f WHITBY AND DISTRICT Committee Sees Hospital Here | group of Whitby citizens from|Davidson, Dr. K. almost every walk of life have|Ken Mace, Mr. George Ander-| Cabinet | 'Shuffle C. Hobbs, Mr.| and activi (the country's traditional August siesta. Roughly a month before Par-| {lament resumes there's a feel-| Rumors LONDON (CP) -- There are ing that new |given to Home Secretary R. A | Butler, Colonial Secretary Iain Macleod, Housing Henry Brooke and Maudling, president board of trade i The Berlin erisis, the econo-|the pundits, of rumblings of a cabinet shuffle|nic belt-tightening at home and For almost a year now, aldon T. Richards, Mr. William in Britain as political discussior | Britain's application to join the tenders for the prime minis- y increases following!Common Market will have theltership when oles might be Lloyd, chancellor of the ES A.|chequer, and Ted Heath, Com-| mons spokesman on foreign af-{the home secretary's job and effect of keeping some minist-|stepped down in 1957 after the) ; ers firmly tied to their posts.|Suez crisis, is House leader and gets out of this unpop La "Mr. Butler feels that if he, WORRIES Ce vw Ve re wp THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 21, 196) 19 lar job These include Lord Home,|Conservative party chairman injand still retains his grip on prowling Conservative who now| Sandys wants the pace to- Minister|fairs and leader of the Common|to keep the oth Reginald| Market negotiating team. the, The big problem confronting {Prime Minister Macmillan, say|®%D is what to do with|POS!. Butler. Butler, one of the two con- nthony Eden ex-/tary. ing." political correspondent. they have not been popular well on the way to No. 10." He is said to want to give up| A sizable section of the Tory His possible successors men- "His reforms were far-reach- says The Daily Mail's "Bui sham, chairman during the lark post-Suez days in 1957, and Dr. Charles Hill, a staunch, wealth the foriegn secretary, Selwyn|addition to being home secre- the party machine he will belie chancellor of the Duchy of wards independence slowed in { Lancaster. One of the most fascinating 'built up over the centuries. This is the quiet clash be- tioned include Viscount Hail-|{tween a sardonic Duncan Sane ©" dys, who heads the Common casualty and that the position of {isuropeans In colonial territor- Macleod of the colonial office. lies will be strengthened. relations office, and the Rhodesias, Nyasaland and Kenya. Macleod feels that do- ! party, however, is grumbling political conflicts behind the|ing this would be more danger- er two. Specula-(about the chairman's behavioriscones involves the emotion-{ous than moving as quickly as {tion is that Macmillan wants|and a number are predicting he| charged problem of shedding possible towards seif-rule. (him to give up the chairman- may emerge from the shuffleihe [ast vestiges of an empire Right - wing sources of the ship and to keep his government) as House leader. | Conservative party now are hoping that in the anticipated Macleod will become a formed themselves into the *"Cit-|son, Mr. D. Newman, Mr. Carl| izens Committee or. Hospitaliza-|Mantz, Mrs. H. T. Nichol, re- tion of Whitby", and have been|cording secretary and Mrs. S. studying the hospital needs of! Roblin, corresponding secretary. the town. | The committee is now busy After careful study of popula-|trying to determine possible Joy tion growth trends and planned cations, actual size of hospital hospital facilities in Oshawa and required and many other initial -- "yoL.1(2 Ajax, it has become evident to| details. It was felt by the com- the committee, headed by Dr. mittee that the general public J. 0. Ruddy, that