14 THE OSMAWA TIMES, Mendey, September 18, 194) Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fi Saturday 8 to 1 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants Building Trades BH E DEWAR and C0.) Accountants SPECIALIZING In roofing and re and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On-|pajrs, Also all type home remodeling. tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221 [Free estimates. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and|AUL TYPES building repairs, roofing, Co., Chartered Accountants, 725-3527 |eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, 135 Sinose Street North, Oshawa; Ajax. |sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394, Gordon 2 May. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, R. HUNTER ALL types of repairs and Temodel | and Co., Accountants and Auditors. |jing new and used materials. Reason- Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64/able rates. Estimates free. Diall King Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Sale, 728-6931 J. Foléy, | CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm., CPA. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Cort C Cartage feld Public Accountants, 725-3509. | JOAN'S » S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa- Street East, Oshawa. Ontario. 725 Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipp- WILSON snd BURROWS Chartered | ed and insured. Phone 728-3661, Accountants, 3'4 Simeoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F i Wilson, G. Edmond Burrow » 728-2571 M 0 V | N G 2 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | f Service. Complete bookkeeping service, | 184 Bond Street West, 725-0307. Res., CALL 723-7605. CITY CARTAGE | | 725-2621 teed, automotive parts and accesso-| | ries. 145 King Street West, Oshawa. | | 728-1607-3-9. Five bays to serve you. dressmaking -------- DRESSES made to measure, all kinds rristers y Ba of repairs for ladies' and children's JOHN A. CAMERON. Barrister, Solicl- | your Reasonable. Mrs, Marshall 723 Barrister, Sou tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street 7g,3 Baty = Pree fom. Lig ty I Wing FURRIER 23-4943. Mortgage monies and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations Remodelling LOW PRICES 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 |Fuel and Wood Barrister, | Auto Ports KENT'S WESTERN TIRE Guara GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solicl- tors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South. Dial 723-2278. Residence phone J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368: Ter- ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 72 RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H.| GREER, Associate Barristers and Sol tors, 130 King Street East. 728-6 Mortgage loans available. ICE V_ MACKEY, BA, Solicitor. Notary Public, 361% King FACTORY Street East 728-2381. Res. YU 5-2127 jable for stoves, oo -- elephone 728-8535, THOMAS M. RUNDLE Barrister, Soll itor and Notary Public, 26% Street East. Phone 728-1763 Food Freezer Services CREIGHTON, FRASE MURDOCH, Barristers, HOMAR KET FOOD & FREEZER CO. Red ond Blue Brend Meat Only All Nome Brand Groceries. 123 BROCK N., WHITBY JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, roparisters| MO 8-5875--M0O 8-5876 Solicitor N.oney to loan. Office King Street Oshawa. 728-8232. IG hardwood cuttings. Suit- fireplaces, furnaces PRYNAN and olicitors, No-| Simcoe street North, 723-3346; T. K. Sreighion, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC: G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort gages arranged DONALD | BLAKE DODD, and Solicitor, 26% King Street _ Business 723-2201. tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg. | | Barrister East. | Resi. ardening and Supplies M NG F. SWARTZ snd RONALD CEDAR TREES for hedges, 3 L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- size, choice quality guaranteed, free de- aries, Money to loan. Henry Block, live For estimates, telephone MA 26% King Street Fast. 723-4697. Resi |3-3835, Bowmanville dence, Dial 723-4029. _|[BROWN'S TREE REMOVAL service. ZT. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solic (Over 20 years' experience. Telephone Phone Harry 723-2413. | MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First | Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus, Monies also available on | Second Mortgages Mortgages ond Agreements | for Sale "SWARTZ M. F. SWA Short term and Builders' Mort- gages at reasoncble rates. 