THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 20, 1961 # NEW COMMAND Maj-Gen. John M. (Rocky) Rockingham, 50, first come mander of the Canadian In- fantry Brigade which fought in the Korean War, will be- come General Officer Come manding the army's Western Command. Gen. Rockingham, who has headed the Quebee Command for the last four years, takes over at Edmon- ton Oct. 1 from Maj.-Gen. Geoffrey Walsh who becomes Chief of the Canadian General Staff. --(CP Wirephoto from Nat, Def-fls) PORK LOIN SALE! Sor Sr RIB PORTION { TENDIRION PORTION ( conte cuts w hors CHECK and COMPARE | 15575 2% 8 TO ¥; POUND AVERAGE orp pdoniintin | l| distribution of $600,000 held in trust by the Indian affairs fil I 000 paid by Dimensional Invest- : | Ss as A:P ments Limited in a $6,500,000 LJ land deal that collapsed earlier this year. The reserve voted Aug. 28 for Short Cut distribution of the money on a b 57 per capita basis, despite a rec- RIB HALF LOIN +47 ' PRIME R "IY [| Sr Tn ment that the vote be delayed until a possible claim by Dimen- Pure Pork sional is disposed of. SLICED PORK LIVER :29: SAUSAGE MEAT .39: SIDE BACON win @9e | Sr Thinly Sliced Priced Low At A&P majority of members wanted COOKED HAM «49 CHICKEN GIBLETS :25¢ cp UND CHUCK +49. | Fi ias Imported Cornish Cooked and Breaded decided to go ahead with legal ROCK HENS (16-02 minimum) each 79: HALIBUT STEAKS Ib 5 5¢ Sweet Pickled, Mild Cure, Vac Pae proceedings because it has not Jellied Pork Canadian OTTAGE ROLLS Ib 57¢ ter on the Aug. 28 vote. HEADCHEESE vei cen 3 Qe GOLDEN KIPPERS +23 co Bt 4 Bove, A We 66 Percent BEEF BOLOGNA ---37c PERCH FILLETS «x31. SAUSAGE PATTIES "39: | Pas Swim ee, || [Examinations OVEN FRESH PIE . . . AS ONLY GARDEN FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLE SPECIALS! Grocery Features at Aap! FOR RR ve im | | Ss man low branch ofthe depariment of ei | 0 9 zenship and immigration. | C i Ib C i The money is part of $2,500,- | Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless 'ming 8kim Milk Powder held at Poplar Park, Port J Jane Parkor CAN BAKE In Niagara Grown, Yellow Freestone, "V" Varieties and Elbertas, No. 1 Grade MIL-K oO Reg. pkg $1.07--8AVE 8c Perry during the summer h d 1 - THIS WEEK FEATURING fom » lona (Colour & Pectin Added) haly 99: a Prove o~ poo ; Wirt, Reg. jar 390--8AVE 40 (with a 66 percent of the class CHERRY PIE ~~ 6-gt bask C | SRAPE JAM hori 35 rie i rs 4 -qt bas Liquid Wax, Self-Polishing ow tn #1 Wb . ¢ Some 200 young folk took the eis . ' ' Oc inst i iv Mi ore Vee. od JOHNSON'S KLEAR 1... 99 Sr each C ¢ f ; Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade Colour Quick (2c Off Deal) Reg. 2 Ibs 650--8a £ Rumer. of Port Perry, 4 mE MARGAR ve an Extra 4e Miss Hunter also acted as Reg. Price B9c -- SAVE 100 i ; . w INE Blue Bonnet 2 1b rkos @ Tc Be guard at the swimming g SD ---- ravo Macaroni and pool. THERE CAKE hs C | SPAGHETTI "3 ue ue te ANGEL FOOD C Sun Rype, Blue Label, Vitaminized, Clear Reg, ah 1 ¢ BEGINNERS APPLE JUICE : le Miriam Christie, Carol Chris- 2 48-fl-oz tins 5 0 tie, Lorie Mark, Gregory Goode, Native. Genuine Freestone, 7 5 Betty Crocker Rew. ak ¢ Brian McLean, Lynn 'Christie, each L PRUNE PLUMS No. 1 Grade Sat basket t PIE CRUST MIX 0: pkg 39--SAVE 17¢ Sharon Fenton, Brenda Fenton, se MEAVE 10 Yilkon Clot 3 18: rss 1.00 Julie Hall, Billy Brain, Les- DeNure, Patti py YFFEE CAKE APPLE RAISIN each 3 Jc oud No.1 Grade: Guaranioed St. Lawrence Thomas, Anne Sebben, Nancy nt. Grown, No. rade, Guaran Reg. _-- ' 4 ij ' COFF Reg. loaf 260--8AVE Te POTATOES to Cook White and Fluffy 50-Ib bag 99. CORN OIL 9. STemBAVE Be bid Dad ui Tinta lat Jane Parker Chocolate KIES 1002 pks 29¢ ginia Eden, Nancy