Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Sep 1961, p. 5

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oe i MISS PEE WEE of La- crosse for Ontario smiles as secretary - treasurer for the Whitby Lacrosse Association pins her title ribbon on. Susan | MAINLY LOCAL In Ministerial fight such a proposal, they have no right telling a municipal council to not consider the mat- ter. Again, let us look at the Asso- ciation's evidence for condem- nation of lotteries. They say lotteries may lead to a "deterioration of respon- By WARREN BARTON In a letter to Town gouncil recently, the Whitby Ministerial Association condemned a resolu- tion from. Peel County Council which called for the setting up of a National Hospital Sweep- stakes. Funds from the lottery would Ammunition All Wet the only one of its kind in the cludes by approved taxation and freewill Guns community. There are others. The brief to Council con- suggesting that money for hospitals be raised "through the just means of contributions." They have concluded by re- Legion Auxiliary Makes Fall Plans The Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion held its regular meeting on Wednesday evening at the Legion Hall with Mrs. Earl Ormiston presidnig. Material was brought in for the November Bazaar. In Oc- tober the ladies will cater to the Pee Wee ball teams, On Sept. 30 the Branch cele- brates its 35th anniversary and the ladies will cater to the din- ner. The next meeting will be in the form of a social in charge of Mrs, A. Carr and her com- mittee, Suggestions for Fall en: tertaining will be discussed, all THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 18, 1961 A large attendance was on hand for the opening fall meet- ing of the Evening Group of the United Church, and the leader, Mrs. Helen Crawford opened with prayer. The main presence of two young mission- aries, Misses Alma Hixt and Margaret Imrie from the Sou- dan Mission, Nigeria. They have returned to take feature of the evening was the Missionaries Attend Opening Fall Meeting sang a hymn and quoted Serip- ture in the Soudanese dialeet. They were introduced by Mrs. Joyce Cox and thanked by Mrs. Dorothy Switzer. The worship service was led by Mrs. Helen Roseburgh and Mrs. Myrtle Fells. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given {by Mrs. Jean Ward and Mrs. Betty Pascoe respectively, go to the erection of hospitais and other public institutions. Grounds for the Ministerial Association's disapproval ean be viewed two ways: Either, judging by the brief, | the Association is, at best, an amateur outfit dabbling in poli- tics, or it is lobbying in a par- ticularly unfair- fashion. The Ministerial Association states dogmatically that *'legis- lation is contrary to the social. | spiritual and Biblical heritage of| this community." Why? Let's look at their evi | dence. If lotteries are contrary to what the Bible says, why didn't] sible citizenship and the spirit- ual life of the community." As before, this statement is highly loaded with subtle and unfair pressure. The phrase 'responsible eiti- zenship" and "spiritual life" are vague terms which many of us say we believe in but are not entirely aware of what they mean. Responsible citizenship under the Nazi regime differs from our notion of the terms. Is it responsible citizenship when only a small number of people vote; or attend Council meetings? the Association tell us where in| the Bible it says so. : Core of their evidence for not|lmm allowing lotteries is contained in| sible ¢ Do our Federal Government's igration laws reflect respon: itizenship? ~ Hatin Downer (10) was Peterbor- ough's beauty entry in the | contest was Gail Westcott | All-Ontario PeeWee lacrosse | (10) of Alderwood (right). tournament at the Whitby --QOshawa Times Photo. | Community Arena on Satur- HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Huntsville 400 Attend Grade 9 By JOAN CALDER | A record crowd of 400 stu-| dents rock and rolled recently to the latest hit parade music| at our first school Grade 9 inita-| tion dance. This number of stu-| dents was many more than the dance committee usually has| anticipated at past dances. Grade 9 initiates were truly] members of the high school Cops Pee Wee Tournament