WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 Renew Contract At Sewage Plant A Sanitation and Wel. are Com- mittee report was adopted by the Whitby Town Council at its regular meeting Monday night. Mr. H. Nichol, town solicitor, was present at the meeting as well as representatives from Gore and Storrie Limited and Dravon Construction Limited. The new Whitby Sewage Dos- posal plant was discussed at the meeting. The matter of deleting an item of $1,260 from the original contract for installing piping, which was not installed when it should have been, was dis- cussed. A new contract for this amount would have to be pre- pared and signed and Mr. Scott, solicitor for Dravon Construc- tion, stated that the bonding | company was prepared to issue a new bond for the contract. Af + 'l letter in support of this state-|providing the town has been|time and sentence you ment was read to the commit- tee. It was reporied liens had been against the sewage plant during the time was| being constructed and pending the hearing of a court case to| dispose of these liens, progress| payments to Dravon Construc- tion had been held up by the town. Mr. Nichol reports liens would be finally of on Friday, Sept. 22 The committee, ha to act, decided as follov That the portion of item 10 inf present contract between theft town and Dravon Construction, I¢ inv olving the installment of pip-| ng at a cost of $1,260 be de- that regi di two| e red| posal that disp the|i yosed {struction Company Ltd., Jo hn| {was working entirely to his sat- ving power] l item 10 requiring the installa- tion of piping at a cost of $1,260, deleted from the original contract. The work is to be completed 30 days of the contractor re- ceiving written notice from Gore and Storrie to proceed with the work and that a bond of $2,000 be obtained from Dravon Construction to cover the work under this new con- tract. Subject to' Mr. Nichol being satisfied on all legal matters pertaining to the town's posi- tion with regard to the contract with Dravon Construction and|{Wa he so advises the town treasur- er. The treasurer is instructed to pay Dravon Construction all monies due to them, Payment of the five per cent holdback on the original con- |tract for the inaintenance period starting Aug. 11, will be made {advised by its consulting engi- neer that all is satisfactory. Following the meeting with representatives of Dravon Con- Argo and John Goodings of Gore and Storrie gave the com- mittee a lengthy and complete verbal report on the operation |of the sewage disposal plant. Mr. Argo stated that the plant isfaction particularly in view oy Magistrate Robert B. Dnieper on Tuesday hurled a warning at all persons who drive after con- suming alcohol that it was his intention to stamp such prac- tices out in this county. His Worship issued the warning as he sentenced Gilbert Clarence Isnor. of Sunderland, to 15 days in jail when he pleaded guilty to the charge of driving while intoxicated. The court was told by PC Thomas Holmes, of the Pick- ering 'Township Police Depart- ment, that he had stopped Isnor on Highway 2 on Oct. 1. He said Isnor did not know where he s. | His Worship told the accused that there were 22 cases on the day's docket, and 11 of them were drunk driving charges. He said "filty per cent of this court's time is being taken up| with drunk driving charges will be extremely lenient this to |days in' jail." | But if drunk driving continues in this county I will proceed up- wards with the jail terms and will continue until the county| residents have some apprecia tion of the safety of others using the roads. Drunk driving isjt going to stop on our highways] here if I have to sentence them| to the maximum. JAILED OR IMPAIRED | e- the substantial amount o | dustrial wastes which it is hang this time. He stated that the taming} factory was causing the plant to operate at its full Sapasii | |during the three months which it is in operation. He also stated that ng at if there Frank Garnett, of 59 La view, Fairport Beach, was jail-| ed 15 days for impaired driving) by His Worship, The court was| told that Garnett | had been stop-|1 Issues Warning To Drinking Drivers {15-day sentence followed. | JAILED 15 DAYS about 3:30 a 5 ped by Pickering Township police on Moore's road on Sept. 16. PC Cyril Cooper and PC David Fleming both said Gar- nett was intoxicated. Garnett, his wife and Mr. and Mrs. William Little told the court that in their opinion he was not intoxicated. His Worship said that he would give Garnett the benefit of the doubt and convict on im- paired driving, It was then he learned that Garnett had been Brothers Thomas and Edward Cammack, of Uxbridge Town- ship, were Tuesday placed on suspended sentence for two years for assaulting Edward's wife Shirley, 20, and causing her actual bodily harm. Magis- trate R. B. Dnieper who had presided over the trial which ran into three days, found Shir- ley Cammack not guilty of as- saulting Thomas Cammack and Mrs. Doreen Bainbridge and also found Doreen Bainbridge not