a hospital will{should be made aware of the be required in Whitby by 1965. |need for a hospital and the plans The committee anticipates the|that are being made to fill this population of Whitby at that|need, although these are still in time to be approximately 20,000/such an early stage. and has been planning to pro-| | vide a 120-bed hospital. | . | The Citizens Committee, which Disturbed By is actually a Steering COMM | tee, is comprised of the follow- ing residents: US. Reports Dr. J. O. Ruddy, chairman, Mr. David Cuddy QC, Mr. Gor- On Neutralism WHITBY | BOMBAY (CP)--Indian politi- cians, government officials and DAY BY DAY newspaper editors have been] - - deeply disturbed by reports that | the United States is having sec-| DUPLICATE BRIDGE ond thoughts on the question of North and South: Mr. and neutralism. Mrs. Winter, 85; Mrs. Hunter Indian correspondents in and Mrs. MacGillvray, 811; Washington report that the re- Mrs. Odlum and Mrs. Bowman, cent Belgrade conference of 25 52. East and West: Mrs. and neutral nations has angered the Miss Bovay, 72%; Mr. and American government. Mrs. Baker, 86%: Mrs Wilson! They say Washington is dis- and Mrs. Spratt, 63%. |pleased with the failure of the ------------------------ ------- neutral nations to sondem So- | viet nuclear tests to such an ex-| To Spend $600 [tent as to think of "drastically {revising the Kennedy adminis. | At Sewage Plant | = -hoeat | A report from the Sanitation, Great publicity has been and Welfare Committee was|given here to President Ken-| adopted by Whitby Town Councilinedy's recent reported state-| Monday night. y ment while signing a foreign aid A meeting of the committee bill that "it is my belief that in| was held on Sept. 11. Aftending|the administration of thes e| council members at the meet-/funds we should give great at-| ing were: Chairman Councillor|tention and consideration to inkpen, Re e ve Quantril, Dep-/thoge nations who have our| uty Reeve Mowat and Council-\yiew of the world crisis." | lor Hastings. : Many responsible Indians feel | The committee studied sev-tho impact of the Belgrade res-| eral matters referred to them o.4ion in Washington is un-| and reported to council as fol-/fortunate. They are particularly low |puzzled that American news 5: The committee recommended oommentators and politicians that the chief operator at the | | sewage treatment plant having|yrinicier Nehru for criticism, proven satisfactory, be granted) qo ite nig successful efforts at ® $200 per annum increase retro [moderation in Belgrade. active to the date of the end of agreed at the time of his hir laid question by the American] administration in the light of) the Belgrade resolutions would only widen the gulf betwegn the neces-|the West and the neutral na. sary pumps an - sowage treat.|tions. f ment plan changes The committee recommended that a 2,000-gallon used tank be purchased at an approxi mate cost of $100 for the sludge truck be arranged| Observers stress that in the at a cost of approximately $600 ultimate analysis Prime Minis- to commence our own sludge ter Nehru's talks with Khrush.| al. |chev in Moscow following the ~|Belgrade meeting would really, contribute to better understand-| {ing in New Delhi of the West. | 4 Are Baptised Ne : |ern position on Berlin, nuclear At United Church jest i other controv ersial| The Sacrament of Infant Bap-| Some Indian commentators tism was observed in the Whit-say that despite his lavish hos- by United Church on Sunday pitality and gushing eloquence morning when the following chil- Khrushchev has not been able dren were presented by their{to convince Nehru that the So- parents: : viet Union did the right