THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 18, 1961 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES JOHN, AGED ONE This bonnie young man is | on August 20 is the grands meeting would be in the charge|led by the president refresh-| The meeting closed with pray- of Mrs. Ernest Brown and her'ments were served. | by Mrs. Austin Hooper. ittee. atin was received A GROUP 5 ing served Mrs. Thompson play- from the Alice Jackson Auxiliary, The first fall meeting of the/ed a piano solo and Mrs. De- to a meeting on October 3 when|Group was helc recently at/janey sang a solo. Mrs. M. Zeidman of the Scott x Mission, Toronto, would be, son, Stone street, with an at-l;¢ the home of Mrs. Austin guest speaker. [tendance of arounc 40 mem-iysoner 1515 Evangeline drive, Mrs. George Wilson presented bers. The president, Mrs. Austinseptember 25. The speaker at the worship service. A few well Hooper, presided. : that time will be Miss Norah known hymns were sung and| The meeting opened with the Moen, who will tell of her work two stories from the Bible were singing of several hymns and in the Bible Clubs. read and commented upon, The|prayer by Mrs. Neta Hoagland, | stories were about Martha and| president of the Calvary Busi- VON. {Mary of Bethany and Mary who ness Women's Group. Mrs. The Board of Directors of the anointed Jesus with the alabas- George Delaney, accompanied [Oshawa Branch of the Victorian {ter jar of lard. "Martha thejon the piano by Mrs. Harry See- Order of Nurses 'held its Sep- homemaker and Mary mor e|ley, sang two solos, "Calvary tember meeting in the board . |spiritually minded are both Love" and "Give Him Your room at the City Hall. i (much like the women of our| Heart Today". Psalm 62 was Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse i | church," Mrs. Wilson said. "The|read by Mrs. George Smith. Martha hand and the Mary mind| Mrs. W. . Thompson was in ANCIENT RITE are both needed in the mission! -- Decorating graves with flow- of the church more today than ers is an ancient custom, dating ever. Mary with the sweet smell- back to the Greek and Roman ing ointment anointed Jesus be-| rite of honoring the dead lav- Mrs. Bert Howlett presided|tober 15 at 2.30 p.m. The Ven-|Mrs. Thompson and her hus-|health instruction. 66 new pa- for the September meeting of|erable H. D. Cleverdon, Arch-|band were in the Mission|tients were admitted. 0 SPORES AASB While refreshments were be-| i in-charge, gave her report for|nurse while Miss Rose Lunney|discope, Canadian National Ex-| Mr. A. H. Collins, president; the months of June, July and|is on holiday. hibition. She was assisted by|presided at the meeting. The August. During the period 1074) On August 18, 23 and 28,(Miss Carol Jamieson, Mis s|minutes were read by the sees visits were made including 989|from 6 to 10 p.m. Miss Sorley|Rose Lunney and Miss Jessie LOYAL WORKERS stone ceremony to be held Oc-jtroduced by Mrs. Austin Hooper. |for bedside care and 85 foriattended the VON booth at Me-IGreig. retary, Miss Helen Boddy. 2 kers group of deacon of Scarborough: will of- Fields of Latin America for/hours worked by the nurses Qe Joyal Workers Soup over 35 years. Mrs. Thompson were 1,489. Total fees collected Ari ; i ited Church. Her|ficiate. i "Haze| All were reminded of the brought a dynamic message of were $938.75. i ] 14 on the Fair Horizon", were per-| Deanery Conference on Septem-|personal testimony and men-| In June Miss Christine Madda- tinent to the autumn season, |ber 2 at St. George's Memorial tioned the work being done and ford paid an official visit to Mrs. Howlett called the roll Church, to be done by the Latin Ameri- } 5 i and announced the October] Following the closing prayer|can Mission. the Branch. : | Mrs. Joanne Dionne, staff 4 nurse, resigned at the end of| July. Miss Catherine oe uy : ; relief nurse, worked from |p r July 3 to July 14. Miss carr' Jamieson worked from July | hoi f Mrs. Harry Hand- i i the home o > y | The next meeting will be held 27 to September 30. Mrs, Ellen p Durant is working as relief) BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN ! Fresh Fruit Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Special This Week ! Delicious--OId Fashioned LEMON MERINGUE | MARBLE CAKE Special This Week ! Genosha Hotel, Sept. 19th, 20th PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates 4 4 > > fluous hai 4 supertiuous hair. M d With . - Over 15 Years' Experience Pf Floky Pastry ! 43 with hitrer 43 > > A SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! Ey tr rE i i, dN fore he died which was an act . ishly with flowers. lof kindness. Too often the deeds She S ! of kindness one intends to do are left tou late. The stories of Ith y vill always be told > ) et ener 4 gol' places | Miss Effa Wright gave three John Alexander Parker, son | of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur pa readings, "The Lord's Frayer: WHEN VOU RE REALLY HOT, TIRED, THIRSTY of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Finucane street, John who celebrated his first birthday --Photo by Irela CHILD GUIDANCE Preschooler Feels Lett Out As The New Term Begins When school begins the tot not, Be sure he doesn't spend of Oshawa. quite old enough to attend is left! much time before the TV and behind at home. Often this cre. views no programs of violence. 