Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Sep 1961, p. 13

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DINING ROOM ~ 1000 sory. LOUNGE AND CARD ROOMS 500 30.1. EACH TH, $48! ¥ Ft A 34025944080 1EIRE8E MAIN FNTDV aon £0) | S Rv ARCHITECT'S DRAWING OF NEW GOLF AND CURLING CLUB FACILITIES Golf Club Constructing Clubhouse, Curling Rink Construction of a new club- come along the south side from persons can be seated house and curling rink, which it the present parking lot to thejstyle. These rooms, including is estimated, will cost in the front entrance. For the second{the games room, will have vicinity of $275,000, is now level, on the north and west/large picture windows overlook- under way at the Oshawa Golf sides of the dining room, a ing the course to the north, Club Limited, Alexandra street. covered promenade walk will west and south. A large kitch- The building will be one of the be extended. From here the en and a steward's apdrtment finest clubhouses in Ontario first, ninth and eighteenth fair-'complete this floor. and will feature a six-sheet ways can be seen. A similar, In the curling rink itself, six eurling rink and an ultra- walk will also be constructed sheets of ice will be under a modern dining room which wilt along the ground floor, twin-arch roof of strong wood banquet- 'Communications Endanger Actor Mavor Moore, Canadian actor, playwright, producer and colum- © nist, warned Wednesday night that the artistic responsibility of both actor and public may be endangered by the development lof mass communications. He The Oshavon Tones PAGE THIRTEEN SECOND SECTION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1961 nize the necessity of specializa- tion of their skills to handle such operations as colored movies and television, he urged. Fur-| thermore, the public must pay| attention to contemporary art| and not confine itself to artistic| was addressing the first meet-|achievements of the past. | 'TB Unit Has Display At Conference | The Ontario County Tubercu- losis and Health Association played a leading role in the re-| cent International Tuberculosis| Conference when delegates from 68 countries were in attendance. It was the first time such a meeting has been held in Can-| in ing of the season of the Cana-| "To think about old stuff has {dian Club of Ontario County in/become a fashion," he asserted. s Hotel Genosha. | For a good understanding of| | Mr. Moore founded the New|art it should be borne in mind| {Play Society in Toronto, which|that art must always change, he produces the well known annual{went on, or it will dry out and | musical revue, "Spring Thaw", |die. Mr. Moore explained that, land also has starred on all the|whereas science deals with phe- major CBC network drama|nomena that have always been series. existent, art must always give| x a w : new answers to new questions. INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSION "Science is like the shell of a| He said that individual expres-| sea creature, which has been sion is becoming increasingly|hyilt over centuries from fac- difficult for an artist because|tya] matter, while art is like the science, in our age, has made|jiving being inside that shell, al- possible forms of art that re-|ways vital and changing," he il- quire the combined efforts of a|jystrated. © |great number of people, as in | the motion picture -- and record SUPPORT ESSENTIAL | 4 industry. Through radio and] When asked whether he was in| television these are the forms of favor of more money for the| 'art that are most readily avail-| Canada Council the speaker said able to the public. that he thought extensive gov- : The television production ernment support to be essential © "Peter Pan" had an estimated|for the development of cultural| audience of 60,000,000, more peo-| enterprises that are distinctly ple than probably ever saw Canadian in the face of competi-| "Hamlet", Mr. Moore ventured. tion from the United States. It At the same time, he pointed costs a teleVision station $300 to out, the use of applied psychol-/$500 to put on a ready-made| ogy and the social sciences have) Hollywood show of half an hour, | made it possible to determine while an all-Canadian produc- which sounds and colors appealition of the same length would| most to the human senses, and cost nearly ten times as much. may even dictate what people! Mr. Moore was thanked by the should like better president, John G. Dancey, who 4 & "Communications can become also had introduced the Speaker 7 A a so massive and overpowering |after the dinner that took place al" onasaning "he whole aries in me evening amos FIRST CALL ON BLACKSTOCK DIAL SYSTEM world-would