4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, September 18, 1961 Dump County System Ajax Urges Province and the province cannot believe that the rural be agricultural : person has any more or less in- Staff) -- For the past AJAX { ) re must make the broad deci two months a special committee of three Ajax councillors have been conducting an intense study of hospital capital grants, planning in general, the county government system and educa- tion. The purpose of the study by councillors Edward Wetherall, Owen Ashley and William Rob- ertson, who are the legislation committee for Ajax, is to pre- gent a brief of the four sub- jects and submit recommenda tions dealing with Ajax's point. of-view to the Ontario Provincial Legislature's Select Committee on the Municipal Act and relat-| ed Acts. The 15-page brief was sub- mitted to the Select Committee on Friday of this week. Although the report is too long to publish a summary of the committee's recommendations and its reason for them follows: HOSPITAL GRANTS Recommendations: "That hospital construction costs be borne by the Federal and Provincial Governments, thereby relieving the property owner from the burden of hos- pital construction costs; "That hospital construction costs be paid for as follows: ~The existing Provincial and Federal grants be continued; --The grants be extended to include services as well as beds; --The establishment of a hos- pital construction fund by On-| sions as to where these areas should be in a master Provincial Official Plan "It seems to us completely impossible for the Government and the Legislature to try to delegate its planning responsi- bility in the field of land use and at the same time keep rigid supervision over the municipali- ties ability and right to borrow. "The planner can plan but the Ontario Municipal Board de- cides whether or not the munici- pality has the financial ability {to carry its plans through. It seems to us that planning and | financial responsibility go hand lin hand. The Ontario Municipal Board protects the people from unwise and hasty borrowing. "This is a sound policy. By having the Provincial Govern- ment take active initiative in telligence to direct the affairs of the county than the urban person, "Let political power be pro- portioned according to popula- tion. How can the citizen trust a county government which does not reflect the will of the majority? It is difficult to un- derstand why the multiple sys- tem of voting in county council should stop at a maximum of four votes for a municipality. "We suspect that when this section was enacted it was be- lieved that few municipalities would grow beyond or much beyond the four vote maximum. We do not know what magic qualities the number four has. Many towns and townships have many more municipal electors than are needed for four votes but are still restricted to four. planning, the Government can| "From the examples quoted make certain that good. overall above the inequalities of repre provincial planning and sound sentation in our county coun- economic politics will be encour-| els over a wide number of coun- aged and developed at the same ties is obvious. There needs to |time. |be a redistribution of voting | "This policy would in no way|strength within counties to have detract from the power or re-(voting power bear a more di- sponsibilities of local planning|rect relationship to population. boards who would then fit their| | planning into the overall Provin- | cial plan. Everyone would know the significance of this plan in | relation to the Master Provincial plan. COUNTY GOVERNMENT Recommendations: | Recommendations are classi-| EDUCATION { The Council of the Town of {Ajax is anxious to see the high- est possible standards achieved in education. No one today could fail to see the need of a thorough education, both tech- nical and liberal, for the sake of the nation and all man- tario Hospital Services Commis: fied under two headings -- in-|kind. sion. Such fund to be financed |iarim and long run. by increasing the monthly prem-| Interim However, we do believe that there are certain areas where By GRACE MILLS AJAX--Among the grade 13 graduates from Ajax High School chosen to receive schol arships this year are Richard Kirby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirby, Birch crescent, a St. Michael's College Scholar- ship valued up to $1,000. Derek Watchorn, son of Mrs. W. S. Watchorn, Ontario street, has been named an Ontario Scholar in recent grade 13 de- partmentals. He