thing Kenneth Matthew Wilson, son in resuming nuclear tests. of Mr, and Mrs. K. P. Wilson; | The Indian public also is con-| Laura Lynn Fuller, daughter of cerned that the resumption of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fuller; nuclear tests in the Kazakhis- Maria Anita Koutzky, daughter|tan region of the Soviet Union of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Koutzky; {may contaminate the atmos. and Ruby Janet Love, daughter phere over northern India. of Mr. and Mrs. John Love us fps -- A series of sermons based on| The Lord's Prayer was con-| cluded with the theme 'The Be-| liever's Praise". The choir| under the leadership of Mrs, J.| __ . . : Beaton sang the anthem 'One| UNITED NATIONS (CP)--So- God", as arranged by Ringwold, Viet sources Wednesday dis- Next Sunday will be Promo- counted reports that Premier tion Day in the Sunday School Khrushchev might attend part of when pupils will be promoted to the current session of the United their new departments andl 2uons General Assembly classes Promotions from The Russians pointed out that Primar, to Junior and for. all Khrushchev is busy preparing a ny ill take place at| [Of the Communist party 'con- Fad Klasses liad pee at gress scheduled for next month ] to approve a new program. This Nursery to Kindergarten, and|ipey would pon it virtu- Kindergarten to Primary will ally impossible for him to get take place at 11 am. away. The Annual WMS Service will President Kennedy has an- be held at 11 a.m. when Mrs. nounced plans to address the as- C. Loneys of Toronto will be the sembly, but the date of his ap- visiting speaker. pearance still is not certain Deny Khrushchev Plans UN Visit Special Introductory Offer! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A FREE HAMBURGER (with trimmings) with any order of the fol- lowing Specialties of the house... each order served with French Fries, Hot Buttered Bun and Cole Slaw Y-BONE STEAK ............... $1.50 SPARE RIB DINNER .......... $1.50 V2 CHICKEN DINNER ......... $1.45 Va CHICKEN DINNER ...../.. 95 Western. Bar B-Q | 973 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Phone 725-5704 for Prompt pick-up or delivery Service Jack and Nore Russell Menagern. | should have singled out Prime | |j] Floor samples. | BUNK BED COMPLETE | 2-DAY SALE .. Sth YEAR) Reduction (All Day Saturday) SATURDAY < While Surplus St LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM CONVERTIBLES | eat Floors Furnitur 'T BE DISAPPOINTED 4 THE savings! FURNITUL, RUGS . . . DRA a) E STOCK . « - HO ERYTHING PRICED TO GO. Two Gr MODERN 3-PCE, SECTIONAL Tailored in 10095 Nylon Frieze with Foam Rubber Cushions. Turquoise : | Political and diplomatic cir-|§ Reg, $449. $ his six months probation 35) cles here suggest that any hasty § 2.DAY SALE . .. | reconsideration of the foreign-|§ 2-PCE. KROEHLER SUITE Sofa and Chair tailored in phi fabric with Lux-I-Foom Cushions, '228 Reg. $269. 2-DAY SALE ........ 2-PCE. CHESTERFIELD SUITE Modern Sofa end Chair with foam cushions. Tailored in 10095 nylon. Brown 2 hig s Reg. $219. 2-DAY SALE ........ 169 MODERN 3.PCE. SECTIONAL Very smart! Tallored in o novelty patterned fabric with foem rubber cushions Reg. $329. 3 2-DAY SALE ........ 218 MODERN 2-PCE. CHESTERFIELD Comfortable sofa and chair uphols B in brown nylon with foam cushions, Wes $239. $ 2-DAY SALE "» 176 2-PCE. KROEMLER SUITE back style with loose 4-Seater Sofa and Modern high back cushions. Ill chair uphoistered in brown nylon with foom rubber cushions. Reg, $459. 2-DAY SALE . 