A powerhouse from Huntsville again copped the All-Ontario PeeWee championships at the Whitby Community Arena on Saturday. The title marked the fourth year that the Huntsville Gaels have won top position. They socked Brampton 15-1 in the final game. Brampton was awarded the 'B' championship title for win- ning all games except the last one. The 'C' class winner was Fergus. Over 400 boys attended the all-day tournament, Food and Dance volleyball squads are now shap- ing up. The old faithfuls, for- merly on the junior team, will make up this year's senior line- up. There are many juniors signing up and these will prob- ably be screened by process of elimination to determine this season's representatives. A locknapper has been at work in the girls' corridor. Who ! |brief to Council. | day. Runner-up in the beauty | body when the dance ended. {has been changing the combin. School dances at both high|ation locks of our lockers, girls? schools in Whitby extend a wel- Last Friday several girls could come to each other. This pro-/not get into their lockers be-| motes "fun together" policy. cause their fasteners had been| facilities were supplied by committee of the Whitby La- crosse Association. Pretty 10-year-old Susan the following extract from their yi;5 ONE ATTITUDE What is responsible citizen- ship? Views on the subject are MORAL CODES BREAK "The known experience of] varied and numerous, The Asso- lthe use of lotteries suggests a|ciation's version is just one dera-| attitude. How about "spiritual life of ling of moral codes which may the community?" [lead to a deterioration of re-| Rinally the Association seems| sponsible citizenship and : the to be on familiar ground. How-| spiritual life of the community." ayer because they do not elab | Here is where we feel the; aie we are left with the feel-| | Association has abused their|;no that their spiritual life is democratic right to lobby as a|- pressure group. Evidence for any proposition is flimsy when it is based upon | "known experience." | practice unworthy of consi {tion as it results in the break- f | | Invite Curator | Whose or what known experi: 1} | ence are they referring to? | To St. John S WA History is our greatest teach-| : | er of the error of appealing to| St. John's Anglican Church| |WA held its first meeting of th | "known experience." of the | Too many times a claim that|season on Wednesday in the | something is true (or false) be- church hall. The president, Mrs. |cause of "known experience' |W. A. Vallant, opened the meet- {has later been found to bejing with a hymn and prayer. |exactly the opposite. |Rev. G. Nicholson was in It was a known experience by| charge of the devotions. All a great number of people at one reports were read and approved. time that the world was flat.| During the business meeting |Our view today differs -- based pans were made for the Sept. {on evidence more valid than|97 meeting of the WA when {known experience. | Are the members of the Asso the Henry House Museum of ciation referring to their OWnrakeview Park, Oshawa, will| "known experience" about he guest speaker. She will also] lotteries? show slides of her work at the | Mrs. Norman Gower, Curator of | stating the entire problem! We feel sure that Peel County started the proposal to legalize| lotteries because money was not being forwarded for the erection of hospitals. members are urged to attend this meeting. The meeting closed with the "Queen". their nurses training at Osh: mpe meeting closed with the awa General Hospital. Their wA benediction and a lunch excellent pictures showed the was served by Mrs. Ruth difference in the homes and in and her committee. The Christian tenet of giving| ' sg |the fields, showing the women seems to be lacking in our Meet Pastor Ss Wife cultivating the ground and plant-| country. | The Tack of nosptals is the AT Almonds WA [a ubhily more modern method effect; the cause--not giving. of ploughing with oxen which is Perhaps, the Ministerial Asso-| Almond's Women's Association done by the men ciation, rather than taking alheld its regular meeting in the| A ; dogmatic and dictatorial pos- Sunday school hall on Thursday| Tigh was shown in the ition on lotteries, should con- afternoon. Mrs. Loyal eo glo ing of