Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1961, p. 5

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JUST FOR LUCK " brings good luck, how much luck is there in two fours and one five-leaf clover? Heather Barter, 5, daughter of Cpl and Mrs. James Barter, 1000 Dundas street east, Whithy, Miss Pee one four leaf clover Be Chosen Here All girls between the ages of 10 and 12 are eligible to enter in the ""Whithy Miss Pee Wee Lacrosse' beauty contest to- morrow This will be the preliminary contest leading up to the "'On- tario Miss Pee Wee Lacrosse" which will be held at the Whithy Arena on Sept. 16. Registration will be at the Whitby Arena this Saturday be- tween 10 and 12 am.. Judging will be at 1 p.m Three judges have heen ap- pointed to judge the Whitby en- tries tomorrow. They are: Mrs E. Hobbs of Oshawa, Mrs. § Burns, of Whitby, and Mrs. Van. Deuren, a Whitby Public School Home Economics teacher The girl chosen this Saturday to represent Whitby in the finals will be competing against 18 other girls from towns all over Ontario bounded by St. Cath. arines on the west, Huntsville on the north and Cornwall on the east Judges for the final contest will be Mrs. E. Hobbs, of the Oshawa Hairdressing School; | Mrs. Dr. C. McKay of Whitby and Mrs. Unice Beer, a Whithy! mers: senior public school teacher. TO HAVE PARADE On Sept Pee Wee Lacrosse teams will| play their finals in Whitby, a| 25 cents each. Admittance price! WHITBY And DISTRICT County More than 200 friends, includ- ling an Ontario cabinet minister land wardens of neighbor- ing counties gathered at Fern Cottage, Lake Couchiching, on Wednesday to honor Ontario County Warden Anson Gerrow at the annual warden's picnic, During the afternoon, guests enjoyed. games on the lawn {under the supervision of Reeve {Orvan Chambers, of Brock {Township, -and Reeve Neil { Smith, of East Whitby Township. Later, dinner was served in | the large dining hall with County | Clerk William Manning as chair. !man. County Engineer R. E. {Sims introduced the head table guests Speaking to the group, County Judge Alex C. Hall told Warden Gerrow and other members of county council that they were in fact members of the "senior government" of Canada. He noted that county councils had been established in 1840 and it was his feeling that because the apparently will have plenty of luck. Probably the luckiest, however, will be her sister, Donna, 9. who found the five- leaf clover, shown above in the middle of two four-leaf stems. --0Oshawa Times Pholo f | Friends Fete | | | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September §, 1961 Council Studies [5m Safety Sidewalk | Propose | Board Disputes | Amount Forwarded Bickering between the High School Board and the town of Whitby over the correct amonnt Warden A. Gerrow {Whitby Town Council meeting. = The committee recommends { ; that the radius of the curb of | Council was advised that the the south-east corner of Mary [committee had entertained a|and Brock streets be increased {delegation of property owners to approximately 25 feet radius on Cochrane street concerning| to accommodate the turning of a safety sidewalk on that street. heavy vehicle traffic. The committee recommended The committee recommends that the Whitby Public School|that the Engineer be asked to Board be advised that Council|report in detail on storm sewers has now authorized the making erroneously constructed and of Walnut and Cochrane streets|that such sewers be removed! a four-way stop street and re-|and open ditching reverted to quests the Board to advise coun-| where necessary. cil if in their opinion a safety) The committee recommends! sidewalk in the vicinity of Coch- that the Whitby Public School rane street is still required. Board be advised that due to The Board will also be ad- the contours of the land in front vised that Council is in receipt!of the Kathleen Rowe School the of petitions from both sides of Whitby Public School Board con- Cochrane street objecting to the sider joining the two entrances construction of a sidewalk on on the school property. It is the intention of the Municipality to and understanding