eventually be pos-ithe guests were Mrs. Dancey, sible," he said. _ Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Vipond, Mr Blackstock's new dial sys- | Mrs. Stella Littleproud, in | foreman, and J. W. Lowry, To avoid a development in thisiand Mrs. C. G. Kinsey, Mr. and| {em is tried out by Cartwright | Nanaimo, B.C. Shown with | manager of the Blackstock ex- direction, artists must learn/Mrs. J. McCansh, and Mr. and| Township Deputy-reeve A, W. | him are (left) A. S. Pinn, | change. The call was placed more of science in order to con-| Mrs. J. R. Walker Gibson. He phoned his aunt, | Bell Telephone's central office | at 3.01 a.m. trol the media. They must recog-| Following the meeting gifts -- | were presented to Dr. Vipond by 4 INTER {Mrs. G. D. Conant, on Pehaif of E h Ld » the CCOC, at the home of Mr. 1 S as 0 cout n HARD Ww Dancey. Dr. Vipond is leaving nn u 1 Im Ir 1 IS POSSIBILITY for Malaya next Sunday. --- . Ha . » LINDSAY -- Are we I G I O h for a long, hard winter? 2 S rowing nn S awa Although most people ariance hope not =n ul he Indications of an increase in, During the summer months; During the summer months short summer hardly fR- " the number and quality of those|s consi ed a tough winter the "In Parking | participating in a Boy. Scont ie wiened the Samp oi tel Camp. Samac. It was Soe lands and forests depart- Movement in Oshawa were re.|Adventure Base in Haliburton], o camp i§ now in first class ment reports today there ported at a meeting of the exec-|0f Whom 382 spent a week or|condition. are signs that this will be so. ] t d uive of the Oshawa Boy Scout|10 days. In view of the fact that! pjans for the celebration of oo bages he forecast on u e Iran e | Association Wednesday night. fhe Ziiendance was lover em the association's 50th anniver- e word of local wenthe . District Commissioner E, Al-|'ast year it was suggested the|g i sages who are worried by Oshawa Housing Company... ..mmonted that one or two| Camp might be made available nil ie ro Sung tor the appearance hereabouts |Limited was granted a parking EN : : : fo scout youps. in Bowman: | of flights of Canada geese. |space per unit variance Wed-|N€W groups have held meetings ville oo PS Kli |annual meeting to be held at ! A flock of 30 geese was |nesday night for the 16-unit,|and that more is being accom- ville, Whitby and Brooklin. Camp Samac on Oct. 19. seen in a field near Williams' [limited dividend, . Westmount plished than ever before. This, There was a record use of the, It was announced the associa- Point on Lake Scugog, and |avenue project. coming weekend scout leaders swimming pool at Camp Samac. tion will forego its annual Apple other flocks have been seen Apartments built in the city Will hold an outdoor camp. Cub|A total of 42,560 used the pool.|Day this fall as the event would must have one parking space|leaders are also planning a|Eight hundred and twenty-seven| otherwise be held during the per unit. This project will have|training course. An excellent registered for the swimming and| Community Chest Campaign. only four spaces plus room.for spirit prevails among bath Cub life saving courses. Four hun-|Should the Chest fall short of flying in their characteristic | formation. be equipped with the .finest! The lower floor of the new, !russ geodetic design, Fi eu ada facilities in. Oshawa. . . .woqbublding will consist essentially(ing wing was designed by 1 a Six vears ago, a three-step of the needs of active mem. | architects, Jenkins and Wright,| The association participated plan to improve the standard of (bers. The men's and ladies' assisted by R. A. tence), on in the conference by providing the club was proposed. The|locker rooms will be situated Suiting engineer. Mr. dtencelf - =... ooo display which . plan was fo water the course, fon this floor, The men's locker has been identified ith ihe provoked many questions rom Date of Meetings |i be elderly persons who will build three new holes and to|room will be supplied with 350 construction of more curling > D 4 ' eo Tool Pa aey restric: expand the present clubhouse.!|lockers while the ladies' will be and hockey rinks than probably delegates from other countries _ The Bathe s Park Neighbor-| The first two operations have! provided with 170. A men's and|any other engineer in Canada. who enquired about information Hood ges hat °C / concerning procedures. gathering, vote i SleCessjully ar reality. ated on this level and both will » : : Sone 8D : meeting time to the fourth Sun- 2n 8 BHer 2 heap YR NY be amply Epes win net The ice freezing plant, which| Because of the high incidence gay of each month. rorer, gradi diag bar facilities a peing ph by the Cana-|of tuberculosis in some coun-| It was announced the Park ! alan 'ce Machine Company, 1S\i.es mass surveys are impos-|Teen Club will start Sept. 29, YEAR-ROUND OPERATION CURLING FACILITIES 0 designed that it will be used sible to carry out because of @ 7.30 p.m. Other announce-|nacced by council and now be- The club's operation will be Joining this is the curling !0 air - condition the locker) on 050) oon oo looking ments at the last association|fore the Ontario Municipal OE BOE De 10 Ae ich 1s situated: thie Fl Es ¢ 'dur.