Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 8, 1961 Today's Stock Market Listing s on Toronto Exchang e ; 11 Net BARRETT -- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS 11 Net i1 Net 11 Net . Barrett (nee Jean Welch) are happy to By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge announce the arrival of their son, Doug- Eddy 725 $26 24% 26 + % Salada wis 43 810% 10% 10% Pac ete w 50 705 705 705 --45 High-Bell 300 250 250 250 las Percy, 8 Ibs. 6 ozs., on Wednesday, Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 3 Exquisite pr 200 $13% 13% 13% -- % SevenAris ®5 S11. 11 1 Pamoil 2500 43 42 43 Hud Bay 680 $54% 54 54 + % September 6, 1961, at the Oshawa Gen- Quotations in cents unless marked 8, Fam Play 810 $18 18 18 2 P 3190 40 4 4 -3 Hydra Ex 500 26% 26% 26% +6% eral Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Hull. 2--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Fed Farms 900 420 415 420 +10 Shawin 1062 $2736 27% 27% -- Y% 'ermo Tf Ss rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Fibre 100 Si1% 11% 11% -- 3% Silverwd A 250 $12) 12Va 12% Peruvy Oils Int Nickel 171 $85% 85% 85% McHUGH -- Bill and Betty (nee Fer- from previous day's close. Fleetwood 100 $145 14% 14% -- 44 Simpsons 330 $2014 29% 29% Place 1500 32 31 i) Irish Cop 925 115 113 13 guson) are happy to announce the safe GMC 100 $i8% 48% 48% Somville pr 3 Soa ig Fie Ponder 2000 57 2 Wid Iso 1000 47 47 47 arrival of their son, William Dean (6 GS Wares 700 $103 10% 10% Staffor + TOVO 2800 n: Jowsey 666 25 25 --1 Ibs. 6 ozs.,) on Monday, Sept. 4, 1961, Goodyear pr 100 $46 6% --W Stedman 100 $48 48 48 Secur Free 400 430 Kerr Add 325 $10% 10% 10% at Oshawa General Hospital, A brother 11 Net GL Paper 220 $21 21 21 Steel Can 596 $78. 77% ri) -% Tuiad, oil 1600 0 1 OS -1 Langis 4500 59 59 +1 for Shelley. Thanks to Dr. Ross and Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge G L Power 102 $39 39 39 + 4 i 2 Be - Pl Foon: J 3000 ap Latin Am 500 Su Jn rig --% + 'Anderson. GN Gas w 150 225 225 225 2 2000 Abit DIU 0% a GN Gas Bw 100 20 240 200 --15 Texaco 100 $62 62 62 + % W Decalta 7050 95 95 95 +5 Tac 200 193 193 193 +3 A GOOD NEWS STORY ---When you Acryl A 250 $2214 214 iin Gr Wpg G 200 $16% 16% 16% 'Thornclf 0 $9 Lorado 34000 189 179. 189 +11 gros, og brn ot yor (lia B| fuiohd 4 8 a 2a 22 RAE Wo RorIun 2 io son tn ae MINES a am a le the Oshawa Times, ol ppilEs f ie 0 Alta Dist 90C 235 230 230 H Cotton ° 210 $223 22% 22% Jor Jou ee Pu Macassa 5100 365 365 365 tice are avaliable or_Ba v's B00 Alta Dis vt 1025 175 175 175 +8 Hardee 55 $12 12 12 Tina 3 a4 Advocate 400 530 525 530 MacLeod 1000 105 105 105 --8 Family Trt Records and So Mar-away| AltaDisw 150 115 115 115 --5 Hardee rts 4610 30 29 29 T Fin Sow 10 0 Agnico 2000 101 100 100 --1 Maritime 1200 91 91 91 friends ang relatives ih those faraway, ola 125 $326 324 " Horne Pf 4090 460 430 450 --10 nsTw 2 % 15% 15% Alba Expl 1000 4 4 4 +1 Martin 9000 41 40 40 places. To place birth announcement, ain cu 24 34 34% Hughes O A 100 $12 12 ' 12 + 3 Tr Can FL 3% 20% 21% -- % Anacon 500 57 57 51 +2 Matatch 1000 5% 5% 5% -- % call The Oshaws Times Classified.| Alta Gas w 405 $125 125 12% -- 4 Imp Oil 1320 $47% 47 47% + % Trans-Mt 1419 $13% 13% 13% Anglo Hur ~~ 820 750 750 750 +18 Mcintyre 200 $43% 43% 43% + shoe Hh $353 Mon RR BEC: mh Shi cd oute amas m 0 BY ews 33 fr ma Fira 3 7 1% 64 n Steel . 