MODERN EQUIPMENT CAN SAVE SPACE IN BASEMENT | Space conscious home buy- ers will appreciate gas-fueled equipment, now available in | is designed to fit into a min- | most Ontario centres, which | imum of space and provide | with the result that walls and woodwork must be periodically repapered or repainted, drapes and slip covers cleaned or re. placed. | Most of the tiny pollens and cther airborne irritants that make life miserable for people with chronic allergies like asth- ima and hay fever, are removed the new electronic air |cleaner. The engineers, who spent four years developing the new unit, emphasize that it should not be confused with plug-in air "puri- fiers" and gimilar units. True electronic air cleaners, they explain, have two stages -- an ionizing stage and a collecting stage. The ionizing stage produces an electrical field between spe- cial tungsten wires and ground- ed plates called an "jon screen." This screen imparts an electrical charge to the smallest dirt particle passing through it. The collecting stage is a se- ries of charged aluminum plates which collect the ionized dirt particles in much the same way a magnet attracts iron fil-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 16, 1960 29. ings. | This electronic method re-| moves particles 100 times smali- er than the usual mechanical filter can, the engineers say. 90 PER CENT EFFICIENT Efficiency of the new Honey- well cleaner is rated more than 90 per cent depending on the air flow requirements. An extra collecting cell is available to boost efficiency when the air flow requirements are high, as in larger homes. ning to recognize that clean air pollution -- an important fac- work and the expense of fre- The general public is begin: is very necessary in today's home environment, This is not only due to air tor in' all urban areas--but also to the need to reduce house- quent redecoration. Now the homeowner can com- pletely control his environment as well as comfortable; he can heat it, air condition it, control its hunhdity and -- finally -- clean the air in it. RARE VISITOR MAIDSTONE, England (CP) A white ibis has been spotted nesting on a Kent marsh, be- lieved the first time the African bird has been seen in Europe. Overjoyed ornithologists hope to keep the location secret so it and make it more wholesome won't be disturbed. THIS LADY IS IN TROUBLE! NOT ENOUGH HOT WATER! additional recreation room | space in the basement. | Buying From Builder AirCleaner 'Eases Home | Eases Money Problem If you have a limited amount of cash to invest in a new house, you may find that purchase from a builder is the most con- venient arrangement. The total cost can be established at the outset and you will know exact-| ly how to plan your finances. | As in building a house, you should make your solicitor your closest confidant. He will be| able to interpret legal docu- ments to vou, ensure that title to the land is clear and that you are the actual owner of the property. His services can, in fact, save you many dollars. In buying a house from a] construction, the approximate parties to the purchase. This date of completion of the house,|will include: (1) monies due the| and the period of time within|seller, such as purchase price, | which you will have your solici-\share of taxes and insurance tor search the title to the lot. |paid by him, and details of any After clear title has been|extras you ask the builder to assured your solicitor, or the|put in the house; and (2) credits builder's solicitor, prepares a|due to you including down pay- draft deed. | ments, mortgages obtained or The builder's solicitor will pre./3ssumed and any second mort. {gage. The difference between Dare 3 sislemen) of Sdlusments these seller and purchaser cred- its will be the amount payable on the closing date specified in THE HOME WORKSHOP rangements with the builder re- garding any deficiencies detect- ed or adjustments required, and builder the problem of choosing a lot and purchasing it is not in- volved. The choice of a lot in a subdivision and the house to be| built on it may be involved. | The builder may have already| obtained a mortgage loan for the proposed house. The loan may have been taken out in his| name and you will be required to sign an assumption agree- ment stating that you will as- sume all obligations of the mort- gage. Your solicitor will be able to give yor advice and assistance in this regard Generally, house sales are He have this put in writing. You| would be well advised to obtain] the opinion of an independent expert regarding the quality of construction. On satisfactory completion of the house you are expected to complete payment of the pur- chase price and will receive the 3 |deed to the property. This should | [be registered immediately by your solicitor. {| You will then receive dupli-| | [cate copies of the mortgage EE ---- Sociol, the Yoel aud a Sher. RAT iff's certificate to the effect that By RUTH W. SPEARS the property is free of claims Awnings and shelters may be hy debtors of the seller. You should make definite ar- leaning For the price of a quality re- frigerator you can add to your) home 'the latest" in modern aids to environment--electronic air cleaning. A new unit on the market-- Wouldn't It Be Thrilling To Have All The Hot Water You Need! . . . Well You (an By Insfalling an Electric Rental installed in a home's forced air heating or air conditioning sys- tem--automatically removes up to 90 per cent of the airborne particles in your home and yet is "reasonable" in cost, says its Heater NOW!! maker. The compact unit (dimen- sions: 8 inches wide and- 22 inches high) can be used with any type forced air heating or air conditioning system, Honey- well engineers who designed the equipment say. A control panel is mounted in the living