guilty to assaulting Shirley Cammack. The charges and counter- charges arose out of a melee at the home of Edward and Thomas Cammack's mother near Claremont on Aug. 23. Armed with a court order from the Family Court at Whitby, Shirley Cammack had attended Suspend Sentence For Assault On Wife at the home to retrieve her four- month-old baby which had been granted to her custody that morning. As she was about to leave the house with the baby, a dispute arose at the door. Shirley Cam- mack was later taken to the Oshawa General Hospital for two days to recover from a deep gash cut in her forehead and other bruises and scratches. Thomas Cammack told the court this week that he had also visited a doctor for treatment of a cut on the lip and a shoulder bruise, both of which, he said, had been inflicted by Shirley Cammack. The brothers were told that one of the conditions of their probation was that they do not attempt to see Shirley Cammack or be seen in her company at any time. similarly convicte. in 1957. The a Fernand Larocque, 34, of 840 Dundas street east, Whitby, was also jailed 15 days for driving while impaired. PC Richard Sandiord, of the Whitby Police Department, said that he ar- rested the accused after he |drove on a service station lot m. Sept. 3. PC Sandford, Sgt. Clif ord| (Partington, PC James Wilson| and PC Ray Goodwin all testi-| fied that Larocque was intoxi- cated. Larocque said police refused| to let him walk a line to show that he was not intoxicated. Magistrate Dnieper said that |he would give the accused the {benefit of every doubt and find him guilty only of impaired driving. But, he said, it was so close| to driving while intoxicated that| he would sentence him to 15| ays in jail and suspend his| licence to drive for six months. | A bylaw to make fluoridation a plebiscite question at the | municipal election in December was presented to Council by the bylaws and applications com-| mittee at Monday's meeting. The December ballot as well las containing the names of peo- pie running for the various | municipal offices will include Ithe question: "Are you in favor, of fluoridating the Whitby water supply?' Councillor Harry Inkpen told |council that a public meeting] |should be held to advise the public on what fluoridation is and does. He stated that he | would, if required, get the necessary people to speak on fluoridation. Councillor Davidson said that| {he had an open mind on the | subject. Mayor Stan Martin told coun- | | On Track Car, | {cil his authority on the fluorida- jeted from the original contract, |was a substantial increase in| and that the contract price be|population or an increase in the| reduced by the amount of $1,260.|amount of industrial wastes to The present contract will bebe handled, further construction regarded as completed as of [to the sewage disposal plant August 11, 1961. {would be necessary. A new contract will be enter-| Council members will tour the ed into with Dravon Construc- | disposal plant 3 10 am. on tion Co. Ltd. for.the portion ofiSaturday, Oct. WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS STRAY CATS PEEWEE LACROSSE A letter to the Whitby Town| Mayor N. Kaneb of Cornwall Council requesting a shelter for|thanked the Town of Whitby for stray cats, from Mrs. Gerald, the hospitality extended to play- Whipman of 210 Byron street|ers of his town during the recent north, was referred to the pro-|Peewee Lacrosse Tournament tection to persons and property|in Whitby. The letter was re- committee with power to act.|ceived and filed and a copy will Mrs. NY plgman stated in her let- be sent to the Minor Lacrosse ter that it was high time for|Association. | | |George Lorne Tran, 17, Hit By Bullet In the first case of its kind, to be heard in Ontario County, | of Pick-| ering Township, is being tried for using a hunting gun care- lessly. He appeared before Mag- istrate R. S. Dnieper in Whitby police court on Tuesday when part of the Crown's case was heard. The charge arises out of the shooting of Earl James Beverley as he rode along the CPR tracks near Audley on July 3. Dr. M. W. Butts, of Whitby, said that he had removed a bul- let from the back of Beverley's head at the Oshawa General |tion. would be Gordon Sinclair the pair told him they had been shooting birds on a fence Under cross - examination by Defence Counsel George Boychyn, Dowdell said that the track car had just rounded a curve through a cut in an em- bankment when the bullet hit Beverley. Beverley told the court that as they rounded the curve "something struck me in the head." He took his cap off, he said, and found a small hole drilled in it. He then felt blood coming down his neck. | fluoridation on | sions. who has spoken out against Public Meetings On Fluoridation sanitation and welfare ate) tee. Organizations that have en- dorsed fluoridation include: The Canadian Dental Associa-| |tion, Canadian Medical Associa tion, Canadian Public. Health| Association, International Den-| tal Federation, Toronto Acad-| {emy of Medicine, Canadian So-| ciety