the women and the centrate their powers on the presided. Mrs. Percy Paobucichildren of those who were not lack of funds for hospitals rath- was in charge of the vee | Cliristian and after they became er than condemn 8 last-resort!and spoke on the life of Martha, | cre rans: They like bright el te Vers Ue Sofi, soe, frm Kran, oods, Pogue, Cameron and a friend accompanied them ss ude Cam- wearing native dress. They also Home League |eron was the pianist. | | The group was pleased to wel-| Weekly Meet Friday Night "Square Shooters" on Auto Claims You get every dollar due come several new ladies to the meeting including the new Min- ister's wife, Mrs. Reed. | Salvation Army Women's tect, H when you have a claim wi Home League held its weekly yao; heeepled the inva; Bowling League State Farm Mutual , , vo meeting on Thursday evening. . wate Rally By Hg 2 will R fast, too. You can count on it] jst De Vin po Ajax " oct. z. Plans were| e-open it sata Tron 2 ; ; iscussed for the catering at H Broek by Mrs. Kentner. [Rotary luncheons for the month Friday, Sept. 22 lide Whit, ont: MO #3788 During the business meeting of November, the members made arrange: The meeting ments for the catering on Sun- prayer, day to the Oshawa Young| People's singing company who will be taking part in the serv- ice on Saturday evening and also all day Sunday at the Cita- del. The meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were served by the social committee. AT 7:00 P.M. Site From Mol Aetomoble nro Copy dien Heed Office--Toronte, Om, closed with - | | | I | WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE | wHITE | NEWSPRINT 4V,-1b. pkg. approximately 630 | sheets for -- $1.00 APPROVED FOR ALL MUNICIPAL AND TOWNSHIP BY-LAWS. QUALITY IS UNCONDI- | Also Aveilable In TIONALLY GUARANTEED. DELIVERIES ARE MADE ON TIME 9.1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE ® 400 GAL CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: LONS ® 500 GALLONS Anderson's first school dance was Friday night and she in-| vited Henry Street students, Hoarse throats will soon showing up The football played against Bowmanville High School on Friday, Sept. 22.| Cheerleading tryouts for Henry High's chief yelling sec- tion will be held on some after- noon this week, This will give our boys moral support and spur them on to win. STUDENT COUNCIL The student council meeting| Monday showed that there were many new positions on the coun- cil to be filled. The vacancies have been made available be- cause of the Grade 12 geogra- phy session during the lunch hour. What gives? Student council voted to pur- chase a new platter pack for the records. It will be paid for| from student council funds. The decision to have student activity cards for inter-school sports, but not intermural| sports was also discussed at the meeting. The professional - shutterbugs took approximately 475 por- traits last week in the school's annual mug shot line-up. This| year there will be a change in the size of the pictures. They will be smaller and the former wallet size pictures will be offer- ed in strips of eight exposures | instead 'of the former six. | The girls' senior and junior| W.MacDonald | FBYPA Speaker The young people of Faith Baptist Church met on Tuesday | evening for their regular week-| ly meeting. The young people of| the church enjoyed an exciting] game of volleyball. The teams played a best of three series to decide the champion of the eve- ning. \ { Following the = recreational be has a list of the combinations | (10) of Alderwood. in the classrooms. for each lock and the problem season has start-/was remedied for the time be- ed! Henry's first game will being. |were read and approved. CANNOT BE S80 museum Surely this cannot be so for| Arrangements were made for they have told us that lotteries| the group to cater to the Men's are 'unworthy of considera- Club dinner to be held on Mon- day, Sept. 18, at 6.30 p.m. The tion." I the members were asked to bring Maybe, they are telling ! Whitby Council to not consider donations of toys or suitable the proposal to legalize lotteries. articles for the Christmas bale. Let us hope not! These articles should be hand: Welland 3; Brampton 11, Water.