Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Sep 1961, p. 17

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Fete Ladies Club To Wiener Roast By M. HORN ter, Mrs, Cecil Slemon and Mr. HAMPTON -- The Ladies'|Slemon. daughter Nancy, Port Credit, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honey. Mrs, Sidney Nash and Miss Mavis Nash, Detroit, Michigan. have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs, Chapman, Mrs. Nash, Miss Nash, Mr. Gordon Shackle- ton and son, Billie, were Sunday BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Russ Cars May Be Competitors are depreciating in non-use. "Pride of ownership" may sians, Sir Francis comments. If this happens the demand for cars at home will "rocket" and hours a week, even though they|Russian capabilities should not be under-emphasized. He nade bis Sommenstt in an interview 'oronto while on a also develop among the Rus-| i. "i0" canada to look over Rothmans' C an a dia tobacco operations. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 26, 1961 17 Need Not Start Nuclear War there will be fewer for export. Sir Francis sees Russia as a coming competitor in world Find Stolen Bonds TORONTO (CP)--External Af- fairs Minister Green said Mon- day he is convinced that the even if the UK. decide later to join the Common Market. Mr. Gathercole said Canada should also try to expand ex- ports to the United States and the countries of Africa and Asia. He said Canada is "well on its way" out of the recession, with average hours of work and Service Club had a corn and| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. wiener roast at Mr. and Mrs.|Union, Mr, and Mrs. Sid Ped-|Dick Gibbs, Tyrone. Laverne Clemens' recently. [lar, Stayner, visited their aunt, By FORBES RHUDE long Russians will be content|" Sines on a broad scale. At After Mystery Tip present, Russian competition is Berlin problem can be "worked industrial production now at Canadian Press Business Editor|with the present rental system, thought of in the West largely MONTREAL (CP)--Two pro-|out" and that it need not pro-|their highest level in history, Sympathy of the community|Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Mary. SUNDAY GUESTS . oo ISir Francis says. : E : vincial police constables, acting|voke a nuclear war. and the unemployment ratio is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hub.| Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richards, aan oto} gars are Wkaly AT lle rontals, a substan. A fertue of basis malericls, but vill | Dolice oo gt ing 'Addressing the annual confer-|down to 48 per cent. Will Chapman on the death{bard, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Lu- Torna, and Mr. and Mrs. Mer- Whos ee oobile busi.[tial business in western coun-lalso in a wide range of con-|covered $234,900 worth of stolenfence of the Canadian Institute of their daughter Gladys (Mrs. [ther Allin and family and Mrs. Sy derian and son Glen, Tiers tries, are a particular feature in|symer goods bonds in a locker at Montreal's|0f Chartered Accountants, he| pERSONALLY APPEALS Gordon Shackleton of Salem) |Sarah Allin, Mrs. Hubbard re-| DS awa, were unday guests es il od Russia, "he systems gives: close Dogs, DO ero tanal Atport.. [said he thought it would be| ABERDEEN. Md (AP) -- Sympathy also to her husband|maining for a few days. foes 200. Yas, is Cryder-| This is the opinion of Maj-|is maximum utilization of avail. As with automobiles, the "mye ponds were reported sto-[Wise to bring the United Na-| president Kennedy issued a per- Gordon and sons. BRAMPTON VISIT 10an, Gen. Sir blancs de Suingand, able cars. A man going on holi- amount of consumer goods\ion from a Provincial Bank of tions into the situation in some|sona] plea Monday for an end Yue funeral service was helll® Wr and Mire. George Gilbertipeiin, "a Mis. Earl Luke and long-time chief 0 cr 0 Field|qays, for instance, may hire ajavailable for export will depend|nanads branch in suburban|Way, possibly for the purpose of|to segregation "in restaurants ar: tad Sith Pei a ay ih Do amily aud Mr. Len Eradley, Marshal coum Bom erY:car from a communal garage|upon the extent to which theiysporg.a.Plouffe last March 11, (Ruaranteeing access to the city.