26Y2 King St. Eost Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act, LOANS; To Pay All | Your Bills You Can Borrow $50 To $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills This Gives You A Fresh Start With Only One Easy Monthly Payment $50 - $5,000 Without Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All-Canadion Loan Company" Loans Life Insured Offices Throughout Ontario 17 SIMCOE ST N. 725-6541 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 16--Female Help Wanted [17--Male Help Wanted | 24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers OPEN NOW Kingsway Beauty Salon CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cosh Charge 3 CON (ve R 225 248 INSERTIONS 37% 413 it not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to originc: orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered ot © later date constitute @ new original order Professional and Business fisting $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional month. Each initial letter $ ond c sign, figure. counts as word. Box charge 15¢ additional. All Classified must be in by 5 o.m fore publication except Memoriams Cards of Thanks whic will be accepted until line $1.60 per abbreviation, Advertisement: the day be Births h ? am Deadline for Lost end Founa and Concellations 8:30 a.m. Hours: Doily 8 - 5, Seturday 8 REGULA TIONS--= The Oshawa Times will not bi Office 12 piponsibie for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than i writing, not for more than on incorrect insertion eof any tisement nor beyona the charged tor o single the advertisement in occurs to classify advertising according # its own classification pric n . adver wsertion of which error And also reserve the right in the case of display adverthe fimer will not be hel more space thai the actual ments The ~esponsible for that in which occupies a r error The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but ossumes no of advertisement are contoine it any therein fiobility d inaccuracies in any form V5 mile east of Town Line on |and samples on approval, AGENTS, clubs, ete. Sell finest Christmas cards. Over 300 items) sonal cards, Wraps, toys and novelties. | Prompt service. For colored catalogue | Jeandron | Greeting Card Co., 1253 King Street | East, Hamilton, Ontario. | Canada's CHRISTIAN man needed. Full or part time, lifetime security. Experience Sun- | weekly and up. No competition, Write John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison St., Chicago 2, NL SALARIED sales position, pa for two | men, Per district | NEED EXTRA MONEY? 850 and more| can easily be earned by showing hod Christmas cards, gifts, toys. to King Street, OPENING SPECIAL COLD WAVES--$5.00 PHONE 728-6101 {Monarch Card Co., Dept friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80-| {page, full-color catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders. No spent. es necessary. Send no money rite | {today for samples, on approval, ot sig | lly Christmas cards and free ooze | | i--Women"s Column [EARN money with a fascinating Robby, [Make beautiful jewellery at hom «v to do. Sell to your friends. Ex: ot profits. Write for free whole- sale colored catalogue. L. G. Murga- troyd Co., Dept. A-60, Agincourt, Ont. | . 2 |LUCIENNE Beauty Salon, We special ize in permanent waving. 20% Simcoe Street South. 723-9411, ling about 7 a.m, Please telephone! 728-9800 evenings only. BETTER places to rent 'are offered to you daily in the Oshawa Times Classi- fied Ads. Check Classification 25 now. ELECTROLYSIS Removal ot superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, Sept. 19th and 20th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, 3--Pets & Livestock BE AU TIFU L "baby budgies ready training, talking strain. Apply Broad, 114 Eigin Street East for Mrs AMERICAN cocker puppies, registered litter, black and blondes, male and fe male, three month< old. Telephone WH 2-6428 for more informatio GERMAN Shepherd puppies for sale, | registered, Jo Brea Kennels, ing. Telephone WH 2.1607 for further | particulars. ALL PLUM Phone Ld, ing. 2 255 ALL ¢ types of repairs new rates. Foley. Plumbing Heating NG and heating supplies Stark, heating and engineer i 725-3521, Harold H plumbing, Simcoe Street South and used materials. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931 BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps. oil burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night nd remodelling, C Jeasonavlel cents a six-quart basket, One mile eas! of SATURDAY UNTIL NOON tor, etc, 13% Simcoe frost North. | |655-3166, Brooklin. SoA: Dra 1. Pegi Sai HARDSAND LANDSCAPING d L. tor, 3% Simeoe South. 725-9598. Resi.| Fall Sole of Nursery Stock. dence 723-0264. Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, Bulbs. 725-1721 55 GLOVER RD. E. R. KNOWLTON | | WAN, Barrisiers, Solicitors; . | Humphreys, QC; G. §. Boychynm, BA | W. A Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street| East. Phones: Office 725-1177; Res.,| 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. Money to loan. | ARD H, DONALD, BA Barrister, | Jicass Notary Public, 5214 Simcoe] North, 728-2801. Res. 728-2765. MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. 725-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC: | Edgar F. Bastedo, JAM) 2cD0! LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repairing x| ond lawn maintenance patio TA. