, private ae Short term and Builders' Mort {Rug---Upholstery Service | {ment. All 'enquiries confidential. Con. |phone 725-00 [reasonable rent. Available immediate APARTMENTS FURNISHED ROOMS : | - {owe TERFIELDS re.upholstered and | tact Ossie Martin. 725.4701 Howe and LARGE room on main floor with pri-|Y: Telephone 728.6844 ' goges ot reasonable rates. ire-styled. Frew sstimates See our ma OSHAWA TIMES | Peters Realtors vate entrance, two girls oreferrod. | HEATED three rooms and sunporch.| Free washer 'and dryer, wall | Available in private home. Want- s Don't 264 King St East terial for recovering. Dalton Upholster Oshawa, Ontario ing, 75 Charles Street, 723.7212 CLASSIFIED [14--Employment Wanted (ithe: details locat'on. £75 monthly. Apply "9 Sim Board if desired. Telephone 725.0741 for private bath, newly decorated. eentral| to wail broodioom Poved | go PARK ROAD N 7 . South | Srking Close to Simcoe St 723.4697 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs EXPERIENCED rook - housekeeper GENTLEMAN preferred, private C0 Street South . P i t Apt. 14 St | Coll between S and 7 p.m. covered like new. Get the best for less | wishes position taking = full charge. home, single beds, quiet district, ho: FOUR-ROOM apartment, private bath, Apply Sup p | \ Cost-They Pay | "guy dvi [doe ims ia Ses] COLUMNS [ied en soit ER Fa SE a Le 00 "VERE ST. 728-8671 estimate. Gre Strest or talaphone 25.4721. centrally Tneated. Telsphone 79587 nl

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