27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale SEVEN - ROOM brick house, new gas/Tw0 LOTS, on corner property in furnace, garage, good garden, close 10 Prince Albert, both approximately 90 whic downtown, priced right to sell. APPlY [135 feet with young fruit trees. Two for is centrally located, abstainer. Tele- o 0x shawa mes. ($1,500, 985-7490. $12,900. | 250 Trull South, phone 725-3579. er Ped. a to schools. $1,700. Tele: ROXBOROUGH Avenue. Comfortable five-room bungalow with three bed. 30--Automobiles Wanted | CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs 'A" CLASS mechanic, licensed fifteen years, arc acetyl welding. To take over stall service staton. Rent or com: mission basis. Box 335 Oshawa Times. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 27 Estate for Sole (27 --Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 20, 1961 25. |PRIVATE 28 acres of e miles land, PRIVATE, good income home, two f Oshawa, 500 feet off "Taunton ho centre, on Elm. [ast o ; Blocks Tai gn Th six rooms; off |Road, Apply 242 Elgin ii 26--Rooms for Rent SINGLE room or room and board for gentleman, in clean, quiet home which 25 Apts. & Flats for Rent BASEMENT apartment, heated, two- piece bath, partly furnished or unfur. nished, close to South Ceneral Motors; parking facilities, Telephone 728-6016. FIVE-ROOM apartment, heavy duty wiring, private bath, parking facilities. Simcoe South. 725-0081 or 725-9544. SELF-CONTAINED three room unfur- heated, | parking facilities, central lo- able rent. 728-3952. FURNISHED attractively, two | rooms, | 0! suit $48 monthly. Heat and lights Street. 728-0669. 132-- Articles for Sale VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, |B. Jala, atta attachments, brushes, Juatah: Rentals. ae Cleaner Repair ee vice, 728-0591 anytime, PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gal. Al] colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh. awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. i WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. SELLING wiry ? We'll buy it. Re TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add.|stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill{19 Prince Street. 728-1131, Ashburn, Brooklin. CASH register with tax control but- USED furniture and appliances cost|ton, 10-key electric adder, subtracts less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe and multiplies. Like new, snap. Alse Street South. 725-4873. We buy and sell. portable typewriter 723-4434. 35 HP motor, molded plywood boat, trafler, fully equipped, must be sold. 33--Swap and Barter 1310 Sime. South, 725-7917. WILL trade guitar and umplifier, value used and bench, REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire in good |g155 for gi plano and Telephone Mr. Casey at 728-0761. working condition, priced at $100. Tele- 34--Lost & Found Phone 728-4590 any time evenings after BLUE BUDGIE, Danny, No. wil: lost Road Ni 3 p.m. RANGE, Sunday from 59 Park orth. Be- ward. Tel. 725-5483. heavy duty, Chef-Master in 35--Legal he Mgt pape. Priced at $40. Tele- TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL PHILCO refrigerator _ square, 1960 model], used few months, $175, Apply 171 Garrard Road. 728-1 is SIX cubic foot Frigid ref $60 or best offer. srk 728-5455. JACKET heater, suitable for hot water system house, with large Sealed tenders, Marked "Tender for fuel oil", od- dressed tc the undersigned for supplying approximately 17,000 gallons of fuel oil to Halliday Manor, 620 Rich- mond St, East, Oshawa, On- in room hot water Pix Telephone 728-4204. 16-FT. PLYWOOD boat with 60 hp Scott tario, during the 1961-1962 heating season, will be re- rdtop, motor, electric starter, uly equipped, Diack, one owner, hii transmis. $1,175, Ti MA 3-2575. sion, radio, heater, etc. ; CosToM radio for To57 "Flymo, near- ly ceived until 3:00 p.m., Sep- tember 28, 1961. Storage capacity -- 3,000 MO 8-2637 after 6. fai Pd AIR conditioner, large size "Frigidaire, 725. 8312 for furth dew Jast year.' Cost $379. Selling for | FILTER Ee ar pics b>. $200, Telephone 728-3333, le eral tradedn allowance, Free demon- | stration. Telephone 728-4683. gallons. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. G. CHESEBROUGH, Manager, SKATES, two pair, girls, white, sizes 4 and 6, hi guards. $6 pair. Phone | USED res most all sin |B. F. Goodrich Stores, 7 Oshawa Housing Co, Ltd., 50 Centre St., 728-0 , windshield, | - OSHAWA, Ont. 32--Articles for Sale > e! TYPEWRITERS for Guaran- teed standards at low shugents, Bill Ham. ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. FURNACES, forced air, ten antee. $2.25 per week, mo ment, Package. deal $130, 725-4 guar- s, indi- $4,500 -- 4-room bungalow on half acre of good garden land, summer kitchen, new oil furnace, T.V. antenna. OFF PORT PERRY HIGH- WAY. LOW TAXES, Low FORD Galaxie t fib; 1 * duck boat, $20. 723-7902. TWO i rooms, refrigerator, stove, linens supplied, close to north General Motors, store, bus. Reasonable | rent, Suit working girl. 728-6844 | CLEAN, nicely furnished bedroom for | refined person in private, adult home. Close to South General Motors. Apply 29 Sandra East. | FURNISHED room, suit two girls, parking facilities, home privileges. Ap- ply 193 Simcoe Street South NICELY furnished large front room, | central. Cooking privileges and reason- lable rates. Call 728-8402 27--Real Estate for Sale Steet x 1099, |SAVE five percent Agent's commis BASEMENT apartment, three rooms, |sion. Private sale south Oshawa brick heated, heavy wiring, cupboards. Pri-|bungalow. Three bedrooms, $12,500 with vate entrance, bath, child welcome. 210 5100p down payment or best offer. Chadburn Street 725-7279. [Also two-bedroom apartment for rent, | inew building, Adelaide West Phone | | 725 3568 8.30 a.m, to 5 p.m. only. '59 CHEVROLET deluxe two-door auto- matic, beautiful ebony black with white walls, like new. Trade and finance, Telephone 728-5179. 51 PONTIAC "four-door sedan, i very good condition, two new tires, asking 18135. Telephone 728- 2200 for particulars, [53 STUDEBAKER Tudor Cha mglos, tires, body good. Mus $175 or best offer. Telephone Picker. {ing > wititenail 2-0936. FIBI ro ialored boat, :|COAT lady's, black winter, tailored style, also a rose shortie, both new, size 16. For details call 723-4386. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, only used free estimates. Chair, table rentals. ; t a |"53 BUICK hardtop, excellent condition, two years, peal. new. Cost $380, sell os." Fox, 412 Simcoe North. | telephone 728-6038 or apply at 429 Park $100 cash, 728-88 EE fon aE 4 : Road South and inquire. {ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, 8, long hair, German Pointer, spe- 8 CHEVROLET Biscayne tu. tone No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates Cal Bird, dos. ho. eron brsed houna |prown and beige, matching upholstery, (free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. 66 Ch Street. Pick 8 {mechanically perfect. Only $1295. Van DOUBLE bed with sprin, en, urch Street, Pickering. ef attress, gy » |Housen Motors opposite Brewery Of |clean, Sunbeam shavemaster, also Tess: | JOHNSON outboard, 35 hp *37 electric | King. | ing radio for sale. Telephone 725-1318. jaiantine Hodel ad excellent running -- aan (1 offer. [136 METEOR co ertible s custom radio, GARAGE equipment, used five months, 723-9337. . | power steering, automatic transm + | battery ha 3 -- {new black top only $895. oa | tire Bs Me We Tou gy STOVE, , Gurney, combination electric Motors opposite Brewery o on ng | and annex, all white enamel, good con otors opp _ |tester, MO 8-8222 before 9 pm. |dition. Telephone 723. 3290. |'58 RENAULT Dauphine, one owne very low mileage, has been extremely | USED parts and repairs for all | makes| WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car well cared for, Only $795. Van Heusen | { Yrioger type washers, ¥4 hp motors, radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Motors, opposite Brewery on King. to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie: ah I, and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- tor service depot for Oshawa. 57 CHEVROLET coach, custom radio, {ton, CO 3-2241. y - 3 aculate in ever TXT Se ----r---------------- tres Mg Pr a Wid KLEPPER, 12 ft, sailing boat, unique | F pric opposite Brewery on King. design, Gismantles to fit in fron, Hart. or | further information. ing quali y tape reco id ar uses N VOLKEWAGEN van, completely 1 recon. rice. 728-5709. y PIANO, Gibson, walnut fin "$250; | electric Hawailan guitar and amplifier | M en, $850. Terms. | = | Telephone 725- Ne [PRA IT with $100. Both like new. Telephone 728-6318. canopy, ph poi by $50 or best | 18% CUBIC foot frigerat lectrd Lon DELOXE Pontise. sjolfor accepted. Wi 2:1083,.33 Billings} |stove, washer and ogg Good | full; gate Crescent, Ajax. | condition, ty two-tone. 728-4903. Bacents Ajax owner leaving city. Telephone ELECTRIC trains, 59 PONTIAC station wagon, Lauren-|locos, cars and tracks, $45; also one | tian, A-1 shape, new whitewalls, radio, |Lionel .027 gauge balloon stack ti |automatic transmission. The Airport | set, like new, $22, 725-87 2. | Plaza between 8 and 6. $1900. {80 VAUXHALL "stationwagon, 1 {indsnield washers, low eater, $75 for best offer. 