Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Sep 1961, p. 18

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' 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 18, 1961 SAFE Four-year-old Brenton Bout- lier of nearby Birch Grove, subject of one of Cape Bre- ton's biggest searches, was found safe in a swamp by a ABED miner. Taken to hospital after three days and nights in the woods, he suffered shock and exposure but was in "remark- able" shape. ~--(CP Wirephoto) Jamaicans Vote Over Federation KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)-- Jamaicans will decide in a ref- erendum Tuesday whether their island will remain in the West Indies Federation or secede and try to become an independent nation within the Common- wealth. Jamaica, with a population of| 1,700,000, is the biggest and wealthiest member of the fed- eration which came into being in 1958. | Whether its withdrawal would| mean the end of the budding|the island has nothing to gain news the barriers to Jamaican partic- ipation in the federation have been removed. | WELL REPRESENTED It noted that Jamaica, under the proposed constitution, would have proportional representation| in the federal House of Repres-| entatives, This would mean 30] out of 64 seats. It now has 17 of 45 members in the legisla-| ture. The Labor party holds that ! fence Minister Harkness, under- {know that NATO had in effect OTTAWA (CP)--Seldom has an opposition party found itself in such a defensive position as last week in the Commons when the CCF group made its short and cautious entry into the de- fence debate. Their position was awkward to say the least. Before the New Democratic Party founding con- vention in August, the CCF had minced no words in demanding immediate Canadian withdrawal from NATO in favor of foreign- aid spending. But now the CCF Labor mar- riage had conceived the new NDP policy: NATO had failed as an economic and social agency and had only a military role; Canada should pull out the moment either NATO or one of its members acquired nuclear weapons. This was a windfall for De- going his first siege in the Commons since he took over the post in October. He said that whoever wrote he NDP resolution was *'com- pletely ignorant." Didn't they been a nuclear power since adopting a nuclear strategy in 1954? he dismissed the NDP policy as '"'wishwash." Erhart Regier (CCF--Burn- aby - Coquitlam) took up the switched ground. H. W. Herridge (CCF - Kootenay West) quoted the resolution as if he favored it and immediately was chal lenged as to whether he did. His answer: "I am a CCF member of Par- liament but at the same time a member of the national coun- cil of the New Democratic Party. Does that explain the sithation?"' But CCF Leader Argue, who lin past sessions never would Start New Fast News Service NDP Resolution Called Wishwash TAKES ON PAIR Gaby Mancini, aries, will fight two opponents tonight in the six-round main MONTREAL (CP)--Amateur|Cote and Albert Breau will al- a lightweight|{ternate rounds--one taking the who has trouble finding advers-|first, the other the second, and event of a boxing eard. Luc so on -- against Mancini, who was on Canada's 1960 Olympic boxing team. DIES AT RALLY BERLIN (AP)--Willy Henne- berg, 64, speaker of West Ber- lin's parliament, died of a heart attack Sunday as he was de- nouncing Communist repression at an election rally. "Before the whole world, we demand rey FAMED PSYCHOLOGIST spect and recognition of the| The first psychological jour- right of self - determination,|nal, '"Mind," was founded in while the most elementary foun-| Britain in 1876 hy Alexander dations of a part of our peo- philoso ple . . ." The sentence was Bal, noted 'Scottish : never finished. have missed a chance to make his pointed contributions, said nothing either in the defence de- bate or the general foreign af- Jains discussion that preceded t. Mr. Argue, chief anti-NATO spokesman for the party before August, was in Ottawa early in the week and could have en- tered the debate. He left town Wednesday at the peak of the defence argument. His office said he was "in his constit- uency" of Assiniboia in Sask- atchewan, Meantime, Herridge and Reg- jer made a few infrequent for- ays into the Commons battle- ground. Frank Howard (CCF-- Skeena) made a few short speeches. Walter Pitman, member for Peterborough and only MP with a definite NDP label, was more active than any of them. Mr. Pitman was unrestricted. He made an effort at making al- most as many jabs at the gov- ernment as Liberal defence critic Paul Hellyer, Toronto Trinity. Significantly, he was the only member of the small nine-man group in the corner of the cham- ber who took up the old CCF| cry on NORAD. 