Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Sep 1961, p. 15

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29--Automobiles for Sale 15 60 FRONTENAC, two-door, automatic, fully Suquipped, 'radio, white walls, 14,- 000 miles, Financing arranged. MO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 15, 1961 35---Legal McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY TENDERS WANTED For fuel oil during the com= io year, No, 2 pr Boon oil uli red' mately is 00 pacity of tank 3000 Hows: Lowest or any eter not necessarily accept Jeon Fetterly, Secretary, Osh- awa Public Library Boord. TENDERS OSHAWA AND DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Tenders ore invited for the transportation of children to and from Glenholms School. For further information, con- tact Mr. C. Ridley, 765 Cole , Oshawa, on or before Sept. *23, The Association reserves the right to reject any or oll tenders. CONSTABLE TOWN OF AJAX Written applications will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., September 25th, 1961 for the above position. Applicants please state age, experience, education and re- ferences. Grode 10 High School is minimum education requirements, Agreement with Police Asso- ciation in effect, C. G. DUNN Chief Constable Town of Ajax P.O. Box 343 AJAX, Ontario. in the County Court of the County of Ontario In the Matter ot The Change of Name Act R.S.0. 1960, Chapter 47 and Amendments thereto. TAKE NOTICE that the application of PAUL ADAMOWICZ of 374 Athol Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, to change his name to PAUL ADAMS, and the name of his wife CAROL ADAMOWICZ, to CAROL ADAMS, and the name of his infant daughter VIENNA ADAMCWICZ to VIENNA ADAMS. will be heard by His Honour Judge A. C. Hall ot the County Court Judges' Chambers in 27--Real Estate for Sale ONE light room with refrigerator, parking fac- flities, five minite walk from four shade | COFeTs. Apply 1635 Simcoe $400 POWN with one open 6% per cent mortgage for balance, with paymeins uys can Ed Drumm now at T8512 om Realty Oshawa Ltd. Realtor. EXTRA large nice clean furnished mi housekeeping room, near the hospital, suit _one or two 723-7460 for further details. PRIVATE, good income home, two blocks from shopping centre, on Elm- grove, storey and half, six rooms, oil heating, Bedly kina $12,900. $1500 down, usu a a four acres res of land, three miles east of No 2 Phone Newcastle 3561 COUNTRY beauty! Owner built, 6-room ranch bungalow, two fireplaces, broad- loom, large lot, low taxes, Whitby area. Sacrifice at $14,900, K. Chomko, MO 8-4608. Joseph Bosco Realtor. LOT 75 by 200 feet at west eity limits, Beautiful surrounding homes. $2,700. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. 27--Real Estate For Sale NEW five-room brick bungalow, Fair- leigh Street. Now only $12,700. Immedi- ate Jones Realtor, 725-6412. 8: ri COLLEGE HILL -- Must be sold! No reasonable down payment refused. Own. 1960 VAUXHALL Victor station wagon, er built, four-room brick bungalow, ga- completely equipped, Like new, $1,495, rage, paved driveway, Somp Telephone 725-8111, days or 725-7773 hedged and landscaped. Pri 728- | after 6 p.m. 135. 1054 HILLMAN deluxe sedan, good sec: running LARGE lot on town line road etal, one 20d can, 2) good order. 22 La- city Jimits, close to |Salle, 728-4376 after 5. mile senen. $105 728-1986. Apply 306 Mur-| 0 "SELAIR Chevrolet sedan, auto- matic, new transmission, in good condi- tion. Telephone 27 --Real Estate for Sale EIGHT - room brick house, throughout, bathroom, oil furnace, good water supply, barn and garage, on igh. way in Nestleton, large lot, trees. Priced low. Cash terms. Phone Blackstock 44R11. 15 COLBORNE Street East, four fur. nished apartments, in brick ofl heated, with separate entrances. Three now occupied, $200 income. Pri-| vate sale $17,200 with $2000 down. Ap- ply within, an 50 DOWN, three-bedroom spacious brick bungalow, gas heat, large fenced lot, north Whitby. NHA. MO 8-8352. BUYING OR SELLING "EDWARD DRUMM" LIST WITH LLOYD 27 --Real Estate for Sale SEVEN - ROOM brick house, new gas furnace, garage, good garden, close to downtown, priced right to sell. Apply Box 325 Oshawa Times. $9,200 -- SIX-ROOM bungalow with jarge 4 double garage, panel- 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25-- Apts. & Flats for Rent BASEMENT TWO- partment on Simcoe three large rooms bath, private en- Sa. | North. Pi id 7256343, 9 a.m trance, parking facilities: television [10 5 p.m outlet. Telephone In and inquire CENTRALLY located furnished room for further details. with use of kitchen and "Tele Bho furnished hy FOUR-ROOM hine in clean, quiet home. Telephone private entrance and bath, ne rg for further rae sicroft Street. sched |26--Rooms for Rent bedroo .