enters Victoria College (Math. and Physics). In addition to $400 Ontario Scholar High Scholarship Andrew, Pine street, has enterea the School of Nursing at Osh. awa General Hospital, Shirley was awarded a bur sary of $150 by the Women's Being a member of Lisburn RKo- ner with the Ajax Club. The] Mr. Robert Jordan is a 'mix- tary Club, Mr. Hercules Jordan|Lisburn banner is embroidered ed farmer' and the two have attended Rotary Club luncheon|n native Irish linen. enjoyed a tour across Canada. and exchanged Rotary club ban- Auxiliary of the Ajax and Pick For Six Students Winnifred Willmot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Willmot, Wishbone road, was also named Ontario Scholar in the grade 13 departmental e x a m i nat ions. With this honor goes $400 award. Brian Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Thompson, Ad- miral road, left this week for the University of British Colum- bia, where he will study Fores- try, This is a four-year univer. sity course. Miss Shirley Andrew, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald ering General Hospital. Another $150 was awarded to Miss Faith Shepherd, daughter of Rev. H. and Mrs. Shepherd, a graduate of Pickering District High School, who is attending Queen's University School of Nursing. PERSONALS Mr. Hercules Jordan, JP, and his brother, Mr. Robert Jordan, both of Lisburn, Northern Ire- land, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wetherall, Forest road. These gentlemen are cousins of Mrs. Wetherall. Ballet, Highland, Tap, Baton Twirling REGISTER NOW IRENE HARVEY ACCM, RMT, C.D.T.A, NBT.A 424 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-6122 Award, Derek also received a Ajax Girl Has Many Showers By GRACE MILLS Correspondent AJAX--Miss Geraldine Bren- nan was the guest of honor at a {number of parties before her | marriage recently to Mr. Allan Earl Adams. Miss Gail Carmichael and Miss Betty-Lou Schrane were co-hostesses at the former's home, where a personal and linen shower was held. Mrs. |Shane, of Oshawa, was hostess {to a group of the ladies of Al- {bert Street United Church, Osh- awa, where the bride-elect was | presented with a vacuum clean- |er and a Revere Ware fry pan. | A community shower was held Dominion-Provincial Bursary of ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ROCK HUDSON DANA WYNTER SIDNEY POIMER Everyone's | lookin'... | everyone's £7 | laughin over}; il © ADDED HIT o The Life.. The Loves | The ApvenTunes OF | SANDS FABIAN Hos. uf Oy ln hockii dh fa Pride of MGMusicals! } La on un Gurapen Sownkokte 3 Cy (Bild T Flip a hip as lommy Sands sings "Love In A Goldish out. ing Fabia "You're Only Onee"/ | MIU [A fum now charged under the On-| lin the auditorium of St. Paul's| That section 26, RSO 1960 ofthe province could make econ-| tario Hospital Insurance Plan. |, "ap nicinal Act be amended|omies and improve administra-| United Church, Ajax, when al All moneys resulting from the/ increase to be placed directly in the Hospital Construction Fund and be allocated on a priority basis to pay for hospi-| tal construction all over On-| tario: | "The Municipal Act RSO 1420 be amended so that municipali-| ties may no longer make capi-| tal grants either from current) revenue or by the issue of de- bentures. | REASONS FOR | RECOMMENDATIONS "Our first point is that the cost of the construction of hos- pitals should not be borne by taxes on property. It is grossly| unfair that the property owner as such should pay more toward| the cost of construction of hos-| pitals than any other citizen. The purpose of municipalities is| to provide basic local services such as roads, water services, | garbage collection, etc. | "Taxes on land should con- tinue to be used to help pay for these services and no more. It) is a fact only too well known to| every Council that totally justi-| fied needs of a municipality are slashed and rejected to) meet the demands of other bodies--demands which in many cases cannot be refused. The general tax rate is cut to help| keep taxes low; but essential] services suffer. "Secondly, as hospital build- large urban and | municipalities. These urban mu- |nicipalities have different prob-|High School Bords, the Act be {lems and different views. They amended so that only the muni. |contain the lion's share of the|cipalities who have issued de- to give additional votes to the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve as the number of municipal electors in-| creases above 3,000, i.e., 3,000 | ,4000 