1 0 Strive harder to help him have : ates a hard problem for him : with ba former ney ( anfield and secretary, Mrs Not only an older brother or sis- fun outdoors ter but one or more of his play- playmates after school and mates go off each school morn- weekends ing leaving him home. If he has rr AETHER no playmates of about his age Nor WISE PROC EDU RE he may feel very lonely. You may be inclined to try Because of such problems give him school lessons such many a mother attempts to he igh lave Hig hag he! Ie i sc . As a rule, DE perce One "hones woud hardy be good procédy than the age-lmit Fale. of the | However, in some instances, Toul. "So h 1 with| TiS interest is strong in want school. Some schools, With it, know the names of words enough specialists to check on|a page or package, or in wishing in McMaster University, Hamil- | to count, or even print his name, ton. border-line cases, have flexible rules. But, as you and I can see, you might well capitalize most schools have to stick 1t0|ych interest. The danger is that rather rigid rules for age of en- you might 'burden him with trance. | formal school learning. Ta ave a shila Jett behing} (My Jlleting, "Letting Baby ties the missionaries are going is! What little gal doesn't o ° Foe' land Tot Learn" and "Why Read through to spread the gospel and thrill t th mates go off to school, consider|, papyy ang Young Child," may|urged all to pray for them. get 2 hill to weap those the number of playmates avail- p, had by sending a self- able nearby. If none are avail- able, you might wisely go with, him to one or more homes...) farther away, a few days a] i week, and attract some of these PARENTS' QUESTIONS children, occasionally, to your, Q. Is a cellophane bag, such| : " home. {as contains clothes reutrning(éd and the highest per capita {from the tailor, a safe plaything giving was from the Mary El ANOTHER PLAN Or you might work out with one or two mothers a plan for having some of their tots at your| . home one or two days a week| tion of children under two for young children? for a few hours, and your child| three have been reported in the ; i in theirs on some hn days. | Press in various parts of the na- Mp first autumn meeting of Each guest-mother might take YOM. over when it is her turn. Also, you might deem it wise HOUSEHOLD HINT dressed U.S. stamped envelope on furlough at that time and she me in care of this newspa- had the privilege of meeting A. It's very dangerous. Nu: | Mrs. Walter Nickerson closed merous fatalities from suffoca-|the meeting with prayer. "What to Read" and "The Val- ue of laughter'. Mrs. Wilson led nd 'a discussioi. on the new United | | JUST S/T DO wn SOMEWHERE AND... - [Church Women's Organization. | Mrs. Edward Sills gave the] treasurer's report and Mrs. | Mrs. Bruce Wilson reported 28| {home calls and 64 hospital calls. MARY ELLIOTT SMITH The monthly meeting of the Mary Elliott Smith Mission Cir- cle of First Baptist Church, was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Swackhammer The president, Mrs. Robert Moon, presided and offered prayer, The treasurer, Mrs. Sid too on Richard Britton, gave their re- ports. A letter of invitation was read from Whitby Baptist Mission to Circle to attend the annual} as thanksgiving meeting on the en-/evening of October 6. his. The devotional period was in re. charge of Mrs. Frank Swack-| if hammer who also gave an in- ing teresting report of the confer: on ence, which was held recently] On| Quoting the banner text, "Christ Sees Our Needs" and "God will supply all our needs'! she spoke of the great difficul-| ... traveling in style, that new party shoes by Buster Brown? They're it for com- fort and wear, too! Every pair is fitted by the Buster Brown 6-point Fitting Plan. ad-/Many missionaries were home| It was also stated that the them. White Cross work had Fabs iott Smith group. Size . 12s 8.50 or ST. PETER'S WA try a case of Canada's fastest growing ale . Peter's Church WA was ------ _____ | held recently with the president, Mrs. Gerald Craigie, presiding.| . The devotional period was led to have your child enter a pri- If you want to give your cake by Mrs. William Linley, Reports : vate nursery school or kinder- S0aP a longer life span, try|were given by the secretary, 7 garten. aging it a few weeks before| mys, Allister Moore and the In most cases, you will try USing. Aging evaporates hard to help your child grow Moisture contained in the so. more self-reliant in amusement, The cake should be unwrapped) Plans and suggestions were, SIMCOE helping him spend more time (during the process. the treasurer, Mrs. Desmond Tay- ap. jor, 18 made for forthcoming activities.| ST. S. creating--with crayons, scissors paste, etc. : 5 AVERAGE PASSENGER Aim to read more to this child, The distance travelled by than you did before school be- average passenger on the Ca-| The .nembers of the WA willl OPEN FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. gan. Be glad to answer his ques-/nadian National Railways is tions and to converse with him. miles. {These included the new study| phone |book, fall bazaar ané¢ Church 725.1833 an calendar sales. 100/be serving at the reception fol- lowing the Laying of the Corner. RICHARD HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO real eggs to beautify your hair as it cleanses, In two types: for Dry hair: for Normal to Oily hair, RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE A creamy fragrant rinse that adds a glossy salon type finish to all types of hair, £ tangles and snarls. RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE'N SET A unique conditioning rinse with "setting action." So simple to use--just shake on hair directly Juom the bottle after shampooing and liminates PHONE RA 3-2245 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - RA 8 *X BIG SAVINGS ON. Richard Hudnut Hair Products! ON SHAMPOOS AND RINSES ! ADI S The original Egg Creme Shampoo made from $2.00 VALUE...NOW $1 29 0 0 4 PHONE RAS5-3546 - » CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY } ll VISIT OUR LOCAL 8 KING ST. E. OSHAWA S30 SIMCOE ST. S. -4668 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA SYHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE S H 0 R + A S Office and Showroom in Fahulous FREE URNITURE GIFTS From 5150105200 You receive absolutely free a gift certificate valued from $150 to $200 on your choice of Upholstered Furniture at Yolles Furniture Store in the Oshawa Shopping Centre... WHEN YOU INSTALL OUR Natural Gas Furnace t (At Regular Low Price) The Clean, Dependable, Silent, Low Cost 728-9441 Method of Automatic Heating.