Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Sep 1961, p. 4

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TIMES, Tussdey, September 28, 1981 FEHR of 68.33 strokes for 12 tourna- | Brooks (left) and Bill Cob- ments. Another young man, | ban, Ian Turner, pro at the South- | A Goll Pro's day is never done, says golf great Byron Nelson whose most impressive performance was an average | : view Golf Club instructs Ron No Parties For Ld Job Defined rinking Youths In Ont. County By Golf Pro ~Oshawa Times Photo. PICKERING (Staff) -- Pickering Township investi: BOWMANVILLE (Staff)-- Another aspect, pointed out by gation of a teenage drinking What constitutes a good golf the speaker, relates the role of party on the lakefront, Sunday «pre's night, resulted in two Toronto) vouths being convicted of drink- ing while minors charges by| # Magistrate Robert Dnieper in aren't court here on Monday of a fisherman when the fish by the club man biting; the skill of a Convicted were Arthur 0'Con. hundred paces; the tact of al ciation's tour got their start be- ering Township Police Depart-|, property of Mrs. Kathryn VY) = g|known at the Oct 4 meeting. nor, 132 De Grase street, and/Winning politician; and the cause of the interest generated ment and one charge of tres-| 1 ambert of Highland Creek and| 1 £4 er | Grand Knight Samanski an Richard Aitken, 178 Morse| knowledge of a masters degree|py the pro at the host club. passing laid by a Pickering was fined $10 and costs or five! nounced that the Major Degrees! street, who were fined $100 and| graduate from MIT", defined) pga (ornaments do not TOWNShip resident. days. A charge of operating a| wodlg teks piace It eterbor- costs or 15 days. : Ian Turner, golf pro" at South- spring up overnight--sponsors CHARGES manual spotlight dangerously ou) I 26, : onst. Cyril Cooper of thejview Golf Club, in addressing. to be sold. Golf has to be. Barnes pleaded guilly to the While #riving was dsimissed by Pickering Township Police De-|/{o fellow members of the Bow-| partment told the court that on|manville Kiwanis Club regular Sunday, Sept. 24 at 10 p.m. he| gino. meeting held at the Fly-| drove down the Old Rosebank]. . , road to a park where he found{\nE_ Dutchman Mote! . Mondsy several teenagers fighting Wiis B Turner said. He said that the two accuseds' My Tyme! vas Sai Mon breath smelled strongly of al-jdraw a distinction between the : cohol and that they were un- touring "pro" and "the most im- the speaker concluded: steady on their feet portant man in the game," the qysT TALK GAME t ths > "pr > Both youths admitted drinking clu pro "Every golfer likes to talk nd whiskey, he said bets 3d and 'Aitken appear- TOUR PRO KNOWN about his game and the shots he talked because the mechanisms plained--the value of holding a tournament demonstrated," Mr Prior to telling a golf story ed in court with cuts, bruises! 'Though of course, through has made. Their favorite listen- and swollen eyes sustained in|the tournaments, the touring|er just happens to be the golf the fight professional is better known, it|pro, who undoubtedly has heard Each pleaded that they were|js the club man who follows up/enough stories unsteady on their feet because ang develops the desire created! clopedia . they had been struck on the by the big boys. Fellow Kiwanians at head ta- head with a tire wrench "He is there to encourage ble were: Ronald Brooks, chair. The court learned that a third 3 C . an 18- participation, furnish the pros-! man and second vice-president; to fill an ency- member of the party 0s-| A e year-old girl, was also sum- pective player the proper equip-| Daniel Dudley; William Cob- monsed {o appear in court on a! ment, teach the fundamentals ban, bulletin editor;; Daniel similar charge at a later date. and fine points of the game, and | Mountjoy, secretary; and Doug "When you want a drinking (alk golf," Mr. Turner said las Howie party, boys, don't do it in On- - == =" Road Paved In Pontypool Fi di By MRS. H. M. RICHARDSON Edward Cain, went from the B D { It PONTYPOOI, -- A large|United Church to Pontypool Y u al crowd attended the presentation Cemetery on Wednesday after- in the LOL Hall on Friday noon. Mr, Cain was in his 89th TORONTO (CP) -- Lake Du- night in honor of Mr. and Mrs.