municipal electors -- one} addiitonal vote for Reeve; 4,001-| 5,000 -- one additional vote for| Deputy-Reeve, etc., etc; That section 11, subsection 5| of The Municipal Act, RSO 1960, be amended to allow towns to become cities at a population of 10,000 and townships to become cities at a population of 20,000. | Long Run That the county system be abolished and the province and local municipalities assume the responsibilities now borne by the counties. | Reasons for recommenda-| tions. | "First, the county was creat-| ed over one hundred years ago. Back in 1850, Ontario dealt | with rural problems. By 1961, with the growth of industry,| the bulk of the people li ve in ci-| ties, towns and large urbanized| townships. | "Consequently, many coun- | ties have now within them very| semi-urban| assessment used for county tax) purposes. | "We have now reached the| basic scale for all teachers; tion and in no way endanger the ideals set forth in the above paragraph. RECOMMENDATIONS: "That the Department of Education establish an archi- -tectural division economical and standardized designs for all types of school buildings to gain economy of |design and to incorporate fea-|fice in Oshawa. tures which are essential in any| school. Such standardization| would aid contractors to build more efficiently and more econ-| omically; | "That the Schools Admini-| |stration Act should be amended Gail Carmichael ((maid of hon- to limit the amount to a defin-\or) had charge of the trousseau, ite maximum that a Public School Board may spend for capital in any one year; "That the Schools Admini stration Act be further amend- ed so that a Public School Board is forbidden to attempt to add to a school and levy for it in one year; "That the Select Committee] recommend the intensive study| of the advantages and disad-| vantages of a Province wide "That in the case of District bentures to build the school and| who pay for the annual expendi-| tures have the right to appoint {members of the District High to prepare| | beautiful array of miscellan- |eous gifts were presented. Host- [esses were Mrs. W. Gray and | Mrs. T. A. Veitch. { Mrs. J. W. Brennan, mother {of the bride-elect, held a trous- |seau tea in her honor on Sep- tember 6, which 76 friends and {neighbors attended, including {the staff of Simpson-Sears of- Pouring tea were Mrs. D. Adams, mother of the groom, Oshawa; Mrs. T. A. Veitch, Mrs. D. Raymer, Markham, and Mrs. F. Burkholder, Stouff- ville, aunts of the bride. Miss Misses Betty-Lou Schrane and Maureen Benson (bridesmaids) in charge of wedding gifts, and Mrs. G. Barker (bridesmaid) in charge of the guest book. Assisting in Mesdames G. Greer, J. Bren- nan, Jr., F. Lock and Miss Lin- da Adams, sister of the groom, and Mrs. D. Davidson. The beautiful floral arrangements for the occasion were done by the bride's aunt, Mrs. Burkhol- der, with flowers from her own garden at Stouffville, 12-Month School Term Discussed serving were| ng i ifiereate and the num- | point where the soca] and eo | School Board Why should] HALIFAX (CP) The poss! r and size of hospitals re. omic structure within many: L HAL -- Th - quired continue to grow so the counties has undergone pro County Counts, who have io BIL of, S00 FRE OGL assis 10 be Collected from pii-fiownd Casnges, 0 is dent, 1a Bio On Re oo ad the Wostery A individuals and corpora-| therefore, at alterations aa . x Fernsitars ol ; d Fons also grow. The amounts tothe structure and duties of the{ District High School Boa No Contefence of School Trustees Sollested have become so county must come. The county, i ucillors do not even "know| Secretary Lyle Thorson of the fign hast they Yesch six Or seven is no longer a practical polit: person they appoint This| Saskatchewan School Trustees' gd small area or comm) Er sion od a ridiculous situation; | Association said keeping schools nity this is an impossible situa-|banized society. That the Select Committee|open all year would make use tion. It is unworthy in a rich| "Secondly, the county vio- recommend to the Government of classrooms now idle a quar- country like ours to have hospi-|lates the democratic principle | of Ontario that a study be made|ter of the year. tals beg for money for : 7 ion the advantages and disad-| He said 12-month operation buildings. Communities pol of. seprosemtation 1y PO aed: | vantages of the full cost of edu-|would mean staggered classes-- Ail : : : cation being borne by direct|a quarter of the students would not be prevented from building the population