| The Oshovon Sines | SECOND SECTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1961 PAGE THIRTEEN Ask Automatic Penalities Arbitration Board Awards The Ontario Federation of Lahor Relations Act makes it|and in the municipal fields and Labor will be asked to "make|conpulsory to arbitrate griev- because it is vitally important a strong protest to the Ontario|ances and the decision of such|to the labor movement and the government to have automatic|board is final and binding on!New Democratic Party. penalties apply to a company boll parties. ODILC chairman Cliff Pilkey for each day they do not imple-| In addition, the resolution ana United Steelworkers dele- ment or live up to an arbitra-| points out that some companies|gate, Sydney Burgess will be on tion board award." 'have found it convenient to/hand at the OFL convention to The request is one of two, disregard board decisions even support the two ODLC resolu- resolutions being forwarded to after the decision is register-{tions to be presented. the OFL for consideration ated with the supreme court." TT its annual convention in Wind-| Thirdly, the resolution points sor in early November by the|out that an award against the N I |Oshawa and District Labor |union can be forced by a 'com- 0 ncrease Council. pany, through the company | Delegates to the OFL conven- taking disciplinary action = ! its Political Action Depart- against the employees. But, a t | tion will. be asked to continue union must use the courts to n xem 10n ment and PAC's on a local union (force a company to abide by an | that an immediate reorganiz- arbitration board ruling. 'N t d H | ghat an immediate reorganiz-| ia rr a | ing job be done to meet New WORKER EDUCATED | 0 e ere Reasons given for the second | Democratic Party needs so that| Cas! ; ) In comparison with the much organized labor can play its full [resolution were that local union|, piicized increase in exemp- ; : Tis itical Acti 3 ittees set; fori i N part in its political party along Political Action Comm tions from religious instruction th other segmeiits society, Up by the OFL have done a Te A Yh Sh som OF Ee fee pel me Jublic.schouls In the WINS BICYCLE AT BARBECUE [REASONS En Hod us te Io Sducate orkers i Political high schools in Oshawa have A large Wyber of fhe shop- | Hoe is Kathy + Donoginké, 4, | with Kathy are her father and + legates cllec as rea nh : an a OF increas: ... pers, at the Oshawa Shopping aughter o r. an Is. g y i sons for the first resolution, the didates federally, provincially noted little or no increase dur Centre Friday night, partici- | Mark O'Donoghue, 66 Rose- pt Davy Ses Supervist --Oshawa Times Photo ing the. current school P, pio : Dr. C. M. Elliott arn pated in the barbeque held by | hili boulevard, Oshawa, with HOSPITAL OFFICIAL HONORED dent of Oshawa Public Schools, Shorgas Co, Limited. Seen | the new bicycle she won. Seen j : i 4 . bi i reported there had been no J 3) ; hi ar a ; _ combined efforts by parents to ® THE THIRD ANNUAL | left 'are Donald Arkless, On- | are: Terry Luke, 7; Judy : 3 : fave Deir aren sxempl nt mit i C for "Cerebral | Macy, 5, and Peter Boyko, 7. |i % rom these classes to the pres- m nn Opes House i Ie Osiieva 9 a . E nn n Oct. 9 to Oct. 15 is recognized | FF : : Gi lent. There had been a few in- Cerebral Palsy School was alsy Week ', Vrs. Wu. Slernk- | oc Cerebral Palsy We ek. i 7 dividual cases in various held at Simcoe Hall Tuesday er, principal at the school and | More than 18 pupils attend : Ischools in the city but that was night. Three of the tots at- David Gray, president of the = regular classes at Simcoe Hall 2 5 ; quite normal as the parents er i mon 3] tending the school are seen Oshawa and District Cerebral | including ages from one wo 25 4 : had the right to have their chil- with officials of the Cere- | Palsy Association. The chil- years old = i a : 7 50 dren exempt if they so desired. bral Palsy Association. From | dren in the picture, from left --Oshawa Times Photo : Bi te The instruction is non-denom- WHITBY (Staff) -- Two To-| Constable Eric Trowell, of the|fense Counsel Murray Dillon, of . . | oe ae inational, as prescribed for all ronto women, who pleaded guil- Whitby Detachment of the OPP, | Toronto, Constable Trowell said a i : schools in the province, and|ty to the Oct. 5 armed robbery who headed the investigation, (that both accused appeared to ere Ira a SY 1C 11 | 1S TM