|ONE furnished room, close to hos- I DHL apARnt, Ba wir pital, store and | bus, parking facilitips Jiuous hot 'water, T 728-2758 awa and Whitby, § FOUR-ROOM 32--Articles for Sale : |PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gal Al} colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh- awa Hardwaie and Electric, 8 Church and 13nced, near Oshawa Shopping Centre. Fasy terms. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 canvas, Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, GILSON Snowbird, 16 cubic foot, chest type freezer, mi . Owners leaving country, For telephone 723-9797. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. |TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add- ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill any time. LOT ON 728-0970 for further in- and streets, near separate school, 50 ft. x 150 ot. Call Bill Horner, Jo 12. Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, Ltd., Real fi DOWN sa puis AR A, Cal] Gerald row, Broker. 725-3852. SPECIAL If you | Have $900 try an offer brick oft King Street East, newly decorated, natural fireplace, garage and private drive. Asking price $11,500. Closts no- thing to look. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207 or Howe and Peters Realtors. MONEY makers in Oshawa! Confec- tionery and light lunch, plus seven room house with attached garage, ware. house, bottling works, sheet metal shop on Lot 414 feet, zoned MiB. Call Don|54 CHEVROLET T deluxe, | Stradeski, at Schofield's and get all the | custom radio, windshield facts. Evenings 728-8423. 5 per cent. lant $295. mortgage. 9688. SEVEN - room brick 1% storey, $12,600|'49 PONTIAC, good tires, solid body, with $1000 down. Mortgage to sult. [needs paint job, engine like new, $100 Sel] or trade for smaller house. 145 or best offer. Also '49 Morris, $50. Tele- Adelaide East. phone 728-6780. MODERN bungalow, near Shopping 30---Automobiles Wanted Centre and schools, excellent location, three bedrooms, recreation room, down ($500 CASH plus "54 Oldsmobile in excel. lent condition, for best sports car or [payment $4,500. NHA mortgage, $100 small so Sop i SY 725-7118. DOMESTIC coal stoker, complete with per month will earry including inter. est and taxes. Tel. 728-6896. 729 Glenfor- Soe control panel, Complete prpliiving sys i sc good condition. 725- est Street. : SAVE five percent Agent's commis- Hr outboard SOE, In excellent condition, MO 8.4208, (4 | furnished, Foot, equipp- two-piece with refrigerator, television, tele- wiring, $ private path bath aad hess | phone and private bathroom. Apply 308 725-7763, Central Park Boulevard South for fur - ther particulars. FIVE-ROOM apartment, ate FUR "or part d base- trance, bath, range, TV utes, of Sim. 8im-| ent apartment, Si television and oe North, reasonable rent for adults |ieiephone. Close to bus, churches and couple. 728-2675. 1s, Dial 728-6879. Res. E-ROOM THEN CALL YOUR MOVER h doubl = gL or NICELY furnished toom with double FOR SALE OR RENT Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., turnished or Jhaleis Oc:l88 ber week. 728 0764 or 105 ci NEW STORE 101 Sree Sr North tober 2. Telephone 728 FOUR-ROOM eat all convenl-| ROOM, central, I, separate e WITH ' in on An 5%, dot | labes: iors A ererhone. 723.2764 OF A ter free bus _at ly one or two girls. Telepho) Road. Ti Ts. 3096. apply 97 Park Road North after 6 pm. Modern partment Would consider a three-bed- room bungalow as trade. 52 METEOR in good mechanical con- dition, $85. 728-5770 from 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. 11954 CHEVROLEY sedan deluxe, per- fect conditio radio, newly painted, priced at $375. Apply 33 3% Cadillac South. This car must be 1953 PONTIAC en new interior, new paint 2 body and motor A-l. Price $445. Apply 297 Geneva Avenue. USED parts for "51 Chevrolet. Tele phone 725-5268, Te ~ five-room Business ...... TYPEWRITERS: Remington, Under wood, Royal, Standard regularly new $195 00, now $39.50, Remington and Un- derwood Noiseless fall features) with typing desk $59.50, New portables with deluxe carrying case, $49.50. Adding machine, a $99,999.99, subtracts, $19.95. Chequewriters $19.95. Fully guaranteed. Deposit $5.00, balacne COD, Immediate shipment, Crown Typewrit- er, 1011 Bleury, Montreal, Que. 16-FT. PLYWOOD boat with 60 hp Scott molor, electric gr fully equipped, 3-2575. sd good 1882. 56 VOLKSWAGEN van, in A-1 condi tion, Price $500. Apply Fina on. Station, 160 Simcoe Stre Street South. OPEN EVENINGS BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOME 96 GIBBONS ST. JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor | DOWN. Modern three-bedroom 725-9870 [Brick panier Frais. sae. Tele {phone 728-3452 for appointment. TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE-WHITBY $400.00 down to one mort- gage. Full price $5750. | 508 PERRY ST. -- MO 8-5923 or Toronto HU HU 7 4783 FOR SALE- PORT PERRY Laige 9-room brick house, centre hall plan, centrally located. Coal furnace.Priced at real value, $6,500, to finalize on Estate. A real bargain, Terms. | H. KEITH LIMITED | Port _Perry--Tel. . 