of the human: Speaking of county plans for problems, Human problems take|/the future, he said it would ap- nrecedence over efficiency." [pear that a new court house and Also addressing the gathering|county administration building and bringing greetings were the would be erected shortly. Tax- wardens of $ork County and the| payers, he said, would be aware United Counties of Durham and!of its construction because it is Northumberland. {anticipated it will cost one mil- Replying to the congratula-lion dollars. ! tions, Warden Gerrow noted that. He told Dr. Dymond that it he was the first warden to rep- was his hope that by next War resent Scugog Township, the den's Picnic he would be Prime island township, in 36 years. He Minister of Ontario. He said recalled ihat the island at one that Dr. Dymond would have time was shared by Reach|the support of everyone in the Township in Ontario County and|county, "no matter what their by Cartwright Township in the| political persuasion". United Counties but eventually] The evening conc became a township in Ontario. [entertainment and a dance. luded with either side of Cochrane street. Rev. Scarr Takes New Appointment After = ministry in Whitby of " [that a safety sidewalk is still noith entrance of the school. i» jequired. Counc) requests that PL am Roe Femina os dung fui Ag fhe be installed on the driveways at| school indicating pupil trafic James Lee and Gregory Rivers, flow Using Cochrane ros 10/criveway carvers and preven e school. § . \ ; {ouires a sidewalk. Council would the continual washing out of the {annreciate an early decision in driveways, be \nrder that a survev from the e committee also recom- | | | nursing service be started the two high schools was turned over to the Management Com- mittee by Wednesday night. in a letter County Health Unit in Picker- i Township of Whitby representa- tive on the school board ques. tioned the Township's position in If the Board is of the opinion Continue the sidewalk to the ealth.* for the nursing service, |Township would contribute. A streets committee report Board and Separate School can » was adopted at Tuesday night's also be obtained. ursing Service owing to the Board continues to grow, A letter outlining the amount the town feels it owes to the {Board was branded as 'not A proposal that Public Health nice" by the Board secretary in Wednesday night. | The letter from F. N. Me- Ewen, tax collector for the town, showed that $13,000 was owing to the Board by Whitby. The School Board feel the town owes them about $90,000 be cause Whitby "didn't strike the rate we asked for". A meeting has been scheduled between town officials and School Board members in the fleae future to iron out the prob- em. the WDHS Board, The suggestion was contained from the Ontario ng. Trustee George Lofthouse, such a scheme "As you all probably know,| the Township is not part of the Ontario County Health Unit. We have our own Medical Officer of PREFERRED EATING LONDON (CP) -- A contrib- |utor to Lancet, the medical magazine, reports that cock- roaches frequently infest his bookshelves, showing a marked preference for the respected Principles of Medical Statis- tics: But the glossy. large.circu- lation medical publications are less palatable, he reported If there is payment to be made to the County Health gmt y. Lofthouse wondered how the Principal of Henry Street High School, D. Tutt, told the Board that "There had been no organ- ized health service in the high school during my time". | 16 when the Ontario|25 cent draw ticket. same reasons exist today for more than two years, Rev. John their creation, they will always scarr is leaving to hecome as- remain Ca sistant pastor of the Queensway # His Honor said that he often|cathedral in Toronto. His fare- wondered if county councillorsyejj sermon at the Pentecostal realized the importance of their Tabernacle will be delivered on function. A local or municipaly, day, Sept. 10 and he begins Wee To Whitby District High School Jended that the Whitby Public chool Board and Mr. Harms. WHITBY crest school. worth be advised that the School PFRSONAIS That in the committee's opin- The building committee was |given power to act on the lack {of any sick room equipment at | Anderson Street High School. Height and measurement |scales are needed at the school. said Principal A. Andrew. PEE WEE Beauty Pageant Notice for registration between hours of 10 till noon government, he said, is neces- nic now post on Saturday, Sept. sary before a parliament or leg- 16 islature can be established. Without ' ts.