Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Sep 1961, p. 7

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Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 25, 1961 7 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES FELLOWSHIP GROUP Members of the Fellowship Group of King Street United Church met on Tuesday even- ing, September 19, to begin their meetings for the fall and winter season. The president, Mrs. Dwight Bunner opened the meeting with prayer and wel comed as a guest, a former member, Mrs. Cliff McQuarrie. Mrs. H. A. Armstrong present- ed the secretary's report. | Mrs. Frank McClure's group had charge of the devotional period taking as' the theme "The Training Ground". Mrs.| Hugh Hutcheson, Mrs. Seymour| Bigwood and Mrs. Ivan Morri- accompanied at the piano for the hymns. Mrs. Douglas Redpath and| Mrs. Lawrence Allen presented] further information on the "United Church Women" with time schedules given out indi- cating the group units and their respective meeting dates in the new year. | The feast of the seven tables to be held in both the lower halls of the church on Tuesday, September 26 was discussed in detail and work schedules ar-| ranged. Mrs. Frank Burrows, general convener of the supper, | indicated that the sale of tick ets was brisk. The Fellowship =-Aldsworth Photography Saturday, October 21, will be | be, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, the wedding day of Miss Carol| David 5. Jamieson of Oshawa, Jamieson and Mr, Wilfred | Hewitt whose engagement is raduated from Toronto East veneral Hospital School of Nursing and the University of g =ILeRoy Toll Nursing, this year. Her fiance | who is associated with CBC- TV, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hewitt of Car- | Greater Freedom For Senoritas MADRID (Reuters) -- The {changing face of modern Spain is reflected in a new law giving {women more rights and greater| freedom. | The sweeping powers of the) husband over his wife are not| abolished by this law, but they| are considerably reduced. { A variety of administrative| and other posts formerly closed! ply for a passport or sell a piece of property. From Jan. 1, the agreement of the husband to his wife's ae- tivities will be taken for granted unless he personally signifies his disagreement, If he does, the wife will be able to take the is- sue to court, If the court finds the husband's refusal is based on an "abuse of maritial rights" or that he is "acting in bad faith," it can set aside his veto. These modifications and the opening to women of 'almost all civil service careers except such to women now are opened. juridicial posts as judges, pub- From Jan. 1 next, it will bellic prosecutors or magistrates, possible for a Spanish woman, change considerably the status ob a bus ductor, or,\of the Spanish woman. at the other extreme, to be ap-| Spanish women registered to- pointed ambassador or head of day as employed total 2,300,000 a government department. or 18 per cent of the orsing Until now, a Spanish wife had population. This figure does mi {to have her husband's signed include the large number of |authority before she could do women working on family even such simple things as ap-'farms, I] SCHOOL OF DANCING D.EA. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic FRIDAYS SATURDAYS AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: 723-7253 Married recently at Simcoe | Street United Church were | Mr. and Mrs. Donald William Colwell. The bride, the former | Miss Ingrid Emilia Jankowski, wore a gown oi Late Walkers Q. What ere the possible ceuses of failure to walk in @ 2-year old child? A. This can be a family failing and if it is, there is nothing te worry about. However, before becoming too optimistic, have the DuBARRY ROYAL B® VELVET & {| pearl "ee Mrs. Leonard Rogers, Mrs. Owen - Smith, each gave a reading on the same subject. | Various items of business] were aiscussed, Mrs, Goldsmith | Wits For Free Ci Bofhiuant iy [i took part in the worship sex | Group Wii have charge of the| gn,ounced today. The bride-to- | Toronto, in Public Health | naryon, Ontario. | vice. Mrs. as U "Orange d A SERENE en ee - sem ------ am | : nk, © led a musical interlude and also| Mrs, Frank McClure and her A . § : ! i | --~ | group served refreshments. Cain - Yake Rites [She carried a bouquet of butter- 205308 . | [fly roses and stephanotis, CIAL NOTICES | H&S | sr. soseems cera | : | "The maid of honor, Miss WED IN | The s Held I - { | The Sortonter Meeting of st € N UXDIIAQ€ [roma Cain, and bridesmaid, ENGAGEMENT " ski sh- i Joseph's CPTA was held in St. : Miss Dianne Moore, wore t Mrs Dotolas Tarkl Mrs, Horst Jankowski of Osh ' Resumes Meetings joseph's School on September| A pretty fall wedding t00k|yaiching