WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Tel. MO. 8-3703 A i 7) A i | x | A r i [tant Cub Master, Dolores Lund- Registration | , 4% St. John's Yon & &f : \meeting was opened by praver i|led by Father Douglas. The | {the By EILEEN PATTERSON Next week will be "TWIRP" week at Anderson. It will be characterized by shy boys back- ing into corners while not-so-shy girls ask them to go to the school dance on Friday, Oct. 6. The dance will be 'hard times" as are most Sadie Hawkins dances. "TWIRP"? The Woman Is Re- quested to Pay!! Prices for this dance, follow- ing dances, and other activities will be lower for those students who purchase an activity card. These cards will go on sale Monday, Oct. 7 at $1.50. On Oct. 20 the price will go up to $2.00. The money obtained is for the use of the Council in sponsoring further activities. We expect to have an even For Cubs At Registration and election night was held on Tuesday at St. John The Evangelist parish hall. The chairman Mr. B. J. Bradshaw welcomed all present and as- sisted by Mr. Watson Wineck, treasurer, gave a report on the past events of the year and outlined the achievements ac- complished and introduced the leaders. Akela Miss Doreen Turnbul', TWIRP Week At Anderson High our year book) with Margaret Coutts, Linda MacRae, and Jim Paterson in charge of editing: the 1961-62 production. The formation of clubs is be- ginning to take place under the direction of several teachers. Tr. M. Landon is helping to or- ganize a Camera Club and Mr. kh. Norton is leading a school choir. (There will be lots of girls cager to try out, I'm sure!). Under the instruction of Miss A. Peffers, Anderson's cheering snuad is really turning into a cheer - leading squad. These girls, who are working at get- ting the whole school to yell their support for the teams, are: Joan Conibear, Bonnie Dalby,| . Brenda Doner, Marg Fisher, Linda Lakey, Marion Nielson, Rosemary Eeckhout, Anne Catharine Bryant assistant Cub better "ASH'S" this year (that's Master, David Mouviitenay assis- Guthrie. mark assistant Cub Master. Leader of B. Pack Mr, Bill Phillips, Akela, Mr. Bradshaw WHITBY PERSONALS stressed the needs for someone to assist Mr. Phillips, Mr, On Wednesday, Sept. 27, Mrs. Jerry Matthews Scout Master, |1%arl Fairman opened her homc Mr .Ben La Haye assistant{tr the "Bazaar Committee" of Segut Maser expressed for| 1 Whitby United Church WA, Mr. ads ) I ay a group committee a very| MIs. Earle Bond, Mrs. L. F. heartfelt thank-you to leaders|Richardson, Mrs. Ross Hall and Mitchell RN on furlough from Angola Mission. Mr. Norman MacAskill, of Sydney, Nova Scotia, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McFaul, 152 Lupin drive. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, September 30, 1961 X§ EUROPEAN ROADSTER PARKED HERE Standing idle for the past | purchased the car while he | cylinder motor appears to be Shree weeks oh 3 Whithy serv. was stationed in West Ger- | in good shape but the body is ce station lot is this classic example of pre-war European many, for $600. He was in- | rusting through in parts and automobile craftsmanship. structed by officers of the | the convertible type roof is Made in Germany in 1937, the | Whitby Detachment of the | decaying. Whether the Horch four-seater Horch is probably | OPP to take the auto off the | is a paying proposition for an. the only one of its kind in | road because its military li- | tique enthusiasts is a horch of Canada. The auto's owner, a | cence plates were illegal for | another color. Canadian highways. The eight- --QOshawa Times Photo Bulb Sale Helps CLUB CALENDAR BOOST KIN BULB SALE charity. Pictured above filling the bags with assorted bulbs are members of the Whitby Kinettes Club, the female counterpart of the Kinsmen Club. Left to right are Mrs. The annual Whitby Kinsmen Club bulb canvass will com- mence on Monday when local Kinsmen will knock on doors in the town to sell bags of light bulbs to raise funds for {for the work accomplished last| Mrs. Fairman to make the final |year. The chairman then turned) arrangements for the Bazaar to over the meeting to Father |p. hold in Whitby United Church | Douglas for the election of new ginday school auditorium on |officers which are as follows. |x 