985- 2881 BOWMANVILLE -- Two semi-detached houses, four rooms and bath, full base. ments, hardwood floors, central. Low (doen, "payments, Possession October 1. 23-2433. Yerdun Telephone apy NORTH OSHAWA in armen PRIVATE large furnished room en- apartment, stove, building, "room trance and bath, in private hom sefrigerator, three-piece bath, ample tieman. Apply 444 Fernhill Boulevard parking. TV outlet, washer, dryer. or telephone 723-7070. 3938. iw r- FOUR-ROOM apartment, ilt-in wlece bath. Telephone 725-3938. ~~ TWO heated apartments, second and third floor, private entrance. Apply 74 Bond Street East or telephone 725 ection close t obus for further information. Street, Oshawa, Sie ¥WREE - room furnished basement [or furnished rooms, bedroom and fut me est mee eres 3 WESTVIEW HEIGHTS - NEWCASTLE | bath, ceniral location, parking facill:| {boards and sink; All * conveniences. | | Hes. Adults only. Apply 235 King Street | Apply 887 Ritson Road South. 5 a NICELY furnished large room, in pri Look for OPEN HOUSE SIGNS at 401 and Mill St. Cloverleaf four-door, |! ex-, 728. |% JACKET heater, one large small and small radiator. All in heap. 725- USED furniture and appliances cost less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South. 728-4873. We buy and sell. PRICED for quick sale, refrigerator, 6-foot meat counter, Berkel Slicer and guales. 35 Prospect Street, Bowman. ville. TWO WO partly or unfurnished rooms, vate bath, parking facilities, close Ai i and buses. Couple prefer s, pri- | For Information-- 374 WILSON RD. SOUTH "| "TELEPHONE 725-0266 t, stove and three. 725-1864 ROOM with separate kitchen for pl unfurnished, suitable i wo, | in Sud Apply 25 anytime, s Lax for OE "Srignest prices 725-1181. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cors we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 sion. Private sale south Oshawa brick 5 bungalow. Three bedrooms, $12,500 with $1000 down payment or best offer, Also two-bedroom apartment for rent, -- {new building, Adelaide West. Phone 725-3568 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. only. 29--Automobiles for Sale 1952 CHEVROLET % ton with hoist, A-1 condition, body, tires and motor good. Ready for work. Telephone. 728-5924, 1052 HILLMAN in good condition, $85. Telephone 728-1425. 323 Verdun Road after 5 p.m. 1958 VOL KSWAG Seune, radio, windshield All in excel lent condition. Apply "or 'Mitchell Ave- nue between 5 and 7 p.m. '60 NASH "Metropolitan, 15,000 "miles, oivped by nurse. $1,250. Telephone 6! MODERN two-bedroom apartment, in| |vate home, for gentleman, private hath. apartment building, refrigerator, stove, [room and entrance. Apply 444 Fern. washer and dryer, paved parking. 82) {hill 'Blvd. 723-7070 Park Road South. 7 23.3212. _|Two nice rooms and bathroom f for Tight) ne or | housekeeping, in a quiet widow 's home. BY rn oe Close i Shopping Centre and downtown ment buildings, all conveniences, beau- | 728-068; -- tifully decorated, centrally located. 725-| LARGE furnished bedroom, abstainers| 6674 04 728-5282. {only, Suit one or two gentlemen, Apply | " HREE.ROOM downstairs apartment on |106 Elgin Street East after 6 p.m. for ravine lot, vy duty wiring, park. |further particulars ing, laundry ities 575 Harmony | (PUR ED room for lady or gentle-| Road South. 7. close to hospital] and downtown. | ONE bedroom rtment, furnished. | Apply "2 Elgin Street East or tele- Available October 1. Apply 496 Sim. (phone 728-3643 . coe Street North or telephone 728- 3945 | WANTED ~~ Girl to share large bed-| and inquire. |sitting room, picture windows, twin/ SELF private en. | Hollywood beds, private bath, cooking | JON SELF-CONTAINED three-room apart. | privileges, near hospital Telephone | stove, quiet home, ment, refrigerator, central, on bus line, Business couple or [VERY CLEAN three rooms, unfurnish- widow preferred. 137 Huron Street. |ed, Simcoe North, near hospital, park- FOUR- or five-room apartment, self- ing. Reasonable. Telephone 723-1300 or contained, with garage, close to North 725-0748. { GM, shopping, bus service and down-| CLEAN, furnished room with kitchen, in| town. Telephone 725-4341, | qui home, central, suit gentleman, PRI E . t, Contigous hot water, parking facili | PRIVATE three-room apartment, fully on re Bh Bl) furnished, private bath. Apply 325 Sim. HES. TOK al coe South or telephone 725-3243 or 655-| TWO furnished rooms, laundry, park-| 4738 ing facilities, right across from Shop- WARM, cozy two - room "apartment, [Ping Centre. 378 King Street West or modern kitchen, radio, refrigerator, | telephone 728-1127 = hydro, parking, laundry facilities, TV | ROOM for rent, single or double or antenna, use of telephone, abstainers.