723-7064. $1450. Telephone 725-7773. TENTS, tarpaulins, camp > cots, "ground 1961 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, light metal- |gheets, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 lic green, four door, automatie, 7.000 | Church Street. 723.7624. miles. Very reasonable. 725.7809. {BUYING or disposing of used furniture, 4 steering, lights. Never used. Would tak fishing or small boat, motor, canoe, etc. in trade. 655-3712. Open to offers. |GAS furnace with blower, vator service. Available November 1 Sublet 728-5815. THREE-ROOM apartment, trance, furnished, heavy three-piece bath, central 728 private en. duty wiring, | 14% Bond four-room, one-bed- heavy witing, cen. UNFURNISHED room apartment, tral to down town. THREE -R ROOM, self- contained ment with built-in cupboards and bath. room. Telephone 5.0186 for further infor- mation. BRIGHT, two-bedroom apartment, in apartment building, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer, on Russett Avenue. For further details telephone 725-9341. BRIGHT, attractive e apartment--down- town location, three rooms and bath, refrigerator, stove. Reasonable rent for good tenant, Mr. Michael Clayton, 725 3501, 8 to 5 p.m. FIVE-ROOM apartment, large rooms, unfurnished, self-contained, heated, hot | and cold water supplied. also electricity. | Heavy duty wiring. Fireplace, dining] foom beam ceiling, living room pin 4] panelling. Apply on premises, 6 to 3 p.m., September 18 to 20. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish-| Business 728-6228 od, heated, hot and cold water sup plied, heavy duty wiring. Availabe | Res. 728-4879 | located at 821 King Street' East at bug} 0} IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. IN THE MATTER of the, CHANGE OF NAME ACT, being Chapter 49, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960. And IN THE MATTER of an Intended lication by GARY ROBERT ODERKIRK nee Gary Robert Douglas. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Gory Robert Oderkirk will make application to His Honour, Judge Alexonder C, Hall, Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario un- der the provisions of the Statute cited above for an Order chonging his nome from Gary Robert Douglas to | TWO-BEDROOM brick bungalow, quiet apart. [residential district, $3,000 down, easy payments Telephone 723-7584 after 5. 5 FIVE room bungalow with spacious | garden, on paved street with sidewalk, good district near shopping centre, Apply 175 Burk Street for particulars. $2,000 DOWN "New split vel brick, tastefully decorated, ap- praised $13,900. Will sell for $10,000, wig ¢ 7 RISTOW & OLSEN {USED lumber, clean, in good condition, ices. Tt 105 seven-room Tow mile Te ERT gid Niet Sean tarnishes 3 [phone 725.4573. _________ ty fo le, | rooms, modern family kitchen and good (29--Automobiles for Sale ousekeeping room, near the hos |900 FEET of highway property or sale, size living room, nice residential area. Is PLYMOUTH, good condition, 6 cy- suit one or two gentlemen. Telephone | |six miles north of Bobcaygeon on No. & a » Fesidentia) area Ft co! y cy: 723-7460 for further details. FROM THE {00 Highway. 728-0547. [Sorage sna any = rat ne" down rir two-tone green, Telephone E furnished room, close he wo pital, store and bus, Cae tages PHOTO CO OP included. ws Albert rant. 1 {est Street. Jow with built-in stove and oven, |, TILLMAN deluxe sedan, t a ime: 1 he $650 DOWN | (wall to wall carpeting in biog and 2 ori ing a SL NICELY furnished front large house. | dining oom, ceramic tile bathroom 7694" 946 Mohawk. | BUYING OR SEL LING | plus two ther washrooms, fireplace age 22,800, i. ye YonaW | and in EO: Phrtient, TEE i set. Week THYEL, 9; Wo Nowy good running order, 728-4056, able October Apply m- Street. s. coe Street North or telephone 728-3945 TWO furnished rooms, be | ph MO 83119. '56 VOLKSWAGEN van. in v1 condi- and inquire. Ten. with refrigerator, builtin cup.| MOS occupancy. Six only, Si Street North |phone tion, Price $500. Apply Fina Service 1 jences. Ap-| call now. Paul Ristow ot 101 Simcoe Station, 160 Simcoe Street South. SIX- and four-room partments, boards and sink, al Sovenie . a . | e vidu 728-5107 or evenings 725- 728-5123 YOU ASKED FOR IT! [5 VOLKSWAGEN, $750 cash. Can be 8152. --Low-priced quality home FIVE SUITE ~--Low down payment coe South or telephone 725-3243 or 635-|ROOM with separate kitchen for rent, a Stores, 48 Bond Street We RANGE, General Electric, four burner, bn locati 1 sible for Lg dood Low monthly payments FROM MANITOBA "no rust whatever" (Rangette, Canadian Beauty. Ti E-ROOM art: i, equipped location, close obus. ppl. '52 Pontiac t di 655 A with stove Refrigerator. 