given by teachers in grades up of the Almonds General Store, said that he arrived at the store|be truly repentant. He said that ! ; " 7 " to the sixth. In the seventh and have been remanded $1000 bail{at 3.59 p.m. Oct. 5, about two|il appeared neither had a pre- eighth grades it is given by for two weeks for sentence./minutes after Mrs. Mary Zie-|vious record. : | ; ; 8% | members of the local clergy, Elizabeth Cox, 19, of 7 Withrow |jewski had called police that | In a plea for leniency, Mr. 1g or nn epen ence [ : who in all cases were 'very avenue and Carol Thompson, 22,|the store had been robbed. He|Dillon said that the robbery was g ? tactful'. of 283 St. George street, ap-|said that she furnished a partial | 'obviously the work of ama- nati sizs ord. Most of th ar ated fr the centre t di- i As far as secondary schools peared Tuesday before Magis- description of the two suspects | teurs", Detefuinsiion, eth uss, won I at onl aled (TOM 1 te. Centre toian or 7 are concerned, principals said{trate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby and eight-year-old David Sherk| His Worship ordered a pre- : and! Magistrate's Court. gave a partial description of sentence report to be ready for perseverance are the attributes fectly normal in their thinking nary school of a group of children who fight process, but are hampered by Most of the Cerebral Palsy Z for a degree of independence in physical deficiencies in their de- treatment centres in Ontario oo : - i they were experiencing no dif-| society under the severe handi- velopment. The aim of therapy are the result of the combined y ficulties. Here again the same bing the store of $14 and a car- PRODUCED PISTOL cap of Cerebral Palsy is to exercise the child in the| efforts of the parents of afflict- ; ; |rule applies regarding religious!ton of cigarets while armed He: told "the co "t that th » This could be learned at the usage of his muscles. Many ed children. : ; " 4 periods. with an imitation of an offen-|, /0' 'Wo had t id Vacat house of the Oshawa and children cannot walk when they| . rr verist boky ; a In secondary schools religious sive weapon. wo women had entere e| 10N pen louse Palsy Parent first come to the centre, nor NEED FOR DISCUSSION | K. H. PAUL C. K. WRIGHT |. nd LE i = store and waited until other) District Cerebral alsy arent move their arms or even talk. Mrs. A. Rose, of Bowmanville, : i ; : instruction is given in Grade customers were served before! . Council in Simcoe Hall Tuesday Mrs. Almond said that one of Vice - president of the Oshawa K. H Paul, B.Comm., CA, | committee, In Toronto. Mr. 11 only, at the rate of two 40 one produced a pistol from her| 1 night. The event was tied-n most important steps is to Parent Council, is one ofl Oshawa General Hospital | Paul succeeds C. K. Wright, minute periods per month from orm oast pocket and ordered Mrs. Zie-| wi with a series of activities held make the child's muscles relax, hte persons who helped to set/ accountant, was elected chair- | OGH business manager, im- September till April, and is |jewski fo open the cash regi-| this week throughout Ontario B8 © "0G CF ow (0 up the centre in Oshawa. She| man of the Regent 8 Hospital | mediate past chairman for |givided into three groups. These . |ster. The other woman, he said,| A! the last Oshawa Camera under co-ordination of the On- DE han said that it was mainly the Accounting Committee, at a | Region 8 and a past chairman |.onsist of two Protestant and went behind the counter and| Club meeting three members tario Federation of the Cerebral ; : need of parents to discuss the; recent Region 8 hospital coun- | of the provincial hospital asso- |." Roman Catholic. ale u searched Mrs. Ziejewski and ro. Soweq slides of "Away from Paisied. The aim if 10 promote year-old 'boy who could not/problem of cerebral palsy with cil meeting in Lindsay. Mr. | ciation's accounting commit- | "po ion js given from moved the money from the|liome' places they had visited public interest for the wor nat walk and had a cramped arm each other that gave rise to the| Paul will represent this re- | tee, on which he has repre- these classes on receipt of a, In spite of the Inter-County cash register, recently. ja Shiried oul © Leip euthiul and hand," she related. Now organization of the school and gion on the provincial hospi- | sented he egion since 1954, note from the parents stating|Movie Club