|room and board, parking space. Apply 137 Elgin Street East. (89 Oshawa Boulevard South. Telephone E-room ap | 728-0236 LARGE furnished housekeeping room, | COAT set, Llama wool, girl's, pink, | three-piece, size 2; also playpen and Jolly Jumper. All in mew condition, | Telephone 725-1077. {35 HWP motor, molded plywood boat, |trailer, fully equipped, must be sold. |1310 Simcoe South. 725 -7917. | FOUR-burner "Gurney "electric range, |good condition, $35. Also boy's sports jacket, 12-14, like new. 655-4734. |USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. . F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543, ot Shine range, 'Norge, table-top | model, like new, sacrifice, $75; walnut {coffee table $5. New 1214' drapery |track. 725- 1261. | PURITRON (small size); also boy's sidewalk bicycle. Both in new condition. Reasonable. Telephone 728-4533, CHOICE ripe tomatoes, picked fresh daily, ideal for table or preserving. Eleven-quart basket, 85c. Bushel $1.93 delivered. 725-3445. Garrard Growers. KELVINATOR _ refrigerator, medium size, has a small freezer compartment, $55. Apply 634 Brassey Street or tele- phone 728-0065, SINGER portable electric sew chine, excellent condition, guaranteed, four payments of $10 each. Alay Hews ing Centre, WH 2-6561 or MO 8-54 TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 |ing Centre, § ER bile Rep VACHS Si mass 2 Clg Rig EE he ey HOUSTON'S GARAGE vice. 728.0591 anytime. _ and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE -UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- teed standards at low prices. Bill Ham- la {iton, Ashburn, Brooklin. ja SPACE heater, Quaker, with pipes and |---- BEAUTIFUL TREED LOTS N.H.A. HOMES BETTER BUILT BY HARTWIG SPOT CASH PAID FCR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 "CARS WANTED Buying 'a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". SALESMEN ON DUTY THIS WEEKEND EXCLUSIVE AGENTS F. J. MISKELLY, REALTOR FR 2-2144 COBOURG 255 DIVISION ST. ------|1952 MORRIS Minor, in good running order, Motor overhauled recently. New | paint job, 2-door. $200 cash. Telephone MO 8-4053. '59 VOLKSWAGEN, $750 cash, Can be seen anytime at 109 Gibb Street. Tele- phone 723-7895. {1951 MORRIS Minor, No reasonable |offer refused. Apply 218 Verdun Road [alter |C {in the dash) transistor car adios from $39.95. Try D Tire |Stores, 48 Bond Street West. |'a8 DELUXE Pontiac, low 1 |fully equipped, extras. Finance or take |older car. Telephone 728-4903 for more particulars -- ti FORD "in very good with radio and signal ry Tele- [phone 723-7043. | 1960 TR 3 A sports coupe, radio, heat- er, whitewalls, new car condition, red with white Jos, May be financed. Tele- {phone 7 $13,175--$1175 DOWN $12,700--$975 DOWN " These are for custom-built | homes only, featuring the | highest quality three-bedroom | METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. Dial 728-4678 CR SIMCOE $7. NORTH | lars _Telephone 723-2625 | {LOW rent for quiet business couple, Executive 2Va-storey family home -- 8 extra large rooms, central, sink, cupboards, heavy Wiring tural fireplace in gracious living room. Chestnut trim, large {TV outlet, two large, unfurnished| natural firep 9 9 .|rooms. 728.3243, 6 to 8 entrance foyer,( hot water oil heated, high divided basement, large treed lot. Shown by appointment only |ONE large front room, furnished, light BROCK ST. W , very central. Suitable for one or two girls, Telephone 725-1829, $1,000 down -- $8,000 full price -- 7 rooms, newly decorated | inside and out, A real buy at this price. Immediate occupancy. | | bunaalow with all the latest in new homes for easy and comfortable living THREE-room apartment for r rent, "up- stairs, heated, heavy duty wiring, ideal for eouple, child welcome, near Shop- ping Centre. Telephone 725-1846. IN Newea 3.room newly decorated apartment, linoleum and tile floors, | three plece bath, separate meter. $40 monthly. Telephone New 4256 GROUND floor, three-room private entrance and bath; also two- room apartment. 723-2315. 730 Simcoe South. THREE - room apartment with private entrance, three-piece bath, telephone and TV outlet, stove and refrigerator. Apply 623 Olive Avenue for further in- formation. ,BPACIOUS five-room apartment, sink, "kitchen cupboards, share parking JAMES O'MALLEY | 723-7122 LUCAS PEACOCK: REALTOR GAS furnace with blower, very good condition, priced at $75. Cash for quick sale. Telephone 725-3895. DISCOUNT 'prices on baby | items, new 1961 car-bed carriages, cash and carry $20; large full pane] baby cribs, spring |dropside, on casters, cash and carry, $17; baby strollers, fold easily, strong and sturdy, discount price, $5; play. pens, $8.88, chrome high chairs, regu. lar $18.95, discount price $12.88, Save on kindergarten sets, walkers, carseats, -- | rockers, commode chairs, all discount prices. All cash and carry. Sorry, no elivery on these items. Ed Wilson's Discount Furniture Mart, 20 Church St. TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. 