12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 11, 1961 , The three medical services|from the Veterans' Pavilion of - SE eh» >=L re -------- were amalgamated into the Ca-|{the Ottawa Civic Hospital and nadian forces Medical Service the DVA's Institute of Rehabili- | three years ago. The Raval (a- tatioval and Occupational Ther-} 4 . . bd Bi ! ri-Service nadian Navy runs HMCS Stada-|apy. f : cona in Halifax and the army| Final target for staff is 600 at| operates a tri-service hospital at|full operation. ° . |Ki Kingston, The building, set in a pl t| ospl a pening RCAF WILL OPERATE pastoral scene in the southeast |" The new centre at Ottawa will[0f Ottawa's greenbelt zone, is By BEN WARD |ans qualified by the department be operated under RCAF com-|in the form of a cross with four SPROULE'S BEEF OTTAWA (CP) -- The 1 (of veterans affairs. {mand with doctors and nurses Wings radiating from a central] ' EP) »- largest 5 500.000 hospital boast {from all three services taking Service area. The front of the IS RED BRAND BEEF, CANADA'S {ri-service military hospital in e $9,500, 0Spa boas S| part hospital just ahead of the wings £ ak i 350 beds plus a complete floor part, comprises a major out-patient FINEST GRADE, TO ASSURE Canada -- eclipsing Halifax and| 0.15 a 1Gries and research fa-| A staff of 400 will be on hand] o pH ? | 4 QUALITY AND TENDER- Kingston -- is scheduled to be|cilities and a wing set aside for|for the first receipt of patients **°"'°" ta asaltih opened in Ottawa today. [various phases of therapy for|--set for about mid-November.| A graduate of the University] Defence Mins ter Harkness| crippled veterans. The first 100 patients will be of Toronto in 1936, Group Capt.| will cut the opening ribbon at| Group Capt. Hugh Bright, a|from the old tri-service hospital Bright practised medicine in} he Nations) Defence Military|native' of Exeter, Ont., who at RCAF Station Rockeliffe here|Toronto before joining the RCAF For th 1 derful fomil "entre--eight floors devoted tolheads the new institution, calls| .. . lin 1942. H s named to com- , or that special occasion -- or & wonde mily meal the regular forces, members of it a marvel of co-operation be- which iso be closed 25'{he new iin ? h S as 3 Te t RCAF ~-- here's the best beef buy of all. It's all solid, lean, hospital opens. mand the hosp ital a tender meat, close-trimmed to leave just enough fat the Royal Canadian Mounted |iween the medical staffs of the for juicier goodness and finer flavor, A delight to eat : : | : Police and Ottawa area veter-'navy, army and air force. Later, patients will be brought Rockcliffe last year. | = em Ie ~-- @ joy to carve. Marvelous for a "first" meal ~-- just as delicious for a "next doy" dinner. Buy a SUPER SAVE RUMP ROAST -- IT'S YOUR BEST BUY OF THE WEEK, EE a tie ET A -------- Pi gs . Ss H " : - 4 » i : Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service 7. : 9) Rep BRANDBONELESS 'DA: DRUG STORES bo a Yar tts i Red SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK ! Brand RED BRAND EXTRA LEAN CUBE STYLE, BONELESS a : RY 4 Boneless "et Stewing BEEF Ih. 59. " 1.D.A. Stomach Pow- v . J der Reg. 98c¢c, 249... Say Goodbye to Censtipation Money-Saving SPECIALS! 9,220.2) Fae 1.D.A. BRAND : ly il apes Tt 7,7 | STRADENT | "cor OR c LD.A. BRAND DENTURE CLEANER Nature's Herbs i fifo and Vitamin m= Mineral 0il "= ** 2 88° 3 Coty mete to. cleo cen B-1 : tures Quickly, Easily [ . . a " " I.D.A. SACCHARIN TABLETS 39c 75¢c J ee 1000's V4 grain reg. 79c £ a " . 1000's 12 grain reg. 98¢ L Ya L.D.A. BRAND Milk of Magnesia 5%. 2 , 77¢3 © 8 a RINDLESS BREAKFAST ASA. Tablets >" _,. 