| Rev. Scarr, his wife and three 2 The parade will also include ne fiout such local Jovernments. childre, came to Whitby from as many convertibles as weath- ambition and no other way for Vernoa, near Kingston following i er will permit with the beauty the people to be able to judge 3 two-year period of service ; contest finalists as well as the potential candidates in the high-|there It was his third posting. 19 teams who will battle for the qo; javels of government. Be | His first congregation was at Pee Wee Lacrosse Champiom| cides he said, if something goes| Wawa, Ont., and while there, he ship. For added color the Whit- ono he local government is/was the organizer of a move- by Fire Department trucks willl ai hand to hear the problem ment by the citizens of Wawa be on hand Hon. Dr, M. B. Dymond, Min-|to have the Trans-Canada High- The parade will begin at noon ister of Health, said that at one way reagh their community. In (on Sept. 16) and will travelltime he made the grave errorirecent months the Gap was from the arena north on Brock of being opposed to county coun-| completed to link Wawa with street to Mary street, west on|eils. He said he thought they the rest of the province by road. Mary to Byron street, south on were about as useful as a fifth! wpe in Whitby, Rev. Scarr Byron to Dundas Jtreect: east 0 wheel on a wagon. has watched his flock increase - " undas te Brock street an Now, he said, he has changed |p t 1 x south on Brock back te the his mind completely and fee syinssion. Aliendanee Hl ge REV. JOHN SCARR arena that county councils have|. ow twenties to a record of assistant to Rev. A. W. Ness. The actual championship play- a greater role than ever to play|ig9 He was also director of the| The congregation on the Queens offs will start at about 8 a.m. in the affairs of Ontario Pentecostal Youth Rally in the(way is now building a new and is expecied fo wind up "There is not a single func-\oghayy area during his service|cathedral, capable of seatin around 10 or 11 p.m. Trophies tion of a metro form of govern-, 3,200 persons. The new chure! will be awarded to the cham- ment which cannot be equally This vear he was named vice.| will be ready for use by March pions and runner-up teams. well done by county council," he resident of the Whitby Minis.|0f next year. Door prizes consisting of a said. "We do not need new iD Association and last! The cathedral, hadi " terial designed by ; municipal corporations, we need Ass as ' ! ale ame Soualied bY Basen the existing governments to as- month represented the associa-|architect George C. N. Tonks, ; 4 » tion before Whitby Township will be of striking appearance. Sorder a ek af rR fo his Council in objecting to the re- It is Canada's first geodesic ances, - ishing ackle Dox lad lo seek the leadership of Zoning of land adjoining Grove- aluminum dome and is located lady's or man's wrist watch|the Progressive Conservative|side Cemetery. a i) A 3l5-acre site just east of donated by Hicks Jeweler will party in Ontario and hence the During his ministry he made|Highway 27 on the Queensway. be presented to the lucky win. office of Premier of the prov- church history by baptizing 12! Rev. Scarr's enthusiasm and ! { | Tickets on the draw will cost| §|'ington street, Whitby. returned ing the condition of the maple SAT, SEPT. 8th Age limit 10 to 12 (Bring Proof of Age if possi- ble for title of Miss Whitby Pee Wes Judging te take place approx. 