Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Sep 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 30, 1961 #5 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& 1--Women's Column 14--Employment Wanted |18--Male or Female Help |24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent Wanted Gx: NEW modern alow, three bed. EARN money with a fascinating hobby. LADY wil take care of NEY, Toten ungalew, owes sod ais Make autiful at home, day week) in her own home. Close to ral . Easy to do. Sell to id friends. Ex. |Milchel's Corner _ School in Zion. DEPORTUNIIES unl unlimited in Nuts: trict, only $95 per month. For more in- rs plant, parking. Telephone cellent profits. Jie for free hole- 725-8931. og hn Bh ei ig 728-4956. 725.1168 for further information. sale colo: catalogue. L. G. Murga- i rt time ed, call 725-9107. FIVE-ROOM Sungalow new'y Jleeorat, (FURNISHED basemen troyd Co., Dept. A-60, Ont. [MIDDLE aged widow desires pa es -- (od: Bin. i] nl i Sv rtment, Hi ment light housekeeping in motherless home. gay Es help wa LUCIENNE Beauty Salon. We special-|Write Box 510 Oshawa Times. come for Berns Ajax, Whitby ha schools. fom 915, sesion, $95 able rent to reliable' tenants. Telephone ete. pre a th. 723 Having. 33% Simeve WILL give experienced care to chil- -- treet South. -9411. your own home For information - AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1 -- Three Fl roo! rtment, pri et 3. . dren in my own home. Daily or weekly. phone MO 82387. Mr. St. John, through- big! ED ve mm cilities, vs Accountants Building Trades Instruction ereohone 728.5061. bedtosm puniaion. doeoraied hrvuh. h, I H. E. DEWAR and Co. Ao Ba a owners, sningling, flat roofs, HARVEY DANCE SCADEMY, Baten, CLASSIFIED AD RATES. FALL SPECIAL To Fomale Help W Wonted 20--Room ond Board .- A Road South groove pe is bus. Adults only, Tele and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On-|all types siding, blown insulation caulk- [tap. RAD ballet, -0--Re Phil H . Whitby. MO 8-4558.|now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122, Cash Charge d TTT TET TBF TP 3 Par rs ROOM and board for one or two girls. pe rooms, self-contain. tario_Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221ing. Phil Harper y. : il 3 CONSECUTIVE EDWARD'S Beauty Parlor |GANVASSERS door to door, no selling. Close to Shopping Centre and bus. Very | TWO-BEDROOM bung Bungaioy for tent, leq for Tne Pind range and. wall-to-wall T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi-|ALL types of repairs and remodel Insurance INSERTIONS 225 248 5 CELINA ST, s. - -- Seated, close to North "om, off hospital. Telephone 725-2395 Id Public Accountants, 172 Kin giling, new and used materials. Reason [1] CONTECH VE LADY to live in, company for middle. RO lephone 728-3707. Sire or Oshawa, Ontario. 125.3500 |able rates Estimates free. Dia) ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up TIONS 3.75 4.3 COLD WAVES $6.50 aged woman, light duties, abstainer. ROOM 'and board in Drivate_ home, ialo =o. | THREE-ROOM apartment, on Warren 1728-6931 J. Foley. {to 20 per cent, : months b pay. For iy Bh pola within. 7 days the Closed Wednesday - open every |For further information telephone 728- | 0 "iva. South or telephone 728-0236, hres os alow Avenue, completely private, ni Ipe | service at your home, e¢ 3 5243, 4 to 8 p. - - o room, outlet, parsing, ii ing vid Co., Chartered pilin 7 {persona Charge rate will apply. SR ot roe ee SPACIOUS well ke, it cludes ; e 1625. el room with ol VEN-ROOM house, Harmony hydro. Immediate pos: 728-1203. 135 Simece Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, | Cartage Above rates apply only to original TELEPHONE. 723. 7633 NCI usekeeper ate, without board, quief home, good Toca. Nev, $85 monthly, Jam ony Road THREE-ROOM a - WH 2.089 JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Osha J M orders for consecutive insertions. -- ys tion. 11 Rowe Strek. 8-2497, sparimnt. eied.p 2] TT ble rates. Ful) .| Lawn owers . ail 728-5416. 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 3350 vate bath, private entrance, hit, MONTEITR, RIEHL and Whitby. Reasona e rates. Fully equipp- | Subsequent insertions ordered at o 2--Personal redband SEO a =" Bath level, light wiring, suit on ground Co. Chartered Accountants, 785352) ed and Insured. Prove 728.363). aes dste esminine © new orignal preg or FATE aE TE iid, wo i person NICE, double Toom in clean, quiet \\wo kitchens, oll furnace, Immediate| Monthly. 