Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Sep 1961, p. 7

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CATHOLIC NUPTIALS St [ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Married recently in Gregory's Roman Catholic | Balson and the Church were Mr. and Mrs. | i . Theodore John Lieffers. - For- the son of Mr. merly Miss Carolyn Theresa Balson, the bride is the daugh- Lieffers, all of Teaching Staff Introduced At Queen Elizabeth H&S Assn. of old Coakwell; and! Keith Taggart a The September meeting Queen Elizabeth Home School Association was opened Pentland; --Aldsworth Grades 4-5, Grade 6, Mrs. omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 7 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 18, 1961 Making Of Cotton Yardage Now A World-Wide Affair One of the most romantic sto-|ened surfaces that require no ries in the fashion textile field|ironing and that have special today concerns cotton. The mak- fashion appeal, too. ing and styling of cotton yard-| Cotton is truly queen of fab- age is now a world-wide affair. rics on all counts. We love its Countries are exchanging ideas| comfort, coolness, superb wash- and methods about cotton, for ability and lasting qualities. And the benefit of all- with such world-wide pooling of For instance, the United ideas, the consumer is bound to States and Europe are adapting benefit. ideas from each other. Cotton] As for other textile news, goods are produced on machin-| stretch yarns are getting more ery bought in the United States.lattention than ever. Pants England, Switzerland and West|stretch, toppers stretch, town A Little Wood-lore Can Prevent Panic If Lost in Wild¢., Even the most seasoned bush travellers sometimes get lost, usually on cloudy or rainy days. What to do if this happens? R. J. Hall, of the Ontario De- partment of Lands and Forests which puts out a helpful pamp- let on this subject, offers these suggestions: | where you made the wrong turn. If there are several people. stick together; there's safety in numbers and searchers are more likely to find a group. If searchers are likely to be out, build a smoky fire to guide them. Always put out the fire before leaving it; a bush fire can leave you in an even worse plight. Leave notes in conspic- | 40 King E , RA 5-015] uous places. Conserve your food | supply. | Never go into the woods with-| out a compass, whether you know the district or not. The| sun is a good guide, too, es-| b | pecially if you have a watch. To determine due south, hold the watch with the hour hand point- ed at the sun; halfway between this and 12 o'clock is south. At night, the North Star, small and not very bright, is| located easily by extending a line through the two outside stars of the bowl of the Dipper, or the lip, as it is often called. The Dipper swings around the | (North Star with its handle on| the outside. Always determine the posi- tion of your camp or last point before entering the woods, in re- | Germany. Cotton fabrics are be-|suits stretch, patio outfits (ing finished by processes li-| stretch and so do afternoon out- censed to any country anywhere!fits. And now come stretch that is interested in using them. sneakers in pretty colors and The result of all this is a won-|{gay stripes. |dextully stimulating pool of omen like the precision fit, S. plus ease y In colors and patterns, trends DS se. 1 pi ing in con soo Sesame since iundesing or the leas sal. AS » S5Eltheir charms. No worry about nae, tee ot a Von, sie ate ! "washing. Coming i | metric shapes, and brush bie Mi i hd pki vel. strokes Of Solor for the sake of vets in yardage and made up| color itself. into delightful, dressy clothes IMPROVED FINISHES that fit well without having to Textile experts around the undergo those expensive altera- world are seeking improved fin- tions | SOCIAL NOTICES {that will promote crush-resist-| ance and washability. More in-| teresting textures are being ex- perimented with, such as rough- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keenan of Oshawa wish to announce { the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Ruth, to Mr. Stanley Wilson, son of Mrs. William Wilson of Osh- WEDDING PRINCIPALS Pictured after their wed: | ding recently in Kendalwood | Seventh - Day Adventist Church are Mr. and Mrs. Merlin George Carley. For- merly 'Miss Alice Elizabeth | | Much To Learn geon; it takes them a long time to reproduce. More intensive About Fishy Ways Of The Sturgeon studies are being carried out. Once upon a time, pioneer | THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA tario hated the sight of a FOR TOMORROW [sturgeon. The big fish -- larg- A good day for making ad- lest of all freshwater varieties--| vancement in all wo Turpin, the bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Turpin and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carley, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland bridegroom is and Mrs. John Oshawa. Photography Mrs. nd Mrs. George Fred rthwiile ac- 2 | with the president, Mrs. Carson Straughan and Mrs. John Hos- Heard presiding kin; Grade 7, Mrs. Johnston and The minutes were read and Mrs. David Hutcheon; Grade 8, wa and the late Mr. Wilson. | The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 14, at wa a net-buster, an equipment tivites, In | wrecker, When they were lcaught, they were brought trying to achievej