1 P.M, Set, Sept. 9th Panel of 3 judges. WHITBY ARENA Families connected with association not eligible. SPONSORED BY WHITBY LACROSSE ASSOCIATION Board has advised council that it is studying the condition of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Pogue./ion the weed condition around 208 High street, and Mr. and the fence has been brought! the board fence around Hill- ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS Mrs. Richard MacCarl, 215 Wel- under control and that regard- ON PAGE { home on Sunday after a vervitrees the committee has delightful twe-week trip via CPR tained samples of the leaves "Canadian" fo Vancouver, then is of the opinion that it is an i to Victoria. While in Vancouver|insect but regrets that SPTaYIng | Winery on Saterday sy they were allowed to visit a sub (of the elms has consumed the| ginning at 9 a.m. This is the marine. They also took a boat|1961 budget for this service. |first such collection since June. trip on the "Princess o0f| The committee also recom-| Residents are asked to leave Nanaimo". They visited Wig- mended that the Town Engineer|tied bundles of papers at the wam. Inn District. From the he requested to submit the cost genie Some " the canadis) of improving the storm sewer ey viewe e Rocky moun- ai whithy Plaza. through: this { : 3 | roject that mem tains and all places of interest. The town engineer was re-|bers of ail the Boy Scout troops Mrs. James McIntosh, of To-|uested to present the final pro-|in Whitby derive all their funds ronto, was a Labor Day weekend Posed sidewalk program te each for Scout activities. WHITBY BRANCH 112 visitor at the home of Mr. and councillor on Sept. 5 CANADIAN LEGION Mrs. Kyrle Southwell, of Brock will resume its dance season SATURDAY, SEPT. 8th Mr, Fred Johnston and Miss 8:30 p.m. ob- BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE | and There will be a Boy Scout {curb Saturday morning to be |picked up by the Scouts. It is CANDY LEAGUE The Whitby Ladies Candy | League will resume its aetiv-| ities on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at| 2 p.m. at the Whitby County] Bow! Betty Connelly, of Chatham, were Labor Day weekend ii of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert John. ston, of Centre street north. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jolley| and their son Kenny have re-| turned from a week's vacation| spent in Collingwood and Mea-| ford visiting relatives. DODD & SOUTER | PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. 5, WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer f Labor Day weekend guests at { the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pius Jones, King street, were: Mrs. Caroline Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waddington and MUSIC BY . .. JANETTE MONTGOMERY AND HER BAND |ince, Dr. Dymond said that it|of his members by total immer. energy have led to this appoint. was unfortunate that the people(sion at Chalk Lake in July. ment but despite many long of the gathering were unable to|Their new church has no tank hours spent in work of the elect him to that position. But,|as yet for such baptism and the church he also manages to lake he added, if he succeeds in be-|pastor chose the warm days of extra courses to increase his ing chosen party leader he will summer to baptize new mem: education. Currently he is study-| expect Ontario residents to re-{bers in the manner of early/ing psychology and next year fo the arena is 25 cents plus a Children under 12 will be admitted free. Dress for tomorrow's prelim-| daughter Nancy, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ligher- land and their son Billy, of To-| ronto, spent the Labor Day| YOUR Painting & Decorating ntractors FOR RESERVATIONS . , . parade will be held, comprised |inary beauty contest will be: of the Whitby Brass Band, the "Party Dress". Lunch for the Oshawa GM Pipe Band and the finalists and teams on Sept. 16 elect him to the legislature. Biblical times plans to fake a course at A native of Toronto, Rev./Queen's University. Col. G. A, Welsh, County Sher-| Scarr received his early educa-| He will be succeeded by Rev. iff and a former cabinet minis-| Bowmanville Training School Band. Study Need Of New High School Studies are being made for the erection of another high school in Whitby, it was learned] at the Whitby and District High| School monthly board meeting | on Wednesday night Total enrolment at