1088 King We evenings. - ood - Telephone 723-2631 for further details, | Ce © Sp FEEORE 728-4997. partly furnished, oil heated, ntral ie hot water heating, near 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: Ajax, | ~~ g WE SHARPEN AND RENT order ENGLISH woman in Oshawa wishes to, home, suit two friends, beds, first LL | a ALMOST EVERYTHING Professional ana Business Wstings | meet friends, who would like to gather| Oshawa Shopping Comre. Monday and| fond, lunches rac Joo bt mgd toe "park paatession. Telephone 725-6184 or 728- THREE-ROOM self-contained WILSON and BURROWS, 5, Chartered | MOVING ! Gi Us A C i $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily for weekly whist in her home. ole Tuesday, during store hours. . Apply 81 Park Road South. opment with builtin S UPhoaras ond and hath. Accountants, 314 Simcoe Street South, ive Us all ~-- Each additional fine $1.60 per |(Phone 725-7824. NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50 and more | pusn pu orl == 25--A & Flats for Reat|particulars, 7250185 for further Sshaua Ron ve Co. Ta @) CALL AN'S month, TOBACCO ELIMINATOR -- Scientific y flv gy Rares inate. Deda: amen disiriels heme j ag Apts. &: Flats for Re:n ste E © md Barend, Oh TE Coch ita ter aoreviton, | iarnieed remedy lor caret a: {3hubls Cr card, Ss, orn 10 nil Shere Satked Apps 19 Me [FOUR - WOON apariment ushisisied TNOSEDROCN spurimerts 85 snd BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | G $ and ¢ sign, figure. counts as © ction. e ve C: : . "jt |Gregor Street or 725-6721. ath, close to bus, a 3 , laundry fa h \ % . |page, full-color catalogue makes ities, broadloom, 151 Bond ret Wes. siosr, es. CITY CARTA E [ome 3204 m i tran Tracal Corn Ltd. Box 88, Station B, |easy to gel plenty of orders. No pe REIVATE home, near South General Ee rte, EHS of APY phone 728- 7552 Wn. Flake Reale ass) vertisements Send no money rite| Motors, bus service, TV privilege a lide ee Hamilton, Ont. {nee necessary pi Kes, ex. eer must be in by 5 p.m the day be- - or samples, on approval, of love [cellent cooking, parking I $15 a Lt ALE, FRIEDLA DER. HUNTER| 725-2621 | fore pt except Births, WANTED -- ride to o Toronto, grr tod $Y for su cards and free catalogue pho! 28-0864, main floor, private entrance, refriger- bre ONTHLY | for half } house ¢ or sr three. and Co. Accountants and en | Memoriams Cords ef Thanks 'which | vicinity of Commissioners and Cherry monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, 47 East oi Yon ator, stove, TV and telephone outlets,|700™8. North Oshawa. Abstainers, ne Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 {Money to Loon will be occepted until 9 am. Streets; leaving Oshawa at, 6.45. Cail Ave, Hamilton. "iRoom sj boa vain x7 enchs newly decorated. Close 728 | phone 723-2446. iad King Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Vale, Jressmaking | CLIENTS" money fo loan on first mort.|| Deadline for Lost end Founa and ||728-2531 [EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Ap-packed, have TV. lounge. Telep! Hp PERN roi CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm., CP. Mortgage and agreement of sale|| Conceligtions 8:30 a.m. Office plv Rose Bowl Grill, 24 Bond Street 0078 * |arovsn fI00F Seif conta ro : oct ce oil Montrave Avenue, all conveniences, LADIES of Oshawa and vicinity the Ease NHA mortgage arranged.|| Hours: Daily 8-5, Soturday 8 - | = Ww t, Oshawa wr rtment. fall is here. Check your wardrobe. Do Purchased. » REGULA | 1ONS-- ECTROLYSIS est, Oshawa, ROSSLAND and Simcoe area, room and early D op 3 - be e y Auto Parts not delay until the real cold woather. Creighton, Fraser, Dryuan; 858 BW: | RECA a Vines will not 'be EL WIGHEST wages, housekeeper, 25 to board, good bed and food, lunches pack: heated "id TOI or 720-0007, bedroom apartment on ig Bog KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- Take a 9 Sa pits, coals: 2nd dresses tor errors in advertise 40, doctors hot, with ve schon age ed I de; sired, lavdry dole, Allevision, jest ar Trg Wah 725-9341 teed, automotive parts and acces=o.|to H. S 7 ce Stre 8 ments submitted otherwise thon in || R f fl h children. Must live in. North-west To-|parking. Apply arnegie Avenue *85 Va-ton $460. May INISHED vacant thea e 0 J i p tfodel emoval of superfluous hair, " $55 FUR h ries. 145 King Street West. Oshawa. and 1 is Hid me ga] MONIES AVAILABLE writing, nor for more than one Moric Murduff Ib ' rontp, Tecent feferences, Selephione sol.) ROOM and board for working girl in|'ce" At 1036 Cedar Street South. |n..teq apartment, he. ly bath, close 123.1607.8.9. Five bays to serve you. make suits, coats, slacks and skirts| incorrect insertion of eny adver arie urdu wi e In lect Times, vw {private home, near north General [FURNISHED -- -- three.rsom apartment,!to buses and south General Motors, | To Buy tisement, nor beyond the orice awa Tim Motors and Hospital. Home cooked | close to Shopping Centre, all conveni-|725 fter 7. : Oshawa, Oct. 17th and 18th. X |from your or my material at very rea- " WH " re Barristers