Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Sep 1961, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 1961 7 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 15, t of town guests at the/Mrs. A. E. Hick, Lindsay; Mrs. A as oR were Mr. G. B. Emery, Belleville; Mr. | and Mrs. K. F. Heddon, Detroit; land Mrs. G. Rainey, Bowman- Mrs. J. B. Johnston, Mr. and|ville; Mrs. L. Spafford, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. R. Valentine and family, C. R. Wilson, Mrs. Ruby May, | Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. D. Wick, Miss Dorothy May, all of To- |Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. B. Flet- ronto; Mrs. E. Richards, Mr. |cher, Prince Albert. | | 1] and Mrs. D. McEvoy, Mr. and Teas, birthday parties, wed-| |ding anniversaries, coming and! Mrs. Richard Howe goings of guests and your own Feted By Friends holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column, Write, | telephone or visit the social de-| partment with your items of | (Demon) PERSONALS | Bonnie Reynard Feted Bride-Elect Miss Yvonne Madeline (Bon- nie) Reynard whose marriage to Mr. Douglas Ira McNaughton will take place in St. George's Anglican Church tomorrow af- ternoon has been feted at pre nuptial events. The bridesmaids, the Misses Diane Thomas Margaret Delves Miss Thomas. Assisting was Mrs. Ronald Thomas. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Dewey Tutton, Jr., assisted by Mrs. Al- vin Lintner and Mrs. William | Ross. | Mrs. Keith Wilson and Mrs. ' [Charles Taylor were co-host * |esses at a neighborhood shower at the former's home on Veter- an's road. Mrs. Freeman Reynard and Mrs. Duncan Bowman, aunts of the future bride, held a mis- cellaneous shower at the for- mer's home. MARGOT MORRIS University Women's Club Select Scholarship Winners For 136] "sau w cu an |was made by the girls of the The University Women's Club, general course; 1958, member of | accounts receivable department Fashion Prior To Marriage news for which there is no|of Oshawa and district today an-|the house committee; 1959- and!of General Motors. Prior to h riage in. 81 harge Telephone 723-3474. |nounces the winners of its an-|1960 member of Acta Ludi eo From the staff of the ac- or to her marr 7 : ; _ |nual scholarships for 1961, Win-|mittee; 1960, co-convener of the counts receivable department of Andrew's United Church severall Mrs. Hatoly Fasmish pre se} ner of the $300 prize is Margot|graduation ball; 1959 and 1960, Goneral Motors ae showers were held in honor 0 y g of \rorris. daughter of Dr. and|/member of the opposition inl received the i ijchard Allan Howe the the WA of St. Mark's Church at 4 x i : received a walfle iron. Mrs. Richar M which time it was decided to| Mrs. M. L. Morris, Kingsdale congress; 1960 and 1961, school | Mr. and Mrs. Ira McNaugh- former Miss Doreen Mary foo "ihe date of the fall drive, and Maria Hacke, daugh-|senator. Miss Morris has also|yon will entertain the bridal Danks. | o> wasks 1at ter of Mrs. George Lueders, RR|been a member of the French... hos ; bazaar to two weeks later. | party at a rehearsal party at Mrs. Morley Blow, Brock 3. Oshawa, and the late Dr. W.|and German Clubs for several poi. nome on Bruce street street east, aunt of the bride,| Honoring his recent mar-|Hacke, is the winner of the $200| years. She also received the : entertained at a miscellaneouis| riage, Mr. Richard Allan Howe prize. : ~ |Grade 9 English prize awarded| : ee 3 shower. received a presentation from| The combined sum of $500 is|by the Oshawa Lyceum Club |acity of being active in the life A pantry shelf shower was his co-workers of the General|the largest to date that the clubjand Women's Art Association. {of the university. held at the home of Mrs. H. F.|Motors body and tool depart-lhas contributed to the girl or | Miss Hacke will be a student ldwin, Masson street. Neigh-|ment. | girls entering a university from FINE REFERENCES {of modern languages and mod- pa ji friends of the bride- [this district. Mrs. W. W. Bald- Her recommendation for the ern history and hopes, eventual- | ify and his family present- Major and Mrs. Harold Bai-| win of Brooklin, chairman of the scholarship stated that she pos-lly, to enter the diplomatic serv- bo pantry shelf items and an|ley of the Salvation Army, BoS-|scholarship committee was as- sessed outstanding qualities of|ice. : "|ton, Massachusetts, are guestsigictod Miss Marie Shantz, |character. "A fine all-round girl| electric coffee maker. The co sisted by Miss Marie