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, | Barrister and Eolivitor and Notts 1 Commercial Building, n, we a Ontario, Client parking] and sidewalk slabs. av e. nan PRA MURPHY, BA, LLB RUSSELL J, 725-6047 Barrister and Solicitor, : East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971. | OSHAWA [HOME LANDSCAPING Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING | SERVICE, INCOME TAX | RETURNS { 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades FREE estimate on digging basements Landscaping designing, sod- ding, seeding! weed killing, Complete garden service, 728-6366 | NUMBER ONE TOP SOIL 'Rug and Upholstery | OH MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONDS --TO PAY OFF YOUR BILLS --TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE --FOR ANY WORTH- re-styled. Free e y {rial Jor recovering Dalton Upholstering, 12. covered like new. at Modern Upholstering, MO 8 South, Call 728-6451 for a free enti- | t CHESTERFIELDS {like new, {are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | Mattresses re-built. | Ci [ou @ our mate. arles Street, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs | Jet the best for less Simcoe | cONdition, very 142 "recovered | Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. | Our rates |Margwill Fur Farm, re-built, Why pay more? 0., 10 Bond Street West. Dial Oshawa Upholstery | TOP MO) 725- "| Road WHILE PURPOSE EXAMPLES OF ONE OF OUR PLANS AVAILABLE You Pay Loan Borrow Monthly $1600 $37.65P.1. Bal. 5 Yr. Nil |Surveyors IH, |Surveyors, Phone 725-6881 DONEVAN Term Owing |ario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue: | {printing AND FLEISHMAN, 11 Ontario Street. 725.5632. On-| 2000 47.12P.1 5Yr, 2500 59.89P.). 5Yr. Nil Nil Tv - Radio Repairs MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCLUDE ALL COSTS Other plans with lower monthly payments available, Oshowa residents call op. and ask for ZE 7-6540 (no toll charge). Others call Guelph TA 2-9062 collect. BARFRIED ENTERPRISES Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assn. 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 723- 3162 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM RA 3- 352¢ ' LOAM. GRAVEL { SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Recsonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 and grading by bulldozer. MO 8-5612. YOUR local chimney peys built and repaired, satled, furnaces vacuumed - -- | cleaner. Chi gas linings in-| Free esti hos RR. -- b> ME owners, shingling, flat roofs, oll types siding, blown insulation caulk. 'tng. Phil Harper, Whitby. MO B8-4558 CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork ing, all floor coverings. Free estimates Work guaranteed. 728-0850. HOME OWNERS Roofing, osphalt - flat Chimneys -- cleaned, rebuilt, lined for gos and oil. Eavestroughs cleaned, repaired Water-prooting exterior interior, your local contractor ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 728-0344 DRIVEWAYS First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices UNITED PAVING CO. L728 4801 | Instruction | LORRAINE School of Hawaiian Music. Play In Hawailan style, guitar, acces- sories supplied. Call 728-8310, LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School D.E.A. Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro- |batie. Friday and Satur Masonic |" Temple, Centre street RVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Register | -- Dow. 424 King Street West. 725-6122. LEARN TO DRIVE at the PLASTERING Prompt Service Setstec Oshawa Driving School tion Guaranteed aw i Professional Instructors Work or Repairs -- Nothing | Dual Controlled Cars too large, Nothing too small. c g The P + ht -- cali Standard and Automatic AJAX REPAIR " Day and Evening Lessons an 728-0091 CONSTRUCTION LIMITED | Insurance 110 King Street East TE Alito Insurance. Save 728-5103 Oshawa to 20 per cent, six months to pay - S------ - - personal service at your home, 725-1625 up| For | -- call FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS CONTACT A. JAMES ALLEN Building Lawn Mowers WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call -- STAN'S Contractor CORNER KING AT BURK STS. | | 725-6126 723-3224 Repairs Remodelling [Money to Loan Additions Alterations $2000 AY AILABLE ror Recreation Rooms 52° Garages, Cottages gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale Kitchens Remodelled [purchased. HA mortgage arranged. re on, Taser JIYDAD an NHA and Custom Homes |doen. i i second mort Privat $30 monthly 635 py 6 to 9 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort FIRST and agreements ~ | nick Street {ranged Broker, MORTGAGE loans, awa, cinity, ments, etry, C. | You |Salon, | ation {Cal} 728-2412 for interview, 1728-2604 Mortgages Sale | Hen King second mortgages. purchased and sold and Hennick, Barristers, 31 East 3.7232 AND SECOND mortgages, ar W. Schatzmann, Mortgage 101 Dundas West. MO 8-3338. Bowmanville, Osh. Pickering and acreage, apart. | business. Members of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association. Sum-| merland Securities Limited. 112 Simcoe | Street North, Oshawa. Phone 725-3568, FIRST Whitby, Ajax, Residential, Optometrists |TV, makes. | Elliott Avenue, bat 9792 (Fred). RADIO Thompson car radio repairs, Electronics, 22 2WHY Because we give Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY ! Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked, glass and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture ! A TOWER ? TRY US! Moving antenna? Same day? Repairs? As good as new? TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 278-6781 4--Market Basket PEARS and apples for sale. Reasonable price Agloma Orchards, Thickson's Road North, 4 mile north of Taunton Roa ING tomatoes, 1 a bushel; x Raglan. Don 949 Linton, Brookiin | TOES 25 cents basket, I) 00 bu. shel, Spanish onions 5 cents each. Pick your own, bring containers, carrots 75 cents bushel. W, Eyman, half mile east of Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go {north to first corner, |PoTaTOES, large quantity, fresh, dug | | daily, Cobblers and Sebegos. Wh {sale and retail. Reasonable. Apply miles west of Brooklin on No. 7 High way. Fred Buldyke. TOM! 5--Farmers Column , $1 and up. Mac's, Snows, De- Algoma Orchard, Thickson North, one-half mile north of Taunton Road. Bring containers please. GOAT, milking, also |stove, coal and wood, reasonable now small cook burns 8-8207, DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Tyrone, Ltd. Y for dead and disabled {farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, | collect. 24-hour, seven-day service INTERNATIONAL 'combine for sale, 6- foot pull type. In good running order. | Rodd Appleby, Ashburn. Phone Clare | | 15. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land mont Bs6R3 after six. 216 Adelaide Avenue East. 7--Trailers RAILER -- 23 foot t house trailer, "Roll. {ahome", fully equipped, like new. Will sell reasonable. Apply Cream of Barley, No. 2 Highway. Jean Mills after 5 p.m. # 12--Articles Wanted ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optoma. | 1 Y. - Radio Repairs the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam. ined at home. Dial 725-4587 Painting and Decorating nd painting serv. 5 Discuss the decorating of your home with Allan Van Horn. Phone 28-2822. by tradesmen, work guar exterior and In rates. Tele PAINTING anteed, free estimates. (terior work, reasonable phone 723- 2558. DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service sell your boat and other marine {equipment in a hurry .in the action. | Pwerel Oshawa Times Classified Ads Dial started. SPECIAL! $10 permanents on special $7.50 until September 30. Iris Beauty 129 Brock Street South, Whitby. FELECIFC Day Nursery now in oper | Official opening in September. SOUTH MAVEN Nursing Home -- Ac commodation for private and semi private patients, lounge TV. Fully Ui censed, new building, modern. Nistor welcome. Reasonable rates ne Newcastle 4441 PETER PAN Day Nursery, ay 8:30 to 5:30 at Ph all or half 581 Simcoe = TRY OUR BAR. B-QUED CHICKEN en plate, half chi wit french chig har milk shake MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER -- 725-3887 SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All oom us antesd ELECTRONICS T V. TOWERS 361 GIBBCNS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings OSHAWA 1 V, Free Survey ond estimates 233492 today to get yours | Well" Drilling- ling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W P.O. BOX 329 TILE Guaranteed Water | under contract guarantee to obtain water » will be n Je Well Dr illing | HAMPTON CO 3-2790 {UPRIGHT or apartment size plano, | |make and year immaterial. Telephone | 723-5050 for inquiries WANTED -- a small building, approx- imate size 10° x 12°, suitable for pony; alse pony saddle wanted, Telephone CO 3.2791 powder flasks, | Is and Indian re- paid. Telephone WANTED old guns swords, knives, m s. Highest prices ol WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS . TURNEK 723-2043 723-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought Open Saturday all day, Phone 7252311 89 BLOOR E. |13--Business Opportunities | [For RENT or sale ~ building, 35 x 50, | situated on two acres of land. Ideal for | small industry, 725-4400. fe nr WAG ON for sale or for rent, all | equipped, stainless steel stove. Tele. | {phone 723.3284 after 4 p.m. |FOR SALE Restarant In Orono do- {Ing year round business, For further | {particulars apply R. J. Thomas, Orono, jor telephone 1081 | 14--Employment Wanted WILL home (Westmount district) while moth ler works. 5 days weekly. Telephone (ras-zas: for further particulars. {LADY in south end of city (Evangeline Drive) will give day care to children in | her own home. Telephone 723-3635. ATTENTION! vised maintenance cuts {repair bills. Qualified class "A™ {chanie, years of experience, now avail- able. Box 328, Oshawa Times, Fleet owners {ACTIVE MAN, early thirties, cessti: years in direct sales seeks change or representative posi tion Salary and commission. Must ex- ceed $6,000 Oshawa six sue. annually. Times | 16--Female Help Wanted {U RG) T, housekeeper required for two school children, Telephone 723-3637 16 p.m, SALESLADY for Pharmacy Experi. enced, Excellent hours, salary and working conditions. Apply in "writing, giving full qualifications, and enclosing photograph. M. R. Osborne Ltd., 264 Bloor Street West, Toronto. FLORIDA this winter? If you are be tween the ages of 23-39 we can make this possible. Write Box 105, Oshawa | Times RELIABLE "housekeeper required [live in and care for two pre-school children, while mother works. 1520 weekly. 