'chesterfield [burn Street, Oshawa, anytime. Ch 5 Pontiae two door standard, me ot Prosser sane bei and chair, close to bus, pating facili-| OLEAN furnished room with kitchen, in Pickering WH _2-5990. extra deep and strong, with keel and DOWN PAYMENT, occupancy. One of the most os 1V3:storey. insul desirable investment proper 37.700 REx or 5 ping Centre.' 378 King Street West or ties we hove been privileged rooms. Close to schools, bus nished apartment with heavy wiring, Ping Cen Tee to offer, Complete with ap- . . Co i central, suitable for u ror of o45 000 op ond shopping. Seven-room bungalow Telephone 7254897; t --Three good-size bed- ATTRACTIVE basement "apartment for FOOINS --Large modern kitchen --~Panelled living room east end. Abstainers and non-smokers only. Telephone 728-3624. or SOUTH.: é-room brick bun- aE, iy with og brick home in immaculate aglow, hot water oil heating, A condition, Large living room fenced yard, near school and with fireplace, separate din- shopping. ing room, both with broad- loom. 12 x 22 master bed- OPEN TO REASONABLE OF- home very low. See it to- day and make your offer now. Please call lled recreation room KEN HANN any panelled r 10 SUITES with fireplace. Immediatcly 725-6588 or 723-7963 available for comfortable, Apartment building, 8 years convenient living. ee old and centrally located Visit our OPEN HOUSE on complete with stoves and 'friges, a real money-maker. 725-1343 A real value - bargain er REALTOR with new modern Kkit- FOR REAL ESTATE | REALTORS Beit Parton Sith chen - living room and 19 ATHOL SY WwW | Pat Does on "UBill Irvine two bedrooms, complete- . . nev: DON S. SMITH © etl ly redecorated, Eqty Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 King Street West Por TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan- MD terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best |prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 725-6511, Terms to - | KENMORE ofl space heater, 200 gallon [Bond Street West, BED - SITTING room for girl, private payment, Phone S. Macko 728-4661, 56 VOLKSWAGEN for sale, custom TWO - ROOM unfurnished apartment, ; newly decorated, kitche room, near hospital, clean and| ¢13 950 includes mortgage " | "51 PONTIAC hardtop, A beautiful car, EDWARD DRUMM | room, split level entrance, outside en- ply 887 Ritson Road South seen anytime at 109 Gibb Street. Tele- APARTMENTS --One mortgage for ties. Telephone 723-1052, adults only. quiet home, central, suit gentleman. TUMBLER.FREE with $3 worth of bilge strips. Excellent for fishing camp from detailed statement, call Hilda DUPLEX -- COLBORNE ST. rent, very reasonable. Call 728-5455 for --Full basement, fully refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer. Ele- room, garage, paved drive. FER BESSBOROUGH DR. WILSON REALTOR OXFORD ST., you will op- Asking price only $45,000 | carrying charges. Close 0, (tank 25 feet copper tubing, Quebec | suit you. bath, broadloom, cooking privileges, N near bas y | Cent d schools, excellent location, 9% ACRES good land with two hous My everything supplied. in risen home, hE na Gecreation room, down good location. Apply 1192 Cedar Stre model, private, $620. Call Jim 725-0547. Real Bogpital, Tere payment $4,500. NHA mortgage, $100 | after 4.30 evenings, for further informa-| 953 PONTIAC sedan delivery, mecha per month will carry including inter- | tion, ically A-1, new paint job. $325 cash. n | keeping with built-in rds and |auiet. Telephone 728-5984 or 728-4401. fees and permits. That's it, 31 FORTIAC Rardtop. A benuiiful ear, sink. Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant.|NICELY furnished room with double a complete three-bedroom, | |trance to basement, double garage and|Price only $225. Telephone 726-2738. brick bungalow built for you | LIST WITH LLOYD [ots of other extras, strictly residential, ne 9 | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | ogee down and take over mortgage, g 67 KING ST, W. al 723-7822 separate hot water ay "Children wel. HOUSEKEEPING room, , ground | floor, come, near school. Dial CO 323%. clean, Jowntown and Shopping phone 7297865, 32--Articles for Sale hree- Centre, 32 weekly. A 27Park Roa CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear furnished. p ain. Apply 336 Sim: radios from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire Hot water oil heating, red rug brick, an impressive build- ing in an excellent renting balers b | ti | =----ldeal suburban location TWO furnished rooms with stove | Continuous hot water, parking (acill- | gasoline at The Hilltop. Open or cottage. Used only 10 days this sum- rking. H