Shantz} "lop" eorated personality color-ious SEPARATES | MARRIED RECENTLY Joan Maude Kearns and | ward Kearns of Colborne, On- Harry Robert Grills, both of tario, and the bridegroom is Bowmanville, Phil 1 artic the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jeceiy & Sie i Bo ville. The cou- i t south, | Grills, Bowmanvile. ; , ple will live in Bowmanville. Oshawa. The bride is the r ¢ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- --Photo by Mary's Studio Nifty V-neck bulky Calls on Women to Raise Voices In Open Denunciation of War jis "eit. une: By EDNA BLAKELY TORONTO (CP) -- Jo Davis has the zeal of an evangelist when she talks about Voice of Women. The group--which goes by the initials V.0.W.--"calls on the women of Canada to pro- § test against war or the threat 8 of war as a means of solving world problems." Mrs. Davis, wife of TV's Fred Davis, said she conceived the idea of the organization out of concern for the welfare of her three children, Nancy, 4, Terry 2, and Philip, four months. "I thought surely women could do something--form some kind of a group--but not a ban- the-bomb movement," she said in an interview. "No one has really worked out the social causes of war. Science will find what is the of war. But in the LOW. is psychosis Ye % into one human family, We're{of becoming group of women who met early this summer at the Chicago home of Mrs. Cyrus Eaton, wife playing for time until the scien- tists get to work on peace in- stead of war." HELD CONVENTION { Together with Helen Tucker of suburban Port Credit, Jol Davis mapped out the proposed| | hostesses were Mrs. James and Mrs. K. M. Hutchi- Arthur | sister, Mrs. {Mary street. | A miscellaneous shower was| I wc: Bes | SOCIAL NOTICES Mrs. B. {Witherly were co-hostesses. | A tea was held at the home of Mrs. D. H. Howe. Receiving, 3 , h | > 0 VINE! Oshawa announce the engage were Mrs. F. C. Danks, bride's ment of their daughter, Doune mother, and Mrs. H. H. Howe, Margaret, to Mr. Alan Fred. mother of the bridegroom. Miss ii" Opawa, son of Mr. and Elizabeth Howe, kept the door.|ypre Arthur Ogawa of Torontc. ENGAGEMENT |Puckett, Mrs. Morley Blow, saturday, October 14, at 2.30 (Mrs. G. B. Emery, Mrs. N. J. my" in' St. George's Memorial McDougall. Serving were MTS. | Church, Oshawa. | J. D. McDougall, Mrs. D. A. . | Houlden, Mrs. E. C. Hubbell. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Mrs. H. F. Baldwin acted as Robinson announce the engage-| Rage 4 {ment of thei only daughter Mrs. Roy McAvoy, homas : heir y 5 i! i i .|Carole Dianne, to Mr. Larry] |street, and Miss Lorraine Har y St fren, f Mr. i Yison were co-hostesses 2t 8 pre nits. John A. Steffen, a guests were fellow workers of Oshawa. Te wading 5 2 il the bride from General Motors place oa, Sait id NO ite parts procurement department. 3 it bi Onl i |A presentation shower was also| Vmite . held by the girls in the General ENGAGEMENT Motors parts and accessories de-| Mr, and Mrs. Carman H. partment. Thornton, Galt, Ontario, an- Neighborhood showers and|nounce the engagement of their presentations were held by the daughter, Susan Ann Chalmers, neighbors on Mary street and|to Mr. Harold Ronald Robinson, Nassau street. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Syd-| ney Robinson of Barrie. The | NEWS IN BRIEF 3 | marriage will take place in Galt| first | on Saturday, October 7, 1961. | ENGAGEMENT COMMUNIST TRAINING The engagement is announced VIENNA (AP) -- Bulgaria's|of Beverley Diane Blair, daugh-| MES, FRED DAVIS international. A of the Canadian-born industrial- ist, may become the branch outside Canada. Ww. Hat the home of Major Bailey's Oshawa, and Mrs. W. A. Andrew Holmes, of Whitby. |0CVI GRADUATES | of the O'Neill Collegiate and Vo- | cational Institute. mental examination papers ob-|the honor Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clary of|taining an average of 86 pe Pouring tea were Mrs. George phe marriage will take place on Victoria College, for general pro- capable of leadership toward the best, Her attitude toward staff, fellow-students and school work is excellent. She has a happy disposition, always help-| ful, capable and co-operative." | Miss Morris has enrolled in science and food} 8 »r|Chemistry course at the Univer § MAKE YOUR HOME ® More Beautiful ® More Valuable with UNIT STEPS k Both the girls are graduates Miss Morris wrote 11 depart-| cent on the nine required for the |Sity of Toronto and has left to-| scholarship. She has also been|day for Victoria College. | awarded a $400 