3. Plans were made Jor Nov Chairman Mr. David Brophy, |i..." i ni | vice chairman Mr. Tom Spellen fables of sewing, knitting, and Betty [treasurer Mr. John Forget, sec- Fal imes Jecorstions, Some ge Doris |retary Mr. Lione; Allicock. Mr, |octables anc Santas lish pond. | Pete "Wolters is in charge of| Tany articles are already in Beryl / {the hands of the committee. The paper drives. | : The meeting closed with the|lostess served afternoon tea at registration of all Scouts and|the close of the meeting. Jeffrey, Mrs. seated, Mrs. and Mrs, Ginny Silver, Spellen Walton. --Oshawa Times Phoot Antique Setting For WA Meeting An old log cabin, quilt and North shore of Lake Ontario and 1800 surroundings formed the|the St. Lawrence river from setting for a very happy and Niagara to Cornwall. Museums most unusual evening at St.|are very important as it gives John's Church Sunday school onja child growing up today an Wednesday evening when Mrs. historical background. Mrs. Norman Gower Curator of Henry|Gower said that 'when you House Museum of Oshawa spoke|consider that today's child may to the St. John's Church WA, [visit Mars, this is important." visiting guests from All Saints'| Mrs. Gower showed some very Evening Guild and the St. John's|imteresting pictures of the Mu- Ruth WA, seum itself, antiques, and s The members of St. John's pioneer' furnishings. A questions Church WA greeted their guests| Period and discussions followed in old fashioned costumes of which were very enjoyable, Miss Olive Goldring thanked Mrs, Diusaded ux Jude, dulle hi Gower for her most enlightening matching bonnets, the period costumes having been wormed) by the ancestors of the ladies) in days gone by. Mrs. Gower spoke of the won- derful opportunity we have in having a museum so close, the] location being chosen because of the early harbour called Sydenham. It is located in the old Henry House of Lakeview Park, Oshawa. The aim of the Historical Society is to have a string of Museums stretching along the The group of ladies dressed In old fashioned costumes walked around a quilt and were judged for the best dressed lady, the task being too difficult a prize was given to each. Mrs. Harry Town thanked the St. John's WA on behalf of the All Saints' Anglican Church Eve- ning Guild for their invitation to attend such an enjoyable meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. E. Larsen and her committee and a : ~~ial time was spent. Cubs by their fathers. Clover Leaf Club members [were entertained to a hot noon BOWLING NEWS {luncheon at the home of Mrs. {J. Wilkinson, Dufferin street, {Port Whitby, with a very good CIGARETTE LEAGUE | itendance. The centre piece Triples over 550 Alice riora] decorations consisted of a Jury Finds No Alienation by, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bath and Mrs. Fern Bryant, of Pick- ering, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Colly. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mcllwin| were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beattie and Huntsville. Islands, Quebec, is a guest for of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. McKay, Whitby Red Cross work room of Brock street south. Mrs. Mabel McGregor, Whit- MONDAY, Oct. 2 Palmerston H-S Association Co-operative Credit Union bank- ing night Whitby Baptist Church Ex- plorers Whitby Ontario Hospital Nurses' Alumnae United Church Senior Evening Auxiliary WMS All Saints' Anglican Church Evening Guild Branch motored to Almonte, By CLIFF GORDON The Whitby Kinsmen Club will be out in full force on Mon- day and Tuesday nights, Oct. 2-3, as they conduct their an- nual light bulb drive. This is one way the local club has of rais- ing money for their many fine projects. The Kinsmen Club by selling bu'bs is not asking for a donation but is giving the customer something for their money, something that every home that has hydro can use Recent guests at the home of their daughter Jill, of Mr. Robert Brawley, of Seven couple of weeks at the home| TUESDAY, Oct. 3 Whitby Baptist Church CGIT | Faith Baptist Church YPA After three days of evidence, a six-man Assize Court jury has| found that there was no aliena- tion of affections in the case of Wiatrowski vs Niemiec. In the action, Roman Wiatrowski, 46, of 217 Johnston avenue, had Hewis 691, Jean King 620,/niveq color stocks. Games Gladys Wiles 616, Barb Howe|\woro enjoyed and prizes for 597, Marg Taras 583, Grace cry winners. Plans were made Sandford 575, Pat Brown 559,01: gistribute more baby gifts. Verna Sandford 564, Isobel Mo- myo next meeting will be held at thersill 561, Clara Rowden 559. (1a home of Mrs. 0. Weatherall, sought damages from Tadeusz Niemiec, 38, of 1002 Simcoe street south, for alienating the| [affections of Wiatrowski's wife Sophie, 38. The trial began on Tuesday of | this week before Mr. Justice W.