ties, Telephone 723-9225. me; st $245, Will sacrifice for $170. er A [Fo a rooms, 1aundry, park: | --Large landscaped lot 10 a.m. unl midnight. Phane 725.211 evenings. Ristow at 728-5107 or even- | FE Two apartments. Income more details, ings 725-3505, $150.00 monthly. Lots of FOUR . room apartment, private bath, arking. li SIMCOE ST. NORTH poring insulated --Forced air oil heating Owner anxious to sell Listed ot only $16,800 with 6-room brick bungalow with terms. For further informa- carport. Broadloom, electric tion coll Carl Olsen at 728- stove, dishwasher, drapes and preciate its designs, workman- A ; ship and sturdy construction. PAYMENT : Call 'Carl Olsen at 728-510 2 to 4 pm, 7 to? pm, . : ° evenings 725-3412 ity us on this delight to shopping centre and | schoots, See it today by calling est and taxes. Tel. 728-6896. 720 Cie" |uamaz six-room custom built brick Telephone 725-7703. ing Avenue. bed, suitable for ladies or gentlemen, BL in ond just in time for Christe need money for other P Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., im. |Or 728-0429, [5 : Cor Sout or nlephane TESTO oF 85 Stores, 48 Bond Street West. in very good condition. Sacrifice 390, areg experiencing continuous SELF-CONTAINED four - room unfur.|Ing facilities, right across from Shop: --Wonderful view 1 CEDAR sirip boat, parking facilities. One block from bus, $9,950 SIMCOE ST. Attractive 6-room two-storey quickly so has priced | 5107 or evenings 725-3412, other extras included. Mahog- = R VICKERY ful four-room bungalow. KEN HANN Vickery Estate sto] LA ment, built-in stove and oven, private entrance and bath, town. Telephone 728-3186 after 6. tral b downtown, Telephone 728-3186 after gop. Avvly 15 Brimises, 0.10 8 pa, PRIVATE RGE four-room two. bedroom apart- Six-room custom built home, storms and screens two fin- ished rooms in basement, two fireplaces, built-in stove, oven, exhaust fons, near all | central to down- $80 NY --- ui) three ms, $50 monthly, water, heat, | | | five rooms, schools, wall-to-wall carpet | throughout house. 725-3993 00! hydro free. Telephone 728-8587 for fur- FRED room and small kitchen | with refrigeraotr and stove, central, separate entrance. 97 Park Road North. 723-3764. $13,175--$1175 DOWN $12,700--$975 DOWN These are for custom-built homes only, featuring the highest quality three-bedroom bungalow with all the latest in. new homes for easy and comfortable living. JAMES O'MALLEY | 2122 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR GLADSTONE AVE 728-465) $12,100 full price, 3- bedroom brick bungalow with a tras. All landscoping and decorating in" top condition A very low down payment 6% N.H.A. financing, P session arranged TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new stove, Tefriguraton, supplied. Rem: south 'plant. ays, 4 or evenings, 723-3341. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, , private entrance and bath, heated, heavy duty wiring. Ideal for couple, central. Apply 176 Bruce hd BACHELOR apartment, furnished, for | Oshawa, rent. Janitor apartment 1, Apply Marin Apartments, 281 Simcoe Street aria for further information. VERY CLEAN -- unfurnished four room upstairs apartment, self contain- ed, very reasonable to Ifans ten. r 9 ants. Telephone 723-2335 p.m. | THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, built-in cupboards, sink, tile floors, one | child welcome, reasonable rent. 8864. 200 Oshawa Boulevard North, FOUR-ROOM unfurnished "apartment | with porch, private entrance and bath, ground floor, parking facilities, bus at | door, large yard, on King Street East. Telephone 725-3353. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, | on bus line, parking facilities and gar age, close to hospital, north GM. Tele- phone 725-2992. THREE.ROOMED bachelor apartment | private bath, refrigerator, stove, suit. able for business lady or gentleman. s at door. 723- -3568. FURNISHED two.room with kitchen. | ette and bath, quiet, clean and cheer-| ful, private entrance, off street park. | ing, suit two. Central. 185 Centre Street, 26--Rooms for | Rent COMFORTABLE room in quiet home, with kitchen privileges, on Simcoe Street North. Pa 4 laundry facil- ities. Telephone 723-1300, FURNISHED bedro Ritson, continuov breakfast ont'~ Rowe Street. 725-1365. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 7 -8671 4] this spa ' bungalow Forced to sell, six-room brick features built-in and oven, broadloom, storms end screens, water softener A real: man-sized lot B6' «x 179', Take a look. NM A mortgage, $15,000 full price. Terms to be arranged $11,000 -- V2 acre of land 5 large rooms, attached gar age, decorate, trees and landscaping. Close to school Will sell V.LLA. or $3,000 down and terms to be ar ranged VICTOR HULATT SALLY WALLACE DOUG GOWER WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE -- Baby crib and plagpen FOR BALE: "56 Dodge sedan, automatic stove near King "and | hot water, parking, stainers only. 31 | with mat, , Power mower 18" ro. transmission, new paint, new brake lin- tary blade, $15. Good condition. Apply ing. In Jin class condition. Don Gibson, FOR ih -- Three-room apartment for rent, available, October tained apartment, 34. Apply 610 Dundas Street West. a MO 8-334 'SALE: Late model Crosley auto hug BY 117 , ar 8-2: after m. _ thy, 2: WANTED TO RENT: Four or five| oantian ares, le newly decorated, laundry ten and two years old Phone Mrs. B. facilities. close to schools, Gardiner, MO 9021, 7-8 p.m. JO EN ee after 5 p. 715 Centre Street | North. IMO 8. $50. Mr. Say, FOR FURNISHED room or room and board | mytic defrosting refrigerator; four ele. Jor RENT -- $80 monthly, three and room apartment or house, reasonable | ', arking, 1] Shildren's Playground. Apply 300 High gi {HOUSE for sale, centrally located, 2 a floor, laundry pri-| oo om, 0 Tall for lady. ay on GRouND Saw, two room unfurnished prada SELF-CONTAINED heated two-bedroom | Brock Street South, MO 8-5947. for gentlemen, abstainer, central, Dank: | ment. heavy duty Gurney stove. MO it Ced 8-8509. room apartments, balcony. Resi- rent, with day care for two children, {vember 1. 339 Perry Street. MO 8.394 rtment with kitchen and bed sitting MO 34004, ei room. Hydro, heat included; Sopvenent For BENT: two-bedroom apartments, location, parking space. MO 8 LY 100, in modern building; | ------r-- stoves, refrigera x SEPTIC TANKS cleaned a Ward. FRIGIDAIRE Tro To oot OF BPPHE, 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-2563 Schneiders three-month's supply food | BC SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping plan, call Economart MO 8-5381, No service for all businesses, weekly, down pay no monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared, income tax returns. MO 8.8252. STUDENTS! A super value, approxi Carre - A. mately 630 sheets of letter size 'typing | SPACIOUS modern, two bedroom apart. | paper (news print) for only $1.00 Ap-|ments for rent. from $85. Call J. A,| ph Oshawa Times Office. Whitby Daly, MO 8-4775. Te 111) Dundas Street West, FOR RENT: Three roomed apartment, very central, private entrance, self con. DRESSMAKING, 3 suits, coats, dresses, tained. A ne | alterations, slip covers. Gowns and 3 MO 8.23 ytiaple ober -1. Telephone | sing our specialty. Mrs. Toms, 2372. TWO-room apartment for rent, oil heat. | TRE TR ------ led. $45 monthly, Telephone WH 2.419 ron TET a ER or apply 66 Church Street, Pickering by. Apply Tp Son Road South or FOR RENT Boots, motors, boat box and cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, decoys, power tools, camping, garden ond lawn equipment. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas Street East WHITRY we MO 8.3224 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, | Driveway Grovel and Fill | Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon: | ERIC C. BRANTON | MO 8-2660 Dick Barriage 725-6243 CLOSE TO O.C.V.l. & HOSPITAL : | - A six-room, 2-storey brick home, with almost new garage, woll to wall broadloom, 3 bedrooms (master 12 x 21), separate dining area. Living room 12 x 22 with natural fireplace. Owner transferred. Excellent terms. ROSSLYNN ESTATES $3,000.00 down -- Large 6-room brick ranch bungalow with attached garage. Stone fireplace in living room, separate din ing area, facilities for rec, room. Well londscaped Jot 71 x 132, Open mortgage for balance. EAST END New home -- List price $13,850 -- 5-room brick with carport. Very modern hollywood kitchen, 3 good size bedmoms, tiled bath with vanity, Gorwood fumace. $1,258.00 down, balonce N.H.A, mortgoge. AFTER 5:30 CALL 725-0243 Don Strodeski, 725-1726 Russ Reeve, Henry Stinson, 728-8423 Bill McFeeters, 3.bedroom ranch bungalow with and living room, fireplace. This can be bought for $9,000 cash. Whitby-Pickering Town Line, garage, extra large kitchen house needs decorating, but Pickering Beach cottage --- § rooms, electricity, stove heating. Total price $4,000, Call the office of Mr, Booth, MO 8-8257. room and Full price L-shaped living shed basement room Henry St 3 bedroom bungalow dining * aht kitchen, fin $14,000. Coop listing Oshawa « Greenw i Ave 8 a lo 48 x 4 offer the om bungalow end garage on isbery and fruit trees. Make on gs Me. Bilide, MC 8.2167 henutitul sh i Trond tot on Cash y ! 