341 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS All quick clearance to make room for new Fall and Christmas merchan- dise. Choose from @ wide range of styles -- Swivel Rockers, Re- cliners, Armchairs, etc., in a wide range of ossorted colors ond fabrics SAVINGS UP TO 50% 9.95 .. 81.60 BEDDING DEPT. SERTA CONTINENTAL 1: - Only Single Size Nationally Adver- tised "'Sertopedic™ Floor Semple. Reg.- $159. dt 28 2-DAY SALE SMOOTH-TOP CONTINENTALS | only ful size units compete with | upholstered headboards. Reg. 7950: | 2-DAY SALR 1 only red maple finished floor | somple. Complete with slat springs, |} spring-filled mattresses, guard rail | ond ladder | Reg. 89.50. 50 2-DAY SALE ...... 69. SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESSES | If 15 only. Our famous "Carnival" moo Ly standard sizes. Reg. 34.95. { 2-DAY SALE 21.88 | | CARPET DEPT, AXMINSTER RUGS 6 only, 9' x 12 rugs Reg. 105.95. 85 95 . {] 2-DAY SALE WILTON RUGS fsss | 3 only, 9" x 12° rugs | Reg. 173.40. | | | [ Reg. 12.95, | 2-DAY SALE ......\. 12340 80 floor samples reduced for | 2-DAY SALE 2.PCE. CHESTERFIELD SUITE Modern sofa and chair with foam rubber cushions. Color copper Reg. $199. 2-DAY SALE 2-PCE, KROEHLER COLONIAL High back sofa and chair with semi- defached cushions, Pretty tapestry print fabric, Gesy. and beige 5 3 2.DAY SALR cessanan 2.PCE, KROEHLER SUITE Modern sofa end chair. Tailored in brown nylon with foam rubber cu hiers. 199 Reg. $249. 2-DAY SALE 2-PCE. SERTA CHESTERFIELD Ultra modern sofa and chair. Tailored in rose-beige nylon with foam zushions, Reg. $299. 21 8 2-DAY SALR Tessa MODERN DANISH IMPORT Sota and chair with solid teak frame foam rubber cushions, all wool royal blue striped fabric. *288 PCE, CHESTERFIELD Comtortable 4-sec.ur 50 with diamond biscuit back. Foam rub ber cushions, Attractive beige uphol stery. 254 Reg. $329. 2-PCE. KROEHLER SUITE 2.DAY SALE ....... Modern extra long 92°, 4-seater s with matching. chair, Tailored in brown nylon with foam cushior Rey. $319. 246 AMERICAN SOFA An import ~-- A full 92 seater style with foam ri r hions, beautiful upholstery cane pon- el ends. > 948 Reg. $399. 2-DAY SALE ..... OCCASIONAL TABLES Odds and Ends . . . mostly one of-akind. Commecdes, Coffee, Cocktail, End, Step, etc., in wal- nut, mahogany, limed oak | Priced for quick clearance 20% TO 30% OFF! DRAPERY DEPT. '69 | HOBNAIL BEDSPREADS "Morgan Jones Double Size NYLON BLEND BLANKETS Full size, pretty pastel shade Reg. 6.95, 2-DAY SALE FULLY LINED DRAPES Modern and floral patterns lined with good qualify sateen. Pinch pleated headings. Complete with hooks Double width finished length 84 Reg. 34.95. 2-DAY SALE, peir " FEATHER PILLOWS 99° eoch ,......... | SHREDDED FOAM PILLOWS 2-DAY SALE, each valve » PLASTIC SHOWER SETS 6-ply durable plastic shower and win- dow curtain, .... 1.98 . 9.95 set. '168 '316 ia and chair | 2-DAY SALE | 2-DAY SALE | 2-DAY SALE | | sach 2-PCE. DAVENO SUITE Modern "'Sklarliner'" with wide arms Converts to a comfortable sleeping unit sleeps two, Color brown Reg. $279, 21 1 2-DAY SALE 2-PCE. BED-HI DAVENPORT Ideal for den. Sofa ana matching chair upholstered in @ brown, beige | stripe 119 Reg. $239, MODERN SPACE-SAVER DAVENPORT 3 ONLY. Convenient, practical, Up- | holstered in hard wearing boucle Converts to a bed in a jiffy Reg. 49.95. 31.88 yeas 2-DAY SALE ARMLESS DAVENO 2 only Space Saving Units, Tailored in 100% nylon, Color brown cr green Reg. 69.50. b8 h0 2-DAY SALE L 2-PCE. DAVENO SUITE Ideal recreation room, Sofa end chair covered in a good repp fabric Brown and beige stripe 94.50 Reg. 119.50. 2-DAY SALE 2-PCE. BED CHESTERFIELD Sofa and matching chair upholstered in brown nylon with foam cushions. Sofa opens easily ond contains a full size spring-filled mattress Reg, $269. i o8 KROEHLER SLEEP-OR-LOUNGE Good looking sofa in brewn nylon foom cushions conteins a full enring-filled mattress for restful . 