7 + Area 5200 9% 89 90 +9 Mentor 1100 41 41 41 +1 Algoma 250 $i H% 47h -- 1% Ingle" Sou 'Sis 3 sh--w Vendomtic 450 $9% 9% 9% + rid 000 7 7 7 -- Merrill 2700 6 65 65 1 DEATHS Alam 1 pr 100 $2218 2008 220% © Inland C pr 238 316% 16% 16% er 1300 So 50% 50% + % A Aredia HY rg fh a WE RR Ro Argus 144 $45 45 45 -- Inland Gas 250 $5% 5% 5% Webb Knp 1000 300 300 300 --10 hi h 1000 4 1 11 --2% pod "500 ™ Atlas Steel 795 $31 30% 30% Int Util 175 $$42% 42% 42% -- 44 Webb in) De Aumacho 1 -~ Nat Expl 5% 5% 5% Inter PL 158 $722 72% 72% + Y% FZ 6 Aunor 200 300 300 300 New Bid 500 6 6 pRAAND, Srey Dav, g,, | ink NO MM HWE eta yiiw Souimiit bie WmETE., Ii BmpDpe Inv Syn A 50 $52 52 52 + % n rd : elcher + an eral Hospital on Thursday, Sept. T| Barcelona sf 280 20 a0 Jamaica PS 25 $35 35 35 Weston B 30 $2004 2044 20% + % Bicroft 70 67 67 6 -- N Mylama 500 38 38 1 1%], Sydney David Ballard in his 75 BPE Booman Jockey C 590315 335 35 +3 West A wits 105 S12 12% 12% -- % Bidcop 50 8 8 8 Noranda 1380 $53% 53% 53% Fear. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral. Jath 20 S13 Ton 1% + nA Jock C B p 100 $11% 11% 11% Woodwd A 320 $18%4 1814 18% -- % Bralorne 200 650 650 650 +5 N Coldstrm 500 82 82 82 Home: en Br. 9. 1961,| Bell Phone 2259 $35% 55% S53 + 4 Kelly DA 150 $6% 6% 6% --% Zenith 300 240 240 240 Brunswk 300 440 " Nrthgate 24900 80 76 80 +1 Thay, ne » i 3 5 305 ri ur Buffad 8000 4% 4% 4% -- N Rank 1500 65 65 65 +1 at 10 am, Cremation St. James Cre-]. Bragl, | 00 4% OA Tabatt™ 30 Sieve do% do Tow Asbestos iz sy mk 3h -- 4 Buff Auk 600 185 183 183 --2 North Can 7200 220 215 220 + matorium, . jt 5 CG Inv 5 --- 1 t 1500 8 8 8 % Opemiska 200 695 690 690 BA Oil 645 $324 32% 32% -- Lafarge 300 135 135 135 4 Cadame GILROY. Asthur: Edward Boo Ta hn uh ae-w LO Cem pr 225 $9% 9% 9% C Paper 8 7 M% H C Tung 200 185 185 185 --1, Ormsby 1500 20% 20% 20% After a lengthy iliness at Oshawa Gen-| BC Phone 64 $49 49 49 + % Laurent 125p 225 $21% 21% 21% Dupont Ho Cid 2 %% % C Astoria 1000 4% 4% 4% --% Pac Nick 2475 90 9% +6 eral Hospital, on Thursday, September Brockville 125 $9% 9% 9% -- 3% LobCo A 1310 $5115 50% 50 + % Tot rap A 150 3 29% 22% < Dyao 3% % Ms 2 Th Pros Ar 2200 » % » -3 Te ir pen "ut "Ethel Buington FP GaP I La Tonce 8" '5 $i Fr MO Paper 40. S14 304 Sek +1 Can NW 2500 18 17% 17% --1% Que Lith 230 615 615 615 --8 year, | " 5 ---Y Price Br 253 $19% 49% 49% Cdn Thor 2250 7 6% 7 Qunston 1500 13% 13% 13% Walker, loving father of Mrs. 1. Ste- Burns 275 $12 12 12 55 $50 50 50 a . i a 5 andore 50 10 10 10 --% Quemont 895 895 895 vens (Evelyn of Myrtle Station; Mer-| Cal Pow 10 81 2 7 23 831% 31% 31% Candore =i : ; Er Fort] Can Cem 115 $26% 26 26 -- 3 550 $21 20% 21 + % Can-Erin 1000 30 30 30 Radiore 1000 58 +1 dba GTR IR SR Tey Sr ate 25 $38 38 38 OIL Cariboo 500 95 93 93 --a Realm 00 226 21 22% +24 row Funeral Chapel "390 King Street Can Malt z15 $7 74 4 1450 $113 115% 11% -- 4 Am Leduc 500 8 8 8 Casslar 240 $13% 13% 13% Renabie 1400 290 West, for service in the Chapel on| dn Brew 575 $55% 55% 534 Maxwell 150 240 (240 240 --10 Asamera 4000 46 '45 46 --4 Chimo 000 45 45 45 Roche 1000 8% 8% 8% + % saturday, September 9, 2 p.m. Inter] CBAL Aw 21d 360 360 360 Met Stores 125 $9% 9% 9% -- % Bailey 8 A 1275 825 825 825 Coin Lake 500 24 24 24 + % San Ant 300 175 173 173 --2 ment Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince] CBAL Bw 2007350 350 350 --10 Met Stores p z45 $213 21% 21% Baul 5% pr 100 $244 21% 24% C Beta G 33300 1 12 13 % Sherritt 0 49 455 45 +3 5 Cdn Celan 406 $31% 31 31% --3% Mex LP z50 $11% 11% 11% Calalta 500 32 2 Con C ad 200 + icon 0 9 + Albert . . t H 5 25 63 61 Molson B 120 $20% 29% 29% -- % Cal Ed 500 $17% 17% 17% Discov 200 260 260 260 +4 Stanrck 1500 161 160 160 --14 SHACKLETON, Gladys C w 13% 300 8 0" pu Molson pr 72 Si2i4 42 421 CSolws 80 6 6 6 Con Gillies 900 4% 41% 4% Steep R 715 795 790 795 45 On Wednesday, September 6, 1961, at Dredge 405 $11% 11% 11% + % Mon Foods 1980 $1214 12 12 -- 1% C Delhi 137 395 305 395 +3 CG Arrow 1000 19 19 19 Sturgeon 2000 18% 18 18 --1 the Oshawa General Hospital, Gladys| C Husky 2200 $5% 5% 5% Mont Loco 225 $14 14 Cdn Dev 000 400 395 395 --5 C Halli 4500 40 40 40 --% Sud Cont .3000 6% 6% 6% Chapman, of Salem, dearly beloved C Imp Bk C52 $69% 69% 69% -- % Moore 600 $6214 6214 6214 + 4 C