sonable prices. I am wel] known in Osh- chorged tur © single insertion of EARN $23 weekly plus a free meals. Telephone 725-644 |ences. Suitable for quiet counle Avail en : P a - OOM apartment $18 per week, re awa. H. Sheriff, Ladies and Gent | Agreements, Mortgages, [| the advertisement in which error || Phone Genosha Hotel on these [wardrobe in your spare time, Just | kooM and hoard for one" Eentls ble October 1. Telephone 725.3777. __ [IV IOON, Apartment "pe week, lor, 37 Prince Street (upstairs). Tele- occurs. And also reserve the right show Fashion Frocks to friends. N; French cooking, lunches packed, park. $65. CLEAN, three.room apartment, outlet, child "phone 728. Invincible Investments. to classify advertising according to dates for appointment. vestment, canvassing, experience Bee. ing, Jaundry Hone 100 Pr ie [heavy wiring, private ot Ph Kitch. | 725-6648 children welcome. Telephone its own classification . essary, Write North American Fashion | 7.¢" meq en cupboards, priya . SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici. DRESSMAKING and alterations on Telephone Z. T. SALMERS ' | ertne- | 3--Pets & Livestock Frocks, Ltd, 1425 Industria] Blvd, x FOUR - room apartment, self ZT. SALMERS i ladies' and childen's wear. Reasonable P in the cuse of display edvarth Dept. 1 3781, Montreal 39. ROOM and board for gentleman, clove | hundry facilities, park 7. private entrance, three-piece contained, tor. ete. 13% Simcoe Street North. A sod ments The Times will not be hela i m RATE Office 723-1101; Residence 725.5342. |rates. Telephone 728-8666 723-1101 responsible for more spoce ihar FOUR month old black American w-- to Malleable, Pedlars and Duplate, six| THREE unfurnished room vate en- Ne Cid Albert Street or telephone 728. DRE S made to measure, all kinds tuol Cocker Spaniel, male, champion sired days per week, Telephone 723-2625 any-|trance, $60 monthly gy heat, RICHARD H. DONALD. BA. Barrister, DRIZSEES MACE 70 Traziin: fo aren's that in which the actuol error fi oq" igiered. Telephone WH 2-64 [time [lights and water. Aduits only. Te Solicitor. Notary Public. 52% Simcoe © TO orl ad Mrs. Marshall 723- occupies. The publishers endeavour - ua 4 ecretar hie | 725.9123 ater 5. 8 rooms with bath, heat: , storms, North, 728-2891, Res. 728-2765. wear, asonable. ) Ma 2 | MONIES FOR to reproduce all advertising matter || PART SPRINGER Spaniel pups, six | {LARGE room on main floor with pri-| ee blinds, tile :. water, 2 TROREY. 5a Barat | t... correctly but assumes no liability | weeks old, males, $4 and females, $2,| te entrance. Two girls preferred, [BACHELOR and three.room apartment, rds, share laundry fa. Soficitoy. | Notary Public, 36% King [ALTE NS and dressmaking. Tele- | MORTGAGES ot advertisement are contained | Telephone 728-1087 for further detalls. | We require o secretary for a Er if desired. Telephone 725.0744 private, three piece bath. refrigerator, ellities, garage, yard. Vacant. 45 Divi Street East 728-2381 Res. YU | phone 7 | : : it ony inaccuracies in ony form RMAN Shepherd puppies, female, large Icoal office to begin im- {for further details, Egg gr Fd + FEAT EONDLE, Barter So| | Monies avoilable on First therein. (314 months old, father registered, $20 mediately or as soon as |SINGLE room and board or could be) |725-3352. citor and Notary Public. 26% King Fuel and Wood | these lovely dogs. Tele shared, close to Four Corners, gentle. | Sem a -- -- {two bedroom apartments, new o buys one of ubiic. d bi: Morigages ot 7% per annum [phone 723-4779, possible. 5-day week, insure [men preferred. Telephone 725-5365, | MONTHLY and up two-bedroom ment buildings, all conveniences, beau. Street East. Phone 728-1763. FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suit. without bonus, - ance and health benefits, ™ apartment, fully equipped, decorated to Siuly | decorated, centrally located. 725- a ern . TLE ble: for 'stoves. froplaces: farnacest Monies olso ovoiloble - on | BEAUTIFUL baby budgie ready for $16 PER WEEK, two gentlemen or #irl [your choice, free. washer and drver |6674 728.5289. y 'ocs MURPHY. BA. Pini Telerhone 72 35 I Cpr |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs | Hours can be arranged to willing to share. Single beds, TV and |ocker space. paved parking. . 