Ontario Scholar-| Miss Maria Hacke, winner of| ship and a $300 Mary Ellen|the $200 prize has also been Carty residence scholarship at|awarded a $400 scholarship by| [the Province of Ontario. |plans to attend St. Michael's [College and has received the| |Fontbonne Scholarship for gen-| a {eral proficiency which will cover . {four years' tuition. f A SMART MODERN ENTRANCE You Can Be Proud Of! eo LAST A LIFETIME ® Built-in Safety Tread HAMBLY Concrete Products ficiency. Beside her outstanding aca- demic results at OCVI, Margot is a Gold Cord Guide of 6A Com- pany and has been a camp counsellor during summer holi-| SERIOUS STUDENT i days. In the required nine examina- She attended Mary Street and|tion papers Maria obtained an King Street Public Schools and average of 86.9 per cent. She! has a fine record at OCVI, 1960, | attended Columbus Public awarded honor crest for obtain-|School where she made rapid ing 75 per cent in four success- progress after learning to read ive years in secondary school; and write English. Maria was | 1960, service award for good citi- born in Germany and lost al zenship and good service within|year's schooling when she start-| the school; 1960, J. Albert Sykes ed here. memorial scholarship in middle-| In 1960 she received an honor school, science; 1960, Mrs. F.|crest at OCVI for 75 per cent W. Cowan scholarship for gen-|average for four consecutive eral proficiency in middle-school years. general course; 1959, E. A.| Her recommendation stated Lovell prize for standing second that she exhibited considerable] MO 8.4159 * Terms Available * FREE ESTIMATE ° for general proficiency in the'qualities that indicated her cap- TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA role of the organization. she| Vincent Massey H-§| top athletes and coaches will|ter of Mrs. Georgina May Chis- | said they received nearly 1,000 letters of support and drew up a declaration based on the ideas expressed in them. That was in 1960. A year . M Home and School He In Tne i00L, the firstiry Massey, Home 214 oe V.O.W. convention was held in Toronto, attended by 70 dele- gates from all 10 provinces. Mrs. Tucker was elected presi- dent. The delegates agreed to urge the government to spend one per cent of its defence budget to set up a ministry of peace. They also want a peace re: search institute set up as part of an independent network of institutes to conduct studies on Resumes Meetings | 1 The first meeting of the Vin-|reports. It said the step | Association for the fall season was held on Monday, Septem- ber 11, with the new president, | Mrs. N. V. Ro, presiding. | The minutes were read by the |secretary, Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Conkey. Mrs. Gordon Garrison gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Roe gave a brief account of her activities at the leader- ship training camp in June from which she felt she gained |essary "to overcome the lack of | Burketon, valuable knowledge to assist] undergo political training in|lett of Calgary, Alberta, and the Russia, the Bulgarian Commu-|late Mr. Ray Blair, to Mr. Gor- nist daily Rabontnichesko Delo don Ray Larmer, son of Mr. is nec-|and Mrs. Russell Larmer of Ontario. The mar- | political conscience among ath-|riage will take place at Black- |letes and sports officials." stock United Church on Satur- | day, September 30, 1961, at 2.30 USEFUL WASTE | p.m. [ | MUNICH (Reuters) --This|-- | West German city has approved| « |plans to build a power station largely fuelled by burning the city's rubbish. City council said it hoped work would begin this year on the $15,000,000 project, |said to be one of the first of its |kind in the world. POPULAR SERVICE her in her new post as presi-| dent. | Mrs. Roe introduced a new| vice - president, Mrs. J. L. Hudson, as well as the various committee chairmen appointed since the annual meeting. The principal, Mr. William Arm- strong, introduced the mem- {bers of the Vincent Massey teaching staff for this year. The| the political, economic and so- cial conditions of a world with-| out war. Other ideas include a| 1962 international conference of | women and a world peace year. V.O.W. has not grown with- out criticism. Its constant use of the word "peace" had led some to say or insinuate that it is following the Communist line. "Are we to lose the word|Parent attendance count was| (peace) by default?" Mrs. Da-|Won by Miss Jacqueline Doak's| vis asked when this was men-| room. tioned. | New She added: "We've ignored endorsement by the Home and all criticism. It's not the spirit, School of the children's partici- | of V.OW." pation in UNICEF for this year, | At the national IODE meet-|as well as mention of the kin-| ing in Calgary last spring, an|dergarten mothers' tea to be] IODE vice-president, answer. held September 28. ] ing questions from the floor, Mrs. William Witham intro.