| |D. Parker in Whitby, Wiatrow-| |ski told the court that Niemiec| {had been his best friend for 10| years until on July 19, 1960, he had watched his wife and Nie- miec kissing in the living room of their home where Niemiec| has been a boarder. Mrs. Wiatrowski told the court that she and her husband had argued since their marriage in Germany in 1948 because her husband refused to have a church wedding in addition to their civil wedding. She said] that on several occasions her| husband had invited her to leave] home. Niemiec said that he had wit-| nessed many arguments in the| Wiatrowski home but had never interfered. He also told the court] that he had made a loan of $4,500 to Wiatrowski in 1953 for Singles over 200 Margi... Fre Taras 209, 232: Bernice Moase|o Fort Whitby. . 213, Gladys Wiles 286, Verna Palmerston Home and School Sandford 204, Jean King 226, 251; | Association held a "Get Ac- Pat Davie 204, Pat Brown 214, |quainted" tea for all mothers 243; Vi Jordan 241, Barb Howe lof kindergarten pupils and moth- 240, Carson Cherry 214, Isobel ors of new pupils to the school. Mothersill 203, Maryette Kad-| The Principal Mr. W. Batten in- well 207, Beaulah Sturgess 254, |troduced the staff of teachers Clara Rowden 206, Alice Hewis|and also the new executive. A 298, 224; Martha Mayne 208,/noem was read by Mrs. W. Florence Gudgeon 202, Verna Edwards, president of Home Sandford 218, Marg McCoy 229.|and School Association regard- TOTAL TEAM POINTS ing a child's first experience at Black Cats, 9; Exports, 3; school. Tea and cookies were Buckinghams, 8; Cameos, 1:|then served to the mothers and Winstons 8; Players, 5; Win-|leachers by the members of the chester, 8 Kools, 8. | executive. WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE | Michael, son of Mr, and Mrs. Best triple went to Chuck Gill|Patrick Lynch, celebrated his Monday night for rolling a big ninth birthday. Guests attend- 970 (356, 307, 307). How do you ing his party were: Billie Rouge, do it, Chuck? {Michael and Dennis Cronin, Fred Coleman 783 (340); Al|Stephen Grey, Douglas Madi- Young 702 (250); Harvey Rob-|fan, also his sisters, Brenda and erts 696 (281); Carl Pascoe 696 Jane and brother Kenneth. (252); Ron Pascoe 691 (291); .... Joe Hancock 667 (263); Larry _ Whitby Baptist Church Ratherson 662 (249): Jenny women's Mission Circle will Fowler 653 (273): Joyce Denn. ave as their guest speaker at ver 651 (264): Ted Munns g50|Lleir thankoffering meeting on Colleen, daughter of Mr. and| Mrs. Frank Madigan, is cele-| brating her sixth birthday on| Monday. Her, school companions of St. Theresa school and friends wish her many happy returns of the day. Eleanor and" Chuck Kemp, Dundas street east, have return- | ed home from a motor trip to Quebec and New York State. Mr. and Mrs. James Smyth |were guests at the home of Mr. | Knights of Columbus |and Mrs. A. Keavenay, of Port|Beney Credit. Mr. R. Vanstone, 401 Green street, is in the Oshawa General Hospital where he underwent surgery, His friends wish him a prompt recovery. Mr. Allan Johnson, of Oshawa. has been asked to show colored slides taken by him during his trip out west last summer at the Palmerston Home and School| Association meeting to be held| on Monday, Oct. 2. Mr. John- ston will narrate the slides and provide a musical background. The interest and attendance of as many parents as possible is anticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Blair, of 65 McMillan drive, Oshawa, brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. St. John The Evangelist Church CWL. United Church Afternoon WMS St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church WA Si WEDNESDAY, Oct. 4 