5g! Start Plan For 100th | Birthday OTTAWA (CP) -- A proposal to set up the planning machin-| ery for Canada's 100th birthday) celebrations in 1967 goes before! Parliament today. The Commons will begin de- bate on a resolution introduced] by Prime Minister Diefenbaker| which calls for setting up the] National Centennia. Administra- tion and organizing a national | conference on centennial plans. | Also up for consideration is a resolution by Works Minister Walker providing for a $500,000,- NEW YORK (CP) -- Reuters agency Sunday inaugur-| 000 addition to the housing loan fund of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. | Caribbean federation, made up|and everything to lose by fed- of nine former colonies, is dis-|eration. It says Jamaica could puted by officials here, but there|achieve Dominion status by it-| Iself and adds that its previous| is no doubt secession would be a crippling blow to the hopes of | support of federation was a mis-| ated a new communications sys-| The move would lift the ceil- tem designed to provide faster|ing for CMHC lending to $2,000, transmission of news to North|000,000. It also calls for a $100, America from its London head-|000,000 coost in lending for mu- quarters. [ nicipal sewage projects, $50,000,-| the union. The referendum outcome is in| doubt, although the governing People's National Party, led by Prime Minister Norman Manley has thrown itself wholeheartedly behind the federation. CHANGES STAND Primary opposition comes from the Jamaica Labor party headed by ex-premier Sir Alex- ander Bustamante. Until last year the Labor party had taken part in talks leading to estab- lishment of the federation. Then last summer it declared itself against the union. The Labor party and other splinter opposition groups have contended that Jamaica would lower its high standard of liv- ing by federation and that she would be inadequately repres- ented in the new government. The formal granting of inde pendence to a federated West Indies by Britain is scheduled for May 31, 1962. Representa- tives of the members have met in Port of Spain, Trinidad, and London to hammer out terms of the final constitution. The federation members in addition to Jamaica are: Trini- dad, Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Dominica, Antigua and Montserrat. Manley's government has con- tended that as a result of the take. Joining the opposition is the recently-formed People's Polit- ical Party led by Millard John- son, a lawyer. Johnson's philos- ophy is that the predominantly Described by Reuters as the 00 extra for loans to aid uni- fastest news wire in North Am.|Versity housing projects and an-| erica, the new circuit links the|other $500,000 for housing re-| agency's North American sub-|Search and planning loans. scribers directly to London through an undersea cable. Up to now, Reuters file of British and .world news has| | been transmtited to the agencys New York bureau and relayed from there. The New York re- lay now will be bypassed, per- mitting faster transmission. Circuit hours have been ex-| 1 black people of Jamaica should be dominant on the island and that that is not the case now. Manley himself has said he will run for office in the new federal House of Representa- tives after the May 31 granting of independence. His party is determined to win the federa- tion referendum to give Manley|panded and teleprinter trans-| Don't Waste Time | . « « Looking Back | ; your eyes are in | | front of your head ! Keep your eyes on the fu- | a chance to become prime min-| mission speed stepped up to 66 ister of the new West Indies na-|words a minute from 60 under| tion, {the old system. { If successful in the federal] The Reuters report is re- elections, Manley would have to|ceived at the Canadian-staffed| relinquish his office as premier|New York cable desk of The of Jamaica. {Canadian Press. There it is| blended with that of The As- sociated Press and CP's own| correspondents abroad to pro-| Urge To Confess {vide a comprehensive report of | Road Iniquities {world news for relay to the] |Canadian news agency's mem- | LONDON (AP) ~-- Britain's|ber newspapers in Canada. 