gowns of strawberry- Mr. and ig Douglas Larkin Ne Mrs, Michael Coe of | The September meeting of (19. Mr. Robert McDonnell pre-|place rece ntly at St. Andrew's rose peau de soie, styled as the their daughter a Oshawa and the late Mr. [college Hill Home and School sided. {Church in Quaker Hill. bride's gown. They carried bou-|to Mr. Robert Milton Allan Kel- arnest Colwell. Association opened with the, The opening prayers were, The Reverend B. Simpson quets of deep pink carnations. , i Ern Asso I v 4 3 8 = he | \lar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton is the daughter of Mr. and --Photo by Ireland |reading of 'The Objects ofisaid by Monsignor Paul Dwyer. Black performed the double-| "guart Johnson, of Toronto, Kellar, all of Zion, Ontario. The Ee EE re ---- = -- |Home and School" by Mrs./He bestowed his blessings on ring ceremony for Jean Darline|;cteq as best man. Ushers were|marriage is to take place in ' ye |Earl Adams, president. Theist. Joseph's CPTA and also Vake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs./pryce Yake and Gordon Cain, |Northminster United Church on OGH Ww en S Ruxiliar 0 ens minutes were read by Mrs. |stressed the importance on the Oliver Yake, to Donald Cain, A reception was held in the Friday, October 20, at 7 pm. | om Nicholas Gulenchyn and the|part of the parent in the educa-{son of Mr. and Mrs. William peoion Hall, Uxbridge. | ha . treasurer's report by Mrs. Mat-/jion of their children, Cain, all of Uxbridge. | An apple red suit, and acces-| yy ad Mrs. David 8. Jamie. N S ason With Dessert Lunch thew Bell. : | Sister Saint Dorothy intro-| Miss Connie Kennedy, accom-|sories, with white hat and|oon En as ame ew ne The following Jelezates Nore duced the new teaching staff. |panied at the piano A Mrs. gloves, accented with a corsage|gagement of their daughter ; Se te e Te all p i ' William Cassie, sa be - vhi ras! En ; Prior to the first fall meet-|Mrs. R. B. White, Mrs. R. Lynn/Shosen 1 als haa CE rtrall A presentation was then made i af assie Sang he Wey of white butterfly roses, was|Carol Louise, to Mr. Wilfred ing of the Women's Auxiliary|and Mrs. J. E. Rundle. Collegiate on Saturday Octo-|t0 Mr, William O'Neil by Sister one Hal anc a e- worn by the bride when the George Hewitt, Toronto, son of of the Oshawa General Hos-| This year, Mrs. McConkey bor Jit Mr Gordon Stacey, Saint Dorothy (principal) for his ide ou" : ! Couple left for their trip through) yy. and Mrs. Alexander Hewitt pital a dessert luncheon was stated, only one telephone call Mrs yi Ronald Lenover, Mrs, untiriig efforts as past presi- The bride, given in marriage the United States to Nashville, of Carnarvon, Ontario, The mar-| served by a committee con-|would be made to each member|garl Adams. Mrs. George Bar-|dent. Mrs. Mary Vodden gave hy her father, Temmessss, and other pointsiriage is to take place in Simcoe sisting of Mrs. J. G. McCansh, regarding the bazaar instead of ker, Mrs. Nicholas Gulenchyn. a talk on the meaning of the| iia peau de soie satin with Son A make their| Street United Church on Satur- Mrs. C. L. Cousins, Mrs. A. E.|a series of calls from individual|pinner is to be served at Al Parent-Teachers Association. lave. medallion insets. and fash in Uxbridge. {day, October 21, at 3:00 o'clock. Johnson and Mrs. Harry Taylor.|conveners. She urged members|pert Street United Church | The guest speaker was Mr. . d on princes Tine: with 1 | n welcoming members of thelto be ready with a list of what! ome and School Council is{Frank Shine, business adminis- lone princess 5 ong auxiliary to the start of anotherithey planned to donate 'to the nding a Workshop for Associa- trator of the Separate School |sleeves and boat neckline trim-| busy season, president, Mrs. Festival of gifts when this one|tions at its meeting on Tuesday, Board. He was introduced bY¥imed with pearls. Pleats added RK. W. Bassett mentioned how|call was received, and' remind-|September 26. College Hill|Mr. William O Neil. Mr. Shine interest to the back of the skirt. delighted she was to see thatled them that all members were Home and School annual fall spoke on the taxation of the|A shoulder length veil of silk the honorary president, Mrs. expected to contribute something/hazaar date has been changed Separate School Board. tulle illusion draped softly from T. H. Everson and Mrs. F.|to the Bake Table, convened from October 21 to Saturday, Closing prayers were said by a halo of rhinestones and pearls. W. Gay were both able to be|(kis year by Mrs. Ian Currie.