65: 3621 SALESLADY to train as Canada's progressive i giving qualifications manager for ity shops pre? exper Times, In ranged specls EXPERIENCED waitress, full time, part time, all benefits. For appoint ment, call Flying Dutchman Motor | Motel, Bowmanvills, MA 3-337. Lan would like e ride to Toronto, leav-| Picker- | ole 1% | in good | Telephone | 'mind pre-school children in own | super- | costly garage me- | field, | Wawer) Ave., Hamilton. YOU G lady willing to operate snack bar, night duty. Excellent working con- ditions, Wanted immediately. For fur- ther infor mation, call Mel's Snack Bar, Newcastle 4366. |CANY. ASSERS, door to door, no selling {involved. 1 Telephone 723-2631. | REGIS ERED nurse part or full time, for Glencedar Nursing Home. {Telephone 655-4931 between 8 and 4 her information. ted. Sales representatives to cover Oshawa and surrounding areas, {for leading home distributors of ladies' lingerie, sports wear and accessories; {samples supplied free of charge: com- mission basis. We train you, For fur- ther information write Lynards, 48 Greenlaw Avenue, Toronto 4. "YOUNG girl wanted as mother's help, live in, must be fond of children. Tele phone MO 8-5463 after 7.30 p.m. WOMAN to care for boy, years, while mother works. preferred. Telephone 723-0892 |5 and 7 p.m SELL in Oshawa, or more per week OPENINGS FOR WOMEN to age Hirve Live Berries Canada's newest product, made full or part-time Make £100 Telephone 728-4091 but there If work cannot give full time, slendid income oppor for you AVON Call Collect TORONTO RU 2-4782 WANTED | Assistant for McLaughlin Public Library Grade 13 Certificate or Uni- versity Degree, Typing nec- essary. 5-day week APPLY IN PERSON TO THE CHIEF LIBRARI AN WANTED ! We require a Secretary for a large legal office to begin immediately or as soon as pos- sible, 5 day week, insurance ond health benefits. Hours can be arranged to suit spe- cial cases where applicant exceptionally qualified. Please do not apply unless you have had several years experience in shorthand and typing. A capacity to assume responsi- bility and see things through | is of special importance. Please indicate salary expect- ed. Apply Box 333, Oshawa Times, #UPHOLSTERERS AND TRIMMERS you want is a tunity with | | for | share, for five years or more. Age oo to 45, married, $350 per rhonth to start plus/ bonuses and travelling allowance. Must | have own automobile, Write Box 32, tr Oshawa Times. {AYATADLE September 1, executive's rge including religious, everyday and per {day School, ministry helpful. Earn $100 North, near high and Associates Ltd., PRIVATE three.room apartment, fully furnished, private hath. Apply 325 Sim. &70 coe South or telephone 725-3243 or 653 | WARM, cozy two - room spartm | modern kitchen, radio, refrigerator, close hydro, parking, laundry facilities, TV Liver |antenna, use of telephone, abstainers, 137 137 Elgin Street East THREE-room apartment for rent, stairs. heated. heavy duty wiring, deal for couple, child welcome, nea ping Centre Tele, hone 725.1846 four bedroom home, public schools. R. Schofield, Schofield Insurance 723-2265. Simcoe IVE-ROOM bungalow for rent, oll heat- ed, hardwood floors, decorated, to shopping centre and schools pool area. Telephone WH 2.0119. | TWO-BEDROOM house, suitable for couple, or couple with one child. cen- jrally located. Telephone 725-3968 for r rticul {PUBLIC q {dent with minimum of two years | perience or equivalent, excellent oppo "| | tunity, Telephone 728-7371. |WANTED, a man with sales exper- lience to sell television and sterio hi-fi ete., Apply Box No. 530 Oshawa Times, stating qualifications. I need a top level sales executive nl the Oshawa ar-a, If you can qualify] and want to make real big money, | 725- -135 FUEL oIL SALESMAN wanted. Pil employment, Part or full Sme. Apply Jack Perry. Harry O. Perry Lf | T modern near Brooklin, broadioom in living room, oil heated, located on two-acre lot. Telephone 655.3952, BESSBOROUGH DRIVE -- THREE - room apartment with private entrance, three-piece hath, telephone and TV outlet, stove and refrigerator, Apply 623 Olive Avenue for further in. |formation. SPACIOUS five-room apartment, sink, kitchen cupboards. share bath, parking facilities, TV outlet, north Oshawa dis- Telephone 725-664 8. roo proadioom and drapes in living rn] dining room, "Telephone 725-8452. poh A new, modern, three bed. |t¥ict. rooms, south end. oil heating, aluminm |BR} nT attractive apartment, {storms and screens. Telephone 725- town location, three atnet dows | 7089 for further particulars. |refrigerator, stove. Reasonable rent. IN WHITBY -- Three - bedroom split. (OF 200d tenant. Mr. Michael Clayton. level, close to bus and High School. Im. 7293501. 8 to 5 p.m. mediate possession, in new subdivision, FOU room "apartment "for 1 rent, T heavy duty wiring, complete with stove |FULL or part time dealers al in your ares. A steady repeat income 250 vroducts, mostly household necessi- High commission, bonus, 30-d Familex Dept. 8.14, 1600 Delorim- fontreal. ESTABLISHED SALES DIVISION Interested in meeting | men with initiative between ages 21 to 45. Must be of neat.appearance { and able to meet and talk to people, - A challenging and rewarding, future for those described WE OFFER ~Weekly drawing account | --Qualified leads | ~--Top sales material | ~--Advertising in radio, T.V newspapers i Managericl position open in | near future to a go-getter. ties. trial fer, 'Call and discuss your future with us, 333 SIMCOE ST. S 9-5 18--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED hairdresser the Mayfair Salon required Telephone 728- 0662 20--Room and Board WOULD like to have young lady boarder, close to bus, lunches packed if desired, all home privileges, laundry | done. Apply 561 King East ROOM for two gentlemen, ten-min-| utes walk from South General Motors, or three-room apartment, self-contain- ed. Children welcome. 