6 King Street Tel 2 Second Mortgages. NEW BUSINESS Broad, i14 Eigin street East suit special cases where ap- (laundry. Central, Telephone 7359087 ca, 7s id Ta pe Loe Safaraished apartment Ontario, 758: aki 5 sorpis and stove ofl. constant metered) Mortgages and Agreements [GERMAN Shepherd puppies for sale,| plicant exceptionally quali i rh ahoeh. private entrance and bath, I g mma, : ' : , a ) . JOHN A. CAMERON. Barrister. Solici for Sale purchased. Unlisted Numbers | registered, Jo Brea Kennels, Picker fied. Please do not apply i oor, parking facilities, bus at 3) 9592. dence 728.0264 $59 MONTHLY and up, modern one of rie i 22--Store Space e & y es |; ment, se tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street 720-872 NTE | - Cc ng. Telephone WH 2.1607 for furth grage self.contain | door, large yard, on King Strect East. East. 723-2260. NHA and private M. F. SWARTZ | lem . oF TIE] unless you have had several [STORE or office for rent, 12 Prince |®d. refrigerator and _stol : PLAS ne Telephone XS593% mortgages arranged. : { -- nC chort | Street, west side near King. November trance, parking (facilities, near shop. TWO-ROOMED apartment. le N. QC, Barrister, Soli- Short term and Builders' Mort- VALLEY CREEK BLUE TICK and Beagle pups for sale,| Y€Ors experience in shor 1 or sooner. Telephone 728-8175 ping centre. Adults only. Apply 117|0 N ent, completely LOUIS 5. HYMAN. Q + Barrister, King gages at reasoncble rates. FURNITURE seven Jyeeks oll, Father and mother hand and typing. A capacity STORE aes -- downio hs | Montrave DR a : ih . yon I e 728.6700 ng - downtown Os , - S id TLS, Mortdede monies Furnace cleaned every 26)2 King St. East ur KING W.* SEMAN J is or to Gyuime = 3p nsibitiy end Jvailable immadiately, 1.20 sy cupboards, i wiring, three in cilities, TV Arcana, parking and fall avaliable --Furnac ean ' } GERMAD inter. et thro . t. Ar . se one. yal Oshawa, Ontario oie Year old. Purebred MuGisitrer to. oi ngs through i of - fect Apply 50 Simeoe Street North. g Centre, park-|725.1588. 137 Elgin East ners, dort | " : Shop; i | veor ' Next to Western Tire le for sale. Telephone 728.1358. special importance. Please OFFICE space for rent, 14' x 24, onthly, Adults, 725-6117. I New n MUST SEE to appreciate! New m: GREER. Associate Barristers and Soli --'Round the Clock" 24-hr, - i Ampl i EE Ee ENE tors. 130 Kine Street East. | burner service Registered Under Mortgage 728-4401 FOURTEEN colonies of bees and equip-| ndicote salary expected, West. 35000 ir 5. 1 Pond Street FURNISHED . apartment and single | apartment, five large rooms, wall to Mortage loans available. mer service Brokers' Registered Act. We buy, sell, exchange used [ment for sale. Telephone Mr. Cutting, APPLY BOX 508 rooms, private entrance, wall broadloom, colored bath, beauties SORALD FLARE _DODW, Barater| ~--Automaiic delivery United furniture, washers, TV, radios [RR 3 Bowmanville, 725.7580 for further OSHAWA TIMES 23--Wanted to Rent er ge iny vemos. ADV) 98 folly Securaied, 31 oovvenienes suorts --It's "White Rose" Unifie : Arinig particulars. | ---- Centre Street. lent location. 728.5282. nd Solicitor, 261 King Street East It's | | Mort, ages and so forth at prices to to = or co Shisha ARS ee RET Telephone: Business 723-2201, Resi Fuel Oil E 'gag at anvone.in the er P | BEAUTIFUL female Seal Point Siam: | |WANTED -- one boat trailer, capacity| PARK LANE Apartments, Oshawa's| THREE-ROOM dence 728-5373 | WEST ERN Ol co FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ar. Y! 4d ese, seven months old, vaccinated and 7 to 8 hundred pounds. Telephone finest, two bedroom suite, elevator ser-|frigerator, reasonable rent, to quiet JOSEPH P_ MANGAN, QC. Barrister.) »s i. 5 ranged. hd Scliatam ans, Mortgage Bro- of pedigreed stock. $35. Call 728-4645. USE THE 728.0987, Cali Don Howe couple or widow. On bus line, 137 Solicitor Money to oan. Office 1414 / 725-1212 Jundas West, MO 8-3338. - - |BEAGLE puppy, female, eight weeks 2 H " evenings, Huron, 725-5260. Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. FIRST and second mortgages. Sale| TV . Radio Repairs lold, $10. Not registered. Telephone 4--Houses for Rent ONE . bedroom apartment, completely |TWO-ROOM ( dence 725-3405 Food Freezer Services agreements purchased and sold. Hen. 728-8700 for information. TPE decorated, range, refrigerator, TV out- [ANNING ¥_SWARTZ and RONALD glck i Hennick, Barristers, 31 King SPANIEL pup wanted, Pedigree ot | OSHAWA TIMES ONE five. oom brick house, newly dee. let, free washer, dryer and parking. G " Street East, 723-7232. ik e | + ON ved road, one mile west Centrally located. Apply 349 Frontenac L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Saticitors, No | sai T V TO ERS required. Good home. Call 725.2239. | of Columbus. close to school, bus. Apply Lt taries. Money to loan. Henry oko} HOMARKET [moxTGaGE | loans, Bowmanville, Osh. «Ve W ORE SPANIEL Golden. view} T. R. Hall, Saturday morning, Avenue. THREE clean, unfurnished rooms, u 261% King Street Fast. 723-4697. Block awa itby, Ajax, Pickering and vi. 1 | NS ST So ' 3 } ee | THREE nicely ly furnished ro rooms, pms, base- per duplex, kitchen cupboards, hog d 4029. | cinity. Residential, acreage apart: 361 GIBBO . American, six weeks old, female, IN OSHAWA -- seven-room house. rt t, hot ter heating, . ence, Dial 723- r , Phone 728-8038 for further inf ti Could b . |ment apartment, hot water »| water, ample parking. Ideal for couple, JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA. LLB FOOD & FREEZER CO. | + business Members of Ontario 728-8180 ae or further information. bg e sublet. Close to shopping, private entrance. all facilities. Couple $55 monthly. . Telephone 728-8283 is nd Notary Pub. age Brokers Association. Sum. Te : PUPPIES -- seven weeks old. register us .and schools, ~Parkine facilities. | preferred, $55 monthly. Apply 478 Park i HL a Barrister and Solicitor a Red and Blue Brand Meat |merland Securities Limited. 