725-4330 -- 728-5109 rior ca TR a |clean, $295 or offer. 728-0558 Five A | FROM MANITOBA "no rust whatever" '52 Pontiac two-door standard, mechan. Price $12,900. Here stove, linens supplied, close to north | General Motors, store, bus. Reasonable rent. Suit working girl. 728-6844. CLEAN, nicely furnished bedroom \ for refined person in private, adult home. Close to South General Motors. Apply TWO furnished rooms, refrigerator, See this one today jeally perfect, $250 or offer. Telephone F ri WH 2-5990. AFTER 5:30 CALL: Ho REI yy 5 _*BRIGHT two-bedroom apartments, bat facilities, TV outlet, north Oshawa dis- drict. Telephone 725-6648, 'pital, ground Sous newly decorated, he {aundry facilities, ple. Absalon 2. 84 bath, tenant, frie Soon 8 to 5 pm. FOUR - room apartment for rent, heavy duty wiring, complete with stove gx refrigerator, garage, private en- trance, very central location. Apply 214 Arthur Street. 725- 501, in apartment building, stove, refriger-| 'ator, washer and dryer, on Russet Avenue, For further details telephone | 725-9341. ATTRACTIVE four room apartment with bath, unfurnished, close to bus. Available now. Telephone 725-2243 for Aurther information. SELF-CONTAINED four - room unfur-| nished apartment with heavy wiring, | central, suitable for business couple. Telephone 725-4837. THREE unfurnished room y seupboards in kitchen, suitable for busi- ness couple, second floor, 728-5665 before 2 p.m. VERY clean unfurnished four-room up- self-contained, very Tele. stairs apartment, reasonable to reliable tenants. phone 723-2335 after 9 p.m. TWO-ROOM apartment c completely fur- nished, suitable for adults only. Ap- ply 195 Albert Street. THREE or two rooms for rent, fur- nished or unfurnished, separate trance, TV aerial, phone 723-3237. rtment, unfurnished, private bath- a room and entrance, close to schoo] and garage, Vacant October 1. 273 Bald. win 725-6320. FOUK-ROOM apartment, stove, refrig- erator, hot water, television aerial, parking facilities, 412 Simcoe North. telephone 723-2414 THREE-ROOM _ apartment, with stove, refrigerator, and chalr, close to bus, parking facili- ties. Telephone 723-1052, adults only THREE-ROOM apartment, ssession. References, please, 11 Richmond Street East 53-6466. ms, sink wer abstalners. en- good location. Tele: "MONTHLY -- three.room basement adults. Apply 412 equipped | | chesterfield private entrance, parking facilities, immediate Apply Telephone 29 Sandra East FURNISHED room, suit two girls, 8- | parking facyjities, home pitvileges. Ap- ply 193 Simcoe Street South. ATTRACTIVELY 725-6243 725-7610 Everett Elliott 725-9191 Marion Drew ... .. 723-9290 John Kemp ..... Dick Barriage Joe Maga ..... 728-2392 FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 728-8671 . 27 Real Estate for Sale 9% ACRES good land with two houses, {good location. Apply 1192 Cedar Street after 4.30 evenings, for further informa. tion. PRIVATE x Six-room custom built home, storms and screens two fin- ished rooms in basement, two fireplaces, built-in stove, oven, exhaust fans, near all schools, wall-to-wall carpet throughout nouse. 725-3993 ! McLAUGHLIN BLVD. Well-maintained 1V2- storey home, three bedrooms, large liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, gar- age. Asking only $9,900. SEE IT, YOU'LL LIKE IT| CALL CORSON & YOUNG REALTORS 18 BOND W. 723-112] | [ [ WHITBY CLASSIFIED | FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, three and, FOR RENT: Available October 1, two- tour room apartments, balcony. Resi- |bedroom apartment, ground floor, with dential area, newly decorated," laundry garage and garden, $75 monthly. Tele. facilities. Parking, close to schools, children's playground. Apply 300 High wavypp. Street. FOR RENT: "two bedroom apartment $90 and $100, in modern building stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3501. GENTLEMAN wants room and board, in a quiet home. 8-2204 for information. OFFICE space for rent, two rooms, | 10° x 15°, ground floor. Apply 216 Brock Street South, Whitby. FRIGIDAIRE freezer, chest or upright, | Schneiders three-month's supply plan, call Economart MO 8.5381 down payment, no obligation. ROOM M and board for two, to 8 share room with single' beds. For further in- formation telephone Whitby, MO 8-2500. BOWLING shirts and crests for your 3 bowling team. Special club prices. Mer. FOR RENT: 105 Brock Street cantile Dept. North, Whitby. Store, ST "approxi mately 630 sheets of letter size paper (news print) for only $1.00 Ap- Oshawa Times Office, Whitby West. WHITBY Econowash, announcing open | Tailors with a two for one dry cleaning. (Cash and Carry ed in our own plant. Skyline Plaz rence at