the Henry|Grade 12 -- 43 pupils in one|scoring rampage last night and|they should not bring the B title Street and the Anderson Street|class; special commercial -- 14 whipped the Mimico Mountain-/t0 Whithy. High Schools will be at capacity | by next vear, Henry High Prin- cipal Donald Tutt told the Board. The total enrolment of 945 stu. dents in both schools is just under the peak capacity of 1,000, warned one trustee "The increase of 100 students at Henry High points up the need for the Board to consider where we go from here,' ex- plained Mr. Tutt Chairman of the Board, Lloyd Gibson, suggested the Building Committee draw up additional! information between this meet- ing and the next meeting in Oc- tober. Registration figures at Henry, Street school show that a total of 593 students are currently at this school. This total is broken down into Grade 9 -- 212 students in six classes; Grade 10 -- 168 pupils in five classes; Grade 11 -- 04 students in three classes; Grade 12 -- 75 pupils in two classes; Grade 13 -- 44 students in two classes, The special Grade 9 class has] 35 students. This program will ter, said that county councillors are in the unique position of be- _ ing well aware of the human problems in their municipalities. '""'And if anything is necessary today," he said, "it is tolerance will be served after the parade at the arena. classes and number of students shows: Grade 9 -- 113 students in four classes; Grade 10 -- 96 stu- dents in three classes; Grade 11 -- 60 pupils in two classes; Jr. B. L. By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Red Wings went on a students in one class; Grade 13/eers 22-14 at the local arena in -- 26 students in one class. the second game of the OLA Jr Overloading in classes is pres.|B finals. The 'series is all tied ently causing a problem, he/up now at one game each with said. the third game slated for Satur- In one case, he added. there day night in Mimico with the are 43 pupils in a class designed fourth game back here on Mon- for 35 to 38 students. yo ue * R : + i "aptain enny 0ss an Sais ike these, he Imer Tran led the Whitby at- -- tack with six goals each. John Davis, the scoring champion, fired four with hat tricks going| IS. . tott to Ronnie Moore and Gord Hol- liday Entertains WA . 3 ~ 'goals. Len Hopper added two St. Andrew's Presbyterian with single counters going to Church WA held its first meet- Bruce Marlott, Bob Ferguson, ing of the season on Tuesday|Julie Kowalski, and Rick Mocon. afternoon at the home of Mrs. This was one of those odd G. Stott, Brock street south, games that saw almost every- The president, Mrs. F. Law- thing in the book happen. The rence, opened the meeting with Wings went on a scoring spree prayer and welcomed all pres- and fired home nine goals in ent. She also gave the scripture three minutes and 27 seconds in reading. the third and final period, one During the business meeting Which almost developed into a plans were outlined for the falljreal farce. Both goalies were activities, At a further meeting|Penalized during the hey rube. final arrangements will be made for the "Bakeless Bake Sale'. admitted, E t do justice tn the student, i Dave O'Brien was the big gun of the night as he fired: eight | Hopper who went in to replace The locals fired four goals by |! tion in Galt, where he was/Maurice Fostrey, of Sault Ste, raised. Later he graduated from Marie. the Pentecostal college in Peter-| The Scarr family has found a borough: new home in Toronto and will NEW CATHEDRAL be moving from Whitby on Sat. In his new post he will belurday. Scoring Rampage Ties acrosse Final | if they can get the fellows all|16.02 (misc.), Wilkinson 17.12.] out and there is no reason why Mariott 18.45 3rd Period 18, Whitby: Moore (Toy) . Mimico . Whitby: . Whitby: . Whitby: . Whitby: Davis ..... 8.27/24. Whitby: Holliday 9.27| (Moore, Davis) 25. Whitby: Moore o 12.12 (Holliday) 2 Whitby: Ross (Moore) 2 SUMMARY 1st Period 1. Mimico: Marlott (Kowalski) ...... Whitby: Ross . 3. Mimica: O'Brien 4. Whitby: Davis .... 5. Whitby: E. Tran 6. Whitby: Ross (Moore, Davis) .. Whitby: E, Tran 2.33] 2.43 ERT 3.21 4.22 | 4.39 5.31) 5.43 6.00] 2. 