EE B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, September 26, 1961 an- is nounced today and the wed- ding will take place on Satur- day, October 21, of Miss Ann Mink and Mr. Robert Morgan. The engagement Trousseau Tea Showers Honor Martha J. Homes Miss Martha June Homes, TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH The bride-to-be is the daugh- | boro. The ceremony is to take |The panel answered questions ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mink of Brooklin and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Scar- ~ les are to be held every Tuesday|tion of new officers will take HOUSEHOLD HINT evening beginning in the month|place on October 11 in St. John's After you have oiled your of October. iparish hall. The November|sewing machine, stitch several On Sunday, November 5 the/monthly meeting will be at the lines through a blotter to ab- auxiliary will sponsor its sec-home of Mrs. Peter Zakarow. it 5 'hat might other- ond annual dinner and get-to- i " wise spot fabrics, gether for Greek Tel) stu. Following the business meet 7 © _ dents who are attending the Ing, refreshments were served POISON IVY various high schools in the city by the hostess, Mrs. John Stez- ; GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES SUNSET HEIGHTS H AND S [ Mrs. E. K. James, president, |cise, food, dental care, proper |dox Church. Following the serv- presided et the September|sleep; a good education; sense|jce, there was a picnic for the of responsibility and achieve-|children in Darlington Provine- meeting of Sunset Heights Home and School Association. ment; a love of beauty, ial Park. The following have Mrs. S. Jackson read the re-| September 24 -October 1 is|consented to instruct in the Sun. ; If poison ivy is touched, the port of the field day. The jun-|Church and School week. Coun-| gay School during the forthcom- " Oshawa, : : Jie Mrs. Robert Sholdra had gin shoula be washed with J ior room prize was won by the|cil will be on September 26 in ing term: kindergarten, Miss _ The annual meeting and elec-icharge of the entertainment. wusehold soap or de- pupils in Mrs. Bailey's room. The senior prize was won by Mr. Larry Piurko's room. Mrs. Fred Wilson read the report of the Grade 8 party. It was an- nounced that the tea for the mothers of the pupils in Grade 1 would be held on Wednesday, September 27. Mrs. Joseph Scil- ley will be the convener. The grade mothers appointed were as follows: Kindergarten, Mrs. R. Green; Grade 1, Mrs. J. Pierce; Grade, 1 and 2, Mrs. E. Kahn; Grade 2, Mrs. G. Horne; Grades 2 and 3, Mrs. E. Shemilt; Grade 3, Mrs. S. Jackson; Grades 3 and 4, Mrs. J. Schwartz; Grade 5, Mrs. R. Greer; Grades 5 and 6, Mrs. G. Crawford; Grade 6, Mrs. W. Paterson; Grade 7, Mrs. B. Sal- Mrs. ihe form of a workshop. Anne Sabat; primary course, Tie fun fair is to be held on|Miss Carol Stezik; junior cour- October 25 Hom 210 4 fm. Sal ce; Mrs. John Stezik and Mrs. and take, home baking, sewing, Walter Kuch; islernpediate sol: cake 'walk ete, |ed course, Mrs. Boris Rechit-| ST. JOHN'S UKRAINIAN WA ski. The supply teachers will (Barvinok Branch) be Mrs. Donald Sadoway, Mrs. | The first fall meeting of the/ Walter Grigorenko and Mrs. St. John's Ukrainian Women's| Peter Zakarow. Association "Barvinok Branch" | Mrs. John Goreglad read the was held at the home of Mrs. minutes. A report on the treas- John Stezik. The Reverend yry was presented by Mrs. John Dmytro Luchak led the opening|Dutchak and Mrs. John Masie- prayer. wich. don" eames mk JIC) The president will arrange a bers back after the summer ro | uitable dzie in the month of : by {October for a social evening] cess. She also thanked the con during whi-h Doctor Elias Wa.| veners of the various pre-vaca-| nna of Toronto will show spec-| tion picnic committees. ial films of his visit to the mers; Grades 7 and 8, . : H. Cook; Grade 8, Mrs. A.