St. John's Anglican Church WA and need at one time or another. nce daylight saving time is almost over the lights will be getting just that much more us e. We will list here some of the fine things that the Club does for the district. We know from work meeting Senior Citizens Group Almonds' Church WA Emmanuel Reformed Church Ladies' Aid olent Rebekah Lodge No. 2 Hillcrest H-S Association THURSDAY, Oct. § Salvation Army Women's Home League All Saints' Anglican Church St. Margaret Guild Faith Baptist Church WMS Co-op Guild FRIDAY, Oct. § Whitby Baptist Church Women's Mission Circle Thankoffering meeting Guides Will Inkpen, prayer. Scout Mothers Plan Bazaar The Third Whitby Ladies Aux- iliary Scouts and Cubs held its first meeting of the season at the old parish hall of All Saints' eveni: ng. The president, Mrs. Harry the meeting with prayer and the Scout moth- er's promise. During the business meeting final arrangements were made for the group's forthcoming ba- zaar and tea to be held at the new parish hall on Friday, Oct. 20 from 2.30 pm. to 5 p.m. Mrs. Michael Starr, wife of the Minister of Labor, has been invited to officially open the Bazaar, opened The meeting closed with Tea hostesses were Mrs. E. M. Stubbings and Mrs. A Attend Visit . Smith. The next meeting will be held Kinsmen Help Others where we speak that we are proud to be a member of the local service club. The Kinsmen is the only organization outside of a church to spoasor a scout ing group in Whitby. The local Kinsmen sponsor the Port Whit. by Sea Scouts. The loca! club donaies to the Jr. Brass band, mino: hockey, minor lacrosse and minor league baseball. They »rovide gift boxes for needy fan.ilies at Christmas, donated substantiale ly to the Oshawa Hospital re. cently. They also provide and maintain the rides in the Kins. men Park. Two of the big proj- ects that are dear to the hearts of all the Kinsmen in the Whitby Club are their interest in the new retarded children's school that was buit in Ajax. The local Kinsmen club donated well to this needy cause. The other project that the club is very proud of is their new wading pool in the local Kinsmen Park. The club not only install ed the wading pool but pro- vided proper supervision for the pool during the summer. So folks, we encourage you to buy as many bulbs as you can, as from the information listed above you can see that the local Club does a tremendous amount of good work. WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING. PADS, CARBON COPIES the construction of a new home but had never been repaid. Loses Many Of Rebel Connections By P. W. RODGER (268); Olive Collins 643 (277); Friday, Oct. 6, Miss Nancy Monday, Oct. 23. Jim White 612 (233); Wilf An- thony 611 (254); Merv Bemis hoe 605, A. Mikicel 596, M. 604 (233). {Duncan 559, J. Hilliard 545, B. Over 200 -- Dianne Hencock Moase 527, T. Shaw 526 and K. 229, Joan Jenpsen 205. Doug Loyst 504. | Peggs 206, Bill Collins 219, John| High singles -- G. Wiles 330.! Brueckle 230, Mary White 215.\o15: M. Bentley 247, 224: M. Sam Peake 244, John Aawland| Brooks 233, A. Mikicel 226, A. T. VanDyke. Lunch 202, Bill Giddings 200, Jim Kirk| Anderson 222, J. Hilliard 221. .: vanDyke. Lunch was served 213, Jack Veitenkimer 222, Ozzie|A, Labanovich 218, D. Kehoe PY the hostess. Moore 228, Doug Rowden 207,(917, T. Shaw 209. A. Lawrence M: 3 Re 217, T. 8 , A. r. and Mrs. James Smyth, Ron Slack 210, Dave Thorley 205, B. Sturgess 201 and B.!906 Henry street, attended %the 28, Boy Jjouet 245 1500e) N > Moase 200. |wedding of Dr. Renald McIntosh 908. Harcld Mocre 908 ¥orelq| Our waiting list of bowlers is to Miss Elizabeth Mantle RN. Cordon 241, Joyce Johansen 249. |211 used up now and if any lady| The" ceremony took place in Jessie Laundry 210. Connie Den. | 7iShes to place her name on the Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Smyth ver 227. John MeclIvor 217. Stan 'VAiting list please contact Mrs. also attended the reception held 27, 3 ; "it "oon |Anderson on Athol street. at the Willow Bank Inn in Bur- | Riley 213, Eileen Hewett 200, lington i , Eile : ; {Clem Hewett 205. Barb Gill 266,| gp yomN'S EVANGELIST MIXED BOWLING Martv Jordon 212 TFAM STANDINGS | Porky's Prides 19, Poker|Teams | Chips 16, Hopefuls 16, Echoes No. 3 Shartows sponding secretary, Mrs. E, Mc- i {15. Sabre Tets 14, Cubs 14, Be. 0 He. ' b y y sailed through the|,; 9 7 : |No. 1 Blue Jays Lean; [res correspondent, Mrs Rea! Zor Jr. room and Mrs. Hut-| Caribbean after hijacking the| ina Cone a peckiels pPiLiNo. 