Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1961, p. 14

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ie oe EB a aes Passenger Car Buying Rises Wii ly or -- Canadians x new cars in July, an increase. of 16.4 per cent over the same month last year, the Dominion Bufeay of Statistics reported to- hey also bought 5.799 new Syminercial al vehicles, an in- .3 per cent over the 1960 month, Retail value of the car sales was $114,405,000, up 19.2 per cent, and retail value of the commercial vehicles was $20,- 110,000, down 3.2 per cent as compared to the same month last year. Total motor vehicle sales for Jail Employees [Explosion Suits Put Appeal To Board Pe 'Together Opposing Views On McLellan Talk | SUDBURY (CP) -- A speechlthe promoters of the foreign and Kent County jail employ- been heard by the board. at Halifax last week by George|conspiracy are hard at work to ees Tuesday appealed to the| It is believed the board is) WINDSOR (CP) -- Four law McClellan, deputy commissioner|undermine ocr Canadian way of Ontario public service griev-\waiting for all available avi. suits arising from a gas explo-\of the RCMP, has sparked twolife. ance board for wage increases dence before ruling on the four|sion that killed 10 persons and|giffering views from - warring] "We commend you and the and shorter working hours. |grievances. {injured 83 others in a Metropol-| factions of the International Un-{RCMP for realizing the extreme Eleven Lambton County jaill Regulations under the Public|tan store here last October|ion of Mine, Mill and Smelter|dangers that exist in the Sud- employees at Sarnia want a new Service Act, which allows the/have been striken from the list| workers (Ind.). {bury district . . We would call wage schedule, raising the gov- grievance procedure, were Of cases to be heard at the Cur | Rrom the west coast Tuesday, on the RCMP to intensify its in- ernor's maximum salary to $6,- amended during the last ses- rent assizes of the Ontario Su-'yy. district office received de- vestigation." | 375 from $5,750; the chief turn.|sion of the legislature and, ef-/Preme Court. nunciation of the speech by al H. W. Herridge, CCF MP for key's maximum to $5,380 from fective July 31, jail employees Court officials said the action cop member of Parliament. Kootenay West, said he was $4,000 and the turnkeys' maxi. were excluded from the griev-|Will be heard together without|™ pn 0 "'c/dbiry the women's "astounded and shocked' by the mum to $4,300 from $3,700. The ance provisions. The Lambton|? Jury, possibly in January. |. viva "or roe 508 whose| McClellan speech increases would average $100 ajand Kent County grievances| Three of the claims were|\ 4. "0a odds with the na "Trade unionists regardless of year until the is/ were heard because they had Scheduled for the jury sittings i,na) executive, wrote the dep- affiliation should strongly pro- TORONTO (CP) -- Lambtonjonto and Victoria County have maximum | reached 'been pending before the excly-|@nd one for the non - jury sit- The 11 employees of the Kent County Jail at Chatham want working hours reduced to 40 hours a week from 48 | Solicitors from the two coun ties said the public service i [grievance board had no right] to hear the disputes, The coun-| ties contend that although county jail personnel are ap-| pointed by the provincial gov efnment the municipalities must pay the wages and should have the sole right of determin ng working conditions de partment has already ruled 'hat grievance has the hear dispute grievances jal Metropolitan Tor The attorney general's the board power to such Stnilat from of for remarks they made about Britain joining the Market when they employee the Commonwealth trade eer Criticize ca wen Crowded Believe Accused . On Florida Trip County ] ail | LONDON Ont. (CP) trial of Herbert K. |charged with failing to account|crowded that |for