| With the assistance of the Ukraine and also of the Kiev Woods. Reverend Luchak, plans were summer camp activities. Mrs. expert The principal, Mr. Lloyd Wei- derick, introduced the teachers and the panel consisting of Mrs. formuiated for the forthcoming Robert Sholdra and Mrs. Dmy- Sunday School season. The|tro Luchak will make arrange- official opening of the school|ments for the contihuance of G. Bailey, Miss G. Webber, was iield on Sunday, September/the Ukrainian dancing classes Cecil Wrigh, iin Mar. 17, with a prayer service in St.lin St. John's Hall. These class- garet Gr: , Mr. Larry | -- - - Shoe Repairing done here with... place in St. Andrew's United Church in Oshawa. --Photos by Ireland Studio Honor Retiring Charter Member At Lyceum Executive Luncheon An executive meeting of the many activities in which the whose marriage to Mr. Norman|Lyceum Club and Women's Art guest of honor had participated Albert Meptead took place on|Association was | ; : Saturday in Northminster Unit-| home of the president, Mrs. G. with the group and stated that,|South Simcoe H and S Associa-| ed Church, has been entertained|V. Barlow, Simcoe street north, while Oshawa { ° NW fon Thursday last. Included in active member and friend, the Mrs. Robert Lewis presiding. Rosslynn|the group were members of the Peterborough club would gain Mrs. Cyril Weeks read the min- Fol-|one. Mrs. Barlow then present- utes Stanley|lowing a dessert luncheon with ed a gift with best wishes and gave the treasurers report. at several pre-nuptial events. The staff of the Beauty Salon held a shower at{membership the home of Mrs. Luk ow. Refreshments wer e Mrs. Lucas Peacock, Mrs. Rob- appreciation on held at the committee. during her nearly thirty years was losing an behalf of e served by Mrs. Douglas Furey,|ert Gray and Mrs. W. P. Whit- club. Mrs. Albert Kerr, Miss Pauline |tington assisting, the president Dugas, Mrs. Alex MacDonald addressed Mrs. W. H. King. and Mrs. Stanley Lukow. Games| Mrs. King, a charter member {0 refresh the memory of the radio for the school. Introduc- were played and prizes won by of the Lyceum Club, is leaving members. : Ie Dew ea Mrs. Gordon Crawford, Miss|Oshawa in the near future to the popular Garden Tea held in|the school: Kindergarten, re Peter. June at the home of Mrs. Ewart |J- (Doreen) S Irene Heath, Miss Joan Starr. at a personal shower at home of Mrs. Ray Vincent. As- sisting in serving were Mrs. J. the future bride's mother wore operation Sheffield, Mrs. Gordon MacMil- beige S {make The bridesmaids entertained |poroy he her home in gh. Mrs. Barlow recalled lace. The bridegroom's The president read the aims and objects of the association She announced that McLaughlin, had been very suc- cessful financially, and thanked all the members for their The fall season will com- lan and Miss Julie Crossan, mother wore pure silk emerald mence October 2. a week earlier Games were played and prizes 8reen. The bride-elect wore silk than the usual meeing day on|/Home and School will be held Robert Lambert Organza over a floral sheath wore won by Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Haines. A miscellaneous shower was © held at the home of Mrs. Keith Wickens with Mrs. Jack Welch| Miss Julie Crossan, Whittington|don MacMillan, were | Small served by Mrs. Keith Wickens|Serving were Mrs. Peter Makar- member would be asked to bring Coburn won the door prize. | chuk, A cup and saucer shower was | George held at the home of Mrs. Nor-|Darman, Mrs. Neil Hood, Mrs. served by the social committee. Claude Vipond, who spoke on man Lang. Refreshments were Dennis served by Mrs. Stanley Route|was the future bride's aunt from tice of Markham, will speak on|dren". Dr. Toronto, Mrs. Edward Waugh. Art: also attended planned to have an Art Ex-| prepare children for life. and Mrs, assisting. Roy Refreshments and Mrs. William Wickens. and Mrs. Harry Kellar. A trousseau tea was held at Out of All corsages of pom hrysanthemums. In charge of the gifts Mrs Mrs. Ray were Gor- and Mrs. Vincent. Mrs. Robert Mrs. E. Russell, Reid, Mrs. tea Noonan. Pouring fown guests account of Thanksgiving. Dr. pom John E. F. Hastings of Toronto, bers were asked to note change who has recently been on a World Tour will address the club, his subject being "The Robert Challenge of Changing Patterns being