7. (MOOre) .vovvvnvnrsnes 12.35/27. Whitby: Davis .. 8. Mimico: Ferguson 8 Whitby: Ross (Moore) (O'Brien) «cue sssssss 19.16/29. Mimico: Hopper Penalties -- Smith 4.06, Mocon (Ferguson) 11.30, Kowalski 13.42, 18.35, Car- 30. Mimico: Hopper weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs.) Gyptex, Paperhonging Full Wall Murels Victor Jones, of Dufferin street, | PHONE MO 8-2529 | | | | Port Whitby. Mrs. H. K. Cunliffe, of Hallett, avenue, opened her home on Wednesday evening to the exec- utive members of All Saints' Anglican Church Guild to make arrangements for the forthcom- ing season. The hostess served refreshments. WHITE NEWSPRINT 4V3.1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Ale Available in 9.1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sele ot . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times PATIO ny moe yee a deoouee ov aw acashs: TAN ¢, CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. SLABS Lime deal « 14 ® x24 t ngeie 18.35, (Ferguson) ...... 2nd Period 31. Whitby: E. Tran 9. Mimico: O'Brien ...... 3.38), (Ross, Davis) ..... ves 10. Mimico: O'Brien 32. Mimico: O'Brien (Mocon) (Wells) eeu ananenna, 13.43 11. Mimico: Kowalski - Mimico: O'Brien (J. Henderson) .. 12 . Whitby: Holliday : (E. Tran) 13. . Mimico: O'Brien . 14, 15. Mimico: O'Brien (J. Henderson) Whitby: E. Tran (Carnegie) .., Whithy: E, Tran (MOOre) vo ivenvssrsss Whitby: E. Tran (Davis) 6. Whitby: Ross (E. Tran, Davis) 36. Mimico: Mocon (O'Brien) .. 13.26 Penalties -- J. Henderson 3.55, Wilkinson 4.18, Marlott (mise.) 14.07/4.21, O'Brien 5.10, Toy 5.17, {Slack 7.44, Holliday (major) 16.48/8,27, Ferguson (major) 8.27, Sproul (game misconduct) 8.27, THRILL TO THE THOROUGHBREDS Henderson. There was a real 17: Whitsy: Ross probably be continued next The meeting closed with pray- year, said Mr. Tutt. er. Lunch was served in the Attendance at Anderson Street garden by the hostess assisted argument in regard to the call- ing of the penalty, The opposing coach did not want to abide by| High School is 352 students, Principal A. Andrew told the! Board. A breakdown into grades! by Mrs. D. MacLean. {the rules of putting a man who The next regular meeting willl was on the floor at the time of be held on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at|the infraction in goal with just| the church hall. _|the mask and the big stick, no| shin pads or belly pad. Finally VENING BROCK : PLUS--Adventure "EA COMEDY and SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 he did agree and then got away with taking a man out of the (box to replace the penalized! goalie. It was a real dandy af-| fair and the fans who missed it| should have been there The game was so up and down | that even the referees were be-| ginning to wonder just where to turn next. The ball was bounc- ing into the stands and not be- ing called. Lots of fun, Anyway the Wings won and that is what the local fans want. | | ed. Saturday night is a big must| game for Whitby as they have got to win one in Mimico, Per- sonally we think they have the| tuff, IF they use their head and| get out there and play lacrosse; {for 60 minutes, not 45 or less. | SHOWS AT 7 & 9 P.M. RNBOROUGH 1 CARTOON 960" (Holliday) 18.53 Clakre 11.19, Carnegie 11.38. Penalties 8.43, Mocon (major) 11.19, E. Tran SEE SATURDAY'S FEATURE THE $10,000 HOROMETER STAKES 8 Recor daily through Sept. 16th Grondstand $1.00 (incl. tax) Clubhouse $2.30 (incl. tex) FREE PARKING -- Reserved Seats and Information Phene OX 8.3131 Now Available LET US PLAN YOUR TRIP FOR YOU, NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THESE SERVICES. DONALD Travel Service 300 Dundes E. Whithy Whiiby-Oshawa-Broeklin Ph. MO 8-3304 Buy That Car! You may be able to save $125 or more on that new or used car when you buy .it through the State Farm Bank Plan for sute Anancing., Ask about it. 1) WM. H. (BILL) -3762 MIDDLETON a | Whithy, Ont |The locals have a good team 408 Brock St. MO 8 Head Offison=Torente, Ont. SPECIAL BUS SERVICE DIRECT TO OLD WOODBINE Buses Leave Oshawe Termine! At 12 Neen (Ssturdays Only)

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