|and other places of public serv- neral Home in Bowmanville lle Mrs Dennis Marshall in "Bert vend % or pail Malt a' i Ne A. an 20d, when He i Yvugh with %, eS 2 So dividus! Bussion d Qedrge po aterele, Ontario jce." His call was in a telegram i " Hen: . : d ind "|somecne else hires it. 1 : CATHY MARRIES eputy minister of economics, |read to a meeting of 200 ay hon Bs ge] a Mr. Sats and family, at|gheir cottage. a [rector of the Canadian Rothman| This contrasts with the pri-| Sir Francis sees a wide gap| HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Cathy|said Canada should make every|ers of 2 Dots of wo horst. Interment was in Hamp ig 'Anne Phillips, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs, _K. Caverly|Company. Le vate ownership with its con-|yet to be filled for Communist Crosby, 22, daughter of singer|effort to obtain the most favor-imain highway between New ton Cemetery. has been visiting her daughter,| ere guests at a birthday party] How (ast Russia will develop|venience of always having alhome consumption, but empha-|Bob Crosby, married a Houston|able trading arrangements with| York and Washington, where Mrs. J. A. Burrows the past for their grandson, Master|as a competitor will depend in|car at hand, but under which|sizes that on the basis of the|oilman, Edwin Gilbert, 32, Mon-|both the United Kingdom and|Negroes have been refused pub- PERIONALS Beige ved week or more. {Mark Caverly of Bowmanville. considerable measure upon how many cars are used only a few|strides she has already made,|day night. the Common Market countries'lic accommodations. rs. alson enjoyed a 3 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean, Car-| motef trip io Grilishy with Mr. sonville, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean, Dianne and Mrs. Irene Chapin, Long Is-g oger, Lansing, Michigan, land City, N.Y., was a recent|;,.. heen guests of Mr. and + visitor with Mr. and Mrs. J. D.|yrec" RJ. "Hodgson, Mr. Joe Hogarth. Dean who is 88 years of age Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sykes, To- (js Mrs. Hodgson's only living ronto, visited his mother, Mrs.|brother. L. D. Sykes on Wednesday of| Rev. and Mrs. Frank Cryder- last week. man, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Harry Brooking, P ort/Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cryderman. Britain, is visiting' her daugh-| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and STORE HOURS: 9:30 em. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday Open Fridey Night until 9 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Civil Service of Canada) CHIEF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEER -- (professionally qualified to be responsible for the direction ond administration of all electrical and mechanical de- sign projects for Government buildings), Public Works, Ottawa. $12,500-$13,500. Circular 61-1211, DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS & REGIONAL SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS -- (university gra- duation with a number of years' teaching experience in elementary and/or secondary schools; demonstrated abil- ity of a high order as an educational administrator through progressively responsible experience os a prine. cipal of a large school and/or as a Superintendent or Inspector of schools), Education Division, Northern Af foirs and National Resources, various centres in North- west Territories and Northern Quebec. $11,000-$12,500 ond $9940-$11,200, respectively, plus isolation allow- ance up to $1860 where applicable. Circular 61-496. MEDICAL OFFICERS (with licence to practise medicine in any one province of Canada -- Attractive Career Op- portunities), National Health and Welfare, various cen- tres. Circular 61-778. HYDRAULIC ENGINEER (professionally qualified, to conduct appraisal studies and analyse Water Connservation and Use Projects), Water Resources Branch, Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa. $7620-08700. Circuler 61-1268. © PLANNING AND CONTROL ENGINEER (professionally quali- fied, experienced Engineer, to assist in administrative control of testing operation in the fields of electronics, electrical power, applied physics and enviormental tests), Electrical Laboratory, Inspection Services, National De- fence, Ottawa. Up to $8700. Write giving full details of education and experience to Functional Requirements Division, Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. Competition 61-1151. New and Only at EATON'S 1962 V | KI N G FM/AM Radio Stereo Phonograph The Viking "Nassau" . . . 8-tubes with two 6 x9" P.M. speakers; diamond L.P. stylus, "Garrard" changer -- plays all records. External speaker facility for speaker in another room. Frequency response from 20 to 15,000 cps. Tape input and output jacks. FMX multiplex connection on chassis Hand-rubbed hardwood veneers with "Perma-Deep" finish. Approx. size 54 x 26 x 16" deep. "ee 290.00 PHONE 725.7373 VIKING Upright 14.8 Cu. Fi. Net HOME FREEZERS Freezes and stores up to 519 Ibs. of food! New and Only at EATON'S 1962 vikiING23" (CONSOLE TV Trim Scandinavin styling powerful 'Ultronic' chassis, multiple speakers, heavy duty 23" picture tube. Keyed Automatic Gain Control; Circuit break- er and thermistor; phono input jack. Width 324, height 33", depth 14". 