more than $1,500 to his Tor-|Must sleep in corridors, posing about Canada's attitude to ward Britain's possible parti cipation in the Furopean Common Market The two have been criticized by the Opposition in the Commons | Finance Minister Fleming (left) and Trade Minister Hees seem happy and uncon- cerned as they look over a sheaf of letters concerning Mr. Hees' speech at Accra OPPOSING VIEWS JFK, Gromyko Talking At UN Common attended con The (CP) some prisoners he is believed to be in Florida. | In its report to Mr. Justice UNITED NATIONS (AP) --|ern powers will defend their ac-!| Shutts, formerly of London,|C. D. Stewart, the jury H is what President Kennedy cess to West Berlin was ordered to appear on a|that the 100 - year - old jail was i Foreign Minister] Gromyko--"'We are firm ad- charge laid by Sunnibuilt Pre-|designed to hold 60 prisoners sromyko said about various is- vocates of the West Berlin pop-|fab Products Ltd., for which he |but holds '89 male and sues Monday and Tuesday in ulation being guaranteed the was London - area sales agent.{women prisoners at present the Un It not forward some of his sales the number of prisoners reached 120. criticized in the sion date. Car Parking Plan Case Adjourned SARNIA (CP) Hearing or a $355,000 plan to develop 21 new parking spaces in the down town area was adjourned inde finitely by the Ontario Munici pal Board Tuesday However board IR. Turnbull left the door ope Lo resumption of the hearing at 1 later date after he studied th city's submission and met | camera with lawyers appearin proposal the hear for and against the My. Turnbull said ing will be resumed If city coun cil studies the matter thoroughly and submit amended application I'he mor 5S A that city proposed of 10 $355,000 year period. Half the an |onto employer, was adjourned (2 threat to security, a Supreme nual cost was to be paid from | [Tuesday after the Crown said|Court grand jury said Tuesday. downtown parking meter rev-| half by a special assess- noted ent on property owners in a enue designated area Negligence Charge chairman two| Mid. |klasky on Victoria Street be pur-| vineial u Shutts, | dlesex County Jail 1s so over chased and developed at a cost | chased Rogers for 7%4 miles at financed during a|Speeds of 95 to 100 miles an car trans- | tings of the assizes. | The actions are for damages {for personal injuries suffered in the explosions Recently an order was |granted at Osgoode Hall in Tor- onto following an application by {the Union Gas Company of Can- {ada Limited directing that the |actions be tried together with- |out a jury. | The order also stipulated that one common examination discovery be held. Plaintiffs will have their cases stated here be ) Oct. 23 rings Jail Term CHATHAM (CP) Rogers, 35, of Fort Erie Tuesday was sentenced to one year in jail for criminal negli gence and has his driving lie ence suspended for 30 months He was charged in connectior with an accident last Nov. 25 that killed William Thomas Gra ¢ ham, 31, of Fort Erie Nn Rogers described as his friend Const, Cecil Hawke of the pro police testified he e n g hour before Rogers's {crashed head-on into a port on Highway 3 Wal The limits of the assessment owners. They said there woul property on the east side woul not be assessed. BUILD GUEST HOUS HULL, England (CP)--Fort volunteers are spending thei three area drew most protests from d d Nations General As- right to live and work under the The company claims Shutts did added that .the governor said be two lots on the west side of has | Victoria Street, but commercial d y r for Thomas *l no more whom best by popular demand |uty commissioner commending|test this interference in trade him for his views and urging|union dispute," Mr. Herridge more RCMP action. {told James Flanagan, president Mr. McClellan made several of Trail, B.C. Local 480, who for- references to