Crosier, CHIP COO bi Ptolemy, Bruce Heayn. Kraft Parkay Regular 2 1-Ib pkgs 50 Banquet -- Turkey, Chi Sylvia Fralick, Patsy Aldred Native, Fresh, Green, 21 ¥: Chicken or Beet Reg. 83c--SAVE gc Cole Humphrey, Beverley Al BRUSSELS SPROUTS No. 1 Grade Hb cello bag ¢ MEAT DINNERS T-0z pkg 55: {dred, Susan Healey, John Love, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD, i vow wri weer. | JUNIOR CORN 27.20: or Sy ee K COFFEE torn J 7c VARIETIES 2 1502543: 59 Ted Hall, Paul Taylor, Billy Da- VAC PAC PEAT MOSS, VIGORO, ETC. vidson, Karen Kennedy, Faye P I Rides Juligy Dismond, Ron Jeffrey and Bill Taylor. 27. off PAck | Save on Canned Foods at AsP! KRAET FOODS | in: Podres, Debbie Godley, Shire CHEER AcP TOMATO JUICE 4.99. | Puc tow ar ae. [| |F25EE0E Grant Williams, Dale Beare, Stewart Sebben, Lonny Mark, Wenda Walsh, Barbara Tay- | lor, Sharon Baird, Graham DISHWASHING 1 | A&P KERNEL CORN 6 ii QQ Powell, Wayne Saunders, Bob | Lee, Roger Pickard, David Jane Pk 25foztin § §¢ Tripp, Wayne Birkett, Barry Arnold Heayn, Karen Carter, Darla Thomas, Pat Thompson, ' a, = Dyson's KLES 16-fl-oz jar 3 3 AP S # JUST ARRIVED FROM Clearbrook F. NINE DAY PIC J uper arkets HOLLAND, TULIP BULBS RASPBER Reg. 33c--SAVE 7, |ey Dymond, Peggy DeNure, eh RIES All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Sat. Sept. 23rd, 1961 Healey, Barbara Walsh, Kathy Scott Kenny, Larry Mark, 5 4 WASHES WHITEST ir ; A "New Pack" Choice Quality CASE OF 24 TINS $7.92 -- SAVE 48¢ Reg, tin 35c--SAVE 6e Christina Rice, Paul Heayn, eX KING SIZE 16-02 Chris DeNure, Janet Baird, 'A A&P PEACHES 28-fl-oz tins ¢ C Sharon Sweetman, Jamie Por- Jar ter and Peggy DeNure. | | | Ine------------ ---------- REGULAR PRICE 8! PPLES Excellent Eating, 2 5 ents Only) Reg. 2 bts 27, lie DeNure, -------------------------- ¥ . . ©--SAVE 4c inky iv : wwe | WEALTHY A aod" wade | EMON Tide "gorse | | aii ping < $ [4 Regul, d 1 RAISIN BREAD 2 corinne Bradford Marsh, Washed, 19 QUAKER Reg, #o--SAVE 3 ALT Id Reg. pkg J CARROTS No. 1 Grade 5-1b cello bag ¢ OATS large eka dh Je MacDonald, Carol Crosier, Vir- Bradford Marsh, Pascal, Jumbo Size, No. 1 Grad 2-19: CELERY STALKS "wom | FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! [Beveriey Eden," Linda. Heaye, . rry Horne LIQUID GRAVEE eni 37¢ ASP Fancy Quit LIQUID VISIT OUR GARDEN DEPT. Reg. 2 pkgs 39c--SAVE 10¢ Sharon Vokins, Georgia Rice, a ; Fi a A&P Percolator or Drip Grind. Extra Fine Ell J IRR ALL VARIETIES, DAFFODILS. John Hunter, Elizabeth Sebben, Luke, Anne Kenny, Heather "New Pack" Fancy Quality CASE OF 12 TINS $2.97 -- SAVE Sic Reg. tin 29c--SAVE 17e Ron Taylor, Janie Huntley, Ron BOX an, SE ied > : i mr "New Pack" Fancy Whole CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 SPECIAL! INTERMEDIATES | | Clark's (in Tomato Sauce) CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 SPECIALI Reate Porter, Ricky Snooks, Barry PERSONAL SIZE Oke and Carol Ann Morrow. | Ivory Soap Pp ORK & BEANS 6-99 SANDWICH SPREAD «=xdd: SE IORSioyl, Join Pickard -- rm and Marty Rennick. ONE BAR FREE WITH FOUR | | Puritan : GIANT SIZE CASE OF 24 TINS $9.00 -- SAVE 38¢ Reg. tin 39c--SAVE 3 CREAM CHEESE 8oziar 3 5¢ 8 ELUSIVE CHARGES 5:35: | 83 BEEF STEW 2nd Be | TRESSNG oes NET -- ii ---- = adopted 14 young rabbits, found Tea EE I Armour CASE OF 24 TINS $10.68 -- SAVE $2.04 Reg. tin B3c--SAVE 17¢ Restt his charges hard to keep track f. Owner Jerome Hauck no- Sh cs77. GE CORNED BEEF 2:.-89 ESE 12-oz ti 7%-oz pkgs [4 ticed the dog pining at a fence, SPICK 2 SPAN giant size 7 7 | MR. CLEAN large bil 45¢ ai ' DINNER 4 : 3 accompanied by only two of the orphaned rabbits. The others, a ---- lost in a maze of tunnels under a pen, had to be retrieved by digging.