Ex Gas 500 160 160 160 4000 114 107 114 +5 Sullivan 2860 190 185 190 + wife of Gordon Shackleton, beloved mo-| C Mare 200 $5% 5 5 Nat Dr pr 100 $15% 15% 15% -- % Cent Del 382 630 625 625 --5 1500 9 9 9 Sunburst 1000 14% 14% 14% -- % ther of Bill and Fred, dear daughter| Cdn Oiiil 405 $33 32% 32% -- Nia Wire B 150 $1315 13% C Mic Mac 3000 305 30s 305 : ; 20 0 47 i =o Teck 500 162 162 16: 2 Mrs. Wm. J. Chapman, of| dn Oil 4 225 $84 84 84 Nor Phone 230 $8% 8% C West P1000 230 225 225 - Copran 1 - 'ribag 1500 44 44 44 in at the Funeral Home| CPR 1340 $25% 25 25% -- % Oshawa A 325 $28 28 Dome Pete 300 10% 10% 10% Craigmt 100 $13% 13% 13% -- % Tormont 4500 29 271 29 43 of Northeutt and Smith, '53 Division| Cdn Pet pr 100 $12% 12% 12% Page Hers = 340 $26% 26 Dynamic 500 40 40 40 Denison 450 $10% 10% 10% Un Keno 400 $12 12 12 -- % Street North Bowmanville. Funeral Cdn Tire 35 $53 53 53 +2 Pbina z10 $7% T% Fr Pete pr 200 360 355 355 --3§ E Mal 200 235 235 235 Upp Can 3533 164 161 163 +1 service 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Comb Ent 900 $13 13 13 Phantom 2200 STV 73% Gr Plains 200 $11% 11 11 3 50 195 195 195 Ventures 778 $57% 571 57% -- Interment Hampton Cemetery. Con Bldg 400 $5% 5% 5% QN Gas 1200 455 450 Home A 200 975 975 975 20 162 162 162 --2 Vent Deb 50 $98 98 Bp C Bldg wis 200 160 160 160 QN Gas wis 100 140 140 HBOIG 170 $14% 14% 14% -- % $58% 58% 58% Waite Am 300 585 585 585 WAGAR, William Herbert Con Gas 2298 $18% 18% 18% + Rap Grip A 220 $10% 10% LI Pete 000 5 5 210 $22% 22% 22% Weedon 500 2% 2% 2% + % Entered into rest in the home of his Dist Seag 350 $43% 43% 43% Roe AV C1600 87 74% Mayfair 300 175 175 175 1800 9 9 9 +1% Willroy 200 148 148 148 son, Robert Wagar, Newcastle, Ont,| D Bridge 100 $20% 20% 20% -- % Rothman 100 13% Medal 1125 220 220 220 +3 1000 68 68 68 Wiltsey 500 6. 6 --u on Wednesday, September 6, 1961, Wil- D Fndry 705 $63% 63% 63% + 5% Royal Bank 340 5 19% Midcon 1000 26 26 26 +1 2000 22 21 22 Yk Bear 500 105 105 105 +3 liam Herbert Wagar, beloved husband Dosco 650 $16% 16% 16% -- % Royalite 100 $96 915 Nat Pete ~ 500 216 216 216 --3 360 900 900 900 --8 Young HG 11250 49 48 49 +1 of Elizabeth Victoria Cairns and father| Dom Tar 1867 $19 18% 18% -- % Russell 250 $11% 114 NC Oils 200 215 215 215 45 Har-Min 000 6% 6 6% Robertson (Ruth) of| Dom Text 150 $14} 1d 14% Salada-$ 270 $16% 16% 16% + % Pac Pete ' 1171 $11% 11% 11% Headway 4000 27 26 27 + % Sales to 11 a.m.: 648,000. of Mrs. T. D Westmount, Que., Robert of Newcas- I tle and Donald of Oshawa, in his 74th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funer- a] Home, Oshawa, with Memorial Ser- vice in the Chapel, on Saturday, Sept. 9, at 130 pm. Interment Baptist Cemetery, Brooklin, Ontario. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST | LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. | OSHAWA SHOPPING | CENTRE | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | 728-6555 { GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me- morial. For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327. IN MEMORIAM | ARTYM -- In loving memory of a| dear husband and father, Daniel, who passed away September 8, 1959. | His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. | --Always remembered by wife Cecilla, children Mary and Steve. | loving memory of | CRAGGS -- In who passed away Reginald Craggs, September 8, 1957. Death is a heartache no one can heal, | Memories are keepsakes no one can| steal, | Beautiful memories are all I have| left | Of the one 1 have loved and willl never forget | ~Ever remembered by wife and daughter. | CRAGGS -- In loving memory of Reg| Craggs, who was killed four years ago, September 8, 1957 | As we loved you, so we miss you, in our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed always, Treasured and ever dear. for | Uncle Ted and family. CRAGGS -- In loving memory of Reg Craggs, who was killed four years ago,|Several years ago. It September 8, 1957. --Lovingly remembered by Warren and family. Marion, CRAGGS -- In loving memory of Reg| Craggs, who was killed due to an acci- dent four years ago. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear, Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. ~Sadly missed 'by and family. CRAGGS -- In loving femory of our dear son, Reg Craggs, who was Killed in a car accident September 8, 1957. God called our dear son away from a world of strife To shine among the angels, in a fair- er, brighter life Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe from all grief and sin, Forever and forever, pure within. Our hearts were full of sorrow, And tears still bedim our eyes, But we shall meet him once again In the home beycnd the skies. --Lovingly remembered by Mom and Dad where all is CRAGGS -- In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, Reg Craggs. who was killed in a car accident Sep- tember 8, 1957 There is an ache in our hearts today That countless years won't take away A place in our hearts no one can fill, We miss you, dear Reg, and always will, : lovingly remembered by sister Arieen, brother - in - law Red, Debbie, Craig, Reg, and Junior. HATCH -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George Hatch, who passed away September 8, 1958 --Ever remembered by Leonard, Jean| and family. | | HATCH -- In ever loving memory of| my husband, George Hatch, who part- ed from me in death only September 8, 1958. Whatever the future holds for me, Be it times good or bad, Some things maybe in the same old way, 1 can always look on the past and say 1 shared them with you too all-of the way. --Fondly remembered by wife Vera| and son Frank. | | dear friend, Agnes Morgan Hayes, who passed away September 8, 1948. Ever remembered by Jack and Alice| Jackson | HAYES -- in' loving memory of our| -- In loving memory of a dear sister, Mary Riley James, who passed away nine years ago today Your presence we miss, { Your memory we treasure, | Loving you always, | Forgetting you never. | Enters Rose and Rhoda. | ING -- In loving memory of Frank oy who was killed four years ago, 'Board Offers Discount Stores As Chains Unite VANCOUVER (CP)--The new kets {partnership of the British Col-{New Brunswick. umbia department store chain| of Woodward's and the eastern woodward food chain of Steinberg's Lim-|\two months ago that the two ited will open its first two self-/firms were teaming up service discount stores in east- muiti-mi 3 ern Canada next month, announced Thursday. Both of the new stores, rep. in C. N. Woodward, president of were 1 announced Public Sotckyards this week. Ontario, Stores, Quebec in resenting an initial investment/ PLAN FIRST OPENING of between $3,000,000 and $4- in Montreal. Woodward's now operates sev-| eral large department and food| stores in western Canada. Stein-| berg's has 200 retail food mar-| erate Mr. Woodward said Thursday 000,000 in what is planned as a|the first store, a 70,000-square-| 52! large chain of self-service de-|f00t food outlet, will be opened) CeiPts partment stores, will be located|in mid-October. independently the majority of the buying staff|choice dry-fed heifers 22-22.70; has been supplied by |ward's and Steinberg's has pro- medium grass heifers 17-18.50; The Active Trading In Top Steers TORONTO (CP)--Trading was| | quite active on top grades of and|dry-fed steers, heifers and year-| lings and all grades of cows steady at the Ontario Bulls were quite difficult to a|sell. Veal calves were active oa -million dollar invasion of Hog prices were uneven while it was/the discount and food store busi-|lamb prices rémain unchanged. ness in eastern Canada. { Cattle receipts were estimated at about 5,200, some 3000 fewer than last week