goals, however, don't force is- sues. You'll accomplish a great |lation to some prominent fea-| ture such as a lake, river or] | road. | Cardinal rules if you get lost |are: | | Don't become panicky; i land panic are the death of | calm reasoning. Sit down and] determine on a plan of action | and stick to it, at least until you're sue you're wrong. Study your map; often you'll see HOUSEHOLD HINT If your favorite framed pic- tures look clouded because of, dusty glass covers, use alcohol or ammonia water to clean the |glass. After drying carefully, {polish with chamois or crum- {pled paper. | | | I] Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.EA Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS 'AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: 723-7253 Our lowest price wn ten years! BLACK DYED deal more via the diplomatic| route. FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, | while the next two and a half months may seem somewhat "slow" where the advancement| ashore and fed to the dogs. Now, things have changed. In 1958, the Ontario Depart- {ment of Lands and Forests is- the treasurer's report given. Mrs. Eric Brock and Mrs. Ber- Correspondence was read by Win Adams. Mrs. J. L. Haigh. The Grade 1 mother's tea will a Fi a oh be held Friday, September 22, at TEACHING STAFF 2.15 p.m. conveners, Mrs. John Mr . H. L. Haisell, principal, powell assisted by Mrs. Gor- introduced the school staff as|qon Tomlinson and Mrs. Carson follows: Kindergarten, Mrs. Heard, 4 p.m. in First Baptist Church. ENGAGEMENT i Mr. and Mrs. John Cecil Tin +i dall of Oshawa announce the en-| i : | gagement of their daughter, Ey-/s"ed a sturgeon gill net licence i elyn Viola, to Mr. Frank Grant, [in the Fort Frances district. n of Mrs. William Grant of A total of 2,747 pounds of stur- PERSIAN LAMB 4 | |geon was caught. The fish Frances Hendren; Grade 1, Mrs. | § There will be a dollar drive in Mrs. J. Nelson 9 Helen Herron; Grades 2 Miss Muriel Carpenter; Grades 3-4, Miss Elsie McCullough; Grades 4-5, Miss Joyce Martyn; Grade 6, Mrs. Lynn Tomlinson; "Grade 7, Mr. H. L. Haisell; Grade 8, Mr. Grant Stephen- son; Opportunity class, Miss Dodge. Mrs. Helen Herron, Grade 1, and Miss Muriel Carpenter, | Elizabeth for Grades 2-3 rooms tied for the named. go Skul dace prize. : |HOMEWORK OUTLINED _ Mrs. Heard gave an interest: wy jy, | Haisell gave an out- ing reading entitled "What is jine on homework I the chil- that in your hand". dren, how one should go about| First and second 'vice-presi- helping the individual child with dents named during the summer| homework if called upon. Not to are Mrs. Harold Coakwell and do the question sent home but to Mrs. George Pentland. do one similar that the parent CONVENERS has made up and show the child Following are the conveners how, then tell him to do the for the year: Membership, Mrs. original one for homework. Mr. Fred Straughan;. social, Mrs. Haisell told how there were two Berwin Adams; children's read-| kinds of homework, the formal ing, Mrs. John Powell; typing, which is the one sent home by Mrs. Dixon Benshoof; publica- the teachers to do and the infor- tion, Mrs. Douglas Branton; { mal, the work brought home by radio, visual aid and safety, Mr. Grant Stephenson; relig- ion, Mrs. John Cook; family life, Mrs. Maurice Collis; fi- nance chairman, Mr. H. L. Hai-| __ b sell; pianist, Mrs. J, L. Haigh; |$Xams or tests. press, Mrs. Keith Taggart October convened by ,, Haigh and Mrs. Wright. The September meeting of Home and School Council will be Tuesday, September 26, at E. A. Lovell School in the form of a workshop. Representatives from Queen council were to improve their notes or maps and brush up on lessons taken There was question and answer period at the close of Mr. Haisell's talk. ROOM MOTHERS Mrs. Heard read ar address The engagement is an nounced today of Miss Kath- leen Ruth Keenan and Mr. Stanley Wilson. The bride- to-be, who is a graduate of Class "60 of the School of Nurs- ing of the Oshawa General Hospital, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keenan of Oshawa and her fiance is the son of Mrs. William Wilson of Oshawa and the late Mr. Wil- son, The marriage will take | place in First Baptist Church | on Saturday, October 14. --Photo by LeRoy Tol 1 [the child of their own accord School Week is held September {24 . | It October 1. was announced tha (that day, or spelling, and not|§1,000,000 from the bursary fund to leave it all to do just before hag helped many students from aithe Oshawa Collegiates to Teach- er's College who are now teach- RTS. Home and School Association ax 'and the late Mr. Grant. The wedding will take place on i| Saturday, October 7, at 3.30 {ip.m. in King Street United {| Church. | MacGregor-Martin J Nuptials Held | | |recently, the Reverend W. Aitken united in marriage, Thel- {ma Rachel Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Martin, {and Alvin Reginald MacGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MacGregor, all of Brighton, On- tario. | The bride v'ho was attended by | Mrs." Russell McGregor of Osh- awa, as matron-of-honor. wore |a floor-length gown of satin and | embroidered nylon sheer trimm- ed with rhinesto.aes and seed pearls. A tiara of seed pearls held her fingertip veil of ap- pliqued chantilly lace and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs. McGregor was in nile green satin and net with match- At Calvary Baptist Church t or acted as best man. Following a reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell McGregor, Verdun road, Oshawa, the couple left for a N.