379.00 389.00 Viking home entertainment units carry @ 90-day service warranty and ONE FULL YEAR'S GUARANTEE ON PARTS * MECHANICAL ENGINEERS -- BUILDING SERVICES (pro- fessionally qualified, with experience in design of heat- ing, ventilating, plumbing, refrigeration and air condi- tioning systems), Transport, Public Works and Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa. Up to $8700. Write to Functional Requirements Division, Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, giving a resume of professional qualifications and related experience. Competition 61< 1201. Walnut and Mahogany veneers. EATON Price, each . * ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERS -- (Nuclear warfare equipment and instrumentation, Army Development Establishment, Ottawa; Tactical trainer sys- tems, digital computers and dota processing, National Defence, Navy, Ottawa; Weapons control systems, Tele- communications, Sonar ond ships intemal communica- tions, Electronics equipment test and inspection, National Defence, Navy, Halifax, N.S. Up to $8700. Londline communications and maintenance, Transport; Data transmitter ond UHF Communications, National Defence, Air, Ottawa. Up to $7860. Write, giving full details of education and experience, to the Functional Requirements Division, Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. Competition 61-1151, sete sss Ese estas abst aanr ann Walnut and Mahogany veneers. EATON Price, each . .. Swedish walnut veneers. EATON Price, each .. TS I ESE I RS SS PS SI EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 260 PHONE 725.7373 APPLIED PHYSICS ENGINEER or TECHNOLOGIST (univer- sity graduote with experience in testing and inspection techniques for Acoustics, |llumination or radiation detec tion devices, to supervise Physics Unit), Electrical Labora tory Inspection Services, National Defence, Ottawa. $6840-$7860. Circulor 61-1160 "Gooseneck" Floor Lamp Ends-of-lines reduced to clear! _ REG. 12.95 * ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING ENGINEER (professionally qualified Engineer with experience, to supervise technical and professional staff in tests on all types of equipment operating under simulated conditions), Inspection Sere vices, National Defence, Ottawa. $6840-$7860. Write, giving full details of education and experience to Func tional Requirements Division, Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. Competition 61-1201. Check these important INFORMATION OFFICER (with a number of years' experi- features ! ence in publicity fields, several of which must have been in a position of senior responsibility; writing ability), {i | 3 =» 53 Department of Forestry, Ottawa. $6660-$7860. Circular || th 2 : ® -404, inn i ang nn : Adjustable, it directs light where you need it. Large perforated reflector in Takes only approx. 30 x 30" satin brass or satin copper finish. floor space TRADE AND COMMERCE OFFICERS (university gradua- EATON tion with at least several years of related experience and, Four shelves with built-in freezer INFORMATION OFFICERS for higher grade, a knowledge of Canadian industry and markets), Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. $5940-3$7140 and $6840-$7860. Circular 61-829. PATENT EXAMINERS (university graduation in Electrical, mechanical, Chemical Engineering or Honours Chemistry), Jecrtery of State, Ottawa, Up to $7140. Circular é1- * BACTERIOLOGISTS (university graduates with specialization in bacteriology, to conduct bacteriological, chemical and organoleptic analysis of fresh fish and to inspect fish processing plants), Fisheries, St. John's Nifd., Quebec, P.Q. and Charlottetown, P.El. Up to $5880. Competi- tion 61-1702 (one to prepare press releases, bulletins, articles and general publicity material in re- spect to travel promotion; one to be responsible for the Publications Section of the Canadian Government Travel Bureau), Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ot- tawa. Circular 61-395A, PHYSIOTHERAPISTS end OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS (graduation from a university in Physiotheropy or Occu~ pational Therapy, ond three years' experience in a Physio= therapy or Occupational Therapy Unit, not counting in- ternship), National Defence, Ottawa. $4050-$4500. Cir- cular 61-775A. Except where otherwise indicated * details and application forms ot Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. circular number as indicated Please quote coils for uniform temperature Enclosed storage area beneath bottom shelf Variable temperature from -20 to O degrees F 3"felted glass fibre insulation; vinyl door gasket for proper seal Safety-latch opens from inside or or out Model V6115; approx. 62 x 3034 x 302" EATON Feature Value, EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 PHONE 725-7373 Special Price, each RR REI SSR 0.95 (bulb extra) EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 377 PHONE 725-7373 @s Meakins Pure Bristle PAINT BRUSHES Specially low priced to clear! 214" brushes . . . suitable for inside or outside work . . . equally good for walls, woodwork and trim. Pure bristles, firmly set in hardwood handles. es 1-79 EATON Special Price, PHONE 725.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275

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