180°, Call the office OLIVE HOW REAL ESTATE 130 BRECK WHITBY MO 8.5853 METC, i 40 KING Fstate Limited DIAL 728-4678 STREET carpont BRON well landscaped, tiled storms ond screens, noturol ndition, Terrific value ot $14,900 Mader Wit bath wit v A few trim nome wnat ulate ¢ $3.00 RITSON with 0 dow S0UTH-~NEAR KING » J.suite partment = an ideal investment ~-- one 4.room ond two 3.room self-contained apartments, in excellent condition. Month- ly income $215.00, Priced at only $16,900 with reasonable down payment, Call tonight to inspect this fine income property. AFTER 5:30 CALL-- Everett Blliott 723.9290 Marion Drew 725-7610 John Kemp 728-2392 ROAD Joe Maga 725-9191 725-6588 or 723-7963 - WILSON REALTOR LLOYD REALTY | LIST WITH LLOYD | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 725-4840 D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 115 acres near Oshawa, excellent hip-roof barn, stone house stream, excellent soil, good view, First time offered. Asking $50,000, terms 150 acres near Welcome. Modern three bedroom house, all con veniences. Barns 90' by 30' and 30' by 27', henhouse, excellent trout stream. Asking $22,000 easy terms. 20 ocres with double house and barn in Tyrone. Paved road frontage with good building lots. Asking $12,900 with terms. 18 acres of apple and peach orchard in Tyrone. Planted eight years ago. A good investment ot $9,000 with terms Choice ten acre lots near Number 401 Highway -- only $500 per ocre. Easy terms 5 ocre lot, just off Tounton Rood east. $2,000 with $1,000 down. Bowmanville, Simpson Avenue. Modern three bedroom brick, storey and a holf. This house is immaculate and has many extras. $14,000 with $2,700 down. Would consider trade on Oshawa home, Two bedroom bungalow in Newcastle, Immediate possession Only $6,500 with terms ida Three bedroom clapboard and stone bungalow near Taunton Landscaped lot 110° by 200% Asking $12,500 with $2,500 down WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF FARMS, HOMES, ACREAGES AND LOTS CALL WALTER FRANK MA 3-3393 1.77 CHURCH STREET, BOWMANVILLE NEAR ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL $1500 DOWN $1500 1200 sq. ft. of gracious liv- ing in this six room ranch style brick bungalow, three large bedrooms, with wall-to- wall broadloom in the master, hall and living room, kitchen complete with mahogany cupboards and toppon built- in oven and stove. 4-pc. tiled bath with vanity, TV outlets, valance lights, TV tower, etc. Ask for Bill Horner at 728- 5123. 50' x 150' Lot on Gibbons St. near An- napolis St. Close to Separate and Public Schools, Call Bill Horner ot 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor -- 728-5123 101 Simcoe Street North ee | 1952 SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? USE PHOTO CO-OP FOR ACTION CALL 1285107 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS 19° ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Ltd. Insurance 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. STEVENSON'S RD. N. 3-bedroom' brick home, oil heat, hardwood and tile floors, 6% N.H.A. mort-, gage. Full asking price only $13,900. See this one be- fore you buy. Ask for Mr, Swarbrick at 725-6544 or 725-8342 RETIRE WITH EASE In this modern 4-room home. 2 bedrooms and bath, well kept garden and small lawn, good garage and private drive. Asking just $900 down. Call Mr. Ratcliffe, 725-6544 A REAL BARGAIN $14,500 full price. 7-room split level, double garage, 2 baths and fireplace. Separ- ote apartment rents for $50 monthly. Worth $2,000 more than asking price. Inspect this property now. Call Mr. Siblock at 725-6544 INCOME HOME Kitchen 13 x 20, 2 bedrooms on main floor, 3-room apart- ment upstairs. Many extras to be included in purchase price. Priced for quick sale; see it today. Ask for Mr, Zurba, 725-6544 or 728 0569 Members of O. D. R. E. B. Realtor Mortgages Arranged, Bought end Sold 1000 miles. 18-2631. |1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, sun roof, |radio, leatherette, all extras, | Telephone 725- 1777 after 5 p.m. i HILLMAN in "good "conditi ephone 728-1425. [ater 5 p.m. private. 323 Verdun Road appliances, etc. Call Elmer, 30 years' experience. COlfax 3-2204. paper "on sale, I letter "size hite newsprint, buy in bulk lots and | ave, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9.1b pkg, $2.00 |Circulation Department. tL. Oshawa Times |'60 FRONTENAC, two- o-door, automatic, | LADIES is this you? Overweight, tired, | funy eqquipped, radio, white walls, 14,- no pep always tense? No need . Mo Let me show you how easy and plea- ..