112 Simcoe erms. Open evenings. ed Dachshunds. = Also, two seven | Telerhone CO 32413 for information. |Road South. N apart. -- |ment, private bathroom, ground floor, lic. The Commercial Building. 285 King 5 ta Street North, Osh Phone 725- : v Th ra West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking | 0 All Nome Brond' Street Noms, Oshawa Phone 725-3568 OSHAWA T.V. od Ss Shepherds. Tele. COLUMNS sis FIVE ROO ive torey Jone, T ROOM (Ta go) spariment; all conveniences, Ideal for couple, 34h pi ET mn aroceries. Tov |NURSING HOMES Free Survey Crescent. mals Sloe ey Oren fie Elizabeth Stree! 8106. GR as eT 123 BROCK N., WHI N Nursing Home = Ae ond Estimates. 4--Market Basket SIX-ROOM bungalow, 'hree bedrooms, vate entrance, newly decorated. Tele- nen pare, rooms po TL os "#01 King ete., 7% Simcoe Street South. |SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home ~ Ae- Residence phones: IMO 8.5875--MQO 8-5876 |commodation for private and semi. FOR SALE 300 wheat straw bales. 17 Male Help Wanted decorated thoughout, privale driveway, phone 728. for | using) gu ouple, "A an Street Easf lore . Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368: Ter- | private patients, lounge TV. Fully i- Telephone Mr. Steve Kichak. MO 83864 | y ly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. _ |censed, new building, modern. Visitors SA SON: ET ------ South). Apply 510 Dieppe Avenue. ence V. Kelly : |Furniture Repair EE a TE hy a M APPLES -- MacIntosh, Courtland, De. NEED full or parttime men to service oor a a MODERN, QUIET UTILTIES paid, RTE unfur, McGIBEON and BASTEDO, Barristers, - -- | Newcastle 4441 liclous and Spys. Glenosha Farms, |Watkin's route. Must be willing to} e ne, a nished apartment, private bath and ene Solicitors. Clients' funds available for [FURNITURE repairs, refinishing, and Ycweastle 4341. io Mg Ty Tork, For appointment, telephone 728. Set Heights, $105 monthly. immediate 2-BEDROOM trance, heavy duty wiring, Oshaw: first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. [French polishing. Our specialty anti. REGISTERED accommodation for TV TOWERS eet plepie 725-6089 for |, |possession. Hyman Realtor. 728-6286. Bla, " South, Reasonable. "Telephone 725-3566, Charles C. McGibbon, C; | ques. Satisfaction guaranteed. 728-6451.) ladies, on ground floor, at Lyntonhurst BARI ar rg NED eho oF Five oir op {BARGAIN $85 "monthly, nice seven- APARTMENT ar F. Bastedo, QC. G d d 5 hi | Rest Home. Telephone Orono 1308. Antenna Installations tach Orenars if c per basket, | o% prentice for downtown garage, Chance [roomed house, newly decorated, cen. WR Fever ee ood HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL. ar. ening an upplies ' ¥ for advancement for right person. Ap-|tral location, oil heated, Children wel- od, private bathroom, stove. Al MAN, Barristers, Solicitors: R. smm-- "-- Nursing Services Len & Lou S T.V. us Wine east side of Highway ply John's Garage, 226 Celina Street. come. For appointment 728-1203. Se Foi OO SE Drew Street or dial Humphreys, QC; G. S. Bovchyn, BA: 1 TER PAN Day Nurs 725-7844 728-580 i § SIX-ROOM two-storey house, Rossland its only or wi | "|6 p.m. : r E ery, all or half - or - 4 YOUNG boy wanted for delivery. Good | y 2 Ey Alman, ns ss Rin Street LANDSCAPING 8:30 to 5:30 at 581 Sifcoe North, |EOTATOES, large quantity. fresh, dug| OLY and good tips. Meals supplied, Bont Simcoe area. Telephone| over 12. Apply at Apt. No. 2 NEW two-bedroom apartments, electrie 25-46 Vh 725-5203 i iobs i 728-2604. sale and retail. Reasonable. Apply 114|AP 1v Town and Country Restaurant, |725- in some building. cally 425-4604 or Whitby, MO 3-2761; 725. All kinds cf jobs in the = SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT |iiiles west of Brooklin on No. P High. | 15 Bond Street East. i {HOUSE for rent at 490 Bloor Street washer and dryer, $90 monthly, Alse Money to loan. | arden --- phon | SCIFC Day Ni i mae---- r --- phone | ay Nursery now In oper IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! way. Fred Buldyke. OCAL fi ff ires young | East with hot water tank and oil heat bachelor apartment, $75 monthly, FREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and | | ation. Official opening in September. : | L L finance office requires young © Apply 76 Harris Avenue for further WANTED Paved parking Apply 213 Montrave Cc 28-2 man, aged 22 . 