and about the same as this week in 1960. Re- from Western Canada second, numbered 877 head, an increase containing 115,000 square feet of over last week of 464 head. food space, will open a week or so later. Both are located in|steers 23-23.50 with sales to 24; suburban shopping centres. The new partnership will op-|steers to 24.20; good 22-23; me-| Slaughter Cattle: Choice |a few lots of fancy handyweight although dium 19-21.50; common 16-18.50; lvided the sales force, Plans call for a total of six|lings 23.50-24.50, sales to 25.50; Tariff Ideas OTTAWA (CP)--An increase four years. in tariff protection of Common- cluding conveyor belts, Thursday by Finance Minister|severa Fleming. |€ The board also proposed tar-| ifffree entry to all Common-|800ds at up to 20 per cent be which come from India. Mr. Woodward said expansion| |wealth made rubber belting, in-|{to other parts of eastern Can is rec-|ada will Jopeng 1 the initia ommended in a tariff board re- success of the Quebec outlets, port tabled in the Commons Which will be competing with] Replacement cattle: | major department store, steer stockers 21-23, selected ans. Wood-| good 21-22; medium 19-20.50; common 1517; choice-fed year- |stores within the next three to/good 22-23; good cows 14.50-15,| |sales to 15.50; medium 13-14; | {common 12-13; canner and cut- _|ter cows 10-12; good heavy bo- 1|logna bulls mostly 18; common |and medium 13-17. Good {lots to 24; stock calves to 26; |common and medium and stock He said it is planned to offer, ifers 18-20. covers|the discount |wealth jute fabrics, most of|{low normal department | prices. | The report is the eighth to be| However, it was unlikely that| 18 Lovingly remembered by Aunt Jessie,| made by the board in its wide-|the Woodward-Steinberg opera- boners 14.18, iranging review of Canada's ta-|tion would move west. {riffs on textiles which began| field stor "If it is necessary to ente here, w mainly products made from so-|would probably do it ourselves, called "hard jute, flax, hemp and manila. fibres" such asihe said. On rubber belting with a tex-|2ation, W and tile component, the board rec- {ommended that the British pref- Dorothy, Howard |erential tariff rate be raised to {15 per cent--the rate in effect {until 1942--from the present 7% |per cent. It proposed continua- {tion of the present 20-per-cent irate on imports from most-fav- {ored - nation trading partners Isuch as the United States. | | NET EARNINGS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Alminex Ltd.,, 6 mos. ended June 30: 1961, net loss $263,- 445; 1960, net loss $600,402. IN MEMORIAM |" | # our| | KING -- In loving memory of dear son Frank, who passed away sud-| CARD OF THANKS | denly September 8, 1957. Sometimes it's hard to understand Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom God has planned Beyond our powers to see, A day of remembrance sadly recalled Without farewell he left us all, | To be with us in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today. Deep in our hearts his memory is | kept, | We loved him too dearly to ever forget. --Sadly missed by Mum and Dad KING --- In loving memory of our dear brother Frank, who died suddenly as a result of an accident September 8, 1957 Simewhere beyond the shadows Dwells a dear brother of ours, Swiftly, silently, came the call, Without goodbye you left us all. How we miss you and still wish you were here, Your absence brings heartaches and many a tear. | Each day passes and loneliness grows| We miss you, Frank, more than any-| one knows We miss your love, your kindly ways, With you we spent our happiest days Still in our heart you are living yet, For we loved you too dearly to ever forget. --Lovingly remembered by sisters Muriel and Eleanor, nleces Jeannie and Karen September 8, 1957. bered by Godchild| Lovingly remem 4 « DOWLING -- I wish to