77 ) a : y ¥ 7 : A BACON ECONOMY c % Al» £ Th t trustworthy nap- 1 ; 8 ; Bath Epsom Salt 5 pounds 99 uA Brit | iin ever created, ; 1 = 4&||l| TRAY PACK--PURE PORK kin ever created. oimates 2.01 deed got 5 || SRS | SAUSAGE SAVE 1/3 ON Richard Hudnut Hair Products! BAND- AID RICHARD HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO (Trade Mark) gl el ¥ / ORCHARD FRESH '--BLUE The original Egg C Sh d . » Flo origins Bit Creme Soampsa gale nn Miredtachiome or Plain &. 6-QT. GC two types: for Dry hair: for Normal te Oily hair, go ap BASKET RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE Plastic Stri ps i hi A creamy fragrant rinse that adds a glossy salon type finish to all types ef hair, Eliminates A unique conditioning rinse with "setting 4 B be) SOLDEN YELLOW ain FLESH COLOR! +9 NOW ONLY Compare at 2for 25¢c or 2 for 29¢! MIX 'EM or MATCH 'EM--Cream Style CHEESE 2 poz. 55¢ BABY'S OWN SOAP § Q@éE Lotion | E or Peas & Carrols rivsc 41° Reg. 16c -- 3 for 48c -- 4 for 48c E os Brisk and refreshing as tangles and snarls. action." So simple to use--just shake on hair BETTER! J i | t% Pears «= 79| BANANAS = 10- 2.00 WON'T LOOSEN © ears i 1.29 29c 53c 75¢ 98c r i Ph S BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOOD FEATURES YOR : KERNEL FOR Compare et 35¢!--COD bee FISH STICKS = 29° 48-01. an ocean breeze ! The Compare at 45¢ -- LUNCHEON MEAT SAVE ON SUPER SAVE BRANDS RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE'N SET STICK FASTER ' / LARGE BARTLETT directly from the bottle after shampooing and Sizes IN WATER ! Res Compare at 35c¢!--VELVEETA PKGS. B A B Y mM E E D S = Cy = OLD SPICE Compare at 37¢--MITCHELL'S NEW PACK Compare. ot A9e! = AFTER SHAVE pare uw S¥c C TINS COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN : favorite of men every i. where Reg. 1.65 plus Chest Rub Stick 12-0Z. : Comprae at 75c! BOTH FOR 1.65 225 KAM or INSTANT. LES AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS .... 39c, 59c Compare at 33c!--STOKELY'S FANCY QUALITY COFFEE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Jo49c, 1.09 EXPORT NIVEA CREME Why Pay More? BAYER CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN 36's . 39c CIGARETTES As bare a Lanelin.. Provides MATO JUICE 2 FOR 49 SLICED : PLAIN OR FILTER TIP | perfect iiwucare for ofl the BREAD 0% Cc family. CASTORIA .... i JARS Compare or 2 for 25¢!--DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION--2¢ OFF PACK FARMERS WIFE . . .. (ESE | 1.33 7 OPEN THURSDAY HANKSCRAFT BOTTLE WARMER . 3.45 «x , F 15.07. HANKSCRAFT BOTTLLE WARMER Bo 3.45 DOG 00D i TINS Ee) FRIDAY & SATURDAY AND VAPORIZER .. .. 595 rt TUBES TIL 10 O'CLOCK HANKSCRAFT BOTTLE STERILIZERS rea 43c 6.95, 10.95, 14.95 uy by the carton ond save! - 73c I.D.A. BABY COUGH SYRUP ....... 60c SAVE on BAKING NEEDS! SAVE on CLEANING AIDS! I.D.A. BABY CREAM . . HELENE CURTIS Compare at 37c¢!--3c OFF PACK . . . Compare at 49c!-- MENNENOIL Le 1 SPRAY NET Domestic Shoriening 2 65° || Glide Liquid Starch = 48° NURSING BOTTLES .. 15¢, 29c, 39c, 49 TIPS : > 39¢ Soc. gac "Super Soft" Spray Net keeps casual hairdos SWIFTS BABY MEATS 5 tor 45c in place all day. For firm control of more ela- § Compare ot 63c! borate styles use "Regular" Spray Net. "BABYFRESH" NURSERY SPRAY | 59. 79. 1.39 || MonarchPasiry Flour 55° || HardGlossGlo-Coat 99° @® Reduces Bacteria @ Sanitizes the air @ Elimin- ates unpleasant nursery odors caused from diap- Compare at 89c! Compare at 87c!--8c OFF PACK... ers, tummy upset, etc, ® For use in nursery, bath- EE RS SMITH BROTHERS 10-LB c . GIANT c room, etc. a---- : | 73 99¢ Re . Black, _ Wild Cherry. Granulated Sugar BAG 79 Spic & Span C eaner PKG. aie Cc JAMIESON'S LAW | McCORDICK ' 241 KING ST. EAST 1204 WECKER DRIVE 360 WILSCH RD. S. I 725-1169 725-3525 725-8711 KARN'S powel's | MicEls (BET 3 TNL 28 KING ST. EAST 35%2 SIMCOE ST. N. 9 SIMCOE ST. N. : 723-4621 7 725.4734 723-3431 cornir of KING ar RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA Compare at $1.19 -- JOHNSON'S SUPER