199 0DDS AND ENDS SPRING-FILLED ROLLAWAY 30" x sleep Reg. $239. A comfortable bed. Maasures 72 Floor sample. Reg. 24.95. 2-DAY SALE frawer floor Reg. 26.50. 2-DAY SALE .. ....... sample "19 WALNUT CHEST , walnut finish Reg. 59.50. 31.60 _. 5.004 oNLY... 39" Width Vinyl Covered HEADBOARDS | 2-DAY SALE, '5 | ARTIFICIAL FIREPLACE Imitation grey stone complete with | artificial coal and lights Reg..69.50. 54 | 2-DAY SALE ll | 8 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR | Reconditioned 1 yr. guarantee Valued aot $129 | Valued ot $129, $ | 2-DAY SALE semen 89 | | Entire stock reduced for quick | clearance, | - ---- | 21" FLEETWOOD CONSOLE LIVING ROOM t Shop © AM. to ook Lasts? Hoh e & Appliances. CHECK T H vue SH P EARLY! ee OUSE FURNISHINGS ,. 0 .» APPLIANCES . H pDS & ENDS y OF - LINES . . - Weekend $ 9PM.F FINAL uglassified" riday -- Best Buys! £ PRICE TAGS! MODERN 2-PCE. CHESTERFIELD | ~omtortabie sofa and chair with foam cushions, Attractive beige nylon fab- | APPLIANGES | Reg. $199, $ 6-PCE. TEAK Di -PCE. NING ROOM 2-DAY SALE ....... 167 Imported Danish beauty. Buffet, ex- -- -------------- | tension table, 4 side chairs. BRAEMORE SOFA | Reg. $349. Ry | HONDERICH DINETTE S-pce. set with 96" extension table, | 4 chairs upholstered in green nylon fabric. Walnut Lovely traditional styles 4-seater sofa | 2-DAY SALE . with down filled back cushions, brown | stripe fabrie, valonce Reg. $429. 2-DAY SALE ...... 2.PC. KROEHLER SUITE Modern 4-seater sola and chair from | Reg. $239. 18 nation y vertisec Very rou Foamy Tuohy eorors. Te grows. | DAY SALE ...... " Reg. $ A $ : - ned ------ 2-DAY SALE. ...... 248 i rexiany | 8-PCE. "PERIOD" SUITE FARQUHARSON - GIFFORD | hutch, "oval extension table, 5 side ual y it ta ane cha i popu~ | Res 249.80 chair. s ixedo style with valance and | m t h areen or brown | yf rid Ron SAS one Gre am | TDAY SALE ......,. 599 299 | 2-DAY SALE ....... 2.PCE. FRENCH PROV, SUITE DINETTES 4-seater sofa ond matching chair tailored in an Antique white fabric with foam rubber cushions, fruitwood S5.PCE. BRONZETONE SUITE rowood ih . Reg. $419. $ | Family size suite with large oval ex- { sion tab ith inlaid top, 4 - POAT SALE... "OBE arm, tobe ih aid opr 4'com Reg. $149. i 2-DAY SALE 99.60 LAMPS ! LAMPS! = -- i | 5.PCE. CHROME DINETTE Bloc Q Le 54 extension top | Reo, 89.95, 3 ... 59.96 Pin-ups, | 2-DAY SALE 5-PCE. BRONZETONE SUITE Walnut extension table with: crborite 4 comfortable chair Reg. $109, 86.50 sans Ll) 2-DAY SALE Choose from a wide selection --~ Boudoirs, Toble, Floor Lamps 20% TO 50% OFF! | Radio . . . Television | 7-PCE. CHROME DINETTE Large 72" extension tqble with grey 23" ADMIRAL CONSOLE TV Priced with trede Priced with trade. 2DAY SALE Spl | ESSE oe ie res AAR | Reg. $149. '98 23" PHILIPS CONSOLE Tv | DAY SALE fins Wy : . $ TAY ott... 48 CHROME CHAIRS 23" MARCONI TELEVISION | 11 ons. Black and. white Vip) cove | Modern lowboy styling. This set priced | ma > Reg. $399. $a | Reg. 9.95. 2.DAY SALE cine 219 | EACH Cir iveis 3.99 3-PCE. COLONIAL SUITE | Ideal for guest room. Double dresser, | chest of drawars, panel bed in honey maple finish. | Reg. $169, 1 2 2-DAY SALE ,...... eA ------------------------ TRIPLE DRESSER SUITE 3-pce. bedroom suite ~~ tricle dresser chest of drawers, bookcase bed. Reg, $199, 1 b9 2.DAY SALE ........ | is en DANISH WALNUT SUITE Modern 3-pce. bedroom suite, triple dresser, chest of drawsrs, bookcase bed. Reg. $199. 1 48 2-DAY SALE ...... 2 ONLY . . , 5.PIECE KROEHLER GROUP Terrific value! Corner chest, door i cabinet, full size panel bed, two night | tables in Burnished Mahogany 178 Reguler 411,50 _.... 