| brought about $2,700 -- almost of job and financial goals is con- $1 a pound -- when marketed. Last year 20,012 pounds brought! more than $22,000. If you've never seen a stur geon, it's worth driving mil to see. For this variety (some-| times known as The Queen's |Fish) is a throw back to the pre-historic monsters if there ever was one. (Note: In England, there was a time when the sturgeon was regarded as a Royal fish. Any caught there were requir- ed, if the occasion arose, to be turned over to the Royal table.) Caviar, the roe of the stur- geon, is of course well known throughout the world. For many years, the best caviar came from Russia; in more recent |years, much caviar is process- cerned, it would be well worth your while to keep plugging. Do not become discouraged by ob- stacles since you can hurdle hem all--and successfully. October should see fine recog- nition for job efforts and, begin- ning with early December, your financial status will show a marked rise -- a trend which should continue well into 1962. Social and domestic relation- ships should prove stimulating during the next two months; also in December and January. Late November and December will be excellent periods for ro- mance; also next May and June. For those in creative lines, a piece of exceptionally good news in late December or early Janu- ary should get you off to a won- derful start in the new year. ed in Ontario from fish caught in the Albany River which] winds across Northern Ontario] almost from the Manitoba bor-| der to James Bay. | Although the fish has been ests Department, there is still {much to be learned about and [from it. It is known now that it lis easy to over-fish the stur- A child born on this day will be dependable and resourceful, but inclined toward impatience at times. DANCER DIES CANADENSIS, Pa. (AP) ing accessories and carried yel.|studied for years by experts Louise Groody, the tiny blue {low roses. Mr. Russell McGreg- of the Ontario Lands and For-leyed dancer who won musical comedy fame in the 1920s as the star of No, No, Nanette, Hit The Deck, and other broadway shows, died Sunday. Miss -- |Groody, in private life the wife Room mothers are as fol-| from the Home and School News| at Queen Elizabeth next meeting lows: kindergarten, Mrs E Hu | bulletin from the president of|will be Tuesday, October 3. Re- band and Mrs. Gordon E. Pier-' Home and School Council, Mrs.|freshments will be provided by wedding trip to Bancroft, On-|lace dress with a corsage of red|of Associated Press editor John tario. For going away the bride The newly wedded pair Loofbourrow, succumbed to can- son; Grade 1, Mrs. William Duf-lA, J. Allin, to fy and Mrs. Leo Grade 2, Mrs. Nelson Wright/ence will be h and Mrs. C. Brown; Grade 3 at Central Colle Duchscher: | School members. October 21 and Church and|Adams assisting. iroses. all Home and|parents of children from Mr, [Wore a fitted beige two-piece' will live in Brighton. Icer at her summer home here Area C Confer- Stephenson's class, Grade 8. : - A --T -- r-- eld in Oshawa, Refreshments were served by giate Saturday, | the executive with Mrs. Berwin ? Mrs. John Powell and Mrs. Har- £7 kB RICHARD HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO The original Egg Creme Shampoo made from real eggs to beautify your hair as it cleanses, In two types: for Dry hair: for Normal to Oily hair, RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE A creamy fragrant rinse that adds a glossy salon type finish to all types of hair, Eliminates tangles and snarls, RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE'N SET A unique conditioning rinse with *'setting action, So Tuple 12 was just shale on hair irectly from ttle after sha; d eomb through, Spwing au ' Ld 28 KING STREET EAST * OPEN EVENINGS * G SAVINGS ON... Richard Hudnut LADIES' ~ SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WE'RE ALL SET FOR FALL -- ARE YOU? Come in today -- choose your new Fall Outfit from the largest selection of Sportswear in Oshawa. Gorgeous new colors -- breath-taking styles and fabrics. The price? As low, if not lower than elsewhere! SAVE 1 /<3 ON SHAMPOOS AND RINSES $2.00 VALUE...Now $129 PULLOVERS CARDIGANS SKIRTS SLIMS JACKETS BLOUSES SHIRTS DRESSES KNITS 1-, 2. AND 3-PC, STYLES SUITS COATS CAMEL HAIR HARRIS TWEED CARCOATS LIMITED TIME ONLY DIAL 723-4621 A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD Piggy-Bank | EMPTY? Call Niagar Up to $2500.00 sometimes more. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 286 King St. W. - 728-1636 Closed Saturday Open to 6 p.m, Fridoy Branches throughout Ontario 19.95 PAMPER "YOUR FOOT IN | TOTAL FOOT COMFORT Ask about Dr. Locke's "S.point-fit" for Total Foot Comfort \s advertised in McCALL'S and TODAY'S HEALTH OPEN FRIDAY TO PM. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 18 SIMCOE ST. 5. 725-1833 The more you know about furs the better you will re- cognize the values in Mar- ten's Furs fine quality Per- sian Lamb coats and jockets Exquisitely Fashioned Fine Quality Jackets. $295 Beautifully styled %%4 and Full Length. from $395 15 KING E. -- Opposite Hotel Genosha "Makers of Fine Furs For Over 50 Years"

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