| 'If they are, and It appears to|ed in at the Oct. 18 meeting. loo 3; Cornwall 8, St. Catha:(be what they are saying, they| The group agreed to cater to switched with "foreign" combin- Downer of ' Peterborough was ation locks. How come? ~|awarded the Miss Pee Wee title. Fortunately the school office Runner-up was Gail Westcott Final resuits were: First round == Alderwood 11, | Rexdale 5; Huntsville 7, Fergus 3; TorontoTownshipll, Georgetown 0; Kitchener 5, ® 600 GALLONS ® 750 GALLONS ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER MEMOS, ETC. On Sale ot . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times rines 6; Peterborough 4, Long are forgetting that the Council,|, wedding on Sept. 30. The Sinclair H&S I Branch 3; Port Dalhousie 8 not the Association, makes t © meeting closed with prayer and Begins 3th Y egins t ea | Whitby 2; Mimico 7, Oshawa 1. |laws. e refreshments were served by Sinclair Home and School| Second round -- Huntsville 4, att a Association held its first falllAlderwood 3; Toronto Town: pou Assoclation can ers" © ¢|Mrs, E. Larsen, Mrs. H. Wat: meeting on Thursday evening at|ship 10, Kitchener 3; Brampton A further dilemma is contain-|son and Mrs. C. Bottomley. the school. The meeting was|7, Cornwall 1; Long Branch 7,!aq4 in the Association's state-|- opened by the president Mrs. W.| Port Dalhousie 0. | that : SsociaY. are un-| Bryant with the "Queen". The| Third round -- Huntsville 10,| vo ihy of consideration. They pupils. Mr. Rodger Lampin, new| lieve what they are saying. teacher at Sinclair school, was How do they know it is un introduced. Minutes and reports IS. D. A ams worthy of consideration unless grade mothers who will be in Is LA Hostess If, as ob ais begining hf charge of the refreshments for tei? AY Phd suspect, they have not consid-| : The Ladies' Aid of Whithy ered it themselves -- how can Ms. Do Mook alt way spproved Tuesday evening at the home of [2 supper would| Mrs, D, Adams, Dundas street VIOLATE RIGHTS Th + mber for MONEY! be held at the end of the school|west, ~The president, Mrs.| If they insist they have con 3 0 ne INDAS ST. W., WHITBY group briefly and stressed the The minutes were read and|they decided unanimously tol importance of hard study for| reports submitted and adopted. st successful examinations. She| Mrs. T. Seymour read thej She spoke to each one on their| the pastor's wife, gave the devo | FOR SALE choice of various careers and | tions ig Mrs. Mitchell, Sr.,| gave them encouragement. |rea e scripture. = At Wholesale Prices portance of the beginners get.| ling this a dainty lunch was i 1 whic >" |served by Mrs. Jean Dair and ting a good start, which proved |, group. Mrs, G. Barron, on| teacher at Colborne Street] TENNIS EQUIPMENT school, spoke on the importance | 1--New Crestliner Explorer Boat of the teaching of music in 3 | our or ers 1--New Crestliner Mohawk Boat Die In Crash BRANTFORD (CP)--A newly- 1--Used Viking Outboard Motor 1--Used Mercury 20 h.p. Motor 1--Used Evinrude 5 h.p. Outboard Motor Mrs. R. Green introduced the, er and the mothers of Grade 1|Township 3. ing themselves, or do not be: selves? ner was won by the Principalipeating of the fall season onjs Mrs. L. Meek addressed the and welcomed the members. lotteries and, as they have said, | 8 students with graduation pins. |sick members. Mrs. McLeod, | Grade 1 and 2, spoke on the im-| &T led by Mrs. D. Adams. Fol- -- GOLF CLUBS -- BADMINTON AND joyable. Mrs. M. Bain, MUS cies for her hospitality. 1--Used Johnston 32 h.p. Outboard Motor Grade 8 mothers. president introduced the teach. Mimico 1; Brampton 7, Toronto) appear to be either contradict: they have considered it them- the comin ar. Th om ban- ict Churel i i i : ing y# ® room {Baptist Church held its first ipey tell others to not consider term Adams, opened the meeting sidered the proposal to legalize poi" gi pG, MoO 8-3881 also presented last year's Grade thank you letters received from] | Mrs. L. McMahon, teacher of The meeting closed with pray- SEVERAL SETS OF WATER SKIIS AT V2 PRICE to be most interesting and €D-| hahalf of the ladies, thanked the schools. | 1--New Johnston 40 h.p. Outboard Motor {purchased car carried four HOLD DRAG RACES The meeting adjourned and CAYUGA (CP) -- Dwight Nova Scotia tobacco workers to refreshments