the strife within warded the message to the Mine-Mill and said it is one of|Mine-Mill district office here. several unions whose leaders) Mr. Flanagan said the CCF jand policies are identified with member assured him of his sup- {the Communist movement. Not|port in Mine-Mill's fight against enough is known about what is "the steel raid." the January - July period was 321,467 units, a decrease of 4.7 per cent as compared to the 1960 like period. Total sales of Canadian and United States makes rose 21.7 per cent in July to 34,901 units. Retail value of these sales was $112,674,000, an increase of 18.5 per cent, going on in Mine-Mill, he added. | The letter sent to Mr. McClel- {lan by the local 598 auxiliary said "It is particularly evident in the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers that How To Increase | ' Your Energy Why does the busiest man need © rest than the idler? 2 What happens if you ignore | cn fatigue and push on? The secret © lies in simply applying an a 1 opener" to the deeper levels of | energy which we all possess. | @ But what is this "opener" . , . |R and how do you use it? Read the answers of famous psychol- ogist William James, > says: | "Compared to what we ought to be, we are only half awake." 22] oD =] on 0 @D = @D >! You'll find his remedy, backed 2 up by actual human experience, | » in "How Increase Your. © Energy" in October Reader's 3 Digest. Get your copy today. a B DISNEY PRODUCTIONS REGENCY PLATE Choose from a8eBa6HBHEABYBAGEEEEEBEBEBABABEBEBEBEBABEBES MORE DISNEYKINS TO COMPLETE YOUR SET these five lovely patterns at a saving of Carol, who has grown to a v social system which suits it h threatening a free cit 1d have the right The jury also lege that we are threatening a free city wou ve ri . 4 Giant Girl Asks > " : | Mr. Justice Stewart ordered from signing a so-called treaty agreements" with East Ger- | certain Western powers" often Disarmament has been served on the town of [°f reforms institutions and "to house for overseas students at concluded -- "In other words, |"'general and complete disarm-|cident which sent Carol Hare, facilities in Ontario." I churches and government grant. ment is proposing." Gromyko--The Western pow-|her home here Aug. 4. crisis in Berlin" arose from|posals if the Soviet Union ac-|because of a gland disorder, has| > German Peace Treaty There is no question of banning! money. Kennedy--'It is absurd to al- access to West Berlin . . . The -- : crowded conditions war merely to prevent the Sov-|to establish ties with. any coun- [county courthouse fet Union and East Germany|try,"" through 'appropriate D F F 1 of peace." {many on land, air and water amages orra that De Fepoit be sont to the ; 2 Gromyko ~"The leaders of communications. COLLINGWOOD (CP)--A writ|¢0unty council, the departmentispare time preparing a guest . hg % : SETH ; imi the committee which is now sit-|this Yorkshire fishing port. The pledge "a test of strength" in| Kennedy--The United States Collingwood claiming unstated " 4 : ; ung I case a German peace treaty is|proposes a new program of damages as the result of an ac. !in8 in relation to courtroom money comes from Anglican they will reply by war to the ament under effective and inter- 18, to Toronto General Hospital. | TT peace which the Soviet govern-| national control." She fell on the sidewalk near West Berlin Crisis |ers must say whether they will] C v Kennedy -- The "dangerous|accept Soviet disarmament pro- height of seven feet, six inches| threats against the freedom of] West Berlin and the West's in- terests and commitments, which | i it cannot fail. Gromyko-- 'Today. West Ber-| lin has become the hotbed of a great war danger' because of "subversive, sabotage and es-| pionage centres." It is "a cess-| pool comprising the thoroughly rotten occupation regime," West German and NATO "subversive centres" and "mobs