4-PCE. ITALIAN PROVINCIAL A beautiful import, Large 80 master dresser with inlaid marble top, full Pecan finish | Reg. $895. 2-DAY SALE _...... *687 | 3-PCE, KROEHLER SUITE | Quality constructed walnut bedroom | suite, double dresser, chest of draw- | ers, bookcase bed. Velvet walnut finish Reg. $299. 2-DAY SALE BR CR DLC | TRIPLE DRESSER SUITE | A 3-pce. walnut beauty. Triple dres- ser, chest of drawers, bookcase bed Reg. $269. 1 9 23" RCA VICTOR CONSOLE Priced in Walnut *299 Regular 369.95. } | 5-PCE. DINETTES | Black and white arborite top table | with four vinyl covered matching Reg. 59.95. 30.88 sg74| NURSERY | [2-DAY SALE ... | LLOYD CARRIAGE 2-DAY SALE . Priced in Walnut Reg. $329. 2.DAY SALE . .. 23" ADMIRAL LowsoY Walnut, Priced with trade x ly Jes wd PH ow. 1961 modal, Reg. $339. $ eg. selling, 62.95. | 2-DAY SALE 239 2-DAY SALE 31. SHELBERN RADIO-PHONO THISTLE CARRIAGE i only, blue and silver. Reg. selling 49.95. 2-DAY SALE '89 SHELBERN 'RADIO-PHONO 2-DAY SALE 1 23 SHELBERN RADIO-PHONO Priced in Walnut Reg. $229. 2.DAY SALE 2-DAY SALE THISTLE CARRIAGE | iy two tone blue Reg. selling 45.95. 2-DAY SALE $ -------------------- 167 | LLOYD STROLLER 2 only, complete with washable viny! zanopy. 12 caverns | 2-DAY SALE ficor PHILIPS PORTABLE STEREO Reg. retail value $129. '14 2.DAY SALE Floor sample. 39.95 | | sample. | 38.95 : onur cos 2-DAY SALE | 3-PCE. KNECHTEL SUITE | A nationally advertised suite with | large double dresser, chest of draw- ers, bookcase bad. "199 Reg. $399. 2-DAY SALE | SWEDISH WALNUT SUITE 3-pce. suite with long low triple dress- | #r with upright mirror, chest of drow. | | ers. Bookcase bed. Reg. $329, 2-DAY SALE *248 | 3-PCE. WALNUT SUITE | Modern walnut bedroom suite with | large triple dresser, chest of drawers. Bookcase bed. "259 | 2-DAY SALE ok | size pane! bed, two nite fables in | | MeCLARY APT, SIZE RANGE 4-burner electric range with broiler, utility drawer. Automatic oven heat | control. | Reg. $159, $ 2-DAY SALE cannes 121 2-BURNER RANGETTES Plugs into any electrical outlet, Cal | rod elements. Autematic oven heat control. | Reg. 79.95. 1 2-DAY SALE ..... B1.88 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER New model with infinite heat contro! safety door, safe for el fabrics Regular 179.95 ..... 1 26 PHILCO WASHER-DRYER | COMBINATION "ALL-IN-ONE" | It's a washer! It's @ dryer! All-in-one | Space Saving Cabinet. Priced with trade. Reg. $499. 398 MeCLARY-EASY WASHER Deluxe wringer washer emptying power pump. with | Reg. $179, 2-DAY SALE _...... 104 | 10 CU, FT. REFRIGERATOR | t's @ Westinghouse to be sure with | full width 54 Ib. freezer, door shelves | crisper. Bi |) | Reg. $229. 2-DAY SALE | FINDLAY 30" RANGE | Fully automatic electric range with clock controlied oven, oven window | lift-off oven door, oven light, utility drawer *186 Reg. $219. 2-DAY SALE 112 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR McClary-Easy Refrigerator - Fre with automatic defrost. Priced with trade. *298 fact Reg. $399. 2-DAY SALE . ..... SEWING MACHINES CONSOLE MODEL Forward and reverse stitch [Reg. 84.95 ....... | | PORTABLE MODEL | Semi-automatic with push button | reverse, round bobbin automatic bob. din winder | Reg. $349. 2.DAY SALE ..... 3-PIECE KROEHLER GROUPS For the extra bedroom. Full size bookcase bed, door cabinet, corner desk in burnished mahogony. . *139 Regular 313.50 | Regular 149.93 ... 94.90 FULLY AUTOMATIC DELUXE PORTABLE A beautiful sewing machine. Priced | complete with 20 decorator discs. 124.40 Regular 164.93 SHOP CHERNEY'S (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA .. . OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M.