18 THE GSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 11, 1941 HENRY _ | BOWLING NEWS TELEVISION LOG -- TRE |G || ae | I A DRINK ALL YOUR MILK , [M. Whie 529 (2200 and T. CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 8--Toronto HE Ary MAKE { Woodcock 234, D. WGR-TV Channel 3--Butfale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Butfalo | Rania ate and H. Eccles 206, Lemon League -- S. Sovell 8, D, WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel} 5--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CEVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie {Holding 99, 98: D. Holliday 97, AM. Richardson 93, B. Ranz 93, 87; M. WEDNESD 9---The Hideaway AY. EVE 7--American Bandstand | Flagel 93, 90: R. Bradley ng Wood 6-80 Grows the Child cock " D. Diamond 90, D. kingon 4--Popeye 3-Funny Funnies | 3-2--Make Room For 89, 72; Gallas 87 and M. ol Livy Ta | Hi 'Sandings : Daddy 9:15 A.M. | 4~The Brighter Day 2-~The Debbie Drake ju~---Popeve with Capt Cas" Birla 6 Chicadees. bt [Bobolinks 4, Vultures 3, Tweetybirls § | and Ravens 2. | | LANDER - STARR Same TEN PIN LE. 1961, King Features Sysdicate, Ine, World rights reserved 9:30 AM. | 3 Womenrs Show Newcomer Fl a took high 11--=Movle 4:15 P.M. wie 49% , : | honors this week with a sensational = 3 =Rombmt Ropes | | e--Historical Sites : | fii ie] {a | 4 fe rere a 2-Yankes Doodle Time | oe stony > - - . -- ang for the Classic but also the best rolled wie 2» ~ i He at Eastway Bowl this season. o |{1--Laurel and Hardy - : The Cilts, with Frank in high geat, 3-2--8ay When | 6-4-3--Edge Of Night > | swept three games from the Royals 4--News and Features | 5-3-Three Stooges move to within one Jame of the ale 8 'RS VE leading Falcins ai Eagles. Doug THURS EY {Keeler had a creditable 580 triple for |=pamis" Theatre : WELL, YOU DIDN'T PLILL ANY foe ours, Hawi, diol a lilly ral 8 0 : -- PUNCHES | IN TELLING HOW OTHERS ME. a two viciores while' fhe rou uneh | azzie Dazzle A x ae ", k D ¥alcons, Flyers, Regents and Jets were »=Bozo Ihe Clown Da | Yar p = ROY ble to pick up one pied . 4--The Mischief Makers | ) HERE YOU AREL. FAILED 58 or . S {* i Thomson Go and Ray ge S33 Newn Weataer: | s--salvation Army 2-Caplaie, Bb Ne A STORY I DIDNT cT p | (546) were tops for the Eagles! Jim | 3:30 PM, | : NA A 2 LIKE TO WRITE! _& ; = 1 ='75 CES Denaolm (572) was the difference for 6:45 P.M. 11:00 AM. Kay Show " D / a SEE . - LORE the Hawks; George Lawrence (526) had o ibd 11--Bob McLean 6-5--Dick Tracy x his best night of the season the &--News, Sports 9--Fres and Easy | @ Playoouse Five | f 4 4 Lions and Doug Vann (587) came %~-Huntiey.Briakiey 7--The Texan | 4=Theatre , \ : t y : + through for the Chiefs. Report 3-2--Price Is Right 2~Huckleberry Hound MO / 7, : Capsules -- The second tie game of of 7:00 P.M, 4--Video Village 6:00 P.M, on Y A i ui y : the season was recorded, this Bachelor Father { 11:30 AM. $--Whirlybirds \ RDA i E a 3 eed * / tween the Hawks and Regents with od s--Seven-0-One T--Love Chat Bob G--Metro News | , 5 « Hawks coming through on total pin 5--The Real McCoys $3 -Concetitation 3-Man From Mars fail J pick w tie Fg Smegal go a= News: Wealne -Your Surprise H vi . ahe jumpel points, from Package H M. - + | I 'i with his 631. Geirge Reid took over as 12:00 NOON N 4 LR URI a rim nd i NS 7 the new average leader with "83, s os. Bay . 