| after the cases once they are|meeting included, mention that|poarg, Results were: = First ladies pay was levied against Anthony |B. Bassett, 18, 834 Bessborough CUIling facilites, Many golf lent below the jee Surface Where ing ov er DR The found. {3 delegation of NA members will This bylaw would allow Osh-| (Whitby names first) -- Vicky |Killingbeck, of Mimico, in Osh- drive, was fined $20 and costs clubs in Ontario are not equip- Syeng nal es can be viewed curling rink itself will be used, Mrs. E. A. Collins, executive attend a Park Workshop Con- awa Housing he same zoning Rowe and Sandra Anderson lost magistrate's court here OF five days in jail. ped with these facilities and, i urling office will be situat- for club cleaning and storage, Secretary of the Ontario Coun- ference", at CRA Oct. 14. exemptions as the city. to Astrid Trach and Sandra Rey- Wednesda I'he investigating police offi. therefore, are unable to main-|ed directly to the right and ad- during the golfing Season. ty Tuberculosis and Health| A park hockey team has been) Robert Sledziewski, appear- nolds 8-0 i PA Shy y. cer testified damage to the ace tain a year-round operation. An- jacent to the curling lounge g sea: ing on behalf of Radio Park| Second ladies -- Anne Kenny Killingbeck was charged with |cused's car was about $150 and 1 : $SOCiz acte S . entered in the CRA league and other advantage of the curling The lower curling lounge will The contract for construction jssueiation, ace] as Dose the association will sponsor ol Apartments Limited, inquired and Merete Jacobson lost to careless driving. Miss Normalabout $300 to the other t club is that a regular staff can be used as a junior lounge dur- ©f the building has been award-| housing /'s| Dianne Sanderson and Judy § | © ouner two cars. hg ey » ovoaniza. bowling tea 08 5.60 about the | : : be steadily employed whereas|ins ng son ed to the J. J. Wilkinson Con. The Ontario County organiza. ty lng feat 31 3 oon of $15.50 freedom from certain c-| Sanderson 8-2. Bowen told the court a car|The officer said the accused a partdime operation leads to! Great care was taken in plan. struction Company. It will be flon yas Jue aly SOubiy stom The association. in a fund, lions through the special bylaw. Third ladies--Anne Kenny and driven by the accused collided | told him at the time he had inferior quality in the staff ning the main floor. Coming|constructed mainly of concrete display at the conference. The 1aising campaign, voted to raf.| The committee agreed that Sandra Anderson lost to Cathy|with her car from the rear Aug.|S0n¢ through a stop street. io » curling club will or (hTough the main entrance, P1ocks and will consist of a lam-| BAY A He FINE ICE FRCL 0% keys for Christmas. |the_ Municipal Board hearing|Lyons and Valmay Taylor 8-7. (9 while she was stopped for a| Bassett told the court he had hould meet the domand for iho from the traffic circle, a foyer inated beam structure in the|§3PaY Oe a ine ff "7° lin November was the time and First men -- John Cuddy and traffic light on Simcoe street at|Stopped behind another car at shoul meet th Joeman for the ads directly to the mor. |interior Mg, ro dts es aral nen place for any objections along|Pat Brenner lost to John Mur-!Church street. the intersection on Sept. 1, and ; nle e yo " . oF: > s % . i ; Stev : P rons Te peelicy ate in the an lounge, which is approximately|, The regular season for curl cocctul results in a mass CELEBRATING EE iiss rey Sd Sieve Theos 25 The accused claimed he hit followed the other car when it at DE aracipae nn Fined six feet above the curling sur. Ng Will be from Nov. 1 to April : : BIRTHDAYS was dealing only with a park-| Second men--Pat Brenner and icc" Bowen's car. because it started. He said he didn't see Congratulations and . best four more. and Scout leaders, he said, with/dred and twelve received Red|its objective the association may City Solicitor E. G. McNeely, requests being made for more Cross or Royal Life Saving decide to hold an Apple Day appearing for Oshawa Housing, courses. | badges. i next spring. Bathe Park Changes, explained that the tenants Whitby Loses Fine