were served by| |their deaths today on a lonely| CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! CALENDAR WEEKLY Events! This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT !! STAFFORD WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK Brothers Lid. VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS Monuments NEW AND USED CARS MO 8-3552 Whitby New Car Sales Used Car Sales VIGOR OIL STATION 107 Dundas East 1006 Brock South MO 8-3610 MO 8-4911 Operated by "Vic" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New ond Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whitby GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location af 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Pest Office in Whitby ; Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods at Prices That Sove! MO 8-3483 W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be a good sport 110 Dundes St. E. MO 8-3410 WHITBY WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS LACROSSE OLA JUNIOR B FINALS Whitby Red Wings vs. Mimico Moun- taineers at Mimico on Tuesday, Sep- part of the meeting the devo- Bryan of Flint, Mich., driving a tions were held. This week the|/Chevrolet-powered drag racer, message was brought by Mr. was clocked at 157.895 miles an here. country road 10 miles south of| 1--Brno. 12 Ga. Over and Under 1--Franchi 12 Ga. Automatic Shotgun AND BUILDERS tember 19. Mimico vs. Whitby on DEALER Bill MacDonald. Following the! hour Saturday to record the top| The car, bought the day be-| message the young people were|speed in Canadian champion-|fore from a used-car dealer in| [ship drag races here. Some 200 Alliston, travelled 600 feet along| Next week young people's willicars from Ontario, Michigan, a roadside ditch before hitting | dismissed in prayer. be held on Monday. | Ohio and New York competed.|a 214-foot-thick maple tree. | A passing motorist came upon Feature Whithy STARRING BROCK Evening Shows ot 7 & 9:00 p.m. If You Enjoyed "PEYTON PLACE" Don't Fail To eo CAROL LYNLEY eo JEFF CHANDLER {the bodies of Dale Eldon Lunn, Starts at 7 & 9:25 {Blaine Dykens, 22, Mile Plains, N.S. The group had been in Onta- rio since early August, working {on the tobacco harvest. |DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Well Murels See . .. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | J 118, his brother Wayne, 19, and | Vernon A. Burgess, 23, all of | | Windsor, N.S., and of Austin of Three] 1--16 Ga. Remington Sportsman "48" 1--12 Ga. Remington Sportsman "58" Shotgun 1--Used Stevens Model 77C 12 Ga. 1--12 Ga. Mossberg Pump 2--12 Ga. Beretta Shotguns 1--12 Ga. Used Mossberg Shotgun 1--12 Ga. Winchester Single Shot 2--Cooey .22 Cal. Bolt Action Repeaters 1--Maossberg Bold Action Rifle 1--Brno Single Shot .22 1--Lee Enfield Used .303 Rifle 1--Brno 3006 Bolt Action Model 2G47 1--Stevens Model 85K .22 Cal. 1--Mossberg 640K .22 Cal. Rifle 1--Savage Model 340 Rifle 1--.22 Ruger Single Revolver 1--.22 Ruger Automatic Revolver CONTACT MR. LaFRANCE at MO 8-3381 'WED., SEPT. 20 - 1 P.M. -5 P.M. | | 411 Fairview Drive MO 8.3566 WHITBY TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Thursday, September 21, in Brooklin (if needed). : BARGAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR Finest Quality Merchandise et Rock-Bottom Prices Come In ond Convince Yourself WHITBY BARGAIN CENTRE 118 Brock St. N. MO 8-4081 WHITBY ® Open Friday Night Till 9 pm. o LAWN BOWLING TOURNAMENT District Meeting at Cobourg on Wed- nesday, September 20. At Oshawa for the Felt Trophy, Mixed Doubles, all day, Saturday, September 23. "The Best in Bicycles" 106 Colborne St, E. MO 8.3746 COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m. 7 pm. -11 p.m. Sunday Start Sept. 30 1pm. 6pm 118 Byron N. MO 8-2651 K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St. West, Whitby Whitby--Ph, MO 8-2831 Oshawa--725-0181 Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG s.r WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-8721 ® FREE PARKING eo SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPORTS Buy from your local Fuel & Builder Supplier JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S. MO 8.3524 WHITBY

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