5 ay : 2. chings for Sr. room. ship as a gesture o fdefiance 0/19" Rockets 9. Neishb 8.|No. 4 Eagles J.| The meeting closed with "The the Portugues eregime of An \rinm's Press nd gl No. 2 Cardinals Mag members: Mrs. sale, Mrs. B. Pinch, Mrs. R.|Queen" and a social half-hour, tonio Salazar, | i F.\'was spent with refreshments! But the glamor has rubbed off{®: Stokers 2, Dom Symbols 0. |v. 3 id Thomas Linton, celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary on Thursday. Their friends wish them every happiness. Dundas H&S Has First Meeting Dundas Street East Home| Mrs. Smith, Mr. Duchesne, Mr. ing School Association held its|Martin and Mrs. E. Hutchings, irst meeting of the season on| Mrs. D. Williams ct Tuesday evening. The meeting teacher; Mrs. an Den opened With O Canada" ac- home economics: Mrs, Andrews, | Sompanied by Mrs. B. Pinch atishop and Mr. Souche, French ad| t 7 Eran Eurlich {dressed the group briefly, out.| Mrs. E. English, president,|lining the work to be accom- No w.ecomed everyone present and plished during the year. Mr. |, FIO DE SaNEIR) (Reuters) read the Home and School creed.|Fairman spoke on the public S$ Phe : a 20, mas prin She also introduced her execu [school system in 'the town of| Of the daring seizure of the Por- | tive for the coming term, as fol-| Whitby. Princi : .q| tuguese liner Santa Maria ear'y ows: g itby. Principal Miss Heard this year, has lost many of his also said a few words and wel- 3 i President, Mrs. E. English;|comed all parents present and Pe onary Ro vice-presidents, Mr. R. Seager "political ex it Te INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . WHITBY OFFICF & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times Chief Guide SEEK NAME FOR SHIP LONDON (CP)--Home Lines, The Whitby Girl Guide Assoc-|a British shipping company, has iation met on Tuesday evening|asked the public to suggest a in the United Church hall withjname for its new liner being Mrs. Fred Weaver, District|brilt in Trieste. It will be a sis- Commissioner in the chair. [ter ship to the Homeric. The The Guides have certainly|COmpany says the name must taken advantage of all the camp|be easily identifiable by passen- equipment purchased by the|Bers of various nationalities. Association. Some 63 wr. 13 = Whithy Churches camped during the Summer. 12 at the Central Area Camp, Hali- ' EMMANUEL Let's All | grropyep Go To burton. 51 at the Division Camp REV. GERRIT REZELMAN |Site town waters at the Rouge THIRD CONCESSION. WEST, This River. Whitby Guides were on OF HIGHWAY 12 Sunday! staff at some of the camps. Lady Baden-Powell the Chief Guide is to visit Toronto. Four 10:30 AM. Dutch Service ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Whitby Guides in charge of a 10:30 AM 11 AM. guider will be invited to attend Sunday School, English MORNING WORSHIP the ceremony in Massey Hall, :30 P.M. English Service, Whitby 2:30 P.M. NURSERY (INFANT CARE) Oct. 26. Al the Brownie Packs and BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION Guide Companies are meeting regularly each week and looking forward to an active season. 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME Whitby Baptist Church REV. JOHN McLEOD I} Mrs. W. E. Summers. A.T.C.M. Mrs. A. Teunissen of Lee ave- nue, entertained her group of| ladies. The winners of the prizes | were Mrs. E. Douglass and Mrs. | Ricky, son of Mrs. Anne Hunt- ley, is celebrating his first birth- day today. Best wishes for many more birthdays are extended to Ricky. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maxwell, of Rosedale drive, and their daugh- ter, Marilyn, visited in Washing- ton during their vacation. WHITBY KINSMEN | year. are and Mrs. J. Emburg; recording Mrs. B. Pinch on behalf of the 2 Socal ewe January and secretary, Mrs. E, Alger; trea- Association thanked Mr. Fair i : ger; 4 Mr. Fair | February, Galvao and his band surer, Mrs. C. Mesher; corre-/ man and the teachers. The|of 24 men held oh 5d his hand room prizes were won by Miss Jines as the 3 a ONIN NIN TTL ren Pinfall 2771 2952 2942 2760 2623 2789 2759 2688 2619 2056 | | Triples over 550 -- U. John-| |ston 736, T. Hughes 658, M.