|October 14. Sister St. Dorothy. Refresh-| present and passed on the good Mrs, Beath asked for vases or] Mr. Harold Brown introduced ments were served by the wishes of the whole auxiliary tojany sort of attractive contain-| the staff as follows: Kindergar-|executive. Mrs. Gay who is shortly leavinglers for her Floral Arrange-\ten, Mrs, Michael Mayko; : Oshawa to live in Winnipeg. [ments table. |Grade 1, Miss Susan Waters; CENTRE STREET WA i , the was re: ; iss/Grades 1 and 2, Mrs. Frank (West Group)' Feliowing {ye Minchion RX Rusia Tog iss Wootton; Grade 2, Miss Grace] The West Group of Centre meeting was held in Alexandra|Bernice Hawke, stating that th House with 55 members in at- tendance. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs, E. J. Reed, and Mrs, C. M. Elliott gave the treasurer's report. NAME CONVENERS Mrs. L. W, McConkey, who| is to convene the annual Festi- val of Gifts scheduled for No- vember, announced the names of her co-conveners. They are: Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, Mrs. J, D, Dancey, Mrs. A. S. Ross, Mrs. M. Crozier, Mrs. 1. Currie, Mrs. eon Ed ts |cheque given her by the auxil- jiary on her retirement had been used to buy two lamps and a coffee table. Mrs. Clare Elliott read a letter from the Class of '61, thanking the aux- ti ch- t BA; been given them. GIFT SHOP Reporting on Gift Shop ac-| tivities, Mrs. J. G. Carter| stated that a committee con- sisting of Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. P. J. Thompson and Mrs, Alfred| Street United Church WA met in the Chapel recently for the first fall meeting. Group leader, Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith, welcomed all pres- ent, Mrs. Ace Abbott led in the devotional period, her theme be- Peterson; Grades 2 and 3, Mrs. |Audrey Dion; Grades 3 and 4, Mrs. John Frolick; Grades 4 and 5 Miss June Imeson; Grades 5 and 6, Miss A. L, Kellar; Grades 6 and 7, Mr. Gary Minacs; hoped more members would be| able to be at the next meeting which will be held Tuesday, Oc-| tober 3, at 8 p.m, Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Grade 7, Mr. Howard Brown; Grade I: Mr 87D simpson: Mrs. Mayko won the parent attendance prize for the kinder- garten room. A film *'Universe" was shown: by Mr. Howard Brown. This is a particularly interesting film' of the tun, stars, moon and | planets made in co-operation| "The meaning of the Cross", Mrs, Arthur Smith, | gem remem | Fluid makeup pe \with precious Royal to he LIVEITUP... | OUTDOORS! Soft... Jelly Ip blend . with every complexion. .Juminous... utterly exquisite Get Acquainted Offer Austin had consulted with her|with the David Dunlop Obser-| regarding the best method of|vatory at Richmond Hill, Ont. collecting the Ontario Sales|lt was made completely by Ca-| Tax. Their decision was to in. nadian technicians and entered vest in a cash register in order|in film competitions in Canada {to make the computing of sales|and Europe. It won the highest ! |award in its grouping. | iand tax more simple for the| 3 volunteer Gift Shop workers. A| Refreshments were served by| he executive and Mrs. Ernest}? | further committee comprising! Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. Carter and Thompson won the lucky cup Mrs. A. W. Armstrong had met|Prize. | / ir AEN to plan the new enlarged Gift| | : : | Available In Shop which is expected to be/damask with a raised design! e ip open for business by. the end of|in beige. Red - Charcoal - Grey 30c per Square Ft. D. Beath, Mrs. H. B. James, only $2.50 Regular $3.75 size six radiant shades . by Richard Hudnut, Oc A ek Chip. bay |UP-COMING CONVENTIONS © re RISHIp convener, Mis. Two conventions were men- A PHUsstom 2ngunced the tioned. The regional meeting to I iY members: jo held at Lindsay at 7 p.m. on Mrs. J Carey, Mrs. J. Riordan, September 28 to which Mrs. Mrs, Frallg Lane, Mis. Vicloripassett will gladly drive any h aly 2nd srs, b B. McCully amber wishing to attend, and uy a ership now the annual Ontario Hospital standing at 212. : Auxiliary convention held in | Other reports included. one Toronto on October 23, 24 and {from Mrs. J. Earl Mann that|95. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong and {14 spreads and 60 gowns had Mrs. J. G. McCansh were ap- been received, 14 spreads and| pointed delegates. An impor- Let us show you how to increase §| |} the living area of your home, |i or greater convenience and enjoyment this summer, and for years to come. Call Us For A FREE ¥ 4 ; A) ' FASHION-ABLE Fashion co-ordinator for this year's Canadian National Ex- hibition, Mrs. Joan Sutton will | be in Oshawa on Wednesday as the after-luncheon speaker for St. George's Women's Guild. A trained consultant on 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 Estimate Today . . . OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. MO 8-4159 |@ Health Costs |@ Teething Discomfort Just as a reminder, here are some linteresting facts about health |costs: | There is as much money