held in Oshawa on Octo- in Medical Care", and each Follow- be two interested friends. ing the meeting tea will For November, Mrs. J. Cour- in November it is the home of the bride's sister,|from Toronto, Peterborough and hibition in the Library Auditor- Mrs. Dennis Noonan. To receive|Bowmanyille ~ HONORED While visiting relatives in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gunn, RR 3, Belleville, were entertained ai a dinner party at the home of their niece, Seagram's Martini-Maste i | | | VISITORS Mrs. John W Short Celina street, ir honor of their Foster golden wedding anniversary on September 20, 1961 --Oshawa Times Photo | Has Exclusive Features OSHAWA -- The unique con-| tainer in which Seagram's Gin| is sold, the Martini-Master, is| much more than just a bottle Its exclusive features make it a| handsome and useful bar acces-| sory The Martini - Master, made from antique glass with a gold- plated cap and easily-removed| label, simplifies the technique of making perfect martinis. In ad- dition, it performs valiantly as| a shaker for all cocktails. When entertaining, several shakers can be used to prepare and| store a supply of your favorite cocktails. They also add a dis- tinctive new note to dining when used to serve fruit juices iced tea and iced coffee Seagram's Gin is extra smooth and extra dry because it's aged in special oak casks to the exact golden moment of perfection This ageing process imparts a delicious dryness that results in the unsurpassable taste.of Sea gram's Gin Next time, ask for Seagram's Gin, in the Master container. exclusive Martini- ium, if it could be arranged, with Mrs. Robert Grav in charge, assised by Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin. Mrs. A. G. Brooks, of Toronto, an interesting speaker and dem- onstrator on Christmas Decora- tions, will again address the group in December. The president announced she would open her home to tho Literary Group on October 3, when the address would be on the Upper 'Canada Village. The first meeting for opera study will be at Mrs. C. D. Wright's residence, and the French class will continue to! meet on Thursday evening of each week. Ceramics were those interested | Mrs. E. C. H. Jury outlined a trip to Toronto to see a per- formance at O'Keefe Centre and a tour of the building. The final {decision was, however, left in |abeyance till the next general meeting. | The president announced that {another charter and beloved {member would soon be resign- ing to make her home in Win. nipeg: Mrs. Gay, like Mrs. King, has been very acive in the club and the organization will miss them very much. discussed for IMMENSE TELESCOPE SYDNEY (Reuters)--A new radio telescope costing $1,800,- 000 is to go into operation Oct, 31 at Parkes, New South Wales. Believed the most powerful of its kind in the world, the tele- scope weighs 1,350 tons and is as high as an 18-storey build- ing. Science Now [ Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont. (Special) -- For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and itching. Thousands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without any discomfort or inconvenience. In one hemorrhoid case after | another, "very striking improve- ment" was reported and verified by doctors' observations, * Pain was promptly relieved. And 'while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of all--this improvement was maintained in cases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough {tion was co- 2 ko and Mr. Cecil Brownson.