of West German militarists and re- venge-seekers." {been in hospital since the ac- cepts their control proposals. | cident. UN Secretariat ! L Kennedy -- However difficult] Plaintiff Alfred Hare, father ... SHOP AND SAVE EVERY DAY AT... BLECOFF SUPERMARKET 383888886488 84 36308089 89698809886988643889B8888 brought into line with the actual balance of nower in the inter- national arena." Berlin Settlement Kennedy--"For a city of a people to be truly free, they must have the secure right, without economic, political or police pressure, to make their own choice and to live their t may be to fill the place of of the girl, claims the accident | Secretary - General Dag Ham. Was caused by a sidewalk in marskjold "it can better be need of repair and was due to filled by one man than three. negligence on the part of the Even the three horses of the municipality. troika did not have Hirée ariv. ers all going in different direc- " » . tions. They had only one and Drinking Minor so must the United Nations ex- ecutive." 3 Gromyko -- "The United, Na: Gets An Alibi i 5 vet been tions structure has not TORONTO (CPy~Minors who leave the province to drink can- not be convicted of violating the Ontario Liquor Control Act if po- lice find them with liquor on their breath when they return, Magistrate M. J. Cloney ruled ; 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH | | OPEN TO 10 P.M. DAILY ; S-T-R-E-T-C-H SPECIALS Your FOOD DOLLARS For Thurs., Fri. & Sal. at . . . GLECOFF'S Sept. 28th, 29th, 30th » Jo Designed and created in Birks' own silver eraftshops, Regency is Canada's finest silver plats, You will find Regency exceptionally long-lasting, even when used daily, Choose from five distinctive open-stock. patterns; all at one price REG, NOW Coffee Spoon... 100 80 Judge Rules == Concernin Hunter Rescued p10 vo 9 By Helicopter '....... CRYSTAL FALLS, Ont. (Cp)|conducting the trial of Hugh Pa- David Gardiner, 28, of North/ton and D. Hubert Cox, Toronto Bay lost in dense wet bush since businessmen charged with con- Sunday, was rescued Tuesday spiring to steal $460,000 from by a "helicopter after he was/Brandon Packers Limited, will spotted by a'search party. rule today on evidence given bv Gardiner disappeared Sunday 2 witness now in the United while on a duck hunting trip States. with a neighbor, Gerald Filia! Mr. Justice A. M. Monnin of trault, 25. Gardiner was found the Manitoba Court of Oueen's in a state of collapse, wet from|{Bench said he would rule con- two days of rain. cerning evidence given &t a pre i i. liminary hearing eallier this enced Da Ck woods farmers year by Georae A. du Casse. fought their way through bush, | formerly of Toronto and now heard Gardiner's faint cries and|living in Bethal Park, Pa. Tuesday. He dismissed a charge of drinking while a minor against Maxie Murray, 19, of Toronto after the youth testified he had been drinking during a visit to Buffalo shortly before he was ar- reste own lives. . . . established rights are to be respected." The West- "This makes a wonderful de- fence for anybody who wants to come into court and lie," Ma- gistrate Cloney said in an in- terview later. "'Obviously the of- fence must occur in Ontario for a conviction to be registered," (CP)--~The judge T00 MANY BILLS IN YOUR FUTURE 2? LJ Where there's a BILL, we have the answer with EXTRA CASH--fast! See Seaboard today! SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY 29'2 SIMCOE S. PHONE 728-6283 radioed the helicopter when| Crown counsel A. S. Dewar of they found him. Winnipeg proposed Tuesday that Gardiner said he had nothing| .. .4 because the witness now to sleep under but a jacket|: Tni x hich h jved Sunda is in the United States. Which he received Sunday morn-| ny, an Cox, chief investiga: Sie nd two sons, Mark, 6, an Commission. was the first wit- TS ness to testify directly on the five counts of conspiracy, theft, Suggests Drop {prospectus involved in the {charge against the Toronto men. He quoted extensively from on and Cox in their Toronto of- ST. CATHARINES (CP)--|fice Sept. 28, 1960. He said the Tolls on the Welland Canallinterview resulted from a Man- step towards dropping tolls on|OPeration of Brandon Packers | all Canadian waterways, Rollo|and a request for assistance J. Mainguy, new president of|from Manitoba authorities. velopment Association, said Tuesday. He told a group of St. Cath-| r= : arines area industrialist onip.