annual corn roast' One of the women. he said! Mrs. Wilbert M&Kinstry without assistance would be/he can move his fingers and taining centre: wa tal association's accounting | --Oshawa Times Photos | "0." ot wish their child tobeing called off, a successful left her purse in the store. |Showed an interesting set of helpless and alone. shuffle across the room. ou can your attend. These students attend a) alternative program was held Later, he said police found|Pictures of Mexico. Such con. She said that it was impor. cerebral palsied child yourself, . we. s indoor: t the Li ' € i fe ty : 3 i in ries [trast ; Oz | stud d s at the Lions' Commun-|Caroi Thompson's identification | ng views as modern sky- CHILDREN TRY HARD fant to draw the attention of|she said, "but there can come a supervised {ree iStdy periods ss Centr p eniiliealion, sv ili "It's surprisi " dn vent' that you don't know a or Oo while the religious periods are|i!y Centre, Bowmanville, tolin the purse, scrapers and the Bascilica of L we ald Mrs. HW gH Me Shia il a 2 ons: Re 0 a Se in progress. open the 1961-62 season, About 15 minutes after the Guadaloupe With native Mexi- ry," sald Mrs. H. W. McNeill, Musc e g : ; | It would seem that every- The first film shown on Sept. robbery, he said, Constable|C2ns ascending the steps on treasurer of the Oshawa Wom-|for normal functioning at an AN these people, and many i " Posvas | ! : . [thing is running smoothly in|14 Was made by Forrest Dilling, Lawrence Watson, of the Pick ther? Koes; fhe clever and col- en's Welfare League. In her/early age, so that they grow others, give their efforts to help : 4 ( n 3 function she has much to do|and develop normally. ~~ these handicapped children ac. Support ( hest Oshawa schools at present in| of Bowmartille and incinded ering Jilage police, stopped af'hE WUTEl iii Ve with the administration of the PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES guire te patential jor a pommel regard to this controversial | 3" | er ay of joi ih Je accused in i at xico which is ir " a Smet re Many of the activities of the Ne. did © Trenles hii) Oshawa and District Taborino reason why Oshawa mer- jusiier, Sethi te present az. ion holidays. from the store. 5000 students; the old silver town bral palsied children. children at the centre are of a selves. They work three times Council will again contribute to|chants couldn't pledge a $50 hbo "city to the|. Through the courtesy of Jack, ro 5 of Tasco; and the tourists Cerebral Palsy is the result Physical nature. Mrs. FE. Ster- ag hard as a normal child. In and support the Greater Osh-|note to the fund Our nelgiboring. OY Ruddell, a tape and accom. APPEARED REPENTANT |paradise Acapulco. of damage to the part of the|riker, who is one of the two many cases it is pure heroism |aWa Community Chest. In addi-) ODLC Secretary - Treasurer| "est: panying slides entitled "Sav e| Constable Trowell said that| Archie Dancey showed slides brain that controls nuscular teachers at the school and also _ tion, the labor council will urge|Keith Ross pointed out some That Film" were obtained. The|P0th women admitted the of-|of New Hampshire taken when action. This damage can be in. principal, said that the primary all affiliated local unions to|people are 'working hard at MOTHER LIKES main emphasis was on cleanli-|fence. He said that he was told attending the Helen Manzer {pledge their support to the finding excuses why they should [ness and freedom from dust in PY the accused that Cox had|course in advanced photo- flicted during, before or after aim is to get the children to use - - birth. their hands normally, so that 1wanians [United Appeal not contribute to the United wy, re the camera, projector and pro- ¢alled Thompson and had asked |graphy. Mrs. Dancey comment. The physical treatment the they, in the first instance, can William Rutherford, a mem- Appeal". SWEET" MUSIC |cetsca fim. her if she still had a gun. When|ed on the slides, giving an ex- told that she did, said Con-|cellent idea of the way the ber reontiv i | : ; % ber of the executive, asked| He said people in Oshawa Radio broadcasters could An animated film illustrating le arog AY Son en ea ot ihe os children receive is in the hands help themselves, and svantual of a physiotherapist, Mrs. Joan/!y can do every-day Ings. H R rts ODLC's support to the United|have to meet their responsibil- n i , p Almond, who is a graduate of Some have fo be taught as ear epo Appeal again this year, the|ity to the less forfanute i greatly expand heir ay parsers ymes B25, special to Thompson that they go out|to be gained by attending. Slides the University of Toronto much as picking up a ii same as it has done in the past.