728-2387. ROOM for sentloanan, six days a AE General Motors. Tele- and board ngle beds, close to South phone 723 2625 5. |NICE, quiet clean "European home for young gentlemen, first class cooked meals, lunches packed, free parking, close to everywhere, 81 Park | Road South. } ATTRACTIVE private room, in clean, quiet home, first class home cooked meals. Suit office man, close to every- where. Free parking. 81 Park Road {South ROOM and board, suit gentlemen, nice ,» quiet home, first class home | cooked meals. lunches packed. Close to " Experienced, good wages Apply: HELLER FURNITURE MFRS. LTD. 496 Queen St., E, Toronto Sales Management Trainee {Large International Corp. | Opening Local Office Will train local man 23-40 | for position. Fine epPeara: ce, ability to converse, good education, ond auto essen tial. Phone for appointment for full particulars Toronto 924-8774 or 923-5853 No collect calls please CLERK OF WORKS Required by the Oshawa Board of Education a clerk- of-works, fully experienced in | general supervision of large | | | | | construction projects is re- | | quired immediately, for the R S. Mclaughlin composite | school project. Only appli- cants with previous experi- | ence, as clerk of works, able 1 to supply satisfactory refer- | ence of such employment will be considered. Applicants should apply in own 'writing, stating oge, |~- qualifications, past experi- ence and salary expected to J. R. BACKUS, Business Administrator, Board of Education 555 Rosslond Rd, W. OSHAWA ONT. | | SEABOARD FINANCE CO. OFFERS Unusual opportunity for men | located, Write Box 331, | who have the ability to ad- vance ropidly to managerial positions after | Trainee available for men age 21 to 27 EXPERIENCED | FINANCE MEN Also required for our expan- If you are in positions sion program | terested in: Rapid Advancement --Secure Future to} Pi Mr. T, ?to5 PM S., Oshawe See or phone Sulik 728-6283 2%)a Simcoe St. {single beds, WOULD it rates, | possession, | FOUR-room dryer. IE! |EIGRT letting, Possession {everywhere, free Road North, |ROOM and board available the Pon-| {tiac Inn, home cooked meals, lunches | packed, have TV lounge. Telephone ill {0078 {ROOMER r boarders, clean home,| also use of family room, | close to South GM. 728-2817 1 |ROOM "and board or room only clean {home close to North General Motors, hospital and four corners. Apply 240 Divison parking. 82 Park| boarders in| Harold take pension y village. Apply to Mrs. Pontypool, Ontario. ROOM and board for gentlemen, lose orth GM or hospital, small Wilson, |25--Apts. |decorate, | THREE-room apartment, NEW MODERN six-room ranch style 0 refrigerator, garage, private en- {house with garage, recreation room, ia ance, very central location. Apply oil heated, large garden, Taunton Road | hur Street, West, respectable couple with baby. | TH or two rom Tor Telephone 723- 7237, , renting - now. nished or unfarniahed. or. Tent, -- (trance, TV aerial, rhone 723.3 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE fi =o CER two bathrooms, two [rom ant enmrurnished, pil kitchens, immediate [sarage ea sant October 1. 273 Bald. possession; also apart- ment, ground floor, 725-6184 or 728-2017 Thur separate ene good location. Tele {Win ROOM 3 "api {with stove, [ , equipped refrigerator, chesterfield and chair, close to bus, parking facili- ties. Telephone 723-1052, adults only. WO furnished rooms with bath, stove and refrigerator, parking. Apply 43 Nas sean Street or telephone 725-5617. Flats for Rent nbs & Fla TWOBEDROOM apartment on Stmcos FIVE room a artment, large rooms, Street North Telephone 7254 6343, 9 a.m. unfuinished, self-contanied, heated, hotdto 5 p.m |and cold water supplicd, ajso electricit a" EE TE ---- Heavy duty wiring. Fireplace, din CENTRALLY Io cated furnished Toom room beam ceiling, living room with use of kitchen and washing ma- panelling; threeroom apartment, un- chine in clean, quiet home, Telephones furnithica, heated, hot and cold water 725-8150 for further particulars. suppli eavy duty wiring. Both apart. EEN AR aot tp S------------ ments available, located at 822 King TUREE-ROOM apartment, priv Street East at bus stoj. Apply on prem- ®btrance, parking facilitie: mediate ises, 6 to 8 p.m., September 18 to 20. [POSsession. References, A 284 Rich d St: . Por TWO large, self-contained rooms, pri-|725-6466 reel aut Tete vate entrance, oil heated, close to bus. Adults only. Telephone 728-8870 for fur- BRIGHT apartment building, stove, refi |ther information, ator, h id Ri tl washer and ryer, on ussett IMMEDIATE possession, For a sound Ax ny For fi phone {6-room brick home, $900 down or trade | 341, or unter detally tele {your car. Rossland and Simcoe Street EE -------- area. Call Irwin Crulkshanks today at | RTRATVE four room apartment 728.5123 with bath, unfurnished, close to bus. tect EA {Av ailabl MODERN 4.room unfurnished "apart. further er inform pL Siephone 80 ment in ni fet new 11 unfur- nico gulet new home. all 'won. | NED four - room Yeniences. Private entrance, near bus, rent, adults. [Dished apartment with heavy -- 725.9207, |central, suitable for business couples. | Telephone $55 MONTHLY, Three.room unfurnished Telephone Jaa- Rn ry basement apartment, heavy wiring, will | THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and Close to south GM; suit|cupboards in kitchen, suitable for busi. couple. 