12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 20, 1961] Lifejacket For All, Difficult OTTAWA (CP)--Weight vari- ations between human beings make it impossible to design a lifejacket that would provide maximum protection for all, says the transport department. "No single jacket will support short and tall persons, thin and stout persons, the same way in the water," the department said Tuesday in a statement. It said the statement was is- sued because questions had been asked in some quarters about what it was doing to improve lifejacket standards. Lifejackets for children were a special problem, because the upper part of a child's body is much heavier than the lower. Eight Men Charged In Fraud Case TORONTO (CP) -- Two men testified Tuesday that each gave a $1,200 cheque for a display rack dealership but received nothing in return. Eight men are charged with conspiracy to defraud in con- nection with the case, They are William C. Goddard, E. Doug- las Black, Donald H. Pickard, Stanley Allan Rose, David F. Curley and Anthony Aquanno, all of Toronto; Toivo Aarre Nordman, Ottawa, and Brian Michael Cassidy, Montreal. Clifford Lee, a Stouffville area farmer, told a general sessions court he gave Goddard a $1,200 cheque believing it was secur- ity for first-aid products for dis- play racks in retail stores. He said he received a letter ap- pointing him a '"'dealer" which was signed by Black on behalf of General Merchandising Dis- tributors of Canada. He said he was to receive $3 from the sales of each rack each week in return for servic- ing the racks. Leon Makochick, RR 2, Whitby said he gave Nordman a cheque for $1,200 as security and was told the money repre- sented the value of 10 racks of medical supplies which he would service .n local stores. Makochick testified that Nord- man promised a commission of about $30 a week. An estimated 100 storekeepers will be asked to testify for the Crown. Didn't Honor 'The Queen' Expelled BURKS FALLS (CP) -- A Grade XII student said he was ordered to leave the high school here Monday because he did not stand when God Save the Queen was played during assembly. Andrew Fraser, 18, said he "never really believed in the song as a national anthem" but had always stood before. He stood while O Canada was played. Andrew said Principal C. M. Dawson, told the pianist to stop playing and "told me to leave the school." Neither Mr. Dawson nor Har- vey Fowler, school board chair- man, would comment. But the boy said the princi- pal visited him at home Tues- day and told him i* was up to the inspector whether he could return to school. Andrew said his widowed mother was 'not too happy" when she heard what happened but "now I think she's behind me." Burk's Falls is 50 miles south of North Bay. DEATHS Toronto -- Percy Parnell Ty- ler, 79, president of Lever Brothers of Canada from 1926 until 1938. | Adelaide, Australia -- David Barber, 70, personal messenger for Sir Winston Churchill while serving with the Royal Navy during the Second World War. London--Lt.