|zive fo the Community Chest. | Signe of women They know 'the hours of work involv- and get some money. (were also shown of Cape Cod NOT MENTALLY RETARDED school's aim to educate the chil ] \ led Feather Campaign Mr. Ross added many people! women' ike - conservative |¢d to produce a film of this I" TPIY to a question by De. and Upper Canada Village which yi She explained that the oil eon to the extent that the oan ue eC a Y canvasser at Houdaille Indus-| 'beef' to others to explain why popular and "sweet" mu- type so beautifully. - ---------------------- | the Danceys visited on their way dren are not mentally retarded graduate to a regular school. tries Ltd., here, Mr. Rutherford|they need not give, "but let's Ha and less rock and roll The attention of all was held - » {home. in the common sense of the last year six children gradu. At their Tuesday luncheon urged the affiliated unions sup-|not beef to the point where we! ° Ohi st te U. study has |PY "Beaver Dam", a newly re- Whist Drive I The third set of slides were jh the « y I meeting the members of theport of the 15 cents per week|do not meet our reponsibility! An "M0 tate U. study has | 00 4 film made for the Na- S shown by Hazel Worfolk. These Oshawa Kiwanis Club heard re- per member United Appeal and give the United Way," he Concluded. tional Film Board by Crawley depicted parts of the City of | ports from their official dele- coriribution, said Sman women turn to the Films, and obtained from the Well Attended Casablanca, the growing port a or 0 Protest gates to the annual Ontario. However, the Community| "If people do not want to| Oshawa Times Want Ads McLaughlin Public Library, on the coast of Morrocco. Here Quebec-Maritime District Con- Ciiest canvasser criticized the give to this worthwhile cause, | hen they Ssuide i bay, |Oshawa. The story was clearly/ The Oshawa and District old|were seen street scenes of the vention, recently held in Quebec merchants for their little or no|let them go to the organiza.| |12Ye Your offer in this well- i514" py" the action, the colors/Country Club held a whist| Medina (the original Moslem City contributions last year. Accord- tions and say why they don't ~'Faveled women's market to |,.q photography were. magnifi- drive recently at Rundle Park|Cily) and the new Medina which has grown around the old, D mond Remark The reports were given by ing to Mr. Rutherford, the do-|want to give to help those who Quickly move your merchan- |.ont "and the sound was effec. with a large attendance. $< first vice - president W alternations were either small or|are less fortunate than our. 9iSe- tive The winners were Mrs. B.|as the population has mushroom. Famme and second vice-presi-inone at all and he could see|selves."" Mr. Ross said i Movie camera users and in. Shortt, G. Day, Mrs. M. Lamb|ed during the last decade. Ontario Health Minister Dr. their patients out of hospital a dent Murray Sparkes. Club pres-|-- - terested friends are invited to/and G. Holton. Mrs. Whittaker| Of interest also were the pie- M. B. Dymond, one of the seven day early the province would ident Ray Weeks. who headed a attend an interesting program|was presented with a pie plate{tures of the native Berbers, candidates for the Ontario Pro- save hundreds of thousands of the Oshawa Club de'egation, B AY | ' : prepared for the Thursday, Oct. for the lowest score; while Wil-|Arabs and Moors as well as gressive Conservative Party dollars, were unfair to both the which in addition to past-gover- uses vy ine Ne 12, meeting to be held at Lions' liam Pope won 'he raffle draw. [the lovely Moorish architecture leadership, will receive a lor- people of Ontario and the doc-inor Kiwanian A. E. "Bert" Coul ? en : {Community Centre, Bowman- Refreshments were served by|and interiors of the older build- the situation was normal . They pleaded guilty to rob- the car they had used. Oct. 24 "Last year we had a one- mal protest for statements tors. ter, also included past presi- | ville, starting at 8 p.m. the ladies' section of the club. lings. deemed "unfair", by the Osh- Mr Ross charged Dr. Dymond dents Harry Gay, Ken