has shifted; the ;;yoq other than taxes on prop-|still be out of class a quarter of hospitals and extending vital! assessment base is in the urban| " "the year, but at different times. services through lack of funds, |areas; yet the rural municipali-| 2 "Thirdly, the municipal capi- (ties within the county still con-| HELD OVER 'til WEDNESDAY -- . tal grant paid by the property|trol the bulk of the votes. BOLUS POTRES presents owner is not the way that should| This reminds one of the old be used to make up the differ- "Rottenboroughs" in the pre- ences between Federal grants,|1832 Britain. In our County, to Provincial granfs and private [give specific examples, three donations. PLANNING Recommendations: "That the Provincial Govern- ment assume its responsibility by playing a more active role in directing the overall planning of the Province; "That the Provincial Govern- ment and the Legislature as quickly as possible develop a Master Official Plan for the whole province similar to ones now drawn up by municipali- ties. Such a plan to be adopted| into law and amended from] time to time by the Legislature. | | municipalities have a total pop- ulation of 36-131 out of a total County population of 67,914; yet they have only 12 out of {38 votes -- 53.2 per cent of the {population but less than 32 per cent of the votes (statistics from the 1960 Municipal Di- rectory). | "One municipality has a pop- ulation of 388 and one vote on County Council; another muni- cipality has 16,175 people with GREGORY PECK ANTHONY QUINN & four votes on County Council --| 41 times as many people with only four times the votes. We| REASONS FOR | ; RECOMMENDATIONS TONIGHT THRU "As the urbanization of the province continues and as pop- ulation increases, the Provincial government needs to play a much more active role in the overall direction of land use planning of the province. Just| as a town or township needs an| Official Plan and a zoning by-| law so the province needs to pro- | duce an Official Plan of its own| which would try to project major land uses, major trans- portation routes, major water plants, major sewage works, major industrial areas and per: manent agricultural areas. "The province cannot leave overall Provincial planning to local, regional or metropolitan planning boards. These boards | can only see, naturally, their| own local problems. Only the! Provincial Government can see| the overall requirements of On-| tario and plan for them. "To delegate or to try to delegate anything but local plan- | ning to local planning boards is dangerous for the whole future of the province. For example, |} ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON WEDNESDAY! BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:30 SHOW STARIS AT 8:00 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "ELMER GANTRY" starts 8:10 plus More Action CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE OSHAWA certain areas should be indus- trial and certain areas should | FEATURE TIMES--1:00--3:40---6:20--9:10 +2: THC GUNS OF NAVARO STANLEY BAKER: ANTHONY QUAYLE IRENE PAPKS: GIA SCALA we JAMES DARREN COLOR and CINEUASCOPE FOR THE FULLEST ENJOYMENT OF 'THE GUNS | OF NAVARONE', WE RESPECTFULLY URGE YOU TO SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING | FREE LIST SUSPENDED 3 This Story was filmed on location Inside a woman's soul -- star SUSAN HAYWARD I'LL CRY TOMORROW' "eo DAVID WAYNE 2ND AL L-TIME GREAT HIT "WITH A SONG in Technicolor SUSAN HAYWARD © RICHARD CONTE IN MY HEART" | APPROVED BY THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD, EFFECTIVE OCT. 1, 1961 NATURAL GAS USERS! BLUE STAR RATE? EXAMPLE Do you qualify for the New If you now use Natural Gas for Home Heating and any three of the following: «COOKING CLOTHES DRYING e WATER HEATING «INCINERATION e AIR CONDITIONING «REFRIGERATION you are eligible for the BIG SAVINGS as proposed in the New 'All Gas Home' BLUE STAR RATE An average home using Natural Gas for Heating, Cooking, Water Heating and Clothes Drying: Present Annual Gas Bill: *240.39 70 QUALIFY FOR THE NEW (Consumers' tas 723-3468 BLUE STAR RATE YOU MUST APPLY NOW H»y»»» COMPLETE and MAIL THIS COUPON NEW BLUE STAR RATE 216.09 SAVING * 24.30 The Consumers' Gas Company 48 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa This is my application for the New BLUE Star Rate. We use Gas for HEATING and for the three other uses checked here: [J] COOKING [J WATER HEATING [C] CLOTHES DRYING [J AIR CONDITIONING [J REFRIGERATION [J] INCINERATION NAME