of Dentistry for Children, | The Ontario Public Health Asso- ciation, The Health League of Canada and many others. J. H. Wall, a Jeading/ 1 Dr. Whitby cent Rotary meeting that: "In tion program the fiverida f shou'd not be, can the commun- |ity afford it but can it afford not to fluoridate." ON PAGE 28 several occa- Councillor George Brooks sug- gested that a public meeting would leave the public more confused than ever. Deputy-reeve Warren Mowat stated that council would do its part by getting qualified speak- ers to address a public meeting. The matter of obtaining speakers and arranging a pub- lic meeting was left up to the moved from his head at the hos- pital appeared to be a bullet which had been flattened out. He said that it had taken seven Family Monuments AR ae/ Individual STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 Created To dentist stated at a in considering the cost of flnorida ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS Scattered Nails On Driveway, Fined $73, Costs A Pickering Township youth, convicted of public mischief by scattering nails in the driveway of another Pickering Township id was Tuesday fined $75 and costs or 15 days in jail. Wayne Stephenson, 20, of RR 3, Pickering, was found guilty by Magistrate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby police court of render- ing the property of Albert Cane, RR 3, Pickering, dangerous, 1 and inoperative by cast- ing the nails on the driveway. Cane told the court that short- ly after midnight on Aug. 9, he had been in his driveway see- ing some guests away when he noticed a car come to a stop on the street at his driveway, Then, he said, he heard a tinkle like glass or metal and the car sped away. Using a flashlight, he said, he found a quantity of one-inch nails in a gravel strip at the end THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 4, 1961 § of his driveway at the street have serious results with chil line. He identified Stephenson/dren in the area besides mang- as the person he saw at the|'Ing tires." wheel of the car. The conviction and fine fol. Sgt. John Pugh, of the Pick- Sow ering Township Police Depart- ment, said that he had search- ed Stephenson's car at his home, a half-mile from Cane's home, about 1.25 a.m. and found the motor warm and five one- nails, similar to the ones found in the driveway, inside the car, The accused told him, he said, that his father was a carpenter ; and may have left the nails in Also Available in the car. Sgt. Pugh said that Ste- 9-b. phenson also told him that hel] IDEAL FOR TYPING considered Cane a menace and | PADS, CARBON COPIES. that if he had a chance tof INNER OFFICE annoy him he would. In his own defence, Stephen- MEMOS, ETC. On Sale of son said he had worked until oh WHITBY OFFICE & midnight and had then gone with a friend to a restaurant for cof- CIRCULATION DEPT. fee. He said that he then went Oshawa Times WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 straight home and did not even pass the Cane home. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said that this was a "very mean contemptible trick. It could | BERN Emme AI ARNOLD'S, | 115 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY | I | ! | Fresh Cut from Government Inspectted Beef SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS 79 Just North of Four Corners OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8 -- FRI. 'TIL 9 -- WED, "TIL 6 P.M. BONELESS COTTAGE ROLLS n 43 "Square Shooters on Auto Claims SLICED COOKED HAM LB. 89+ | FresH | LOCAL | A coop suprLY oF TURKEY THE BEST FOR THAT FINE FRESH FLAVOR AND TENDER EATING 1 FRESH MADE 1 SAUSAGE MEAT PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF FRESH BULK WIENERS ' 35 |n.55¢ | ue'] fae omer sen ose oe = --- es Ss se ww stitches to close the wound. The case was at this point He said that what was re. adjourned until Oct. 10. some provision for stray cats in The t town of Whitby. UN BIRTHDAY A request from the United Nations Association in Canada to observe Oct. 24 as the birth- day of the United Nations was granted by Whitby Town Coun- cil. Councillor G. Brooks re- quested that a United Nations flag be purchased for the town hall flag-pole to be displayed on that day. RETARDED CHILDREN The Ajax, Pickering and Whit- bx Association for Retarded Children has been granted per- mission by council to conduct a financial campaign in the Town of Whitby during the week of| Oct. 23-28. The week was also| proclaimed as Retarded Chil-| dren's Week. PUBLIC HOUSING A letter to town council from the Department of Commerce and Developing regarding a pub- lic housing program was slated for a hearing at the next meet- ing of the finance and sub- division committee. All mem- bers of council have been in-| vited to attend the meeting. FIRE HAZARD The Whitby Fire Department advised town council that com-| plaints about sparks from a Centre street apartment build- ing had been confirmed by the department and action would be taken. It appears there was no screen or spark