28, Single preferred. | a MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| ENNISKILLEN al] 728-2412 for interview. T.V. and RADIO TOMATOES. Pick your. own and Brin 20d starting salary, Excellent op.|jarticulars Avenue, Apartment 1. tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg i , 723-3346; T. K.| GREENHOUSES x C LL 7 8 5 86 Thornton R South. portunity for advancement. All com- THREE-BEDROOM storey and half a THREE-ROOM, ma arnished 5 Simcoe street North, 723-3346 | Optometrists A 2 ¥ 2 rnton Road South. first prod ay Mvancement oO so (THREESEDROON storey aud Taf 1 or 2 BEDROOM THREEROOM, _ completely furnished Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser. QC: G th of Hydro sub-station (west side) ; Broman Go 1. Murdoch: NHA mort CO 3-2263 CH, TUCK. BO, Optometrist, Please All. Work Gararteed 5 Xr substation (west side 2-4020. _|out. Vacant November 1. 320 Farewell APARTMENT let, use of automatic washer and dryer, gages arranged. cherie pay accounts at downtown Dominion OSHAWA ee S--Farmers Column | or dial 725-7938. is SE ' reasonable rent, central, Telephone | . | Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam. FOUR-ROOM ho lable October OSHAWA [ined at home. Dial 725-4587 ELECTRONICS APPLES, $1 up. Bring containers, REPRESENTATIVE 1._Near south General iy rl In modern apartment block THREE-ROOM basement apartment, ACME HAULAGE _ RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- please. Algoma Orchards, Thickson ent to buses and schools, reasonable Business Couple Nov. 1st reasonable rent, including bath, hydre ' dh the examination of eyes, contact | Road North, % North of Taunton Road. REQUI RED rent. Telephone 728-6376. and water, Available September 30, L. SCHAPELHOUMAN LTD lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | f, | d ice to [5% MONTHLY includes heat, hydro, PHONE 723-3244 Call 725-7418. $7 : | Evenings by appointment, 723-4191. Phone collect Hampton, COlfax 3.2721.| 1OF Sales and service to | for fi Adel ed ROOM basement apartment, COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING { GRAVEL--STONE | i water for five room semi-detache T -] asement apartment, Bookkeeping business couple preferred, central lo | Paints 3D 0 -- Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115.| clients in Oshawo, Whit- [brick stucco house, Telephone 728-8587 : tral SERVICE, INCOME TAX {Painting an ecorating Because we give -- Tor MONEY for dead and disabled by, Ajax and Bowman- [lor further particulars. UPPER DUPLEX Thvenis Lyme ey one RETURNS. |VAN HORN DECORATING. Paper Real S Fast arm stock. R. Vivian, Markham. 1160J, _. THREE bedroom bungalow in Whitby, Al x hanging, interior and exterior painting. SAME DAY os collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. ville areas by large and {yin rent or sell, 216 years old, nicely 2 BEDR MS ) four-room parte T Free estimates, Alan Van Horn. Tele- ' i) i i i i . [landscaped lot. Telephone MO 82343 ment in nice quiet new home, an Foon. 686 OSLER STREET 723-3528 Free extimates, Al Efficient 8 Hunting influential financial or 00 3 izati anytime, L livi ti veniences. Private entrance, Bear bus, 725-995 er---- SAVE MONEY ! mem mic ganization. FOUR - bed . ah arge living room, continu- [R: rent, adults, DEER hunting November 6. 18. Duck edroom home, farce carl 'ous. hot water, bamboo 725-9297. | DODD ER Experience and Partridge, September 23, Novem. Substantial Salary and Pen- |hcating, immediate possession, fit | HARDSAND sano SZ souuLR SATISFIED ! ber 16. Cottage or lodge accommoda.| sion, Group Insurance and dren welcome, $75 per omh Call! .dropes, etc. THREE-BOUM apartment, unfurnished, ouglas L. Gower, Realtor. 728-4651. EAR private entrance, three-piece bath, te le- vision outlet, parking facilities, close south General Motors, Telephone 723. | tion, 16 miles north Sharbot Lake i ; ck and Se. LANDSCAPING CONTRACTORS DRIVE IN and SAVE Bob Wedden, MI-JO Camp, RR 1 Clar: hisdiis Bivin opin FREE rent in return for, board for ied : : ubes checked, ass an endon. -» ' . father and two-year-old son. Write giv- Peter Wolters. MO 8.0204 Fall Sale of Mursery Stock. Painting, Paperhanging tuner clecned, sot 3 tor ond Write Box 512 for interview, ing as many particulars as possible to WILSON & KING a CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork Eve for eens, Trees, Shrubs, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, " . 