Jackson. S Ww t 7 5 4 1 fr --- 4 "Bert" . White, erve es 7 ; F i awa and District Labor Council. was supposed to be good enough, and Kiwanians \ ODLC Secretary - Treasurer in the eyes of Premier I.eslie!Sam Jackson ; and Ted Wild- : . g™ 3 3 ry Keith Ross said statements, M. Frost, QC, to become health goose and their "Kweens E oi adil' ; % made recently by the health minister and now is seeking the. Kiwanian Walter Famme, in jp Téa : E 4 : ~-- p ; y minister to the Ontario Hospital Ontario PC Party leadership, his revnort, related the person Services Commission that if all but makes disgraceful state-/nel of the Oshawa delegation, The inauguration Tuesday of doctors in Ontario would get ments like that and assured the members that Oshawa Public Utilities Com- : ww i . . v : rs ar the reputz the Oshawa| mission Bus Route No. 5 marks 4 8 No doctors are having i the reputation of : Hh zuiog ihelf Kiwanis Club had heen -en-[the first time that city buses ' ; cl patients stay in hospital : | i To Compete In onser thin the pasa neva hanced by the workmanike joh have served citizens ising wes > 0 p € to." Mr. Ross done by Past Governor "Berl" of Thornton's road. a 8 ' : ; J By RAE HOPKINS [ant place fo be when you're ill",| Through the years. many said. He pointed Coult d Club President Ra Cit i the G d - out that at Oshsz G pa » oulier an "eS i X zens _hving in the Garrars N n ' , = Radio Pro Iam pial there is ania) Hoe Weeks, both of whom took ac- road area are now within strik ' Aad 1 #4 Harold M. Elms was dis-|as did most of the other quarter-| changes may be noted around discharge committee which was Ve Darts in the convention pro- ing distance of city buses al-|} : s { charged from Oshawa General million patients |Oshawa General Hospital, For Teams of high school students set up by the doctors and the 872M though a short walk will be re-| Eee : ni : ~ Hospital and 'returned home or Bums, who was Sreeted instance, jus yegr some 18.600 from Peterborough and Oshawa committee is getting patients in| Kiwanian Waller also gave quired to reach the bus stop at] feeling fine Thanksgiving Day. by wo sons and two daughters|will be admitted to hospital by will compete in a contest of and out of hospital as fast as it his general impression of the the corner of Thornton and King| Es i F=f . The 48-year-old Whithy resi- when he arrived at his Centre|the end of the year. This total wits on 1.Q, a CBC radio pro- can manner in which the Kiwanians street, 1 i 2 Fo pis dent was admitted to hospital, street south home in Whitby, will include some 2,500 births gram heard nationally, Satur "He said the OHSC was a sery. and club officers in the City of The new route, which was re- ; .. : | Sept: 30, in serious condition, has Tore hospital + ounections The 15hed complemen' hay day, Oct. 14 ice setup by the Ontario govern. Quebec handled . the heavy quested by area residents. willl i i "© o with hemorrhaging duodenal than just being the 250,000th pa- now been increased to 419, in- Schools involved in the o Rh ' 5 da of business and enter-ir slid a. Sk : ii 2 Sai : y tient to be admitted to Oshawa|cluding nursery bassinettes. Schools involve 'e QUIZ ment for the people of the proy-|agenda of business and enter- run from the corner of Thorn- ; y Go gl vicers. He was the 250,000th pa-| I. His wife, T is| This will be i db; are Kenner Collegiate Institute!ince. It. therefore, should be in./tainment, embraced in the|ton and Rossland roads south tof Ta tient admitied to Oshawa Gen- oC ia. Cis Wile, Laurea, is|This will be increased by an from Peterborough and Dr.lierecied in providing a service three-day length of the conven- King street, east to the shopping| 1 : erat Hospital sinve it cperied ind registersd nurse and does pri- additional 220 begs jen Ue F. J. Donevan Collegiate Insti- r : didn tion cent : J # 3 vate duty nursing. new wing, currently under con- Ue for the people and not in get- "100. Morrav Sraries 1.10 p. and east on King street|; a0. Dr. J. O- Ruddy, of Whitby, sruction and ahead of schedule, tute in Oshawa ting people out of the hospitals Kiwanian Murrav Spar re-sto the Four Corners and return A t Ward 2A. M » pk 1s I-Q will be heard at 10:30 a.m. aarly and saving Toney PAIS sorted in more detailed man. by the same route ? : 5 Bie a an the hosts Mr. Elms Dhysician, ordered}is completed " ' To . . oo €ary and saving PY. g : * Hl Lal hy / es vims, © g Spi- 