Driver 'Suggest Youth Tolindsay | $100, Costs Pay Own Fine LINDSAY -- Lindsay defeat-| Charged in magistrate's court ed Whitby six games to two in { here Wednesday with failure to junior tennis play here Satur-| A fine of $100 and costs or 30 yield the right of way, resulting days in jail with one month to| S. He told the three man com mittee of adjustment, headed by acting chairman Frank Mec- Lellan, any zoning infractions by the housing company would be covered by a bylaw already completed ladies' lounge will also be situ- AIR CONDITIONING day. in a three-car collision, Edward the go 259 of feet he Camera Club "Plans Season Senior cit from all part of Ontario are expected Oshawa, to attend zen | to be ir two-day United Senior Citizens of Ontario convention, at UAW Hall Tuesday and Wednesday United Senior Citizen ization pyesident, H. W of Brantfo¥d, said this a number of resolutions reg 12 zens will come up for di during the {wo day here In addition, 11-member 1961-62 USCO ¢ tive is planned for the day of the convention he gestions for the 1962 * meeting will also be during the final cons MAYOR TO SPEAK Among the h ts of this year's conven 1 of ficial opening by Mayor Christine general discussion period which time executive hylaw nance, resolutions from the floor and a USCO constitution will be taken into consideratior Local 222, Workers of the senior citizens z Laird old various wel next During members survey; the organizational part 2 bylaw striction Mark Goodall lost to Rick i ack acil face. To the left of t is/1. However, due to late con- UIVEV: . ing by'aw restriction. Nar r00call lost 10 RICKY|,4lleq back. the car coming the other way. due to the lack of facilities a 'Targe' cloaks 9 he tower is struction of the rink the curl of ihe Survey; some of he post Other applications granted by Allen and Bob Arril 8-6. a ria "Your a accounts yr There are 450 members now ge c oal-room and to the, : : ers and pamphlets employed the committee: Mrs. C. B.| Third Mark Goodall and Magistrate R. B. Dnieper con are right is the office. A stairway ing Season here this year is not . he b .ruing fr e commyiee. ars. L.. 5 ira-men---r are $0002 ane i i »g| half of all traffic deaths," Mag- active in curline in ' Oshawa TIE offic stairway ! and the benefits accruing from Theb Sime treet Pat Bn beat John Holton cluded that since Miss Bowen's| s g : ng awa. lleads to the 1 touny expected to commence till some-| the sale of Christmas Seal ! eherge, ..oumcoe.; sire a. pronner beat ohn rolon had b i |istrate R. B. Dniéper told Bas. However, there is a large wait- 9 the 'ower 'ounge where between Dec. 1 and 15 oSaleo Fistmay Ses S. wishes to the following resi- north, extension to garage, in- and Rodger Hladki 8-2. lity een Statimary for| tt 1 g D Th ing list SEATING FOR 300 PEOPLE The Propel cari Tk Members of the Ontario Coun- dents of Oshawa and district | sufficient sideyard; P. Zeibin, Mixed--Sandra Anderson and Se ume and couldn't have sett in passing sentence. . The new building will be sit- Also on the main fl 1h , and golf cl b ideally desi ty Association attending the who are celebrating their Bloor street west, enclosure of John Cuddy beat Jackie Sander-| role ack very far, the ac- magistrate suggested the boy a Jw builfing will be sit-t. | he main floor is the anc golf club is ideally design-| conference were Austin G. birthdays today: porch, insufficient setback; P. son and Steve Phelps 8-1. cused should have been able: to| pay his fine without parental : Ie ( hin use now main dining room, one of the ed to provide the finest of facili- yi). president: Rev. Dr. H. S. Mrs. Don Shaddrow Salowski. McMillan drive, de- Mark Goodall and Meret e/Stop if he had been exercising assistance. Stands 20d wilt yapch au} finest a Oshawa, which is sepa- ties for year round sport, relax- Shepherd, Pickering, G. H. Mc- Mary street, ? tached garage to exceed eight Jacobson lost to Astrid Trach Proper care. rine the area of the oldirated by a folding partition ation and social activities in a Mahon, Whitby and Jack Sand- Phone 723-3474. per cent building coverage. and Larry Carroll 8-6. Also charged with careless fifth hole. The base the from the small lounge and modern and luxurious setting. - - iT Cp Cr -- |driving, Albert H. Kiverage, 18, Remand Accused paging will be 240 long card rooms, which are also! The golf course itself is one of 1125 Mill street, was fined $20 | and 95 feet wide divided in this manner. With the finest manicured courses and costs or five days in jail 1 1 A "turn around" drive willithe partitions folded back, 300'in Ontario An officer of the Oshawa 2 2 For Examination en = t| Department testified the