| | Carter 638, J. Goverde 629, A.| Sandrelli 618, M. Kolsteren 604. | L. Bedard 597, F. Canzi 592 and N. Vella 583. Singles over 200 -- U. Johnston | 267, 237, 232; T. Hughes 255, Mrs. W. Smith and Miss Ha, Sais ina 10) Served by the members of the guy since ao obtained) LADIES CANDY BOWLING ING: 3 Ducks £ Si S$ meeling fol- ye, polilical! exiie nere after surren-| Tea 4 i 8 «IN, Joved, is. Alger read the min-| dering the liner to the Brazilian per or standing 3s of Septem-|No. 10 Wrens utes of the last meeitng and " {navy and freeing its 560 passen-| Teams Pts Mrs. C. Mesher gave the trea- SALUTE TO JAGAN |gers and 360 crew members. Hiv Ming surer's report. Mrs. R. Seager| GEORGETOWN, British Gui-| Galvao now lives in semi-ob- 1 ifesavers and Mrs. Rowell were appointed|/ana (AP)--Cheddi Jagan, Brit-|scurity as a writer and he ap-| Allsorts delegates to attend the Regional/ish Guiana's new prime minis- parently has been abandoned| peppormints Conference to be held this vear|ter, has received a congratula- by many of his old revolution-| yrymhugs in Oshawa at Centra! Collegiate|tory message from East Ger. ary connections. | Manlebuds Institute on Saturday, Oct. 21./man Communist Premier Otto] The 66 - year -old captain | o1iinons Mr. E. Fairman introduced Grotewohl expressing hope Ja-|claims that ne still is working| yaj1y Beans the staff of Dundas School. Prin-|gan's government will bring on plans to overthrow the Sala-|" High Triples G. Wil cipal Miss F. Heard, Miss M.|about "the speedy liquidation of zar 'government. But he has|p po tley 621, D "ig Real, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Fair.|(British) regime and unre-|been expelled from the Iberian|- Difey Jz» Yotesn Ke field, Mrs. Dobrindt, Mrs. F'stricted national independence." liberation movement, which (and M. Kolsteren 211, 203. RA RS . " {backed the Santa Maria take- able people, both Brazilian and] Any parishioner wishing to over, and has been dismissed] Portuguese," he said. "There is|partake in this league please | from his post as secretary - gen-(also a small group attempting! contact Frank Canzi as there are | eral of the Portuguese Movi-|t0 surround me and infiltrate|still some vacancies. mento Nacional de Independen-|themselves i nto our affairs. cia. These are pro - Salazar people and Portugues eaescret police. POLITICS SECRET But T am an old hand at dod- Galvao, tracked down In alging these." cubbyhole office in Rio fre-| quented by anti-Salazar Portu-| | guese, refused to discuss his political activities, describing! them as "operational secrets." | These apart, he said, "I ded-| {icated myself exclusively to| writing and my social affairs." | | Galvao says he writes reg:| (ularly for an American maga-| zine and does occasional arti- cles for other markest. At pres- lent, he is awaiting publication | of a book on the Santa Maria| adventure. Galvao scems content with his life in exi'e here. "I find myself surrounded by 'a large group of companion- Worship at Bowmanville Pinfall Total 3:30 P.M. 5530 5628 5578 5458 5 | 5710 5562 5302 5228 Bowmanville Sundov School EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N., Whitby Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, 5.Th, 9:15 AM. Radio Broadcast CKLB 9:45 AM. Bible School Hour 11:00 AM. & 7:00 P.M, Our Pastor Preaching Guest Soloist: Miss Norma Bowan WHITBY UNITED CHURCH "BULB DRIVE" BROCK Evening Shows at 7:00 and 8:25 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:25 THRILLS GALORE! TWO ACTION-FILLED FEATURES! AT MukeHY WERE HEATING WIZARDS, YOU'LL AGREE= WHEN ONCE A JOB BY US YOU SEE. Family Monuments STARTING MON., OCT. 2 Please Support This Drive For Local Service Work And The Kinsmen Park starring Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 11:00 AM. "BEARING THE CROSS' Communich Service 7:00 P.M. "WHY DON'T YOU MAKE UP YOUR MIND" 9:45 AM. Bible School with Classes for All Ages. HOLY COMMUNION 11 AM, 7 PM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM, 1AM, GORDON SCO | SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1.30 102 BYRON 51 5 Wii TRY.ONT. 720 MOB 209