| Highway 401 Link ping tolls are added charges| TORONTO (CP pi ! (CP) -- A 10-mile against all cargoes and, conse- section of Highway 401 west of | Canadian consumers and ex- by Highways Minister Cass. porters, | The new section, from High- In a sense, these charges are way 16 to Iroquois, will bring Mainguy, a retired Canadian highway to 340 miles. navy admiral, sald. "On raw| The newest section cost more materials, which make up the|than $3,600,000 and will afford they result in increased taxes|from the Kingston bypass to the on the finished product which vicinity of Upper Canada Vil are almost double the original lage on the St. Lawrence Sen the evidence be read into the ing as a birthday gift from his tof of the Ontario. Securities fraud and publication of a false Waterway Toll notes on an interview with Pa- should be abolished as the first!itoba judicial inquiry into the the Great Lakes waterways De. -. = 'Open New 10-Mile quently, a direct charge against Iroquois is to be opened Friday a form of extra taxation," Mr.|the total mileage of the super- bulk of Canadian shipments, uninterrupted travel for 94 miles charges." way. pa CHOICE QUALITY - MEAT BUYS CHICKENS us 29° FRESH MINCED Beef HAMBURG 3 1 00 BLADE ROAST "°° . 49 SHORT RIB ROAST . 55° VEAL PATTIES ™" . 43* BEEF STEW ""* 2 us 99¢ SLICED OR PIECE BEEF BOLOGNA 4 .- 1 00 BACK BACON" "" . 49° ROASTING or FRYING BIRDSEYE Reg. 65¢ HONEY DEW ORANGE ™ 29° TV DINNER ron 97% Bargains in our Drugette, Clothing, Dry Goods and Houseware Department. 25¢ VALUE FACE TOWELS 2 - 25° JUST IN! HAND TOWELS 2 -- 89° MEN'S -- 98¢ Value DRESS SOCKS 2 100 BLUE OR BLACK BOTTLE 1 ge Waterman's INK FOR 6 4 P WOODBURY -- 1.25 VALUE LARGE SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S CLOTHING NEW SHAMPOO ON DISPLAY -- (No Sales Tax) Ruse SHOP & SAVE 6-0Z. CIGARETTES STAR-LAC -- 40c OFF BREA CHRISTIE'S REG. 21¢ SHREDDED W ROBIN HOOD -- Reg. 39%¢ CAKE MIXES INSTANT POTATO MIX KRAFT -- Reg. 67c¢ CATELLI -- REG. 2 FOR 29¢ TIP TOP ' s0Lo MARGARINE SWEET ORANGES ** * IMPORTED l LETTUC WOLF RIVER OR WEALTHY APPLES AT GLECOFI'S LARGE SIZE BUTTER FIRST GRADE POWDERED MILK SUGAR GRANULATED EGGS GRADE "A" LARGE BROOKSIDE CHEESE WHIZ Macaroni Dinner ~- 2 ~ 25°¢ PORK & BEANS 6° EELS (ECETABLES § o'clock Teaspoon. Large Teaspoon. ... = 64° CARTON 3.09 wr 2.39 10 .- 83° voz. 97° 2 LOAVES 37° HEAT »< 135°* 3~ 1.00 Fevers we Se we 90% Soup Spoon, large. . Cream Soup Spoon Luncheon Fork. Dinner Fork.... Salad Fork Luncheon Knife Dinner Knife. ... aB8B88BEBLBA30BBIBEBAB390838B8383938B888 Butter Spreader, hoflow handle. ... 0-0Z. TINS 1.00 4 .. 100 Cabinets available 60-piece size, 12.00 100-piece size, 22.00 $5 MONTHLY * Seen 1 00 2 HEADS 29° 6-QT. 59° BEBEBEBEBHBEBHBEBEB888888803888848838B8B888B383488388888848938888a38 BaB834B883a9388 BASKET 27% an Table Spoon....... - Butter Spreader, flat... .. SPECIALLY PRICED: BIRKS BUDGET TERMS: $§ DOWN, SILVERSMITHS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BABABABABARABHR SRIRABARARIBABIRARARABABER 1.00 30 . 100 0 1.80 1.60 1.80 2.00 1.80 1.80 1.60 260 2.60 160 we <=] @ I) © 0 @ Ed © © @ on @ 0 © © © o © © I] : @ ig 5 & @ a [=] © © & ES : [+] =] © ° a 2 [3] & : 2 g H £ g £ £ £ g : 5 g EB £ £ £ g £ g 8 8 g £ g £ 5 g 8 H g 2 g 5 g : : £ 8 g 2 : !

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