723-9742. ness couple, gecond Pigg abstainers, prvi. tas -- 728-5665 before 2 $50 MONTHLY, unfurnished three-room | --------------_° _* a -- apartment, private bath and private en. | TWO-ROOM Ea completely fur. trance. Apply 318 Albert Street. Tele- |Nished, suitable for adults only. Ap phone 728-7703. {Ply 1 195 Albert Street, FOUR-ROOM apartment, self. -containe |private bathroom, in quiet ase home, * central, near bus, North GM offic: Telephone 723-7665 anytime, PRIVATE thr apartment, fully furnished, freshly decorated, private pats. Apply 325 Simcoe Street South Flor t ne 725-3243. two-bedroom a partments, in 5 self contain. ed, refrigerator and stove, private en- trance, parking facilities, Apply 117 Montrave Avenue, Adults only. APPLE THI district, modern i unfurnished apartment, heavy Hind, private bath, private entrance. Use {washer, dryer, no children, 725- 7789. THAREE-ROOM apartment, heavy duty |B wiring, hot water heating, private furnishe refrigerator, stove, sink, cup. [bath and entrance. 10 minutes to down. Doards, private entrance, TV outlet, |town. Apply 157 Banting Avenue. |suit business couple or single pe; - 1853 monthly inclusive, -124 Park Roa | BASEMENT apartment, unfurnished, rth, three large rooms and bath, private en- ppg trance, parking facilities, television THRE} ROOM. acif-contained apartment utlet. Telephone 728-1735 and inquire for further details. 728.3123. Lloyd Realty, (Oshawa) Lid. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, {private entrance and bath, sink in kit- otra [lent. two _Suralilied |chen, garage, near church and schools, trance, parking and laundry facilities, Tel 725-531! OR apartment, two r rooms, um Apply 80 Hillcroft Street. TWO - bedroom apartment, heavy wir. |ing, laundry room, self-contained, con- tinuous hot water, located between Oshawa and Whitby, $50. 725-5004. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, {with two-piece private bath and heavy duty wiring, near bus and South G | Telephone 725-7763. |FIVE-ROOM apartm nent, private e en- |trance, bath, range, TV outlet, off Sim. coe North, reasonable ent for adults or business couple. 728-26 THREE-ROOM pig private bath, reasonable rent includes hydro, furnished or unfurnished. Available Oc- tober 2. Telephone 725-7418. FOUR-ROOM apartment, all conveni- ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot water free, bus at the door, Apply 165 |Verdun Road. Telephone 723. 3096 NORTH OSHAWA | building, four-room apartment, stove, | | refrigerator, three-piece parking, TV outlet, 3938. FURNISHED ap: apartment, three-room, heavy duty stove, refrigera rator, park- ng facilities, $70 monthly. A Frank Street, 723- -3766. dis TWO - bedroom apartment, com pletely furnished, built-in cupboards In kit M.|chen, TV, radio, stove, refrigerator. 13 Colborne East. 723.2050. $70 MONTHLY -- Four-room uj apartment, sink, cupboards, heavy ind ing, two children welcome, fenced yard, 777 Rowena, 728- 4437. NEWLY furnished, warm 1 basement apartment, inluding electric mantel, automatic washer Pri dryer, central Grils only, 725156; MUST SEE to eae! New apartment, five large rooms, wall broadloom, colored bath, fully decorated, all Convensines apartment | lent I location, 728-5; BACHELOR and "room apartment, ath, ample private, three piece bath, refrigerator, washer, dryer. stove, downtown. Available immediate. {ly. Reasonable. 39 Simcoe North, modern wall te beauti- excel 05 for information. ROOM for girl in bright, cheerful lhome with young married couple. All |Plece bath, Telephone 725-3938. conveniences. Bus close. North Osh. a. $12.50 weekly. 728-2815. | FOR WORKING GIRL -- home cooked | meals, lunehes, reasonable, on bus line, | phone 723-1390. Apply 322 King | Street West FOR lady who would 'appreciate a "good tie. home, DHE, pleasant room, close to | 725-| Tel fs ROOM apartment, stove and | /20-3992. refrigerator, built-in cupboard, three. TWO unfurnished rooms and small kit plece bath. Tele] chen with cupboards and sink, parking, TWO heated apartments, second and PUS at door. 622 Bloor East. 725-7617. third floor, private entrance. Apply 74 SHOPPING ( CENTRE spacious mod- Bond Street East or telephone 725-9303 dern, two - bedroom apartments, deco- for further information. (rated (your choice) from $85. Paved THREE . room furnished basement Porking. John J. Bolahood, Ltd., apartment, private entrance, four piece bath, Jem ral location, parking facili-| ELY furnished br bright clean room Adults only. Apply 235 King Street for gentlemen, suit one or two, Apply {356 Park Road South or telephone 728- | East. 1402 for particulars, HOME - cooked meals with rooms, gen- |tlemen. Apply 235 Eulalie or telephone 728-1773 |21--Room & Board Wanted GENTLEMAN desires single