ex: Patricia . press my heartfelt thanks, to all my KING -- In loving memory of my dear brother, Frank, who passed away| suddenly September 8, 1957 Beautiful, memories are treasured of happy days when we were to-| gether. > = «Remembered sister Lillian sy Chuok. husband, Thomas; also to the Rev. W. J friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy, during my be. reavement in the loss of my beloved Hillier, for his consoling words of comfort, to Dr. W. W. Baldwin for his kindness, and to the Robinson Funeral| Chapel, my sincere appreciation. | ~Mrs. Thos. Dowling 3 a Calves: Choice vealers 29-31 | with tops to 33; good 26-28; me- |dium 22-25; common 1921; | Hogs: Grade A 28.10-30.30; r| heavy sows 19.25-20; light sows o/gained a $2 premium; stags 117.50 on a dressed-weight basis. | Sheep and lambs: Good handy_ President of the new organi-| weight lambs 20; bucks 19.50; Self-Service common and medium 12-18; Department Stores, is Charles/good light sheep 8-10; common |R. Clarridge, Woodward's. vice-president of and fat sheep 3-7; feeder lambs Rafael Mexico's top matadors, is tos- sed by a bull during a recent bullfight at Matamoros, Mex- ico. Despite his injuries, Rod- | riquez got to his feet, continu- ed the fight and made a Rodriquez, CONTINUED FIGHT one .of =] perfect kil. After the kill, Rodriquez collapsed and was taken to a hospital. Latest reports showed Rodriquez im- proving and anxious to return to the ring. y 'record Sept. 28. {record Sept. 18. les i i 3 | 2 : | G. C. METCALF Loblaw Plans Split Of Stock Loblaw Companies Ltd. plans |and B shares. Stockholders will| be asked to approve the move, |at the annual and general meet. {ing Sept. 25. | Net earnings for the 53 weeks| |ended June 3 rose 6.6 per cent over the year before, to $10,- 1708,309 from $10,044,660. Earn- {ings per Class A and B share rose to $3.38 from $3.23, based on the average number of shares outstanding in each year. The firm's Canadian retail |sales climbed 9.1 per cent to a record $471,021,934 from $431, 564,831. Net profit applicable to Canadian retail operations was 1.95 per cent of sales. The split in Class A and B shares, president George C. Metcalf said, is further recogni- tion of the desirability to en- courage Canadians to invest in Canadian companies. The shares are now trading around $52. Mr. Metcalf said he views Canada's future with confidence. The company, he said, is confi- dent of the growth potential of North America, of prospects for the food industry, and of the company's program for progress. A calculation consolidating net earnings of National Tea Co. shares owned by Loblaw Groceterias Co. ILtd., a sub- sidiary, indicates that earnings of the combined Loblaw Com-| panies Class A and B shares| would be equal to $3.95 per share for the year ended June 3. Loblaw Groceterias owns more than one-third of National Tea Co. shares. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ash Temple Ltd., common 20 cents, Class A pfd. $1.50, Class B pfd. 1614 cents, Oct. 1, rec ord Sept. 15. Canadian Oil Companies, Ltd., 8 per cent pfd. $2, 5 per cent pfd. $1.25 4 per cent pfd. $1, Oct. 2, record Sept. 13. Foundation Company of Can- ada Ltd, 12)5 cents, Oct. 20, Harding Carpets Ltd., 15 cents Oct. 2, record Sept. 15. National Trust Company, Ltd., {common 55 cents, Oct. 2, record |Sent. 15. The Ontario Loan and Deben- ture Company, 25 cents, Oct. 2, {record Sept. 15. Supertest Petroleum Corpora- {tion Ltd., pfd. $1.25, Oct. 15, 4 3 CRITICAL VIEW TOKYO (AP) Japanese fashion designers were not im- pressed by the clothes exhibited (at the Soviet trade fair here.