| said V.O.W. was "a group of|duced the guest speaker, Mr.| well - meaning women" who|Lawrence Savery, principal of | were "misguided" in methods|the Dr. S. J. Phillips School, | of furthering their case. More|who spoke on "Curriculum." | recently, however, Mrs. Peter Mr. Savery outlined the evolu- L. Robinson of Toronto, IODE|tion of a set curriculum from president, said her organization the time Dr. E. Ryerson in the takes "no stand on V.O.W. or|1800's went abroad to study the any other women's group." {forms of education there and Marjorie Lamb, who com-|then submitted a set of resolu- piles a list of Communist move-|tions for the Ontario schools. ments through her Alert Ser-|Since then education has pro- business brought forth| SEEN LONDON (Reuters) -- Britons | THE, have made 712,000,000 calls to| [the London telephone seérvice's| "talking clock" since the auto- | | matic service began in 1938. The | "clock" provides the correct] time every 10 seconds, day and night. | NEW POST? THE SATURDAY EVENING POST AS PERSONAL YOURS AS YOUR FINGERPRINT! Nas Rr The nature, strength and dosage of prescribed drugs vice in Toronto, says she has never listed V.O.W. "As a matter of fact I've been bothered to death with a great many requests about V.O.W. but I've always told them the group is not Commun- ist and their name is not on the list," Miss Lamb said. At V.OW.'s first meeting Mrs. Davis, a former BBC script writer, spent much of her time telling the women the image they must try to create. "We're not selling soap," one of the delegates remarked. But Jo Davis says that if it takes soap-selling techniques to sell it, she will use them. Mrs. Davis said membership has reached 4,000 and is grow- ing, with 400 to 500 new mem- bers a month during the win- ter. V.O.W. is supported by the $2 membership fee. j The organization has hopes gressed from the three R's -- through addition of some sub- jects, deletion of others -- to its present form. Since 1887 social studies have replaced geog- raphy and history -- teaching the pupils the social life of other countries as well as that of their| cwn neighbors; the co-operation of scientists and adventurers who opened up the western] world to the Eastern clviliza-| tion; explorers of our own coun- try and the settlement which followed them. Mr. Savery went on to say that schools of yester- year taught essentially memory while today the appeal is to {reason -- thus adapting the chil- (dren to live in today's world. | | Mr, Savery was thanked by| |Mrs. Harry Armitage. I | Announcement was made of the October 16 meeting, at |which the group's second| birthday will be observed. 9 your doctor to your individual condition and needs that the ce 1 28 rly fingerprints. It can |--even nd give your leftover medicine fo another The safest precaution is to dispose of unused / taking it is endeds (are $0 closely related by f person. medicine when the need for Cops, Advertisers Exchange Inc. 1961 "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Jury & Jovells Oshawa - Bowmanville --- Whithy "We Send Medicines To Europe' 4 OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS | 9 P.M ] » 10% DISCOUNT BOYS' AND GIRLS' SNOWSUITS REG. 7.99 TO 12.99. SIZES 4 TO 6X. STURDY OUTERWEAR to keep Little Ones as snug as a "a bug in a rug!" Adorable styles . . . warm, cosy fabrics . . . and quality workmanship designed to take long cold Winters and high-spirited play. Buy Now at Zeller's Thrift Prices. BUY NOW! AND PAY LATER! ASK ABOUT ZELLER'S CONVENIENT "CHARGE-IT" PLANS NO DOWN PAYMENT ZELLER'S LIMITED = DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 723-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE 723-2209 in Orlon... revved-up colors gold, magenta, beige, emerald. Sizes S,M,L 7.98 Over long... slim Worsted English Tartan slims . .. Sizes 10to 18 12.00 Career World For your shopping pleasure . . . A JOHN NORTHWAY CHARGE ACCOUNT sO easy to open -- so convenient to use OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 728-1693 Daily Store Hours: 9:30 to 6 Friday 'til 9 TORONTO, SUNNYBROOK, O'CONNOR AND LAWRENZE PLAZA, HAMILTON 0 »

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