spent lfor alchoholic beverages and to- bacco as there is for all medical care, There Is more money spent for recreation than for all medical care. There is twice os much money spent for tobacco than there is for all drugs ond sundries used for medical care. There is more money spent for personal care than for Physician's service -- In other words, we spend more to look well than to get well, There is more money spent for jewelry than for all dental care, When submitting questions |readers are requested NOT to |enclose self-addressed envelopes, | Questions are incorporated in [these columns when possible. | | | | Nan 66 gowns gi Mrs | i {66 gowns given out. Mrs. Doug-/tant point is to come up at x APPOINTMENT [las Sager outlined the activities|this convention, namely a fabrics and color, Mrs. Sutton 28 KING ST. EAST child examined by a physician. There can be mechanical ond other reasons why a 2-year-old doesn't walk, which can be de- tected only by careful examines tion. The clue is often found in the dates at which the child passed certain milestones, such os holding the head up, sitting, ete. Parents should keep a "log" ef the child's early progress so thet the doctor can be given accurate information. We will be glad te provide a small chart for easy recording of such information. Write Science Editors, P.O, Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta., New York 10, N. Y. Ask for "Develop mental Record", Q. Does rubbing the gums with help babies who ere cutting paregoric or teething lotion teeth? A, Such measures seem to afford some relief. Aspirin. by mouth in proper dosage would probably be more effective. Our primary function is to pro- vide prescription and related health services of the highest quality. | Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", | Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in the columns when possible. OSHAWA 723-4621 of the Evening Chapter and re-|change in auxiliary fees which| 15 a specialist in bridal en- sembles and is employed by one of the largest shopping A new member of the staff of the YWCA is Miss Donna HAMBLY {minded members of the Fa-|in future will be levied accord- shion Show planned for October. ing to bed capacity rather than Mrs. Bassett reported on the on a per capita Auxiliary mem- nrogress of sick members Mrs. bership basis. The Oshawa dele- H. B. James, Mrs. W, J. Sal- gates will vote in favor of this. ter, Mrs. M. L. Morris, Mrs. Before closing the meeting, H. H. Tonkin and Mrs. F, I |Mrs. Bassett unfolded the my- Gibson. On behalf of Mrs. stery of the unclaimed umbrella cenires in Canada. She is chairman of the Fashion Ther- apy for the Ontario Mental Hospital in Toronto. The luncheon is being convened by Mrs. Donald Fox. Skuce who has been appointed as program assistant, She suc- ceeds Miss Ursula Stroter. Miss Skuce attended the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan, where she majored in biology and has acted as leader of Concrete Products HWY. NO, 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY DuBARRY Special Get Acquainted Offer! James, Mrs. Bassett announc- which has been a member of ed that the chapel committee Mrs. E. J. Umphrey's house. | had chosen a green and gold| hold since the tea for Miss Ber- color scheme which would add nice Hawke last spring. The cushions and kneelers of green|/unknown owner of this orphan {velvet to the light oak furniture{umbrella was urged to pick it and provide a curtain of gold up as soon as possible. | CGIT groups and Young Peo- ples' groups. She will take an active part in the YWCA Open House to be held this week. Miss Skuce is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Skuce, Froude, Saskatchewan. Royal Nectar a moisturizing foundation and skin treatment, Royal Velvet fluid makeup . blends perfectly with every complexion. ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT TO SAVE! Complete Line of 1961 Embassy WALLPAPER WOOLWORTHS Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! Special $2.50 Regular $3.75 size Special $4.00 Regular $6.50 size Royal Treatment a night eream with super softening action to awaken your skin to its youthful best. Special $4.00 Regular $6.50 size By Richard Hudnut 1, PRICE Delicious Lemon Cocoanut SPONGE ROLL PUMPKIN PIE 43 43c SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! Spicy Home Style OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 PM. Special ! Special ! This Week ! This Week! PATTE'S vite= WALLPAPER OSHAWA 725-3529 90 Years of Free Parking at Rear of Store off William St. : | : ; : 1 | AA Joe DuBasry Loyal Family with precious Royal Jelly of the Queen Bee #2 for a Queen) ~ 28 KING ST. EAST Dial... 123-4621

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