| |"Our department stores have {equivalent items in their ready- made garment sections," ad (AP Wirephoto) (one. fore Nov. 30. who announced the option i a Thursday, said that if it is ex- a four-for-one split of Class Alercised, the Canadian company Insurance Fund Needs Injection OTTAWA (CP) -- The unem- ployment insurance fund will be down to its last penny by early 1962 unless federal grants are made, the government has been warned. The fund's advisory commit- tee says another winter of high unemployment can be expected to empty the coffers by next May, when seasonal benefits end. | Stockholders Okay Purchase Option BURLINGTON, N.C. (AP) -- Stockholders of Cerlist Diesel, Inc., here have approved a con- tract granting A. V. Roe Can- ada, Ltd option to pr principa. assets in Cerl J be- Cerlist President M. B. Long, will produce diesel engines for| Canada's markets and also pro- duce parts for a new company to be formed here. The new Burlington firm would assem: ble and sell diesel engines in the United States. The committee's report was tabled in the Commons Thurs- day. It was for the fiscal year ended last March 31 but in- cludes forecasts for the current year. Balance of the fund -- which has been skidding for three years -- was $184,685,000 at March 31, about half the $365, 892,000 a year earlier. The fund's peak was $926,726,930 at| Dec. 31, 1936. Latest published figure since the fund's year ended shows an Sud-ofduy balance of $120,771,- 9 OTTAWA (CP)--Export sales set a record in the first half of the year, slicing Canada's trade deficit to $96,900,000 in the pe- riod from $203,400,000 a year earlier, the bureau of statistics reported today. The preliminary report showed that sales to the United States, lagging for many months began to pick up as summer approached while exports to the United Kingdom levelled off af- ter last year's gains. But the brighest aspect of the report was a sharp rise in ex- ports to markets other than the U.S. and the Commonwealth. In the second quarter these were up 57 per cent from a year earlier, and for the first half of the year were more than one- third higher than during Janu- ary-June of 1960. Total exports during April June rose 8.3 per cent to $1,419,- 500,000 from $1,310,700,000 a year CBRT Sessions 'Most Unruly' MONTREAL (CP)--The na- tional executive of the 35,000- member . Canadian Brotherhood of Railway, Transport and Gen- eral Workers (CLC) today faced re-election at what one of them called "the most unruly conven- tion in my experience." Halfway through Thursday's meeting, President W. J. Smith declared he was '"'amazed at the amount of abuse" during de- bates and threatened to expel from the meeting any delegates who acted "undignified." Interviewed after the conven- tion adjourned, National Secre- tary D. N. Secord agreed the delegates' conduct was ev- idence there is widespread dis- satisfaction. He suggested it stemmed from two general fears felt by the railway employees who make up about 25,000 of the union's tota! membership of 35,000: Fear of losing their jobs in the changing world of the rail- way industry and fear of being overwhelmed in the union itself by the growing segment of non- railway employees. Exports Record First Half Year earlier. Imports were virtually unchanged at $1,489,300,000. DEFICIT LOWER As a result, the ter trade deficit--excess of im- ports over exports--fell to $69, 800,000 from $168,700,000 a year earlier. Here are comparative figurs by main groups for the first half of 1961 and 196 (in millions of dollars): EXPORTS 1961 198 United States $1,435.7 $1.534.1 UK. 4376 4363 Other Com. 1589 151 All others 647.1 476.7 Total 2,679.3 2,602.3 IMPORTS United States 1,801.8 193860 US. 3133 3108 Other Com. 1274 1257 All others 442 414 Total 2,776.2 2,805.8 Draft Proposals For Boat Control OTTAWA (CP) -- Federal transport department officials plan to draft new proposals for controlling small - boat opera- tions in Canada, it was indicated Thursday. The proposals, resulting from a meeting of federal and pro- vincial officials Wednesday, would be submitted