room with breakfast, supper and parking. Vi. cinity of shopping centre. Reply to Box| J [320 Oshawa Times | 22--Store Space & Garages ro |STORE or office for rent, 12 Prince |© | Street, west side near King, November I1 or sooner, Telephone 728-8173, ?3--Wanted to Rent |BANK manager requires three. {bedroom home, October or November Write to Box 334 Oshawa limes. |24--Houses for Rent bungalow at 123 Verdun Road. Apply 141 Chadburn Street or telephone 725- 3620 alter six. FOUR bedroom bungalow, room, two bathrooms. sess $115 128-8658 TWO-BEDRC partly "Sie Immediate pos- | monthly, Telephone | M bungalow for yeu | furnished, oil heated, central close to North GM, off Ade. | Ti lephon 728-3707 laide HOUSE -- two-week don, | son, | Utilities fully paid. Includes Close to shopping Sy ather LA FARM house for rent, near Newton- ville, eight rooms, pressure system, oil furnace, $60 monthly, Savage, | 11 Hill Crescent, Fairport Beach. room house, consisting of a {five room and a three-room apartment, | | gas stove and automatic washer. Tele. {phone 725 9101. [Nice seven room house, near Park Road and Adelaide, TV antenna, oll. | heated, newly decorated, children wel. come, ilable September 15, $90 monthly 28-1203. SIX-room two storey brick veneer. . $900 down, $82 per month, St egory's vicinity, Consider renting, 728- 0863. FIVE-ROOM house, all "conveniences, five minutes walk to four corners, space | for parking c Apply south side door | at 91 Celina Stree THREE-ROOM house, heavy duty wir-| ing. Telephone 723-7205 for further in- formation, $10 Four-room house, central, hydro, sink, toilet, no cellar. Heat it with your space heater, Three blocks north of four corners on Prince Street. Ap- ply 34 Mill Street NEW five-room bunga Heights d, in Rossland to bus and 15. Tele alow, love September oil heate St Available phone 7254043 SEVEN-ROOM house monthly with garage, $100 Suitable for family and sub. October 1. Tele phones 725-6933. N t in | 0146. apartment building, pi Blinn stove, LARGE housekeeping room with washer and dryer, paved PATRI 82 vate entrance for rent on main floor, Park Road South. 725-32! Telephone 728-5253 or apply 218 Celina $79 MONTHLY and up, SB one or Street. two bedroom apartments, new apart- [FURNISHED apartments, central lo ment buildings, all conveniences, beau- | cation, with all furniture including tele- tifully Jocorsiad, centrally located. 725- vision set. One four-room, $95; two-room 6674 od 728-528: | apartment, $ $50. 728- 124 apartment HREE-ROOM apartment on [SPACIOUS four-room in ravine lot, heavy duty wiring, park. new home, private bath and entrance ing, laundry facilities 575 Harmony Located one block from King Street Road South. 723-2754. Vest, Apply 112 Stevenson Road North. NE bedroom apartment, furnished. $10 MONTHLY, ground floor, two- Available October 1. Apply 496 Sim-|bedroom self contained apartment, coe Street North or telephone 728-3945 ample parking, all conveniences, chil- and inquire, ren welcome, Telephone MA \ 3-5309. SELF-CONTAINED private en- |x LARGE three - roomed self-contained trance and bath, three-room apart. | apartment for rent. Very central. Avail ment, refrigerator, stove, quiet home, able October 1. For more particulars central, on bus line, Business couple or | telephone MO 38-2398. widow preferred. 137 Huron St Street. TW bedroom apa: ment In new br ew build FOUR- or five.-room apartment, "peli. ing, stove, refrigerator, drapes, washer, contained, with garage, close to North dryer, parking; close to shopping cen- GM, shopping, bus service and down. tre. 285 Montr 5 town. Telephone 725-4341. __ [FURNISHED apa | MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS jcentral, parking. {Centre " street. APARTMENT {kitchen cupboards, Free washer and dryer, wall to wall broadloom, Paved parking Close to Simcoe St. Apply Supt, Apt. 14 id | 728-8796. 20 AVENUE ST. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE 725-3815 or 728-6485 Available Now Large three-room apartment. 'Frig. heavy duty stove, pri- vate bath. $70.00 monthly Dial 725-5433 or 725-2267 nd single private entrance, reasonable. Apply 08 -- three large 1 ." private bath, heavy and water, suitable for $60. Call after 5. Phone FOUR-ROOM, self-contained - apart. ment with private entrance and three. {ment with private entrance and three. Ipiece bath. Apply 539 Albert Street or _ | telephone 728-1 6070. S10 WEEKLY two rooms, James Gibson, phone 7: 3. URNISHED three-room apart {ment with bath and private entrance, {close to south General Motors, Tele. hone 723 9269. | FURNISHED two - r room apartment, decorated, private bath, laundry ties, Close to bus stop. Central lo- cation. Adults. Telephone 9685. SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2 bedroom apart ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For information Call 723-2563. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 room tree use o* guto- matic and dryer. $90 MONTHLY Apply 213 Montrave Avenue. Apt. | -- central self-contained, sink and toilet. Apply 189 Celina Street. Tele- NEWLY DECORATED 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS $85-$95 basement 2nd fl apt. - building, nea She pping Centre Ample parking. { CALL 728-6795 in washer