5,000,000 Roman Catholics were| Under.the new system, much| {urged Sunday to confess their| of the Reuters report will reach |driving sins. A special highway the New York cable desk an| code, drawn up by the Re-| hour earlier. demptorist fathers of Alton, Walton A. Cole, Reuter's gen-| Hampshire, and read in the eral manager, described the] churches with official sanction, new setup in a London state- said those who had been guilty ment as "one of the most im- of dangerous behaviour on the| portant developments in our roads should go to confession|glob al communications struc-| ||] Get Free Literature on all Courses i ture! You can still Register at the Oshawa Business Col- lege for Specialized Business Training. Day School Classes -enroll any Monday. Even- ing Classes-Tuesday ond Thursday. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Special Classes for House- wives - Shiftworkers, Teen- age 'typing -- for pupils from Grades 6, 7, 8. end Services Available. Oshawa Business College DIAL 725-3375 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO talks in Trinidad and London and tell about it. Iture in the past 10 years." ® SALE Oshawa 728-5166 (Consumers' (tas "You'll always be glad you chose Natural Gas" WISH TO INTRODUCE CITY WIDE HEATING LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. -- OSHAWA AS THEIR IN THE PICKERING - OSHAWA - BOWMANVILLE AREA ® INSTALLATIONS S FREE ESTIMATE - NO OBLIGATION Pickering WH 2-6421 installed Plan 1. Completely New System. "TECO" furnace and oil burner, storage tank, con- trols and piping; with convenience of cleanliness, ease of operation, conservation of basement space. EATON Special Price, 'Teco' furnace and oil burner, completely EATON'S OFFERS 3 ECONOMICAL PLANS TO IMPROVE HEATING! SAVE ON THIS SPECIAL! 1960 TECO FORCED AIR OIL FURNACES Your present heating system may not be giving full efficiency . . . perhaps the economy of operations is reduced by age . . .or you may still be coping with the labour of a coal furnace. Improve your home heating with full or partial new equipment -- at most advantageous terms -- through this special offer! 3 BUYING PLANS FOR "TECO" OIL FURNACE -- MODEL AC910NV Plan 2 Using Existing Storage Tank. Trade- in your old burner and controls; and we will install a new "Teco" furnace and oil burn- er using your existing storage tank. EATON Special Price, "Teco" furnace and oil burner, completely installed EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 556 529.00 479.00 363.50 Installation features: Price includes removal of your old furnace, installation of a new furnace near chimney. Installation of rectangular flat extended plenum and perimeter-type pipe and fittings hung in joists (where possible) connecting to 'a maximum of four existing warm air outlets and two existing cold air returns; plus two warm air outlets in main-trunk for basement heating, installation of auto- matic humidifier. Any additional work required will be charged at our low regular rates. Plan 3. Using your Present Oil Burner. If you now have a conversion burner installed in an old gravity-type furnace, we will .in- stall a new "Teco" furnace making use of your present burner (if it is not over 5 years old). EATON Specal Price, "Teco" furnace, completely installed, PHONE 725-7373 Authouzed Dealer FOR ALL YOUR HEATING AND APPLIANCE NEEDS Bowmanville MA 3-2582 NEW, COMPACT HELP FOR THE HARD OF HEARING! Now . . . EATON'S brings you the hearing aid that's compact in size, width and weight ! It slips behind your ear unnoticed. . . it is so small you'll forget you are wearing it! But there is so much power packed into the inside that you will hear beautifully again! And remember . « . this new 'Dahlberg' aid is powerful enough to allow you to hear again even in the case of nerve deafness and other severe hearing losses. For a free demonstration of this midget aid --and for a thorough audiometric hearing test, also without charge, PHONE 725-7373, EATON'S HEARING CENTRE, FOR AN APPOINTMENT see our trained Hearing Consultant, vir. W. E. Lang, in the Hearing Centre, Eaton's Upper Level to 6 p.m."Mo

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