3 EDT on the Trans-Canada he The suggestion that doctors MCT. on individual items of the "The 8.20 a.m. run leaving King : yo tal anc ihe: trextment he Te. him into hospital. AVERAGE STAY REDUCED work kick' their p s out of hospi convention program, told of the and Simcoe streets will go by| 7 ceived during his 10 days OPENED IN 1910 The average length ol stay Winning team in the quiz will {a1 a dav early is a disgrace and outstanding speeches which had way of King to Thornton, north 4 5 in Oshawa General said both Oshawa General Hospital was per patient now stands a eight challenge West Hill Collegiate 54 5 doctor, Dr Dymond should been made, giving the theme to Rossland, east to Stevenson $ : : "were excellent. He added he had opened Aug. 13. 1910. the day days and the total patient days Institute from Toronto. on thelfee] ashamed to make such al employed by the speaker. He and south to King, into the shop-| Jf | ted Sg " made many friends at the hospi-| that world renowned nurse, |by the end of this year will ex- show the following week statement also gave a brief listing of the ping centre, and east on Kin : : I . i ras) ce i : tatem g e g ire, a ast « 1g] ' : | 4 tal. Florence Nightingale, was|ceed 130,000 and possibly climb Besides trying to answer 'pg uct about time we got a Various panel discussions held. [to the Four Corners. This trip| 3 = 4 i po This is not the first t he buried. At that time, the hospi-{to 134,000. To the end of Aug- as hr st {fem bY 2 little service out of people like In closin= Tuesdav's meeting. |is made especially to service 7 3 2 ry | has 4 ll A tal, with a 16-bed complement, ust, it was 89,365 moderator the students will yi, } ths Y club president Rav Weeks va I aivetds . his. | e . 2) Mr. Elms| 'ah f ent, | ust, s 89,365 have an opportunity' to inter- bi RB Father han 2 hunch of DO iced the thanks of the. ment. padaide Yielaughin Rios] ; 1 was in Oshawa General Hospital| Was on the same location that| Af the end of last year, after view a prominent guest on the ri Naniing io Save the bers to the two official dele-| and Westmount schools | two years ago, al World Series| 10day s Joderh building stands. |30 years operation, some 34,766 : & «7 ddonts Walt : : § on . 1 wh 4 ri was then and still is now, a/babies were born at Oshawa show. Mr. Ross said gates, Vice-Presidents Waiter] Regular bus stops on the new J i - ~ 1 time and like this last visit, he] : Gh \ The team from Kenner Col and Murray, for their thorough route have not yet been estab. 8 : "| enjoyed the series on a bedside Sitjven owned hospital. : General Hospital, a figure which legiate Institute consists of 7 wits ian and interesting reports, and lished. PUC officials will pick| ? ; ; i 1 television set. At the end of its first year of Tepresents more than half of Sh Lillic Anne. Darl, PLAN DEMONSTRATION Le yr % 4% : ? : SEE operation, 157 patients, including Oshawa's current 60,000 popula. Sharon [ILillicoe, nn ar announced to the members that! out the locations at a later date. "7 'EXCELLENT CARE f 'bor abies Tom Cole and Dan McDonald The October meeting of the Kiwanian Bill White. of the To- Besides the residents in the pic 0 ; | pp he " five newborn babies had con-| tion. = Oshawa's D F. J. Donev Ontario County Mutual. Aid nist "ald Milp > nfo . . Like most of the quarter-mil- valesced in Oshawa Generall The 250,000th admission to shawa Tr . onevan nty Mutual. Ai ire rontn Golden 1 is west end of the city, many other E 1 1 i T i Q Collegiate Institute is ren Services Association will be held tub" was the new | erant. areas to the north will benefit] : . y . ky lion patients in the hospital be-|Hospital. The total patient days hospital Sept. 30 would be equal ed by Carol Holmes, Monica at Brechin Friday. Oct. 20. governor elect. for Kiwanis Divi {rom the new hus service. which ? i : J srg fore him, Mr Fos was most that first year was 3,690 and|tq every Oshawa resident having Connelly, Steve Stepinac and There will be a demonstration son 6B. of which the Oshawa will operate daily, except Sun i 4 oo appreciative 0 e excellent/the average length of stay in been a patient at the hospital Wayne Rogers. lof oil fire fighting. (Club 1s a part. | days and holidays.' pity | nursing care he Teceived. He hospital per patient in 1910 was|more than four times since it &® l : found the hospital 'a very pleas-123'4 days. lopened just over 31 years ago. s