3--Far port E crn iT McCormack had a real good 386 series 11--B B a arm Repo ' Y i \ N Seok zn Slade ~=hUgs Dymny an 6:30 P.M CROSSWORD y 5 [1 Ail - for the Regents, Royals 0; Baglts MN. 2 d i f -- . 5 a 7:15 P.M. 9.4--News: Weathers | 3--Sports--Annis Stukus | ho 7 a " ji SS Ny, ST Hawks 2, Regents 11 Lions 2. sport §3-43-2---News; Weathers a 7 Fu X |B ~ | re i : : Chiefs 2, Falcons 1 i~=Camontlage ee " 3 | ; Cl 2. is 1 5 mn * 30 \ 0 an) oi " A al I 5 > a ings Falcons, Eagles, Colts, Le | et Sie AUKOSS 5 Nomis 19 Tear ii ee J a. Tin, Cote, %-Provibeist Attairy 12:15 P.M, Cheese claimed 20. Half 71S =f a - . - - i a - - [i "ren oY Frank Smegal 631 (215, a il W -F Sasy N 5. Tiff name ems = " 211, 205), Doug Keeler 390 (200, 200), 52-Wagon Train ers . { w i 1 id 3 Poy 211), Ji ' Den i-- Bachelor ¥ather : M. . Washes (poss.) Bitter UME LL Gord McDormack 586 (211), Jim 7:45 P.M. * #--Real McCoys . Carved gem 6. Moham- Vetch \ <IE » a - a ---- rn -------- ---- - -- olm 572, Jim Thomson 355 (214), Ray 6 -Seven-0-One 5 l i ist ribted by Kin Sy adicyte rge 546 (214), John Waldin: er Mr, Fix.It i--Number Please 3--Leave It To Beaver . Borderline medan 2. Rosary z ESE i : peso: 1 1] u RE \ le io; Doug vam 3. A Saunders 31 .s pio Fu. 6 Movie Matinee News. Weather 3. Muse of priest bead ATT BR. HELLO x | A i: = Geshe. Yilld -3--Playda 52 oul eo You 5 ol « HELLO, 1 adin, ver --- 7 Sunset Strin &--Search For 3--The Flintstones try 7. Lavish 3. Letter MR. PEABODY! ? \! 1 Cc Ando 183 4--Father Knows Best Tomorrow 2~Shotaun Siade 14. Addition festival 26. Even \7 i= George, Brabin: 163 and Jobin Wald. 8:30 P.M. News: Weather: 5 P particle 8. Bread (poet) 7 imaperger m 11--Cheyenne | =Nows: Weather 15, Not and meat Au- 7-Top Cal 3 M . 7:30 P.M. mentioned 3 ery | | COF LEAGUE 32--Joey Bishop Show | 4--Guiding Light -Siiomedown , Me 0, Trickery dience ~~ Vesterday's Answer | It seems as though the bowlers have 4--Checkmate 1:00 P.M. | 7--Ozzie and Harriet 17. Darts 11, Certain an- 30, Mimics 33. Bog {found their mark as the better scores 9:00 P.M, i1=-Movie "Matinee | §_ Toronto. File 18. Pedal niversaries 31, Related 34. Absent [indicate nls Week ald pan cHA etre Como | 7-Day In Court | i ig Girton 21. Consume 16. Nothing 2. Seller 35. A morsel ere with good 700 triples. Arn Greens i Nawallan Eye | 4-Meet the Millers. | 3--Real McCoys | 24.Nehru, 17. A craze of his 36. Employs 732 (294, 256 and Ewart Carswell 708 30 PL 3--Cartoons 8:00 P.M, for one 18. Although birthright 39. 