arrester cover- ing the apartment's chimney. NUMBER. PLEASE Carl Mantz of 153 or 151 Brock street south requested at the Monday night council meeting that his place of business be given a number. He stated that he had been assessed at 153 Brock street north but that this had recently been changed to 151 Brock street north. The mat- ter was left with the protection to persons and property com- mittee with power to act. | Hospital. He said that McQUAY SIGN ries e 8 at the lead came out in two pieces. He said {den Club. |red to the protection to persons and property committee. A leter from D. W. McQuay, a realtor at the Whitby Plaza requested that a sign he had erected at the plaza at a cost of $493 remain when a large sign advertising all stores in the Plaza was erected, was referred to the protection of persons and property commitee. SCHOOL FENCE The Whitby Public School Board has asked permission from the Town Council to erect a fence on the portion of Gilbert street which is part of the King Street School grounds. The let- ter was referred to the streets committee for clarification and power to act. EYESORE FENCE The Whitby Public School Board has advised Council that they intend to remove the wood- en fence around the Hillcrest Public School. Mrs. Burns ob- jected to the south side of the fence being taken down as it provided some protection to the horticultural garden planted south of it by the Whitby Gar- that it had not pierced the skull but had made a small hole in the scalp at the back of the head. Arthur Dowdell, foreman of| he and three other men, one of them Beverley, were riding to- wards Whitby in a track motor when he heard a crack. been riding backwards and he| noticed him put his hand to the back of his head. Dowdell said he stopped the car at once and noticed a hole in Beverley's cap and blood run- ning down his neck. The four looked around, he said, and saw no one. Then they travelled an- other 300 yards to the east, past the Audley crossing, and noticed two youths in a field about 60 feet south of the track fence. Dowdell said he called them over. One of them, he said, was iran, who carried a .22 rifle. The other, he said, had no gun. When he told the two what had happened to Beverley, he said, It was suggested that some type of fence or buf- fer replace the fence on the sonth side to protect the horti- cultural garden. PLAZA SIGN A letter from A. Hamerfeld of Toronto to Town Council asked that in addition to a large sign to be erected on the Whitby Plaza identifying all the stores, a small sign constructed by D. W. McQuay, realtor be allowed to remain. The letter was refer- DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.).L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Well Mureh SHEEP TEAM LATTIES BROOK, N.S. (CP)| Ida Ettinger has a team of sheep which she drives in horse and wagon fashion. The fleecy white pets wear miniature leather harness to pull a wooden wagon, equipped with a seat for one, a wooden pole and | traces. the CPR works crew, said that| car on the afternoon of July 3 He said that Beverley had| || || 114 DUNDAS ST. WEST Jorden FRESH KILLED GRADE "A" SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS will FY WILT, WILSON'S FOOD MARKET Roasting Chickens ALSO AVAILABLE, FRESH KILLED GRADE A HEN TURKEYS WHITBY Brey.) u 49° «69° WIENERS 1-18. PKG. 43+ FRESH JUICY--SIZE 138 EXTRA SPECIAL!I--DUNCAN CAKE MIXES FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE ENTRANCE TO STORE ORANGES woz. 39% HINES ALL VARIETIES FROM PARKING LOT BROCK EVENING WHITBY SHOWS AT 6:55 & 8:40 LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:40 Of His Academy Award-Winning Performance In "The Bridge On ADULT ENTER PLUS Second Fea ALEC GUINNESS - JOHN MILLS With All The . TUNES OF Pride And Power The River Kwol * GLORY TAINMENT ture Attraction "MACHETE" Sterring Albert Dekker and Marie Blanchard Sidewalk Slabs ® Immediate Delivery From Factory Cured Stock ® Steel Reinforced ® Made From The Highest Quality Materials Available ® L ow Slump, Vibrated, Air-entrained Concrete Guaranteed Minimum Strength 4,000 p.s.i. Get to know good cheeses®... Borders CREAM CHEESES SPECIAL TASTE OFFER! Pineapple, Pimento, Relish, Chive, Olive-Pimento and Plain-- the smoothest, creamiest cream cheeses ever! Packaged in reusable plastic dishes, ready to serve on crackers, in sandwiches and salads, with anything! Try all six varieties, all delicious. (8 oz. plastic dish) *Watch your newspapers pl vr Seba RN A for more money saving coupons on Borden's fine cheeses! TO THE DEALER: Our salesman will redeem this coupon far 5¢ i have us 2¢ for handling, p you and the CANADA SAVINGS BOND AT NY BANK T0 2 MILLION CANADIANS BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%-- $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR SALAS acm sles wey, I UA i BANK oF MONTREAL Canadas Fine Bank WORKING WITH CANADIANS with the terms of the offer, The 8 Borden Company Limited, ER, |S Temes -- IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 rT AY EAA |