|sant it is for you to lose inches with- | Financing arranged, THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS "Before You Buy -- Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and | track. [JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE E FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 Trade your boat on a car--= New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 9 Open evenings or weekends WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 TRADE-IN YOUR OLD CAR! If your car needs repairs . . « or perhaps it's on it's last legs . . . you can borrow the money to put it in shape or to trade on a new one: We will be pleased to lend you money for any worthwhile purpose. Drop in tomorrow ond discuss your loan in complete confidence. From $50.00 to $5,000.00 SEABOARD "FINANCE COMPANY of Canada Limited 29Y2 SIMCOE S 728-6283 |30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. out dieting, tone up those flabby mus- cles, to make you look and feel years | to be. OSHAWA TIMES Gary Robert Oderkirk; AND TAKE NOTICE that said application will be heard in the Judge's Chambers on the 20th day of October 1961 in the County Court House. Whitby, Ontario, at 10:30 WANT ADS younger. Start today for a new you to- morrow at the Slim-Rite Centre, King Street East. 728-4501. 204 T.V. TOWERS 40-ft, tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA TV. SUPPLY LTD 361 GIBBONS STREET 7 180 SELL 'MOST ANYTHING | o'clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the appli- cation con be heard. DATED aot Oshawa this 18th ok of September, A.D. GARY ROBERT ODERKIRK, nee Dougles 504 Colborne Street East, Oshawa, by his Solicitors JAMES A. MACDONALD Barrister and Solicitor, 286 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, 35--Legal COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Windows and Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may hove tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good. Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. Rood Service Station). 59-9--Vacant Lot No. east of Williams Point. STEEL LOCKERS Sacrifice sale of 200 lockers, suitable for recreational club or industry, must be moved immediately, as building be- ing demolished. $2.50 each. Phone Toronto AM 7-2831 or WA 5-4588 the purchaser's expense. SALE NOW ON Now is the time to i those draughty wooden doors and windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain- able. Reid Installations 725-4344 SALE OF PROPERTY by tender THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT ARE OFFERING FOR SALE BY TENDER THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES, ACQUIRED BY THE MUNICIPALITY THROUGH TAX ARREARS REGISTRATION: (PROPERTIES ARE POSTED) 59-8--A Vacant Lot 50' x 132' some 180° west of Scugog in southern Caesarea. (South of Imperial Oil 13 of Registered Plan No. 162 (Shady Acres) 50' x 100' east off Maple Ave. and in subdivision 60-1--Vacant shore Lot No. é of Registered Plan No, 152 (west of Viewlake and Savinac's) 60-2--Five acres more or less being the NE part of the W% of Lot 5 in the Sth Concession of Cartwright on 7A High- way opposite the D.H.O, Field Office. 60-3--A Vacant Lot of one ¥2 acre more or less in South Nest- leton being part of the abandoned railway right of way some 319' x 66' in EHL. 16C7. 60-5--Vacant Lot No. 93 of Registered Pian No. 360, approx. dimensions 100 x 35 x 140 x 38' west of Caesarea on Summit Drive toward the Twp. Community Park. Subject to approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs of Ontario the above listed properties, according to their presently registered description, will be conveyed to the successful bidder upon receipt of a Certified Cheque for the full Tendered amount. The registering of the Deed and any desired surveying will be at Closing date for receipt of Tenders to Purchase will be 12 NOON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1961 and no Tender is necessarily accepted. For additional information | phone Blackstock or after Sept. 17th, dial 986-4211, TREASURER: --V. MALCOLM Cartwright Municipal Office, Blackstock MERRY MENAGERIE 725-1181. T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan< ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. § 723-9421 SPOT CASH PAID FCR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § 723-9421 LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery 'ma- terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins and rayons . . . 1.49 and up Kitchen drapery materials. AS 69¢ up Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made drapes at discount prices, 'M & C DRYGOODS 74 Celina Street 723-7827 Walt Di 2 Ty ctions Sn - World Rights Roar you got the "I know shout ma, le ! What I Rt mad ZTeUD he want to kpow