01d times (253 208, 215% siaia S72 CHI: 301 S30), 11-- Whiplash 1:30 P.M. | $--TFootball 23. Audacity {var.) (Bib) (archaic) Ron Swartz 669 (272, 210), Art i--Campus Comedy Show | 9 Theatre ous Resd Drax 27, Goddess of 668 (241, 1 10:50 P.M. 7--Medic 5 FP aXaBcls Lrans " . g ( de Bob McLean 4-As Lhe World Turss 8:30 P.M. harvests a - : # 7 a 7 206, 20), Ev Stata 6 28. New York | f 1 Bill Elliott 648 (241, De 3 News Magazine | 3--Movie {11-83 My Three Sons | . New Yor > -- % A y 610 (303), Barb Pisani 4--Circle Theatre 2:00 P.M. pak Modore | river = i ---- Su = S Brown 603 (235) and = Brown i | T--Number Please Bob Cummings Snow | 30: Once more 6-3--Chex Helene 9:00 P.M. 31. Solid-tone - Detectives #3 Explorations | $2 Faan Murray Show. | 9--Jim Backus Show paint S--Miami I'ndercover | 2:15 P.M | ru Juree Sons 34 Father { . M. | 8-3--The efenders 00 P.M. §3--Nursery School | 4--The Investigators g SATE) Margaret Gilpin 203, Al Smith 202, Hor 2:30 P.M. 9:30 P.M. | 37. Variety of | Pw om ma imitate ace Hartshorn 202, 213 and George Kil- Weather: Sports --Jane Gray Show 9--Big Four Playback | willow { GER, o I DON'T HAVE A BITC EXTRA | | BUT I'LL BE GLAD T'GIVE YOUA. | | THANKS, BUT NEVER MIND, len 201, 203. od ula 11:15 P.M. gem I Mute 38, -- and YY FOOD IN TH' HOUSE... NOTE T' TH' RUSTY SPOONDINER | | GRANDMA / I'M NOT QUITE | |||, 008, tehm was Blanks nl touch 3-Sourls 581 ~ Jos | $2_Lorstta Young 10:00 P.M. - UP TH GTRERT, GOOD FOR ONE | THAT HUNGRY / ===" || |ubles 3, Toppers 0; Imps 3, Jeu i: J--Late Show | --Tre Th 11--Bob McLean i, Smarties 2, Jams 1; Flops 8, &- Viewpoint | y | 7--The Untouchables Mises 2, Stoppers L al . 3: M. | 93-2-M 'elcome to the new bowlers Canby FRREE pM hen ee Te au need five more to round ou | Late Show 7--Queen For A Day | 32--The Groucho Show the | ening, Come on Foresters, got 8 Maverick 3 Ameria Musical S=-News Walter | 42.Club fees y gue! 5-3 Jack Paar | eatre ronkite { De a eatrs | 33-Dr. Malone Country Junction | 432. Solon, a . BADIATOR DEPT. LEAGUE DOWN MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA Meet McGraw | 4=The Millionaire 10:30 P.M, Team Standings-Dubbers 33, sang. | {ers 11, TV Boys : - Sleepers 9, THURSDAY 3:30 P.M. Lt hls eek 12 | : . : 1 4 |Six 7, Has Bins a a Sha 5:00 AM { 3--Bast of tis Post ints 1. Napoleon's : i y 2 el ; Gi! | |Unmentionables 3. : «M, ~Who Do You Trust $--Dangerous Robin ! exile island { ey ow v f | George Hubbard and Nels (Big, Jes 6.3--People and Places 11:00 P.M, 8 4 i «3.7 ye 1 i id { Bi | |dy) Wilson led the first place * 4-The Verdict Is Yours 11.4765.4.3.3--Nevs { % Mend | aL AD Co d 4 a EK | |bers" to a 30.1 win over the -- §-3--From These Root Spo { 3 Greedy i ¥ _---- 330 $x q foe 224 PRA ay A (87 32) | "Silent Six" last night, while Doug 3:45 PM. Weal WM. 4. Male ho A LN A eo Taylor and Jack Dawson were potting 3 A * {1--Weather ] . wh, ; Bh y 0 Lod : Be dea, TT h on their coll tea routine, -- AM. 2ape Around tne | sports er -- adults <osm With Ozzie Weeks throwing the big 9:00 AM, | 4 Jos sdale bombs and Al Jamieson also fo the }1--Romper Room 4:00 PM. ¥--Late Sho !fore, the Stampers snowed under) the | Has Bins 4 to 0. The took the Untouchables to the tune of 3 to 1, with neither teams GET READY FOR WINTER WITH THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. -- "12-Point Winter Change-Over | ™.'f'5 "5 Soviea me meses 1 La 13 {team triple of the evening, whitewash- uar 1a - Engine oil drained and replaced with cold replaced with cold test