ac-! A 'very important man" was . "iw cused failed to stop before mak-| remanded one week in magis- ng a right turn from a stop trate's court here Wednesday enior 1 1Zens street on Sept. 4. on charges of driving without an Daniel C. Byrne, 38, 321 Fair- operator's licence and of mis- view drive, Whitby, was fined representing an operator's Pl R 11 H $5 and costs for speeding onljicence, an a Y ere King street west Sept. 2. In asking for a remand, Har- Osliawa Camers b : An officer of the Oshawa old Rose Taylor, 37, 94 William ; J awa Camera Club held its Police Department told the street east, told the court he M. J. Coldwell, formes CCF first meeting of the season with court he timed Byrne's car by owns a lot of property and hgkona Save? Fall Jeliyer the a good attendance. radar at 44 miles per hour. avs §2000 in taxes per year. Bo Lie Local 222 whol Prevident Jake Byme said he was going 38 a!" "rm a very important man hanqu one point in order to pass, but!, this city--more important the second day of the comed new and never any faster. than a doctor. a minister. a discussions on reso- and 2 : nted during the first . will be finalized mlevls Competi- conventio made announce- In sentencing Byrne to pay a|i;wver. more important than a nominal fine, Magistrate R. B police officer," he said. Dnieper said the Highway Traf- Magistrate. R. B. Dnieper fic Act makes no provision for : speeding in order tL pass. granted the remand with the understanding the man would be 'examined as to fitness to Presents Model stand trial. To Collegiate "He has already been exam. ined twice and came out with a LINDSAY (Special) -- A for- mer Lindsay school teacher, clean bill of health," the proses cutor, Sergeant John Smythe, Oshawa Police Department, told now an Oshawa old age pension- er, Clarke G. Staples, 91, re- turned to school here last week, {the court, just for a visit. GM Workers fonrhen in his. ceinies. ne Soe New Models executive took up model mak-| Employees of General Motors ing for a hobby. When he re-\of Canada, Limited, and their turned to Lindsay Collegiate| families had their first look at Institute, last week, he brought|the 1962 models in Oshawa with him a sample of his hand-! showrooms Tuesday night. craft. Hundreds of workers, their : W. S. W. Breese, LCI princi- wives and children flocked to Ni- |pal, now has a model of the|the showrooms of Cliff Mills Anti Cunard liner, "Saxonia," in his|Motors Limited and Ontario of office which the.former school Motor Sales Limited for the spe- teacher gave to him. |eial preview. Several novel s from visitors will be tions are included in this year's lered and suggestions for program and it should be an in- 3 betterment of the organiza- teresting for tion will be accepted Bers The present USCO executive Members. W. H. Fogal, Brant- This year there has been plan- president, Mrs. W. §. stratford, [first J. A. Allan, Mimico season all club SCUSS convent cludes ford Hodges president second vi 0X London Robert n ned (for the newer members) a short period before each regular eorasident Mrs 1 meeting, for demonstrations, recording secre- study and discussion of the rudi-| Fulton. Oakville, ments of taking better pictures sponding secretary and H. Fred Miller was called on to Cozens, Burlington, treasurer explain competitions, and' Ted Directors include J. Rope, To- Tozer to discuss field trips. It is J. F. Hodgkiss, Preston, hoped that a weekend trip will E. Mowry, Mr. Seal, Port held in October. A of and Mr. Hogben, To | 40s taken on past field trips proved most entertaining and il- lustrated the good time to be had by those who go. A car driven by Paul Hether-, The topic for the evening was 23 Elgin street east, "Parts of the Camera" explain of control while pro- ed by Archie Dancey who had M treet couble reflex and 35 milli- collided meter A their Mary various feature they operale. the electior . vice- econd Sug ention re conv ry accepted Corre ention day ronto Miss Ar ronto be set uesday Thoma at f CAR HITS FENCE TB ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE EXPLAINS SURVEY PROCEDURES neton Tu! | tries Mrs. A of Oshawa tive secretary of the associa- tion answering questions con vent out The Ontario County and Health A the v Tuber- the be which county organ- | drew delegates from 68 coun- | ization in C¥nada which was | asked to place a display at recent International E. execu Seen here is | cerning mass survey dures for Dr. Chinchott | nart, secretary-general, Tuberculosis Association hailand. or ar len proce- show culosi ociation reulosis Conference Collins and how amern to was ent only "Street School.

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