Victoria Park, Ten ete. ._fto_ either location, alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit. matic defrosting refrigerator; MO | ment, 8-850, ting our specialty. Mrs. Toms, 8-2372. _ {room in new home. Please phone MO typing | {ROOM le on an} Clea or Whitby service for small Econowash. Bring your dry cleaning monthly or as desired {phone MO 8-2180 Two young ladies to share Twin beds, home| privileges, good home cooked meal. MO | 73. FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment, refrigerator, stove, drapes, baleony, washer and dryer, $90 monthly |able October 1. Phone MO 83-8332, {ou SE for sale, centrally located, all conveniences, sacrifice Apple: 339 Perry Street or telephone MO 8-3 FREE rent! One bedroom basement i: lapartment in exchange for day care of No | mall child, 5 days weekly. Telephone MO 8-5392 after 5 p.m. $55 MONTHLY two-room unfurnished apartment, private bath, second floor, one child welcome, includes heat, hy- dro. Telephone MO 8.5709. Furnished "bed-sitting room, breakfast optional, quiet home, suitable for lady or gentleman, abstain- er: Apply 117 Cedar Street or telephone | IMO 8-2388 after 5 pm and board available for two | persons, in convenient location, for in- [formation phone MO 8-2478 {FoR RENT --- Semi-detached five " house, imm ediate possession. for further information. BC SERVICES Comp lete bookkeeping businesses, weekly, Statements pre pared, | income tax returns. MO 8-8252 Late model: Crosley auto- four ele. heavy duty Gurney stove. MO SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-2563 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Grave, and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon , ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 | | FOR RENT | Boots, motors, boat box and | cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, decoys, power tools, comping, garden and lawn equipment, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas Street East WHITBY -- MO 8-3226 OPEN ALL WEEKEND 808 GLENCAIRNE You make the offer or trade if you desire. 6-room home with attached garage is what we have to offer. Directions north on Glencairne off Rossland and fol- low: the signs or telephone Bill Millar at 728-5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD., REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 'Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING STREET WEST LA SALLE AVENUE 1 Va-storey with garage -- 5-room brick with stairway on 2nd floor to 2 extra rooms. This tastefully decorated home is in o fine residential area. Boradloom in living room ond dining room. Rec, room in basement. Asking $12,500.00 APPLE HILL AREA New home -- List price $13,850 -- 5-room brick with carport Very modem hollywood kitchen, 3 good size bedrooms, tiled bath with vanity. Garwood furnace. $1,258.00 down, balance N.H.A. mortgage MARY STREET NORTH Ranch bungalow -- In this desirable location, featuring large living room with fireplace and broadloom, dining area, large modern kitchen and 3 bright bedrooms. Attached garage, oil heating, nicely hedged lot, this property just listed and priced to sell AFTER 5:30 CALL Don Stradeski, 728-8423 Henry Stinson, 725-0243 Russ Reeve, 725-4840 Bill McFeeters, 725-1726 DAYTIME 723- -2265 OPEN | HOUSE FRIDAY & SATURDAY - Sept. 15& 16, NORTH END OF MASSON ST. At ROBERTS ST. 2to 5 PM. -- 6 to 8:30 'ICome & Compare - See For Yourself 5-1/2 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS $13,800.00 $1,600.00 DOWN LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE | LTD. 40 KING ST. E. Dial 728-4678 AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barriage, 725-6243 Meiers Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 ohrjKerp, 728-2392 Joe Mage 725- ssl ; | | | bargain . if you require a larger home. Nicely located on Cadillac Ave. in a neigh- borhood of home owners. Paved drive, two car gor- age, storms, screens, T.V. Aerial, NORTH OSHAWA An older home, but well maintained, and in a loca- tion next door to everything. 1V4 storey brick, with three bedrooms, attractively de- corated, living room, din- ing room, and modern kit- chen. T.V. Aerial, Venetian blinds, storms and screens. Situated on a choice lot. Priced to sell aot $9,900. Terms to suit purchaser. PRICE REDUCED TO $9,900. V.L A. APPROVED Two acres and a five room stone and frome bungalow, with garaga. Taunton Rd. E. Convenient to school. Oil heating, large kitchen, 4 pc tiled bathroom. Call us for further particulars and to in- spect. Roy Flintoff Phyllis Jubb ... Irene Brown 725-3867 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board INCOME PROPERTY A nice modern 4-room bun- galow plus store -space lo- cated on a lot 100 x 150 on Taunton Rd. just east of Rit- son Rd. Would be ideal for a drive-in variety and' re- freshment business, barber shop or