|vear. He was an elder of fault Mines. which during the Roy Strong nee leona Mitchel.| Pontypool United Church and last four trading sessions on the They were presented with a!lived in this community all his Toronto Stock Exchange moved purse of money. life from 48 cents a share to $3 on| Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisk For the last couple of vears rumor of a rich copper strike,|yisited with John Fisk and fam- he spent the winter with his Monday reports its finding. ily, Barrie, recently. daughter, Bernice, (Mrs. George The company whose property| "Dianne Lethangue has a posi-| Vaughan) in Toronto is located in the Norbec field of [tion in the office of Robson Mo- | Quebec's Rouyn - Noranda area, l{ors. Bowmanville Safety Contest | 2 | For Uxbridge said the first hole in its current| pis Margaret Chambers is program had reached a depth of \isiting her sister in Lakefield 1,450 feet at Sept. 23 and also attended her nephew's It said sulphidies were en- wedding countered at a depth of 1,076.5 "ny 0" palmer, Beeton, and feet and extended continuously |. son. Melville, Toronto, were --with the exception of three itor ip a: narrow dvkes pl a total{ recent, Visitors ot the W. Rich: School Kids width of 17 feet -- to 1,230 feet, [214500 8: hii y The assay reports said the SPREAD ASPHALT SSXBRIDGE (Halt) to Sur 153.5 feet of core from 1076.5 The Department of Highways Silver dollars wi oy bi) feet to 1,230 feet averages 4.0i spreading a new coat of as.| the 700 pupils n oe my ae per cent copper, 12.2 per cent nhait on the main street of the | School system in the near fu 2 : "hief Const: I.. Ellen- village from the top of the Hil, fore, Met Consishie Jen south end, to the Department| Cs ; xh Building at the north end. Sponsored by the Uxbridge Miss Thelma Patton, Toronto, Police Department, the money | : 4 fo the youngster who zinc and 3.8 ounces of silver and 04 ounces of goid per ton. The company said that at 1.342 feet further sulphides were encountered with moderate chal- spent a recent week ith | B0es cophyrite mineralizations con- Ee a Neckend ith hands in the best safety slo- finuing to 1416 feet Assays | ick went back to the city for gan. covering this section have not ; Each family that has a child| a couple of days visit. : i ; | The Hi-C Group met at the in either the Uxbridge Public | home of Anne and Marilyn Fisk|School or Separate School will| recently under the leadership receive, from his or her teacher, vet been received Excess Government i | Last year Philip Long won ac- dation. : He is well known in the Brit- Orono Oddfellows Lodge: Best the touring golfer to that of the "He must have the patience|chicken-grown from the egg laid 'Many of the big tournaments hunter, who fells a deer at one|on the Professional Golf Asso- 'Orono Drama Festiva Attracts Many Plays BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Orono, mecca for Also last year, the Whitby and Saturday of Drama Festival Plays. Trophy for accomplishment in| The Durham Central Agricul-|the regional Central tural Society-sponsored event Drama Festival. A carved will again be held in conjunc: Leonard Crainford will adjudi- ette presented by tion with the village's 109-year- cate for group and old fall fair. awards this year. Amateur drama The adjudicator, as well as of One He has also appeared on the individual Chamber of Commerce wil given for the best play. enthusiasts judicators, is an honorary mem-| Pottery. Sponsors of these, Actor prize -- donated by claim from critics and audi Illiterate Lad | Prichard Eaton's "The Pu . | Door Knob", followed by {Bowmanville Drama W al £2 on shop's play -- "A Battle PICKERING (Staff) -- Found | and failure to notify the Depart- guilty of six out of seven ment of Transport of his change charges in Pickering Police of address Court on Monday, a Highland| Pickering Township Police -- Creek youth will spend the next Sept, 7 -- No operator's licence. 