| | concerning the rotary system,| homework in Grades 1 and 2, ac-| celeration, unit system of read- | ing, streaming and the bar and| letter system. | Mrs. James announced H and S Council meeting at E. A. Lov-| ell School, Tuesday, September | 26, in the form of a workshop. | H and S Area C conference will be held at Central Collegiate, | Saturday, October 21. SOUTH SIMCOE H AND § The first fall meeting HALF & FULL SOLES Wherever you see the sign of the Cat's Paw Cat, a shoe repair craftsman can rebuild your shoes like new with Cat-Tex scientific wonder soles. Fxtra light, extra flexible, Cat-Tex soles outwear leather by far and mean real savings. Let your shoe repairer give all your family's shoes a new lease on life with Cat-Tex. Ask for them by name! | | By the makers of famous CAT'S PAW HEELS & SOLES and CAT'S PAW TIPPS. AND, ON NEW SHOES, TOD! MORE DISNEYKINS TO COMPLETE YOUR SET of held recently with and Mrs. Elmer Ostle Mrs. Lewis introduced the new principal, who spoke brief-| lv of the plans for the school | He expressed the need for a a sn COS So A -- Pr Fe fon, Some, ed were the new teachers for Matthews; Julie Smith -- Grade 5; Mrs. M. Van Houdt -- Grades 10 and Miss Marjory Lake, Grades 3 and 4 and Mr. Edward Gra- ham -- Grade 7. The October " "an 7 = 2 9, 7 SN meeting of | on Tuesday, October 10. Mem- of date because of Thanksgiv-| ing. The Hen Area conference is ber 21 at OCCI. Mrs. Ralph W. Mrs. Richard Gifford, pro- gram chairman, introduced Dr. Chil- the to the 'Heritage for our Vipond said business of parenthood is More adults should be on the| Board of Education, who have| children. A good healthy body Dutchman Breeches DID YOU KNOW (his is the name of a wild flower with whitish blossoms that suggest miniature pantaloons ? Dutchman's Breeches is also one of the flowers in the | new Brooke Bond picture card | series: Wild Flowers of North | America. These full-color cards | are free in Red Rose and Blue | Ribbon teas and coffees. All 48 | picture cards have descriptions | of the flowers on the backs, by | artist-naturalist Roger Tory | Peterson. ANIMAL COLLECTORS: To com- plete your amimal card collection, see order form in packages con- taining Wild Flower cards. COLLECTOR'S ALBUM: Holds all 48 Wild Flower cards. 25¢ at most grocers or from: Picture | Card Dept., Brooke Bond Canada | Limited, 4305 Cote de Liesse Rd., Montreal 9, Que, WE.7 When should you arrange a car loan? through Scotia Plan--~The Bank of Nova Scotia's unique consumer lending program. What's more, you can arrange your Scotia Plan Loan before you shop for your car. This guarantees you the advantage of Scotia Plan's low rates, and lets you make your deal the moment you find the car you want. You ean also get a Scotia Plan Loan for debt consolidation, to pay medical bills, Today the automobile has become a part of our way of life, and for many people is almost as much a necessity as a comfort- Shrinks Piles SCOTIA PLAN A FEW TYPICAL EXAMPLES PER MONTH, YOU REPAY: able place to live. But a car that no longer suits your purpose can become a liability to your peace of mind as well as your pocketbook. The time to trade your car is BoRROW: OVER: $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 12 months 18 months 24 months 30 months 36 months that sufferers were able to make such statements as 'Piles have ceased to be a problem!" And | among these sufferers were a very | wide variety of hemorrhoid con=g| ditions, some of even 10 to 20 years' | standing, | All this, without the use of nar | cotics, anesthetics or astringents of any kind. The secret is a new heal- ing substance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery of a famous scientific in- stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healin injured tissue on all parts of the body. This new healing substance is offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H. Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment with special applicator. Preparation H is sold at all drug stores. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. $26.50 $60.39 $69.75 $76.00 $81.11 before operating and repairexpenses become too much of a headache. However, vou for new furniture, ete. Whether you're a Scotiabank customer or not, when you need money promptly, call at your nearest branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia. may be ready to trade in the old before Ad your savings account is ready to pay for the new. Here's the answer ! Finance your new or used car purchase easily and at low cost SrottirBANK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MORE THAN 600 OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD | SS ----r