oil, unless other Lubrication of doors end hinges. battery top. Refill battery. Test and re- Unmentionables 4-to-0. test oil. wise recommended in factory. Lubrication of ibutor, g tor end port condition. [ya oy bis Sissioh tuba d 4 . YT b and re- 4. Chessis lubrication. starter, 11. Test radiator for leaks and test solution | Individual honors go to Ozzie Weeks Mai tenance placed with cold test oil, (Except auto- 5. Lubricate front wheel bearings end report 9. Cleaning end re-oiling eir cleaner (clean for winter use, Check all hoses. BA 740 (241, 303), Walt Polly 738 (313, matic transmission), on the condition of brake linings, etc. only replaceable type). 12. Check fluid in windshield washer and test Earn Hashana ca 0 a Nl 3. Hypoid rear exile lubricant drained end 6. Lubrication of steering gear, . Remove end clean battery cables end windshield wiper blades. (Big Daddy) Wilson 601 "E single gaits were Died by BEES gee 795 fv 695 Gv 625 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ist um. [ESREREEE Bill Moore 209, Doug TAT B70 COA Bill Keenan 201, Bus Goyne 301 40d Ar y IN x HERE'S TH! ATES Pl ' Bill Keenan 201, Ll DO WIF NORE ENTIRE. opr ioe RIGHT) Ir. : THIS CAME IN HOWDY, SHERIFF. : J 7 Sloeman 20 ackott Joi he. Inns LIBRARY Q'COMIC p THE MAIL, SHERIFF, - " leaguers with 82 snl 91 followed by 2 - ¢ Frank Barnum 87, John Hodgson $3 and Bus Edmondson 93. The special award of the week goes to Bill Maxwell who, with a beautiful 83 LL] single went on to pile up the lumber and finished up with a crowd-pleasing 299 triple. STUDENT RATE Foreign exchange students ride for half fare on the federal railroads of West Germany. SALLY'S SALLIES These prices include sll ma- KILLER WANTED DEAD * ALIVE Distributed by King 7! LI'L ABNER } | [1 come ON, BUBBA! =, | IS THAT TO BE A DOUBLE- I WANT A DOUBLE DECK TELL MR.TUSSY WHAT DECKER ON WHITE, ALSO ? Vo HAM AND CHEESE ON || | KIND OF SANDWICH WHITE BREAD ! | ; UES ! CYTREE DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER PASSENGER » TRUCK FARM INDUSTRIAL HEAVY EQUIPMENY USE YOUR CREDIT! : z : i pom -- © 40. Rag Faatmem ii Wael righ » 91, King Features Syadicete, luc, World, rights fessrved. JULIET JONES 88 KING WEST - 725-4543 - _-- O.K,, YOU LIKE ME. LIKE ) ME BECAUSE I SAVED 1 TOLD You | LITTLE SISTERS BACON, BEFORE, a OR BECAUSE OF MY 4 GRATE | POMINEERING PERSONALITY ? bi TO YO : a How To Increase : SETA ee] | rik Ra aniL GOODNESS, - ant ks ; Your Energy Xx iTS GREEN, LIKE MONEY IT MUST BE 1 I cil) LEAVING AT iy nr ' Why does the busiest man need ---- 2 3 y no more rest than the idler? MONTREAL, AR {| THE ZUIDER What happens if you ignore ZEE WILL y fatigue and push on? The secret UNLOAD AT 20 lies in simply applying an HS PIER "opener" to the deeper levels of 16 PI energy which we all But what is this "opener" and how do you use it? Read the answers of famous ogist William James, who says: "Compared to what we ought to be, we are only half awake ™ You'll find his remedy, backed up by actual human experience, | in "How to Increase Your Energy" in October Reader's Digest. Get your copy today. LARRY BRANNON SEW OT