30 days in jail and will remain there for an additional 25 days! if court fines and costs levied against him are not paid. Harold Barnes, aged 20, of 51 Moores road, Highland Creek, stood before Magistrate Robert Dnieper in court to answer to three traffic charges, laid by the, WAS TRESPASSING Pickering Village Police Depart-| 1, sagition the accused was ment, three more by the Pick-| eon " puilty of trespassing on Theatre. Seen on Saturday evening above and judgments, 10 run/"She Married Well". consecutively, totaled one month Kirkpatrick, in jail, $50 and costs or 20 daysMortimer, |and disqualification from driv-| |ing anywhere in Canada for one year. by J "1 Spy', by J Little Theatre offering, foll ed by Chekov"s winner Group, of Peterborough. following charges-- the magistrate. : : Pickering Village Police The accused had five previous Aug. 11 -- No operator's licence convictions of not having an| and having a faulty and noisy|operator's licence and His Wor | muffler !ship was informed by the police| Pickering Township Police --|that Barnes could not read or Sept. 9 -- No operator's licence|write. Sentence PICKERING (Staff) BROTHERS HEAD FOR COLLEGE Robert Dnieper in Magistrate's Court of care |ator's licence. The youth pleaded guilty | charged. Const. Tom Speakman of Pickering Township Police psi told His Worship t the accused {man's Bay and saw that he f drove carelessly while children were playing on | side of the road | that the accused study the Hi way Code before attempting drive. is en- Richard rolling in Commerce and Fi- nance. Both boys are former the big leagues. Registering for courses at and Science Carleton University, Ottawa, are Larry (left) and Richard Gillard, sons of Mr. and Mrs, | Oshawa Times carriers in Frank Gillard, 78 Exeter | Ajax road, Ajax. Larry is taking an . ry honor course in Mathematics Photos hy F. A. Horton vg VY CARELESS DRIVER x 5 He has lectured at Oxford, "'One- | Theatre Guild having received Cambridge, St. Andrews, Toron- Actor's" will be the site Friday one of the numerous festivalito, Dalhousie, N.S.. and Yale the annual awards, went on to greater glory universities, as well as at all Act by winning the Arthur Gelber leading English theatre schools. | Ontario nadian radio and television. | cedar-wood statu- Orono Other awards are in the form {from all paris of central On-|being a founder member of the of plaques made especially tario will converge on the town! Canadian Guild of Drama Ad- the festival by the Harlanders = hall. donated Surprises on the Orono ber of the American Council of their categories are: | "boards" are the order of the Drama Judges and a governor, Best actress prize, |day. of the Canadian Players Foun- by Orono Rebekah Lodge; Best launched by the 8.15 p.m. Orono | Players' presentation of Walter cers of Whitby Council No. 4895 Wits", 'by Norman Williams. held Wednesday, Sept. 20 at St. The third and last play of that John the Evangelist parish hall night will be "Rise and Shine", Grand by Elda Cadogan, presented by presided at the well attended the Pickering Township Little meeting will be the Oshawa and y "The Anniver- sary", presented by last year's|Catholic activity chairman, re- the Knox Theatre ported Draws Heavy A _ Frenchman's Bay youth, whol Now thru Wednesday! | drove his father's car carelessly and wihtout an operator's per- | mit, was Monday placed on sus-| pended sentence for twa years | {and was instructed to be home by 9 p.m. for the next four | months. | Robert Brown, 16, of Fair- z view avenue, Frenchman's Bay, was found guilty by Magistrate Pickering |driving and not having an oper- | {on Saturday, Sept. 9 he followed through French- ed to stop at a stop sign and small Magistrate Dnieper suggested "You are no longer a juve. nile," he said. "You are now in HE WANTED EVERYTHING PETER FINCH #;3NO LOVE F JO} 1 | Ca-| 1 be WINS DESIGNATION ' Pat G. McDaniel, AACI, Whitby real Estate Appraiser and Broker, is pleased to an nounce that he has been awardéd accreditation with the Appraisal Institute of Can- ada. Mr. McDaniel has been associated with the Appraisal Institute since 1952. for and the |ences alike for his effort in tak- ish Isles and Germany for his|Director prize -- donated by = {ing the lead, at 24 hours no- work in drama, acting for both Miss Madeleine Tooley: and . tice, in "The Twelve Pound education authorities and the Best Diction prize -- donated K Of C Officers { Look" armed forces. by E. J. P. Morley. Rg me-------- - --- - - - | STARTS FRIDAY P I | Friday, the festival will be ass nitiation | The Knights of Columbus offi-| rple