-Col. Oreste Pinto, 71, author and Second World War spy-catcher. Hartford, Conn. -- Eugene Stein, 92, a high Russian diplo- mat under the Czar. Percentage Is Different Today NEW YORK (AP) -- When Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in 1927 he accounted for about 14 per cent of the homers hit in the entire American League, which totalled 439. Going into the Baltimore se- ries, Roger Maris' 58 homers were only four per cent of the 10-club American League total of 1,442 in games through Mon- d ay. In 1927 oniy two clubs, the Yanks with 158 and New York Giants with 109, hit as many as 100 home runs. In 1961 the only American League team that has not hit 100 homers is Kansas City with 85. Philadelphia with 98 and St. Louis with 95 are teh only sub- 100 teams in the National League which has 1,117 homers. FILM VETERAN Aline MacMahon is celebrat- ing her 40th year as an actress with a role as a woman doctor in the film The Young Doc- tors. SAVE CASH at LISTED HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF ITEMS THAT ARE PRICED LOWER AT A&P! A P Other Supermarkets & A B Cc SAVE ON TEA AND COFFEE INSTANT COFFEE maxve Hows "351.65 177 175 1.69 roof that you A:P NOBODY HAS AS MANY LOW GROCERY PRICES AS A«P! A RECENT THOROUGH CHECK OF LEADING SUPERMARKETS IN THIS AREA REVEALED THESE IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES IN ITEMS CHECKED. WHY PAY MORE? COME SAVE AT A«P! Ap ie tewmten SAVE ON TOILET SOAP LUX SOAP white 3% 37: 38: 37. 37. A B 4 SAVE ON SALAD DRESSING & CASINO DRESSING xo» "= 31 33 33 3k INSTANT COFFEE moxvell Howe 1.09 1.14 113 113 INSTANT COFFEE sorte "125 129 129 1.29 SALADA TEA BAGS Deep Flavour onze) P57 57c 58: 58: 58 SALADA TEA sroun Lube "0.67. 68 68 68 SAVE ON CEREALS CORN FLAKES Kelloggs hee 27 29: 29 29: IVORY SOAP Personal Size 4 vrs 35. 3ior31c 310r29: 3i0r29: FRENCH DRESSING Hetinanc's roger £37 37 39: 43. PALMOLIVE SOAP Green & pink 3%. 37 38 37: 37. ITALIAN DRESSING xe a 33« 35 35 33 LIFEBUOY SOAP 2% 39 39 SAVE ON INSTANT AND CANN MIL-KO INSTANT MILK *%50e™ wig. 37¢ 39: 39 39. EL ED MILK 39: MAYONNAISE sue Ribbon "a 49: 51 51 49% SAVE ON CANNED VEGETABLES : RED KIDNEY BEANS.22%, 5.2 22:33 35 35 35 CANNED CREAM westies 2 S-1l-vs, 5 3c 27. 21]. 27. BARBECUE BEANS compbeirs ~~ 280 4Q; w= = QUAKER OATS instant & Quick nue 43. 47 49: Ac RICE oeinty zh 30 33 31 3 PET INSTANT MILK skim Milk Powder yf 37- 39: 39 3. BAKED BEANS Clarks (in Chili Saves) 2150-35, 35, SAVE ON FROZEN FOODS WAX BEANS Ayimer Choice cut 215f-on. 33 35 CORN stokely Fancy Quality Cream Style. 29-20. 33: 3le UNCLE BENS RICE Long Grain Pie. 25. 27. 27. 27. RICE CRISPIES roles "29. 3k 30. 30 SUGAR CRISPS rors weal. 29. 28 28 3c =--= 33 SAVE ON FROZEN FISH 33: 3 v.43. 43 43: 43 on. 49: Ri oe 59. SOLE FILLETS ses Seatd 0.89: 52 52 49 SCALLOPS ses Sold on 37 43 -- 43 SAVE ON CANNED FRUIT PEACHES Del Monts Fancy Quality Halves 2-f-o* 3Q 39. 4 39 FRUITS for SALADS ,..2'=e,., "5-33: 35. 35 PIE FILLER smiths Cherry w-on3Q9. 43 39 FRUIT COCKTAIL ool More Fancy quality 21 83. 47 47c PEACHES ool wore "og Susi 2 in 49. 27 27. Q.T.F. PINEAPPLE gv 2.50.49. 27 27. Q.T.F. PINEAPPLE Crushed Cros "15° 21c 23c 2forl3c PIE FILLER sritt's Raisin wnon37. 39 39 3 e 1 COD FILLETS ses seal HADDOCK FILLETS sea Seated SCALLOPS sea seald SAVE ON FRUIT JUICES SUN up Breakfast Drink any ns, 75 77 77 LIMA BEANS Ventura Fordhook Auk 27: 29. 29: 29: PEAS & CARROTS cuol'Bomu, 2527 31 LEMGNADE Realemon Plain or Pink S10 49 210r29c 260r25¢ Aor53c BUTTON MUSHROOMS cs.ic oi, 2: 38 45: Alc ORANGE JUICE minute Maid a 33e 59. 55¢ 57 MUSHROOMS Reeve: Creamed Wa 33c 35 35 GREEN BEANS snow crop Wo 25. 27. 27. 27. HONEY POD PEAS ,..5 ilu 25:39: 39 39 GREEN BEANS southland Whole a. 29¢ 29: 3 31. SAVE ON SUPER-RIGHT MEATS SHORT RIB ROAST n. 59 62: 59: BLADE ROAST n. 49: 59. 