9--Summer Properties stating age, education ond |Box 409, Oshawa Times, FREE rent one month, heated, modern picture ! P g 0ge, thre Kitchenett d bath ing, all floor coverings Free estimates Bulb Spray Painting. 4 # S 1 R St experience HOUS two-storey, reasonable rent, 725-9661 ree Joong, ss one le an ath. W or dale or Rent pa p . Will "rent asher - $60. MA 3-599 h fuarantocd 728.0950 @) ? located at 336 Drew Street. as! RIPE Calin sora. Tooling | 795.1721 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY A TOWER LOWER BUCKHORN. 67 miles from Be A Drew Stel Abot. "63 King Street West, Bowman ea estroughing, chimneys. fireplaces, | 55 GLOVER RD, DAYS MO 8-5231 Dshaw. three bedrooms, inside con- awa Boulevard South. sidewalks, stoops. 728.0394, Gordon dos NIGHTS 725-7426 TRY us | venicnces, furnished, private. Reason. [GUARANTEED LIGHTING FOR RENT -- adults only, new furnish- WANT SOMETHING SELF-CONTAINED four - room preven Jide . A able for cash. Phone 725-7437. Immediate opening available ed bungalow at Newcastle for winter BET TER? ished. apastinent i Deavy. Yin YOUR Iocal chimney cieaner Chim | R KNOWLTON Personal Service Moving antenna? Same doy? [COTTAGE on Mitchell Lake, Trent| with exclusive territory for [months onlv. Require low rent to cover Her Is Your Answer Telephone oy ple, neys built and repaired, gas linings in Robbubuhihuhd item -------- Repairs? As geod as new? [Canal System, 58 miles from Oshawa, erienced salesman to call expenses. Telephone Newcastle 3631. 'stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti LANDSCAPING SERVICE exper i mates. 723-2997 HOMEOWNERS! Beautify and increase. 10p soil and sod. Repairing the value of your home with Reynold's ond lewn maintenance patio Aluminum Siding and Colenial Stone and sidewalk slabs. 3 - i modern apart- Ww = TRY © TRIO TELEVISION [or Toe Se er ol oo hom. wale. reotany (CO2¥ Togtioum Syptaivw pit gamatc| | Five, foure_ioodevy Perr: SEWER Susaied Jose Fouts seats BAR-B- QUED CHICKEN 171 BOND EAST ghildren. Treed lot, ng Can bel ants, offices, schools, hospi |s70. Telephone 723.7244. | oll large rooms, stove, frig., [North GM. Reulta. 725.7005, wiring, 728-6781 DONT do it yourself Let one of the| 101 foctories, etc. Highest |si0 --SIX-ROOM house, 91 Nassau| paved porking, washer ond | EonNishED room and small Kitchen Eliminate painting forever. As low as with french fries, fish and experts listed under "Business Serv.| Commissions poid weekly on Siest To 728.9210 atten si. Telephone dryer. with refrigerator and stove, central, 85 Yo oral Home Construc- 725 6047 ¢hips, hamburgs, hot dogs, TV--Rentals lees in Giassitied do it for you. Check olf orders received plo ful FEFOTH Tassiors Rr nT $100 MONTHLY Tetepone TE3184 97 Park Road North, 5 np ry, fe garage. Vacant. Commercial location, 725-9191 MODERN two-bedroom apartment, re. | | | -- milk shakes SPECIALIZING in roofing and re A ONE | psol_ business. We oie the Kig Street West ; 6 frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, ample | Chicken plate, half chicken irs. Also all type home remodeling Purchase your de-humidifier |1T1--Arti for Rent Free estimates "Phone Harey 723 2413 NUMBER ONE MODERN GRILL - rticles leaders in the field. Mana- [able tenant. W. McAuley Realtor, parking, close to Shopping Centre. 283 $10 down -- $7 per month, timate on' digging basements ger ready to interview you Brine Street, 7313512 of MO #3785 Ma DERN 2 BEDROOM Montrave. Telephone 725-8769. WE DELIVER---725-3887 Remove the dompness from ing by bulldozer. MO 8.3612. SICKROOM EQUIPMENT N h 1 TWO-BEDROOM bungalow on Huron $55 MONTHLY -- thre Casson « -- your basement. Rent a tele- now. 0 cas investment, . lv d ted, 55 e-room ba | TOP SOIL Plumbing Heating Your Dosement. Sx a tele. | FORRENT OR FORSALE | Cor necessary Flor wor, Sizes wih saute, sews. severated APARTMENTS Lr DRIVEWAYS 6-YD. LOAD-- 48.00 \G and heating supplies.| from, Hospital beds, wheel chairs, time occupation. Write Cer- [6959 after 5 p.m. for further particu-| prop washer ond dryer, wall [Steet Apartment 1 of telephone 728 available October 1. Apply 67 Gibb lars. 10-YD- LOAD--$12.00 2: od Stark invalid ~ walkers, bedsides, tified Electric = Company, to wall broadioom. Paved 8180. First-Closs. Workmanship » Plumbing, heating and engineer. MEAGHER"S commodes, crutches and Dundas, Ontario. wW parking. Close to Simcoe St. MARINA apartments, 281 Simcoe South, be bhi SOUTH OSHAWA Apply Supt. Apt. 14 Kitchen, bed-sitting room, three-piece Guoranteed - Reasonable Prices 723-3 ] 62 Ei DB . Sor AT 5 King St. W. 723-3425 canes, also ' roll-gwoy beds NEW BEDROOM ; bath, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, 20 AVENUE ST. | d d 1 terial : and slenderizing machines, ' ; UNITED Tates, Estimates Tree, Dat 7 728-6931. J. | Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, EATON'S IN J menttiy. Taw | Mina.