were formally initiated by Dis-| the trict Deputy James Tracey and| ork- his team from Cobourg Council of at the semi-monthly meeting Knight Ed. Samanski Council activity chairman will Harry Baxter reported that Convictions, registered on the be: the Lindsay Little Theatre's plans were being made for sev- ohn eral coming events which will ohn include the Dutch Night, a stag, a children's Christmas ow-| party. | Brother Maurice O'Connor, that arrangements are !being planned © a Communion breakfast, the date to be made VITAL STATISTICS Canada in 1960 recorded 478, | 551 births and 130,338 mar- riages. of House of Windsor WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Murray Detlor, Regent Chapter IODE is general convener for the "One Day Blitz Rummage Sale' to be held Friday, Sept. 29 at 120 Dundas street west, Mrs. Detlor will be assisted by the Chapter members. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mec- Aughey, of RR 2, Whitby, en- joyed on Sunday a special tour. They visited the Conservation Park, the rose garden and were most impressed by Canada's Puppet Theatre in Kinsale, Mrs. Hubert Chatten, RR 1, Oshawa, held a family re-union in the form of a barbecue on REACH! |the occasion of her father's {birthday, Mr. Reg. Foster. Twenty-five members of the family were present: Mr, and Mrs. D. Wallace and daughter Margot of Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bull and three chil dren Eddie, Susan and Arlene, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foster and daughter Patricia of Highland Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Chatten and children Gordon, Carol, Robbie, Mrs, Jean Taylor and four children, Monty, Wendy, Shawn and Tracey of RR 3, Oshawa, Mr. David Fos- ter of RR 1, Whitby and Miss Anne Weatherall, of Whitby. NEW CITIZENS Britain granted naturalization papers to 6.587 persons in 1960, including more than 4,000 Poles, 88 Russians and 236 Larvians. don't run - EXTENSION PHONES save wear and tear --come in 9 colours, 3 models, Call the BELL Business Office -- or ask the man in aur green truck, "THE APARTMENT' | ch Lerpmeon. : ¢ Fred MacMurray, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | |¢ Now Playing ! LTMOR 2 MELINA < MERCOURI i ) Sy B08 LoIkE BAL i pmeetummmm-------- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT STEVE{{/ REEVES less | as FALL the De- hat I | | BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:30 | SHOW STARTS AT 7:45 ail- "FACTS OF LIFE"--7:55 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON OSHAWA the gh-| to \ AN \ Admits Lying = i%s ADMITTANCE Is Fined $200 [TT 4 Zi rare rs PICKERING (Staff)=An Osh-! King, in presenting his own| CINEMAS cOPE Y STANLEY NOLLOWAY - MARY PEACH - DONALD PLEASENCE See and "The Count Southern Ontario Agriculture Society 54th ANNUAL FAIR Xp Hear ry Strings" ® Events © Farm Exhibits © GIANT "CX: MIDWAY ® Harness Racing ~-- Today and Wed. Afternoon Tropical Fish ALEXANDRA PARK ADMISSION 50¢ TOTS AND PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN FREE! awa man, who admitied he lied| defence, said he doubted wheth.| in the witness stand of Picker-|er the officer could nositively| ™ ing Police Court while defend-|identity him as the driver of ing a careless driving charge,|the car when both cars were was told by Magistrate Robert|travelling at a speed of 50 mph Dnieper that he could face a'shortly after midnight charge of perjury. When the accused volunteered David Victor King, 24, of 79 to give evidence on his own be-! Banting Ave., Oshawa, was half he stated he was not the found guilty of careless driving |driver of the car in question, and fined $200 and costs or 30!