59: BRISKET PLATE sone in Ib. 29: 32: 32 STEWING BEEF toneiess Ib. 5 Oc 69: 69: PORK LIVERS Ib, 29: 41. CHICKENS Grade A OvarcReady, 2-3 Ibs ave m. 3 5c 29: TURKEYS Grade A, Oven-Ready, 8-14 Ibs ave Ib. 47. TURKEYS Toms, Grade A, Oven-Ready, 18 Ibs up » 83 45. 49. PORK LOINS or CHOPS Centre Cut mn. 67 RIB PORK CHOPS n. 59 69: 75¢ PORK HOCKS Frozen 1b. 25: 29: 29. FRESH LAMB LEGS Half or Whole Ib. 79: 89: 79: BEEF BOLOGNA 8) The Piece Ib. 33. 43 39: MAPLE LEAF WIENERS ie 3 3c 59. 59: Cc GRAPE JUICE weicr's ufo le 20 23 2 COOKED HAMS Smoked, Boneless, Vac Pac Ib. 99. 115 1.09 1.15 APPLE JUICE Sun Rype Blue Label silo §Q. tin 39. un3Bc un33ec PORK SHOULDERS inci; cnc sivie Ib. 3 9 52 52¢ 59: PINEAPPLE JUICE oo foncy Quaity "(533 33c = HALIBUT STEAKS ing 5c 12008. 62 20m 63c ne 59c UNE SUGE ve 2745737 2312030 SAVE ON LIGHT BULBS TRILITE BULBS : 5000150 Watt an 69: T9: 79 88 UGHT BULS v5. vn 49.50. 050: LIGHT BULBS sexs cower Pik 53 54 54. 54 LIGHT BULBS swwiow sno wen PGi 58: 60 60c 59 SAVE ON CLEANSERS AND DETERGENTS LESTOIL A! Purpose Liquid Cleaner 2for TQ 85 85: 85 AMMONIA srowiske Li 2320029: 20029 29 KINGSOL Liauid bieach 20020: 20 20 20 LESTARE Ory taunt beach wo 67. 69 69 6% LESTOIL A! Purpose Liquid Cleaner wnong5: 49 49 SPIC & SPAN For All Household Cleaning to- 86: 87 8 WINDEX SPRAYER Medm wen 15¢ 17c 19 CLEANSER si Five 27029. 33 33 CLEANSER tor Ami fod 2 '%o~ 33c 35¢ 35 SANI FLUSH Clon: Clogged Dims = 43c 45 41 $08. covers. PGA 28: 260 2b: IVORY LIQUID owes jiicos 46c IVORY LIQUID oeteroert fer, | paste pit. 89 LINDY LOU CLOTHS A! Purpose uch 25¢ Roast, Fresh Shankless PORK SHOULDER w 83 47. 45: SAVE ON PICKLES MIXED PICKLES Rose Brand Sweet i id 3 3 DILLS Aylmer Whole TE Sis BICK'S GHERKINS srfied Pimento ion 37: MIXED PICKLES sick's Hor Ron. 3 9c SWEET WAFERS sick's Yom Yum 36-11. 3 3 c MIXED PICKLES vork sweet 16-1] ox. 2 5 c GRAPE JAM ot pure i 7d 31 33 STRAWBERRY JAM Kraft Pure "37 39 37. RASPBERRY JAM site's Pure 29. 31 3k RASPBERRY JAM Aylmer Pectin Added i 23: 23c 2089: 2049: RASPBERRY JAM Ayimer Pectin Added Hier 47. 47. 47: 47. A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY . GLADE SMALL ONIONS ~~ "june 2833. 37. 18: 33¢ POTAT Cheicn "quality 275-35: 37. 37. 37. WHOLE BEETS Avimer Choice Medium ™:*= 21 22c 2worll3c 2iord3e 2 15-0-0n 37 c 200r39c 2i0r39¢ 2f0r39e¢ CREAM CORN Avimer Choles (REAM CORN Libby's Fancy 215% 3 5c 260r39c 2f0r39¢ 2f0r39c SAVE ON PAPER PRODUCTS KLEENEX coloured Pes" 31c2iorb3c 260rb3c 2i0rb3e SCOTTIES Facial Tissue White or Coloured P55,% 3c 2f0r§3c 2forb3c 2forb 3c TOILET TISSUE Write Swan Pw 27 29: 21 27 SAVE ON THESE OTHER ITEMS MARGARINE Nucoa Biue Package 250.55 20r59c 2f0r59¢ 2f0r57 ¢ CAKE FLOUR swansdown thse g0. 43 40: 40: RED CHERRIES uberty "nox. 27 27 27 SOLO MARGARINE sy Yeliow in 5Q. 29. 3lc2lorble SPAGHETTI Franco American 25535. 37c 37 wi SPAGHETTI 1 role sees 2%533c 17:20:33 7c PEANUT BUTTER Keo Snoothe ~~ "i249. 53 51 49: Assorted Semis, Alr Freshener SQ. 98: 99: 98: e119 123 129 129 ne 159 169 1.69 1.69 SAVE ON SOUPS TOMATO SOUP campbeirs non28 27. 21. 21 VEGETABLE SOUP Habitant 25023 27¢ 25 25 RAID Ant & Roach Killer RAID House & Garden Bug Killer BOX SCORE Here's How As«P Stands With Major Competitors On Iiems Compared In This Ad. PRICES A 8B c HIGHER THAN AP 103 98 87 EVEN WITH AsP 10 17 29 LOWER THAN A&P 0 0 0 No. of Items Checked 113 ]