area of the house to provide at-a-glance information on the cleaner's| operation and indicate when the| filter needs to be removed and washed. EASY INSTALLATION Installation can be accom-| plished easily. The electronic| air cleaner can be mounted in| horizontal, vertical or even| angular positions in the duct-| work of either a new or an| existing home. Its source of N -- ES made through use of a legal|made of slats or roofing nailed| | document called an "offer to|to the nicely shaped rage) ADAM IN PROFILE purchase". The offer to pur- shown here. Paint the frame to| EDINBURGH (CP) -- Jacob chase is a written contract|match the house trim. Slats pysiein's statue of Adam still which usually states that the may be in contrasting colors. |is a subject of controversy after owner agrees to sell and the|Pattern 345, which gives actual-1s) years. The three - ton statue buyer agrees to buy. It binds|size cutting guides, material list| yas to face the public entrance both parties to agreed terms|and directions, is 50c. This pat-|at an exhibitition of Ep- and conditions, and usually sets|tern also is in the Home In-|giain'e work here, but some of- out the lot on which the house|provements Packet No. 29 with|siale thought it "might embar- is to be built, the type of house, three other patterns -- all for| 5s visitors. so it stands in pro- the purchase price, the amount|$1.75. file to the entrance of mortgage loan, the rate of Address orders to The Home : interest, the amount of money|Workshop Dept., The Times, SPICY TOUCH to be made available duringl Oshawa. LONDON (CP)--Artist Felix |Fabian, who has painted port- Improve Your Home Teiis of the Pope and U.S, presi. electricity is ordinary house wiring, and no plumbing is nec- essary. It uses no more elec- tricity than a 50-watt bulb, and can be installed in any home with central warm air heat- |ing. | Honeywell engineers point out that dust, oily grime, |vapors, bacteria, cooking and tobacco smoke and assorted other irritants -- in particles so small as to be invisible in most cases -- float through the home "in unbelievable numbers." A single cubic foot of air, for example, can hold 100,000 parti- cles. These tiny particles set- tle on walls and ceilings as well H ALL With An NHA Loan as floors and cause staining, is working on a nude study of a West End "strip girl," to add a touch of spice to his one - man show in the United States. Many people have con-|tiple-family dwelling, plus $1,500 templated much needed repairs for each additional unit, may to their houses and have then also be obtained. postponed their plans simply be-| The rate of interest on NHA cause they couldn't find the home improvement loans is 6) necessary money. per cent and loans are repay- This need no longer be the able in monthly instalments, to- case. In fact, more and more gether with interest, in not more home - owners are discovering than 10 years. that Federal assistance is avail-| Application for a loan must be| able to them under the National made by the owner of the prop- Housing Act. The Act author-|erty and not by anyone acting izes Central Mortgage and Hous: in his behalf. A joint owner of a ing Corporation to give a limit- home or anyone renting a prop- ed guarantee to banks in return crty, provided the lease does not for an insurance fee paid by the expire in less than three years borrower on loans made for alfollowing maturity of the loan, | TOP: your house' RIGHT |] oT WATER | | 1 YOU NEED For Less Than 15¢ Per Day ALL INCLUSIVE With an Electric Hot Water Rental Heater You Get LOADS & LOADS OF -- OT WATER FREE INSTALLATION Of Your New ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER! wide variety of improvements around the house. For the purpose of home im- provement loans, a home is de-| fined as a house, multiple-fam-| ily dwelling, housing project or building consisting of business premises and family housing units where the repairs, altera: tions and additions may be fair- ly considered to be primarily for the benefit of the housing units A home does-not include a building used as a hotel, motel or summer residence, or for sea- sonal occupancy. But it does in- clude apartment buildings. Home improvement loans cover the cost of labor, mater-| ials and equipment for many| permanent - type alterations, re- pairs and additions. Home improvement loans are secured by a promissory note. The maximum loan is $4,000 for a one-family dwelling. A loan of $4,000 for the first unit of a duplex, semi - detached or mul- is eligible to apply. When making application for a loan, the applicant will be re- quired to provide details of the improvements planned and an estimate of the costs involved. The bank will also require in- formation concerning the appli- cant's income and financial obli- gations and details of existing encumbrances against the prop- erty. In addition the applicant must be prepared to state the assessed value of the property, the amount of fire insurance carried and whether or not taxes have been paid to the last due date. He must also agree that he will not further encumber, sell or transfer his interest in the property without the written consent of the bank until the loan is fully repaid. It may be more profitable to plan certain improvements for the winter months when men and materials are more readily available. with a SELKIRK CHIMNEY! © SAFE e EFFICIENT © EASY TO INSTALL 625 WALL ST, See your local Dealer! SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS LTD. NORTH AUGUSTA RD. BROCKVILLE, ONT. LOWEST POSSIB LE COST --- QUICK RECOVERY - ABUNDANT STORAGE CAPACITY -- SAFE, CLEAN and MODERN -- FREE SERVICE and MAINTENANCE Come In Or Phone To-day . . . WINNIPEG 10, MAN. H. F. BALDWIN, Chairman Oshawa Public Utilities Co PHONE 723-4624 G. F. SHREVE, General Manager