hairdressing. High basement, forced air heating with. oil and garage. $3,000 down or will exchange for other property os part pay- ment. Illness in the family. Early possession arranged. Co-Op 511 ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR 204 KING ST. EAST 725-2363 Wes. Elliott, Salesman 728-0581 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS $6,900 FULL PRICE 3-bedroom brick bungalow with all conveniences, close to country village. Low down payment with one open mort- gage. For information call Howard Forder at 728-5107 or evenings 728-2155. COMMUTER'S FARM 200 acres, large hip-roof barn, eight-room modernized home with city conveniences. Located 11 miles from Osh- awa on a paved road. Can be purchased with low down payment and owner will hold first mortgage for balance. For information call Howard Forder at 728-5107 or even- ings 728-2155 728-5107 725-6165 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA 725-3454 723-3240 | 1957 PLYMOUTH sedan, fully equipped, automatic, new white walls, leaving country. Reasonable Sash offer. Tele: phone evenings, WH 2-493: dent Sucdbce gi Ra two drums, in perfect condition. Tele- phone 728-6448 for enquiries. sample furniture and demonstrators! "52 AUSTIN { con- dition, good tires, 'very reasonable. Telephone 728-4257. TUMBLER. FEES with $3 worth of ine at The Hilltop. Open from m. until midnight. 1961 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, light metal- lic green, four door, automatie, 7.000 miles. Very reasonable. 725-7809. 5 PLYMOUTH. good condition, 6 cy- inde, two-tone green, Telephone 728. 1079: 58 MERCURY, four-door, Many extras, two-tone, good mechan- ically, $295, 22 McLaughlin Boulevard, 728-3206. 1957 PONTIAC 'for sale, two-tone, in [perfect condition throughout, low mile. age. Telephone 725-7186 anytime for fur- automatic. | ther information. | VOLVO | Most dependable. The leader on the road and track, [JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE' | FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 | | THE HOME OF /GOOD USED CARS | "Before You Buy -- | Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK divans, $29; al matching chair, $98; two matching Frieze", bedroom suite, chest, dresser and bed $89; 5-piece kitchen chrome suites, ar- coils, better construction, no buttons, | dicount price $28. Everything store marked down. Ed Wilson's Dis- count Furniture Mart, 20 Church Street. two matching chairs with leather up- holstery. Good condition. TREMENDOUS savings on store floor . coverings, many pretty colors and patterns, dis. |S and regular $299, half price $150; borite top table and four heavy duty chairs, discount price $36; spring-filled smooth topped mattresses, hundreds of | in the | DINING room table, light colored and | terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Beat prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms to suit you. of wringer type washers, % hi USED parts and repairs for all makes the Court House in the Town of Whitby on Friday the 20th day of October, A.D, 1961, = Ya hou of ot 10: 30 o'clock ton, CO 3. $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and eloves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- , {SELLING entire home, wardrobe, card table, large buffet etc. Apply 1 King Street East, Thursday on. contents of Kelvinator refrigerators, i Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-454: DINING room suite, chairs, table, buffet and china cabinet, good condition. Apply 178 Oshawa [Bind North. 723-3517 particulars. FILTER ales and Service, lib- .|eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683. |TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. BUYING or disposing of used furniture, | ------- appliances, etc. Call Elmer, 30 years'| experience. COlfax 3-2294. TYPING paper on sale, letter sl white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4%4 |b pkg $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00 Circulation Department. Oshawa Times [PIANO upright, suitable for Young mw dent or recreation room boy's bicycle. Both in Pg tion. Telephone 725-1583, WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North, Your authorized RCA Vie- tor service depot for Oshawa. |SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131, CASH register with tax control but. ton, 10-key Sects adder, subtracts| and ike new, COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Windows and Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. s. 725-5574 Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. Open evenings or weekends WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 GOOD RE-CONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS ALL PARTS AND SERVICE AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North | WH 2-6410 AJAX FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100, 725-0331 29--Automobiles for Sale REDUCED '54 CHEV. $745 Low mileage, in excellent | condition. Have your me- chanic look it over. 53 CHEV. $295 Bel Air Convertible, radio. Truly a car for the young or the young at heart. TO CLEAR '55 BUICK $495 Refinished two-tone, out- standing local car. Gives ex- ceptional gas mileage, '50 CHEV. $125 Motor and transmission job cost over $95. Like new in- side. Lots of miles left in this one. : $25.00 DOWN TO RESPONSIBLE ADULTS WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF GOOD USED 6.70 x 15 TIRES * ORDER YOUR SUBURBANITES NOW AND SAVE! EXTRA 15" WHEELS AVAILABLE STEWART M 822 KING ST. W. (at Tho )TOR SALES on) 725-1667 ANYTIME Li snap. Also | portable "typewriter 723-4434, ER table, mahogany, arborite oyd baby carriage with mat. tress; large size playpen. All in excel. lent condition. Telephone 725-7515. TWO glass showcases, good condition, very reasonable. Apply Engels Store, 1 Simcoe Street North. TWO teakwood step tables and "pair of lamps, Picture $10. Drapes for two large windows, $45. Canvas car bed, converts to carriage $9. English pram, $40. Telephone 728-8837. JACKET heater, suitable for hot water system in six room house, with large hot water tank. Telephone 728-4204. CUSTOM radio for 1957 Plymouth, near. ly new. ly prices T 725-8312 for further particulars. RIDING _ sulky, excellent condition, Apply 417 Thornton's Road North see this wonderful buy. SEWING machine, $32. New chest of silver, $32. New lady's wrist watch, $10, 50 50 pocket novels, $1. 723-2148. ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. FURNACES, forced air, ten year opr antee. $2.25 per week, mo down ment, Package deal $130, Telephone 725-4729. T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA TV. SUPPLY LTD 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery mo- terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in sotins and rayons , , . 1.49 and up Kitchen drapery materials. Ja 6Pe up Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made drapes at discount prices. M & C DRYGOODS 74 Celina Street 723-7827 33--Swap and Barter WILL trade guitar and amplifier, value $150, for good used piano and ben Telephone Mr. Casey at 728-0761. 34---Lost & Found BLUE BUDGIE, Danny, No. 5301, lost Sunday from 59 Park Road North. Re. ward. Tel. 725-5483. 35--Legal I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, tember 15, 1961, without my writte nsent. -- |Gerrow. Brooklin. large desk, china saninel, | GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- tele- 3. consisting of six DATED ht 30th day of August, AD, 1461, ANN ING F. SWARTZ RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers & Solicitors, 26Y2 King St. East, | Oshawa, Ontario. | Solicitors for the Applicant. 'Couple Return ~ From England MRS. LORNE JONES Correspondent BALSAM and MT. ZION -- Mr. and Mrs. David Pagan re. turned from England where they visited his parents. They {spent a few days with Mr. and | Mrs. Cecil Jones here before resuming their teaching duties in Toronto. Miss Pat Jackson, of Toronto, is teaching at Balsam school. Miss Betty Gates is teaching at Lemonville. There will be no church serv- ice Sunday, Sept. 17, owing to the anniversary services at Kinsale. Sunday school will begin at 10 o'clock instead of 10:30 a.m. Zion anniversary will be cele. brated Sept. 24. Misses Sheila Disney is attend. ing Pickering District High School. Wendy Schloen is at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Mary Jean Jamieson Is train- ing for a nurse at the Oshawa General Hospital and Anna Wil son is attending Ryerson Insti- Pay-\tute of Technology, Toronto. Robert Andrew Shank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shank, of Yukon, was baptized last Sun- day. Sympathy is extended to Jack Empringham and family in the loss of a loving father, George Empringham, of Claremont and to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones in the loss of a brother-in-law, Ken Thompson of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Morrish at their cottage at Head Lake. Carla Has Affect On Toronto Area TORONTO (CP) -- A weather disturbance spawned by hurri- cane Carla caused power fail ures in several areas of Metro- politan Toronto Thursday. Hydro wires came down when tree branches were broken by high gusts of wind, but no ser- ious damage was reported. Traf- fic was snarled when control lights in one area went out. In Windsor, Carla's effects caused the temperature to drop ch. nearly 25 degrees and brought rain "squalls and strong winds. SHORT RATIONS HONG KONG (AP) -- The in- dividual rice ration in Shang- hai, largest eity in Communist China, has been cut to 18 pounds from 22 pounds per month, ac- cording to Chinese phess re- ports.

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