to provin- cial governments for considera- tion. The transport department said possible restriction of small-boat operations in certain designated areas was discussed, particu- larly as protection for swim. mers facing a hazard from meo- tor boats. Plans To Save Bicroft Jobs TORONTO (CP)--The United Steelworkers of America (CLC) said Thursday the president of its local in Bancroft is attempt- ing to round up a delegation to save the jobs of 500 Bicroft Min- ing Company employees. The delegation would contact federal cabinet ministers, the Urges Recognition Of Road Building LONDON Ont. (CP) -- Re- cognition as a major industry is long overdue road building in the province, Roy Steed of The report urges the govern ment to make special grants to the fund, from which unemploy-| ment insurance is paid, to carry it over until the precarious state of the fund can be corrected by amendments to the Unemploy- ment Insurance Act. PRECIOUS RADIO LONDON (AP)--A $5,880 gold transistor radio was among ex-| hibits at the London radio show. Exhibitor Harry Roberts said: "It is something to mani- fest pride in British workman: ship, but if anyone wants to buy Toronto, president of the On- tario Road Builders' Associa- tion, said Thursday. He told 80 road builders at a regional meeting: "One of Can- ada's major industries (the rub- ber industry) has invested $93,-| 418,000 in equipment and ma- chinery during the last decade. "This is less than two-thirds of our association members' investment during a corres- ponding period." Road builders from London, Chatham, Sarnia and Windsor attended the meeting, desined to inform them of develop- it: it's for sale." ments in the field. Steelworkers said in a state. ment. Campaigning at Bancroft is Mirl Young, president of Lo- cal 5519. The statement said the com- pany sent a letter to employees, saying 195 of the working force of 500-0dd men are being laid off immediately and that the en- tire operation might be shut down by October. The letter was said to have blamed the federal government for not living up to a promise that mew contracts and re-ar- rangements of existing contracts would permit operations in the Bancroft area, about 50 miles northeast of Peterborough, te continue into 1963. The company claims it has spent $500,000 on development work on the basis of these promises made in the House of Commons but no assurance had yet been received to justify fur- ther development work, the un- ion statement said. OUT aAN% ATR © CONTROL 9) BREWED / This Is to certify that Dow Ale Is brewed by the exclusive Cool Control process. This process is continually tested, thereby ensuring uniform high quality. Foloretla, P42 DR. R. H. WALLACE, DIRECTOR, QUALITY CONTROL HE BEST IN BEE MULTI-BLENDING 2 0 A master blending of 36 great brews brings out the best in beer --makes Dow the easiest-drink- ing, most dependably uniform ale ever brewed. BLENDED HOPS Only a masterful blending of the best hops can bring out the best in beer. Dow selects prime hops, picked at the fleeting moment of perfection, and blends them carefully to give you that true beer taste you enjoy in Dow. BLENDED BARLEY MALTS The best in beer demands the best ingredients. The special blend of top quality Canadian Barley Malts used in brewing Dow Ale calls for the very best barley Canada produces. Noth- ing less will meet Dow standards. SMOOTH YEAST A special, highly-prized yeast is another secret of the fine quality of Dow Ale. This exclusive Dow Smooth Ale Yeast has been carefully developed from some of the most valuable yeast strains in the DOW BRINGS OUT THE BEST... BIG FOUR FOOTBALL ON WATCH IT ON C FTO -TV CHAN Regina at Montreal, Friday, September 8t Edmonton at Ottawa, NEL Saturday, September h at 8 p.m. 9th ot 2 p.m. world. i | i £ : i ! : : :

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