/but a passenger. days in jail - Vigorous cross-examination by | Constable Lawrence Watson of | Chief Reginald Parker indi-| the Pickering Village police de- cated to His Worship that King] C. The following programmes ond The Oshawe MILLINERY ART )adult) POTTERY & CERAMICS of the minister, Rey. J. Rich- 2 List of 10 questions : partment, who laid the careless W2$ not telling the truth. Ann) PFS (children Control Blamed *% and traffic safely. | driving charge, fold the courl Magistrate Dnieper then | BALLET (chidrem HALIFAX (CP) -- The Na. CAIN FUNERAL Also on the question sheet wiil| "at On Sunday, Sept. 3, al 12.05) stressed ie seriousness of per || COPPER TOOLING & ALUM tional Dairy Council heard va- 1he funeral of the late, Mr. be the beginning of the safety a.m. he was on patrol in the vil-|jury to the accused, which he ETCHING rying answers Monday to why the country's dairymen are hav-| Ni h ing trouble selling their prod- t | ucts 1g C 00 slogan which the child must| complete. The boy or girl is eligible for the contest once he lage when he heard a loud noise said could result in a prison the term of up to seven years. ADMITS DRIVER of car tires squealing in vicinity of a local restaurant or she has completed the 10 He said he observed two cars "Were vou the driver of the CLASSES WILL COMM President Pierre Cote of Que- questions driving east on Highway No 2 car in question?' His Worship hee City blamed "excessive and Classes In The safely slogan begins -- al a high rate of speed and fol- asked King. ever - increasing governmental intervention and control." Dr. A. B. Blankenship of «| A Hi h 3 nadian Facts Limited a market- ing research firm, Toronto, said| Jax 1g dairymen are responsible, at ; least in part, because they have| AJAX (Staff) -- Night school failed to make full use of mar- Classes will be ket research High School "My safety slogan is . three weeks, says Chigf Con- stable Ellenberger. The Police Department will judge the win-| ning slogan this year. " . y a: with proper bicycle habits, [hour -- Mr. Cote was re-elected pres- The iodowing subjects are be- crossing streets practices and At this time, related Const WARTIME TAX ident ing offered -- physical fitness | caveral other safety points. Watson, he was able to pull j ome tax was first Regional directors named in.| (Men and women), basic Eng-|™ cluded lish. millinery, sewing, book- Ontario--S. G. K. Ault, Win- X®€PINg, typewriting, shorthand chester: Ronald H. Clark. ot.]and shiopwork teduled 1 Ballet, tawa; Roy Gildner, New Dun- Sses are schedule or H dee; J. M. Hartwick Welling. | Tuesday and Thursday. The fee Highland, ton ' 15 $9. Tap, Baton Twirling REGISTER NOW IRENE HARVEY ACCM, RMT. COD.T.A, NBTA Registration is on Thursday, October 12 at 7.30 p.m. to 9.30! MAKE HIM SICK m MONTREAL (CP)--Robert J In addition to the regularly Leahy, president of a cigar firm | scheduled night school classes, which is building a factory in|the school will form a class in Rrampton, Ont., says he can't any subject where there are 15 stand cigars. "I'm liable to get applicants reigstered to fake in- sick if T smoke one," he told alstruction reporter. "I'm basically a pipe Advance inquiries mav he #24 KING ST. WEST smoker, apd even then I don't made at the gchonl offices PHONE 725-6122 inhale.' iby telephoning Ajax WH 32-1610 f lowed them. The contest will run for about | [GNORE STOP SIGNS pletely around a block, passing month to pay the through ( Second prize is two silver dol. hen continued east on the high-/per for his conduct in the wit- held at the Ajax lars. The piri questions deal|Way at a speed of 50 miles per ness stand alongside the car and identify queed in Canada in 1917 as a the driver by recognition "Yes. replied the accused. FALL PROGRAMME 1961 WOODWORKING (men, ladies & REGISTER NOW ! Limitations Must Bg Set On For Further Information end Registration CALL CRA. 725-1111 R. A. are being offered by the CRA, Recreation Committee SQUARE DANCING WRESTLING TABLE TENNIS JUDO (adult & Children) ) WEIGHT LIFTING CAKE DECORATING INUM gox.LOOM WEAVING The Number OF Participants ENCE EARLY IN OCTOBER His Worship registered a con- The cars, he said, drove com- viction and later gave King one| fine. King and! apologized to Magisirale Dnie- two siop signs nee wartime levy. | GOING WEST Ask about CN's "ALL INCLUSIVE travel plan to Winnipeg and west. Get More for Less! Go by Train. PHONE 723-4122 DOORS OPEN AT 1:30 FEATURE TODAY AT... 2:00.4:20.6:45.9918 CANADIAN NATIONAL 4 | MAURICE CHEVALIER HORST BUCHHOLZ LESLIE CARON CHARLES BOYER / "ZIP 'N SNORT' Néw Color Cartoon earring ERNIE ho JACK KOVACS - MOORE - WARDEN CinEMAaScoPE «COLOR by DE LUXE "5° RICHARD BREEN ADDED ATTRACTION] D ATTRACTIO NOBU DICK -McCARTHY vz SHAWN The Whole Story of the Rock 'N Roll Generation! v L '

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