-Diaai fr - - PAVING CO. | LOAM-GRAVEL fis. "770 = 777 7 Well Drilling Digging | 75's OSHAWA BUNGALOW Bi Eads 728-4801 | SAND, FILL, TOP soIL | BEATTY APPLIANCES W. WARD 12--Articles Wanted Reaui Vicinity of Schools } &2 BEDROOM at, : ; HOME OWNERS | LOTS LEVELLED Ber "E550 PUPS. WELL DIGGING b: A Iv Sue. $95 MONTHLY 3 APARTMENTS ED or unfurnished basement E RACTOR, LOADER WORK | oil burners, hot woter ond MACHINE y SHAW Fu y Experienced apartment, self-contained, newly deco. | Also \ : . Roofing, asphalt» flor. Ressonable Routes | forced air furnaces, bathroom SPECIALIZING IN 30" Tite | UTO WRECKING CO. MEN'S CLOTHING 2 BEDROOM A PALLY Court £53 moni, puking space. 'Telpaons Chimneys -- cleared, rebuilt, ki h rey pg iy DIAL 725-2156 fixtures, parts and service, WHITBY, ONTARIO Wants cars tor wrecking. |" SALESMAN 725-3815 TWO heated apartments, second and PARTNER MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 | Ports for sale, also scrap iron APARTMENT Y third floor, private entrance. Apply 74 Eavestroughs -- cleaned, lh 3 ! ; ' | Instruction | PLUMBING AND HEATING and metals, etc. bought. or 728-6485 Shird Sh nivate enix revgired PRIVATE teacher, student counseilor,| ORONO 1782 Day or Night 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. APPLY: PERSONNEL OFFICE ADELAIDE AND PARK eg inh dg Woater-prooting -- interior, |g", NO" 10 in WR gg P.O. BOX 329 Open Saturday all doy. Phone 95 MONTHLY eT -------- Seer nel ow, Fis Rug and Upholstery | 725.2311 89 BLOOR E. | 7.EATONCO.LTD. | $95 MONTHL Available Now [ism fue in pris" some, TY Oe Tea, SI Shs je ax Hae MARSH Daneing School, CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and| Guaranteed Water Oshawa 1 Shopping Centre Telephone 728. 5282 Large three-room apartment. cluded in rent. at. Apply 17 Elena Avenue, Batic. Friday ana' Si WANTED 'Frig. heavy duty stove, pri- |EGUL-ROOM apariment. ai copven Masonic torial for recovering. Dalton Upholster- 728-0344 Temple, Centre Street 53. |ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. under contract : th. $7 thi ree, A 168 LORRAINE School 'of Hawaiian Music. cHESTERFIELDS I SecoveEea]. We guaranice io: btein. water SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Vote bo : $70.00 monthly, iB Ter Bos. AND FEATHER TICKS Dial 725-5433 or . Play in Hawaiian style, guitar, acces: jive new. Why pay more? Our rates FOR ALL YOUR sorics supplied. Call 728-8310, are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. or there will be no charge. i. TURNEK 725-2267 BUILDING NEEDS Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery on H SAGUENAY. / [Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725- ulton Weil Drillin 723-2043 - 723-3374 CONTACT LEARN TO DRIVE [& Fulton Weil Drilling wa IS REQUIRED for well situated NOW RENTING APARTMENTS A. JAMES ALLEN at the = fcr TERFIELDS and oid chairs re.. HAMPTON CO 3-2790 5 A : : Frotesional nitrites [8 Mote' Unboering, 43 'Simeos| |13--Business Opportunities Service Station in Oshawa. Bachelor CALL 723-2563 Buildin I {South "Call 728.6451, free estimate. 9 Dual Coniralied Cans OSHAWA NUTRI-BIO Applicants should have $3,000 to invest and be and 2 Bedroom Apts. ns oii a Contractor Standard and Automatic [Surveyors Day ond Evening Lessons | 5oNEvAN AND FLEISHMAN, On| prepared to take a salaried training course. NIPIGON AND ELGIN CT.| pdrking. TV outlet -- For 725 6 2 728-0091 ario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue. | Be a distributor in your area. information Call 723-2563. % 1 6 -- ,--,--,-- -- ---- ku PL Ontario, Syest Ta 3022 | You are urgently needed now. Apply in writing to: Built-in china cabinet, colored Repairs Remodelling | LEARN HAIRDRESSING i ind ah zn haenae avee| WANT ADS Investigate this new oppor. P. R. MOORE ba, fig, Sve, Hoe gute FOUR ROOM 5) " mt " P, . Phone 725-6881. i ' . . { Q r ' Additions Alterations | Women wanted, greatest - THY Lo limite amie : paved porking, T.V. outlet, opportunity, better pay, plec- J q . | | gain, full or part time J SHELL OIL CO. OF CANADA paved Sorin APARTMENT Recreation Rooms sont work, te a. TN hs fen ins . al A + Look, Garages, Cottages Write: Marvel Hairdressing rakes El ren 157 | ew: ays re 496 SIMCOE ST, N., $75 . $100 Monthly Modernly equipped, self Schools. Branches. Homilton Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred) Distributor, 1563 Liveoak Kitchens Remodelled z " Drive, Port 'Credit, Ontario, OSHAWA, ONTARIO contained, stove, refrigerator, Ottawa. "Canada's National ad RADIO. car radio repairs, a 4 ' TELEPHONE g . : NHA and Custom Homes | System," Ibid emmarrenEisusness 37 MOST ANYTHING] gone Port Cred 278 or Phone 728-0667 725-1196 2-7 P.M. 262 KING E. 725-3139

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